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tv   The Late News  CBS  March 11, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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f0 now at 11:00. >> and i opened my eyes, and there was various individuals at the top of the plane just stuck to the roof. >> more trouble in the skies after one plane takes a nose dive, and another headed to the bay area has to turn right back around. we ask an expert what's going on. plus another restaurant chain has a solution to keep customers safe. keeping them out. >> it breaks my heart. i want
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somebody to protect the citizens. a 100 miles per hour chase ends in a bust worth about 100 grand. and speaking of speed demons. >> let that engine eat! >> vern puts the sonoma raceway to the test in his trustee steed. >> we're on the track! woohoo! gripping the road! from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. hello, i'm sara donchey. oakland businesses large and small have told us that crime is making business as usual truly impossible. so in the past few months, a starbucks and a denny's near the coliseum shut down. in-n-out is closing its popular restaurant there, and raising canes had to close their dining room. the businesses all point pointed to crime at their explanation. now a taco bell franchise is
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closing the dining rooms in four oakland restaurants. our john ramos went to the store where owners say after four robberies, they've had enough. >> reporter: plywood still covers the window from three weeks ago when robbers used a pickup truck and cable to steal a safe from the taco bell at 35th and mcarthur. of the four robberies the store has endured in as many months, two occurred when the restaurant was open for business. kimberly works at the metro wireless store across the street. >> they just pull up out of nowhere. it's not like they're robbing the store, they rob everybody in there as well. it's not as safe as it used to be. there's a lot of crime now. >> reporter: with that in mind, the owner of the franchise, a company called diversified restaurant group, has closed the dining rooms at all four of their taco bells in oakland, including this one on a crime
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ridden section of hagenburger road. that leaves only one taco bell where people can eat indoors, and they've gone cashless to try and prevent robberies. >> it's sad they can't even allow people inside because they get robbed. >> reporter: drg wouldn't comment today, but taco bell corporation issued a statement saying quote, the franchise owner and operator has informed us that they are consistently evaluating and working to ensure a safe environment by implementing procedures such as closing dining rooms and hiring security guards, and they have taken extra measures to meet with local law enforcement, end quote. now service is only provided through the drive up window, which was a problem for a woman named miss joe who doesn't own a car and had to ask a friend to drive her to get lunch. >> i don't think it's cool. it's annoying, yeah. >> reporter: so what do you feel about them closing the dining rooms and saying we're too afraid? >> they should be. they should be afraid, true. but i just feel bad for the patrons. you know what i'm saying.
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>> reporter: but as annoying as it may be, most just see it as a sad reminder of how bad things have gotten in their town. >> it breaks my heart. >> reporter: why? >> because i want somebody to protect the citizens. >> you can't enjoy your meal in the comfort of the place you bought it in. them closing it down due to all the crime rates and everything, um, you know, i don't know honestly. it's just, what is this oakland coming to? everything is just getting worse. things are closing down. you know? it's just terrible. >> reporter: it's not a new problem, but it is a problem that appears to be getting worse every day. >> at this point, we're told there are no plans to close any of the taco bell restaurants. in the south bay, people have camped out along san jose's waterways for decades, but soon the city will need to move them out or pay up. so the issue is the trash and waste that ends up in the creeks and
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flows out into the oceans. the regional water quality board is threatening the city with daily fines of 60 grand if it's not addressed by mid-2025. tonight we met a woman named sussy who's been living in a tent along the river for close to two years. she just heard about the city's plans to move her and hundreds of others away from the waterways. she says she's been trying to. >> they're trying to get me in a place. like, um, tiny homes or something. it's all a waiting list right now. >> the mayor is proposing more safe sleeping sites and camping beds. even if you're not afraid of flying at all, it's hard to ignore the things that have gone wrong on commercial flights over the past week. we've told you about multiple emergency landings, engine failures, a fire, and a plane
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that lost a wheel over sfo. today two more incidents mid-air. one that happened on a flight headed to the bay area that barely got going, another on an international flight. kelsi thorud is here following both the stories. >> yes, it's really scary moments in the sky for passengers on the planes. the first one, it was 50 people hurt on a flight from australia to new zealand after passengers said it suddenly dropped. latam airlines called it a technical event, but passengers say the pilot said gauges malfunctioned causing him to lose control. one passenger was napping when he said he was jolted awake to the plane's nose pointed down like a roller coaster drop. >> and i opened my eyes, and there was various individuals at the top of the plane just stuck to the roof and then they fell to the floor. and i just realized i'm not in a movie,
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this is actually for real. i'm not dreaming. this is for real. >> and that plane was a boeing 787 from chile. new zealand authorities are looking into what happened. now, another flight out of australia was bound for san francisco when it had to make a sudden return to sydney today. the united flight departed around 12:00 p.m. local time, but according to the airline, it was back less than two hours later due to a maintenance issue. no word on what that maintenance issue was though. >> okay, so i am terrified of flying on a good day, and to me, and to a lot of other people, it feels like we've been talking at these stories a lot lately. >> yeah, it really does, right? i would say the last couple of weeks have had a few incidents. this is actually the fifth united emergency just in the last seven days, but an aviation expert at san jose state tells us what we're seeing isn't necessarily unusual. what's unusual is
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that we're noticing. >> i don't see a rise in the incidents that are occurring. what i'm seeing is increased interest in the incidents that are occurring. we spend 90% of our training time working on things that may only occur 1% of the time. >> now, miller there says it all started with that door plug that blew out of the alaska flight. since then, any incident involving a passenger plane seems to get a bit more attention than it may have otherwise. >> yeah, we in the media, of course, play a role in that. but i think that sound bite made me feel better? kind of? a little bit. and then we showed the door missed and that went away. >> yeah, if it's more common, i don't know if that makes it easier to listen to as a passenger. >> thanks for sorting it out. we appreciate it. still to come, a bay area retail heist literally goes sideway at 100 miles per hour, and this skier was probably expecting nothing but snow, but instead he took a cold plunge.
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one last batch of showers making its way across the bay area as we head through the rest of tonight. once this moves out, we'll settle into a pretty long stretch of dry weather. tracking all of what we expect over the next seven days in the first alert forecast. and ahead in sports, you won't believe this dunk in the warriors and spurs game tonight. i've seen it, and i still don't believe it. and the 49ers went shopping on this first day of nfl free agency. and we know vern can cover any kind of sport. sometimes he even tries a few himself. but he might have been at a slight disadvantage when he showed up to the racetrack in this. >> let that engine eat! >> from sports director to director of speed, we pr
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business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer.
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a high speed chase came to a crashing end in the north bay. sonoma county deputies say they spotted a car on 101 suspected in a $100,000 retail heist in sunnyvale. the suspects were also accused of stealing thousands of dollars from a santa rosa store. the car drove on the shoulder and hit speeds of 100 miles per hour before eventually crashing into another car and ran out of luck. in the east bay, car thieves took off with a two-year-old child in the backseat. this happened in san pablo late this afternoon. the child was safe inside when the car turned up in richmond 20 minutes later. we're told one person was detained after the investigation led to this vehicle in oakland. and a santa rosa family walked away from a plane crash
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with only minor scratches thanks to its emergency parachute. the pilot deployed it minutes after taking off from mendecino county friday night after the plane suddenly lost power. the 38-year-old man, 38-year-old woman, and two-year-old girl on board are all fine thank goodness. and paul, check this out. a skier survived a really dramatic fall. not into the snow, but into a hidden water fall underneath it. this was in japan. the skier tumbled 20 feet to the base of the fall that exists because of a natural hot spring. he wasn't hurt, but he did have a real serious struggle to get back topside with the water rushing down on him. i mean, this is like, this is like you can't even, if he didn't have that camera, nobody would have believed something like this. >> you go from a fear of falling and hurting yourself to now a fear of drowning. >> yeah, i mean, i'm just, the more shows we do, the less i
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want to go outside. >> just going to be howard hughesing it? >> yeah, still in the virtual reality studio and never leave. let's take a look at the rain falling across the bay area. one last round of light to moderate rain continues through the night into early tomorrow morning. this is some of the heaviest rain, from solano county into vallejo and san rafael and out towards the coast. this will be drifting across the rest of the bay area as we head through the next several hours. but there are more bands of rain that will line up. we won't really dry up until tomorrow afternoon. let's look at futurecast and show you what it's depicting. it shows the showers still on the radar for the morning commute, but it's not going to be raining everywhere all the time through rush hour tomorrow morning. still allow extra time to be on the safe side, but i think the last of the showers should quiet down by early afternoon. even a few breaks in the cloud cover. then skies
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should continue to clear as dry weather takes over. offshore winds kick in. that means after passing clouds to start the day wednesday, we should see plenty of sunshine wednesday afternoon and wednesday evening. not much additional rainfall. for the northern bay area, maybe a few hundredths of an inch. the southern half of the bay area, the amounts also pretty modest. even in the santa cruz mountains. not expecting much more than a tenth of an inch. that might be a bit of an underestimate, but in general it won't be a high impact system at all. even in the sierra where there's a winter weather advisory in effect, they'll add just a few more inches of snow. chain controls on i-80, but the road is open compared to the wild conditions they had with the last system a week ago. temperatures in the 50s. everyone in the low to mid-50s. we'll see a mix of upper 40s and low 50s on the map by early tomorrow morning. but with the clouds and showers early in the day, we'll struggle to warm up. but we should end up close to normal
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for this time of year. mid-60s in san jose. you'll be the warm spot at 65. redwood city at 64. antioch also at 64. a couple spots manage to get into the mid-60s. otherwise a lot of low 60s. even 59 for a high temperature in half moon bay. temperatures in the north bay up into the low 60s tomorrow afternoon. but along with the drier weather taking over, we're also going to see a warm up as we head through the rest of this week. let's look at the ten-day temperature outlook for san jose. by the end of the week into st. patrick's day weekend, the temperatures reaching into the mid to upper 70s all the way through early next week. but to go along with that, we'll have some gusty winds as well. those offshore winds really accelerate late wednesday evening into wednesday night. there might be a wind advisory posted by the national weather service. especially by midday thursday. fortunately the humidity levels
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won't be that low, and we've had a lot of rain recently to add moisture tot fire fuels, so that should help us out. the offshore winds will clear the skies. we should be back to maximum solar electricity generation by wednesday afternoon across the bay area. let's look at the seven-day forecast and start with inland parts of the bay area where temperatures will be at their warmest late this week into the weekend. even the mid to upper 70s saturday, sunday, and again monday. the warm up around the bay is not going to be quite as dramatic, but it's still going to be noticeable. temperatures up to around 70 as we finish the work week into the weekend. on the coast, your warm up is more modest, but still noticeable with temperatures maybe not getting into the 70s, but plenty of 60s and sunshine overhead. wednesday looks like the start of seven or eight dry days in the forecast. vern? all right, paul. all kinds of content to deliver in sports. st. mary's men, santa clara, usf all involved in the
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same basketball
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no doubt you know steph curry to be a student of the game of basketball, a master of it. but you probably didn't know about his other passion of reading. >> i've found in high school and college it was a little bit of a struggle, and then you know, it's time management and balancing everything you have to do. but i find myself now reading more than i probably ever have. >> what are you reading right now? >> if you want to know what steh can't get enough of, watch cbs mornings starting at 7:00. he'll be on the show to talk about his life long love of reading and how it lead him to write his own children. and he was a major player at a fundraiser sunday night that brought in $3.5 million.
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he shows up. >> and there you go, the money follows. okay, they had a game tonight, didn't they? >> without him! yeah! >> how did that go? >> payback! the big payback! connectivity, it's huge in what we do here. it's been a motto all season for the warriors. especially in another road win. that's 9 out of his last 10. paid the spurs back for saturday night's loss. third quarter run started it. once down 10. look at pojimsky. gave the dubs the lead. later chris paul to davis. a 28-4 run gave the warriors a 14-point lead. and that's not the end of jackson davis. after san antonio cut the lead to 4 in the fourth, chris paul settled this with a jumper. but my shot
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of the night, jackson davis, boom! little over a minute left! the that's a candidate for being posterrized on possibly the dunk of the year. warriors won it 112 to 102. let's go to las vegas. west coast conference men's semis. st. mary's in white ended santa clara. hot shooting first half. alex dukus hit six threes in the half. put them up 8. second half, dukus, ran in and slammed it. scored 18 on 8 of 9 shooting. one day after his sister led usc to a pac-12 tournament title. 21st ranked gales win 79-65 and advance to tuesday's title game drawing the usf and gonzaga winner. dons led in the first half, but you have to finish them. the
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bulldogs from deep. the dons eliminated 89-77 so it's the zags and st. mary's for the west coast conference final for a third year in a row. nfl. you can call him former 49er javon kinlaw. he reportedly signed a one-year deal with the jets on this first day of free agency. he was the first round pick in 2020, but has dealt with a lot of injuries over his four seasons in san francisco. the niners did upgrade the defensive line, signing pass rusher lyndon floyd. he had 10.5 sacks with the bills last season, and he doesn't miss games. the team also signed defensive end yetor grosmatos to a deal worth 18 million. he has 13 career sacks with four seasons with carolina.
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but back to that jackson davis dunk! sara! man! did that to somebody's kid. >> you can put that at the top of your resume. >> jackson davis is getting more minutes. >> wow. >> and we can see why. >> we can! vern, thank you. if you only had had nine bucks to spend on somewhere to stay, even a hostel would seem out of reach. so would you
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business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition.
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ever feel like you're being watched? so did a lot of airbnb users, and it turns out they were right. the platform currently allows cameras in common areas like hallways and living rooms. now it announced plans to ban all indoor cameras starting in may after some renters complained about hidden ones. outside cameras will still be allow, but hosts need to disclose where they are and what they are able to see. speaking of airbnb, if you're
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looking for a rental with real character, how about a historic cathedral? this friday, two people will get the chance to stay the night in the hidden library at st. paul's cathedral in london. the whole deal costs about nine bucks. dinner and breakfast included. vern glenn jumped at the chance to cover a huge charity event at a north bay racetrack. and when we found out he showed up to ra
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- lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+. >> i feel the need, the need for speed! one of the real joys of having vern glenn as sports director, he's the kind of guy that gets up close and personal with the stories that he covers. >> well, come on. i mean, who wants to actually get on the highway and go 100 miles per hour? i do! >> he tries a challenge or two himself like today when he checked out the newly repaved
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track at sonoma raceway as part of a fundraiser for speedway children's charities. but simply getting behind the wheel of any old race car was not good enough. no, no vern had his own whys. >> jeff, i don't want to intimidate anyone, but i did bring my fast car. it's faster than it looks. let that engine eat! what is the disparity between the white knight and a cup car? >> um, huge! >> okay, challenge accepted. so before we show you how that went, we need to give you a little taste of what we normally expect from sonoma raceway. this is how things usually look. >> oh, yeah, these are cup cars. they go really fast. >> yeah, they go fast, right vern? >> yep, they do. >> so here's the beast, the box on wheels, the mighty scion
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driven by our own vern glenn. >> oh, hey baby! look at that! look at her go! look at that! at that point, yeah, i'm having fun trying to navigate the curves and hitting the marks. they said you couldn't pass anybody, so that was a little frustrated. even though it looks like we're going to slow motion, it did get it up to, oh, 70 miles per hour top speed! i'll take that! then the squeal of the tires! i had never heard my tires squeal like that ever! >> you're going to have to replace all four tomorrow. >> better get it checked. >> vern, if i know you, i know you at least stuck the landing. >> the end of the race, you've just won. you climb out the window and get your flag! >> got to be more graceful than that! >> you got to limber up. >> the doors don't open like regular doors on race car, so
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you have to climb in and climb out. i was trying to simulate being a macho driver. >> you have to limber up before you try that. >> yeah, take yoga. >> so new tires and see a doctor. >> something like that! you know what? that gang at sonoma raceway, they're great. so much over the years, just great times out there at the track. >> oh, man, i can't wait to take your car out there myself and see what it can really do. >> 12 turns, two and a half miles. >> we see it leaving the garage every weeknight peeling out. >> >> president biden is slamming former president trump for his mar-a-lago meeting with hungary's authoritarian leader, strongman viktor orban. >> donald trump is the former president hosting a world leader who is not meeting with the current president. >> do you want to play president? introducing the fisher-price presidential playset. it comes with everything you
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