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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  March 12, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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and join join this morning, it's tuesday, march 12th. >> let's get started. >> they just pull up out of nowhere. and it's not like it's only the -- robbing the store, they rob everywhere as well. so it's -- it's not as safe as how it used to be. >> crime concerns in oakland and dining is down for one food chain. community members continue demanding change. it's easy to feel sort of like helpless in the world with all the stuff that's going on and this is just a way to make the world a better place. >> east bay community members seeing a need and stepping up. meet the bridge builders turned bench builders making sure
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everyone has a place to take a load off. the pathways that he opened if you wanted he wanted to make sure they were left open for other people to follow. >> making a way. how a man held the door open for others to do the similar in silicon valley. it's horrible. >> a's fans endure, meet a man tapping into big league feelings for hi team harnessing the hope of a community. and we begin there at 5:00 in the morning. thank you so much for tuning in hopefully you stayed dry. i'm reed cowan. >> i'm gianna franco. some rain on the way in today. >> i was at a game yesterday in a parka and i'm nicole zaloumis with blanket freezing by buns off thinks this isn't baseball season. what's wrong with the bay area. >> you were parka mom. >> that particular area in the east bay is like a wind tunnel. always for the next two months. so let's take a live look outside on this tuesday morning. is there wind in the
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forecast? jessica burch, we welcome you in to help me warm up a little bit. tell me when am i going to have real baseball weather here in the bay area. >> starting tomorrow. a much-needed dry break and upper 70s in the forecast as early as friday heading into saturday with plenty of sunshine. but for us today it's still cool and cloudy all the day one near san jose and dry conditions there right now but i want to show you the first alert doppler because it's been active all morning long whether you live in santa rosa or whether you stretch all the way down into gilroy and the south bay. here's what it's looking like right now. snow up in the sierra and light rain widespread throughout the bay area. let's zoom into local communities and actually starting to dry up near now strong santa rosa but same trend near petaluma starting to dry up and novato clearing up there and heavy rain all the way off near brentwood and
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antioch and moderate pockets continue to sweep to the east. along the coastline little bit of a break but the on shore showers still going to impact us. this is near san jose. remember the live look i just showed you? it's cloudy and it's cool but this splash of showers is moving its way towards you. the trend continuing throughout the rest of this morning and heading into this afternoon too. light speckled showers just around 8:30 along our coastline notice how it's still a blanket of clouds over the forecast for us today. that's going to look different in the wednesday and thursday forecast. high pressure moves inment we're going the warm up a lot like i said 70s right around the corner and i'll time that out for you coming up. g? >> thank you. it is a little slick out there and you can see that on the traffic cameras this morning as we start off at the bay bridge toll plaza. metering lights are off so that's the good news. but be careful as you travel this morning. already getting word of couple of spinouts and one at cesar chavez that on ramp to 280 south and a traffic advisory
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issued near northbound 101 jut souse of lucky coming out of marin county. already busy in the altamont pass as well on the westbound 580 commute. convicted scott peterson back in the courtroom this morning. the l. a. innocence project took up the case in january filing a motion for dna testing they believe could clear peterson. that same group by way used dna evidence to overturn another murder conviction of a man who served nearly four decades behind bars. he will appear remotely today in a superior courtroom. to the north bay now. cops chasted suspects and the theft of a lot of money from a santa rosa store. highway 101 and there you see the spinout, the chase reached 100 miles per hour at in points during the crash into a barrier and another car. by the way the driver of the car hit was
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injured and taken to a nearby hospital. in the end police arrested three suspects who will now end up in court. more turmoil in haiti. prime minister ariel henry announced he will resign. the prime minister can't even get into the country right now blocked by armed gangs. he's stuck in puerto rico this morning. the gangs attacked haiti's main airport threatening war unless henry resigned. henry who was appointed to leadership says his government will step down once regional leaders install an interim transitional council to govern haiti. the united states wants to get humanitarian aid into gaza and it's finding a new way. they're pushing for a temporary port on to shorelines. today a ship carrying hundreds of tons of food left from cyprus as world leaders worry about famine for the people of gaza five months into the war. palestinians in gaza mark the first day of ramadan with prayers in many
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cases outside mosques damaged by israeli air strikes. the u.s. push for a ceasefire during ramadan did not happen as israel continues the war against terror group hamas. well, jewish students at uc berkeley are making their voices heard. that i had held a demonstration on campus calling for the school to protect them. yesterday's march was held in response to the incident last month and organizers say jewish students were holding another on campus event when pro palestinian protesters broke down and shattered the glass door. the university says it is aware of and concerned about rising tensions on campus. and they're seeking to reduce those tensions through dialogue. meantime, counterprotesters put up this banner in front of the gate accusing israel and the u.s. of stamping 2.2 million people in gaza. well, good morning to our neighbors in oakland. we see and hear you local business owners talking all the time that crime has made keeping
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your business open and business as usual near impossible. in fact, the past few months have seen a starbucks and a denny's shut down. the in and in? out out closing thinker doors. the same goes for a taco bell on 35th avenue. it's been robbed four times since november and as a result they've had to close the dining room.we reached out to drg so far haven't heard back on their decision. annoying as it might be, most just see it as a sad reminder of how bad things have gotten in oakland. >> breaks my heart. >> why? >> because i -- i want somebody to protect the citizens. >> everything is just getting worse. things are closing down you know. it's just terrible. >> we're told drive-thru will stay open and there are no
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plans as of now to close any of those restaurants. commercial arables have been making headlines recently for scary moments in the sky and making matters worse two more mishaps. 50 people were hurt on a flight from australia to new zealand monday after a passenger said it dropped suddenly. passengers said the pilot told them the gauges malfunctioned causing him to briefly lose control. one passenger was napping when he said he was jolted awake to the plane's nose pointed down like a roller coaster drop. >> and i opened my eyes and there was various individuals at the top of the plane. just -- stuck to the roof. and then they fell to the floor. and then i just realized this is actually for real. i'm not in a movie. this is for real. not dreaming. >> that plane was a boeing 787 from chile. new zealand authorities are looking into what happened. now also on
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monday, another flight out of australia bound for san francisco had to make a sudden return to sydney. united says plane had to turn around because of some sort of maintenance issue. no other details were released. time right now 5:08 in the morning. he's a pioneer in the tech industry and silicon valley. we'll introduce you to the man breaking barriers and holding the door open for others. plus, they are staying rooted in oakland. some a's fans celebrating the team's rich history in the bay in the middle of a difficult time. and here's a live look outside before we head to break. look at that. redwood city, all lit up and at least the sign is this morning. but a little slick out there. we'll have your foreca
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[laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. taking a live look at san jose you know, history tends to remember the big names and the same is true of silicon valley. we remember steve jobs, steve wozniak and hewlett-packard. but there are countless other coders and engineers and visionary makers who are deserving o a page in the bay area's history. one of those names is roy clay senior: he led the team that created the software for hp's first personal computer. he has still with us but has suffered a number of health set backs in recent years that actually robbed his once brilliant mind of the ability to communicate but thankfully three sons have worked to preserve his memories and cement his legacy. devin fehely reports.
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>> his mindset was don't let anything stop you from accomplishing your goals. >> reporter: christopher clay is the third and youngest of roy's three sons. and with his father's health failing few years ago, he spearheaded the efforts to preserve his father's memories. document his legacy. as one of the few african americans to be present at the dawn of silicon valley. >> the creation of this computer division both the hardware side of it and the software side of it, that he ran, was truly transformational for hp at that time. >> reporter: clay's sons say what their father managed to accomplish at hewlett-packard and a time when society rarely recognized the beauty of blackness or the brilliance of black minds, makes his story that much more remarkable. something to be shared. something to inspire others by example. >> my father's mother always told him from the very beginning, you will encounter racism your entire life. however, do not let that be a reason why you do not succeed. >> reporter: roy clay senior
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was born in 1929 in the tiny town of ken lock, missouri. he was bright and ambitious and at time when college was more rarity than the rule he earned a degree in mathematics from st. louis university. jobs at mcdonald's aircraft corporation and lawrence livermore labs followed before eventually landing at hp. >> that's why a lot of people called him the godfather of silicon valley. >> reporter: marvin jackson is clay's biographer and helped write his memoir unstoppable which chronicles his role leading the team in 1966 that developed the software for hp's first computer. the 21166 a. >> this is the thing. there weren't many people doing this back then. so -- there weren't many white guys doing it either. >> reporter: roy's sons say it wasn't enough for their father simply to be in the proverbial room where it happens. he also wanted to make sure that the doors were left open for other people who look like him. >> the pathways that he opened,
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he wanted to make sure they were left open you know for others to follow and that's one of the you know, driving reasons, why we created the book. >> reporter: clay would eventually leave hp and bring his sons into the fold but they say their father was equally if not more proud of the family that he and his wife virginia built at the workday's end. >> biggest priority for him was always family. turned down really good professional opportunities and job offers and he wanted to make sure that he had time to spend raising all of us. >> reporter: ray clay senior knew that nothing would come easy in this life if he wanted a brighter future he would have to grab it. if he wanted the wider world to recognize his brilliance, it would have to be dazzling and near undeniable. and if he wanted his story to be told alongside the other greats of silicon valley, likely need to write it himself. >> roy's sons by the way are
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working to adapt his memoir into a second book for school aged children. now let's take a live look outside on this tuesday morning. and if you are just now waking up, there is some weather in the forecast. and when i say some weather, we have some rain drops out there. i was surprised by it because i was hoping and praying we were going to have the warm temperatures you were talking about. >> and they're coming. tomorrow though. that is when we start seeing that much-needed dry break for us here in the bay area. fun fact of the day, we are well above average for our rainfall season so far. so getting a much-needed dry break, it's okay for us here anywhere from san jose where the clouds are a lot higher all the way up into san francisco where the cloud layers kind of impacting visibility just a little bit as we take live look at the city right behind me. i want to show you what's happening for us as we head out the door and get ready for the forecast heading into this afternoon. now we do have some more lidgering showers in the forecast this morning. i'm going to show you your first alert doppler in just a minute. but light showers are widespread throughout the bay area as we wake up. but here's
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what's happening as we extend into the next couple of days. we start to see the dry break tomorrow. it gets windier day-by-day as a new system of high pressure moves its way in. also going to be seeing a higher chance of that pollen count really impacting all of us throughout the bay. dry conditions and that air is going to feel a lot different heading out the door. here's what it's looking like for us this morning though. cool, damp conditions throughout much of the northern california and snow up in the sierra and snow -- excuse me, rain widespread from the sacramento valley stretching all the way to the bay area. it's drying up up in the north bay. don't be shocked the grass is wet and the lawn is looking nicer than usual. here we go off into the east bay. some moderate pockets of rain just south of brentwood north of livermore. lighter conditions along the peninsula. this is just some light drizzle impacking the roads out there. down into the santa clara valley we go, i just showed you the live look the clouds are holding up really high. however, this system is moving to the south so we'll continue to see more rain fall in your
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local communities throughout the next couple of hours. this is by 7:00 a.m. notice how it starts to slowly taper off. a similar trend all the way into the evening hours tonight. but this is when that unsettled weather comes to an end. what's ending up happening actually is it's kind of interesting. let's see if i can advance it one more. here we go. the area of low pressure right here, that's driving force of all this unsettled weather we've been seeing recently. but it's moving its way to the east and high pressure system this huge ridge of just blue you see right there, that's the reason why we're going to be seeing a big warm-up and that's also the reason why we're seeing sunny skies around the corner. and some gustier conditions as it moves its way in. so these daytime highs we have today, and i talked about this yesterday, the daytime highs that we have today, they're going to look a lot different right around the corner especially as we head into this weekend's forecast. looking at the next seven days we have upper 70s in the forecast around the corner. as early as next sunday and monday. and we'll have more on that coming up in a bit. for now over to you, g. jess, thank you. let's talk about the soggy freeways this morning. because certainly
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might slow you down for your morning commute right now we're looking at a wet bay bridge. you can see all the rain drops on our camera lens kind of make out the freeways just behind there. but not slow just yet. it's not quite that time where we see the metering lights get turned on. but be careful and take the on and off ramps very carefully this morning. that is our headline. we're dealing with the slick surfaces and a rainy morning commute but you just heard jess things will get better later on. in the moan time you have to get through this. but right now holding steady with some nice conditions and scale of 1 to 5. not too bad. a 1 or 2. tracking a few brake lights in the altamont pass but other than that we're seeing a lot of green on our sensors. did get word of possible flooding 101 near lucky drive and headed near cesar chavez exiting near 280 there was a crash there reported on on ramp there. tracy into the altamont pass actually business as usual. nicole? time now 5:19. the a's' fan base is living through a nightmare in reality. but
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there's still hope in oakland and some fans are using the moment to celebrate the coliseum and its rich history. and before we head to break, taking a live look this morning from palo alto on this national girl scout day. you are looking at the oldest active scout meeting house in the entire united states. we want to thank and honor the legacy of these amazing young women and their leaders >> woman: why did we choose safelite? we're always working on a project. while loading up our suv, one extra push and... crack! so, we scheduled at we were able to track our technician
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and knew exactly when he'd arrive. we can keep working! ♪ synth music ♪ >> woman: safelite came to us. >> tech: hi, i'm kendrick. >> woman: replaced our windshield, and installed new wipers to protect our new glass. that's service on our time. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪ your heart is the beat of life. if you have heart failure, entrust your heart to entresto. entresto helps improve your heart's ability to pump blood to the body. don't take entresto if pregnant;
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it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor if entresto is right for you. ♪("sinnerman" by nina simone)♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ get exclusive offers on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. ( ♪♪ ) feel the power of osteo bi-flex®. taken every day, it's clinically shown to improve joint comfort in 7 days, with significant improvement over time. ( ♪♪ )
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opening day is just a few weeks away and you can say that the a's are the most controversial team in baseball right now. playing at the coliseum for one more year and after that, their future remains uncertain. >> these are newly released rend, for the proposed ballpark in las vegas which includes view of the sin city skyline. the athletics plan to move from oakland to las vegas was approved by major league baseball last year. but this new park isn't expected to be ready for the a's until 2028. meanwhile, i caught up with one longtime fan who love it is a's so much that he started a business around them. since the days of the bash bros, brian
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joe hanson has loved the a's. so when a 2020 "new york times" article bashed the oakland coliseum, brian took the negative things they had to say and turned them into a positive. >> they compare the coliseum to a dive bar when all the other stadiums were like cocktail lounges. i saw a line in there that says baseball's last dive bar and we decided to make a banner of it. little widow know it was going to go vile. >> reporter: it became profitable and banners and pins and calendars all inspired by the coliseum. a new business was born. the last dive bar. they even organized fan experiences like last month's fans' fest. >> it was magical you know. there was 15 -- 15 to 20,000 that were there. you had past players and you had all the oakland teams that were there over 60 vendors and community members. >> reporter: some said it was the best fan fest they've ever been to. and sadly, it could be
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their last. after 2024, the a's don't have a place to call home. will these fans travel to sacramento, vegas, salt lake city or even support the team at the coliseum for the next four years? knowing a new vegas ballpark will be ready 2028. for loyal fans, this process is heart-breaking. >> it's horrible. it's like living every day in a nightmare where it's like -- you know, the person you love most doesn't love you back but you are forced to live with them. >> reporter: despite the pain, brian's message, keep hope. he thinks a lot can still fail in vegas and he wants fans to continue to highlight the deficiencies of the ownership group. in hopes that it will keep the a's rooted in oakland at the coliseum where they belong. >> well, the last dive bar's next event is an opening day boycott. they plan to gather in the parking lot at the coliseum but they will not go into the game. the point? is to hit john fisher where it hurts. and that is his ability to generate
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revenue. they really are hopeful that they can keep the a's here. and they're raising money and they're putting on events and so i'm with them. i'm keeping the hope alive until there's no hope left. >> i just moved from vegas several years ago and i have no hope for them. this ship has sailed and it's happening and money is behind it and big time names are behind it. >> a beautiful ballpark. the renderings are gorgeous. >> i think fisher's teeing up the team and sprucing up the team for a sale. >> you see stories like that. a true fan who created kind of a cool vibe around what the coliseum is. last dive bar. how many times have you had a lot of fun at a dive bar right where just all of the friends which is kind of the vibe of what oakland is and that's cal. and it's sad the see that might be leaving. >> at a minimum that josh fisher is going to look back and see that's the asset that he's leaving and that's the disgusting part. >> so many loyal fans. it's another big primary day in the united states. why
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today's vote could be so crucial as the top candidates sharpen their attacks. plus, say hello to the bench guys. meet some of the best in our community making sure people have a place to sit. here's a live look outside before we head to break. on this tuesday morning. you can see there's a little moisture in the air as our early commuters are making their way across ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪
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right now on cbs news bay area at 5:30. today is the last day for mail-in ballots to make it to election officials. those ballots have to be postmarked by march 5th and we're still keeping an eye out on some very tight races taking place. those last ballots could be the deciding factor for primary elections. hey, looking live and good morning to you in san jose. we have new numbers for the closely watched district 16th congressional race. the battle for second place still too close to call. we know former san jose mayor sam liccardo will be heading to the general election. around 700 votes separates the candidates vying for second place. at county supervisor joe simitian leading against committee member evan low. we're watching. proposition 1 still has a small lead right now prop 1 has around 40,000 more yes votes than no votes. that's out of more than 5 million ballots counted. the $6.3 billion bond measure would overhaul the state's mental health and drug
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treatment systems. and meanwhile, four states today hold their primaries and this could be a big day for both president joe biden and former president donald trump. depending on the final vote count, both candidates could win enough votes to be their party's presumptive nominee. jarred held live in new york as the two frontrunners continue to spar on the campaign trail. good morning jarred. what should we be watching out for. >> reporter: you know, reed, this is interesting because the contests today are largely a formality with the party nominees essentially locked in except for the delegate count but with no major challengers left in either of the races, both former president trump as well as president biden are in full general election mode. today, voters in georgia, hawaii, mississippi, and washington state head to the primary polls. >> personally i just want a republican in the white house. >> i just hope the democrats will come out and vote. >> reporter: yesterday, president biden stopped by campaign field office in new hampshire where he continued to
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draw the line between himself and his likely 2024 gop rival, former president donald trump. >> well, i was down in georgia working on health care, he was with viktor orban who talked about democracy being a problem. >> reporter: trump talked about it in an interview on cnbc. >> i get along with him very well and friendly and i have respect for him. >> reporter: in the same interview the president suggested he was open to cutting spitements to save money. >> there's a lot you can do in terms of entitlements and in terms of cutting and in terms of also the theft and the bad management of entitlements. >> reporter: president biden has released his fiscal year 2025 budget proposal. which includes plans to shore up those benefits. >> i will protect and strength p social security and medicare and make the well hi begin to pay their fair share. >> reporter: but the budget likely won't pass the divided congress. amid reports of the
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massive layoffs after trump allies were put in power. the democratic national committee said it's quote, not a good sign they released in a statement. now something to watch out for today is the strength of the democratic protest vote against president biden. by critics of his position on the israel-hamas war as well as just how much support former president trump gets in some of these primary states. back to you. >> we are watching and we're grateful you are and by the way, your 49ers' era buddies say hello to you on set this morning. have a great morning there. >> how's it going guys? you too. all right, let's take a live look outside on this tuesday morning. it was so much fun covering the 49ers. >> it was great. >> it was. new orleans. just saying. >> oh. good. next year. >> and you are wearing your -- we're wearing 49er colors and it's going to happen. >> it's meant to be. >> jessica, the weather may not be great but gianna and i gist realized we're sending positive vibes out there to 49er nation. they're going to make some really great choices during free agency. >> oh, absolutely. good color
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choice and you know what's interesting too? you guys also dressed warm which is great because heading into the forecast today, you are going to want to stay dry and warm. we're in the last day of unsettled weather and lingering showers in the forecast for us in the morning and early afternoon hours. it's cloudy all throughout bay area this morning as we're waking up to some scattered showers. the clouds turn on on the virtual reality map and you can barely make it out at times but take a look at this. much-needed dry break as early as tomorrow as sunshine around the corner and a nice warm-up and some gustier conditions too. to add to that pollen count is going to increase in the next couple of days and we'll is more on that coming up in just a bit. but i want to show you what's happening for us here in the bay area all throughout this afternoon. it looks like our radar is not popping up right now so you know what i'm going to do instead? i'm going to show you what's happening for us. we're seeing light rain throughout the bay area and waking up and heading out the door. it's starting to dry up for our communities all the way up near santa rosa and petaluma but if you live near san francisco across the bay bridge
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over into oakland. that's our usual live look over the bay bridge, but it's foggy and it's cool and it is cloudy. but the more south we go, the drier it gets for mow. it's actually not raining in the santa clara valley currently but the showers are slowly sweeping to the south and we're going to see rain there within the next 20, 30 minutes or so down near san jose where the live look is at right now. long story short once i pull up the radar within the next 15 minutes or so, i can show you the rain falling in the local communities and how much longer it's going to last. but luckily we have that dry break right around the corner that starts tomorrow. more own that coming up. for now over to you, g. jess, thank you. watching the freeways right now. as we get a little busier out there over at the bay bridge. they just turned the metering lights on but still holding steady with no major delays. which is good news considering we're navigating a soggy commute this morning. look at that. you can see those rain drops on the camera lens. and a little -- slick out there and some of the freeways and bridges. that is our traffic headline this morning. and it's getting a little crowded across the upper deck as you head into san
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francisco. but looking at our overview map, you can see it's off to a great start. no major delays with the exception of that ride out of the altamont pass but if you are a supercommuter you know the brake lights start early and you know that you can see that slowing down out of tracy and getting on to 580. all the way to just about north flynn. nicole? time now for a look at morning's top stories. at&t's recently announced plan to cut landline services in california is getting some pushback. a handful of local government agencies including santa clara and napa supervisors and berkeley city council will be discussing their issue in their meetings today. they argue that because of the yearly natural disasters and the damage it brings, it's important to have this type of communication open since it's reliable. in dublin a woman's prison with the documented history of sexual abuse was raised by the feds. more than a dozen agents seized computers and documents from fci dublin. a source told the associated press the warden
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was taken away along with an associate warden and a captain. deputy assistant director nancy mckinney will replace the ousted warren. the fbi will only say they say quote conducted court authorized activity. the prison was investigated in 2021 after at least eight employees including the former warden and chaplain were charged with sexually abusing inmates. the former warden was sentenced early this year to nearly six years in prison. congress has conducted several investigations and the federal bureau of prisons has promised to fix the problems. state lawmakers in sacramento want to increase safety on school campuses. a new proposal would require public and charter schools to have an armed officer on campus whenever students are present. if law, the state would reimburse school districts for the cost. this morning we're
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celebrating local heroes building bridges with benches. more than 100,000 people take ac transit buses across the three bay area counties the agency serves but not all have a place to sit while they wait. enter the bench guys. they've been doing a little rogue carpentry lending a hand. our itay hod followed the guy along on the most recent dropoff in berkeley. >> reporter: when darrell owens and ming way samuel noticed there were no benches at many bus stops across the east bay. instead of sitting on their hands they decided to take a stand. >> it's easy to feel sort of like helpless in the world. with all the stuff that's going on. and this is just a way to make the world a better place. >> reporter: over the last three months, they've become known simply as the bench guys pulling up to bus stops and installing their own handcrafted creations. >> we weren't looking for any
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fame or glory or anything like that. our goal is just to give people a place to sit. >> reporter: it all started when their neighbor who had just gotten out of surgery was forced to sit on the curb because there was no bench at the bus stop. that's when darrell and ming way took matters into their own hands. learning how to build a bench on youtube, and even making sure they're compliant with the city's disability regulations. as they drive around the east bay, they make a mental note of benchless bus stops. today, it's the intersection of sacramento and virginia streets right by the north berkeley b.a.r.t. station. >> while we fundamentally love our bus bench projects d a great project. the goal is to get the city's to actually care about the transit riders and put the benches out. >> reporter: and while it may seem like an exercise in futility, they're already getting a sitting ovation from both city and transit
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officials. in fact, their project has already pushed berkeley to swap one of their benches for an official city bench. >> have they essentially lit a fire under ac transit. would you say that. >> i would say a fire has been lit. >> reporter: jean walsh is an ac transit board member and she says the quirky campaign is forcing officials to find a solution to the deep-seated issue. >> so many of the problems are hard to solve and they're complex and they're costly and really difficult. putting benches at bus stops isn't one of them. i'm really grateful for this action because it has sparked a conversation. >> reporter: at the end of the day, darrell and ming way head home. but not before taking a load off. >> i love just like sitting on it and just take a little break and then -- you know, go about your day after. >> reporter: putting officials in the hot seat. while paving the way for more benches across the bay. >> that's so cool. so far the guys have installed a total of
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23 benches across the east bay. what a great thing they're doing. >> told by master storyteller itay hod. saved in the snow. all that powder in the sierra putting these search and rescue teams to the test. plus, later, sonoma raceway is known for hosting some of the quickest cars in the world. our vern glenn gave it a shot behind the wheel. how did it go? you don't want to miss it. here's a live look outside before we head to break. slick roadways this morning. good morning to all of you in redwood city. we hope you are having a
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rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy.
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rsv? make it arexvy. it's time now for the money watch report. this just in. the labor department just reported its consumer price index for february. and inflation took an unexpected turn higher to 3.2% last month. this likely means the feds will wait until at least summer before starting to lower interest rates. tiktok may soon be taken away. sources tell cbs news that house lawmakers will be getting a briefing on the popular social media platform today. the justice department, fbi, and other national security officials will be on hand. the house is set to vote tomorrow on the future of the app. tiktok facing a possible nationwide ban unless it divests from its chinese owned
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parent company bytedance. the mega millions jackpot jumping to an estimated $735 million for tonight's drawing. it's been growing since december. if you are wondering, the largest mega millions jackpot ever. that was won in august of 2023. when a single ticket in neptune beach, florida scored the $1.6 billion prize. and i know gianna and reed, you guys have your tickets and you are ready to go. you are already talking about your plans if you win. and i think your plans don't include hosting the show. >> well, long-term -- probably -- sure. >> well, really you know sound off on social media. would you leave your job? if you won the lottery. use the #kpix and continue the conversation and some people love their jobs and we love our jobs and i think -- i love time with my family more right. >> to sleep in a little bit. >> you don't like the 2:00 a.m. wake-up. >> my favorite thing in the world. >> might shift the schedule a little bit and might get a
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driver so you can relax. >> helicopter. >> that's even better yeah. >> we know someone -- >> jess to do that. you know, speaking of jess and the weather, rain here means more snow in the sierra. take a look at i-80 in soda springs. this is live look right now pretty quiet. some headlights and taillights but still take it pretty slow. the roads are calling to you right? a total of 3 to 6 inches of snow is expected to hit the mountains just today. only by the way it's the same cold weather we've been talking about last two weeks. local law enforcement there busy tracking down anyone who found themselves stuck in the storms. always helpers out there and andrew hobner got a firsthand look at the training and what makes the team so successful. >> reporter: nevada county sheriff's deputies hit the snow monday morning. >> we have our search and rescue members and are doing cross training for all the deputies on trying to give them awareness and how they're going to go through the training for the snow. >> reporter: these types of trains occur a few times a year. when deputies and search
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and rescue train together. >> that will crossover responsibility we felt it was important to get the deputies out here and cross train with seven and rescue who are our experts in the use of tracked vehicles. >> reporter: the crew started off in light snow. but in just a few miles, got to work on avalanche training and road clearing exercises. >> avalanche conditions can change on a daily basis. so wee need to know how to check the forecast for avalanches. if we're going to be running into issues on that side of it and just making sure everyone is prepared and bringing out the right gear. >> reporter: deputies and teams used probes and refined their skills out in the winter weather. what kind of incidents require them to spring into action? >> could be a medical rescue, it could be somebody that came out a to recreate and their vehicle broke down and they're cold and they can't get out. either the vehicle is stuck or it's become inoperable. >> reporter: there are plenty
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of cases needed. but the training is essential so the teams can make sure they keep the public safe no matter what happens in the winter. >> biggest thing is being prepared for everything because you don't know what you can see as a weather condition right here. could be completely different a mile down the road. >> all right. so -- get out your fancy tractors if you win the lottery if you are going to go up to the sierra or just hire jess. she'll take you up in a chopper. >> i would absolutely love to do that. a quick look at what's going on not only here for us in the bay area but all the way up into the sierra where it's currently snowing. we are dealing with a weak cold front moving its way throughout northern california. giving some heavier rain to the sacramento valley and then lighter conditions all the way along the coast for us here in the bay. now as we take a look up north, it's actually starting to dry up nicely but if you wake up head out the door within the next 10, 15 minutes or so you are going to notice some wet conditions out there. ground is probably still a little bit slick and a similar trend for our friends with hit and miss showers off into the east bay anywhere from
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concord stretching all the way down into pleasanton. some on and off showers will continue to track to the south. throughout the next hour or so. now as we head over to san francisco, the whole county is highlighted with just some light green showing some light rain in the forecast for us. and the more south we go a similar trend. pacifica, half-moon bay light drizzle currently falling from offshore. the winds are relatively light. but could be an issue especially along the bay shoreline. next couple of hours we watch the showers sweep to the south and it actually starts to clear up nicely. still left with the blanket of cloud throughout the rest of the day though but high pressure is moving its way in. and that's going to dry us up and warm us up right around the corner so this blanket of clouds is going to move out pretty fast. now taking a look at the winds this morning and heading into this early afternoon, it's not that bad but it will get breezier in the 5:00, 6:00 hour tonight moving in from offshore. if you are planning on heading outdoors keep in mind it might be a little bit breezy as the area
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of low pressure finally is wringing out the last of its energy up in the pacific northwest. moving its way out allowing for high pressure to builden the back end of it. see all the blue right here heading into thursday and friday forecast? that's that high pressure system that's going to warm us up a lot and what i mean by that is we're talking about upper 70s around the corner for the daytime highs especially in the inland areas with mid- to low 70s in the forecast along the coastline. i'm going to show you that? just a minute but let's start off with todayment we're not there just yet. we're still talking about upper 50s near half-moon bay and low 60s all the way down into the santa clara valley. it's the next seven days where we start to see that gradual warm-up and a lot more sunshine around the corner too. check out these tubes. each of them shows law the weather is going to look like for that day. sunshine as soon as tomorrow and not getting rid of it anytime soon. no rain in the long-range models just yet. but more on that in a bit. over to you, g. all right, just got to get through the morning and that wet weather. which is certainly going to affect the drive. a couple of things reported into the traffic center. minor
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spinouts and fender-benders. but nothing really blocking lanes or causing any major delays. what we're seeing because of that is we do have a few brake lights already at the bay bridge toll plaza. metering lights are officially on and you can see it's already slow plus you are seeing all the rain drops on the camera lens. so that's your headline for the day when it comes to traffic. certainly give yourself some extra tim on the roadways this morning. for the morning commute because of the slick surfaces but as we kind of open up here that bigger map, that bigger perspective, we're still seeing a lot of green. our slow spots are westbound 80 to the bay bridge. and that altamont pass commute. well, 5:50 on this tuesday morning. ever want to get behind the wheel at a racetrack? our vern glenn goes for a spin in sonoma. . palo alto right now. taking a live look at the very special spot on this national girl scout day. vern glenn is all for girl scout cookies and climbing in windows but that's not with we're looking at. this is what we want to see. this is the oldest active scout meeting house in the country. ladies, we salute you and your
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service. and your leader my dry eye's made me a burning, stinging, 5-times-a-day,... smearing drops user. i want another option that's not another drop. tyrvaya. it's not another drop. it's the first and only nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya.
5:53 am
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the virus that causes shingles is sleeping... in 99% of people over 50. and it could strike at any time. think you're not at risk? wake up. because shingles could wake up in you. if you're over 50, talk to your doctor or pharmacist about shingles prevention. over # hundred racing fans got to test out new track at sonoma raceway. it was part of a good cause to raise money for
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speedway children's charities. and it was not just race cars on the track. oh no. our own vern glenn took his son out for a spin. >> start your engines. woo. >> reporter: this is sonoma on a race day. but it had a much different sound and look on monday. all right jeff, i don't want to intimidate anybody but i bought my fast car. it's faster than it looks. let that engine eat. what is the disparity between the white knight, the scion, and a cup car? >> huge -- [ laughter ] >> reporter: race hasn't even started and i'm getting a sponsor. >> we've got toyota save mart 350 for you. all right? you are officially good to go. >> reporter: god, we're on the
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track. woo-hoo. any moment now we're going to go green. oh man. listen to that engine purr. here we go. whoa! woo-hoo. oh man. gripping the road. let's open this thing up. let's see how fast we can go. got a couple of high performance cars in front of me. get out of the way. was that a jag in front of me? i have a feeling i know what i'm doing. i really do. 12 turns. two and a half miles. 160-foot elevation. down the far side of the track. here we go, we're going to open up the chute. you hear the sound of? the sound of the screeching of the tires. down the back stretch. oh, this was cool. this was really cool. the edge of the race, you have just won. is it going to climb out of the window and get your flag? got to be more graceful
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than that. >> your car was a little better than you today, vern. i'm just kidding with you. i'm just kidding with you. you were good with the program out there. >> how fun to go cruising your car around and i loved how just seeing vern crawl out of the window. >> yeah. >> i don't think vern should quit his day job. >> just a hunch. >> don't be a race car driver. >> he'll be like this is the way out and crawl through a window. >> for sure. it's travel tuesday and you will soon have another opportunity to witness this phenomenon. the best way to experience the solar eclipse. and a significant blow to mayor london breed as she loses some powerful support in her re-election fight. how the aapi community is influencing the race. let's go live outside right now at 5:57 in the morning. what a beautiful shot
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rsv can severely affect the lungs and lower airways. but i'm protected with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. rsv can be serious for those over 60, including those with asthma, diabetes, copd, and certain other conditions. but i'm protected. arexvy is proven to be over 82% effective in preventing lower respiratory disease from rsv and over 94% effective in those with these health conditions. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those
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with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. thanks for joining us this morning. it's tuesday, march 12th. >> let's do this. >> they just pull up out of nowhere. and it


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