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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 6pm  CBS  March 12, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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>> one guy. >> reporter: an unmarked trailer turns into a hazmat mystery with businesses paying the price. >> overall a bad day for all the businesses in this area. >> a bay area transit agency dealing with a rash of copper thefts. how it's creating a serious safety hazard. nearly 20 years after he was convicted of murder, scott peterson heads back to court to try to prove he's innocent. the evidence his team wants to see. >> if that testing shows what they think it is going to show, it is a whole new ball game. plus tracking the critical primary wins as the race for the white house comes closer into focus. and later wine country blanketed in fields of gold. it is more than just a pretty sight. >> that is beautiful and they will serve as a great thing for us. >> the mustard bloom in napa valley. >> i love the valley at this
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time of the year. boy, what a hassle it became. the topic is trash. we have done a lot of stories about people dumping their garbage and their cars, all around the bay area. but this one was even bigger because the problem shut down a road in martinez for hours. it was an abandoned tanker truck. and then hazmat crews had to come in who were concerned about what may be inside. as a result, they had to shut down the stretch of pacheco avenue near the water treatment plant and they asked neighbors to shelter in place. turns out there was no danger. but as they report the mystery turned into a major inconvenience for nearby businesses. >> reporter: pacheco boulevard is a busy route into downtown martinez. for most of the day, it was shut down. dozens of people and businesses, they were out of business. all because one person decided to lay his trash at someone else's doorstep. three semi
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trailers showed up on pacheco boulevard. two were towed away on friday, and the remainder tanker wasn't empty. >> and quite a bit of product in the container. we don't know what the product is. we don't have any identifiers on the actual container. from this point we have to assume for safety reasons that it is hazardous. >> reporter: that was 10:00 a.m., they treated the abandoned trailer as a threat to the public, shutting them down to any traffic. but they never informed the businesses and at taco's don chai, they couldn't understand why he would have so few customers on the usually busy taco tuesday. >> no, nobody knew why. nobody knew why. and then little by little, we put the pieces together from different things that people were telling us. >> reporter: as they continued their investigation for hours, most of the businesses simply gave up. that included rodrigo at the recycling zone,
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which collected no aluminum cans on this day because of the bucket parked outside. >> they have been closed since 10:00 this morning. so no businesses at all. [ laughter ] >> all because of one guy? >> one guy, dropping off the trailer with chemical in it and they don't know what it is. it is just a liquid substance of some kind. >> the tanker had no license plate and all markings that had been removed. >> it is an advantage there and they got something in it and it is old, so they can't get rid of it. nobody will take it like that, so they knew what they were doing. >> reporter: the owners sat in an empty dining room. the business has only been open since january. this was the last thing they needed. >> people were calling and actually asking us if they can, how can they come in? and they said the only reason would be to park on the street and who knows where, but nobody was able to come in and so we had to close, thank you. >> reporter: officials determined that the cast off
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trailer contained cooking oil. nothing hazardous. by 3:00, the road was reopened. and it was a case of alls well that ends well. >> nowadays people will dump everything out everywhere because they don't want to spend money and they don't care anymore. it is paid cash and they are paying people to haul it to that wrecking yard and dump it out on the road. it's a request to the sheriff's office that went unanswered. all right, the south bay and the county sheriff's office, they say they are seeing an uptick in copper thefts. accused of stealing copper wire from the light rail
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lines. they are saying that the suspect stole 20 feet of copper wire at the cropley station in san jose. it has been hit by two dozen cases of copper theft this year, costing more than half a million dollars in damage. in some cases, they disabled warning lights and gates. >> because of the return cables being stolen, now we need to limit the amount of power that they are drawing when they operate over our tracks. >> not only is it causing disruptions, but creates a serious safety hazard. the streets of oakland are safer tonight and that is thanks to the ongoing crackdown on crime. here are the new numbers, released by the governor's office, showing officers made 168 arrests in the past few weeks, so they include accused carjackers and suspected gang members. the chp also recovered 360 stolen cars
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during the sting operation. last month governor gavin newsom deployed officers to the area. and they are assigned to the oakland area to help combat crime. they moved on after a wet morning commute. it was a slow and sloppy ride if you will into the san francisco bay area. on the bay bridge. it is about to feel a lot and look a lot like spring. we will take that. looking at the warmer weather, but also windier on the way, correct? >> yeah, as the warmer air will move in, it will be delivered by some breezy conditions the next couple of days. let's add up the rain that fell over the last 48 hours. mill valley picked up 2.75 inches of rainfall and other amounts were closer to the typical march level, just barely at half moon bay and just over half an inch of rain for san francisco. only around a tenth of an inch in dublin and san jose. the wet weather is now being replaced
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by windy weather that will go into effect at 5:00 tomorrow and continues through 11:00 a.m. on friday for most inland parts of the bay area, where we will see the wind gusts in the 20 to 30 miles an hour in the valley. and gusts will be possible. some tree damage and some power outages are going to be possible. but the humidity levels are going to be low. so the fire threat is not going to be off the charts with the rain adding a lot of moisture. temperatures tomorrow will start to warm up tomorrow, but still within a few degrees of what's normal for the middle of march. mid to upper 60s with more 70s beginning on thursday. a look at your seven-day forecast in a few minutes. >> all right, thank you so much. now on to scott peterson's fight to prove his innocence. it's a new chapter that's officially underway as we speak. and take a look. he's from via zoom as you can see. he did not speak much outside of the formalities like yes, your honor, but he did appear confident and collected. peterson's pregnant wife,
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laci disappeared from their home in modesto. her body was found dumped in the san francisco bay four months later. at the time, scott peterson told investigators that he had gone fishing when his wife went missing. peterson was arrested in san diego after it was discovered that he was having an affair with a massage therapist. no evidence has tied peterson to the murders, the innocence project took up his case in january. the group is requesting new data that they hope would exonerate him. they would like to access evidence near the home right around the time of laci's disappearance. >> the innocence project taking this case up corroborates the pretty good evidence that that organization, which only represents people who the project believes is innocent and can be exonerated by dna evidence has taken this up.
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>> this case is spanned for nearly 20 years. in 2004, he was convicted of murdering laci in their unborn son. sentenced to death a year later. and in 2020, they overturned his death sentence after an issue with jury screening from his original trial. and in 2021, resentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. in 2022, he was moved from death row at san quentin east of sacramento. so today's status hearing was brief, and for what will be a legal process. some breaking news now in the race to the white house, clinching the nomination. the primary win in georgia was enough to put biden over the top, but it won't be official until they meet in chicago this august. so on the republican
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side, former president trump picking up another primary win in georgia. boaters in mississippi, washington, and hawaii, they could give him enough delegates to secure his party's nomination later this evening. california's statewide proposition is still too close to call. but they could see today that it will likely pass. the $6.3 billion bond measure backed by governor newsom would overhaul the state's mental health and drug treatment systems. and it has been one of the tightest contests of the california primary. they are ahead by fewer than 50,000 votes. a decisive measure that will create the first new city in california in over a decade. we are talking about the community of mountain house that is just outside of tracy and more than 90% of voters were in favor of incorporating. so as they show us what was once a pit stop actually during the gold rush, it is one of the
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fastest growing places in california. >> and i'm born and raised in fremont and resided here for the past ten years with my family. >> and who has put a lot of people in their own homes, a community of homes that has seen a very wild ride. >> and in 2008, the recession on the mountain house was the most under water community in the nation. >> flash forward to the pandemic when the homes were jumping 20% in value in just six months. >> and it is still affordable as they have covid. prices have gone up. >> now another building boom that went up and downtown is about to become a city. >> from here over, the three of us will remain, which is myself and mayor andy. >> reporter: the board member about to become council member
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disco says incorporation is largely about control. >> we will have more from the sales revenue verses the 1% that we will currently get or a local planning department that could issue rezoning and building permits, which is currently a county process. all of these things are now in our control and we don't need to ask permission from the county or we don't have to increase the special taxes. and more control will be critical as they move into another period of explosive growth with golf course plans, getting scrapped for more homes. >> the retirement community with all this extra land in the developer's eyes is a waste if people are willing to live in single-family homes with an eight-foot gap between each other verses an entire golf course. >> a lot more developments are happening right now, especially across. >> reporter: the soon-to-be city is expanding in multiple directions. >> the bridge to nowhere. they are actually renewing it about
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5,200 if i'm not mistaken. they are expected to come over there. >> reporter: the hope is that incorporation will allow the city to grow while preserving what has drawn people here and driven up the prices. >> they will help the community as a whole to self-sustain, make more decisions for ourselves and our future and our children. >> and very young community here average age in the 30s population right now, a little over 29,000 with the potential of 45,000 within ten years. it will become official on july 1 and they are going to celebrate on the fourth of july. >> i bet they are. the mountain house will become the eighth city in san joaquin county. a vibrant yellow carpet that's covering napa vineyards. the mustard season is here. why wine country's other crop is so important to the valley. once we start to see the mustard growing in the field, we know the new vintage is upon us. and from fields of golds to
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paul will let us know about that, but some light flurries came down today. crews were out clearing the road as they hit the slopes to enjoy all that fresh powder. >> i'm from texas, so the storm that we just had is the first time i've ever seen that much. i learned my lesson. the
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car was buried for two, three days. >> chain controls in effect on interstate 80 earlier, but they have been dropped. so a sign of the changing season in wine country. a beautiful yellow carpet covering the vineyards of napa valley is the mustard flowers that are blooming and they are more than just a stunning backdrop. a closer look at napa's other famous crop. >> reporter: it is the annual gold rush in the napa valley. fields of gold as winter turns to spring. it's wild mustard also though they show it was domesticated as long as 6,000 years ago in central asia and only recently has evolved into an ingredient. >> unless you spell. >> all right, thank you. >> reporter: cindy paulson has owned the busy spot for 40
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years, and mustard plans, providing the mustard seed is key. >> we have made many. you could make them from yellow, brown. you can make it with wine and make it with beer. and it is so flexible. but i'm just going to smear a thin layer on a piece of salmon. then we're going to take this and i'm going to smear that in here and right on top. and then i have just a few bread crumbs that are drizzled with a bit of olive oil. >> it's the signature condiment. >> yep, it's all ready to go. >> reporter: but it is not just about the condiment and it is not just about the balloon. >> yeah, that's been beautiful and they serve as a great thing for us. they increase the biodiversity. and they will help with the control and also our great flower for early pollinators. >> reporter: curtis manages things around here. >> where you are standing here in the vineyard in oakville in the middle of napa valley. >> reporter: of course, napa is known for their wines. but the
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mustard grass is kind of a seasonal clock. once we start to see the mustard growing in the field, we know new vintage is upon us. it's about the time when they start to burst and it is the beginning of a new vintage. >> this is the most perfect time to come because i love the valley at this time of the year. >> napa has a list to see the blooms and this cautionary note. >> we don't want to encourage you to walk through the roads with the farming operations going on and a great photo op for you outside the vineyard. >> catch them while you can. the blooming season ends at the end of the month. but the mustard? >> hi there, can i get a plain hot dog? >> the mustard will always be here. >> another fun fact, canada is the world's top mustard sport, did you know that? and flies about 90% of the seeds used in northern american production. all right, still ahead. the rain has given way to sunshine. there is going to be quite a bit of it. how warm is it going to get in your neighborhood.
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wow, he said the sun will come out, so i'm going to hold you to it. >> i did not sing it though. >> no, you're welcomed for that. normally i would, but i'm going to be mature this time around. shocker. yeah, i know. >> i need a second to recover. >> you need all that stuff.
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>> juliette sings a lot of the times with the commercial. if there's a jingle, she knows it. you can compose music about the upcoming stretch of pleasant weather. >> yes. >> if you are so inspired. >> i will be. >> okay. >> we will see about that. and take a look at what's happening weather wise because we're in a good mood and the weather is trending in a nice direction overall. it will be a bit breezy as the warmer air mass will take over. the wind is starting to pick up and you can see the flags standing out. temperatures today, we are still slightly below average in the mix of mid to upper 50s and still the low 60s. with clearing skies overhead, it is going to be chilly out there to start the day on wednesday. temperatures are starting mostly in the low to mid-40s in the north bay valleys. that's cold for this time of the year. started to warm up a little bit more on a daily basis as we approach the spring, which is a week from today. but the warmer temperatures will be evidence by tomorrow afternoon, so a good dog walking weather and a dog who is all ears for
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such a forecast. this is pip who gets to soak up plenty of sunshine. some morning clouds that are giving way to the abundance sunshine with temperatures pretty close to normal on wednesday afternoon. slightly on the positive side of average for a change, and we're going to continue that warm up for the rest of the warm up. let's take a look at temperature forecast for tomorrow across the bay area. on the warm end of the spectrum, temperatures are reaching the upper half of the 60s. it is one degree above average for tomorrow. temperatures inland in the east bay and also mostly mid to upper 60s. even the cool spots along the coast. you will climb up to 60 degrees at half moon bay and it counts. that's 2 degrees above average. again, a bigger departure for normal temperatures on the positive side as we head towards thursday and friday, continuing into the weekend. but the down slope winds will be kicking in. they are going to warm temperatures up in the north bay to the upper 60s. you'll have some of the warmer temperatures on thursday when the winds are out there strongest. so the reason for those stronger winds is the shifting patterns of the upper
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levels. we have a storm system that will be diving down towards the four corners. at the same time, area of high pressure is going to be pushing towards the coast and those two features, squeeze the atmosphere over the west coast. you're forcing more air through a fairly narrow space. that accelerates it. so the winds are really going to pick be up as we would head through thursday and into thursday night and early friday. when we would have a wind advisory that goes into effect. the strongest winds will be in thursday and thursday nighttime frame. hour by hour gusts, going from 5:00 tomorrow through 11:00 on thursday. you can see all the red shaded tiles here with a lot of information on the map. we want to put as many communities on the map as possible and you can see how the red shaded squares, and if they will be over 30 miles an hour, which is not strong enough to represent the widespread damage, but it's enough that the possibility of some minor tree damage and some branches coming down to the possibility of some sporadic power outages as well. plenty of moisture in the fire fuels because of the recent rain and despite the offshore winds, and usually a very dry pattern. the
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relative humidity levels aren't going to be all that low. staying around or above 30% throughout the duration of the offshore wind event. really we're looking for the humidity levels to be lower than 20% for any elevated fire threat. the wind is going to disperse be plenty of pollen throughout the atmosphere overhead especially by thursday, friday, saturday. the pollen count is basically going to be towards the top of the scale. make sure you're well stocked. but temperatures are going to warm up, abundant sunshine through the duration of the seven-day forecast. inland temperatures into the low to mid-70s through the beginning of next week. the first time in a long time that we would have a rain free seven-day forecast. temperatures won't warm up as much around the bay. but still to around 70 degrees as we would head through the weekend and along the coast. while your warm up is going to be a little more modest in comparison and your temperatures should be well into the 60s before the onshore breeze will start to kick in with cooler temperatures and maybe a few clouds by monday and tuesday of next week. >> love it. thank you. all right, calling all
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wannabe ball ers, that could be you. they will be played at this field. do you have what it
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and where the team will play their home games. good luck one and all. the cbs evening news is next. we'll see you back here at 7:00. thanks or joining us. >> do you swear or affirm under penalty of perjury? >> norah: the special counsel in president biden's classified documents case faces attacks from both sides. >> you did disparage the president. >> president trump and president biden handled their classified materials differently, wouldn't you say? >> norah: the take-aways from the hours-long, contentious testimony as the hearing room seems more like the campaign trail in the race for president. >> did you reach the conclusion that this man was outright innocent? >> that conclusion is not reflected in my report, sir. >> norah: the "cbs evening news" starts now. ♪ ♪ good


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