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tv   The Late News  CBS  March 12, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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now at 11:00, it's been 20 years since the scott peterson case captured the world's attention. why he appeared back in a bay area courtroom today. and the push to release the video in the case of a woman's death that one bay area police department is taking a second look at. >> there's no good reason to continue to keep that video secret. and one south bay transit agency fed up with thieves that have left them with a half million dollar bill. plus, she once ran oakland police. now across the country she's dealing with an unusual police problem, rats getting high. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> hello, i'm sara donchey. nobody should be afraid for
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their life while they're out far walk, but last july an older woman who was out far walk was suddenly found bleeding on the ground in the bayview. she died two days later. now, san francisco police thought it was an accident. community activist, though, called it a violent attack. tonight eight months later, police say they're taking a second look at the possibility she may have been killed. kelsi thorud's here now. so kelsi, why are the cops revisiting this now? >> yeah, sara, so the cops say they have new evidence that gives them reason to look at this whole thing differently. and they're under some pressure from a local group who wants them to lay everything out on the table. now, police say they have video of the moments before that 63-year-old asian woman ended up on the ground. they even talked to a person of interest but decided that whatever happened to her was just an accident. that's where community activist groups, the asian justice movement, comes in. they insist the woman was attacked, pushed to the ground, and they want
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officers to release the video. >> releasing the video is a good step. i'll say that the step feels particularly necessary now. this is approximately nine months after the death of miss woo. the investigation was closed or at least inactive for a majority of that time. it seems like it's -- it seems like there's no good reason to continue to keep that video secret. >> sfpd says doing that would jeopardize the investigation and wouldn't say what new evidence they have. now tonight we know the d.a.'s office is looking into another case in the bayview that happened about four blocks away. they say last week an elderly asian woman was attacked unprovoked by a suspect who grabbed her hair, punched her, and threw her to the ground. now, sara, the asian justice movement wants both of these cases
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investigated as hate crimes. >> so kelsi, do we know if the cases are connected, if it's the same suspect? >> we don't at this time. the cops are not identifying the suspect in either of these cases. >> all right, kelsi, thank you so much. 20 years after he was convicted of killing his pregnant wife laci and dumping her body in the bay, scott peterson is back in court. he had his hair in a ponytail when he video called into a courtroom in redwood city today. >> do we have your consent to proceed via zoom this morning? >> absolutely, your honor. >> the l.a. innocence project is fighting for access to evidence connected with a burglary across the street from the peterson home. the team is suggesting those burglars may have been the one who is kidnapped and killed laci after she witnessed the christmas eve break-in. >> we were very, very specific. we spent a lot of time trying to suss out what, frankly, are very alarming deficiencies in the discovery that was provided
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to the defense at the time of trial. those are the items we're we questing. it's not a fishing expedition. they're very precise. >> peterson's sister-in-law and supporter was there but didn't speak to the media. neither did his legal team. they gave us a statement essentially saying no comment. peterson was sentenced to death in 2004 for the murders of laci and the couple's unborn son connor. the death sentence was later overturned. peterson was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. he is set to return to court virtually in april, may, and in july. a battle is brewing in san francisco's bernl heights over a move to clear homeless people who have been living in rvs just outside the park. the city recently decided to enforce a long standing overnight parking ban just outside the park. people have been camping on the boulevard for years there. neighbors have raised concerns about safety and illegal dumping, but some of the unhoused say they cannot afford
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to live anywhere else. >> they're very nice people, but for four years they've been here, there's no place for them to take showers. there's no, you know, they throw their garbage out. this is not how they should be treated. >> if at any point we bother them, they can simply tell us, and we'll see what to do. because in the end we're all people, and we're all in this together. >> well, the city of san francisco will start enforcing the ban on overnight parking on march 28th. and farther south copper thieves have racked up a big bill for santa clara vt ashs. the agency says they've caused over a half million dollars in damage. the vta says they've had 24 copper thefts at light rail stations this year alone. in some cases, the thieves cut the wires to warning lights and gates. santa clara county sheriffs arrested two people this week who they say took off with ten grand worth of wire that weighed over
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1 00 pounds. this skier was probably hoping his stunt video would go viral, but he definitely paid a price for that. clear skies over the bay area this evening. we do have some fog that could form tomorrow then blustery conditions kicking in. i'm tracking the details in the first alert forecast. >> thank you, paul. it is the sculpt churl equivalent of an air ball. saint mary gaels men's basketball, the road to the ncaa tournament went right through gonzaga. and how close is steph curry to rejoining the dubs? we have an answer. and the people taking care of an orphaned newborn fox are really taking their role as surrogate parent very seriously with a tactic that will probably make you do a double take. not appropriate. is always going to impact morale.
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>> and a former bay area police chief dealing with a problem that sounds like something out of a cheech and chong mu voo.
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a fireball seen streaking across the predawn sky over gulfport, mississippi, made it all the way to earth. don't worry, it was supposed to. it was an international crew of astronauts returning from a six-month mission aboard the international space station.
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i'm never complaining about my commute again. their spacex capsule parachuted to a safe splach down off the florida coast. and speaking of splash down, not a graceful landing at all for one skier in canada. his narly midair crash into a ski lift is the definition of being in the right place at the wrong time. oh my gosh. 17-year-old ivan jones was at a skiing competition when he wiped out majorly. he was just trying do a move called the flat spin 360 when, well, he was laid out flat. >> when i hit the chair lift, i was actually in shock, so i didn't feel anything. i definitely felt very beat up. mild concussion. i was quite sore. >> quite sore? ivan was able to ski down the mountain on his own to be checked out by the ski patrol. he is expected to be just fine, which -- i mean -- >> man. >> that could have been cracked ribs. that could have been -- >> yeah. >> -- any number of -- >> skull fracture. >> yeah, i mean --
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>> he was so close to actually landing in the chair, though. >> now that -- >> that would have been a good trick. >> he's going to have to go back and redo that for us. >> let's not give him any ideas. those guys do enough tricks on their own. back home we're talking about a change in the big picture weather pattern kicking in over the next couple days. in fact, it's started with the wet weather pattern coming to an end but a windy pattern kicking in. it's going to drift to the south, basically towards the four corners region, the desert southwest, same this time big hill in the atmosphere is going to be moving closer to the coast. those two features squeeze against each other, and that forces more air through a relatively narrow channel over the west coast, and that means gusty winds are developing over the bay area. gusty offshore winds to be specific. let's take a look at those hour by hour gusts. wednesday and thursday from 5:00 tomorrow through 11:00 on thursday. i know we have a lot of communities here, but we want to include as many people as possible. we're looking at the windiest timeframe during the daylight hours on thursday. so anything with a red shaded tile
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indicates the potential for wind gusts over 30 miles an hour. a wind advisory from 5:00 tomorrow through 11:00 on friday. sporadic power outages. now, with those offshore winds usually we're concerned about the potential for an elevated fire threat, but a couple factors are helping us out there. one is that the humidity levels respect going to be critically low. they'll be pretty low by march standards by tomorrow afternoon as those winds are kicking in, and humidity doesn't recover much overnight. usually during the wintertime especially, our overnight humidity levels go up to 80%, 90%. they're going to stay in that mid-70% range. the lowest the humidity gets during the day looilt hours is around 24%, 25%. we're looking for humidity levels below 20% for a significant critical humidity level for the fire threat. and it's just not going to come together that way. still something we'll monitor just in case, but of course, the other major factor is the rain we have received over to course of the past several weeks. the
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fire fuels have absorbed that moisture, so even with relatively low humidity levels and gusty offshore winds, think we're going avoid the fire threat. the wind is efficient as dispersing all of that stuff into the flat out high category by thursday, friday, and saturday. it's juniper, alder, and ash as the top three allergens we expect in the atmosphere, but all sorts of stuff blowing around. seasonal allergies usually ramped up this time of year, they're going to ramp up quickly the next l days. offshore winds typically associated with clear skies overhead and that's what we're going to see. some patchy fog to start the day tomorrow. that's going to clear out quickly, and we're going to be at the top of the scale for how much solar electricity can be generated across the brafrment not only tomorrow and thursday but all the way through friday, saturday, and sunday with lots of sunshine through saint patrick's day weekend. looking towards downtown, not seeing fog developing just yet. i think it's going to be patchy at worst through the rest of tonight. temperatures drop down
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to the upper 40s in santa rosa. otherwise, mostly low 50s. the numbers continue falling with clear skies for the moment. no blanket of clouds to hold the warmth to the ground. we end up in the low to mid-40s to end the day on wednesday. the chilliest spots in the north bay valleys dropping all the way down into the upper 30s. let's check out tomorrow's forecast high temperatures, which are going to recover from that chilly start. we'll end up just a couple degrees above average. 67 degrees in san jose is exactly one degree above average, but it counts, especially after that cool start to the month of march. temperatures inland and the east bay also in the middle portion of the 60s. even along the coast, half moon bay likely to get up to just barely above of degrees. again, it counts, couple degrees above normal for san francisco. and with those offshore winds rolling down hill in the north bay, your temperatures are going to be some of the warmest across the region. a lot of temperatures around 67, 68 degrees and we have even warmer temperatures in store as we head into the
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weekend. dropped down the wrong monitor here. let's take a look at the seven-day forecast forecast here. always fun on live television, playing whack a mole with them. as we head into saint patrick's day weekend, temperatures in the low to mid-70s. some spots even upper 70s, especially by monday of next week. now, around the bay it's not going to be quite as noticeable of a warm-up, but it's still going to be very pleasant. temperatures topping out around 70 degrees friday, saturday, sunday, and monday. along the coast, well, you're not going to be quite that warm. you're still going to be mild. temperatures reaching well into the 60s as we go through the weekend and then some additional cloud cover as the onshore breeze starts to try to reassert itself by monday and tuesday. that's the initial stages of a return to near average temperatures by the middle and end of next week, vern? all right there, paul. straight ahead in sport, 49ers are going to have a different look. and what happened in vegas? well, saint mary's became the hot shooter. they got a lot more than its fifth west coast
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a 19-foot bronze statue meant to immortalize lakers star kobe bryant and his 81-point performance against the raptors and now attracting visitors for wrong reason. laurie perez show us whoever was in charge of spell checking did not have a very good performance. >> that's a little bit embarrassing. >> reporter: all eyes on the new kobe statue went from here to here today as everyone was looking for the now infamous typos in the box score carved into the marble base. a german nba reporter pointed out the spelling errors on social media this weekend. the word decision spelled correctly on top but right below not so much. former laker von wafer is vom here and
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calderon and jose calderson. that's just -- >> wrong. >> think of how many people had to approve this thing. >> how many people should have approved it. i don't know how many people actually did. >> reporter: three mistakes would be almost unbelievable if they were written in stone. >> to misspell that, that's definitely not good. i mean, it should have -- they should have overlooked that a few time, not just once or twice, a few times. >> reporter: now, lots of people will admit -- are you a good speller? >> no, i'm not. >> probably not as good as i should be. >> not that great. >> reporter: but they roundly agree they would have checked and double checked and spell checked a project this big for a laker legend. >> the errors should be corrected to accurately reflect the excellence that kobe had. kobe would not want there to be a statue that had misspellings and did not have the excellence that he had in his life. and so he would want it to be perfect because he strove for excellence. >> the lakers released a
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statement saying they've been aware of this for a few weeks and are working to get it corrected. the last fan, she was right. mamba mentality, no mistakes. >> absolutely. >> we work hard so that there are no mistakes. >> now, in fairness, kobe did miss a few shots in his career. a few game winners, right? >> he missed a few. he missed a few. >> all right, so, but that -- >> but he learned from every one of them. >> it is indefensible to make the mistakes they did on something that cost that much money. >> oh gosh, well, let's see if -- how they fix that. okay. well, saint mary's, they fixed gonzaga tonight. they almost outrebounded them 2:1 tonight. they just took control of this one. and the players, they felt it from the last time saint mary's played gonzaga ten days ago. that one got away from the gaels. and they vowed that that would never happen again. so there was gonzaga, is a stakes high tonight, ncaa tournament automatic bid on the line if they could win the
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conference tournament. oh, it was heated all game long. rivals trying to win a championship. saint mary's most of the first half took control. you leave aidan haney open like that, this is what happens. gaels up 11. even when gonzaga made a run for a second half lead, saint mary's didn't blink. mason with a high percentage shot. gaels by three. off a miss, found by haney, and he buried it. the kid led a 7-0 run far 58-52 lead. haney with 23. over two minutes left, conference player of the year augustus found the cylinder. the son of a former warrior, and the gaels took the game, title, and automatic ncaa double bid, first tournament title for saint mary's since 2019. this will be the 21st ranked gaels third straight trip to march madness. over to the women's game. stanford star cameron brink will forego her final season of
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eligibility and declare for the wnba draft following the cardinals season. brink was named the pac-12 player of the year last week. she's projected to be the number two overall pick behind iowa's caitlin clark in next month's draft. over to the nba, no warriors steph curry tomorrow night in dallas, but he and his injured ankle have been cleared to join the team in l.a. for practice friday in hopes of playing against the lakers on saturday. a nationally televised game. pivot to the 49ers on day two of free agency. added to his collection of defensive linemen. today they agreed on a two-year, $10 million contract with jordan elliot. so defensive end cleveland became a former 49er. he will join the washington commanders. he had three and a half sacks last season but missed the playoffs with a knee injury. signing with washington gets him closer to home. he and i from the same
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hometown, rich monday, virginia. derrick henry leaves the tennessee titans for charm city. two years for king henry, $16 million. sara, i've always wanted to know since we dominated the sportscast with basketball and football, if you were a football player, what position would you play? >> i would be a running back. >> really? >> mm-hmm. yeah, i feel like i'm pretty fast. we can test this theory later in more appropriate shoes. >> you can like juke a guy, give him a leg, take it away. >> i can kind of fake you out. >> i would have thought maybe quarterback for you. >> no. what would you do? >> no? me? i'd be a running back. give me the ball, let me hit the hole, and run for daylight. >> weaver competing for first string. all right, vern, thank you so much. one wildlife center is going above and beyond to give this orphaned fox a surrogate parent, but their
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when an animal is orphaned, zoos and wildlife centers go to great lengths to give them a fighting chance. and sometimes that involves providing a fake surrogate mother. sometimes that mother is a stuffed animal. oh, this orphaned koala joey that came to the san diego zoo a couple years ago snuggled with a stuffed animal for comfort. that is so cute. oh. taking it a step further, though, they even use surrogate nursers for kittens and puppies. but when this newborn fox came to the richmond wildlife center in virginia, the staff there really took things to another level. this was their answer. is this illegal? employees decided the only way to act like a mother fox was to dress like one. they have been getting suited up in this red fox mask while they
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feed and care for the orphaned kit. yeah, this is a meme just begging to happen. staff at the wildlife center say they're using the fox disguise so the fox does not become too accustomed to humans, giving it a chance to be reintroduced into the wild. they also put a smaller stuffed fox in her enclosure. the costume is creative, but seeing the video without context would be the stuff of nightmares. it might make you think of this song. >> what does the fox say? >> yeah. just as disturbing as the video, perhaps. all right, we've all heard of a wild goose chase. now you've seen a wild turkey chase. two ohio police officers were conducting a traffic stop when two wild turkeys showed up and harassed the cops back to their patrol cruiser. one kind of wild turkey that can get you in trouble not pictured. police dash body cam caught it all on video. none of the officers or
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animals were hurt. no word if the driver ended up getting a ticket. a former bay area police chief dealing with some unusual intruders chomping their way ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving.
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all right, that song reminds you of cheech and chong probably. that's kind of the situation that one former bay area police chief is dealing with at her current job across the country. some hungry evidence room intruders are causing problems at the new orleans police department. >> the rats eating our marijuana, they're all high. >> so deadpan. >> yeah, the delivery, the rats are eating marijuana from the evidence room, and they're apparently getting a buzz. >> is that what happens? >> i mean, well, i don't know. former police chief anne
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kirkpatrick says staff have been finding rat droppings on their desk. >> where you work, where you live, if it is not appropriate it's always going to impact morale, so that has been a big factor. >> impacting morale, she says. the police department isn't just dealing with rats under the influence, there's also a roach infestation in the building. >> oh no. >> the problem is so bad they're giving up on fixing it and renting a new building, leafing the rats behind without their weed. >> got to love the bayou. >> i know. i know. i lived in south texas, and i have never seen roaches that size that fly in the manner that they did. >> oh. >> rats and roaches. don't they want munchies? >> i wondered that myself. piles of droppings left behind. so they might have gotten to it. we're not sure. >> let's -- no. >> come on back to the bay area. i would definitely rather be here than dealing with that. >> yeah. it's legal here, so they don't have to impound it.
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>> right. >> problem solved. >> yes, exactly. wow. >> see? >> science and math. >> exactly. >> thought that one through on the fly. >> and you're getting this for free. >> because no one would buy it. >> thank you for watching, we definitely got to wrap this up before any of us get in anymore trouble. the late show with stephen colbert is coming >> trump's new team over at the rnc aren't wasting any time. they're not waiting for that count to make big-time changes at the rnc. late monday, around 60 rnc staffers were slashed after new rnc leadership came in, including trump's daughter-in-law, lara trump. >> "the late show" has acquired footage explaining how the rnc got 60 employees to leave immediately. ♪ well, i won't back down ♪ ♪ no, i won't back down ♪ ♪ you can stand me up at the gates of hell ♪


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