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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  March 13, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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thank you so much for joining us this morning. it is wednesday, march 13th. >> so let's get it started. >> if that testing shows what they think it's going to show, it's a whole new ball game so to speak. >> another bid in a northern california murder case that once gripped the nation. will scott peterson actually get another trial? it helps the community as a whole to self-sustain. to make more decisions for ourselves and for our future and for our children. >> say hello to california's first new city in over a decade. if we literally want to stay in business, it's not -- i'm trying to pay for my ferrari or anything. i'm trying to keep you know, keep the rent paid. >> there's a lot of food we're just used to paying certain price for. but inflation is taking a bite out of what might
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be your favorite burrito. i'm -- right now. >> brought back memories of my travels and others it brought back memories of my experience growing up on a farm. >> taking a virtual reality to another level. a real world boost to older americans taking them back in time or any place in the world. i mean, look at that smile. he seemed like he was enjoying having that experience. good morning, i'm gianna franco. and hey, halfway through the workweek you guys. >> yes. we made it. good morning, everybody. i'm reed cowan. nice to have you with us. >> i'm nicole zaloumis and older americans i mean, i wouldn't mind putting that on. having a little umbrella drink. >> yeah. >> go to hawaii. save some bucks. >> you know what that's what mega millions and powerball does for gianna and myself. 24 hours of virtual fun. >> i actually played yesterday guys and i didn't win. >> nobody did. >> i lost let's see it was $2 and i lost $8. so. i'm down $8. >> but worth the fantasy moment? >> it was, actually -- for 24 hours i was thinking of that
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range rover and the people that i would give money to. >> yes. >> the dream. >> yes. >> cheapest therapy there is. >> i love it. >> it was gone. why don't we take a live look outside on this wednesday morning like gianna said halfway through the week and i have some good news for you. i think it's going to be dry today because i paid attention to jessica yesterday. and jess you know, it was really nice when i walked outside my door this morning. it wasn't like misty and rainy like it has been. oh my gosh, we've been dealing with so much active weather recently. it's nice to say that we're in that much-needed dry break for us here in the bay area. and here widespread throughout the state of california but here's the thing, we're replacing the wet conditions we had yesterday and the day before with windy conditions that start kicking up today. starting off with futurecast and now yesterday around this time we were still seeing showers kind of highlighted widespread throughout the bay area. but advancing the clock for us today on futurecast, some passing clouds moving in if the
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north starting this morning and lasting into this afternoon. and then we actually start to clear up fast not a thing in the skies as we head into the overnight hours tonight. a similar trend in the forecast for us tomorrow. but i will say this, starting this afternoon, just around 5:00 p.m., many of us throughout the bay area especially up in the north bay will be under a wind advisory and it could be gusty in the north bay and wind speeds anywhere up to around 50 miles per hour at times gusting at that point we could see downed trees and possible power outages from the strong conditions too. as the winds are starting to whip up the pollen count starts to increase too. this starts today heading into in next couple of days in the high category too. lots to talk about in the next couple of days. yes we have sunshine in the forecast for us and yes it's going to be beautiful out there. it's going to be a breezy one too. take it slow and with the claritin ready to go if you have allergies like
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me. g? dry which is good. because man what a difference a day makes right? look at this. live look here at 880 both directions, moving along well. no delays as you head near the coliseum traffic is pretty light and right now that's our headline. nice travel conditions for most of our bay area freeways with the exception of the altamont pass and we have reports of a new crash near grant line. so traffic is a little slow already for supercommuters heads-up watch right now. down to about 24 miles per hour connecting off of 205 getting on to 580 and then again there's a crash there and it could be blocking at least one lane near grant line. developing news on the feign mouse scott peterson murder case. he was convicted in 2004 for murdering his wife and unborn child. their bodies dumped in the san francisco bay. fast forward o 20 years and he has a new team and defense. so what is it? dna and a claim about a burglary at the peterson home about the same time his wife went missing. this is the first time many of us have seen peterson in years. and if you look closely, there
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he is. in a blue prison jump suit via zoom. look at that. his hair is pulled back and wearing a ponytail. well, he originally sentenced to death. but four years ago, that death sentence was overturned and changed into a life in prison without parole sentence. max darrow reports now that a group called the innocence project is taking up his case and they're citing the evidence including dna may have been overlooked. >> do we have your consent to proceed via zoom this morning? >> absolutely. thank you your honor. >> reporter: scott peer peterson appearing before a judge via video conferencen tuesday from mule creek state prison with h t help of attorneys from the l. a. innocence project. that's paula mitchell representing peterson. back in 2004, peterson was sentenced to death after he was convicted of murdering his pregnant wife laci and unborn con connor. in 2020 the california supreme court overturned that sentence citing errors with the jury
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selection process. in 2021, a judge resentenced peterton to life in prison without the possibility of parole. in 2022 his defense team pushed for a new trial based upon an allegation of juror misconduct but a judge didn't grant him a new trial. at the beginning of 2024 the l.. a innocence project filed three motions including a request for post conviction dna testing and a request for reasonable discovery. >> we were very, very specific and we spent a lot of time trying to suses out what frankly are very alarming deficiencies in the discovery that was provided to the defense at the time of trial. those are the items we're requesting. the nature of the request is not a fishing expedition. they're very precise and very specific. >> reporter: the dna testing is another part of the claim. they'd like to access evidence connected to a burglary near the home that was right around the time of her disappearance. the legal analyst paula can knee has followed the case
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closely. >> if the testing show what is they think it's going to show, it's a whole new ball game to so speak. >> reporter: she says the fact that the l. a. innocence project even took on peterson's case is significant. >> that organization which only represents people who the project believes is innocence and can be exonerated by dna evidence has taken this up. >> reporter: the hearing date on the motion to seal can be earlier. >> reporter: superior court judge elizabeth hill set three hearings regarding the motions. one of the few times we heard peterson when he opted to appear virtually for the hearings. peterson's sister-in-law was present and didn't address the media after the proceedings wrapped up. his attorneys provided a statement that read in part -- we have not commented on our mel gibsons and we will continue to present our case in court where it should be adjudicated. >> we should note the project operates independently of something else you might have
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heard of. called the national innocence project. they are not involved in this case. for background on the case over the years and more from this week's hearing, head to our website. we may be soon saying good-bye to tiktok. this morning house lawmakers are expected to pass a bill that could ban the app nationwide. it would force the social media company to cut ties with its chinese linked parent company bytedance. law makers believe the company's foreign ties could have a security risk to the u.s. the bill would face an uncertain future in the senate but president joe biden says if it gets to his desk he'll sign it. san jose is on the search for a new police chief. today the city will hold its second community meeting on the hiring of the new top cop. the police department wants to hear what kind of person that the public wants to fill the role. the current police chief anthony mat that is retiring at the end of month. today's meeting will take place at 6:00 tonight at the bass come community center.
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looking live at san francisco. the city's public workers may be going on strike soon. tonight union members are holding what they call a strike school to learn what it means to go on strike and the laws that protect them. sf city workers claim the administrators for the city are failing to fill thousands of vacancies and the unions say if negotiations fall through they're prepared to hit the picket lines. this vibrant yellow. the excitement for napa's other famous crop. plus, how much would you pay for your favorite food? are burritos on the list? customers who love this one are paying up big time. here's a live look outside on this wednesday morning. the sun is going to be out this -- wednesday. and hopefully you are going to get a chance
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doing a number on my insides. but then i found out about velsipity a new once-daily pill, not a steroid or biologic, for adults with moderate to severe uc. velsipity can help calm the chaos of uc — it quickly treats flares providing a chance for lasting steroid-free remission. don't take velsipity if you've had a heart attack, chest pain, stroke or ministroke, heart failure in the last 6 months, irregular or abnormal heartbeat. velsipity may cause serious side effects including infections that can be fatal, slow heart rate, liver problems, increased blood pressure, macular edema, certain types of skin cancer, swelling and narrowing of the brain's blood vessels or shortness of breath. tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to be. if conventional therapy like 5-asas or steroids aren't working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about velsipity. velsipity. help calm the chaos of uc.
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well, good morning in wine country and to this. look at itful beautiful yellow carpets covering the vineyards of napa valley. the mustard flowers are blooming and brian hackney reports they're more than just a stunning backdrop. take a look. >> reporter: it's the annual gold rush in the napa valley. fields of gold as winter turns to spring. it's wild mustard. although recent research has shown that it was domesticated as long as 6,000 years ago in
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central asia. and only recently has evolved into an indispensable ingredient at where else? >> the grill. >> reporter: chef cindy paulson owned the busy spot for 40 years and mustard plants providing the mustard seed is key. >> we've made many mustards and you can make them from yellow mustard seeds and brown mustard seeds and you can make it with wine and you can make it with beer. mustard is so flexible. but i'm just going to smear a thin layer on the piece of salmon. so then we're just going to take this and i'm going to smear only olive oil in here right on top and then i have just a few panko bread crumbs. that are drizzled with a bit of olive oil. >> reporter: mustard is in these signature condiment. >> time to eat. >> reporter: but it's not just about the condiment. and it's not just about the bloom. >> yeah, besides being beautiful they really serve as a great cover crop for us. they increase the biodiversity. they
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help with erosion control and also our great flower for early pollinators. >> reporter: curtis manages things around here. >> we're standing here at the vineyard in oakville in the middle of napa valley. >> reporter: of course, napa is known for its wines. but the mustard grass is kind of a seasonal clock. >> once we start to see the mustard growing in the field, we know that the new vintage is upon us. it's about the time where the buds start to burst in the vineyard and it's the beginning of a new vintage. >> the most perfect time to come because -- i love the valley at this time of the year. >> reporter: napa has a list of the best places to see the blooms and this cautionary note. >> we don't encourage you to walk through the rows and we have some farming operations going on but it's a great photo-op for you outside the vineyard. >> reporter: and catch them while you can. the blooming season ends at the end of the month. but the mustard? hi there. just get a plain hot dog? the mustard will always be
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here. >> canada is the world's top mustard exporter and supplies about 90% of the seeds used in northern american production. i need to get up there. so beautiful this weekend. i need to do that. >> i love mustard. all types. >> did you see it on the salmon. >> i could eat -- dijon, yellow mustard. like -- >> spicy mustard. >> what's the mustard has the grain in it? like the little -- >> grainy mustard. >> all of it. we have to move from that beauty shot to another beautiful shot as we take a live look outside on this wednesday morning. it's still dark outside which is why we get the jewel box of san francisco. but soon there will be light, jess. and there will be sunshine and we are so happy if you can't tell. >> oh, absolutely. it's going to be a beautiful day for us here in the bay area. sunshine lasting into this afternoon. but like i mentioned earlier, we are going to be dealing with some gustier conditions as the same system that's bringing in all this sunshine and the warming trend is also bringing us some gusty conditions. starting this evening and lasting until friday morning. a wind advisory in effect for us we're mostly going to see wind
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speeds around 15 to 30 miles per hour. moving in from the north. but i will say this. we can see gusts at times anywhere up to around 50 miles per hour and that's what we're concerned about because downed trees and power outages are only and our fire index actually starts to increase heading into the afternoon hours as temperatures start to rise. those winds start to get gustier from the inland areas, that's dry condensed area and also keep a close eye on that lasting into friday. that's how long the wind advisory is in effect. gusty conditions in the next couple of days also going whip up all the pollen -- all the pollen in the air too. a big reason why we're keeping a close eye on the pollen count now is because we're in the high category lasting into saturday. same trend on sunday and thinking of heading out to go see the blue angels at travis air force base this weekend, we're expecting low 70s in the forecast there. thinking of heading to the parade in san francisco, we're expecting upper 60s for our daytime highs. so yeah, we do have that warming trend right around the corner and it's noticeable especially as we
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head into this weekend's forecast. as high pressure moves its way in, it kind of acts like a heat dome and you might remember that from earlier last year around springtime. summertime. when we started talking about it a lot. but that heat dome is going to create a lot of different weather patterns for us here in the bay. we're going to see clear skies starting this afternoon. not a thing in the sky lasting into this next couple of days and what i mean by that is no rain, no clouds. and of course we're going to see that warming trend too. so today we're already sitting upper 60s just near san jose. watch what happens as we head into the rest of this week. the upper 60s get replaced by mid 70s. as early as friday. and then we see mid 70s lasting into early next week too. that's just our inland forecast and we're going to see a very similar trend for the bay too. i'll show that coming up in just a bit. but long story short, it is going to get gustier heading into this afternoon. so this morning, maybe it's not a bad idea to put all the outdoor objects that you don't want, you know, gusting over into your neighbor's yard, inside this afternoon. we'll have more on that in a bit. for now over to you, g. >> all right. jess, thank you. taking a look at the roadways
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right now and if you are getting ready to get out the door and make that ride across the 880 so far you are in luck and in fact most of the bay area freeways have a great start this morning. live look here you can see both directions moving along very well as you work your way north and southbound heading to oakland and hayward. this is a live look near hagueen berger and very close to the coliseum there. so nice ride and look at this. all this green we're seeing as we take a look at our overview map. and thumbs up for most of the bay area freeways with the exception of that ride as you work your way into the altamont pass. so if you are coming out of tracy, looks like the backup is just about mountain house. as you work your way westbound on 200 getting on to 580 itself we have reports of a crash here near grant line. so that might slow you down just a little bit. once you are past all of that once you get past north flynn, things open up nicely the rest of the way towards the dublin interchange. and if you are connecting on to 680, that's a really nice ride this morning. all right, live look here at the bay bridge toll plaza. roadways are dry. so enjoy that and hopefully it will be an easy commute for you this morning. but if you are getting up and getting out the door
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early, so far, so good. with the easy ride into san francisco. and look at the travel times. looks just like -- what we would expect through the altamont pass right now. and 8 # highway 4, 101. all clear. nicole? >> time now 5:18. how much would you pay for a buito? does $22 sound like too much? how this restaurant owner is explaining his prices. here's a live look outside before we head to break. beautiful lights strung there on the bridge. we wish you safe travels. g will have an update on the morning drive time all morning long. nobody gets you out the door and to work and school on time like that body. we
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or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ higher gas and housing prices pushed up inflation in february. the latest consumer price index showed prices rose higher than expected. up 3.2% over the year. forecasters say there's little to no chance that the fed cuts interest rates at its meeting next week. some good news though, inflation did slow in some key areas including food. well, not everyone is noticing the difference. customers a t a restaurant in san francisco's mission district are questioning the high price of their burritos. now it was recently named the best in the mission but one customer asked why the price has doubled in just a few years. >> all right, so we're on the
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case. shawn chitnis has the response from the restaurant owner and the hope that he has for customers going forward. >> reporter: even before law school vavaburria opens its doors the team inside is busy at work keeping up the quality of their ingredients. the owner ricardo lopez says it's a constant challenge to maintain his vision of mexican food at a price the public will pay for. >> i struggle with it right? as a cook to really -- find who our customer base was. >> reporter: his cuisine centers around a recipe he developed from his grandfather's technique for making burria. a mexican meat stew. he started that concept out as food truck, for three years now he's been serving it at this restaurant in the mission. >> this is the food i want to make. if i want to continue to make the food i want to make, if i want to continue to keep, you know, testing new times and new menus, all costs time and money. >> reporter: he says at each step, he has to make a choice
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and for him, spending more money to get the best ingredients using additional time and labor is a must. and approach that earned some validation last fall when the "san francisco chronicle" named his burrito the best in the mission. but a few days ago, one customer wrote online they remember having it for half the price two years ago. they still love the burrito, but said for $22 plus tax, they would consider other options around the city. so ricardo decided he wanted to write back. >> i thought all right, this is great time to respond on that. and you know, it was -- in the middle of just starting our service and i sat down and everything just came out. like -- this is what it kind of costs and looks like to us. >> reporter: in his lengthy explanation he won't over all the changes and costs in the last few years and he pointed out the price of beef has gone up more than $2 a pound for him and that's an additional $6,000 a month. labor has also increased a couple dollars in
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that time which is at $3,000 a month. >> literally everything has gone up in price. there's not one thing i can think of that's not gone up since covid that's come right back down. >> reporter: the customer also questioned for the article influenced him to raise the price. and he said yes. not to make an extra buck, but to help him manage his expenses. >> if we literally want to stay in business, it's not i'm trying to pay for my ferrari or anything. trying to keep the rent paid. >> reporter: that review of his burrito in the mission helped him realize he could charge more which he hoped more people will now see as elevating the experience of a city classic. >> okay. so we want to have you in the conversation. we're asking you on social media, would you pay $22 for that burrito and 83.9% say no thanks. you know, it's easy to talk about this and have the sticker shock of the $22 but for me the real story come about three-fourths of the way through shawn's story which is
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the hook of the story. if we want to stay in business, this is the price we have to charge. that has to say something about the state of san francisco. >> also think about it. how much would you pay for a burger? >> $12. >> would you. >> there's places where you can get a burger it's like $25. i get it. that is a lot of money but it feels comparable to me. >> pizza is $47 right now. if it was my favorite burritopy needed to have it every wednesday, i'm going to pay $50 for the burrito because it brings me joy. >> you are. oh my gosh, that's for somebody who can right? we're talking about one. if i brought in whole family in for that, forget about it. >> i don't know if i'm accustomed to it now because over the last year i'm used to paying $8 for milk now versus $6. so i feel like -- it's just going to keep going in that direction. now i have to think
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about okay. what's my second job so i can afford to take my family out to enjoy good food and support businesses? >> at least he's not shrinkflation you know, he's burrito flation. but it's still the same size. >> that's true. 5:26. it was a landslide victory during the primary. california's about to enter in its newest city. we explain what it all means. plus, property owners in a san francisco neighborhood not happy with neighbors on wheels. now there's talk >> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. >> tech: we're all set. >> woman: wow. that looks great. >> tech: schedule now at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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rsv is out there. for those 60 years and older protect against rsv with arexvy. arexvy is a vaccine used to prevent lower respiratory disease from rsv in people 60 years and older. arexvy does not protect everyone and is not for those with severe allergic reactions to its ingredients. those with weakened immune systems may have a lower response to the vaccine. the most common side effects are injection site pain, fatigue, muscle pain, headache, and joint pain. i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy.
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right now on cbs news bay area at 5:30 in the morning. this is a live look from the mark hopkins, looking down on beautiful grace cathedral and lights up in the bay. soon the sun will be up and we are there as you start your day. we're always so grateful when you tune in. all right, so let's talk about the weather. it says no parking there. but we are parking on this shot with jess. good morning, jess. i just can't wait for the weekend and i have so many to dos around the household that i've been putting off because of the rain. >> so many to dos. right? i mean, first off, car wash, we can finally get one today. and that's going to last as we head into the next couple of days because it's going to be dry and it's going to be clear and as we wake up this morning in the santa clara valley, we're waking up to a thin layer of haze but the winds are going to start blowing that away and we're going to be left with sunnier skies throughout this afternoon and
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all throughout bay area today. on our virtual reality map we're going to ditch the clouds because it's going to be sunny as can be right around the corner for us throughout this afternoon's forecast. and lasting into this weekend too. here's what's going on. if you have noticed, if you take a look at your weather app just on the go, and you are thinking wow, it's going to be warm this weekend, what's going on? first things first the first day of spring is next week and there's that. but second things second high pressure is building in and as that moves closer to us here in california almost creates kind of like a heat dome. we're going to warm up heading into this weekend and upper 70s right around corner for us and also going to see gustier conditions moving in from the north. this ridge of high pressure will bring in some really strong wind speed and anywhere up to around 50 miles per hour at times. so we're replacing the wet conditions that we had the past days with some windy conditions in the next couple of days and that the starts this evening. as the clouds start to push their way through throughout the morning forecast we're going to be left with sunnier skies throughout the afternoon and evening hours tonight and a stimtrend for us tomorrow. but
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there's some concern with that too. wind speeds on average will be around 15 to 30 miles per hour throughout the next couple of days. but we can see gusts up to 50 miles per hour and so downed trees and power outages could be possible and we're going to have more on that in a bit. for now over to you, g. thank you, jess. let's talk about the roadways right now. and as we get up and at them and out the door, a few people doing that right now as we speak. as we take a look live here at the bay bridge. not bad. easy ride heading into san francisco right now things are pretty quiet overall which is great news. only thing you want to look out for is supercommuters heads-up. there's a trouble spot as you head near grant line this morning. coming out of mountain house. as you head westbound 205 getting on to 580. and you can see those brake lights are busy there all the way to north flynn. nicole? taking you now to the developing story out of san francisco. eight months ago an older woman died from what police thought was an accident. she was found bleeding on the ground in the bay view neighborhood but now new evidence suggests it could have been foul play. law enforcement says they have video of the
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moments before 63-year-old yang fang wu ended up on the ground and even talked to a person of interest. but decided that whatever happened to her was just an accident. community activist group the asian justice movement says there's more to the story. they insist the woman was attacked pushed to the ground and that they want officers to release the video. >> releasing the video is a good step. i'll say that the step feels particularly necessary now. this is approximately nine months after the death of miss wu. the investigation was closed or at least inactive for a majority of that time. it seems like it's -- seems like there's no good reason to continue to keep that video secret. >> sfpd wouldn't say what new evidence they have and that releasing the video would jeopardize the investigation. we know that the da's office
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is looking into a different case in the bay view neighborhood. this one about four blocks from where wu was found. they say last week, an elderly asian woman was attacked by a suspect. who grabbed her hair and punched her and threw her to the ground. the asian justice movement wants both of those cases investigated as hate crimes. we don't know yet if the two crimes are related. police are not even identifying a suspect right now. well, good morning to those of you waking up in the east bay. we have an update on the hours long hazmat response that many of you experienced in martinez. turns out, an abandoned tanker carrying vegetable based cooking oil was to blame. crews closed roads and ran tests while many of you were asked to shelter in place. businesses closed too by the way. this morning, we can tell you pacheco road is open once again. and to oakland now. and an update on response to business killing crime in the response in the form of a chp crackdown. let's drill down on that. governor gavin newsom's office releasing a report card of sorts after sending in chp to
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clean up crime. 168 arrests including accused carjackers and suspected gang members. the chp also recovered 360 stolen cars during that sting operation. last month governor newsom deployed 72 chp officers to oakland's high risk areas after the closure of several businesses in the area of hegenberger road as well as headlines of some fast food chains closing dining rooms after robberies. the family of an american israeli soldier now knows hamas killed their son the day the terror group killed dozens in their attack on israel on october 7th. just 19 years old, yeti hen lost his life that day. president biden offered his condolences to his fahos t refuses to release it to the family. this morning hamas holds many hostages five of them americans. after four u.s. states held
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primary elections last night, it looks like president joe biden and former president donald trump have each won enough delegates to clinch the democratic and republican nominations. the contest is on. both candidates swept their individual primaries in washington state, hawaii, mississippi, and georgia. biden touring multiple midwest states this week. trump also he'll be at a rally in ohio this weekend. each of them look to contests next in ohio, on and in florida. well, california's about to get its first new city in over a decade. we are talking about mountain house. it's located just outside of tracy and san joaquin county and it was a landslide victory last tuesday with more than 90% of voters in favor of incorporating. wilson walker shows us what was once a pit stop during the gold rush is one of the fastest growing places in california. >> reporter: so i'm originally from born and raised in
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fremont. >> and i have resided in mountain house for the past ten years with any policeman. >> reporter: not only a resident, he is a realtor who has put a lot of people in their very own mountain house homes and this is a community of homes that has famously seen a very wild ride. >> 2008, the recession, i think mountain house was the most underwater community in the nation. >> reporter: flash forward to the pandemic when homes here were jumping 20% in value and just six months. >> it is still affordable compared to the bay area. but has -- since covid, prices have gone up. >> reporter: now amid another building boom, the famously up and down town is about to become a city. >> which is myself and bernice and mayor. >> reporter: board member matt disco about to become councilmember disco says incorporate ration is originally about control. >> we'll have more from the
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sales revenue. we'll have a local planning department who can issue rezoning and building permits which is currently a county process. all of these things are now in our control. we don't have to ask permission from the county or we don't have to increase our special taxes. >> reporter: and more control will be critical as mountain house moves into another period of explosive growth with golf course plans getting scrapped for still more homes. >> the retirement community with all this extra land in the developers' eyes is a waste if people are willing to live in single family homes with an eight foot gap between each other versus an entire golf course. >> more development is happening right now. especially across byron. >> reporter: the soon to be city is expanding in multiple directions. >> bridge to nowhere. they're actually redoing it. about 5200 if i'm not mistaken, 5200 homes are slated to come over there. >> reporter: the hope is that incorporation will allow the city to grow while preseven
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receiving what has drawn people here and driven up the prices. >> it helps the community as a hole. to self-sustain. to make more decisions for ourself and for our future and for our children. >> reporter: you have very young community here and average age in the early 30s and lop asian right now a little over 29,000 with the potential of 45,000 within ten years. the incorporation becomes official on july 1st. they're going to celebrate on the fourth of july. >> mountain house will be the eighth city in san joaquin county. well, a difficult community issue in many bay area neighborhoods and san francisco's bernal heights neighborhood is an example of a community problem. people living in rvs and makeshift homes curbside while all -- neighbors who live there worry about health and safety and in fact they say illegal dumping is a reality that comes with this problem. they also do see
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the plight of those who live curbside. >> very nice people. but for four years, they've been here. there's no place for them to take showers, there's no -- you know, they throw their garbage out. this is not how they should be treated. >> [ speaking in a global language ] if at any point we bother them they can simply tell us and we'll see what we can do. because in the end we're all people. and we're all in this together. >> all that said, san francisco's enforcement of the overnight parking ban will begin march 28th. time now 5:40. you are seeing more and more of these virtual reality headsets. and now it's giving a real world boost to some older americans. and taking a live look from my raga this morning. why the men's basketball team is going back to the dance at st. mary's. before we head to break a live look from san jose. it's
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got gates up right now but ernie's liquor is known to be lucky. chances of maybe saying good-bye to work retiring early, mega millions powerball we're drilling down amidst the depression that not anyone won the big jackpot last night' (♪♪) entresto is the #1 heart failure brand prescribed by cardiologists. it was proven superior at helping people stay alive and out of the hospital. don't take entresto if pregnant; it can cause harm or death to an unborn baby.
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don't take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if you've had angioedema with an ace or arb. the most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. ask your doctor about entresto for heart failure. ( ♪♪ ) we're still going for that nice catch. we're still going for that sweet shot. and with higher stroke risk from afib not caused by a heart valve problem, we're going for a better treatment than warfarin. eliquis. eliquis reduces stroke risk. and has less major bleeding. over 97% of eliquis patients did not experience a stroke. don't stop taking eliquis without talking to your doctor
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as this may increase your risk of stroke. eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. don't take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. while taking, you may bruise more easily or take longer for bleeding to stop. get help right away for unexpected bleeding, or unusual bruising. it may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. the number one cardiologist-prescribed blood thinner. we're going for it. ask your doctor about eliquis. it's time now for the
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money watch report. this just in. a blow for shoppers on a budget. about 1,000 family dollar and dollar tree stores are closing down. family dollar will close 600 locations in the first half of 2024 and another 370 stores and 30-dollar tree stores will shut down as leases expire. dollar tree bought family dollar in 2015 for $8.5 billion hoping that joining forces would grow the customer base. reduce costs, and fend off bigger retailers like wal-mart. san jose based roku says that hackers hit more than 15,000 accounts to buy streaming subscriptions illegally. roku disclosed the security breach friday. the company says it has refunded the affected customers and they're urging registered users to reset their passwords. all right. you feeling lucky this morning? well, ernie's liquor or south white road in san jose does and for good reason. it's considered one of the luckiest stores according to the state lottery. so why are we talking about this? zooming in here. look at
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the numbers. mega millions and powerball have again swelled to huge prizes. and we all want a chance to win right? so first the bad news. nobody won mega millions last night. so the jackpot edges closer to a billion dollars. $792 million. that's for friday's mega millions drawing. so here are the not so winning and very sobering numbers from last night. 2, 16, 31, 57, 64, and the megaball was 24. now here's the upside. powerball is now also over the half billion dollar prize mark. tonight's draw is for $559 million and by the way nobody has won the powerball since new year's day and gianna, somebody has to win. >> so why not me? i say that every single week. some day. well, here's a live look out i-80 and good luck to anyone. in truckee fresh powder on the ground some believe may be the last taste of winter in the sierra this season. light snow came down yesterday and a
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skier's dream but one visitor will still dig -- she's still digging herself out of the previous snowstorm. >> i'm from texas. so the storm that we just had, that's the first time i have ever seen that much amount of snow before. i learned my lesson. my car was buried for like two, three days. >> it could be another busy weekend for ski resorts out in lake tahoe. the roads should be good for travelers and crews were quick there clear the snow so for now. no chain controls are in effect. and it looks like a lot of fun actually our friends going up there today. to go enjoy, you know, all of this fresh powder. i'll let them do that i'm going to enjoy the sunshine a little closer to home. we have plenty of that back here in the bay area. but i will say this, for our friends heeding up to the sierra within the next couple of days, while we're dealing with the wind advisory, they're dealing with a high wind warning which is in that highlighted red color right there. just along the sierra. the reason why i want to bring this up, the same system that's bringing in sunnier skies for us and warmer temperatures around the corner is the same system bringing in
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some gusty conditions for us heading into the next couple of days. starting this evening at 5:00 p.m., many of us are going to be under a wind advisory where we can see gusts anywhere up to around 50 miles per hour so downed trees and power outages are possible. heading into our evening hours tomorrow, as it starts to really gain strength, tomorrow we can see wind gusts close to around 40 miles per hour mostly up in the north bay. so we're keeping a close eye on wine country heading into the next couple of days. friday a similar trend and wind speeds close to around 40 miles per hour bust by lunchtime into friday. a gusty setup along the coast too. we're all going to notice it and the reason why i bring this up now is because our fire index increases a little bit. keep in mind as the wind moves in from the indiansen it's dry condensed air and that's the thing we're watching closely especially in areas like vacaville and angwin and calistoga. in the medium category for fire danger on the next couple of days. on the bright side -- not on the bright side just yet but take a look at this too. also dealing with a high pollen count and heading into this weekend high conditions lasting into early
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next week. you know, with the strong wind whipping up all that pollen you are going to want to take it slow out there for any outdoor activities you do. here's the bright side. 70s in the forecast for us heading into the weekend for many of our inland areas. so if you want to go watch the blue angels pop the claritin and head out there. beautiful one. igor, travis air force base plenty of sunshine expected and we're going to see that here in san francisco too. mid 60s in the forecast for us in the weekend near san francisco. we are in for a treat ranking on heading out to the parade on market street. luckily we have that sunshine to accompany it. we also have that warming trend that's not only going to last for the weekend, but into early next week too. so we're slowly getting rid oflow 60s in areas like livermore stretching down into los gatos throughout the next couple of days. and we'll continue to warm up and see more sunshine into early next week with 70s holding on tight to us into next tuesday. g? jess, sound good. let's talk about the freeways because they're starting to get a little busy out there if you are getting ready to make the
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ride over towards the bay bridge. all right starting to back up this morning. here's a live look at conditions and yeah, you can see it's starting to get a little slow for commuters heading westbound getting that ride over to san francisco. back up just beyond that overpass. not quite to the foot of maze this morning. for anybody you know tuning in right now and you are watching, if you drive along the peninsula. all green. good to go. only slight delays on 880 right now. still looking good as well for that part of the commute. really the only hotspot right now is the ride westbound 580 coming out of tracy. so extending back on to 205 near mountain house. all right, headed westbound through there, it stays slow at least to north flynn. earlier crash near grant line completely cleared out of lanes. so that's certainly helping the commute this morning. but this is our slow spot for supercommuters so just be prepared for that. well, plans for eco-friendly rail service are on track here in the bay area. caltrain says it has
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successfully tested its electric trains between redwood city and mountain view. the test runs starting at 5 miles per hour to make sure the train and overhead wires were properly connected and caltrain says it's looking to complete 1,000 miles of testing before these electric cars start carrying passengers. they hope to launch the service this fall. new research launched here in the bay area is helping older americans revive and thrive. bradley blackburn shows us how virtual reality is giving a real world boost to our seniors. >> arm in the -- they're playing huh. >> reporter: a little virtual reality is having positive effects in the real lives of older americans. >> it brought back memories of my travels. and others it brought back memories of my experience growing up on a farm. >> reporter: 17 senior communities around the country participated in the stanford university study. spending short bursts of time in virtual reality. nearly 80% of participants felt more positive
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and about 60% said they feltless isolated. 83% said it was beneficial to their relationship with caregivers. >> you could be with a bunch of animals and you could be in paris and you could be in a crowded orchestra. >> reporter: the professor is a coauthor. >> what we found is that the magic of experience we are how happy it makes people and just the novelty of the experiences. it improves people's mood and gives them something to talk about. >> reporter: also compared to other technology like cell phones, seniors preferred virtual reality as a more natural medium. >> stimulated virtually every area of my brain. all -- all the senses. >> reporter: one thing it's not meant to do? is replace actual human interaction. >> we still need to think about the challenges of loneliness and we still need to focus only interacting with our families. what vr does is a give you a spark and gives you something special to be excited about. >> reporter: how the technology can be used for balance
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training. >> i enjoyed that. thank you. >> reporter: seniors embracing the technology said they can be the wait to see what comes next. >> mind immersive systems which makes the technology says it has worked on the biggest complaints from the study including the headsets were too heavy. >> huh. yeah, can't have a heavy headset. you are going to go to the place of dreams you don't want to feel like you are wearing a weight on your face. >> i do like what it offers them. i just kind of have a hard time with that. i feel like every time i do anything virtual liable that, it makes me dizzy. little nauseous. >> that's pretty normal and i remember doing something about the amazon forest and you can learn more about it and so on and i felt when i was done a little disoriented but what great way to immerse. especially seniors who may be can't travel anymore or just want a trip down memory lane. >> remember the good old days vacations? [ laughter ] that was the thing kid. >> before burrito inflation. time now 5:52. do you have
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nasal spray for dry eye. tyrvaya treats the signs and symptoms of dry eye disease fast by helping your body produce its own real tears. common side effects include sneezing, cough, and throat and nose irritation. relying only on drops? not me. my own real tears are my relief. ask your eye doctor about tyrvaya. ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ taking a live look at st. mary's college in mora go. they took on the gonzaga
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bulldogs and a lot on the line and during last night's game, as the winner could stamp their ticket to the big dance. well, guess what? st. mary's got ahead early and held on to that lead almost the entire way behind a big game from sophomore guard and bay area native aiden ma haney. he finished with 23 points and the gales took the game, the conference title and an automatic ncaa tournament bid. final score, ooh. close one. 69-60. now it's the first tournament title for st. mary's since 2019 and the team's third straight straight to march madness. i see my bracket already building. why don't we look live at oakland now? a swing at the pioneer league? the oakland ballers are holding open tryouts for spring 2024. if you are interested, you can register online and come out to lay knee college on april 6th. and the team will play their home opener here in west oakland's raimondi park play tall games and recently
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announced a $1.6 million investment into the ballpark. to upgrade the field with seating for 2500 fans. and we've seen the renderings of what it's going to look like. and it's just going to be gorgeous. >> the story always feels like we're going to see a movie about this in 20 years right? it's like a movie is going to be made. >> for sure. this -- april right is when they're expected. is this going to be done by then. >> i have no idea. so many questions. so many follow-ups. >> excited to see it. >> i am excited as well. and i'm excited to see who makes this team from those open tryouts. it's one thing you know, to be -- kind of selected from a group of very talented individuals that everybody knows about and another to have kind of like that sleeper that comes in. and surprises everyone. >> scrappy. >> yeah. time now 5:57. new numbers from the government show inflation is still a pesky problem for you. i'll chat with cbs news business analyst jill schlesinger about what's costing you more.
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(music) have heart failure with unresolved symptoms? it may be time to see the bigger picture. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms, like carpal tunnel syndrome, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeat could be something more serious called attr-cm, a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time. sound like you? call your cardiologist, and ask about attr-cm.
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[coughing] copd isn't pretty. i'm out of breath, and often out of the picture. but this is my story. ( ♪♪ ) and with once-daily trelegy, it can still be beautiful. because with 3 medicines in 1 inhaler, trelegy keeps my airways open for a full 24 hours and prevents future flare-ups. trelegy also improves lung function, so i can breathe more freely all day and night. trelegy won't replace a rescue inhaler for sudden breathing problems. tell your doctor if you have a heart condition or high blood pressure before taking it. do not take trelegy more than prescribed. trelegy may increase your risk of thrush, pneumonia,
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and osteoporosis. call your doctor if worsened breathing, chest pain, mouth or tongue swelling, problems urinating, vision changes, or eye pain occur. ♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. thanks for joining us this morning. it is wednesday, march 13th. >> so let's get it started. >> if that testing shows what they think it's going to show, it's a whole new ball game so to speak. >> another bid in a northern california murder case that once gripped the nation. will scott peterson actually get another trial? it helps the community as a whole to self-sustain. to make more decisions for ourselves and for our future and r


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