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tv   CBS News Bay Area Afternoon Edition  CBS  March 13, 2024 12:00pm-12:30pm PDT

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from cbs news bay area, this is the afternoon edition. right now on the afternoon edition, breaking news. dozens of pro-palestine protesters block security gates and take over sfo . good afternoon. i'm elizabeth cook in for ryan yamamoto today. the protest impacting travelers at the international terminal . let's get right to max darrow live at sfo. what can you tell
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us? >> reporter: liz, that protest wrapped up a couple of minutes ago. as of right now, it is back to business as usual at sfo. people are coming in and out of the gates at the international terminal. let's take you live outside. our chopper is flying above. you can see traffic moving in and out of the international terminal as if nothing had happened. earlier, that was not the case. let's take you to earlier video today. this will show protesters blocking the entrance to the international terminal. cars could not come in or out of the area. passengers were rerouted to other parts of the airport. inside the international terminal, different groups of protesters blocked the security gates at the a gates and the g gates at the international terminal. the protesters were chanting things like stop the siege on gaza. shut it down for palestine. free gaza . there was a sign into the airport that said nobody flies while
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gaza dies. when talking to some of the protesters here, they told us that their message is loud and clear. they would like to see a personal cease-fire between israel and hamas as the war in gaza rages on. some also say they would like the u.s. to stop funding israel. i spoke with one protester at the front of the line at one point in the middle of his protest today who told me they had written their congressional representatives, they have spoken out but they said they have not seen any change. they feel like taking steps like this one are necessary to make sure their voices are heard and getting their point across. here is what other protester had to say. >> we want people to know what -- that, although we don't want to negatively impact our community, it cannot be business as usual. >> reporter: so, again, the protest has wrapped up . it was a peaceful protest from everything that we were able to see. there were no issues, no arrests to report at this time. there was a hefty law
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enforcement presence here with personnel from multiple different law enforcement agencies. this is a public place, sfo. people do have the right to come and protest but airport official told us they needed to make sure they could find a way to allow people to exercise that right while also making sure the people who are traveling in and out of sfo were able to continue to navigate through the airport and get to wherever they were headed. we will update you if we hear anything on issues that stemmed from this protest but at this point, no issues to report and it is business as usual here at sfo. >> business as usual. thank you. our other top story here at noon. the future of tiktok is in jeopardy. house passed a bill that could ban the popular app, impacting the 170 million americans. skyler henry is following the latest developments out of washington. >> the rules are suspended. >> house of representatives voted wednesday to require tiktok to separate from its china-based owner bytedance or be banned from u.s. app stores in six months. >> tiktok needs to decide whether they value their users or their ties to the chinese communist party more.
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>> supporters of the bipartisan bill cited national security concerns, arguing the chinese government could force bytedance to handover the data of its 170 million american users, something tiktok has long denied. >> this is a life-changing app. >> the company mobilized tiktok influencers and others to fight the bill. >> so many people, not only 5 million small businesses rely on it but 170 million people rely on the app for more than just their livelihood. may rely on this app are there mental health. >> one key hurdle could be president trump who once threatened to ban tiktok but opposes this bill, saying it would shift too much influence to facebook. president biden has said he would sign the legislation if it reaches his desk. >> the bill now heads to the senate where it is unclear whether it will pass. students rallying outside in all high school today and protest of the west contra costa school board's decision to replace their principal .
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despite hundreds of students, parents and alumni speaking in support of him at the recent school board meeting. >> he talks to all the students. he hears their concerns. he is a principal for the students. if we are going to fire somebody, we should not be firing the principal who is doing so much for the students. >> the board has not said why they decided to replace kibby kleiman and another principle from an elementary school in the district. the only thing they said about the decision is that they, quote, understand that it is a sensitive issue and they are taking the frustrations of students, staff, and community members very seriously. for the first time in over a decade, california could be getting a new city and san joaquin county. we are talking about the community of mountain house. it is located just outside of tracy. last tuesday, more than 90% of voters were in favor of incorporating. wilson walker shows us what was once a pit stop during the gold rush
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is now one of the fastest-growing places in the state. >> i'm originally born and raised in fremont. i resided in mountain house for the past 10 years with my family. >> not only a mountain house resident, salah salah is a realtor who has put a lot of people in their very own mountain house homes. this is a community of homes that has famously seen a very wild ride . >> 2008, the recession. mountain house was the most underwater community in the nation. >> flash forward to the pandemic where homes were jumping 20% in value in just six months. >> it is still affordable compared to the bay area but, since covid, prices have gone up. >> now, another building boom famously up and down town. >> from here over, the three of us will remain, which is myself. >> board member matt disko, about to become councilmember
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disko says corporation is about control. >> we will have more from the sales revenue. we will have a local planning department who can issue rezoning and building permits, which is currently a county process. all of these things are now in our control. we don't have to ask permission from the county. we don't have to increase our special taxes. >> more control will be critical as mounta house moves into another period of explosive growth with golf course plans getting scrapped for more homes. >> the retirement community, with all of this extra land, and developer's eyes, is a waste if people are willing to live in single-family homes with an eight-foot gap between each other versus the entire golf course. >> a lot more development happening right now, especially across byron. >> the soon-to-be city is
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expanding in multiple directions. >> the bridge to nowhere, they are redoing it. 5200 homes are slated to come over there. >> the hope is that incorporation will allow the city to grow while preserving what has drawn people here and driven up the prices. >> it helps the community as a whole, to self sustain, to make more decisions for ourselves and our future and our children. >> a very young community. average age, early 30s. a potential of 45,000 within 10 years. the incorporation becomes official on july 1 . they will celebrate on the fourth of july. >> as wilson just mentioned, once approved, mountain house will become official on july 1. still ahead at noon and streaming on cbs news bay area, a rito ranked one of the best in the bay area is getting a lot of attention. but, it is not because of how it tastes. we are drying up and warming up as
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( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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a burrito at a restaurant in san francisco's mission district was recently named one of the best. now, the price for one has gone up from $11 to 22 bucks. customers are now questioning the price hike. shawn chitnis spoke to the restaurant owner who tells them with the price of everything going up, he is trying to keep up. >> even before la vaca birria opened its doors, the team
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inside is busy at work keeping up the quality of their ingredients. restaurateur ricardo lopez says it is a constant challenge to maintain his vision of mexican food at a price the public will pay for. >> i struggle with it , to find to our customer base was. >> is cuisine centers around a recipe he developed him his grandfather's technique for making birria, a mexican meat stew. he started the concept out as a food truck, for three years now, he has been serving it does this -- at this restaurant in the mission. >> this is the food i want to make. if i want to continue to keep testing new items, new menus , that all costs time and money. >> at each step, he has to make a choice. for him, spending more money to get the best ingredients, using additional time and labor, is a must, an approach that earned some validation last fall when the san francisco chronicle named
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his burrito the best in the mission. a few days ago, one customer wrote online that they remember having it for half the price two years ago. they still loved the burrito but said for $22 plus tax, they would consider other options around the city. ricardo decided he wanted to write back. >> i thought, all right, this is a great time to respond on that. in the middle of just starting our service. i sat down and everything just came out. this is what it costs. >> in his lengthy explanation, he went over all of the changes in cost just in the last two years. he pointed out that the price of beef has gone up more than $2 a pound for him and that is an additional $6000 a month. labor has also increased a couple dollars in that time which is another $3000 a month. >> literally, everything has come up. there was no one thing i can think of that has not gone up since covid that has come right back down. >> the customer also questioned
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if the article influenced him to raise the price, and he says yes, not to make an extra buck but to help him manage his expenses. >> if we literally want to stay in business , it is not like i am trying to pay for my ferrari. i am trying to keep the rent paid. >> that review of his burrito in the mission helped him realize he could charge more, which he hopes more people will now see as elevating the experience of a city classic. it is time for napa's second most famous crop, wild mustard flowers to bloom and blanket the region in yellow. besides providing seeds to make mustard and a beautiful backdrop for a drive through the north bay, they also help increase biodiversity in the area, prevent erosion, provide food for early pollinators and help mark the season for napa's top crop. >> once we start to see the mustard growing in the field, we know that the new bandages upon us. it is the beginning of a new vintage. >> this is the most perfect time to come. i love the valley
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at this time of year. >> so gorgeous. napa has a list of the best blooming sites thit you can. the season ends at the end of this month. they are only around for a short time. first alert weather now. here is a live look outside. it is gorgeous. if you have a day off, head up to napa. for the past couple of days, we have seen partly cloudy skies, a splash of showers here and there. overall, cool and cloudy conditions. we are getting rid of those wet conditions and replacing them with windier conditions right around the corner. sunnier skies too. high pressure will clear the skies of for us heading into our weekend . it is also going to bring in some very gusty conditions. the national weather service is on top of this, issuing a wind advisory for the highlighted zones and counties on this map. that red up there is the high sierra. they are under high wind warning which means gustier conditions expected. if you are thinking of skiing this weekend, keep in mind that it is clear but it will also be
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freezing too. back here in the bay, 30 miles per hour winds are expected with gusts up to 50 miles per hour. that means that we could see downed trees and power outages possible throughout the next couple obje yard and bring them inside before they blow into the neighbor's yard. here is friday morning. some of the strongest winds happening at that point. a similar trend all the way into the east bay in areas like danville . it is worth noting that there is some gusty conditions ahead of us but that is not to say that we still can't get out there and enjoy the sunshine especially once the wind started to die down this weekend. we are expecting upper 60s in time for the st. patrick's day parade and 70s in the forecast for us over at fairfield at travis air force base just in time for wings over solano. it will be an awesome event. of course, the blue angels will be there. it will be amazing. it will be like fleet week just a little bit in advance. back here in the bay, 60s in the forecast for us. low 60s in san francisco. upper 60s near fremont, stretching into antioch. similar trend into san
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jose. watch what happens over the next seven days. we continue to warm up into the 70s. we will hold on tight to the 70s heading into next week. sunshine lasting throughout the weekend. we will see clouds roll in for next week but here is the good news, no rain in sight. it stays dry and we will keep you updated on the forecast. a frightening encounter in florida. >> i did not see it on the water. >> we will hear from the man who was attacked by a rare crocodile. his harrowing story, coming up. i feel like they come with immense sports knowledge. >> what does a bracket even look like? >> if i know juliet, she probably has a bet on this tournament. >> we are winning money in this, right? no money? >> liz has won this thing three times. >> everything in my life works like this. >> arizona or purdue? >> the tournament is coming. play along with our team at
12:18 pm what inspired you to start flawless haircare line? >> after going through multiple rounds of ivf, i was losing a lot of hair and i wanted to try to come up with products that address my hair loss, lack of moisture, and also give you more versatility in being able to do a fresh style but we wanted to make sure that the products were safe and narrow the profit margin so we could charge more for this but we choose not to. >> make it affordable. >> accessible, affordable and effective. >> you did gabrielle 's hair this morning. >> i did. >> tell us the products you used. >> we used our glaze, which is amazing. >> what makes it so special? you can see the shine on it. >> that is the exotic oil drops that are giving the luminosity of the hair. the brazilian butter is a product throughout all of the products. and then, the rise complexes in the product is great for strengthening the hair and it is great for the ivf of it all with making sure that her hair grew out and was able to take
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the stress. >> we have bundles today. go to to look at them. they start off at $32.25. that is 27% off. the bundles. you will get to try different things. >> to get this deal and more, scan the qr code on top of your
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a florida man is speaking out from his hospital bed after being attacked by a crocodile. rodrigo has stijn says his new sailboat capsized in the everglades national park on sunday when he felt something clampdown on his leg. it was a rare american crocodile. >> i just tried to open his mouth but i don't have the strength to open his mouth. he just opened the mouth and i can release my leg . >> with his leg free, the 68-year-old swam to the dock. he was airlifted to the hospital and treated for leg wound. on the same day outside orlando, crews responded to a call of an alligator biting of a man's hand while he was fishing. experts say attacks by alligators and crocodiles are
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not common. still ahead here at noon, celebrating the best in country. look at the nominees for this year's cmt music awards.
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nominees for the cmt music awards were announced exclusively on the cbs mornings today. take a look. >> ♪ >> female video of the year nominees include casey musgrave's, lainey wilson and reba mcentire, jelly will -- jelly roll and luke combs joined the list for male video of the year and country star mickey wheaton was surprised with two nominations.
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collaborative video of the year and you of the year for her hit , nothing compares to you. >> i love that song. i love being able to collaborate. that video is really special to me. >> you can watch the awards show live with host kelsea ballerini on sunday, april 7 right here on kpix and streaming live on paramount+. that is it for the afternoon edition. we are streaming 24/7 on the free cbs news app. next newscast is at
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[ dramatic music ] >> steffy: finn, what is it? >> finn: i can't stop seeing her. >> steffy: who? >> finn: sheila. ♪♪♪ >> bill: thank you. >> liam: ah, thank you. what are you in the mood for? >> bill: i don't know.


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