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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  March 14, 2024 5:00am-6:00am PDT

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thank you for joining us this morning. it is thursday, or friday eve i like to say. march 14th. >> let's get started. >> tiktok and social media is such a great way for people to share ideas and assemble and learn i know our lawmakers like to past it off as the silly little app where dance is happening. kids hang out.
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>> all coming to an end for content creators lake this one? tiktok is part of their livelihood but the clock is ticcing over the fate of the app. like ten seconds things took place and i was like screaming and i was honking. >> frightened even inside your own car. just one story of what oakland police say has become an alarming trend. as you will see tonight, there's maybe two or three that are trying to come in to sleep so you know, the results are really noticeable. >> at first, it might look like a scene straight out of the classic movie "the birds." but these hawks are helping keep oakland streets safe. i was looking for female mentors and i was looking to be a part of a company that really valued diversity. and especially at the top. >> celebrating the female leaders doing all the work off the court and field. bringing the sports world to the bay. and good morning to all of you. i'm nicole zaloumis. as gianna said, it's friday light.
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>> friday jr. >> friday eve. >> so many names for the day before the weekend is almost here. >> we baby friday. just a little friday. good morning, everybody, i'm reed cowan and so nice to be with two powerhouse women. and we acknowledge you on this day. we have got a lot of programming today to celebrate some amazing women in the bay area who are bringing more sports and more sports prominence to where we live. and let's go outside right now and take a look. this beautiful thursday morning. we hope you are teeing off to a great day. there we go the glittering lights out there. we see and celebrate so many change makers in the bay area. not the least of which is jessica burch on this first alert weather day. because mother nature is a little long winded. like me. absolutely. [ laughter ] well, did you notice that camera was shaking a little bit too? you could see it right behind me also as we take a live look this morning from the santa clara cam overlooking the santa clara valley from black mountain actually. it is breezy out there especially in our higher elevated areas so if you live just along the foothills or up into higher elevated communities, you definitely
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know what i'm talking about and i mean even this morning walking chopper just in san francisco alone, i noticed it was gusty as can be. in the city of san francisco and that's imbetween all the tall buildings two. here's what's going on for us this morning. our salesforce tower amend overlooking the bay bridge as we weak up and head out the door, only getting stronger in the next couple of hours a similar trend into the afternoon hours today too. now this is not dangerous by any means when it comes to the winds but definitely a disturbance in lot of different ways. continue the see a warming trend also in the weekend forecast a treat for you. the winds die down heading into the weekend forecast. beautiful weather expected both saturday and sunday and then some high clouds rolling their way back in heading into monday and tuesday forecast of next week. but that's beside the point. let's dive into what's going on this morning. t a first alert weather day because of the gusty conditions. and here's current wind speeds right now widespread throughout the bay area. and some of the strongest points to point right now actually danville close to around 50-mile-per-hour wind in the community and a similar
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trend in the next couple of hours and notice how in the north bay it actually starts to strengthen in the afternoon hours today in areas like angwin into sonoma with breezy conditions stretching all the way down into stinson beach across the bay bridge -- the golden gate bridge into san francisco. so there's a lot of changes as we head into the next couple of days and i'm here to break that apart. you talk about the windy conditions, jess, there's a wind advisory for that ride through the altamont pass and be careful on the bridges today as you travel across the span. i want to get to the overview map that was a live look at the bay bridge. checking in on daly city right now. we're not seeing a lot of brake lights or delays but there is a traffic alert this morning i'm just learning from chp that lanes are blocked northbound 280 just south of john daly boulevard. at least three lanes are closed. this is due to a very serious crash. i'll see if i can get more information but try to avoid the area if you can. there a trouble spot on 580 as well. more on that coming up. well, gianna, looking live over at capitol hill, the battle over a possible tiktok
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ban in the u.s. now heads to the senate. it comes after the house passed a bill yesterday that would require the popular app to cut ties with chinese based parent company bytedance or else. the bill passed with overwhelmingly bipartisan vote and now tiktok needs to make the decision within six months and all stems from the possibility that the chinese government could use tiktok to spy on americans or spread misinformation. >> china should not have the control over americans that tiktok gives them. >> i have yet to receive one piece of public evidence that actually shows that somehow china is actually negatively using our data. >> tiktok's ceo responded on the app arguing the legislation violates the first amendment. president biden says he will sign it if it reaches his desk. well, big corporations and governments are fighting over this. millions of ordinary people use the app to just make a living. amanda harry spoke with a local creator about what
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a ban would mean for them. >> really great. i have local -- i just found the coolest speakeasy in the inner sunset. >> reporter: cara harns has been on tiktok since the beginning. >> i have been creating content for nine years now. and it's starting with instagram and then when tiktok came on the scene, in like 2019, i immediately jumped on it. >> reporter: she makes content about traveling in the city of san francisco often promoting small local businesses. >> recently someone told me they can feel how much i love san francisco through my content. i like to speed things up. >> reporter: in about five years, her page at whimsy soul has amassed a following of 350,000 people. more than 7 million people have liked and interacted with her content. but soon, all of that could be coming to an end. >> really annoyed and i'm not going to lie. tiktok and social media is such a great way for people to share ideas and assemble and learn and i know our lawmakers like to pass it off as this silly little app where dances happen and kids
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hang out. but my husband learned sourdough that he's baking right now. >> reporter: but lawmakers are concerned tiktok's parent company the chinese owned bytedance could use the app to spy on americans, spread misinformation, or sew divisions. california state east bay professor of media studies dr. nolan higdon says even free apps come at a cost. >> i think one of the mistakes a lot of folks make is that they think it is free. you know, you have to give up your privacy. which you know, a huge cost. to a lot of folks. and everything you do on there, everything you create, all the time you spent on there, that's labor. and you are not paid for it any sort of wage but meanwhile the platform profits from it. >> reporter: and harns says that ban wouldn't just hurt her, but her staff. she has five people working for her and says many other creators also have employees. >> just going to upload that. >> reporter: most of the money she earns is through sponsored content. she says without
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tiktok to post it on, she'll likely lose 30% of her total revenue. >> might have to cut people and we just hired on a new email manager this morning. actually. so i hope i don't have to cancel that contract. so we'll see. >> for more continuing coverage on tiktok's potential ban, stay with us on air and online at and streaming on our cbs news bay area app. reed? troubled waters for the people who control the use of water in silicon valley. reports this morning of an investigation finding one of the board members there faces complaints and now potential senture by her own. we're talking about valley water director rebecca eisenberg investigated after complaints of discrimination and harassment and even the mishandling of confidential information were vetted. the board of directors will consider the findings of that investigation and how to move forward at meeting today and keep you updated there. people arrested during a protest that shut down the bay bridge in november. they will face a judge today. the protest happened as president joe biden and other world leaders were in
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san francisco for the asia pacific economic cooperation summit and hundreds took over the bridge demanding a ceasefire gaza. among other charges the protesters face charges of false imprisonment. you know things are hundreding smoothly at san francisco international airport this morning but a different story yesterday. in fact take a look at this. protesters blocked multiple roadways and security gates for hours at the international terminal. they held signs chanted and demanding a ceasefire in gaza and in fact they blocked the road in front of the terminal there. cars blocked all lanes on this ramp you are seeing here leading to the international terminal. so police you see the stop signs there, they closed the ramp and they ticketed and towed away five vehicles. [ chanting ] so that was outside this is inside. protesters locking arms in front of a security checkpoint. here's reaction. >> we want people to know that although we don't want to negatively impact our community, it cannot be business as usual. and so we
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are invoking the time-honored american tradition of civil disobedience to bring light to the injustice that this needs to stop. >> no flights impacted but officials had to diverse passengers and police said nobody was arrested. governor gavin newsom reports success after sending in the chp to combat crime in oakland but one woman's story shows there is more work to do. and later, a potential crisis at home. the extreme risk
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all right, looking live at oakland right now. on the kickoff to restaurant week. more than 100 restaurants over ten days hoping to draw people over ridges from all over the bay area. we punctuate that while also letting you know it's a difficult time in oakland for people and their businesses. we know many have shut down or changed the way they do business because of robberies. the chp says a crackdown made a dent in crime, but oakland police report robberies are up 32% year over year. in fact, oakland police say even parked cars with drivers still inside are targets. we spoke to a woman named area and doesn't want her face p camera but says a robber followed her home smashing her window and stealing her purse. >> i haven't left by myself at all since that happened. and i'm just you know, waiting to fix -- my whole car situation get everything settled and
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insurance and i'm going to like dip. like i already told my parents i was like okay. i have to go. i don't feel safe. >> now a person leaving instead of a business. she learned what police want everybody to know by way of a warning. if you think you are beingfollowed don't go home. instead drive directly to a police or fire station. scary moment for oakland postal service worker. a mail carrier just trying to do her job when someone pulled a gun on her. >> no. i don't have them. [ screaming ] >> it happened back on march 2nd along euclid avenue near van buren avenue. a postal spokesperson tells us the worker wasn't hurt. but the robber got away with her keys to the city collection boxes. and here's the picture of that suspect. the postal service is offering a $150,000 reward for information that leads to his arrest and conviction. surprisingly, this type of
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robbery isn't uncommon. a usps spokesperson tells us this is happening all over the country. crooks are after their collection box keys to steal mail in bulk. but there's a way that you can help. >> certainly if you see somebody driving, following a carrier around, we see that happen a lot. when we do get the videos after the robbery happens. we look back and we see that that person followed the carrier for a couple of stops in their car. so if a resident sees that, warn the carrier. that's been helpful in a couple of cases where a person leaned out the door and says hey, there's somebody after you. >> law makers in washington are working on a bill to create new protections for postal workers and harsher penalties for those who attack them. a live look outside on this thursday morning. the weekend is almost here and look at this. the city is lit up as we wake up on this thursday. it is a first alert weather day. a wind advisory for most of the bay area is in effect right now. and jess, you will have more on that shortly
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but first you have a story of a massive landslide in southern california. >> unfortunately one home was completely flattened and three others were severely damaged as a result. now check out this cell phone footage of the aftermath. the incident unfolded just before 3:00 in the morning yesterday in the sherman oaks neighborhood. this specific area is considered high risk for landslides after theory cent rain that we've had here in our state and geologists have taken soil samples. back here in northern california and here in the bay area, we have been dealing with some really interesting weather. now here's the good news, our first alert doppler is showing nothing. literally clear skies as can be. however, here's the bad news, we are dealing with some of the gustiest conditions we've seen in quite some time. we're under a wind advisory right now issued by the national weather service and i want to kind of time this little wind event out for us so you are prepared and you can kind of get a good idea of how long this is going to
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last starting this morning alone. wind continue to move in from the north mostly throughout the bay area anywhere from 30 to 40 miles per hour. tonight same trend. breeziest conditions in the north bay and isolated pongs in the east bay. just by 5:00. now down to about 20-mile-per-hour winds. watch what happens as we wake up tomorrow morning. friday, all the way into the5:00 hour gets breezy in the north bay once again and sonoma one of the hotspots and petaluma a similar trend and novato still flirting with the 40-mile-per-hour winds. we're actually seeing it stronger near stinson beach stretching over into danville. really the higher elevated areas in the north bay. those the pockets we're watching closely until we head into friday evening. friday evening it starts to die down fast and that's the reason the national weather service expires the wind advisory just around 11:00 a.m. tomorrow. in the afternoon hours will the different and that's a perfect way the lead into the weekend. but for now today and tomorrow we are in the high category for the pollen count and doesn't help when the winds are whipping all that up. so take it slow out
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there this afternoon. especially if you have outdoor activities planned. i would say the same as we head into the forecast tomorrow. but let's take it a step back and let's go to the afternoon. remember told you earlier this week we were going to experience a much-needed warming trend just ahead of the first day of spring which is next tuesday? well, today we're starting to notice that. upper 60s are in the forecast for us anywhere from san francisco matching redwood city over into livermore and fremont and down into the santa clara valley we go, san jose sitting in the upper 60s as well and i would not be shocked if we actually hit 70 degrees today though due@fact this we are just dealing with plenty of sunshine this afternoon. and we'll see a repeat of that heading into the forecast tomorrow. as high pressure continues to build its way in so we'll hit the 70s by tomorrow and we hold on tight to those as we head into next week. only difference is partly cloudy skies into next week but no rain in sight as of now. keep you updated on that forecast. for now over to you, g. >> jessica, thank you. let's talk about the freeways we have a bit going on this morning. unfortunately two separate traffic alerts to tell you about. start off here in daly city. sadly i just checked in with chp. this is now a
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deadly crash. someone did die in the accident. this is on 280 near john daly boulevard. traffic isn't too bad in the area. it's still very early for the part of the morning commute. but lanes are blocked and at least three of them for the investigation. you have a lot of activity there on scene. so something to keep in mind as you commute this morning. maybe stick with 101 and again i'll keep you updated as things get busier in and around there but again this is on 280 as you work your way not too far from that john daly boulevard exit. again unfortunately someone died in the crash. another trouble spot. this is the ride into the altamont pass and it's busy already extra busy in fact. that's because there's a crash westbound not too far from grant line. they did issue a traffic alert here as well. it's involving a big rig and part of the big rig may have toppled over. it's blocking one lane so traffic is just squeezing by through at least another couple of lanes there. so kind of a bottleneck backup now well beyond mountain house and well into tracy at this point. so a slow commute for supercommuters as you wake up and get ready to get out the
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door. you are going to need some extra time to sort of navigate the brake lights and delays. shawn? >> reporter: gianna, good morning. well, as part of the coverage for women's history month, we are looking at the growing role of women in sports. and especially leadership. the work to try and bring some of the bigges have heart failure with unresolved symptoms? it may be time to see the bigger picture. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeat
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big weekend for the bay area's new women's pro soccer club looking live at san jose. bay fc is kicking off this sun this sunday and they're facing angel city fc out in l.. a. they'll host the houston dash on saturday, march 30th at san jose's paypal park. and we're all looking forward the that. gianna? >> we are. all -- all march long we are celebrating women's history month and it's a good time to look back on progress. in sports, we celebrate more than just the athletes and we can't forget the women working in the industry that support the players. the bay area host committee works to bring major events to the region like the super bowl and the world cup. shawn chitnis is live this morning with a great story. you are joining us from the venue in the bay area, the chase center and there's some points of pride here this morning, shawn.
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>> reporter: hey guys, good morning. right so we know we're getting the super bowl and parts of the world cup. in 2026. but before all of that, the nba all-star game will be right here at chase center. so how awesome is that? three major events in just 18 months and that's why the bay area host committee is excited about the work they're doing and hopeful they can attract more games and competitions in the future and bring that here to the bay area. and yes, the leadership team for the bay area host committee all female so what an exciting time and a great place for a young woman early in her career to join that group. >> i always knew i wanted sports to be a part of my life. >> reporter: becca smith played volleyball in high school but never gave up on a career in sports after an injury stopped her from competing in college. >> transitioning from an athlete to being on the sports business side is -- really powerful because i get to contribute in a very different way. >> reporter: today she's the manager of acid development for the bay area host committee.
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she graduated last year with a master's in sports management and joined the group as one of its first employees. >> i was looking for female mentors. i was looking to be a part of a company that really valued diversity, and especially at the top. >> reporter: the committee has an all women leadership team and 85% of its employees are female. for beccatop it's helped make the job an amazing place to grow. >> this was a moment and an opportunity to really change the narrative of the bay area. >> reporter: patty has worked in the business for 30 years. and knows what it's like to be the only woman in the room. so she loves mentoring young women like becca who can enjoy the progress made by so many before them. they both lean in on their time playing a sport to help them manage the business behind some of the biggest events in world. >> the level of commitment is amazing and i really feel like being a former athlete really helped me succeed in business and balancing a family and balancing day-to-day work.
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>> reporter: in a field still dominated by men becca is thrilled today see women expandemiccing they're roles in sports and more leagues for female athletes coming to the blare to play basketball and soccer. >> we might not be scoring the points but we're on the other side making the deals happen. it's very, very special for me. >> reporter: so professionally as we've been talking about we have bay fc and also we know that the wnba will have its franchise here and one more example of how the trend is in the right direction. the program she was a part of to get that degree in sport management usually it's majority men. but boy the time she was in that program, it had gone the other direction. and women made up more than half of the class. guys, back to you. >> amazing, shawn, thank you so much and let the viewers know later this morning at 8:00 on pix+ 44 cable 12, we're going to talk live to the president and ceo of the bay area host committee. psi lean not only aboutwomen in leadership but some exciting work to get big name sports events into the bay area. girl power.
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>> a great point though. when we were in college, it's the same thing. you are -- looking around and you are like, which one is not like the other? i mean, i remember just -- probably seven or eight years ago going to a sirius xm dinner and i was the only female because i was hosting a radio show and it must have been 50 men at a super bowl dinner. >> not uncommon in sports. how many times were you are the only woman in the room? i think really good about that i love that there's mentorship opportunities. because what i think we all need to remind ourselves is that there's room for everybody. and we're here because someone inspired me. and reached out and was like hey you can do this. and i'm going to be here to help you. so everyone should do that for every young lady that's watching that has the aspirations and it really calls to men to say listen. >> there is -- even if there's one voice in the room that's a woman, very important voice. and it's important that we are a part of the change and the amplification of it. we've got to do this. >> continue to walk about this
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throughout the morning. but the time now 5:27. a hawk for hire? meet the birds taking flight ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪
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♪3, 4♪ ♪ or high blood potassium. ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ 5:30 right now on cbs news bay area. taking a live lookout there at what we like to call the jewel box and anne makovec at 25-cent in the jar. we love that phrase. and we're going
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to steal it. it's a first alert weather day. and wind is going to be the word of the day. wind. the word of the day. >> wind is the word of the day. and you can see it right behind me right now. >> wow. >> from our black mountain cam. that overlooks the santa clara valley. it is gusty out there. especially in our higher elevated areas and where wind speeds this week can max anywhere up to around 50 to 55 miles per hour. now let's dive into that because all the way over into san francisco waking up this morning taking my dog out on the quick walk before the shift and i noticed it too and i live in-between the really tall buildings. it's like a wind tunnel. whether on the east bay or in wine country, even into the santa clara valley, i mean you saw that camera shaking and it is a breezy day for us today. the wind advisory in effect until 11:00 a.m. tomorrow and we can also see temperatures starting to warm day-by-day as we head into this weekend's forecast. here's the good news, that wind advisory expires by friday. we're left with nice conditions heading into this
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weekend's forecast. saturday and sunday, both stunning days for us here in the bay. and then we see some cloud rolling in early next week. but nothing producing rain. so let's dive straight into the wind and it's a first alert weather day on this breezy, breezy morning. we're seeing wind speeds anywhere up to around 35 to 40 miles per hour anywhere from stinson beach stretching up into communities like napa and sonoma and petaluma too. now take our eyes over to the east bay real fast also seeing gusty conditions in our local communities near brentwood and danville and concord and we'll continue to watch that. now into the 1:00 hour this afternoon, stay pretty consistent into the evening hours tonight. we see wind die down just a smidge closer to around 5:00, 6:00. the winds into overnight hourstart to actually kick up tomorrow morning. now 50-mile-per-hour wind just around this time tomorrow so i'm going to talk more about that and when it expires what that's going to look like for us as we dive into the weekend forecast. for now g over to you. all right jess, thank you. taking a look at the roadways and unfortunately not an easy start to the drive. two traffic alerts and zoom in first on
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daly city. as you head northbound 280, really close to the highway 1 connector near the junipero serra boulevard. three lanes are completely shut down. this sadly was a fatality. someone died in the accident. be extra careful on the roadways as you commute this morning. if you are headed westbound 580, as you work your way near grant line road, another traffic alert here. this is a pretty serious crash involving a big rig and they're working on towing it out of lanes but that backup is pretty significant. nicole? it's time now for the look at this morning's top stories. the california supreme court is wading into the battle over the future of uc berkeley's people's park. the state's high court plans to hear arguments. that will be in l. a. in early april. ierer in year, the university took over park. clearing out makeshift homes and blocking the area off with shipping containers but a lower court ruled there's an issue with the project's environmental impact report. that's what the school is now
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appealing. looking live at santa clara, ballot counting continues today but we're getting closer to calling a couple tight races. one of the biggest, the race for the house seat in district 16. former san jose major sam liccardo still lead but who will he run against? well, yesterday, assembly member evan low snuck past santa clara county supervisor joe simitian for the first time and still with thousands of votes to count, there may still be some movement. today vice president kamala harris is in minnesota where she plans to tour a health clinic that performs abortions and provides other reproductive care. her office says it's the first time a president or vice president has visited such a facility. harris' trip is part of the democratic campaign to defend reproductive rights and draw attention to the fallout after the u.s. supreme court overturned roe versus wade back in 2022. well, a celebration
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following the right of wrongs done to people in the bay area marks a step forward. a piece of land at 1,904th street in berkeley is a sacred shell mound site. it was us by the tribe dating back more than 5600 years ago. family history right there. well now after a years long development fight, city leaders finally handing the land back to the first people to call berkeley home. wilson walker has more on the hard fought fight to protect an important part of bay area and california history. >> i have five generations of family. so the -- indigenous native in me is 23%. >> reporter: for ruth orta the moment was about 20 years in the making. but it speaks to her family history, stretching back generations. >> answer to my prayer. [
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laughter ] yeah. >> reporter: the ceremony marks the return of this land to the alone people. a 2.2-acre parking lot that is the last undeveloped block above a long covered sacred burial site. >> shell mound we're standing on it. this is it. underneath here, this was -- people and now it's the ancestors, this is where they were buried. >> perhaps this is the most meaningful land acknowledgment i will ever get to do. >> reporter: the site has been in question since it was designated a landmark back in 2000. once designated for housing, the developer ultimately accepted $27 million and returned the land to berkeley. which is passing it on to a land trust. >> may this be an example of what's possible for all cities, counties, states, and other places around this country. the native people always gave back to mother
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earth with -- what she gave us. >> we always gave her thanks. >> reporter: there are tentative plans for what congresswomans next that's the removal of the asphalt and the he rabblation of the land. something ruth long dreamed or. but now she is seeing it happen. >> but just to have it returned to us and have the input from all the people of the city of berkeley put -- here. they stood for us to get this back. and that's -- who we thank now is the people that -- that, you know, that owned this land and to give it back for me, it's a gift. >> welling wilson walker reporting there. beautiful story. the land trust which is by the way a women led organization will contribute more than $25 million of the settlement. the city of berkeley will cover the rest. adding to the plans for the site is a cultural center and a commemorative park. which would
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also be included. gianna? well, over in south lake tahoe a battle is in the mix over whether to tax landlords who are sitting on vacant homes. now data shows 44% of homes in south lake tahoe are empty for more than half the year. voters in san francisco were able to address the same issue by passing a vacancy tax that was back in 2022. however, there's another problem to solve. working people being priced out of the housing market. >> i pulled myself up by the boot straps. earned a college degree. and now i work in my chosen career field. however, all i can afford on my own is a 450 square foot apartment built in the '50s with no laundry facilities. >> i definitely do support doing something about affordable housing. but not this. it hits us just the secondary homeowners. >> the tax would cost $3,000 per residential unit for the first year it's vacant and a subsequent $6,000 every year after that. nicole?
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time now 5:38. it's nerve-wracking for many homeowners across america. the potential insurance crisis that could get even worse. and before we head to break, let's take a live look from benicia this morning and good morning to you. this is outside one house bakery during a big day for them and also math enthusiasts, it's pi day and actually started as this thing? it's what's going on inside of me. it's my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. it wasn't always this calm uc went everywhere i did.
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wondering when it would pop up next was stressful doing a number on my insides. but then i found out about velsipity a new once-daily pill, not a steroid or biologic, for adults with moderate to severe uc. velsipity can help calm the chaos of uc — it quickly treats flares providing a chance for lasting steroid-free remission. don't take velsipity if you've had a heart attack, chest pain, stroke or ministroke, heart failure in the last 6 months, irregular or abnormal heartbeat. velsipity may cause serious side effects including infections that can be fatal, slow heart rate, liver problems, increased blood pressure, macular edema, certain types of skin cancer, swelling and narrowing of the brain's blood vessels or shortness of breath. tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to be. if conventional therapy like 5-asas or steroids aren't working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about velsipity. velsipity. help calm the chaos of uc. >> woman: why did we choose safelite? velsipity. we're always working on a project. while loading up our suv, one extra push and... crack!
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so, we scheduled at we were able to track our technician and knew exactly when he'd arrive. we can keep working! ♪ synth music ♪ >> woman: safelite came to us. >> tech: hi, i'm kendrick. >> woman: replaced our windshield, and installed new wipers to protect our new glass. that's service on our time. >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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time now for the money watch report. more than 6 million homeowners in the country don't have home insurance. and it's hurting communities of color the most. a study by the consumer federation of america found 7.4% of all homeowners in the country are uninsured. many of them are native american and hispanic and black, putting them at extreme risk in the event of natural disasters or other significant damage to the homes. the report says $1.6 trillion in property is unprotected. california is facing a home insurance crisis since late 2022. seven of the 12 largest home insurance companies in the state have paused or greatly limited new home insurance applications. insurers pointing to state regulations increased wildfires and costly reinsurance programs as their main reasons. well, another jackpot jump in the powerball lottery. no big winner in last night's drawing so the prize swells to
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more than a half billion dollars. there were some smaller winners and one in new york and one in texas that won a million dollars each. still, check your tickets and you might have been just a tiny winner here. 2 here are the numbers. saturday is the next powerball drawing. chances are, when you bought that ticket you also bought a mega millions ticket. that jackpot hovering around the $800 million mark. that's the sixth largest prize in the game's history. by the way, the next mega millions drawing is tomorrow night. >> that would buy lot of pies. speaking of -- >> i see what you did there. for all the math enthusiasts we're celebrating pi day and celebrating with us all is one house bakery in benicia. as we take a live look here on this march 14th, 3.14 is what it is. so 3/14 today. those are the first digits that make up the mathematical constant pi. at one house bakery, they're celebrating with special sweet and savory pies for sale. maybe you will celebrate yourself with your own slice of apple pie or oh,
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pizza pie. there you go. and here's a cool bay area connection. pi day actually started at the sf exploratorium -- hello. hi. >> i like that. >> not to 6:00 yet. in 1988. working that out there. >> that was okay. you lost -- you lost me at pi. so i'm sitting here thinking rhubarb. strawberry rhubarb. >> lemon me ring. >> yes. >> i don't know. pizza tonight. celebrate the holiday. you know? >> so good. >> holiday. fully loaded. >> celebrate every roll holiday at your house. a live look outside on this thursday morning. it's a first alert weather day and that's the wind and jessica, all over bay area right? >> absolutely. especially up in the north bay and your community too in the east bayment i mean it is gusty out there this morning. heading out the door let's dive into current conditions and i want to show you what it's looking like throughout the next couple
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of days. and then i have some good news for us right around the corner but this morning with 30-mile-per-hour winds and anywhere from st. helena stretching over into communities like novato and stinson beach and close to around 50-mile-per-hour wind by just 7:00 a.m. lunchtime. around 2:00, 3:00 we're seeing that wind continue to move offshore. it is dry condensed air as it moves offshore too. so of course fire danger index is a little bit increased in the north bay with some of the breezy conditions lasting into the evening hours tonight. now by tomorrow morning as we wake up and head outdoor, we're going to see some of the breeziest conditions in sonoma all the way over into caligo is a. 40, 50-mile-per-hour winds at that point and danville a very similar trend. luckily the national weather service advisory, the wind advisory, will expire just around 11:00 tomorrow. we're actually seeing lighter wind own our forecast models all throughout the friday afternoon and evening forecast and that's the similar trend as we head into the weekend. so wind advisory still in effect right now. downed trees and power outages
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are possible and of course with all the wednesday whipping up the pollen in the air, in the medium to high category through the day today and tomorrow. still it's worth noting that a claritin is definitely a safe bet in your pocket as you head outside. now here's what it looks like for us this weekend. thinking of going to market street to watch the st. patrick's day parade, expect sunshine and upper 60s in the forecast with the low 70s in our inland areas. like solano and fairfield. all throughout this weekend we're experiencing beautiful sunshine. the wind are going to die down and if you want to go watch the blue angels fly it's going to be a great weekend to do so. now here in the bay today, we're still talking about upper 60s in the forecast but this is warmer than where we were at yesterday and continue to watch that warm-up heading into the weekend's forecast. as high pressure ridges its way into our california coastline. we are warming up and we are drying up and we'll continue to see is that trend into early next week too. speaking of next week, the only difference is, the clouds will start rolling their way back in. by sunday,
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late afternoon early monday morning. but we're not seeing any rain associated with these clouds. we'll continue to watch that trend ned next week with 70s still in the forecast for us. thank you. a lot to get to in traffic this morning. if you are commuting along the peninsula, starting to track the brake lights now sadly this is due to a deadly crash that happened an hour ago. northbound 280 not too far from the highway 1 connector and traffic is starting to back up now as you travel through there. at least three lanes are blocked and you still have lot of activity there on scene along 2830. and we are getting word that tow crews now arriving to get the vehicles out of the lanes. so hopefully that will make things a little bit better but things are backing up through there. a little slow because of that as more cars get on the roadway. as we get a little closer to 6:00. now our second big accident this morning is as you head into the altamont pass. supercommuters listen up. you have got two things here. you have got the overturned bigrig blocking lanes at grant line. traffic is bottlenecking through there. very slow backed
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up well into tracy at this point. plus it's windy. jessica just talking about the windy conditions. and wind advisory in effect for the altamont pass this morning. let you know when lanes clear and this could be out there for several hours though. at last check possibly until 9:00 till they can get this completely cleared and out of lanes so that will make it very difficult for that commute heading into the altamont pass this morning. now over at the bay bridge, that's starting to back up too. the metering lights were turned on about ten minutes ago. gianna, there's a good chance that you have seen this problem plaguing the bay area. yes. those are crows. the population of these birds has soared over the last few years but as itay hod reports that's given one man and hi right hand hawk a solid security job. >> here we go. all right. >> reporter: follow adam bass to work and you might feel like you are stepping on to the set of a hitchcock movie. but this isn't hollywood. it's
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downtown oakland where thousands of crows descend on the city night after night. >> crows sleep communally we call them roosts and they're the large congregation of birds. they can be hundreds if not thousands of birds. >> reporter: for the last few weeks adam and his team of falconers have been working hand in glove with jasper. a steely eyed harris' hawk to clear out a flock of crows from oakland's federal building. >> come on. >> reporter: unlike traditional falconry. the goal here isn't to hunt. it's to chase off nuisance bird. >> the crows are what we call sentinels and basically been sent by larger flock of crows to come and kind of scope this place out. >> reporter: while adam insists he loves crows, it's the mess they leave behind that has people crying fowl. >> their droppings can be a huge problem. they can be unhygienic and then be unsightly. you know, they can smell bad. come on. >> reporter: jasper functions
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as a high flying scarecrow. trained to follow a laser pointer as he hops from tree to tree. sending a message to other birds that a predator is nearby. >> i'm going to load you up with a little bit of food here. >> reporter: his favorite snack as we learned are little bit of frozen mice which adam dispenses to keep him both motivated and full enough not to actually eat any of the birds. >> now you can lift your arm. perfect. >> reporter: the practice known as falconry bird abatement has been soaring in recent years. as people and companies look for humane ways to encourage birds to sleep somewhere else. and it seems to be working. >> so really a huge maintenance issue. >> reporter: mary sims is the spokesperson for the general services administration which manages the federal building. she says before jasper, the plaza was covered in bird droppings. not anymore. >> made it an incredible difference. they come three
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times a week and i i they have been coming since about february and in that time really seen a huge reduction in the amount of crows. >> reporter: at end of day adam and jasper head home leaving behind a crow- fribbling. >> as you will see tonight. there's maybe two or three that are trying to come in to sleep. so you know, the results are really notable. >> reporter: the best part? the crows are now free to take their flock party somewhere else. >> he tells us adam and his team charge about $70 to $100 an hour. they might come back in a few weeks to remind any returning crows that a predator is still there. crows aren't the only creatures that hawks scare away. you can also deter pesky pigeons and seagulls and geese. reed? time right now 5:50 in the morning. honoring the very best in our communities. bridge builders right? a sneak peek of a big night celebrating people who are multiplying good on cbs
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news bay area.
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♪ what a wonderful world ♪ [laughing] ask your doctor about once-daily trelegy for copd because breathing should be beautiful, all day and night. see the two words on the screen. jefferson award winner and i love it. multiplying good. that's the motto of the jefferson awards in partnership with cbs news bay area and this evening we're proud to tell you all 45 of our award winners from 2023 will attend a very special ceremony. our buddy sharon chin has a sneak peek, watch. >> i got -- horse and do pickle and never ride a horse named dill pickle. >> this is where we started right here. >> if we could stabilize one family at a time, we could stabilize the entire neighborhood. >> who needs extra bags? >> when butt that positivity
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out there it does multiply. >> the single most powerful sign of resistance was literally planting a tree. >> nice. so much better so much better. >> try to find your purpose and derive your purpose from giving. >> i wanted my life to get bigger even if i only had six months or a year to life and show my kids who i was. >> i knew how awful it was to feel stuck and the impact that it can have on the emotional toll. the financial toll. >> how do we start to grow our thinking? and not immediately think that black and brown folks are a threat. >> one, one two. >> we really want people to know that there's something that they can do right now which is to exercise. >> sometimes it gets overwhelming but in the end, it's a really good way to think of him and try to think of him in a positive way. >> to see an animal on the streets struggling to find food, or that's been hit by a car that has no means of anyone helping it, is just heart-breaking. >> like the dog -- another member to their family.
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>> because that's the main reason of this organization. is to give animals hope. >> a lot of you guys like to read. >> inspire them to, you know, want to read, find reading fun. find it important. >> as long as i'm alive, and kid can't read, i'm doing this work. >> nice. >> hopefully what i give to these kids they eventually go and help another kid later on in life or change the gang of life. >> this you go. integrity is -- when you are doing the right thing, when nobody is watching you. ♪ >> people connected to other people through music whether they were just going to a concert together or performing together. it made sense to me to build a community around music here. >> each of the bay area jefferson award winners get a bronze medal tonight and a hearty thank you from all of us. and there will be a surprise. the top five winners will be considered for a national jefferson award later in the year. the live stream
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starts at 6:00 and you can view it on the cbs news bay area youtube channel. time now 5:07. content creators speaking out in hopes lawmakers hear theifrustrations . the uncertain future of tiktok this morning. and here's a live look outside before we head to break. it is thursday. but friday is almost here. look at that gorgeous view of the bridge. it's a little windy out today. we'll have more on that when we come back. ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪ business. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. see why comcast business powers more small businesses
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