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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  March 14, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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in. relief is possible. talk to a doctor about nurtec odt. ♪3, 4♪ ♪ relief is possible. ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪
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and thank you for joining us this morning. it is thursday, or friday eve. and march 14th. >> little baby friday. good morning, everybody. let's get started. >> tiktok and social media is such a great way for people to share ideas and assemble and learn. i know our lawmakers like to pass it off as the silly little app where dances happen and kids hang out. >> could it all be coming to an end for content creators like this one? tiktok is part of their livelihood, but the clock is ticking over the fate of the app. whole thing took place in like ten seconds and i was like screaming and i was honking. >> frightened, even inside your own car. just one story of what oakland police say has become an alarming trend. as you will see tonight, there's maybe two or three that are trying to come in to sleep so, you know, the results are really noticeable. >> at first, it might look like a scene straight out of the classic movie "the birds." but
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these hawks are helping keep oakland streets safe. i was looking for female mentors and i was looking to be a part of a company that really valued diversity, and especially at the top. >> celebrating the female leaders doing all the work off the court and field. bringing the sports world to the bay. good morning to all of you. happy thursday. and we're telling those stories of these inspiring women all morning long. but i want to go back to the hawk real quick. tiny bits of mice. that's what you call a tease for what's coming up in that story. >> that's breakfast for a hawk. >> if that doesn't make you hungry, i don't know what does. i'm gianna franco. >> yum. let's go live outside to see what a hawk could fly through this morning. to get the tiny bits of frozen mice. >> wow. >> it's a first alert weather day. so the hawk are going to have to have some strong muscles and some firm feathers. how's that for alliteration? jessica? jump to it. >> that was a good one. no. i love it. it's also a first alert weather day too. so they are definitely going to have to
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muscle through all these gusty conditions as we head into the afternoon hours. i'm flying this afternoon too and this is going to be an interesting one for the blackhawk. not for a normal hawk. now as we take a quick look at what's going on outside on this beautiful thursday morning, despite the wind, we are starting to clear up day-by-day in the weekend forecast. today sunny as can be and continue to warm up heading into our weekend forecast and we just have to get through the wind advisory first. and it is impacting many of us throughout the bay area. this is a friendly reminder now if you have any outdoor objects in the front ore back lawn and you want to bring them in before they start blowing around at work or school today. probably a good time to do so. already gusty though and we're seeing wind speeds anywhere up to around 30 miles per hour in the north bay and we continue to watch gusty breezy conditions really develop off into the east bay too in area lake danville and concord. now watch what happens as we head into the afternoon and it actually starts to die down just a little bit into the overnight hours tonight. and then it strengthens as we wake up friday morning. with some of the strongest winds in communities like sonoma all the way over into communities like
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petaluma and into the early morning hours. now the national weather service will expire that advisory by 11:00 a.m. and here's the reason why the winds start dying down. we're left with beautiful conditions this weekend's forecast. but for now, the big concern for us on this first alert weather day could be downed trees and power outages and of course this is just an inconvenience. this is not the best hair day by any means. so lots of changes in the forecast for us in a beautiful weekend and more on that coming up in a bit. for now over to you, g. thank you. i have got a lot to get there hmong as well. we have two separate traffic alerts. these are the headlines and starting this morning commute. a little tough for anyone working northbound 280 as we see more and more cars out there. things getting busier near highway 1. a traffic alert has been issued. this is a deadly crash and there's an investigation under way as well. and it's been out there for over an hour. so no word yet when the lanes will open up and you have two still available where traffic is sort of squeezing through there. but it's going to get just a bitbusier for the morning drive. another big trouble spot this morning. where we see a
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lot of traffic already. westbound 580 grant line road, the right lane is still blocked for an overturned big rig and it's going to take some time to clear this one out of the lanes. you are seeing speeds down to about 7 miles per hour or look at that just updated. 6 miles per hour. very slow commute heading into the altamont pass. looking live over at capitol hill, a major new development in the battle over a bill to potentially ban tiktok. former treasury secretary steve mnuchin is saying quote it's a great business. meantime the bill to ban the app now heads to the u.s. senate. after the house voted it through yesterday. it would require the popular app to cut ties with its china based parent company bytedance or else. the bill passed with an overwhelmingly bipartisan vote. now tiktok has to make their decision within six months. now it all stems from the possibility that the chinese government could use tiktok to spy on americans or spread misinformation.
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>> china should not have the control over americans that tiktok gives them. >> i have yet to receive one piece of public evidence that actually shows that somehow china is actually negatively using -- our data. >> tiktok's ceo responded on the app, arguing the legislation violates the first amendment. president biden says he will sign it if it reaches his desk. well, big corporations and governments are fighting over this, millions of ordinary people use the app to just make a living. amanda hari spoke with a local creator about what a ban would mean for them. >> really great. i have local -- i just found the coolest speakeasy in the inner sunset. >> reporter: kara harms has been on tiktok since the beginning. >> i have been creating content for nine years now. and it started with instagram and then when tiktok came on the scene, in like 2019, i immediately jumped on it. >> reporter: harms makes content about traveling in the
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city of san francisco, often promoting small local businesses. >> recently someone told me they can feel how much i love san francisco through my content. i like to speed things up. >> reporter: in about five years, her page @whimsysoul has amassed a following of 350,000 people. more than 7 million people have liked and interacted with her content. but soon, all of that could be coming to an end. >> really annoyed and i'm not going to lie. tiktok and social media is such a great way for people to share ideas and assemble and learn and i know our lawmakers like to pass it off as this silly little app where dances happen and kids hang out. but my husband learned sourdough that he's baking right now. >> reporter: but lawmakers are concerned tiktok's parent company, the chinese owned bytedance, could use the app to spy on americans, spread misinformation, or sew divisions. california state east bay professor of media studies dr. nolan higdon says even free apps come at a cost. >> i think one of the mistakes that a lot of folks make is
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that they think it is free. you know, you have to give up your privacy. which is, you know, a huge cost to a lot of folks. and everything you do on there, everything you create, all the time you spend on there, that's labor. and you are not paid for it any sort of wage, but meanwhile the platform profits from it. >> reporter: and harms says that ban wouldn't just hurt her, but her staff. she has five people working for her and says many other creators also have employees. >> now we're just going to upload that. >> reporter: most of the money she earns is through sponsored content. she says without tiktok to post it on, she'll likely lose 30% of her total revenue. >> might have to cut people and we just hired on a new email manager this morning actually. so i hope i don't have to cancel that contract. so we'll see. >> for more continuing coverage on tiktok's potential ban, stay with us on air, online at and streaming on our cbs news bay area app. well, nicole, troubled waters for people who control the use of water in silicon
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valley. reports this morning of an investigation finding one of the board members faces complaints and now potential censure. embattled valley water director rebecca eisenberg investigated after complaints of discrimination, harassment, and the mishandling of confidential information. the board of directors will consider the findings of an investigation and how to move forward at a meeting today. dozens of people arrested during a protest that shut down the bay bridge in november will face a judge today. the protest happened as president joe biden and other world leaders were in san francisco for the asia-pacific economic cooperation summit. hundreds took over the bridge demanding a ceasefire in gaza and among the charges, the protesters face charges of false imprisonment. we'll be watching what happens there in court today. things are running smoothly this morning at san francisco international airport. but it was much different story yesterday. in fact, take a look at this behind me. protesters blocking multiple roadways and blocking security gates and this went on for several hours
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inside and outside the international terminal. outside, you can see them there. holding signs and chanting and all of them demanding a ceasefire in gaza. in fact, at one point, they blocked the road in front of the terminal and cars also blocked lanes on the ramp leading to the international terminal parking area. so police closed the ramp and they ticketed and towed away five vehicles. listen. [ chanting ] so that was outside, this was the sound and the sight inside. press locking arms in front of a security checkpoint. >> we want people to know that although we don't want to negatively impact our community, it cannot be business as usual. and so we are invoking the time-honored american tradition of civil disobedience to bring light to the injustice that this needs to stop. >> no flights impacted but atofficials had to diverse passengers, nobody was arrested san francisco police say. governor gavin newsom reports success after sending in the chp to combat crime in
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oakland. but one woman has a story saying there's a whole lot more work to do to keep her safe. and later, a potential crisis at home. the extreme risk
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looking live at oakland on the kickoff to restaurant week. more than 100 restaurants over ten days working hard hoping to draw people over the bridges from all over the bay. you know, it's a difficult time to do something like this in oakland for people and their businesses, there are struggles. we know many have shut down or even had to change the way they do business because of robberies. the chp says a crackdown made a dent in crime, but oakland police by their own numbers report that robberies are up 32% year over year. in fact, police say even parked cars with drivers inside are still the targets. and we found a human story connected to this. a woman named aria says a robber follow herd home and smashed her car window and stole her purse and she wants out of oakland. >> i haven't left at all by myself since that happened. so i'm just you know, waiting to fix my whole car situation and get everything settled with
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insurance and i'm going to dip. [ laughter ] i already told my parents i have to go. i don't feel safe really. >> she learn what had police want everybody to know. if you think you are being followed don't go home. drive to a police or fire station. live look outside on this thursday morning. as you grab the coffee and wake up and peek out the window, pretty clear, look at the gorgeous view of san francisco. you can see a little bit of 80 coming into the city. it's a first alert weather day. a wind advisory for most of the bay area is in effect right now. and jess, you have more on that shortly but first, you have a story of a massive landslide in southern california. >> i know. if we're not catching a break, they are not either and unfortunately one home was completely flattened. and three others were severely damaged as a result and now check out the cell phone footage of the aftermath. the incident unfolded just before 3:00 tomorrow morning in the sherman oaks neighborhood. it
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was considered high risk for landslides and they are currently taking samples to figure out what caused the hills to actually give way in that community. now this was in southern california. up here in northern california here in the bay area, we're dealing with clear skies luckily. no rain in sight. however, it is breezy for us. waking up and heading out the door we're under a wind advisory and we've issued a first alert weather day because of that. heading into the afternoon hours today, we can see wind speeds anywhere up to around 30 to 40 miles per hour. gusting up to 50 miles per hour. take a look at the wind speeds this morning alone. we're already seeing that right now in communities like sonoma and petaluma. stretching all the way down into stinson beach about 40-mile-per-hour winds currently in the communities. that wind continues to move in from the north as we head into the afternoon hours today to gets stronger just around 10:00 up near angwin. danville off into east bay is a good example of breezy conditions in the local communities and continue to watch this die down in the overnight hours tonight but then strengthen tomorrow morning around this time around
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5:30. about 50-mile-per-hour winds forecasted in communities like sonoma all the way up into calistoga. but then the national weather service expires that advisory by 11:00 and we're left with lighter winds through the rest of this weekend. so the wind are definitely whipping up the pollen right now in the air and that's the reason why we're in the medium to high category for the day today and tomorrow in the forecast for us. when it comes to our pollen count and then it decreases slowly into this weekend. we have the bad news out of the way and let's talk about thed if news, there's plenty of things happening for us this weekend to look forward to. the st. patrick's day parade in san francisco on market street. expecting upper 60s there and warming up in the 70s all throughout the inland areas which is just perfect timing to watch the blue angels fly over at travis air force base heading into this weekend's forecast. it is going to be gorgeous for us and we're already getting close to the 70s actually. we're sitting in the upper 60s today. we'll continue to watch this warming trend into the weekend forecast. in areas like concord and antioch and stretching all the way across the bay bridge over into the san francisco. it's going to be a warm one for us there. and down into the santa clara valley we go, some of the warmest weather we'll
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see is actually going to happen in the communities and look at that camera shaking as we wake up this morning. it is breezy in our higher elevated areas and so just take it slow out there. of course if you have outdoor objects you don't want blowinginto the neighbors' yards, maybe hunker that down this morning before you head to work or school. today and tomorrow we are under the wind advisory. but 70s earl flex week and partly cloudy skies right around the corner. the windy conditions and wind advisories for some of the bay area bridges. so keep that in mind as you commute this morning. couple of things though to look out for. we've got two major headlines happening as it comes to traffic. first off is that trouble spot in daly city. we've had an eye on this for over an hour northbound 280 just past highway 1. deadly crash unfortunately. still lanes are closed heading through there. three lanes and you have two lanes that you are squeezing byin and traffic sort of bottlenecks in the area because of that. hopefully they can clear the cars out of the area. but there was an
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investigation as well because it was a deadly crash. so just be extra careful as you commute in and around there. the traffic isn't too bad because it's still quite early. here's our other major trouble spot. this is westbound 580 right around grant line road overturned big rig and it's blocking at least that right lane. but traffic again very busy coming all the way out of tracy and mountain house area all the way into the altamont pass. it's windy here as well. and traffic is definitely backed up. pretty significantly and give yourself extra time and a supercommuter you are going to need a lot of extra time trying to head to the dublin interchange or work your way all the way towards the 880 connector. shawn? >> reporter: gianna, good morning. we're live outside of chase center talking about the big sporting events that are coming to the bay area. and the women who are making it happen.
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a as big as weekend for the bay area's new pro women's soccer club as we look live at san jose. bay fc is kicking off its season this sunday. and they're facing angel city fc out in los angeles. the club's home opener isn't too far off though. host the houston dash on saturday, march 30th at san jose's paypal park. >> all march long, we're celebrating women's history month and it's a good time to look back on progress in sports. we celebrate more than just the athletes. we can't forget the women working in the industry that support the players. the bay area host
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committee works to bring major events to our region like the super bowl and the world cup. >> shawn chitnis live this morning with more on the women leading that organization and joins us from the next venue to host a major sporting event in the bay area. these women drive by chase center, shawn, and they feel a particular brand of pride because they're helping to bring that there. >> reporter: right. so before those two big events in 2026 it will be the nba all-star game right here in san francisco in 2025. three events all together in about 178 months a lot to be proud to have and the bay area host committees hopes it can use that to bring more in the region in the years to come. and right now that organization is led by all women. so what an exciting time for a young staffer who wants to make it in sports management to join a group like that. >> i always knew i wanted sports to be a part of my life. >> reporter: becca smith played
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volleyball in high school but never gave up on a career in sports after an injury stopped her from competing in college. >> transitioning from an athlete to being on the sports business side is -- really powerful because i get to contribute in a very different way. >> reporter: today she's the manager of asset development for the bay area host committee. she graduated last year with a master's in sports management and joined the group as one of its first employees. >> i was looking for female mentors. i was looking to be a part of a company that really valued diversity, and especially at the top. >> reporter: the committee has an all women leadership team and 85% of its employees are female. for becca, it's helped make the job an amazing place to grow , especially working with women like patty hubbard. their chief marketing officer. >> this was a moment and an opportunity to really change the narrative of the bay area. >> reporter: patty has worked in the business for 30 years and knows what it's like to be the only woman in the room. so she loves mentoring young women like becca who can enjoy the progress made by so many before them. they both lean in on their time playing a sport to help them manage the business
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behind some of the biggest events in the world. >> the level of commitment is amazing and i really feel like being a former athlete really has helped me succeed in business and balancing a family and balancing day-to-day work. >> reporter: in a field still dominated by men, becca is thrilled to see women expanding their roles in sports and more leagues for female athletes coming to the bay area to play basketball and soccer. >> we might not be scoring the points, but we're on the other side making the deals happen. it's very, very special for me. >> reporter: and so another sign that things are headed in the right direction. more than half of becca's class for that sports management program were women. so more people wanting to join her and do this work and show that there's diversity in sports. guys, back to you. >> that's how change is made. shawn chitnis, thank you so much. we want to let our viewers know late this morning at 8:00 on pix+ 44 cable 12, we'll talk live to the president and ceo of the bay
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area host committee, not only about women in leadership in the bay but also some exciting work to get big name sports events to the bay area. i'm going to ask her name names, drop some names. i want to know. all right, so we just are hearing in the ear right now we have an opportunity. that was an important conversation and we'll continue having that throughout the morning. but right now on south texas we want to take you to something that's happening right now. the star base site and you are looking at something that's not a movie. this is the liftoff for spacex's star ship rocket on its third test flight. now we're watching this with particular interest because the first two flight tests ended in explosions. so the massive star ship rocket is by the way the most powerful launch vehicle ever made. nasa watching the clouds there and seeing if they will clear. they selected it to take astronauts to the moon as part of in artemis program. so a big day for spacex and its ceo elon musk. just want to ask the producer adam in the booth. stay on this and wait for this thing to blast? okay. we're
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going to go and we'll come back toe that. we promise we'll come back to that as soon as she flies. >> fascinating. well, the time now 6:26. a hawk for hire. meet the birds taking flight to keep the streets of oakland clean. and before we head to break, why don't we take a live look from santa clara this morning? primary day has come and gone but the ball
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all right, let's go back to south texas at the star base site liftoff for the spacex star ship rocket on its third test flight. remember the first two flights ended in explosions. the massive star ship rocket is the most powerful launch vehicle ever made. nasa has selected it to take astronauts to the moon as part of its artemis program and big day for spacex and its ceo elon musk. now taking a live look a little closer to home. this is for those of you who want to just get in a car and put it in drive or reverse and hit the gas. the old-fashioned style. this is a look at the golden gate bridge coming out of marin where we understand, jess, it's first alert weather day especially for those up north. the wind? absolutely. you might be white knuckling you know, trying to drive through those bridges heading into the next couple of hours. it is gusty out there. we can see right behind me as we take a live look from the higher elevated
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areas at the black mountain cam overlooking the santa clara valley. look how shaky the camera is. it is windy out there this morning. we're under a wind advisory for most of the bay area and as we take a look at the weather headlines heading out the door, i want to show you what's happening for us this morning. we are some really breezy conditions throughout bay area specifically in the north bay. a wind advisory in effect until tomorrow morning. but here's the good news, once that expires, we're left with continuous warming trend into this weekend's forecast. beautiful weather right around the corner and we're skiing clear skies this morning and clear skies will continue into the weekend os forecast and some clouds returning into the bay area early next week, monday or tuesday. but here's the thing. the national weather service is issued that advisory and that lasts until 11:00 tomorrow morning. we can see downed trees and power outages due to the gusty conditions. moving offshore, throughout the next couple of hours. areas like angwin and sonoma, keeping a close eye on you guys and some of the strongest winds expected throughout the next 24 hours. and heading off into the east bay, notice how danville has a very similar setup
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compared to areas like stinson beach and novato. about 30 to 40-mile-per-hour winds in those local communities until this afternoon. slowly it dies down in the overnight hours tonight and one more strengthened system moving its way in as we wake up tomorrow morning. by 5:00 a.m. tomorrow morning we're talking about 50-mile-per-hour winds in communities like sonoma stretching into the east bay once again and then around the # 1:00 hour it starts to die down pretty quick. definitely whipping up the pollen in the air though. we're in the medium to high category through the next couple of days, more on that and some fun events actually happening this weekend as the weather gets nicer. be extra careful as you commute due to the windy expert witness and unfortunately on the bridges you might feel that as you cross the spans there. also two crashes i want to get to. there's a deadly crash with lanes blocked northbound 280 right at john daly boulevard or just before that. traffic is starting to build behind it and it's still kind of early for the part of the morning commute. as you head
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out of daly city. maybe heading into san francisco this morning. but i'll keep you updated with those three lanes blocked and there are still a couple of lanes open but that's also an area where you kind of shift between heading towards highway 1 and 19th avenue and then move over towards that 280 area heading over into the city. so just be extra careful and you might come upon those brake lights pretty quickly. also new information on this crash overturned big rig westbound 580 in the altamont pass at grant line. they're saying the closure will be in effect at least until about 9:00 this morning. so a busy ride for supercommuters heading into that area. nicole? well, gianna, it's time now for the look at the morning's top stories. the california supreme court is wading into the battle over the future of uc berkeley's people's park. the high court plans to hear arguments over the university's plan to build housing on the site. that hearing will be in l. a. in early april. earlier this year, the university took over the park. clearing out makeshift homes and blocking the area off with shipping containers. but a lower court ruled that there's
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an issue with the project's environmental impact report. that's what the school is now appealing. looking live at santa clara, ballot counting continues today but we're getting closer to calling a couple of tight races. one of the biggest, the race for the house seat in district 16th. former san jose mayor sam liccardo still leads and will undoubtedly head to the november general election. but who will he run against? well, yesterday, assembly member evan low snuck past santa clara county supervisor joe simitian for the first time and with still thousands of votes to count. today vice president kamala harris is in minnesota where she plans to tour a health clinic that performs abortions and provides other reproductive care. her office says this is the first time a president or vice president has visited such a facility. harris' trip is part of the democratic campaign to defend reproductive rights and draw attention to the fallout after the u.s. supreme
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court overturned roe v. wade back in 2022. a celebration in the bay area. marks a historic step forward. we're talking about a piece of land at 1,904th street in berkeley. a sacred shell mound site united stated as a burial and ceremonial grounds used by the ohlone tribe. now city leaders are finally handing it back to the first people to call berkeley home. wilson walker has more on the hard fought victory to protect an important part of the bay area and california history. >> i have five generations of family. so the -- indigenous native in me is 23%. >> reporter: for ruth orta, this moment was about 20 years in the making. but it speaks to her family history, stretching back generations. >> answer to my prayer. [ laughter ] yeah.
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>> reporter: the ceremony marks the return of this land to the ohlone people. a 2.2-acre parking lot that is the last undeveloped block above a long-covered sacred burial site. >> shell mound, we're standing on it. this is it. underneath here, this was -- people and now it's the ancestors, this is where they were buried. >> perhaps this is the most meaningful land acknowledgment that i will ever get to do. >> reporter: the site has been in question since it was designated a landmark back in 2000. once designated for housing, the developer ultimately accepted $27 million and returned the land to berkeley, which is passing it on to a land trust. >> may this be an example of what's possible for all cities, counties, states, and other places around this country. >> the native people always gave back to mother earth with -- what she gave us. we always gave her thanks.
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>> reporter: there are tentative plans for what comes next. that's the removal of the asphalt and the rehabilitation of the land. something orta has long dreamed of. and now, she is seeing it happen. >> but just to have it returned to us and have the input from all the people of the city of berkeley put here. they stood for us to get this back. and that's -- who we thank now is the people that -- that, you know, that owned this land and to give it back, for me, it's a gift. >> well, the land trust which is by the way a women led organization will contribute more than $25 million of the settlement. the city of berkeley will cover the rest. adding to the plans for the site a cultural center and park would be included as well. over in south lake tahoe is battle is in the midst of
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whether to tax landlords on vacant homes. data shows 44% of homes in south lake tahoe are empty for more than half the year. voters in san francisco were able to address the same issue by passing a vacancy tax. this was back in 2022. however, there's another problem to solve. working people being priced out of the housing market. >> i pulled myself up by the boot straps and earned a college degree and now i work in my chosen career field. however, all i can afford on my own is a 450 square foot apartment built in the '50s with no laundry facilities. >> i definitely do support doing something about affordable housing. but not this. it hits us just the secondary homeowners. >> well, the tax would cost $3,000 per residential unit for the first year it's vacant and a subsequent $6,000 every year after that. nicole? time now 6:37. it's nerve-wracking for many homeowners across america. the potential insurance crisis that could get even worse. and before we head to
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break, let's get a live look from benicia this morning. this is inside one house bakery and look at they're already busy this morning. the croissants look delicious. big day for them and also for math enthusiasts. it's pi day. and it actually started as a bay area tradition and we'll explain after the break. good morning. if you feel like things don't add up right now... you're not alone. rent is up, and every family outing costs an arm and a leg.
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time now for the money watch report. more than 6 million homeowners in the country don't have home insurance. and it's hurting communities of color the most. a study by the consumer federation of america found 7.4% of all homeowners in the country are uninsured. many of them are native american, hispanic and black. putting them at extreme risk in the event of natural disasters or other significant damage to their homes. the report says $1.6 trillion in property is unprotected. california is facing a home insurance crisis. since late 2022, seven of the 12 largest home insurance companies in the state have paused or greatly limited new home insurance applications. insurers pointing to state regulations, increased wildfires, and costly reinsurance premiums as their main reasons. ♪
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rock icon neil young is bringing his music back to spotify. two years after withdrawing it to protest podcast host joe rogan's shows about covid. on his website young says he's returning because apple and amazon have also started serving the same misinformation podcasts that he opposed. row began just signed a $250 million deal to make his podcast available on multiple platforms instead of spotify exclusive. time now for a look at what's coming up later on "cbs mornings." and joining us right now is gayle king live from new york. gayle, good morning. you know something we've been talking a lot is tiktok. and what's happening. and how that could really affect a lot of, you know, young users who use it for income. >> and guess what? we're talking about that too, gianna. great minds think alike. i keep thinking there's no way that we're going to be without tiktok but we shall see. the future of tiktok as you is say
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is now in the hands of the senate if the wildly popular to your point gianna so popular, especially among the kids that social media platform is ban. what that would mean for tens of millions of american users including many who say hey i make my living using this app. discuss all that with tech expert nick thompson. sunday is st. patrick's day. vlad talked to the co-founder once named the world's best bartender. who knew there was such an award? the best bartender in the world. and now less a new purpose in life after quitting drinking. you remember this iconic movie? >> who you going to call? of course we're talking about "ghostbusters." they're all together. and listen to the lineup. bill murray, dan aykroyd, ma ken that grace are here to talk about the latest movie in the iconic franchise.
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bring out two couches for them and see you guys about 7:00 15 minutes from now. >> that sounds like fun. i ain't afraid of no ghost. guess what? the powerball is a big one. no big winner last night. there were some smaller winners that won a million dollars each. still check your tickets. you may have been a smaller winner. 21, 29, 54, 59, 62 and the powerball of 4. by the way saturday is the next big powerball draw. chances are also bought the mega millions ticket. that jackpot around $800 million this morning. if you are keeping track, that's the zing largest prize in the game's history. the next mega millions draw is tomorrow night. well, for all our math enthusiasts, we are celebrating pi day and celebrating with us all today is one house bakery. in bene that. as we look live
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here as they get ready to start their day look at that i mean croissants and pies and looks delicious. well, today is march 14th. march 3/14. 3.14. the first digits that make up pi. at one house they're celebrating with special pies. >> we do two different boxes of pies. the sweet one has all of our normal tarts that we do and pies that we do. and then the savory one has some of the things that we do on a normal basis but then we also do a couple of special ones for that. >> with your own slice of pie maybe apple or pumpkin or maybe you want a pizza pie and here's a cool bay area connection. pi day actually started at the sf exploratorium in 1988. always a really fun fundraiser al the school. we do this and sell a bunch of pies on pi day. >> your kids are like hey
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what's the real meaning behind this and you are like 3.14 and google it. >> my husband is great. he does math every day for his job. >> i'm sorry, were you talking? because the chocolate -- i need to go back to those for a moment. >> yeah. >> here's the thing. and we're justgoing to tell you. so we had a plan when you came on morning show we'd get you to buy lottery tickets. >> and next it's carbs. >> oh. okay. [ laughter ] >> nicole is like what's happening. >> i love you guys but no. i will every now and then daydream with you. and i will buy. >> a pizza pie. >> no. a lotto ticket. take a live look outside on this thursday morning. look at the shaky cam. this is walnut creek. good morning. and as you have heard from jessica, it is windy out there. especially in the east bay. so if we are taking flight it's going to be like your outdoor furniture and make sure everything is put away today. >> no joke with the winds. throughout the next couple of hours, we're still under that wind advisory especially in
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communities like sonoma is a good example or stinson beach. where we're seeing about 35, 45-mile-per-hour winds. and communities like pleasanton and danville. it's a very similar trend off in the east bay too. and heading into the next couple of hours we can continue to watch these gusty conditions really impact our morning commute or just our morning routine in general. if you are taking the dog on a walk and your hair is blowing in the face, this is going to be trend for us heading into this afternoon. seriously. it's not until the overnight hours tonight where it dies down for just a smidge. but then watch as it ramps up tomorrow morning around 5:00, 6:00 a.m.. now sonoma county, is seeing about 50-mile-per-hour winds so we're keeping a close eye on the north bay especially. but we're feeling this everywhere throughout the bay. and i mentioned it earlier with the winds whipping up tall pollen too, we're in the medium to high category heading into this weekend. even after that expires heading into our friday afternoon forecast. the wind advisory expires. still left with that pollen count relatively high. now if you are planning on heading outdoors this weekend, once that wind starts to die down into the friday afternoon forecast, the forecast is actually beautiful.
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we're talking about upper 60s in time for the st. patrick's day parade with sunshine all throughout the bay for saturday and sunday. if you want to head the next day to travis air force to go watch the blue angels fly, it's going to be amazing this weekend. i mean seriously. please take advantage. weft to get through windy day first and most of us have to go to work and school anyway. if you work outside, keep in mind those breezy conditions are going to last into the afternoon hours today. so just take it slow and of course if you have allergies like myself, make sure you have that medication ready to go. now all the way down into the santa clara valley, we're hitting the upper 60s today. those are our daytime highs and notice how they're warmer than the day before. yesterday and the day before that. we'll actually starting to see this really nice warm-up heading into our weekend forecast. with sunshine for us for friday, saturday and by sunday partly cloudy skies start rolling their way in just a little bit in the inland forecast and taking a look at the bay area, along the shoreline and just all the way to the peninsula too, we're going to be flirting with the 70s heading into early next week with in partly cloudy skies right
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around the corner. it's a first alert weather day today because the winds heading into the next couple of days it's starting to shape up to be a beautiful weekend ahead of us. g? jessica, thank you. lots to get to when it comes to traffic this morning. kind of a busy start to your day. so if you are going to get out the door sooner than later grab the coffee and get going. overview map just kind of give you the idea. two traffic alerts and one near daly city on 280 near highway 1. that's a deadly crash. three lanes blocked and it's been there for several hours. hopefully things will clear and open up very soon. there's a lot of activity there still on scene. but still moving okay for the morning commute and not a lot of cars on the roadway in that area just yet. gets busier in the next 30 minutes. now over to the south bay here we've got new trouble spot north 101 near 237 plus the traffic alert heading into the altamont pass this morning. so westbound 580, that's a busy ride as well. now this one is going to be out there for several hours, at least until 9:00. until they can clear those -- that big rig out of lanes. overturned rig westbound near grant line. a very busy morning on the
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freeways. nicole? gianna, there is a good challenge that you have seen this problem plaguing the bay area. yes. those are crows. the population of these birds has soared over the last few years. but as itay hod shows us, that's given one man and his right hand hawk a solid security job. >> all right. here we go. >> reporter: follow adam baz to work and you might feel like you're stepping on to the set of a hitchcock movie. but this isn't hollywood. it's downtown oakland where thousands of crows descend on the city, night after night. >> crows sleep communally. we call them roosts and they're these large congregation of birds. they can be hundreds, if not thousands of birds. >> reporter: for the last few weeks, adam and his team of falconers have been working hand in glove with jasper, a steely-eyed harris' hawk to clear out a flock of crows from oakland's federal building.
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>> come on. >> reporter: unlike traditional falconry, the goal here isn't to hunt. it's to chase off nuisance birds. >> these crows are what we call sentinels and they have basically been sent by the larger flock of crows to come and kind of scope this place out. >> reporter: while adam insists he loves crows, it's the mess they leave behind that has people crying "fowl." >> their droppings can be a huge problem. they can be unhygienic, they can be unsightly. you know, they can smell bad. come on. >> reporter: jasper functions as a high flying scarecrow, trained to follow a laser pointer as he hops from tree to tree. sending a message to other birds that a predator is nearby. >> i'm going to load you up with a little piece of food here. >> reporter: his favorite snack as we learned are little bits of frozen mice, which adam dispenses to keep him both motivated and full enough not to actually eat any of the birds. >> now you can lift your arm. perfect.
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>> reporter: the practice known as falconry bird abatement has been soaring in recent years, as people and companies look for humane ways to encourage birds to sleep somewhere else. and it seems to be working. >> so it was really a huge maintenance issue. >> reporter: mary simms is the spokesperson for the general services administration which manages the federal building. she says before jasper, the plaza was covered in bird droppings. not anymore. >> made an incredible difference. they come three times a week and i think they have been coming since about february and in that time, we've really seen a huge reduction in the amount of crows. >> reporter: at the end of the day, adam and jasper head home, leaving behind a crow-free building. >> as you'll see tonight. there's maybe two or three that are trying to come in to sleep. so, you know, the results are really notable. >> reporter: the best part? the crows are now free to take their flock party somewhere
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else. not to be hawkish. but we are honoring the very best in our community. a sneak peek of a big night here on cbs news bay area. multiplying good
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>> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. >> tech: we're all set. >> woman: wow. that looks great. >> tech: schedule now at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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what does that mean to you? the word on the screen. multiplying good. we love that. that's the motto of the jefferson awards in partnership with cbs news bay area. we're so proud of that. this evening all 45 of our jefferson award winners from 2023 they'll be here for a special ceremony. and sharon chin has a sneak peek of their excellence. >> i got bucked off a horse named dill pickle. never ride a horse named dill pickle. >> this is where we started right here. >> if we could stabilize one family at a time, we could stabilize the entire neighborhood. >> who needs extra bags? >> when you put that positivity out there, it does multiply. >> move it off to the right. >> the single most powerful sign of resistance was literally planting a tree. >> nice. so much better, so much better. >> try to find your purpose and derive your purpose from giving. >> i wanted my life to get bigger even if i only had six
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months or a year to live and i wanted show my kids who i was. >> i knew how awful it was to feel stuck and the impact that it can have on the emotional toll, the financial toll. >> how do we start to grow our thinking? and not immediately think that black and brown folks are a threat. >> one, one two. >> we really want people to know that there's something that they can do right now which is to exercise. >> sometimes it gets overwhelming, but in the end, it's a really good way to think of him and try to think of him in a positive way. >> to see an animal on the street struggling to find food, or that's been hit by a car that has no means of anyone helping it, is just heart-breaking. >> like the dog -- another member to their family. >> because that's the main reason of this organization. is to give animals hope. >> a lot of you guys like to read. >> inspire them to, you know, want to read, find reading fun. find it important. >> as long as i'm alive, and kids can't read, i'm doing this work. >> nice. >> hopefully what i give to these kids, they eventually go and help another kid later on
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in life or change the game of life. >> there you go. integrity is -- when you're doing the right thing when nobody is watching you. ♪ >> people connected to other people through music, whether they were just going to a concert together or performing together. it made sense to me to build a community around music here. >> and you make the music in our community each one of you. each of our bay area jefferson award winners will receive a bronze medal tonight and there will be a surprise. the top five winners will be considered for a national jefferson award later in the year. that's not the surprise. the surprise is who are they? [ laughter ] i turn to gianna earlier and i was like we gave away the surprise. the surprise is we'll know their names. the live stream starts at 6:00 and you can view that very uplifting program and who doesn't need a little more light in their days on cbs news bay area on our youtube channel. we'll have a link to the medal ceremony live
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stream and also by the way you can nominate your local hero for a jefferson award online at my favorite thing about what sharon chin does is if we can see it we can be it. and she shows us our better angels in our community right? >> she's that person too. you know out there bringing us the people that -- i mean, just watching that. i feel like okay. what can i do better? i love that. >> it's church. >> it is. >> angels in the community like arik armstead. >> i know. i know. >> thank you for everything. >> yes. a good niner. well, coming up at 7:00 over on pix+ 44 cable 12, a warm welcome to the west coast conference champions, the st. mary's gales after defeating powerhouse gonzaga. we're counting down to march madness and hey, your pop ticks too. and actress olivia munn reveals her cancer diagnosis in an e motional video on social media. the impo ant message ♪


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