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tv   CBS News Bay Area Afternoon Edition  CBS  March 14, 2024 12:00pm-12:31pm PDT

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from cbs news bay area, this is the afternoon edition. right now on the afternoon edition, a live look outside at the golden gate bridge. this will be the warmest day this month but don't let the sun pool you. strong winds are blowing through the bay area. good afternoon. i'm ryan yamamoto. wind advisories in effect for parts of the bay area prompting a first alert weather day. those strong winds could cause more power outages. here is look at the paging outage map. 30 minutes ago, crews restore power in orinda. at one point, the outage was impacting b.a.r.t. let's check in with meteorologist jessica burch . >> temperatures warm up and we start to see drier conditions. we are matching that with some really gusty conditions as well for many of us in the bay area under wind advisory until 11:00 a.m.. we will keep a close eye on the wind gusts through the early morning hours where up into napa, sonoma, we could see wind speeds hit the 60 miles per hour mark. once we head
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into the afternoon hours tomorrow, that is when we will start dying down. let's start this out. closer to the 1:00 hour, winds closer to 40 miles per hour in the northbay near sonoma, calistoga. notice the east bay as well, areas like danville will be seeing gusty conditions into the overnight hours tonight, early morning hours tomorrow as we wake up and head out the door. we will keep a close eye on the winds especially during the morning commute tomorrow because sonoma expected to hit 50 miles per hour. a similar trend along the coast. once this wind event starts to die down, beautiful conditions heading into the rest of friday's forecast, into saturday and sunday but we still have to keep a look at the pollen count. it is in the medium tie category lusting into next week. structure police are warning people about the new crime trend in oakland. thieves smashing car windows while you are still in the drivers seat. just weeks after her car was stolen, a thief followed her all the way to her
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driveway and her replacement ride. >> aria has lived in the highland park neighborhood all her life. she has always felt safe until she became a victim of a car theft in a smash and grab, all within a month. she wanted to consume her identity but talked to us about how the robbery unfolded. she says the thieves spotted her on east 14th street and followed her home. >> i slammed the brakes and they turned left with me. i thought it was a little strange but i was not trying to think the worst of everyone. i thought maybe they just missed their turn. >> as she made another left, so did the black sedan that was following her. this is video of when she pulled up on her driveway. the black car slows down behind her, the robber gets out of the car and smashes the passenger side window. >> the whole thing took place in like 10 seconds. i was screaming. i was honking.
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everything. i think i scared them away when i started honking. he looked startled and he jumped away and left in the getaway car. >> they took off with her purse and luckily, she was not injured. aria immediately called police. >> it took me a while to even get through the calling system. when they did, they said they had 200 pending calls ahead of me but they did receive a lot of reports of the same suspects already. >> aria has replayed the events over and over again in her mind. her one regret is being too trusting of others. >> being more of your surroundings. trust no one. see the good in people but maybe we shouldn't. runaway. trust your gut. >> opd is investigating these crimes and has sent additional areas -- officers to these areas. this video is from another incident near san antonio park. you can hear the
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victim yelling at the robber to get out but he comes around to the driver's side to smash the window. aria says she just does not feel safe in oakland anymore. >> i have not left at all by myself since that happened. i am just waiting to get everything settled with insurance and i am going to skip. i've got to go. i really don't feel safe. >> police say robberies are up 32% compared to this time last year. they also say if you think you are being followed, don't go home, head to the police station or local fire station instead. the postal service says someone pulled a gun on one of their mail carriers. >> i don't have them. >> it happened on march 2 along euclid avenue near van buren.
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a worker was not hurt for the robber did get away with her keys to the city collection boxes. here is a picture of the suspect. the postal service now offering a $150,000 reward for information that leads to an arrest and conviction. we have covered similar robberies across the bay area for years. now, a usps spokesperson tells us crooks are after their collection box keys to steal mail in bulk and it is happening all over the country. it has been more than a week since california's primary election and some races are too close to call including the only state ballot measure, proposition one. here are the latest numbers on the $6 million bond measure that promises to build 10,000 shelter beds for the homeless and people who have a conviction and mental health issues. as those words are being tallied, we have a look at why prop one may just barely pass. >> california's homeless crisis was center stage in last week selection with proposition 1 on the ballot. the measure would massively overhaul how the state manages the homeless crisis. the governor, l.a. mayor karen
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bass, other top state leaders went all in trying to convince voters to pass it but as of now, the race is much tighter than supporters were hoping for. >> it shows that californians don't necessarily trust the state government to spend their money wisely. this does not involve an immediate expenditure of tax revenue but the billions of dollars in bond money and voters understand that bond money eventually has to be repaid. >> the $6 billion bond promised 10,000 shelter beds and services for the homeless, mentally ill and drug addicted. >> where is this money already going? >> tamera eisenberger, a college professor, is among the millions who voted no on prop one did. she is critical of newsom's handling of the homeless crisis. >> we keep doing this over and over again with the same result. money is being diverted
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to things but it should stay here and address our problems. >> group of healthcare advocates said it would divert billions away from critical homeless programs that are already in place and create medical incarceration. supporters like veronica lewis with a nonprofit in south l.a. that helps find housing and treatment for the homeless, says prop 1 includes tools needed to battle today's homeless crisis. >> if you think about it from someone who has severe mental illness and they could not stabilize enough to get service or one of their family members were addicted to drugs and close to death because of it, this program and the reform that it will bring in the shifting of the way the money will be used is literally saving lives. >> political experts say since newsom became the face of prop 1, it may have helped motivate his proposition enough to almost overcome a massive disparity in funding. >> what makes this really interesting is that the overwhelming supply of money was on the yes side. a quick
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look at it, over 12 million. virtually, no money was raised on the no side. the runoff race to replace congresswoman anna eshoo is still not decided. sam liccardo is in the lead in the 16th district congressional race but second-place is still up in the air with only a few votes separating assembly member evan low , santa clara county supervisor joe simitian. the second-place finisher will face off with the former mayor in november . still ahead on cbs news bay area, a massive cyber attack. criminals hack one of the nation's largest healthcare providers. the impact on patients it started off with a blast but now elon musk's spacex starship rocket is lost. the mission mishap, coming up.
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here is a live look outside before we head to break. be
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another sign we are officially in campaign mode, vice president kamala harris visited a planned parenthood clinic today in the swing state of minnesota . in doing so, she became the first sitting you svp to visit an abortion provider. this is the sixth stop on her right reproductive freedoms campaign tour. the next staff highlighted the laws
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passed last year guaranteeing the access to abortion in minnesota. it is being called the biggest ever cybersecurity attack on america's healthcare system. now, the biden administration is opening up a probe to determine the full extent of the breach. three weeks ago, hackers shut down a united health group medical payment processing driving processor, driving the nation's largest healthcare payment system off-line, exposing patient data and also squeezing the bank accounts of hospitals, pharmacies and practices. >> our patients that can come here for their blood pressure checks, where they going to go? cybercriminals might not set out to be murderers but it is -- >> a russian-speaking ransomware group known as black cat has claimed responsibility for the attack. the federal probe will also look into whether united health has been complying with federal data privacy laws. strike cbs news bay area, two, one!
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>> once again, a spacex test flight has ended with the craft breaking apart but company officials are still hailing this test as a major step forward. the company's superheavy starship blasted off its third test flight this morning but they lost contact during to send back to earth. nasa is planning to use the massive rocket to get astronauts to the moon. back to our first alert weather right now. a live look outside with a beautiful day on tap. it is going to be windy. it's check back in with meteorologist jessica burch. >> it is a first alert weather day here in the bay area. the national weather service has issued a wind advisory that stays in effect until tomorrow at 11:00 a.m. once those winds start to die down, we are left with beautiful conditions and a warming trend into our weekend forecast. as we take a look at that wind advisory, it highlights most of the bay area and all of the sacramento valley too. wind speeds are
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expected to hit up to 50 miles per hour. heading into this afternoon, we see a very similar trend with wind speeds moving in from the north him anywhere from 30 miles per hour to 40 miles per hour with gusty conditions impacting san francisco too. heading into the afternoon hours, we will see it dived down just a little bit. as we wake up tomorrow morning, close to areas like sonoma and napa, we could get up to 60 miles per hour winds like you see right here. about 40 miles per hour winds expected near danville tomorrow morning. when those winds start whipping up in our local communities, we start to see that pollen count increased too. it does not help that it is drying up but today and tomorrow we are in that high category. saturday to sunday, medium-high category. keep that in mind because there is plenty of events happening for us this weekend. upper 60s in the forecast and low 70s just in time for saturday and sunday if you are heading out
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to travis air force base to watch those blue angels fly all over the northbay. we are hitting the upper 60s today. we are getting closer to those temperatures warming up even more but it is a first alert weather today. it is breezy out there. you can see the live cops behind me. interestingly enough, the santa clara valley is not under that wind advisory. once the winds died down tomorrow, we will have beautiful weather heading into this weekend. low 70s near saturday and sunday. we warm up a hair more into next week. partly cloudy skies right around the corner but at least it still stays dry. a special ceremony celebrating the dozens of bay area jefferson award winners who have made our community a better place.
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make everything better with better than bouillon!
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multiplying good. it is the motto of the jefferson awards in partnership with cbs news bay area. this evening, all 45 of our jefferson award winners from 2023 will attend a special ceremony . sharon chen has a sneak peek. >> i had to ride dill pickle. that is the horses name. >> if we can stabilize one family at a time, we could stabilize the entire neighborhood. >> when you put that positivity out there, it does multiply. >> the single most powerful sign of resistance was literally planting a tree. >> trying to find your purpose
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and to find your purpose from giving. >> i wanted my wife to get bigger. if i only had six months more to live, i wanted to show my kids who i was. >> i knew about the impacts it can have on the emotional toll, the financial toll. >> how do we start to grow our thinking and not immediately think that black and brown folks are a threat? >> we really want people to know that there is something they can do right now, which is to exercise. >> sometimes, it gets overwhelming but overall it is a good way to think of him in a positive way. >> anyone who has been struggling to find food or getting hit by a car, it is heartbreaking. >> to make the dog happy. >> that is the main reason of this organization, to give animals hope. >> a lot of you guys like to read. inspire them to want to read, find reading fun.
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>> as long as i'm alive and kids can't read, i am doing this work. >> hopefully what i give to these kids, they eventually go and help another kid later on in life to change the game of life. >> integrity is when you are doing the right thing when nobody is watching you. >> people connected to other people through music. they were going to a concert together or performing together. it made sense to me to build a community around music here. >> each of our bay area jefferson award winners will receive a bronze medal tonight and there will also be a surprise, the top five winners will be considered for national jefferson award later in the year. the livestream starts a 6:00 and you can view it on our cbs news bay area youtube channel. we will have a link to the medal ceremony livestreaming and you can also nominate your local hero for jefferson award online at
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women hear a lot about getting regular mammograms but olivia munn's breast cancer diagnosis is highlighting another tool. coming up, we speak live with a bay area expert for more insight. oaklands foodie culture is on full display with kickoff today of oakland's restaurant week. the next 10 days, participating restaurants will be operating -- offering special menu items that celebrate oakland cuisine and culture. >> for us, the benefit is we get a chance to show off what we do to new guests or new
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clientele, as well as bring back old ones that have not come in years. >> oakland stivers neighborhoods are home to an eclectic mix of flavors and fusions. the event runs through the 24th. that is it for the afternoon edition. we are stre
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