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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  March 14, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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and where the latest case of measles was just recorded in northern california. from cbs news bay area, this is the evening edition. we begin tonight in san francisco where 78 protesters arrested for shutting down the bay bridge are celebrating what they're calling a huge victory today. >> good evening. i'm elizabeth cook. >> and i'm ryan yamamoto. in the last several hours those protesters announced they reached an agreement that will allow them to avoid jail time. our wilson walker was in court today and joins us with the details. >> reporter: well, the case of the bay bridge 78 is effectively resolved for now pending some further developments. we'll get to those in a minute. this came out in the last couple hours. we just heard from the district attorney's office in the last 20 minutes. i'll give you their take in a moment, but first, yeah, for the protesters, they are calling
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this a full victory. the bay bridge 78 walked out of the courtroom to the cheering crowd that had packed the hallway to support them, the outcome in the words of one organizer, a complete vindication and victory. >> essentially the judge dismissed our case as of may 15th with a diversion offer of five hours community service and a little under 4,500 in restitution. i think that the d.a.'s retaliatory charges were an attempt to put a chill on globalization. >> reporter: as for some kind of precedent, we have seen incidents like this before. in 2016 protesters with black lives matter took over the bridge and the highway patrol arrested 25 people. district attorney george gascon reduced the charges to simple traffic citations saying it was in the interest of free speech. then a
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judge threw those charges out wholesale. so while blocking the bridge is illegal, there is plenty of room for discretion. >> yes. the government does have a certain amount of prosecutorial discretion in terms of whether it's going to arrest people or say go home. there's all sorts of latitude and discretion that creeps in at various parts of the process, but in terms of the 1st amendment question , they are permitted to say move to the sidewalk or stop the protest. >> reporter: the protesters asked for the charges to be dropped completely and there was a great deal of anchor directed towards district attorney brooke jenkins for her pursuing the charges at all. one of the protesters saying the movement has been persecuted and represented. >> i still stand behind what we have done and that we needed to make the statements we needed to do in order to make our voices loud and clear. this movement is much larger than
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what is being perceived on the media and i hope that you as a reporter can reflect that in your own reporting. >> reporter: there you go. victory in the minds of supporters. we've just heard from the district attorney's office. i'm going to read this. "each individual is also ordered to pay restitution to an identified victim who needed to be evacuated from the bay bridge." the total restitution amount to be paid will be set at a future date. if anyone involved is arrested in the next several months, the deal is off and the district attorney can resume prosecution. one of the speakers said, we may be off the hook, but the district attorney is not, sort of the suggestion there that there's now a political price to pay for the district attorney for having prosecuted these cases in the first place. add that to
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the political mix as we move towards november here in san francisco, but there you have it, the bay bridge 78 case effectively resolved for now. >> wilson, the protesters are agreeing they won't go back on the bay bridge again? >> reporter: i don't think anybody said that today. i think they see this as sort of just they made their statement. they are not going to be prosecuted. i preferenced 2016 to say that we have seen this before and folks doing that and not getting prosecuted to the extent of the law. we have seen that before as well. today was not exactly out of the ordinary. the district attorney's office did achieve some type of agreement in the end. we'll see how that unfolds i guess in the couple months ahead. >> thank you, wilson walker. november's protest was one of a series of bay area demonstrations calling for ceasefire in gaza, including yesterday's protest that shut down the international terminal
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at sfo. last month hundreds of protesters marched through the streets of san francisco and onto highway 101 and a few days prior to that protesters briefly shut down the golden gate bridge calling for a ceasefire in gaza. turning to weather, a live look outside on this first alert weather day, those whipping winds causing some issues around the bay area along with the bad hair day for a lot of people. here's highway 35 in san mateo county where a tree came down on some power lines between highway 9 and alpine road. here's the pg&e outage map. the green dots show scattered outages across the region. my hair actually moved. i have a lot of gel in my hair. >> you know the winds were strong if that happened. okay, paul, ryan clearly does not like my hair today. >> it looks great. >> when does it stop? >> it's just extra volume, liz. you got a free blow-out courtesy of mother nature. >> thanks a lot.
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>> you're welcome. let's look at what's happening out there now. with the windy conditions, we had clear skies and warm temperatures, a typical spring day even though it's technically winter until tuesday. wind speeds currently 15 to 25 miles per hour for sustained winds across the bay area, but the gusts are more attention grabbing. we have those gusts registering in the 25 to 35-mile-an-hour range, even 36-mile-an-hour wind gust at oakland airport. these are the wind gusts close to sea level where most of the density populated parts of the bay area are. up in elevation the strongest gusts have been there even up to 70 miles an hour. the winds will go up and down the next 24 hours, but they don't head down for good until tomorrow late afternoon. the wind advisory for the higher terrain continues through 11:00 a.m. tomorrow. it has been allowed to expire for some of the valley locations around the bay area, but it's going to be blustery throughout the day, but the weekend looks fantastic, details coming up in a few minutes.
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>> thank you. two hotels and some people living in the tenderloin are suing the city, saying they're using their neighborhood as a containment zone for the city's drug trade and other vices. they aren't looking for monetary damages, not looking for money. instead the federal complaint says they want the city to treat the tenderloin like they do all the other neighborhoods in san francisco. specifically, they want drug dealers, users, people dealing with mental illness, and other unhoused individuals cleared from the sidewalks. we reached out to the city for a response to the suit but have not heard back. just where will the oakland a's play ball after this coming season? we'll have to wait a bit longer for that answer. the san francisco chronicle reports talks between the team and east bay leaders ended today without any agreement to extend the team's lease. the a's need to find a place to go while they await the completion of their las vegas stadium. that's not expected until 2028. the team is considering oakland, salt lake city, and sacramento in
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the negotiations. oakland is reportedly pushing the a's to sell back a 50% stake in the coliseum site. talks are expected to continue. oakland's foodie culture is on full display with the kickoff today of oakland restaurant week. >> just in time for dinner. for the next ten days participating restaurants will offer a special menu with items that celebrate special cuisine and culture. for restaurant owners, it's a week to showcase their best. >> for us that's the benefit is we get a chance to kind of just show off what we do to hopefully a new guest or new clientele and as well as bring back some old ones that maybe haven't come in a year. >> participating restaurants will run the gamut from homie neighborhood mom-and-pop stops to michelin-rated establishments. >> restaurant week comes as oakland police are warning people about an uptick in robberies and the targets are very specific. >> and the whole thing took place in like ten seconds. i
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was screaming. >> at 5:30 we'll hear from the victim of a frightening attack and let you know how police are telling people to protect themselves. a peninsula community is banding together to track down a hit-and-run driver who struck a beloved mom, businesswoman and cyclist in baywood park. the woman was riding her bike when she was hit. community members are teaming up with authorities to find the suspect who left the woman lying in the street severely injured. >> reporter: we're trying to find the driver of a gray vehicle who struck her, stuck around for a few minutes, attempted at one point to pick her up and she said, no. i'm injured. i'm seriously hurt. don't touch me. good samaritans showed up and they came to her aid. >> she was eventually taken to the hospital. she suffered a fractured lower back, but thankfully, is expected to recover. i'm anne makovec with new
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security video of an officer-involved shooting in vallejo in which an 18-year-old was shot and injured. police just released it. >> drop the gun. i'll shoot you. drop the gun. >> we froze that video the moment before the officer from the american canyon pd pulled the trigger. the 18-year-old immediately collapses to the ground. he did survive and was taken to the hospital. this all happened on january 11th in front of a house on sousa way and gateway drive in vallejo. the 18-year-old was a passenger in a car that took off from a traffic stop on highway 29. officers tracked down that car to this neighborhood. they say the man got out of the car, took off on foot and the shooting occurred. you heard the officer telling him to drop the gun. in the video you can make out what appears to be a handgun thrown by the teenager the moment he's shot in the back by the officer. police say that was one of two guns that the 18-year-old had on him. still ahead, yet another
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plane experiencing problems, the latest case happening in the bay area as the airline industry faces growing scrutiny. another measles case reported in northern california, the announcement from health officials. do active shooter drill
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this just in. the father of the michigan school shooter was just found guilty of involuntary manslaughter. james crumbley was accused of buying the gun used by his son to kill four students and injure seven other people in 2021. this is the second conviction against the teen's parents who failed to secure the gun at their home and did nothing to address the teen's signs of mental turmoil. crumbley was convicted on all four counts of involuntary manslaughter. that carries a maximum sentence of 15 years in prison. it's an unfortunate reality that active shooter drills have become commonplace at many schools, but now there's growing concern that those drills themselves are traumatizing students. danya bacchus shows us what a california lawmaker is trying
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to do about it. >> shots fired come from the southeast of the complex. >> reporter: active shooter drill simulations are taking place in schools across the country. >> white male, black shirt, tan hat. >> reporter: this one in corona, california, was planned in advance and used law enforcement and volunteers to mimic a real life situation, but it's drills like these that california assembly member chris ward says without a proper playbook can go too far. >> you would see these really wild stories about a principal who decided that it would be a good idea to have fake gunmen come onto campus or asking students to portray victims lying in blood. >> reporter: ward has proposed legislation that would standardize how california public schools conductive shooter drills, similar to the way fire and earthquake drills are regulated. >> we're seeing some of the data come in from national studies that these activities are causing more trauma, more harm than good. >> reporter: according to the
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education commission of the state, at least 45 states require schools to conduct safety drills and it's mandatory local law enforcement be involved in at least 17 states. ward's bill includes among other things prohibiting the use of simulated gunfire, parental notification that a drill is taking place, and an opt-out provision for parents who do not want their student to participate. >> the simulation might be a good idea maybe for the older kids, not so much for the younger kids, but at the same time i feel with my kids i want to maintain -- i want to keep it real with them. i want to let them know hey, this is the reality. >> reporter: indiana's governor just signed a school safety bill that no longer requires students to participate in drills that include prop guns, pellet guns, and simulations of gunshots and injuries. >> organizations like every town for gun safety recommend against active shooter drills altogether. they say students, educators and staff have
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experienced stress and sometimes lasting trauma. in stanislaus county a case of measles was found from a child who was unvaccinated and recently traveled out of the country and another case was reported in sacramento. a young child tested positive for measles last week, may have exposed hundreds of people at the uc davis medical center. the hospital is contacting anyone who was at the emergency department on march 5th between 12:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. officials say as many as 300 people were exposed. measles is highly contagious. symptoms include fever, cough, runny nose, and a rash. health officials urge people to get vaccinated. it's being called the biggest ever cybersecurity attack on america's healthcare system. now the biden administration is opening up a probe to determine the full extent of this breach. three weeks ago hackers shut down a united health group medical payment processor, driving the nation's largest healthcare
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amount system offline, exposing patient data, and also squeezing the bank accounts of hospitals, pharmacies, and practices. >> our patients that can't come here for their routine things, their sore throats, their cough, their blood pressure checks, where are they going to go? cybercriminals might not set out to be murderers, but it's not a stretch to say they could cost people's lives. >> a russian speaking ransomware group known as black cat claimed responsibility for the attack. the federal probe will also look into whether united health has been complying with federal data privacy laws. highway 90 in saratoga is back open after a mudslide forced the roads to close down a couple weeks. the mudslide was a result of a series of storms that hit the south bay the beginning of march. in southern california the wind was strong enough to take down a big rig, knocked it off the side of the road. winds exceeded 70 to 80 miles per hour in l.a. today, toppling trees, power cables, and even this semi truck.
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>> they were really whipping around all across the state, especially in the bay area, paul. this morning you could feel it in your car when you were driving into work. >> yeah. we've been able to hear it whistling through the air ducts in the studio as well. it's going to be breezy tonight and much of tomorrow, but the winds will be dying down less than 24 hours from now. the highest gusts have been on top of the peaks around the bay area, 72-mile-an-hour gust recorded on top of mount diablo, 43 miles an hour in the oakland hills, 31-mile-an-hour gust in san jose, 37 at sfo. that's enough to move you around on the road and it has resulted in some sporadic power outages. let's look out from the mark hopkins hotel, bright blue skies. we'll feel windy conditions around most of friday. the winds start to die
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down mid to late afternoon the the temperatures will continue to climb a good 5 to 10 degrees above average tomorrow, lots of sunshine continuing into the weekend, gradually some additional cloud cover returning with marine influence the first half of next week. hour-by-hour wind gusts this evening through saturday morning, you can see all of the colored tiles on our grid are in the first half of that time frame. this is when we'll see the greatest potential for wind gusts over 30 to 40 miles an hour, but the winds die down tomorrow afternoon. by tomorrow night we'll be back to very light breezes. that's the case as we head into st. patrick's day weekend as well. the good news is the humidity hasn't been bone dry, 25 to 30% relative humidity levels today. the humidity doesn't recover much overnight. usually overnight humidity levels rise to 70, 80, even 90% this time of year. that's not going to happen overnight. at least they won't be reaching the critical levels, lower than 20% or down to around 10%. that's when the
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fire threat really goes up, but at their lowest tomorrow the humidity drops down to about 25% or so and that's the point at which the winds will be dying down. the ingredients are not coming together for significant fire threat. with the clear skies overhead thanks to the offshore winds, full capacity for electric power generation, courtesy of solar electricity. temperatures will reach into the 70s again tomorrow. we'll be at the top of the scale friday and again saturday. the wind has been pretty efficient with the warm temperatures at dispursing a lot of pollen across the bay area. we'll be at the top of the scale in that regard into early next week. make sure you're stocked up on tissues and allergy medication. clear skies looking out from salesforce tower, upper 60s to around 70 degrees, 70 in san jose and santa rosa, temperatures later tonight with the wind stirring the atmosphere around, a few upper 40s, a lot of low 50s to begin the day tomorrow and then temperatures warm up. let's look at tomorrow's highs. temperatures will rise into the
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neighborhood of 70 degrees, some spots into the 70s. for some reason these are yesterday's forecast temperatures. this is where we expected to top out today and it did make it to 70 degrees in san jose. let's see if we can get some fresh data, always fun when this happens on live television. we expect to be 5 to 10 degrees above average tomorrow. we'll look at the forecast for inland parts of the bay area because that's what's ready to go. inland parts of the bay area have the warmest temperatures. along the coast the cooler weather returns, low 60s saturday and sunday. we have a rain-free seven-day forecast once again. a few clouds return by tuesday, wednesday, especially by thursday next week, maybe the next rain chance headed our way a week from tomorrow. it's a long way down the line. >> a lot can happen between now and then. thank you, paul. up next, the latest on a string of problems with planes
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leaving and departing from sfo. a fight at a northern california school turns into a search for a missing student, the bizarre case.
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no, it's not deja vu.
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another united airlines flight headed for sfo had hydraulic issues this morning. emergency vehicles were standing by when the plane landed without issue. passengers were able to deplane at the gate, but it serves as just the latest in a long line of issues for both the airline and boeing. earlier this week a united flight from sydney had to turn around less than two hours into the flight to san francisco due to what the airline describes as a maintenance issue. today marks a week since that wheel came off a different united flight as it was taking off from sfo, smashing through a fence and damaging cars in the parking lot. luckily, there have been no injuries reported in any of these incidents. once again, a spacex test flight ended with the craft breaking apart, but company officials hail this as a major step forward. >> three, two, one. >> the company's super heavy starship blasted off in its
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third test flight this morning but lost contact during the descent back to earth. despite the sudden end, this attempt marks the furthest the test craft has made it to death. in the two previous launches the rocket exploded after liftoff. nasa plans to use the rocket eventually to get astronauts to the moon. up next at 5:00, a warning from oakland police, their advice amid an uptick in robberies. >> i really don't feel safe since that happened. wildfires were thought to be one of the biggest threats to california's giant sequoias, but those fires may be helping the iconic trees survive. we got tips from the trainers and the referees. >> we'll meet the warriors employees who have had a front row seat for the
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right now at 5:30, a live look at capitol hill where california senator laphonza butler is proposing a drastic overhaul to the u.s. workweek. and a northern california student goes missing after jumping into the water to escape the school resource officer, what we're learning about that confrontation. a live look from oakland where police are warning about a recent uptick in robberies. according to investigators, those thieves are now targeting
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drivers sitting in their cars in a parking lot or even in their own driveway. >> our andrea nakano spoke with one woman who says just weeks after her car was stolen she was followed all the way to the driveway of her home in a replacement ride. >> reporter: aria has lived in the highland park neighborhood all her life. she's always felt safe until she became a victim of a car theft and a smash and grab all within a month. she wanted to conceal her identity, but talked to us about how the robbery unfolded. she says the thieves spotted her on east 14th street and followed her home. >> they slammed their brakes and they also turned left with me and i thought it was a little strange, but i wasn't trying to think of the worst of everyone, you know. i thought oh, maybe they just missed their turn. that's normal. >> reporter: but as she made another left, so did the black sedan that was following her. this is video when she pulled up on her driveway. the black car slows down behind her. the robber


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