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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 6pm  CBS  March 14, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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mail, the video exposing the scary new reality. a postal worker comes face to face with a loaded gun, the search for the robber who got away with keys to the city. >> there will be opportunities for criminals to exploit those keys. proof every vote does really count in this razor thin race to represent silicon valley in congress, who is pulling ahead in the latest count? >> not our way at the moment, but i'm hoping it goes our way the next few days. it's political and a shame they're putting the public's safety at risk. sharing their gifts in a world class museum, the new bay area exhibit elevating the talented work of artists with disabilities. >> he's always working and you can see that in his piece, all the work that he does. this is cbs news bay area
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with juliette goodrich. >> good evening. it's hard to think about the people who deliver your mail every day putting their lives at risk just to do their jobs, but we have video of a mail carrier being robbed at gunpoint, happened in oakland. it's certainly highlighting the disturbing new reality for postal workers. guess what? it's not just a bay area problem. nationwide there are more than 600 postal carrier robberies in 2023. that's up 30% from the previous year. in oakland neighbors are asked to look out for the latest robber who now has the keys to strike again. >> reporter: the postal carrier was robbed when she was delivering mail right down this street. i spoke with another postal carrier off camera and she says incidents like this one are distressingly common and make her scared to do her job. it's a gut wrenching sound, a united states postal service
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carrier screaming after she was robbed by a man while out delivering mail in oakland's adams point neighborhood near euclid and van buren avenues. i showed the video to dahlia williams while she was on a walk with her son. >> not too rare these days. i'm not concerned for my safety. i think postal workers should -- i don't know -- have some kind of security alarm or something on them. >> reporter: the in did not was caught on a resident's security camera video. usps postal service inspector matthew norfleet says no mail was taken from the carrier, just the postal keys. >> only one reason to have those keys if you're not a letter carrier and that's to steal mail. >> reporter: usps is constantly changing locks, but there will constantly be some lag. each key accesses thousands of mailboxes. >> there will be opportunities for criminals to exploit those keys. if people don't get mail they're expecting, particularly if it's something that could be financially
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exploited like a check or credit card, those people should also contact postal inspectors. >> reporter: usps is offering a $150,000 reward for any information that leads to the arrest of this person. tyler hillegas said he heard about the robbery from another mail carrier who works in the area. he says he always thinks about safety when he's walking his dog. >> we've generally been pretty worried about it because we know that's been an issue with other postal workers. it was unnerving to hear it happened so close to where we live. >> reporter: but williams says everyone can become a target. so it's important to be defensive. >> i don't even have a wallet honestly. i don't have anything anybody would want. >> reporter: this is considered both a federal and state crime. if this person is caught, they'll be charged in both courts. until then, people in this neighborhood say they'll be on the lookout for him. >> congress is looking for solutions to this. a bill introduced this week looks to
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digitize those outdated mail keys, require special prosecutors for postal crimes and change the sentencing guidelines. one suspect in san francisco who held a gun to a postal worker's head was sentenced last month to just 30 days. a popular barbecue restaurant in west oakland will close for good. here's why. the owner of horn barbecue announced on social media today he's not going to reopen his mandela parkway location. this comes after a fire gutted the building last year. the restaurant was red tagged. it's been closed ever since. in an instagram post matt horn says they've also been dealing with squatters, vandals, and theft writing, "these occurrences, each an ordeal on their own, collectively have created an environment that at this point is untenable for us to operate in safely and effectively." this might not be the end. the owner alluded to reopening horn barbecue in a different location. horn says he's working with employees to
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find them positions at his other two restaurants in oakland. cal bird and mattie's old-fashioned. that's wind if you're wondering, pretty loud. the wind's whipping around the bay area today. hopefully all that didn't blow your hair out, around or out, but the strong gusts also caused big time problems. in san mateo county a tree landed across power lines on highway 35 shutting down the road this afternoon between highway 9 and alpine road. the winds also impacted b.a.r.t. service on two lines this morning. service was suspended between the orinda and rockridge stations about an hour. it's now back up and running. just some small scattered outages on the pg&e map right now. the largest is in orange. you can see right there, just two spots near lafayette. also wind advisory still in effect for some parts of the bay area. let's check in with chief meteorologist paul heggen who still has his hair.
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>> yes. was not blown out, still attached. >> i'm like what am i saying? >> always good to check. let's look where the winds stand now. we're in a relative lull, but it's breezy, 15 to 20-mile-an-hour sustained winds. numerous locations are reporting gusts over 20 miles an hour, some over 30 miles an hour. we had a lot of gusts over 40 miles an hour earlier today. it doesn't mean the lull will continue. another burst of energy is likely late tonight and early tomorrow in the 20 to 30-mile-an-hour range for valley locations, closer to sea level. it's the higher elevations that are still under a wind advisory until 11:00 a.m. tomorrow. that's where the winds could still gust over 50 miles an hour. gradually heading farther into tomorrow afternoon, the winds will relax and the weekend is looking fantastic. the weekend forecast is coming up in a few minutes. more than a week after
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election day two candidates vying for congresswoman anna eshoo's seat remain locked in a tight race. that district spans san mateo and santa clara counties. former san jose mayor sam liccardo clinched the top spot, but second place is good enough to get on the november ballot and now assembly member evan low edged ahead joe simitian only by a few hundred votes. kelsi thorud has more on this razor thin race. >> reporter: on election night santa clara county supervisor simitian seemed confident he'll get enough votes to get on the ballot, but now over a week later with still no firm answer on who will join former san jose mayor sam liccardo in the general election, simitian told me he remains confident in his
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campaign. >> we know there are votes to be counted in both counties. >> reporter: simitian held second place in the vote totals over a week after primary night, but wednesday state representative evan low overtook him for the first time. >> now it's neck and neck, a virtual tie. we'll know a lot more the next few days. >> reporter: we reached out to evan low's campaign for an interview. they told us they couldn't fit one in with his schedule but sent us this statement saying in part, "while there are still votes left to be counted, i'm encouraged by the latest results that have put our campaign in the lead. i am grateful to all of my supporters and look forward to all votes being counted in this race." melinda jackson is a professor of political science at san jose state university. she says the way this race has played out may be an indication of the type of supporters each candidate has. >> we can speculate that the
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people who are really on top of this and paying a lot of attention and voting early getting their ballots in ahead of time might be older voters with a little more time on their hands or maybe people who are more familiar with someone like joe simitian who has been in politics for decades, whereas the last minute voters might tend to be younger, maybe looking for a younger candidate like evan low who does represent a new generation. >> reporter: no matter the end result, both low and simitian emphasized this race is a perfect example of why voting matters so much. >> the fact that this race could come down to a relative handful of votes is a reminder that every vote counts and every vote has to be counted. >> now depending how close the race ends up being, one of the candidates could request a recouldn't. they would also have to pay for it. county election officials have until april 4th to complete the final
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results. it is back to the drawing board for a proposed crackdown on sideshows in one east bay city. council members in antioch rejected it before it was about to pass saying the ordinance doesn't go far enough. anne makovec heard from the mayor today. he's not happy about the council's decision. >> the question is something better than nothing? the mayor says shelving this ordinance basically amounts to playing politics with the public safety. last year at the antioch marina parking lot multiple crashes involving cars running away from antioch police, shearing off a fire hydrant, injuring an innocent female driver, crashing into a water main and police found a suburban in the river at the end of the dock. they believe it was driven into the water after the sideshow, nobody inside. it's chaos like this the mayor says police need more
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tools to address. >> absolutely i'm somewhat blown away by the actions of the council, but it's an election year. it's political. it's a shame they're putting public safety at risk. >> the ordinance reject would have punished sideshow organizers and promoters with fines and up to six months in jail. tuesday night was supposed to basically be a rubber stamp, but two council members decided they wanted to go further, one saying, "we need to make sure those that organize and participate in a sideshow in our vehicle will bear a burden in their pocketbook and have to reimburse the city for lost resources." in the meantime the whole plan is on ice. >> i'll bring it back. we'll champion it again and hopefully can get it passed, but more delay and more delay is absolutely hurting our law enforcement officials who could be using this tool to specifically target organizers. >> the mayor said he initially wanted to go further with this
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ordinance, potentially targeting spectators for sideshows, but he got pushback from those who since changed their mind. in the meantime nothing gets done. he said side shows have been a little less crazy recently. he blames last year's big spike on the lack of officers caused by the police department's racist text message scandal, so a lot going on here. >> yeah, but that pause may not be too good for the activity on the streets. what does that mean? >> it means good luck, council. >> thank you, anne. still ahead, more mechanical problems, a united flight at sfo today, the latest string of issues for the airline. a disability isn't stopping this talented artist from sharing his unique vision through art,
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more trouble for united and boeing as a flight headed for sfo from dallas suffered from a high hydraulic issue. luckily it landed safely and no one was hurt. on monday a united flight heading to san francisco from sydney, australia, had to turn around just hours into the flight because of what was said is a maintenance issue, but they have not given more details about what the issue was. of course, we remember a
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week ago when a wheel came off a united flight as it was taking off from sfo crashing through a fence, crushing a car in the parking lot and then damaging several others. in that case no one was hurt fortunately in any of these incidents. an oakland nonprofit center officered serious damage after a car crashed into its building early this morning at the homie's empowerment organization. they posted these photos to their instagram page. this is up to $20,000 worth of damage. the car tore through the front of the building, leaving damage bot inside and out. police say the driver of the car ran away after the crash. march is developmental disabilities awareness month and an oakland nonprofit is doing some very important work to champion talented bay area artists with disabilities. the public will soon have an opportunity to enjoy their art as part of a new exhibit at sf moma. loureen ayyoub spoke with one of the artists who hopes
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his mural will spread a message of peace for san francisco and beyond. >> reporter: art is his gift, but love is his fuel. artist william scott is making his final temperatures on his upcoming mural exhibition at the sf moma. williams is autistic, but hasn't let it stop him. an oakland-based nonprofit that supports artists with disabilities, will yam has been able to reach more art lovers. he has one main goal with his art. >> to feel good, to feel happy. >> reporter: using advanced digital architecture programs to help create his blueprints, william's art has a deep lym pathic lens deep lym ly empathic lens.
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>> we need to replace the bad people and wrong people and hopeless people and killings, replace all of those. so we need the gospel people. we need gospel superstars. we need some god people. we need some god people to come in and praise frisco. >> reporter: william's work alongside other creative growth artists will be featured at the sf moma starting april 6th, part of an overall partnership that celebrates the nonprofit's 50-year anniversary. it's the oldest organization in the country pioneering inclusion of artists with disabilities. william's instructor said working with him has been inspiring. >> our relationship is very i teach him something, he teaches me something, too. i think we're both learning from each other. i'm really happy for william. he really deserves this. he is the hardest worker that i know. he comes in. he works all like he has his
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breaks, but he works all throughout the day, but after he leaves he goes home and continues working on his architectural drawings and the weekends he continues working. the only rest he tells me he gets is when he goes to church, but he's always working. you can see that in his painting and in all the work that he does. >> reporter: william hopes his art will bring about transformation not just for san francisco, but globally. >> to rebuilding the world better as peaceful. i am a peacemaker. >> reporter: the art gives him peace and he hopes the peace will show through in his art. >> sure does. art from the heart, truly. the exhibit will run through october. still ahead, if we can just get past the wind, we can really enjoy the warm weather. paul has a closer look at our weekend forecast. it's almost here.
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when i bust out the purple pants, that usually means it's going to be sun. i'm trying to mix up my tosses. >> keeping a safe hr distance here. are these your festive pants? >> yes, thank you, festive, spring colors. it's going to be sunny. >> here i am black and white. >> yeah. it's the contrast. >> okay. i'm going over here now. >> yeah, thank you. >> talk about what's happening weatherwise. the breeze has just infected our brains. let's look at some of the peak wind gusts today, beautiful view from the west. 72-mile-an-hour gusts on top of mount diablo, 75-mile-an-hour gust at one of the stations on mount st. helena, far northern napa county, closer to sea level more modest gusts, but strong enough to move you around on the roads and resulting in sporadic power outages, 31 miles an hour in san jose to 46 miles an hour in the oakland hills. the highest
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gusts have been on the ridge tops and mountain tops. the storm system has been hanging out over the desert southwest and drifting back to the west into southern california. that's resulted in a lot of snow along the front range of the rocky mountains, showers and thunderstorms in arizona, a weird pattern. this hill of air is bringing us warm air and squeezing the atmosphere overhead and producing those gusty winds. it's going to be windy much of the day friday and the pressure gradient, the difference in the amount of air here and there, is going to be relaxing a bit and the winds will be much calmer as we head into the weekend. it's still going to be blustery for the next several hours. in fact, close to 24 hours before the winds really start to die down. these are the hour-by-hour wind gusts from 11:00 tonight through 5:00 a.m. saturday. farther into the future the winds become much less of a problem, but plenty of 30 plus-mile-an-hour gusts the first half of the day tomorrow. the humidity levels haven't been critically low meaning at least below 20%, if not below 10%. that's when the wildfire
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threat really would go up, even with such amount of moisture added to the fire fuels by recent rains. those things can quickly dry out if the humidity is low enough, which it won't be. as the humidity drops during the day tomorrow, the lowest it will be is in the 20 to 25% range. when it gets to that level, the winds will be dying down. not everything is coming together to significantly boost the fire threat. the wind has been dispersing plenty of pollen through the area. it's juniper, alder and ash pollen as the three primary offenders, but there's all sorts of stuff blowing around in the atmosphere. if you're sensitive, seasonal allergies, make sure you are prepared. have the tissues and medication handy. temperatures now, still in the 60s, mild across the bay area today, some spots eclipsing 70 degrees, just below 70 now in san jose and santa rosa, but those numbers will continue to drop through
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the rest of the evening. the winds stirring will keep us from getting too cool, mid- to upper 40s and low 50s to begin the day friday and then temperatures warm up. the winds will relax throughout the day. these eagle ears -- beagle ears i bet were flapping today, missy and daisy happy hounds tomorrow with temperatures above 70 degrees in petaluma and the wind not as much of a factor tomorrow afternoon. temperatures tomorrow, up into the mid-70s in san jose, los gatos, low 70s morgan hill, low to mid-70s for most of the bay area. the exception is along the coast, but it's another warm day there, too, upper 60s at half moon bay, about the same temperature today. a few degrees warmer than today, san francisco up to 72, an even 10 degrees above average, and north bay temperatures low to mid-70s with the offshore breeze helping push temperatures higher and higher. we'll have some ups and downs to our temperatures the next several days. inland parts of the bay area the warmest
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weather will linger longer into the middle part of next week, still above 70 wednesday, upper 60s thursday. some additional clouds towards the tail end of the seven-day forecast. they arrive a little earlier closer to the coast. around the bay back to partly cloudy skies beginning sunday and monday and more clouds by wednesday and thursday. along the coast enjoy those warm temperatures in the upper 60s tomorrow because it will be back to the mid-60s at best as we head into early next week, monday and tuesday, morning fog and afternoon sunshine. the morning fog puts the brakes on the warm-up each day, so purple pants weather continues. >> thank you, paul. coming up, a very cute tiger cub needs a new name, a
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cutest video of the day, this rescued tiger cub being taken care of at the oakland zoo. the zoo posted video showing her grooming herself, rolling around in her habitat. she's 8 months old rescued from a private facility and just adorable, but she doesn't have a name. so the zoo is asking us for our help. they narrowed it down to three potential names, mara, adora, and lily. vote for your favorite one on x. the zoo will announce the winner tomor w morning. ♪ ♪ >> tornado on the ground! >> norah: tonight,


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