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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  March 14, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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today. >> essentially the judge dismissed our case as of may 15th. >> we are talking no jail time for the protesters who stopped traffic for hours on the bridge last year but they are not getting off completely scot-free. windy conditions today in the bay area. they will continue for the next 24 hours, i am tracking calmer weather in the first alert forecast. >> and two candidates separated by only 63 votes, the upset that could play out in the race for a silicone valley seat. and, he has seen almost every home game from the best seat in the house, meet the warriors official clock keeper who has been with the team for over 60 years. >> probably do it until they kick me out. >> this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. okay, no exageration, it
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was a day to secure that lawn furniture. take your allergy meds and have that extra hair spray handy. gusty winds ripped through our region and causing issues big time. we are seeing power outages around the bay area. in fact, here is a look at pg&e's outage map, at one point this morning the wind knocked out power and stopped b.a.r.t service for a time. a tree came down on power lines on highway 35. this was between highway 9 and alpine road. you can certainly hear the wind in this video. our photojournalist captured this in the san jose foothills and it is not letting up just yet. paul heggen is here with details >> we had blustery conditions until around noon. since then, got into a little lull in terms of the strongest withstands t is definitely still breezy out there this evening. sustained winds in the 10-25 mile-an-hour
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range. sustained winds recorded at the top of the hour. gusts in excess of 25 mile-an-hour winds. the numbers were 40 miles an hour earlier today. a burst of wind energy will head in later tonight and tomorrow morning, but, for the most part. valleys around the bay area will have 25-30 mile-an-hour gusts, the wind advisory for valley locations closer to sea level. that was allowed to expire at 5:00 p.m. a wind advisory for the higher elevations through 11:00 perform tomorrow. that is where the winds are to exsed exceed 50 miles an hour. keeping the above average temperatures for the weekend. the weekend is looking the nicest we have seen in awhile. details coming up. >> we will take it. thank you, paul. you may remember the massive protest five months ago that shutdown the bay bridge for hours leaving many drivers frustrated. today, the 78 people who were arrested that
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day, they are celebrating. they reached an agreement that will allow them to avoid jail time. our wilson walker was in court with the group's supporters where they showed up. . >> the bay bridge walked out of the courtroom to the cheering crowd. packing the hallway to support them. the outcome and the words of one organizers, a complete vindication and victory. >> essentially the judge dismissed our case as of may 15th. with a diversion offer of five hours community service and i am a little under 4,500 in restitution. i think that the da retalltory charges were an attempt to put a chill on mobilization. >> reporter: for some kind of precedent here, we have seen incidents like this before. 2016, protesters with black
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lives matter took over the bridge. the highway patrol arrested 25 people, district attorney reduced the charges to simple traffic citations saying it was in the interest of free speech. then, a judge threw out the charges out. while blocking the bridge is illegal there is plenty of room for discretion. >> yes. the government does have a certain amount of discretion in terms of if it is going to arrest people, if they are going to say go home and allow people to leave. there is latitude and discretion that creeps in at various parts of the process. but, certainly in terms of the first question, they are permitted to say move to the sidewalk or you have to stop, stop your protest. >> the protesters asked for the charges to be dropped completely. a great deal of anger directed towards the district attorney for her pursual of charges at all. one of the 78 defended the protest says the moving is being
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persecuted and misrepresented. >> i still stand behind what we have done. and that we needed to make the statements that we needed to do in order to make our voices loud and clear. this movement is larger than what is perceived on the media. i hope that you as a reporter can reflect that in your own reporting. >> there you go. >> reporter: a victory in the minds of supporters. we just heard from the san francisco district attorney's office, she made a couple clarifications on that restitution, pointed out that each individual is ordered to pay restitution to a specific person who had to be evacuated from the bridge. the district attorney says the amount of that will be determined at a later date. also, if any of the folks are arrested the deal is off and the district attorney can resume the prosecution of those charges. but for now, it appears that the case of the bay bridge 78 is resolved and perhaps folded into the ongoing politics of san francisco as we
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head towards november. november's protest was one calling for a ceasefire in gaza. just yesterday, that i blocked a ramp to sfo's international terminal. last month, hundreds of protesters marched on the streets of san francisco. then, they shutdown the bridge calling for a ceasefire in gaza. most of the primary races have clear winners, the second place race for anna eshoo's seat is still a tossup. that spans the peninsula into the south bay. the mayor has a lock on first place, but, assembly member low and joe simitian are neck and neck for second place. separated by 63 votes. only the top two vote getters in the recall will or in the race that is, will move on to the general election. >> the fact that this race could come down to a relative handful of votes it is a
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reminder that every vote counts and every vote has to be counted and that is what makes the democratic process work. >> low released a statement saying he is encouraged by the returns that pushed him barely into the lead. fewer than 4% of the votes are left to be counted. happy birthday to steph curry. he turned 36 years old today. steph is blowing fans away. one man had a front row seat to almost all of his home games. no, not talking vern glenn. he has the story of jim mayr who is a clock operate and with the team for six decades >> like the rolling stones song ♪ time is on my side ♪ yes, it is. >> you are good. it applies to this guy. one of the best seats in the house at chase center, too. >> he has one of the best seats in the house.
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>> reporter: well, most of the time. [ laughter ] >> reporter: he has been with the warriors since the team moved to san francisco in 1962. >> that timing, same time, giants in the world series with the yankees. they did not get a lot of attention. it was exciting for me because i got to be a ball boy. it was like dream come true for 13-year-old kid. >> a few years later jim moved from the baseline to the scores table >> that was a paid position, the ball boys did not get paid. we got tips from the trainers and the referees which turned out to be probably more than what they were paying us for the job on the table. >> reporter: back then he did it all. shot clock, scoreboard, even foul paddles. in 1990, jim took over as the full time
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clock operator. all while juggling his job at the u.s. postal service and raising a family with his long time wife, jolene. >> we had four kids, a full time job and i somehow kept this job. it was tough at times. >> reporter: there has not been a lot of load management over his 61 years with the team. >> i missed about half a season when i was in the navy. that was in 1969. i missed a couple when the kids were born. my oldest son was born, i remember we were playing new orleans jazz, pistol pete was playing for them. that was my wife's favorite player. we missed that one. i would say in the last 25 years i missed 10 games, maybe? >> hey, doc, how are you doing. >> reporter: he has four championship rings for the run. >> we would look at each other on the table and say this is something special. we will not see something like this again. >> reporter: he received a
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money clip for the 1975 title. and plenty of other priceless memories along the way. >> i got to go and travel with them for preseason games to mexico city, beijing, shanghai, china, i would not do that if not for this job. >> and he is not ready for the clock to run out any time soon. >> hard to give it up, you know, i will do it until they kick me out. [ laughter ] >> right on, jim. >> he has a lot of memories, jules, running around the beach with wilt chamberlin. >> everyone's friend, you see him every time you there are. >> yes. >> you see him, say, hey, jim, he will say hi back. >> thank you. your advise among uptick of
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robberies of drivers sitting in their cars. returning salmon from new zealand back into a northern california river.
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get a free line of unlimited intro for a year when you buy one unlimited line. visit today to learn more. . more than 100 years ago salmon near the dam ended up in the cold waters of new zealand. that is thanks to a new grant. >> reporter: it is a 300 mile journey that traces the path of the winter run chinook salmon from the river to the pacific
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ocean. the annual pilgrimage. and when when climate change plays a role >> in the last decade they have been hit by the 1-2 punch of climate waves. heatwaves, dryness through the drought. >> reporter: heading up the california department of fish and wildlife. he says the summer of 2021 was a grim one for the salmon. >> we were in the midst of the peak of our most recent severe drought. these fish are now trapped down on the valley floors. and the valley floors are much hotter. >> water that is too hot is lethal for salmon. >> reporter: california fish and wildlife, awarding grants for 15 projects. one involved the minimum attempts to revive the salmon. >> it is the right thing to do. it will help us figure out how to save salmon in california. >> so, they are in a dire
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position now and may go extinct if this project that we are involved with is not successful. >> reporter: he recounts how the first problem first began with the shasta dam. the dam provides flood control, hydroelectric power and water supplies >> it is a weapon of mass destruction to me. >> reporter: built during world war ii, shasta dam flooded them off of their land and blocked the chinook from returning to the river to spawn. in 1994 the fish were federally listed as endangered. the tribe held protests, then the chief got an email >> do you want your salmon back? we have them. >> reporter: the email was from the head of the morrey people of new zealand. it turns out in the 19th century, millions of eggs were exported to 30 stateses and 14 different
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countries to create new salmon runs. the only one that thrived is the one in new zealand. tribal members traveled to see the fish and became determined to bring some back home to the mccloud. >> we want to welcome them home. >> what better way to try to heal past injuries and show the world it is possible to do things together. make it better. >> reporter: in a historic agreement the tribe is now working with fish and wildlife and noah fisheries to support a joint effort to return the salmon to the cloud. they believe the wild salmon eggs will fair better than those hatched near the dam. >> the salmon survive, people will survive. if we can get a passage from the sacramento river, passed the dam so that fish can swim in and out on their own, then we have wild fish again. >> the hope, to get them home safely as soon as possible. >> absolutely. all right,
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let's head over to paul heggen. talking wind and sunny skies >> yes, a beautiful sunset. our camera on top of mount deablo has iablo, the camera is shaking around out there. elsewhere, you get closer to sea level, it was more modest. between 35 and 40 miles an hour. the gusts within the past couple of hours around san jose, just over that for san francisco international airport and 40 mile-an-hour near napa's airport. right now, the winds are certainly noticeable. other perspective on the sunset, looking towards the west from the mark hopkins hotel. the wind advisory through 11:00 tomorrow morning for the higher elevation parts of the bay area. in the valleys, still breezy, below the wind advisory threshold. it was allowed to expire a couple hours ago. the temperatures climb, heading through the next
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24 hours, with the temperatures reaching into the 40s, a lot of sunshine, cloud cover will return for the coast and creeping farther inland going farther into next week. the wind energy compared to the wind gusts earlier today. that will not last long. we will see the winds picking back up. tomorrow morning, more of the 40 and 50 mile-an-hour gusts: you will see the lower elevation spots. it will be an all or nothing scenario to begin the day tomorrow. and wind advisory below the 40 mile-an-hour threshold, relaxing heading through tomorrow afternoon, into tomorrow evening. not going to last that much longer. we will keep the mild temperatures into the weekend without the blustery conditions. looking outside, different perspective again. looking at all of our cameras when the sunset is so pretty. the temperatures still in the 60s. 63 in concord, 68 degrees in san jose. still 66
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in san francisco. it is that off shore wind, are reducing the marine influence and keeping the atmosphere stirred around. clear temperatures, dropping off, the stirring effect of the winds, keeping the temperatures from dropping all that far. upper 40s to 50s. tomorrow morning, we will warm up. let's check out tomorrow's forecast, high temperatures will end up 5-10 degrees above normal friday afternoon into the middle 70s in san jose. 75 degrees, warmer spots on the map. lower to middle 70s widespread. does not matter if you are far inland in the east bay, bayside, fremont, redwood city, the coast, getting up close to 70 degrees, falling short. the temperatures in san francisco and oakland in the lower 70s and lower to middle 70s in the north bay with the downslope winds really warming up heading into the afternoon. that is a warming effect. inland parts of the bay area, keeping the warm air sticking around. the 10 day outlook for san jose keeps the
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highs above average, then, coasting back down to closer to normal. no cold snaps in store farther down-the-line. let's take a look at the seven-day forecast, starting with the inland parts of the bay area. the warmth, noticeable and will last longer. all of the way through the first half of next week. gradually a little more cloud cover arriving by wednesday, thursday, no rain chances out of the clouds, even towards the end of the seven-day forecast. the cool down, kicking it. around the bay. up and down temperatures, right around 70 degrees, monday, tuesday, and then retreating to the near average temperatures around thursday and along the coast that is where you will see the marine layer re-establishing itself heading into the second half of the weekend and early next week. temperatures in the middle 60s, though, monday, tuesday, then, back down around 60 degrees on wednesday and thursday. the next rain chance it is pretty far down-the-line. it will be a week from tomorrow at the earliest. may wait until later than that. >> all right, just going to wait, thank you, paul.
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. uptick in robberies and thieves are targeting parked cars with drivers still sitting inside. one incident, caught on camera. a woman is pulling into her driveway when a car pulls up behind her, the robber gets
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out of the car, smashes her passenger window taking off with the woman's purse. she says the robbery lasted 10 seconds. >> be more aware of your surroundings, trust no one. you know, you might want to see the good in people but, right now, i don't think you should. just run away, trust your gut. >> the woman tells us when she called the police to report the robbery she told her there were 200 pending calls ahead of her. some believe were reports of the same suspects. >> are you tired of paying extra for soy milk? why coff
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. starbucks is facing discrimination lawsuit brought on by three lactose intolerant woman saying the chain charges high fees for are soy, almond, oat and other milks t qualifies
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as a disability under americans disability act. right now, fees range from 50-80 cents a drink. starbucks is not commenting on the lawsuit. all right, thanks for watching, we have more news at 11:00, also on pix plus. see you back here later on. thanks for joining us to tip or not to tip, that is the question
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud." give it up for steve harvey!


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