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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  March 17, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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now at 5:00, the san francisco community trying to make sense of a tragedy at a muni bus stop. what we're learning about the victims. plus an alarming trend of camaro thefts in california. the advice from police on how to protect the car from potential thieves. in st. patrick's day. how one east bay city is taking the celebration to the next level. >> thank you so much for joining us, i'm andrea nakano. >> i'm brian hackney. a third person has died from their injuries a day after a driver plowed into a muni stop in the west portal neighborhood. residents created a makeshift memorial today. one of the three killed was a young child. two victims remained in the hospital tonight including an infant in critical condition. this all happened yesterday. and the white suv crashed in high speed where a number of people were standing. it was a
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terrible shock and a peaceful city in the neighborhood that crashed into the bus stop in lenox way. trains were diverted for a number of hours while first responders converted on the scene. west portal is a quiet peaceful neighborhood, so people are grappling with the weight of the accident and the loss. >> obviously i have my child. i have my kids. and i don't want to imagine what the family is feeling this moment. and how heartbroken it is for the community. >> we will walk this almost every single day. i was like wow. why did this happen to me? i walk this every day. >> police have not said anything about what might have led up to that crash. other stories we are following around the bay. two people have lost their homes after a house fire in san francisco. video from citizen app will show black plumes of smoke rising from this
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building. this happened on moore street near mission in the crocker amazon neighborhood today. fire crews say they were on scene within minutes, and they quickly searched for victims to put out the fire. no one was hurt. on the peninsula, fire crews were also on the scene of another house fire that happened on st. mary's court early this morning. fire crews say they were able to put out the fire quickly. as you could see there, the fire caused quite a bit of damage to the home, but the crews say no one was hurt there as well. and crews in sonoma county rescued a man after suffering a severe medical emergency in lake sonoma. this happened yesterday afternoon. first responders lifted the patient out of the campground and onto the helicopter. the patient was later flown to a local hospital. caltrans says a major freeway son track to reopen by early tomorrow morning. caltrans is repaving interstate 680 in pleasanton. a project pushed ck twice because of
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ranks. it is closed to coopman road and various on and off ramps are also shut down, which means southbound lanes are closed through pleasanton. the weekend shut down did accomplish what otherwise would have taken 40 nighttime closures. the freeway is expected to reopen by 4:00 in the morning tomorrow morning. in other news, this late sunday afternoon, some cities in california are seeing an uptick in chevy camaro thefts. police are warning people who own camaros to take extra steps to protect their cars from being stolen. >> police say the thieves are able to start camaros through key cloning devices. max darrow has the story. >> reporter: san francisco pd in los angeles pd both report an uptick in camaro thefts. a consumer watchdog says individuals should take extra steps to protect themselves and that action is needed higher up to make sure consumers are better protected. chevy camaros high on car thieves
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radars right now in northern and southern california. here's a look at sfpd's numbers. 21 camaro thefts reported in 20222, 46 in 2023, and through the first two and a half months of this year, 15 camaro thefts. in los angeles, the problem is even more prevalent. around this time last year, lapd reported seven camaros stolen. this year 90 so far. the sergeant tells our team police often find many of these stolen camaros at illegal street takeovers or the thieves try to resell the camaros. >> quite often find them where they are turning around and posting them to sell them, $40,000, selling them for $3,000. >> many consumers have heard of the increase in key fob cloning and the thefts of other kinds of vehicles. >> reporter: the executive direct to have or consumer watchdog, a group dedicated to safeguarding the interest and
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rights of california consumers. >> we have seen this problem with other cars impact consumers ability to get auto insurance. >> reporter: insurance companies, however, can't just increase prices overnight. >> they have to go to the insurance commissioner and prove these thefts have caused increase losses, and get approval for any increase in prices. >> reporter: castellanos at vice? >> if it is near and dear to your heart, install a kill switch and a second type of gps tracker even other products such as low jack. those are good products that will help us find the vehicle. >> reporter: on top of that, this should be a wake up call to manufacturers as well. >> we can tell individual consumers, oh, there's a flaw with your car. these are ways to get around and try to protect your car from being stolen. but what we need is action higher up at the manufacturer level to make sure that it isn't so easy to clone those fobs to begin with. >> reporter: it is not just the big cities in california that
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are keeping an eye out on this. the city recently warned the community there to be aware of this issue. and still ahead at 5:00, people working around the world or i should rather say people around the world, i don't think they are working at it are celebrating st. patrick's day. we'll show you how one east bay city is not working to pay. and plus a big celebration as the bay area's first professional female soccer team kicks off its inaugural season. and in the first alert forecast, obviously the story as temperatures are in the mid-70s with plenty of sunshine. hope you're enjoying this weekend. when we get together, i'll show you how this changes pretty dramatically. get ready for some weather whiplash. we're going right back into winter again by the end of this week. the forecast
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well, as you probably know, today is st. patrick's day. one of the most widely celebrated cultural events on earth. >> and in the bay area, the city of dublin is marking their 40th year commemorating a religious holiday that has changed a lot over the years. john ramos has the story. >> reporter: every year thousands of people come to dublin to celebrate a piece of history that it turns out very few people know anything about. >> i think it's awesome. i mean it's a weekend a year. everyone in dublin becomes irish. >> reporter: it's st. patrick's day in dublin, which looks like a county fair,
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except the kettle corn is green. >> green is not a color i wear typically. i have to search for something like a custom 49ers green t-shirt. >> i think the dressing up will make it the part that like is a part of the holiday. that's what makes the holiday. >> reporter: jeff campbell is 50% irish, making him 100% more than most of the festival goers. he's been to the old country and says they are not sure what to make of america's st. patrick's day traditions. >> most of them shake their heads. just like what's up with them? >> they don't understand this? >> no, they don't understand it. >> reporter: but that's okay because they see themselves as a fun loving person, always looking for any reason to celebrate. >> it is known as the irish
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outlook for life. >> reporter: but the young video blogger who was live streaming the festival admitted that it does seem like a peculiar holiday. >> you know, i don't know much about st. patrick's. he's irish and probably has a nice big build. i can't grow. i envy that guy. you know? >> reporter: it turns out it wasn't irish at all. abducted at a young age from britain and taken to ireland as a slave. he escaped, but returned as a priest. so the church made him a saint and even suspended the ban on alcohol during his feast day. that may be why drinking is a part of the holiday tradition. >> with the beer. with more than one probably. >> reporter: the city of dublin wouldn't have it any other way. >> i mean after 40 years of
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doing it, it's a staple. it's a signature event for the city of dublin. so we cannot not celebrate st. patrick's day. >> reporter: it all makes sense to us, even if they don't know what to make of this. >> and st. patrick's day will commemorate the death of the priest on this date, march 17. in the year, 461. well the bay area women's professional soccer ere are has officially kicked off. playing their first game in franchise history tonight. the team is starting their first season on the road against angel city fc in los angeles. but many people here in the bay area are celebrating the occasion at watch parties. here is the scene at a local par in san jose where people will gather to watch the big game. it is the 14th team to join the national women's soccer league. their first home game is coming up on march 30. mark your calendar at paypal. you might have gotten the
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idea that it was summer with the way kids were running through fountains. this is at the plaza of caesar chavez. and it is not unusual for this time of the year except after the winter we had, no wonder that people are out there. walking in the shade and cooling off a lot. the first weekend in a while without any rain in the forecast. but of course that's going to change. >> no, say it isn't so. let's go over to first alert meteorologist darren peck. >> it is going to rain next weekend. >> there you go. >> we're on track. i'll get to that towards the end of this. before we get there, the focus has to be on how incredible it is outside right now. just a quick review of what we have done so far for daytime highs. going to be a lot of low and mid-70s. pick out your part of the bay with six representative spots on there. san francisco in the low 60s. concord, livermore in the low to mid-70s. look at what average will be. sitting there about seven, eight degrees above average for many places. tomorrow will be a degree
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warmer than this. in the afternoon, i'll show you something interesting about the morning. we're going to use that high resolution forecast imagery with a classic signature that will show up tomorrow morning. do you see it? come in for a close up look. this is the marine layer tomorrow. look at how it's filling in all the inland valleys. there's napa from napa itself and up through st. helena, and through the north bay. this is may gray. waking up to gray skies tomorrow. look at it fill up the entire bay all the way down the santa clara valley. doesn't look like it will get over the tri-valley tomorrow morning. this sat 9:00 a.m. and about as intense as it will get by 10:00, 11:00 tomorrow morning. it's gone. and then you're going to get more sunshine than anything else for tomorrow. with that in mind, let's just use the virtual map and get an idea of how they will go tomorrow because this will be a little warmer. by about a degree or two. monday is the top. so we're going to be sitting in the mid-70s. san jose, you're going to 76 degrees. we're going to top out at 75 here. we're going to
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go to 75 for concord. antioch won't be all that far behind. of course, the north bay valleys will do the same. san francisco, you'll be close to 70. we will come close to that mark as well. you can see the numbers up there in the north bay. not to say that tuesday and wednesday are not nice. they are not just this warm. the numbers will come down a little bit. but let me show you how this change will happen as we are still in this pattern for friday. if you want to see this change that's bringing us back into the storm track, we've got to look out to the other side of the pacific. most of the storms for the next three days, just totally get destroyed as they approach california from the ridge of high pressure that's in place right now. but on friday, this one will get through. if we look at the timing on this, we are starting to get more clarity on how this will come together. you see that line right there? watch that. this actually does have a signature where it is able to reach down into the sub tropics and pull some moisture into it. it is also going to get a tightly wound area of low pressure here, which means it will have cold air to work with. this
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storm potentially at this point has a lot of really appealing ingredients to give us widespread rain, snow in the sierra, and it's going to make it colder. there could be another one coming in after that for next week. we're not done with winter. still a lot to be resolved on this. we will look at it in two ways. when we get to the seven day, a chance of rain on friday on. we're not going to try to pin down which day will get the brunt of this, but you have to plan for a chance of rain at this point on all three days. if we look at the more bullish forecast model on here, we could pick up an inch and a half in that time frame. if we look at the more conservative model, this one has gone up as well for rain, any way. it's increased to maybe three quarters of an inch. for snow, snow level down to 4,000 feet. that's very good. and several more feet are possible. at least, you know, a foot and a half or two, maybe a little more coming to the higher elevations of the sierra. so enjoy this weekend. and should this forecast pan out for the last 24 hours now, the forecast models have been
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fairly consistent in the idea that we're going back into winter. we'll have another good storm come our way for next week. here is how it looks when it gets back out there. friday more impressive. and both days have rain on them. all right, over to you. >> all right, straight ahead in sports. what do we got? how about the ncaa men's tournament brackets? they're out. did your team get in? and if you like saint maries gaels, you are more than thrilled for the third straight year.
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okay, ncaa men's tournament with a local touch. saint mary's gaels going big time for the west coast conference champs. >> on friday in spokane, we get the no. 5, saint mary's.
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>> that's right, the no. 5 gaels will play grand canyon on friday in spokane. saint mary's has made three ncaa appearances in the past three years. the gaels senior, alex ducas joins our matt lively after the brackets were announced. >> reporter: it's time to be joined by alex duca, no. 5 yet again. what was your reaction when you saw your name up on the board? >> it is super excited. it's hard to pull it down to one little emotion. but just super proud of the guys. glad to get it started. >> reporter: what's the first thing you think of when you think of spokane? >> gonzaga obviously. we need to win out there on this time of the year. hopefully they have a few fans for us. any way we're going to play, we'll be super excited, so we're happy. >> reporter: randy bennett was talking about it. this is the third straight year you're a no. 5. and saint mary's is going to the ncaa tournament for three years in a row. how do you change the identity of
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who the gaels are? >> we are believing ourselves more than ever. we changed it around here, and winning, it will become a normal around here and making the march madness that won't be so much of a big deal, but an every year thing. i'm glad to switch the culture, but saint mary's on the out. >> and i know you don't know too much, but what have you heard? >> to be honest, it's a party school. but i'm sure they are a great team and they are pretty critical. but it will be a great matchup. >> and hoping they are parting before they come around and to get a not so well rested? >> a few more fans in the arena. i'm sure it will be great. check out this ivy league championship bending. brown looking to punch their tickets to the dance for the first time since 1996. led by six late. in the final seconds, yale got one more chance. matt nowling flipped up onions. yale took down brown in a thriller 62-61,
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earning an automatic bid in style as the bulldogs will play auburn in the first round. and how about the championship between duquesne and virginia commonwealth? 18 minutes left. shot off the red and blue confetti of duquesne. the duke fans loved it. they were up 15 at the time, and they hung on to win 57-51 to clinch their first trip to the tournament since 1977. that was in the 10th grade. the duke's got to celebrate with the confetti at the proper time. duquesne got by byu in the opening round. the no. 1 for the field of 68 starting tuesday. defending national champion. uconn is the top overall seed. north carolina, houston, and purdue, join the huskies on the top line. we are awaiting the fate of the stanford women. right now the selection show for the women's field is ongoing. so we will learn where they will
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play in the next few hours. nba, steph curry returned last night after missing three games with a sprained ankle. ready to kick it into high gear. they led them with 31 as they would beat the lakers to snap an 11-game losing streak. and more importantly, a big win in the standings where they are now tied with the lakers for ninth in the western conference. >> sometimes you kind of go in these situations and it's like do you talk about it? do they add more pressure? and i thought it was amazing for steve to come in like listen, this is a playoff game. we need to go in with this type of focus and win it and guys are locked in. >> you don't have to tell me anything. i'm the last three. i was excited to be back, and we have not won here in a while, like two years ago. so that was on top of mind too. let's squeeze in golf and the final round. considered to be the fifth major of the sport. scheffler started the day five strokes back of the
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lead. his second shot on four. holding it out from 92 yards for eagle. scheffler shot an 8 under 64. and had the clubhouse lead. later in 18, clark needed that putt to force the playoffs. scheffler won for the the second week in a row and second consecutive players championship. took home $4.5 million. we're in the wrong profession, gang. >> we have known that. >> $4.5 million. i will give him the respect though. boy, he's an awfully great player. >> yes, that was an amazing nice shot. >> if we could play golf like that, i think we would be doing that. [ laughter ] >> if only. thank you, vern. it's been a long time coming, but after more than 700 days, this special needs dog just landed his forever home. we'll tell you all about his journey of adoption when we come back.
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- [announcer] behold the new crispy mini pepperoni & baconitaliano pizza at round table, a glorious symphony of seasoned crust, three cheeses and two savory meats, an odyssey of flavor destined to- - enough words, this piece cannot wait. - [announcer] available for a limited time only at round table pizza.
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well, we thought this would be a nice way to end the program tonight for dog lovers out there. this one is for you. >> a senior dog in texas has finally found his forever home. meet velcro, a 10-year-old
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carolina dog mix. he's partially blind and deaf, and has mobility issues. he arrived at the austin pets shelter in 2022. more than 700 lonely days later. 74-year-old jeanette walked in and instantly connected with velcro. >> she brought him home under foster care with the intention of adopting. ever since velcro, i've known cats named velcro because of the sound they make when throwing your furniture, but never heard of a dog named velcro. still a calm old gentleman. they hope others won't overlook special needs and senior dogs because they do deserve love. >> look how sweet he looks. >> especially velcro. >> not all cats destroy furniture. >> i know. only some. that's it for us here at 5:00. we'll see tonight, manhunt over. the suspect wanted


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