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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  March 18, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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this van just hit me out of nowhere. i thought i was dead. after the accident, i was in a lot of pain and i decided that i needed to get an attorney because i could not work. i called jacoby & meyers they had their own dream team for every need, every area. they took care of me like a queen. i would recommend you call jacoby & meyers they really went to bat for me.
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mylowe's rewards credit card saves us 5% on the things we need. 5% off. - 5% off. 5% of. and, as loyalty members, we get points toward mylowe's money for the things we want. oh, we want this. the all new mylowe's rewars loyalty program is her. download the app to joi, earn and save toda. we've gone from turning a dial to pushing buttons, to tabbing a screen. now it looks like the end could be near for the landline altogether. >> this is truly our life's line. >> what if that is your only reliable way to reach people? >> when everything else goes back in the emergency or when people don't have an internet or a cell phone, you could always get 911 on the landline. >> is this just the sign of the times or will it leave communities cut off? thanks
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so much for joining us today, i'm elizabeth cook. this afternoon we are tapping into a phone conversation. the move by some providers to discontinue their landline services altogether. we'll hear from bay area residents who say they will be disconnected in case of an emergency. we are also going to be joined by bay area county supervisor, who is pushing to keep the landlines. we'll ask at&t who is behind the potential change. first though we'll get you caught up on today's headlines with anne makovec. anne? >> reporter: an arrest has been made in the tragic bus-car crash that killed a family. a suspect has been identified as 78-year-old mary fong lau, booked under charges of vehicular manslaughter. police say she was driving eastbound on lower street and crashed into a bus stop near lenox on saturday. a friend of the victim's family tells us they were waiting to go to the zoo at the time. a man and a
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toddler were pronounced dead at the scene. a woman died a day later. an infant is still in the hospital today with life threatening injuries. the community is holding a memorial tonight for those victims. the city of oakland is working to address crime along the troubled corridor as we reported in-n-out closing their location there, citing crime. they shared their efforts on the neighborhood. one of the initiatives includes a safety ambassador program, which is the resolution and community resources. ambassadors will also free up law enforcement, so that they could go do the real police work. so they could support this is an ecosystem. >> they said additional foot patrol by police and security cameras have also been deployed to that area. san jose police looking for two suspects accused of shooting a dog, as they say a german shepard was shot in the head as her owner
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was sleeping last week. this happened near ann darling drive and mckee road. san jose animal control took the dog in for a medical emergency care. crime stoppers offering a $1,000 reward for information leading to a conviction. we are getting a look at some of the damage from a fire at amador valley high school in pleasanton. flames scorched the walls and parts of the gym, in the roof there last night. no word on how that fire started. classes were in session today. taking a live look at oracle park, where the giants will have a new voice this season. the team is parting ways with long-time announcer, renel brooks-moon. both sides could not reach an agreement on the contract extension. the giants say she will become the club's public address announcer, ameritus. they say the booth at oracle park will be renamed in her honor. >> all right, anne, thank you so much. first alert weather now. sunny, almost spring like
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around the bay area today. meteorologist jessica burch looks at some cooler temperatures ahead along with the next chance for rain. jess? >> reporter: it was cool and cloudy for many of us in the bay area this morning, but they pull back like a blanket as we head into this afternoon. we are actually just left with a mix of sun and clouds today with light winds heading into the evening hours tonight. but speaking of this evening is when they return it to the bay area, giving us a splash of showers along the coastline, and the cloudy conditions to wake up to tomorrow morning. and they will repeat with sunnier skies off in the distance. we will see that throughout most of this week. really it's not until friday, saturday, and sunday, where we will see a big pivot in the forecast for us. rain chances to start to increase as we head into the end of the weekend. so it's already looking a lot different compared to what we have had in the past two days with all the beautiful sunshine, you know, the 70s too. here is the system that's bringing in cooler weather for us and rainy skies right around the corner. it is still developing right now. you can see it in the models, sitting off short, starting to circulate their way into the
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pacific northwest, here in the bay area too. we will get splashed with the same system. it is an area of low pressure, and it is acting as a cold front, so we will see cooler temperatures, gustier conditions, white conditions too lasting into this weekend and early next week. that's the same system that's bringing in snow to the sierra too. so back here in the bay, how much are we expected to get? we are still kind of far out, but worth noting that the long range models are showing close to half an inch of rain, heading into our saturday forecast, then we'll continue to add to that heading into sunday and monday, closer to an inch up near ukiah, about a quarter of an inch all the way down into pockets of the east bay and the santa clara valley. let's take it a step back though. that's not there yet. today alone, it feels kind of similar to yesterday, at least if you live in the east bay or the north bay. still hitting the 70s this afternoon. yesterday we saw 70s along the peninsula, but today it's cooler. we will continue to cool down day by day as we head into the weekend's forecast. the upper 60s near redwood city today, potentially seeing the upper 50s heading into this
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weekend. and 75 today, oh, it's going to be beautiful near san jose. that was the live look earlier this morning right behind me. we saw partly cloudy skies in the santa clara valley. we'll see that throughout the next couple of days too. here is that cool down i was talking about though. upper 60s heading into wednesday. low 60s this weekend, once that cold front sweeps through. kind of like the windshield wiper. we notice the similar trend along the bay and the inland areas too. it will be a beautiful forecast for many of us here in the bay area throughout the next couple of days, so take advantage of this dry weather before the rain returns. >> all right, thanks tomorrow the public can weigh in for the last time on at&t's move to stop landline service here in california. well some families have ditched theirs already. others say it is still their lifeline. headed to the san mateo county coastline where some are worried about getting cut off. >> reporter: landlines may appear to be a service of the past. many populations will continue to rely on them. i'm in moss beach, where one family says for them, a landline
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really is a lifeline. remember these? well, it's not just a vintage rotary phone. it is a fully functioning landline telephone. >> okay, bill. we'll see you when you get here. >> reporter: the kind of connection when they rely upon heavily with cellular service in their area being leaked. in fact according to pc mag, his coastal neighborhood and nearby montera has been voted as one of the worst cellular dead zones in the united states. and glen, well, he's fed up. he not only needs the landlines for emergencies, but as a professional editor, he needs strong internet connection to do his job each day. >> when everything else goes back in an emergency, or even if people don't have internet or a cell phone, you could always get 911 on a landline. >> reporter: well, that backup plan is changing. in response to an fcc order, at&t along with the other providers will
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be phasing out landline services soon. with at&t recent wide nation cellular outage, affecting thousands of customers, it's a poignant reminder of the continued need for landlines. >> this is a familiar sound of the dial tone, which everybody knows. it's been in existence for years and years and years, and it is truly our lifeline. >> reporter: glen is disappointed and says people in his community feel forgotten. >> i would say to at&t that they are giving up their responsibility to loyal customers, who have been with them for years. >> reporter: and while they await the claim,glen says they have waited for that promise for 30 years. providing the following statement to cbs, emphasizing that the voice continues to be accessible. in the meantime, he has continued moving out of the area for
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better overall connection. he has a personal attachment. >> my grandfather built that place. >> reporter: so you would like to keep your connection here? >> absolutely. it's the legacy house. i want to stay here. >> reporter: a hope for loyal service even as time changes. >> reporter: well, the communication workers union, which represents telecom employees is urging the puc to reject at&t's efforts to cut landline services. several communities are pushing back as well. we'll hear from a bay area county supervisor who is joining us live in studio. that's next.
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it is a sign of the times. some phone providers are considering getting rid of their landline services. what if that is your only reliable way to call out? joining me now is san mateo county supervisor, ray mueller. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> do you a landline? >> at my home, no, i don't have a landline. >> now you come from san mateo county, a diverse range of residents. you have people living in bigger cities, bigger towns. then you have folks living in more remote areas. what are the concerns from some of those people that may be
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worried that my landlines, my only connection to the outside world, that i don't have a cell phone or a reliable one at least. >> and it comes into play when you live in an area that is semi rural. and those areas, you don't have a reliable power grid. that's what you'll see in the san mateo county coast. our power grids are reliable with many different connection points. when you live on the san mateo county coast, you could be without power for weeks. that's really what's causing this issue. right now if you look at the county coast and the south coast, we do not have a network. some areas where there is no network at all. similarly we don't have a reliable internet network. there are some areas where there is absolutely no fiber. now imagine on the san mateo county coast, somehow incredibly, that cellular network was completely built out in that fiber network that was built out. still wouldn't solve the problem. the issue, the dependency is
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the power grid. the power grid, if that goes out, people won't be able to reach out. the big issue is that with those landlines, that landline is powered from a generation point far away from that local outage. they will do it in that generation point that will travel out. they stay active even in the power outages. that's really the issue that we'll face. at the san mateo county board of supervisors with the county right now, we're trying to solve for the publics and for those public safety emergencies. we really depend on those landlines, especially in natural hazard events. even in those day-to-day emergency events. where she many people living who are seniors, functioning in these issues. they need to be able to reach out to us, and we need to reach out to them. >> no question. the other side of this though is the argument that this is a sign of the times. everybody will have a cell phone these days. and the connection is getting better. you admit that you don't have a landline. a lot of people don't. so do you see the argument there that a lot of people might be saying if they
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are not put to the landlines, they are put to that cell service, is that an option? >> no. i don't see the arguments frankly. that we are not all on the cell phones. and in some areas, it's hard to believe for those who live in urban areas. if there are many areas that don't have reliable cell phone service, they don't have reliable internet service, and they don't have reliable self-power service. then in those areas, these landlines are an absolutely lifeline for people living there. >> give me an update on where you are in terms of voting on this, the puc meets tomorrow, but you meet again next week, correct? >> we're meeting again next week, which happened over a series of three meetings. in the first meeting, we met. and we considered giving at&t a subpoena to go ahead and try to gain information about where there was less than adequate cellular activity on the coast and looking at maps, trying to figure out what the infrastructure looks like. at&t asked us to hold off on the
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subpoenas and they came in and met with the department of emergency management with our technology folks, and then we actually brought them in and they testified in the hearing to a lot of the things we would talk about in those one-on-one meetings with staff. and after that meeting where we took testimony from at&t. the board voted to go ahead and move forward with a resolution on behalf of the county to consider opposing on behalf of the board, at&t's request to the cpuc. independent of that, the county has taken a position. so our department of emergency management and our department of technology and they have looked at this and the county has taken a position against the request on behalf of at&t, the cpuc. i, myself, have actually co-signed by congresswoman anna eshoo, opposing this as well. >> and before we go to break though, if landlines go away in your county, does the county have a plan b for these folks? >> at this point, we're trying to figure out is there a
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possible plan b that will go ahead and provide the connectivity necessary for the public health and safety of our residents living in those areas. right now we don't. the hard part is over 26 years ago, they would ask the monopoly since then, and that they have controlled the infrastructure since then. even though they say they have competitors in this area, they are using the different technology. the technology that we would rely on as the carrier of the last resort and that safety net is an at&t technology and nothing that could replace it right now. >> all right, ray mueller, we'll keep you updated. all right, coming up, we'll check live with the representative from at&t about these concerns that we just mentioned as the company aims to leave landline service behind.
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several bay area counties are pushing back on a proposal by phone providers to stop landline service in california. they say losing those connections will leave them vulnerable. joining us live is vice president of external affairs for at&t california. thank you so much for joining us this afternoon. >> thank you for having me. i appreciate the opportunity to be here with you. >> well, what's behind at&t's potential removal of the services here in california? >> so at&t is looking to retire its copper network. it's been around for over 140 years. and we are looking to begin where the early stages have begun to transition the copper network over to more advanced services. and what they have is 15
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million customers on the network. and so we are looking to be able to transfer these customers, this 5% that's left on the copper network, over to a more advanced secured network like fiber or wireless where it will be appropriate. >> a lot of folks, especially those that live in more remote areas are worried that this move would jeopardize public safety. what is your response to them? >> right. so it is really important if i can make sure that everybody understands that we are going to continue to survive existing voice service for as long as it is needed. and that is particularly in those areas where there may only be at&t, landline service available to a customer, so we know we have some areas in california that are rural or more remote. and it is important that we make sure to
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protect those customers and continue to provide that service, and until there is an alternative with us or another provider that will become available for them. >> you know, a lot of those remote areas too, sometimes this are dead zones and the cell phone service isn't that great. if you remove the landline option, does that mean cell phone service is going to get better or improve? no more of those dead zones? >> and we are always looking to upgrade our wireless network. we put billions of dollars into it every year, just here in the state of california. but we recognize that it is not that kind of network yet. we have a lot more to do with local jurisdictions, as well as the state to make sure we can deploy those wireless things to be sure that we could cover the areas that don't have it today. and to where there is, i'm sorry. >> no, go ahead, keep going.
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>> where there is no coverage or alternative for a customer who is on the landline network today. so on the copper network today. if there is no alternative, they are going to continue to keep that landline until there is something that is equal to or better for them to transition to. if the wireless network is not equal to or better from their landline service, there will not be an alternative for that service today. >> thank you so much. >> thank you. well in the meantime, what do you do if that service does come to an end? we check out an alternative from one bay area company. remember, you can watch us any time anywhere on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. catch all of our live newscasts and plus news and weather updates throughout the day. you can find us on the free cbs news app or on pluto tv.
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coming up on the cbs evening news, donald trump's cash crunch. his real estate empire at risk after his lawyers say he doesn't have funds to secure a bond in his suit. plus the fallout after trump warns of a blood bath for the country when talking about the auto industry. that and more tonight here on the cbs evening news. so what if at&t pulls landline services? a company based in silicon valley is pitching themselves as an alternative. they told us today about their technology, which cuts the copper. >> it's all through the
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internet. voiceover internet protocol or voip. that's the technical term that you sometimes hear it's thrown around. >> well, they say customers would have the same 911 service as with a landline, and you can even keep your landline phone number. they say there is also a backup battery in case of power outages, so we checked their website and their products will start at about $100. thank you so much for joining us for today's conversation on landlines. do you have a landline still? do you think it's a necessary service or is this a thing of the past? we'd like to hear from you. post your thoughts online using #kpix. we'll be following the developments tomorrow. cbs evening news is next right here on kpix. local news continues on our streaming service cbs news bay area. i'll see you at 5:00. >> norah: donald trump's money trouble. the former president says he can't secure t


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