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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  March 18, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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for the family members killed in the intersection of lenox way and uola street next to the muni station and our amanda hari is live as that vigil continues to grow. >> reporter: the vigil is just about to get underway. people are gathering. we have dozens of people behind me here. there is music playing up front. there is a memorial that's been growing all day, just people adding things to it and remembering this family that has been lost. we spoke to some people who were here throughout the day. more than 48 hours after an unimaginable accident the impact is still being felt at this west portal bus stop. >> it's tragic. i'm here with my son. we're waiting for the bus and it could be anybody. >> reporter: saturday afternoon a car crashed into the bus stop. witnesses say the elderly driver who has been identified by the district
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attorney's office as 78-year-old mary fong lau was driving between 50 to 70 miles per hour in the wrong direction. they say there was no signs of braking and no skid marks on the road. she hit a family of four waiting for a bus, killing the father, mother, and toddler. another son who was about 2 months old is still in the hospital. marcos belzaretti said he was heartbroken by the news as a father himself. he tries to be proactive and protect his son when possible. >> i always tell him to stand behind a tree or pole, kind of defend yourself a little bit, but you can't predict these kinds of things. >> reporter: the memorial is filled with flowers, stuffed animals, and a stroller. witnesses say the impact of the crash sent the toddler who was in a stroller into the air and he landed about 60 feet away. a family friend says saturday was the couple's wedding anniversary and they were waiting for the bus to
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celebrate at the zoo. betty carmack said she felt drawn to the crash scene and wanted to pay her respects. >> just the absolute tragedy of it, the suddenness, how unexpected life is. i'm grateful that people are coming to honor the lives that were lost here. my heart goes out to the community, the neighborhood, the driver. >> reporter: fong lau has been arrested on three counts of vehicle manslaughter as well as several other charges, including driving the wrong way on a divided highway and unsafe speed. the san francisco district attorney says they need more time to investigate and make charging decisions. in the meantime the memorial continues to grow. >> i wanted to come today and place a flower. the flower represents i'm bringing it in the spirit of my church to be
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able to bring my church's love to this place. >> reporter: the d.a.'s office says it could take 30 days to get toxicology results and they also say that the vehicle's operating system will be analyzed to see if that played a role in this crash. >> thanks, amanda hari reporting live from west portal. it's not the first time there's been a deadly crash at a san francisco bus stop. last may a carjacking suspect chased by police plowed into a muni bus stop at the intersection of 16th and potrero. a 58-year-old man was killed and three other people injured. the safety advocacy group walk san francisco keeps track of traffic safety all across san francisco. west portal is part of district 7. walks sf says in that part of the city there have been 16 people killed in traffic crashes in the last decade. we'll be at that vigil all night and have much more on the victims, family, and friends at 6:00 and 7:00. a show of solidarity in
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oakland today as city leaders hope to renew faith along troubled hegenberger corridor. anne makovec has more on the plan and one of several local neighborhoods dealing with rampant crime. >> this neighborhood is prominent with the airport and the oakland coliseum and it's been dealing with some unflattering headlines recently. so today the mayor lined up with city leaders, law enforcement, and community groups to say that the area is actually seeing crime trending down compared to 2023 in auto burglaries, robbery, and theft. the opd is conducting more foot patrols. the port of oakland and the sheriff's office are monitoring a network of surveillance cameras and conducting periodic surge operations. >> as east oakland rises, our city and this region will rise and will thrive for generations to come and together we must and we will get it done. >> the city also has a partnership with a safety ambassador program called the black culture zone with
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civilian patrols trained in conflict resolution. this is after several businesses have had it with the neighborhood and decided to close because of crime, including this in-n-out, the chain's only oakland location. the last day of operation there is on march 24th. several taco bell locations on 35th avenue and hegenberger road closed their indoor dining rooms, this one on 35th and macarthur robbed four times since november. the drive-thru windows are still open there. the denny's restaurant on the same block as the taco bell on hegenberger was closed in late january over safety and crime concerns. i mentioned the nearby coliseum earlier as the a's continue with their planned move to vegas. two soccer teams will start playing there soon, the oakland roots and the soul. so that is an opportunity for more foot traffic and hopefully revitalization. >> thank you. in alameda county supporters of district attorney pamela price say they believe there is widespread fraud involved in the recall campaign
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to oust price. price supporters accused the recall campaign of hiring signature gatherers from out of state and they also say petition forms were left unattended, leaving them at risk of being tampered with. >> there has been fraud in the recall campaign from outside forces outside the town, outside california even. those that are in alameda county that are paying for this campaign are not part of the community that is trying to do justice. >> price supporters say the recall effort is funded by a handful of wealthy people who don't even live in alameda county and are motivated by real estate profits and other personal gain. rohnert park has joined with los angeles in warning drivers about thieves using clone keys to steal cars, specifically chevy camaros. >> quite often find them where they're actually turning around and posting them on social media to sell them, a 40, 50, $60,000 car selling it for $3,000.
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>> coming up at 5:30, we'll hear from experts on how you can protect your car. californians seem to be split on governor newsom's proposition 1, the $6 billion bond measure still too close to call nearly two weeks after the primary election. the latest numbers show the measure is at a deadlock with about 20,000 votes separating the yes and no sides. the measure promises to build more treatment beds and housing for those dealing with mental illness and addiction. now with the race so tight opponents of the measure withdrew their concession and are now reviving their campaign efforts. the group against prop 1 and governor newsom recall both scrambling to get voters whose ballots may have been rejected to fix their signatures. the state's mail-in election system requires voters to sign the outside of the envelopes
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containing their ballots. if there are some irregularities with the writing or if envelopes are missing signatures, election workers have to flag those ballots. there's still some races up in the air from this month's elections, including a congressional seat representing the south bay. new numbers coming in the past half hour still too close to call who will face former san jose mayor sam liccardo in a runoff to replace congresswoman anna eshoo. joe simitian and evan low are neck and neck in the race. we'll continue to follow for updates. some breaking news, our chopper live over the san mateo bridge now where a crash just shut down two eastbound lanes. you can see the gridlock on that side of the freeway and commute traffic is at a crawl. the crash happened at the high rise of the bridge and drivers are being funneled through that middle lane, no word yet on when the scene will be cleared or if anyone was hurt, but look at the backup there in the
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eastbound lanes of the san mateo bridge. we'll keep you updated. still ahead, an update on tiny homes, how much money they'll be getting and where they'll go. politics can be stressful, but one state leader wants to find out what makes voters happy, the new committee coming to sacramento. after 24 years ronnel brooks moon is leaving the giants. after the morning fog backed up to the coast, we saw plenty of sunshine, a nice start to the workweek, but now the fog is starting to creep back through the golden gate. we'll track that as we head through tonight in the first alert forecast.
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welcome back. here's a live look at oracle park right now. baseball season is almost here, but a familiar voice won't be there to great fans. >> yeah. renel brooks-moon will
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no longer be the p.a. announcer. vern glenn is here with what's behind that move. we were surprised by this one. >> iconic voice. >> absolutely. i texted her about an hour ago, known her since i started working in this market back when we were kids. now the words are contract dispute. the official statement, mutual parting of the ways, but that is a tough one to swallow. there's two fan bases you don't mess with here, the 49ers and the giants. people do not like change. with renel out the door after 24 years, she opened that ballpark. so when the a's and giants preseason series hits here next week, we will miss this. >> tim lincecum! >> we may never really know what happened. i do think the giants, there's no way they expected this much blowback. she was the p.a. voice of the giants since 2000, baseball's first black female public address announcer. the booth will be named in her honor
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later this season. next week is the annual giants play ball luncheon. renel is always the emcee. so that will be the first weird thing to, see be in else behind that microphone, legend, treasurer, pioneer, she did it all. >> it won't be the same. >> it won't be the same. any word who's going to replace her at all? >> crickets. >> it's going to be so strange not to hear her voice. san jose is asking the state for more than $12 million to buy tiny homes. it comes as governor newsom is touting efforts to bring tiny homes to communities across california to fight homelessness. the homes would sit on a six acre vacant work yard in north san jose, but 200 homes would sit on that site. so far san jose and sacramento are the first two cities to team up with the state for a tiny home development. a live look now at the state capitol where one state assembly member is trying to find what makes us happy. anthony rendon created a group
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called the select committee on happiness in public policy outcomes. they had their first hearing last week and heard from experts last week what makes people heal, what role state and local governments play in people's happiness. they plan to release a report the end of august on their findings. let's check in with paul. palm, what makes you happy? >> sunshine. >> yeah. sunshine helps. >> it really does help. >> it does. >> those back-to-back weekends of having rain and have it be gray and cloudy and if people who are at work, that's the only time they can really enjoy the outdoors and that was robbed from us. >> i think we need to have a committee and discuss this and have a meeting and another meeting. >> need a planning committee. >> and two more committees. >> to plan the committee about the committee. >> i'll send the zoom link. >> there you go. >> please, no. >> no more. >> that does not make me happy. let me tell you that much.
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plenty to be happy about today with the morning fog backing up to the coast, dry and mild for now. there are some changes looming farther into the workweek. let's look at the evolution of the big picture weather pattern as we wind the clock forward on futurecast and the map appears to be stuck. this is fun, live tv, a monday in progress now. i'm going to step out of the screen. the l on the left side of the screen will give way to a storm system that will push towards the bay area with a good chance of rain by the end of the workweek on friday. that's the next chance of rain. the next three days still looking like it's going to remain dry. we got the maps to move. let's see if we can get them to advance and no. this remote is entirely dead. this is fun. okay. you'll just hear me talk about the map. as we head through the next several days, we'll be looking at 60s and 70s, but also only 57 degrees downtown san francisco. we've got low 70s in livermore
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and concord, some of the warmer temperatures farther inland. later on tonight temperatures will drop off as the fog spreads out. we'll track that with futurecast. all that bright white is the fog and low cloud cover making a big push into the inland valleys early tuesday morning backing up to the coast as we head towards midday, might be tough to shake the fog a little while longer in some of the valleys, but by noon everybody should be seeing sunshine breaking through. temperatures tonight upper 40s to around 50 degrees. the pollen count through the next several days will remain high. i think we might knock it back a little more friday as the next wave of rain moves in, but tomorrow, wednesday, thursday towards the top of the scale. let's look at tomorrow's forecast high temperatures. we'll zoom around the map without me to guide you since i'm behind the scenes, hitting the space bar to advance maps along, low to mid-70s inland, close to 10 degrees above normal. it won't be nearly that warm along the coast. 58 degrees in half moon bay, farther inland 16 degrees
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warmer, 74 degrees in antioch, low 60s in san francisco, mid-60s for oakland and the north bay topping out mostly in the upper 60s to around 70 degrees, not quite as warm as other inland parts of the bay area because fog will take a little bit longer to dissipate. we have rain chances back in the forecast by the end of the workweek into the weekend and they linger in place for a while all the way through the weekend into early next week. you add up all those rain chances, four straight days, we're not talking about a lot, generally a quarter to 1 inch of total rainfall with a little bit more in the santa cruz mountains. let's check out the seven-day forecast. we'll start with inland parts of the bay area where temperatures top out in the low 70s tomorrow, wednesday and thursday and the rain arrives friday and cools things off, back to the low 60s for highs by saturday, sunday and monday. around the bay temperatures won't be quite that warm, but a pleasant pattern the next few days. the same general pattern will repeat itself morning fog, afternoon sunshine and then the rain back in the forecast, especially by friday and saturday. i think sunday looks like the drier half of the weekend, but there's a chance
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for scattered showers lingering into early next week and the whole last week of march does look generally unsettled. that's beyond the scope of the seven-day forecast. we got plenty of time to worry about that. >> hope you can return from the matrix void. coming up, how one woman in silicon valley is writing books to help women and girls feel less alone. and later, there's now a way to get birth control pills delivered straight to your door even without a prescription, how you can place an order.
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it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente.
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as we celebrate women's history month, a local author in the south bay hopes her latest novel helps provide more positive female characters. >> yeah. she tells our shawn chitnis she wants to see more representation in books. >> reporter: kylie joa born and raised in sing bore came here to stanford to get her undergrade and masters degrees and she decided to start working in the tech industry and that is the setting for her new novel with her main character showing a similar background. even as a published author who
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has already written more than one book, it's still a little weird for kyla jao to read her own words, but there's pride in the story she's telling for an audience kyla believes needs more like them. >> i was living by myself in california. i was very homesick and lonely and also really frustrated with the rising a race. going on at the time. >> reporter: she had just graduated and taken a job as a data analyst. a few months into that career path, she was flying home to singapore unsure what she would be able to share with her family and friends about her new life. >> i took out my laptop on the plane and typed out the first line, zoe zhang was having an absolute blast and that's what i try to portray about myself to the people around me. >> reporter: kyla says she wasn't being honest and neither would her main character in the new novel
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"valley verified." >> zoe zhang was having an absolute blast. it was a balmy summer evening. >> reporter: but her main character zoe decides to give up that life in new york, working in the fashion industry, for a job with an app startup in silicon valley. it's her second novel. the first was about characters in her home country of singapore. >> i wanted to see asians like myself being portrayed in a more positive manner as the start of something fun and vibrant and joyful instead of being labeled as the villains. >> reporter: kyla said her characters are based on many people she's come across in real life and she's not afraid to take on serious challenges of the tech industry, including how women are seen and treated. >> she already does not feel that sense of belonging and every step of the way she feels like it's an uphill battle, the odds are stacked against her. no one believes that she belongs there and as a result, she starts to believe that she does not belong there. >> reporter: as well as the fashion of the bay area, which
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comes up in this passage from the book as zoe heads to california. >> you're going to be the best thing that's ever happened to silicon valley. just promise me you never lose your style and become part of the patagonia group. >> reporter: while she still may be a little shy speaking her own words out loud, kyla hopes others enjoy reading this story just as much as she did writing it. kyla says it's important for her books not only to be about women, but specifically women helping other women and not put that focus on women who are forced to compete against each other. she also says that the trend is headed in the right direction when it comes to publishing. she's seeing more diversity not only in authors, but the stories they tell. coming up in our next half hour, how youtube is taking on a.i., the new rules that creators will have to follow heading into the election season. and what people post on social media was front and center at the supreme court today, the case that had the high court weighing in on free
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speech and the digital age. and the hi-tech ways thieves found to steal cars and the model officials say is being targeted. plus it's march madness time. if you want to play along with ryan and myself and the rest of our kpix team, visit and fill out your bracket for the chance to win 1,000 bucks.
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oh, it's cold outside. time to protect your vehicle from winter's wrath. of course, the hot sun can be tough on vehicles too. you need weathertech. laser measured floorliners and cargo liner will shield the carpeting from sand and snow. for your interior, there's seat protector and sunshade. plus, mud flaps and bumpstep for the exterior. while the new impactliner, with shock absorbing rings, safeguards your truck bed from costly damage. order american made products at surf's up!
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right now at 5:30, how car thieves are able to copy your key to steal your car, the warning from officials about what cars are being taken. and what happened to marley? police are asking for your help finding the people who shot a dog in san jose. and the supreme court taking on controversial social media posts and hearing arguments on how to regulate them, why some were worried it's too late. and we have an update on some breaking news, a crash that hurt at least one person is causing a massive backup along the san mateo bridge. that accident happened about an hour ago and shut down two eastbound lanes at the high
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rise of that bridge. commute is at a crawl and drivers are kind of funneled through that middle lane you see there, no word yet on when this scene will be cleared. >> good evening. i'm elizabeth cook. >> i'm ryan yamamoto. car thieves figured out a way to start camaros using key cloning devices. now some cities in california are seeing an uptick in thefts. as max darrow reports, police are warning people who own camaros to take extra steps to protect their cars. >> reporter: san francisco pd and los angeles pd both report an uptick in camaro thefts. a consumer watchdog says individuals should take extra steps to protect themselves and that action is needed higher up to make sure consumers are better protected. chevy camaros high on car thieves' radars right now in northern and southern california. here's a look at sfpd's numbers, 21 camaro thefts reported in 2022, 46 in
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2023, and through the first 2 1/2 months this year 15 camaro thefts. in los angeles the problem is even more prevalent. around this time last year lapd reported seven camaros stolen. this year 90 so far. lapd sergeant arnold castellanos tells our team police often find many of these stolen camaros at illegal street takeovers or the thieves try and resell the camaros. >> quite often find them where they're actually turning around posting them on social media to sell them, 40, 50, $60,000 car selling for $3,000. >> many consumers have heard of the increase in key fob cloning and the thefts of other kinds of vehicles. >> carmen balber is the executive director of consumer watchdog, a group dedicated to safeguarding interests and rights of california consumers. >> we have seen this problem with other cars impact consumers' ability to get auto insurance. >> she says insurance


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