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tv   The Late News  CBS  March 19, 2024 1:37am-2:13am PDT

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now at 11:00 -- >> i can't really unsee the carnage that happened here. >> -- an entire family shattered in an instant in a crash so violent even witnesses were traumatized. tonight a months old baby is struggling to survive with no family to go home to and an elderly woman is facing charges. plus, we heard lots of this from city leaders about a crackdown in one of oakland's prime hot spot, is it working? we ask the people on the front lines? >> oh, it's a hot mess. it's tore up. and the giants make a big
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catch for their pitching rotation as a team legend signs off. from kpix this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> hello and good evening, i'm sara donchey. tonight we begin with a story of loss so incredibly painful it seems to have touched the hearts of anyone who's even heard about it. a violent crash in san francisco's west portal killed nearly an entire young family, a mom, a dad, and a little boy who would have turned 2 in august all died after a speeding driver slammed into bus stop saturday morning. the family's 2-month-old baby was very badly hurt and is fighting for their life in the hospital this. happened right outside of west portal station, and several people said they'd seen the family thrown in the air after the impact. some said they were so disturbed by what they saw they couldn't sleep that night. >> i am just like unable to move forward and i need to have
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closure with what i saw. i can't really unsee the carnage that happened here. i was just standing here, and i just couldn't believe what i'd seen outside my own house. i'm a therapist, you know, a mental health therapist, so i like deal with other people's traumas all the time. and here i am having my own trauma right in my own room. >> people left these photos at the crash site this evening. our reporter da lin spent the weekend reaching out to people who knew the victims to see what they could tell us about this family. >> reporter: the victim's close friends declined an on-camera interview but share the father is diego, 40 years old. mother is 38 years old. the toddler is about 1.5 years old and the infant is about 2 months old. both boys. friends say the family lives in the mission district. saturday was their wedding anniversary so they decided to take the bus to celebrate the anniversary with the boys at the san francisco
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zoo. friends sadie yay goe was originally from brazil. his family is flying to the u.s. the wife was originally from portugal. her family also flying to the bay area. >> tonight a huge group of people gather at the crash site, some of them visibly upset in tears to remember the family who died. kelsi thorud was there with them. >> reporter: it was a somber gathering, one filled with only the sounds of a soothing piano and the collective grief of strangers supporting a family in mourning. >> i think that we take comfort from the fact that our friends and neighbors are here because this is what this city is all about. >> it's just so incredibly sad. i mean, all they were doing was going to the zoo, you know. then the little baby's still in the hospital. it's heartbreaking. >> reporter: nina told me she was actually just up the road when the crash happened. >> and we heard the crash. we
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heard the sirens. we heard everything, but i didn't expect it to be this tragic. >> reporter: now days later, people want answers and action. both mayor breed and police chief scott attended the vigil. michael borden, who himself was hit by a car in san francisco years ago, told me he wants to see both city and state leaders make street safety a priority. >> i'm one of the lucky ones, but people who've lost family members -- and it's just so unnecessary. you see the way people are driving on the street, even in our beautiful neighborhood. people just -- they blow through the stop signs. they're distracted. they do whatever. and it's -- it's so sad and so unnecessary. and it just breaks my heart for those children. it
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just breaks your heart. >> so many people so emotional about this loss. it's indescribable. well, the woman behind the wheel of the car was 78-year-old mary fong lao, according to police. tonight she is in county jail, charged with vehicular manslaughter and reckless driving among other things. we still don't know much at all about why she was allegedly speeding on the wrong side of the road through that intersection. tonight d.a. brooke jenkins is asking the public for patience writing in part, toxicology results alone can take more than 30 days to obtain and vehicle operating systems will need to be carefully analyzed to determine whether mechanical issues may have played a role. these are just two examples of the continued investigation that cannot be completed within the 48 hours that we legally have to render a charging decision. across the bridge in oakland, the busy hegenberger corridor has been getting a lot of attention for businesses closing down or shutting customers out because it's
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just too dangerous, they say, to operate. today the mayor took a bit of a victory lap, claiming the city's crime crackdown is making a difference. so is she right? our john ramos asked the people on the front lines. . >> reporter: as a mayor facing a possible recall over the issue of crime, sheng thao gathered a friendly group to talk about what's happening on hegenberger road. >> and i have to say that mayor sheng thao has stepped up more than any other mayor for -- to bring the resources and the attention to this vital corridor. thank you. >> yes, yes. >> reporter: but the story of hegenberger has been pretty bad lately. next week, in out inburg will close a restaurant for the first time in it's history. denny's has been shuttered for a while now. and many of the fast food franchises no longer accept
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cash or allow sit-down dining. >> oh, so a lot of these buildings, the offices are closed. a lot of restaurants are closed because of all the crime. they don't want anyone inside. >> reporter: linda grant is part of a recently created street ambassador program run by a nonprofit called the black cultural zone. it's one of the programs touted by the mayor as making a difference in the area along with stepped up police patrols. and on this day, mayor thao was feeling pretty upbeat about where things were heading. >> what we're seeing is that our crime rate, they are trending downwards. and i see that this is only going to improve. the numbers are only going to improve and continue to trend downwards because we are continuously working together. >> reporter: but vincent johnson, who is the dispatch manager for the ambassadors, has a different view of hegenberger. >> oh, it's a hot mess. it's tore up. it's ridiculous. there's nothing there. it's all gone. there's nothing there no more. it's over. it's totally over. >> reporter: and he doesn't share the mayor's optimistic view of the future. is it
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really getting better, in your view? >> well, somewhat. but it's all the homelessness. you got a whole bunch of homeless encampments around you, what do you expect to happen? broke people coming into your store. they're going to steal. there's no jobs, no nothing. you take the vitality away, what happens, everything leaves. >> reporter: there's probably little mayor thao can do about homelessness, but crime is something people are getting fed up with. no new initiatives were announced today, but the mayor is hoping people will believe data over what they see with their own eyes. >> working together is a good example of good governance, and we're going to keep moving that forward and pushing that thread. >> reporter: if she can't, it may be the thread her job hangs on. >> so in the meantime, in-n-out and a lot of other businesses along the corridor have put up their own signs and sandwich boards warning people not to leave valuables in their cars
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while they're there. now to the san francisco giants throwing their fans a bone in the off-season with a major addition to their pitching rotation. the team snagged blake snell from the san diego padres. vern, there has been -- there have been a lot of changes on and off the field. i think it offset some other news that came out of the organization today. >> especially with brooks moon leaving the team, but by 5:00 today, adding pitcher blake snell was a great pick me up. you can't go after baseball baseball ops now. that's a two-time cy young winner just in time for opening day. he comes to the clubhouse with a two-year contract worth $62 million. he was hoping for a more massive payday in the off-season when free agency started, but he's reunited with bob melvin, who was his his skipper in san diego. you went with pitching, and they will win with him in the rotation. ended up being a good haul.
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in addition to snell he added robbie ray, outfielders jorge soler, third baseman mat chapman, jung huh lee as well. back to ra nel. she won't get a chance to announce any of these guys. the giants today parted ways with town most popular figures in the organization. opened the ballpark 24 years ago, was public address announcer. first black female p.a. announcer in the bigs. she said, quote, as a little girl going to candlestick i could never imagine i'd grow up to do this. i never saw or heard anyone on radio or tv that looked like me. i hope i've inspired many. and she certainly has. i have known her since i started working in this tv market forever ago. back then she was a mega superstar in morning drive time radio. it is going to be weird not hearing her voice. i'd hate to be the person following her whoever that is. >> yeah. we never really know
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the circumstances of when people depart this way. all i can say for sure is the fans did not seem to be happy to see her go online today. >> they tore up the giants on social media today. didn't matter where you looked. >> mm-hmm. >> the giants tried to make it up for it on the field adding blake snell. >> i think she'll be missed regardless for sure. >> yes. >> vern, thank you. still ahead, who would shoot a puppy? that is what police in san jose want to know tonight. the reward out for marley's attackers. and is there such a thing as a quadruple black diamond? because this thing would be it. the tahoe resort rushing to make sure skiers don't accidentally take a journey to the center of the earth. the fog is starting to spread across the bay area. you can see it out the windows behind me. our time lapse shows that thin layer of fog that's going to become pretty widespread by tomorrow morning. we're tracking that and how long the dry weather is going to last, at least a couple days, in the first alert forecast. and have you filled out your bracket yet? paul and i
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have. our final four picks are coming up. you can see how yours stacks up against ours. probably going to be better. in our bracket challenge there's a $1,000. register and pla
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police in san jose are looking for shooter who is took
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aim at a puppy. can't understand how anyone could do something like that. marley's still recovering two months after someone shot the nearly year old pup in the head along mckee road. the owner told police she awoke to the sound of gunfire early in the morning of january 1 #19 and realized marley wandered off and was coming back wounded. my goodness. so this is one of the last things that you would want to see on the ski slope, because itch you did run into it, you would fall. about 40 feet into the earth. this opened up on the back side of sierra at tahoe leading down a creek bed at the bottom. the resort says there's also a ton of snow to hide this deep crevasse since the caldor fire touched most of the trees in 2021. they've done some blasting to fill in this gap and have blocked access to this area. >> wow.
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% only snowboarded, but i'd imagine going over something like that when you don't expect it would be catastrophic. >> yeah, that is not what you want. because that distance falling, i mean that's basically four stories you would fall down if you were unlucky enough to stumble into that. so i'm glad they're getting on excite doing some blasting to kind of fill in those gaps in the snow pack. they have caught up to average for snowfall, and there's more in the forecast as our next rain chances are heading our way. for moment, though, we just have fog swallowing up salesforce tower. it's going to be the same pattern through thursday morning. afternoon sunshine for most of us with temperatures warming up, especially inland, and then the next rain chance moves into the bay area for the end of the workweek on friday those rain chances are going to continue into the weekend. more on that momentarily. but the sunshine the next couple days keeps us towards the top of the scale in terms of solar energy. we are going to do pretty well making the most of the just over 12
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hours of daylight we get now that we're heading into spring. spring equinox is tomorrow just after 8:00 in the evening. temperatures have dropped down into the low to mid-50s across the board. they'll drop a bit more but not too far. but the fog is going to become much more widespread as we head through the rest of tonight. you can see the areas in white here, the bright white is that ground level cloud cover. the fog sitting just aboveground level. that's covering most of the bay area as we begin the day tomorrow, but it backs up out of most of the inland valleys pretty quickly. the exception might be the north bay. you should see plenty of sunshine by about 11:00, maybe 11:30 or so. temperatures tonight dropping to the mid up to #40ers to around 50 degrees. once the sun breaks through, we will warm up. let's take a look at forecast highs tomorrow inland into the low to mid-70s in the santa clara valley and the east bay. some of the warmest spots around 74, 75 degrees. but the onshore breeze is definitely going to have an impact on temperatures. only 58 degrees far high temperature at half moon bay. 62 in san
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francisco. that's a couple degrees warmer than today. it's also exactly normal for this time of year. mid-60s for oakland, and temperatures in the north bay, here's that influence of the fog hanging on in the north bay valleys. temperatures aren't going to reach the low to mid-70s, instead you'll get up to the upper 60s to around 70 degrees. pollen count is going to remain pretty high. in fact, sky high for wednesday and thursday but then a drop in that pollen count for friday because that's when the next chance of rain arrives. that's going to stick around into the weekend. the best chance is going to be friday into friday night but lingering showers on saturday and still a chance of showers in the forecast sunday and monday as well. but you add up four straight days of rain chances, we're talking about 0.25 an inch to 0.5 an inch for most of the bay area. some of the higher amounts to maybe just over an inch of total rainfall over the course of several days. this is not going to be an impactful rain event, but it is going to be inconvenient as you try to make outdoor plans for the weekend.
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be flexible with those plans. a few more dry days to go and then a wet and cooler pattern. inland temperatures go from the mid-70s to low 60s by this weekend. first weekend of spring still going to feel like winter. around the bay temperatures close to normal for the next few days. you also are going to cool down with temperatures barely cracking 60 degrees as that wet weather pattern settles in. along the coast you're dry but you are cool. temperatures in the upper 50s to around of degrees regardless of whether you're dry the next few days or when the rain arrives, temperatures not changing a whole lot thanks to that onshore breeze. still ahead in sport, the 49ers brock purdy got himself a backup quarterback today. and the warriors finally a home game but they
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all right, i'm scared to ask how did the warriors do? >> you don't want to know. 15 games left, though, for the warriors, so they've got time to make up something. but man, this is going to be absolutely tight. by the way, i got a stat for you, the warriors record when trailing by 15 or more point, 1 in 14 this year. they pay for a slow start with the
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new york knicks in town. all female broadcast crew. warriors made a push. lob to trace jackson davis. that cut the lead to four. tjd, 18 point, 9 rebounds. could the dubs get out of this? oh man, the turnovers. draymond green couldn't find the handle on that one. momentum lost. brunson and mcbride combined for 63 points. new york won it 119-112. and this one got away from the dubs right from the opening tip. it took nearly four minutes for golden state to get on the board. the knicks started the game on an 18-4 run, never trailed. they'll have to be sharper wednesday night when memphis comes to town. let's pivot to the 49ers, chase young is on the move. he reportedly agreed to a one-year deal with the saints worth $13
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million. young had three and a half sacks in 12 game, including the postseason, after joining the 49ers at the deadline. and meet the 49ers new backup quarterback, josh dobbs. started 12 games last season between the cardinals and the vikings. we know he's tight with you won general jennings. dobbs hail mary pass for the game-winning touchdown to beat georgia. you sigh, sara, you got to go out on a high note and leave a little bit in the tank for tuesday. >> yeah, 49ers backup quarterbacks have historically had some nice moments. >> and he will have nice moments here. jennings will see to it. >> yes, all right, vern, thank you. a guy who had a very large, very strange pet apparently did quite a lot to keep him happy,
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it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente.
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don't they say dogs are a man's best friend? well, one guy in new york state said an alligator was his bff until the law found out about it. this is albert. he weighs 750 pounds and is 30 years old. his owner had a license to keep him, but it expired in 2021, and his request to renew it was denied, so officers took albert last wednesday from his home where he had some pretty fancy digs. his owner built albert a swimming pool and he allegedly allowed people to go in the water to pet him. unclear if those guests ever wanted to return or were able to, i should say. the maddest part of the month is almost here, and before you fill out your bracket for your office pool, you'll want to hear what the experts at kpix have to say. are there any experts here? anywhere?
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all right -- >> love hearing that music. >> -- are you fired up? >> yeah. >> come on. >> all seven postgame shows. >> you got one down. >> march madness is upon us. >> yes. >> which meant some of us were mad about working on a sunday.
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just kidding. well, i wasn't thrilled, i guess. >> i was here anyway. >> we were all here yesterday. we were all here yesterday for a special show about our picks for the ncaa final four, and some of them made more sense than others. >> okay, so my philosophy here, i go with -- i incorporate the sort of power ranking system and a little bit of liz's favorite colors. >> okay. >> a little bit of where i've lived. i actually -- when the full bracket, we were working on it, i had colgate doing quite well. >> okay, all right. >> so just if anything like that happens, just -- you heard it here first. >> okay. >> colgate. >> all right, that's fine. >> what do you think, coach? >> i like houston. you know, they were my early season pick. but they've got so many injuries now that i -- i'm just not sure they can make it all the way. they're one of the best defensive teams, though, in the tournament. >> i'm going to pretend that i knew that. i'm just going to say we will overcome. >> okay.
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>> but i had no idea anyone was hurt on the team, so now i'm probably going to be hurt later in the office pool. i hope there's nothing real at stake here. >> okay, all right. >> mm-hmm, that was sara, okay. >> colgate, i'm just throwing it out there. >> colgate. >> it could happen. anything could happen. all right, so that one made sense. this one made less sense. >> now the man from texas a&m, he's got a team in this tournament. >> an aggie. >> that is paul heggen joining us. and look at him wearing the swag. >> my god, paul. >> representing texas a&m. >> got the sneakers too. >> the maroon. >> i wonder who's going to be in the final four. >> no, i'm not that brave. in fact, i'm terrified like over other aggie in every other sport we're just always terrified of. went with the six seeds, texas tech and carolina, on the other side, everybody's got yukon. but baylor, coach drew, i went heavy on the big 12 in the finals with baylor beating texas tech. we'll see how it kind of plays out glichlt you get all those four,
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i think you'd be alone in terms of picks. >> might be. >> i think you could enter some kind of a pool and you would win it. might go for it. >> coach is so nice no matter what. >> i've changed two of those. >> if that comes up like that, advertisers are going to go, oh no. >> i changed that right side to marquette and creighton, because i just couldn't -- yeah. >> i didn't see any expert brackets like yours, but what did you pick? >> i've got marquette against connecticut in one game. >> okay, here we go. here's the graphic. >> and i have arizona and gonzaga in the other. i've changed. in the championship game, though, now i have yukon against gonzaga, and i have yukon winning the whole thing. >> well hold on, everybody gave me so much can we say smack about going with houston. >> grief. >> yeah, another word that starts with s about going with houston, and i was unaware of their injury situation. and there they are. >> that's okay. that's all
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right. >> you had that -- >> i don't have them in the championship game. i have gonzaga instead. >> i have gonzaga losing in the first round, so one of us will look very smart. and the other will be -- >> there's going to be


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