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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  March 19, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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thank you for joining us this morning. it's tuesday, march 19th. >> let's get started. >> i think that we take comfort from the fact that our friends and neighbors are here. because this is what the city is all about. >> our san francisco community coming together to remember the lives taken too soon in a heart-breaking crash. they can, you know, have this beautiful environment, live with a bunch of other kids who all get along, and they cook together and they eat together and we have created a family environment. >> meet a bridge builder, making it her mission to help troubled teens from going down her same path. every piece of progress that i, and that we as glacier are making, it makes me all the more motivated to really get out there and be the change that i wish to see in the world. >> a positive vision for a sustainable future. a bay area company is hoping artificial intelligence can make the difference in the recycling industry. and what a way to cap off a
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big off-season. say hello to blake snell. the cy young award winner is about to be the newest member of your san francisco giants. all right, we see you, giants. i'm nicole zaloumis and two years, $62 million for blake. a guy that has the most walks in major league baseball. but he has a lot of positive things as well. and hopefully he propels them, guys. >> how much did you say in $64 million -- two years. >> 64 million reasons to impress us. be reminded of that. >> it's like he won the lottery. >> monopoly money at this point guys. >> i did enter the lottery and i'm reed cowan and i won getting to work with all of you. >> did you? >> same. >> you have a ticket and you have a ticket. >> yes. >> okay and tonight is the drawing. >> and we have details for you. >> we're ready. >> how are you going to do tomorrow solo. >> we'll come in. just be driven in. >> to do an interview with me. >> pretty much. >> i get the exclusive. i
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appreciate it guys. good morning, i'm gianna franco and straight to traffic right now because it is a crawl as you work your way westbound 580. start off with this unfortunately this is a deadly crash westbound 580 as you head over towards the bay bridge this morning. trying to connect on to 80 that's a live look at the scene. it started about 4:30 this morning and the investigation is under way. at least three cars are involved in this crash. you have got tow crews on scene and you still see the flashing lights there and only actually looking at it right now, looks like they may have shut down all lanes. they were allowing traffic to get through there and at least a couple of lanes. but that has changed in the last few minutes. likely as they clear the vehicles out of the way. in the meantime, the backup is pretty significant. as you head westbound 24 getting to 580. use 880 in the meantime if you are working your way towards the macarthur maze. we'll keep you updated on that and let you know when lanes open up. but in the meantime, let's get a live look outside and it is tuesday. you are working through that drive this morning. as you head out the door. and here's a peek of things near san francisco. and a little bit of
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a layer of fog hanging out over the buildings this morning. jess, but hey, it's officially spring. oh, yeah. well, springy we knox happs at 8:00 tonight and man, is it going to be a beautiful one for us as we head into in next couple of days. that marine stray substitution that layer of clouds that's kind of holding on tight to the salesforce tower it's blanketing it this morning. keep in mind fog starts at the surface level and works its way up. the cloud layer is actually not even fog but the cloud layer kind of blanket the santa clara valley as we wake up this morning. later today, our daytime highs are actually going to be sitting in the 70s once that marine layer pulls back kind of like a blanket along the coastline. we'll see sunnier skies in this afternoon but this morning, all the way over into the san francisco we go, keep in mind salesforce tower hangs about 1,070 feet high. and that marine layer is definitely impacting us this morning too. daytime highs today in san francisco only going to be topping out actually in the 50s. a lot cooler compared to where we have been at recently. actually
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pull up the monitor once more and i want to talk about the weather headlines. this afternoon we're going to see sunnier skies and still a mix of partly cloudy conditions along the coastline too. a similar trend. not until friday we see a big shift in the forecast for us. rain will return into the bay area ending this dry break. and this dry break has had very nice things of course when it comes to outdoor activities of course and all throughout the bay area we've been able to get a lot of things done after that huge stint of period where we had rain. but it also brought in dry brittle air and of course the pollen has been sitting around and we were in that medium to high category all weekend long. before the rain returns after the rest of this week. were now over to you, g. i'll take it from here, this morning a 2-month-old baby is still in the hospital after a speeding driver slammed into a san francisco bus stop. striking a family of four. the dad 40-year-old diego and
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another little boy died at the scene. the mother 30-year-old matilde from portugal died sunday from her injuries. it happened outside the west portal station and several witnesses said that they saw the family thrown in the air after the impact. friends of the family say they were on their way to the san francisco zoo to celebrate the parents' wedding anniversary. since then, memorials have appeared at the ulloa street stop. a huge group of people gathered at the crash site last night some of them in tears to remember this young family. kelsi thorud was there with them. >> reporter: it was a somber gathering. one filled with only the sounds of a soothing piano and the collective grief of strangers supporting a family in mourning. >> i think that we take comfort from the fact that our friends and neighbors are here. because this is what the city is all about. >> this is just so incredibly sad. i mean, all they were doing is going to the zoo. you know? and then the little baby
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still in the hospital. it's just -- it's heart-breaking. >> reporter: nina veco told me she was actually just up the road when the crash happened. >> and we heard the crash and we heard the sirens. we heard everything. but i didn't expect it to be this tragic. >> reporter: now, days later, people want answers and action. both mayor breed and police chief scott attended the vigil and michael borden who himself, who was hit by a car in san francisco years ago, told me he wants to see both city and state leaders make street safety a priority. >> i'm one of the lucky ones. but -- people who have lost family members and it is just so unnecessary. see the way people are driving on the streets. even in our beautiful neighborhood on -- the lower haight. people just -- they blow through the stop signs.
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they're distracted. they do whatever. and it's -- it's so sad. and so unnecessary. and it just breaks my heart for the children. just breaks your heart. >> police say the woman behind the wheel of the car was 78-year-old mary fong lau. she was booked on sunday and remains in county jail. accused of vehicular manslaughter, reckless driving, among other charges. well, we still don't know much about why she was allegedly speeding on the wrong side of the road. da brooke jenkins is asking for patience as her office receives all the information and evidence in the case. she writes in part -- toxicology results alone can take more than 30 days to obtain. and a vehicle operating systems will need to be carefully analyzed to determine whether mechanical issues may have played a role. these are just two examples of the continued investigation that must occur. and cannot be completed within the 48 hours that we legally have to render a charging decision.. >> now comes the community work
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and already this morning the call for strengthened safety measures to curb speeding. san francisco is going to get cameras that automatically issue speeding tickets. that's one thing. the red markers on the map show where 33 cameras will fire up across the city. in fact, we're told each district will get at least two of these speeding cameras, mainly in areas where traditionally speeding is a problem. we will be there at the meeting today to get more details for you. anybody driving over 11 miles per hour will be fined because of these cameras. it's all a part of a pilot program from a new statewide law. by the way, oakland and san jose will also have the cameras in testing phase soon and as soon as we learn where they will fire up, we'll let you know. well, san pablo man accused of killing his wife and mother-in-law will face a judge today. you are looking at 40-year-old phuc vo and hearing the story of 40-year-old tho ly and her mother 70-year-old que tran. they've been missing
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since early september. police say ly's husband told them the women in question drove to southern california but there's a big caveat here. after spotting vo in oakland driving the car he said his wife had taken south, police arrest homicide im. so far no bodies found bubblies believe they have enough circumstantial evidence to pin the deaths on mr. vo. we're following that case closely. so if your telephone service at home is a landline and you want to keep it. listen up. at&t, they want to be leaved of their obligations to provide landline service according to the california public utilities commission this morning. as more and more people opt to cut the cord and go cellular, the cpuc is offering two last chances to weigh in on at&t's request. in fact, they'll hold virtual hearings today at 2:00 p.m. and 6:00 p.m. so there are a few sides to the story. critics say cutting the cord would hurt neighborhoods that have spotty or nonexistent cell service. 6:10. some scary moments in
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the skies from a piece of aluminum falling off the plane to another jet losing a wheel on takeoff. the pledge from united to still keep you safe.
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international aid groups say people who live in gaza face the very real risk of famine. in fact, a new u. n. report claims more than a million people in gaza especially in the north face starvation. meanwhile, president joe biden spoke with israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu for the first time in more than a month. he expressed concerns over israel's upcoming ground invasion in rafah. >> president biden asked the prime minister to send a senior interagency team composed of military, intelligence, and humanitarian officials, to washington in the coming days to hear u.s. concerns about israel's current rafah planning. >> president biden continues to express frustration with israel's operations while at the same time acknowledging the impact and progress against hamas. whose october attack killed dozens. in fact, this morning, hamas continues to hold more than 100 hostages. israel offered a six week pause in the fighting in exchange for 40 hostages. the supreme court weighing
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in once again on a texas law that targets the crisis at the border. the high court issued another temporary pause on sb4. it's a state immigration law that would give local authorities the power to arrest migrants suspected of crossing into the u.s. illegally. the department of justice argues the state law is unconstitutional and oversteps federal immigration law. last night, texas governor greg abbott posted on social media that despite the supreme court's action, quote, texas is still using its authority to arrest illegal immigrants for criminal trespass and other violations of law. looking live at sfo this morning. things are ruining smoothly at the airport but a different story yesterday. engine issues it grounded a united airlines flight bound for japan and that flight was delayed for nearly five hours before finally taking off. now this marks at least the tenth incident involving the airline in just the past two week. now earlier this month if you remember, another united
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airlines' jet heading to japan from sfo lost wheel during takeoff. in response to recent issues yesterday the ceo announced new safety measures at united. ceo scott kirby sent a letter to its plus members saying the airline has experienced a number of incidents that are reminders of the importance of safety. he stated while they are all unrelated, the incidents have their attention and sharpened their focus. the ceo said that the airline will be reviewing each case to understand what happened. adding an extra day of in-person training for all pilots beginning in may. plus a centralized training curriculum for new maintenance technicians and adding more resources to supplier network management. let's take a look at the roadways right now as you head out the door on this tuesday morning. get to some breaking traffic news on westbound 580. as you head over towards the macarthur maze. connecting on to 80. a deadly crash has lanes still shut down. this is again right as you head into the maze
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this morning. traffic is getting very busy through here and at one point they did close all lanes as they worked to retrieve the vehicles from this crash. there are three cars involved and it happened at about 4:30 this morning. and we are still seeing a pretty big backup because of that. and only one lane is available for traffic to travel through there. so taking a look at the backup, it's quite slow. coming off of 880 there now heading westbound 24 the brake lights trying to connect over to 20 -- to westbound 580. give yourself some extra time traveling through there and use 880 and you will get into the area a little bit faster if you do that instead. now westbound 80 is busy heading to the bay bridge. here's a live look at the toll plaza, the metering lights are on and brake lights across the upper deck because of a broken down vehicle. a very busy start to the ride out of oakland this morning heading into san francisco. we'll keep you updated on that and westbound 580 also busy heading into the altamont pass. reed? all right, thank you g so much. taking a live look outside on this beautiful
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tuesday morning. another 6:17. you see a little bit of a fog layer there. that'sgoing to burn off and jess is going to talk more about that. but first jess, you are letting people know about an update on the snow pack in tahoe and a situation out there that kind of can be dangerous. >> oh absolutely. i mean, people have been enjoying the fresh snow in the tahoe area after the last winter storm for quite some time. but if you are on the skiascopes, this is one of the last things you want to run into. check this out behind me. over at sierra-at-tahoe, ski resort, staff actually found large cracks similar to a crevasse and it's hard to tell in these photos, but if you were to fall into one you'd fall about 40 feet down. resort closed that side of the run for now and they're actually working to quickly fill it in. but that's a sight to see in itself. and gosh, i can't even imagine being a skier running into that for the first time. now back here in the bay, we have a lot to talk about. because our friends up in the sierra they're about to get some more snow but that means we're about to get rain right around the corner too from the
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exact same system. a couple of cloudy mild days in the next couple of days and then the rain returning into the bay. the cloud lathery we see right now, it's going to pull back along coast just like yesterday. we're going to see sunnier skies throughout the inland areas around 2:00 and that lasts into the afternoon hours. while a blanket of clouds slowly fills the area into the early morning hours tomorrow. wetter than normal conditions are expected as we head into the next 6 to 10 days issued by the climate proddings center and actually lines up well with what our models are showing for us. because our rain chances really start to increase as early as friday afternoon. and that lasts as we head into our weekend forecast. and early next week. so let's dive into that in just a bit more. what's happening is there's actually an area of low pressure well offshore. here's the bay area right there. here's the system that's still forming and it works in a counterclockwise direction and still going to add energy in the next couple of days impacting us and along the coastline as we head into the friday, saturday and sunday forecast. and there's that snow up in the sierra that that's going to bring too. now not only is it bringing us rain but it's going to bring us cooler temperatures and to add
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to that we're also going to see some gustier conditions. on our modelings right now, we're seeing about panel inch of rain in the north bay. and close to around a quarter inch closer to the south bay and east bay. but as we take a look at the daytime highs, it's also worth noting that like i mentioned it's going to be a lot cooler as we head into our weekend forecast and already starting to get back to average today. like i said that cloud layer is going to pull back and we're going to see sunnier skies this afternoon. but we're still zitting in the 50s today in san francisco and upper 50s near half-moon bay and low 60s in redwood city. and off in the east bay we go, we're still holding on tight to the 70s. all of the microclimates are kind of doing their own dance as we speak. and all the way down into the santa clara valley we go, low 70s are expected for us today. but we're slowly going to get rid of the 70s heading into this weekend's forecast. today and tomorrow, we're fine. i mean actually a similar trend for thursday too. partly cloudy skies and mix of sun and clouds throughout the next couple of days. that's quickly going to shift heading into our friday forecast and that cold front sweeps through and it leaves us
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with rainy skies into early next week. a game changer for the giants but enough to win the nl west? gianna and i debate a big addition to the bay in
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it's the work behind the scenes, let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente.
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well, have you filled out the bracket yet? about 50 million people will during march madness. it's fun right and the action gets going today with a play in round in the men's ncaa tournament. in fact eight teams will like to make
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the first round over the next two days and the real fun starts on thursday and friday. with the round of 64. it's just the start of a three week long sprint to the finish line. you can see how your picks stack up against ours in our bracket challenge. mine is live right now. there's a $1,000 grand prize by the way. we don't win. you are going to see lots of kpix people and we don't win. you can win though. all you have to do is register and play along by heading to the website, gianna, we're just doing it for fun. >> we are. and it is going to be a lot of fun so please join us. baseball season is less than two weeks away and the gianted announces they're parting ways with longtime p. a. announcer ronell brooks moon. i mean really the end of the era. she has been the voice of the team since oracle park opened in 2000. back then of course it was called packville park. they will name the booth after brooks moon in a ceremony later this season. no word yet on her replacement. but brooks moon thanked fans for wrapping her up with a big hug and said it was the honor of her life to
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serve as public address announcer. she'll be missed. >> yeah. she will. "it's game time: unfiltered" on this tuesday morning. and the giants making some other big news. we are less than two weeks away from opening day. and san francisco just added thereigning national league cy young winner. the giants agreed to two year, $62 million deal with blake snell. the left-hander was a free agent and now reunited with manager bob melvin who was his skipper this san diego. on paper it's turned out to be a really good off-season for the giants. they're also added former cy young winner robbie ray who should return in the middle of the season after tommy john surgery. jordan hicks will also join the rotation and you have the additions of jorge soler and hoo lee and matt chapman. >> i mean, i certainly think it shakes it up in the nl west a
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little bit and gives the giants the fighting chance. it actually gets me a little excited. okay with blake snell being added to that, he had like 80 -- 9 degrees. >> we're like at 9 #, 95. >> like hot tubbing. >> i think so. but here's the deal. i mean, i think this is good for the giants and this is good for him too. he came off the last two great years and i think he really is still even though he's a little older has the hungry vibe and going to do well the giants. i wonder if bob melvin influence had anything to do with it. >> obviously isolate. there are some concerns when it comes to his age and he's 31 yearsings old and been on the ir seven times in the eight seasons. with you know, some random shoulder stuff. and elbow. nothing major. but he also has the most walks in major league baseball and you look at that staff and it's alarming. however you look at the e.r.a. and it's fine. i just get a little nervous with the age. 31 years old.
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>> god. 31. i mean in baseball, age. it is. it's tough. but i think that maybe you will give him a little boyfriend the motivation to just get there. also too. ten days really before the season kicks off? i know. giants fans loving it. >> good morning to you. >> i'll take it. 6:26. some of you might be worried about the negative effects of ai but this bay area company wants to change your mind. the robot that could help protect the planet. and later recognizing a bridge builder in our bay area community. meet the woman helping troubled teens change course. why don't we open the windows and doors and take a live look outside on this tuesday morning? there's no rain in the forecast. but what kind of temperatures can we expect here
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and welcome back. it is 6:29 on this tuesday morning. we want to get straight to some breaking news out of oakland right now. you are looking live here unfortunately this is the scene of a deadly crash. it happened at about two hour ago on westbound 580. you can see traffic is only squeezing by through one lane. the rest of the lanes are completely shut down and intermittent closures of all lanes throughout the morning. a pretty big backup for anyone making the ride into san francisco this morning. no word yet when the lanes will open up. you still have some activity on scene and you have got the investigation under way. tow crews are there so
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hopefully they'll get those vehicles out of the freeway. and open up another lane. but we'll let you -- keep you updated on that and mt. meantime use 880 as the alternate and as well as westbound 580 really feeling the effects of the closure because of the crash. to the forecast and you guys it's springtime already. tonight right, jess? >> 8:00. it's going to be the spring equinox and oh my gosh i'm so excited to get out of this winter season. and it has been a hectic one for us here in the bay area, we can all attest to that. a lot of rain for the past few months and okay not getting rid of the rain just yet. start off by saying that butlers temperatures are feeling warmer and we felt that over weekend. the live look over the cloud layer of just the santa clara valley. everywhere down there but we're seeing the sunrise just above that cloud layer and trust me it is there. we can't see it right now at the surface level. this is actually what we're waking up to for many of us throughout bay area. cloudy and cool conditions. that marine layer is really holding on tight to the salesforce
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tower which stands at about 1,070 feet high. so keep in mind that cloud layer is low but it's not impacting surface vick by any means and at least in the city of san francisco. we can still see some patchy fog in areas of dense fog up in the north bay throughout the morning so take it slow out there on roads especially throughout the next couple of days because a repeat of this as we head into the forecast this week. now it's dry for us today and it's dry for us tomorrow but rain does return into the forecast for us later this week and i'll dive into that in just a second. here's the marine layer pulling back along the coast through the afternoon and we'll see some passing clouds in the evening hours tonight and that's how we set up tomorrow morning too. it's a dry day for us in the next couple of days and kind of of a big reason also we see the medium to high category for the pollen count. that was the case for us this weekend. by this weekend wetter than normal conditions are expected. now over to you, nicole. >> actually reed. thank you so much. good morning to the friends in oakland where your mayor sheng thao says progress is happening over in the much
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talked about hegenberger corridor to combat crime. facing a recall, the mayor is adamant that her crime crackdown is working. so we wanted to know what you think. the people of oakland. our john ramos asked and you responded. watch. >> reporter: as a mayor facing a possible recall over the issue of crime, sheng thao gathered a friendly group to talk about what's happening on hegenberger road. >> and i have to say that mayor sheng thao has stepped up more than any other mayor for -- to bring the resources and the attention to this vital corridor. thank you. >> yes. [ applause ] >> reporter: but the story of hegenberger has been pretty bad lately. next week, in-n-out burger will close a restaurant for the first time in its history. denny's has been shuttered for a while now. and many of the fast food franchises no longer accept cash or allow sit-down dining. >> also this -- a lot of these buildings, the offices are closed and a lot of the
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restaurants are closed now because of all the crime. they don't want anyone inside. >> reporter: linda grant is part of a recently created street ambassador program, run by a non-profit called the black cultural zone. it's one of the programs touted by the mayor as making a difference in the area, along with stepped up police patrols. and on this day, mayor thao was feeling pretty upbeat about where things were heading. >> so what we're seeing is that our crime rates, they are trending downwards and i see that this is only going to improve. the numbers are only going to improve and continue to trend downwards. because we are continuously working together. >> reporter: but vincent johnson, who is the dispatch manager for the ambassadors, has a different view of hegenberger. >> oh, it's a hot mess. it's tore up. it's ridiculous. there's nothing there. it's all gone. there's nothing there no more. it's over. it's totally over. >> reporter: and he doesn't share the mayor's optimistic view of the future. is it
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really getting better in your view? >> well, somewhat. but it's -- all the homelessness. you got a whole bunch of homeless encampments around you, what do you expect to happen? you got a whole bunch of broke people coming into your store. what's going to happen? they're going to steal. there's no jobs, there's no money, there's no nothing. you take all the vitality away. then what happens? everything leaves. >> reporter: to be fair, there's probably little that mayor thao can do about homelessness. but crime is something that people are getting fed up with. no new initiatives were announced, but the mayor is hoping that people will believe data over what they're seeing with their own eyes. >> working together is a good example of good governance and we're going to keep moving that forward and pushing that thread. >> reporter: if she can't, it may be the thread her job hangs on. >> well, it's not only citizens sounding off and businesses too. a literal sign of the times. at some businesses. sand words and other signs with the warning saying don't leave valuables in your car. nicole? crime in oakland is one of
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the reasons critics are trying to recall alameda county district attorney pamela price. but her supporters say there's evidence of widespread fraud in the efforts to oust her. they point out that some of the signature gatherers were hired from out of state. something that price says running afoul of the country charter. on top of that, they also add petition forms were left unattended, leaving them at risk of being tampered with. >> there's fraud in the -- recall campaign. that's been organized by outside forces and outside the county and outside california even and those that are in alameda county, that are paying for this campaign, are not part of the community that is trying to do justice. >> the da supporters stay recall effort is funded by wealthy people who don't even live in alameda county. we're on the last leg of the district 16 race. and now it's just down to who will face former san jose mayor sam liccardo in the runoff election. joe simitian
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is currently in second place just 17 votes behind evan low. word is san mateo county may have about two dozen votes to count while santa clara county still has some 1200. the top two candidates will move on to the november general elections and will continue to follow updates. going over to the current mayor of san jose matt mahan is highlighting the urgency to help fight homelessness and safety worries in his latest city budget plan. but these investments are are going to need a work around as san jose is faced with a $52.1 million shortfall this year. in his budget message, mahan said the main sources of city funding are projected to trend down over the next five years. this heads to the full city council today for approval. recycling plays a big role in protecting the planet and while people celebrated global recycling day yesterday, we keep in mind the process isn't always perfect. but as san francisco company is using ai technology to improve it. loureen ayyoub shows us how
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recycling robots could actually be a game changer for the industry. >> reporter: it's not just trash. it's organized trash. and in the world of recycling, that means everything. rebecca hu, alongside her co-founder areeb malik, has created an innovative way to reduce waste using robotic ai sensors. entitled glacier, rebecca's creation makes it easier for recycling infrastructures to recover more items that might have ended up in landfill or in oceans. >> the idea for glacier came about four, five years ago. and it was actually directly a result of a lot of the headlines in the news that we were seeing around the climate crisis. >> reporter: but it wasn't just the headlines that spoke to rebecca's heart. growing up as a first generation american, rebecca has always been more mindful of waste. and very confused with the society fixated on hyperconsumption. >> my parents are actually immigrants from china. and so i was raised with a very particular mentality towards waste. and in particular, you
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know, reduce, reuse, recycle was a constant mantra in our household. anytime we used up, you know, a tub of margarine or something like that, the instinct was never to just toss it out. in the recycling or even the crash. it was always wash it out and then use it as a storage container for some other purpose. >> reporter: rebecca took those values to the lab and her upbringing here and now with advanced ai camera sensors, her recycling tool is being used not just in her bay area home, but all also throughout the nation. from new jersey to arizona and more. and studies show such a tool continues to be necessary. currently only 21% of recyclable material is captured. according to uc berkeley's professor o'neill, conservation efforts in the u.s. remain urgent. >> we're still struggling in terms of building new recycling facilities and getting people on board with recycling. so i feel like in many ways, we're still kind of stuck in where we
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were a few years ago. >> reporter: which is why rebecca says her mission is so critical. >> we want to design something that is immediately and fundamentally useful to all of the biggest players within the circular economy. >> reporter: her effective waste management solution even caught the eye of amazon. they also ended up being one of her customers, utilizing their invention on their own packaging. >> we have lived on the front lines of trying to fix the challenges in packaging for decades and it's rare to find an individual like rebecca. that can clearly see how that can be possible today. >> reporter: rebecca's now serving as an inspiration to her growing startup team, she has hired a diverse team of men and women who all share a passion for treating the planet well. >> every piece of progress that i and that we as glacier are making, it makes me all the more motivated to really get out there and be the change that i wish to see in the world. >> reporter: the kind of change that can benefit the whole wide world. >> it can identify more than 30 different materials and pick up
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45 items a minute and also sort items like grocery the trash bags which can be difficult to sort through with traditional screening technology. i don't know how many full-times i have stood in front of all three bins and was like green, blue. brown. okay. where do these trash bags go? because i wanted to it right but sometimes it's confusing. >> i did it at 2:30 this morning. i wanted it off the counter. >> honestly anything helps and i love she said be the change that you want to see is one of those statements that just carries through and she was inspired by her parents and she's spaying it forward and hopefully it helps the environment. >> it will. all right, the time now 6:40. continuing our discussion of artificial intelligence, why ai's all the talk at the san jose convention center right now. but before we head to break, take a listen. ♪ it's times like these you learn to live again, it's times like these you give and get again ♪ >> okay, how can you not love the foo fighters? well, i love them. and now you can see the
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band right here in the bay area. wore going to tell you when that is happening. coming up. ♪♪ when you have moderate—to—severe eczema, it's okay to show off. with dupixent, show off your clearer skin and less itch. because you have plenty of reasons to show off your skin. with dupixent, the number one prescribed biologic by dermatologists and allergists, you can stay ahead of your eczema. it helps block a key source of inflammation inside the body that can cause eczema
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to help heal your skin from within. many adults saw 90% clearer skin. some even achieved long—lasting clearer skin and fast itch relief after first dose. serious allergic reactions can occur that can be severe. tell your doctor about new or worsening eye problems such as eye pain or vision changes including blurred vision, joint aches and pain, or a parasitic infection. don't change or stop asthma medicines without talking to your doctor. ♪♪ show off to the world. ask your eczema specialist about dupixent. next. ask your eczema specialist next. stop. we got it? no. keep going. again... [ gasps ] next. if you don't pick one, i... am i keeping you from your job? next. stop! do we finally have it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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major traffic troubles this morning as you get ready to head out the door on a tuesday. you are looking live right here. this is the year westbound 580 as you head towards the maze connecting on to 80 and we've got a lot happening here. because of a
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deadly crash that happened at about 4:30 this morning. lanes are still blocked and the investigation is still ongoing. three cars were involved. and there's still quite a bit happening here with that backup which is pretty significant. i'm going to show you another perspective right now. you can sort of see how cars are just squeezing by in just that one lane. now they are closing that lane intermittently as they try to get everything out of the roadway. but again, this has been out there for over two hours now. again because it was a deadly crash there will be an investigation. it's going to take some time. this is westbound 580 heading into the maze and certainly changing the patterns for anyone going to the bay bridge this morning. that approach coming off of westbound 80 busy and westbound 24 now busy trying to connect on to 580 itself. because of the backup. north 880 looks like the easiest approach for now but wow, speeds to down about 2 miles per hour. and that backup is just growing as we really get into the thick of the morning commute. but you can see at the bay bridge, because of that, it's not too
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bad heading into the city. nicole? it's time now for the money watch report. one of the biggest ai conferences kicked off in san jose this week. nvidia welcomed industry leaders and researchers at s.a.p. center with a big announcement. looking live at the san jose convention center, where the conference moves for the next three days. the ceo introduced the company's new ai chip yesterday. the san jose based company also unveiled new software tools and robots. they have been the hottest tech company the past year and as the week goes on we may get more big news out of the conference. youtube is tracking down on ai generated content and creators on the site now have to label videos that were made using ai. this comes as online safety experts have raised alarms that ai generated content could confuse and mislead users across the web. youtube says they can face consequences. and "sports illustrated"
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magazine will continue to publish under a new licensing deal. minute media has secured the publishing rights and will take over the magazine's print and digital operations. ownership will remain in the hands of the authentic brands group. minute media is a new york based company whose current holdings include the players tribune and fan cited. another powerball drawing passes by without a winner. jackpot now at $697 million. the lump sum payment is around $327 million. that's not too bad. right? well, here's the winning numbers from last night. 10, 17, 20, 38, 44 and red powerball was 16. the next drawing is tomorrow night. and hey, it is not too late to buy a ticket for the mega millions jackpot. the drawing for that one is tonight and the jackpot, well, that one just keeps climbing right now it's at around $875 million. that's the sixth largest prize in the game's history. so good luck. >> good luck. okay, taking a live look
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outside on this tuesday morning. 6:47. and this is just the prelude to what's going to be a beautiful sunrise this morning and when the sun comes up it'sgoing to burn off the fog layer. jess? >> in the sun is already coming up right now. and if we were to overlook the santa clara valley, i actually don't have the live look right now but it is beautiful. we just can't see it because we're under the cloud. this is what we're waking up to down into the santa clara valley. a live look behind me from san jose. with cool, cloudy conditions and not only there, but widespread throughout the bay area. we're off to another cloudy start here in the bay. it's not impacting surface visibility, that much unless you are in the north bay where we can see localized dense fog but this afternoon we'll continue to watch the fog layer kind of pull back and then sunnier skies are expected for us and you can see that on the virtual reality map just below me. celebrating the first day of spring and oh gosh a beautiful one for us today. with upper 60s and low 70s in the inland areas for our daytime highs. and upper 50s
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along the coastline. now we're gearing up for some more rain but that happens later this week. today, until thursday, we're dealing with a couple of dry days ahead of us. the past weekend was gorgeous but this upcoming weekend, this area of low pressure is going to impact us. we're going to see rainy skies throughout the bay area and also going to be seeing cooler temperatures and of course gustier conditions too as the cold front approaches us this weekend. the same system is actually bringing in snow to the sierra. watching the knoll totals closely and also back here in the bay our rainfall totals which as of now aren't that big. if anything, the most impressive areas will be up in the north bay getting close to around an inch of rain. we talked about the daytime highs already but let's dive into it one more time. upper 50s today in san francisco and along the coast and along the peninsula seeing some 60s actually in redwood city. by the more east we go the warmer it gets and antioch and concord still sitting at 70s today. a similar trend into livermore and fremont with upper 60s just there. down into the santa clara valley, gosh, we were
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close to the 80s a couple of days ago and now low 70s. and that's the trend as we head in the next couple of days because we will continue to cool down day-by-day especially the friday forecast. now that cold front brings in upper 50s and lower 60s all throughout the bay area. we'll continue to watch the temperatures cool down into early next week too with rainy skies to fill the bay. clearly only an inch of rain on average throughout the bay not a huge washout event heading into the weekend but it's worth noting keeping the umbrella handy is the way to go. and seeing and celebrating bridge builders. and celebrate the story of a woman with a difficult past on treasure island who went above and beyond to help out troubled teens. we're talking about real results in young people's lives. kenny choi introduces you now to nathan pittman.
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>> reporter: without hesitation, nathan pittman flows freely among classmates in a theater class he once never would have joined. >> to be in oakland, being your true self and being comfortable with being your true self. >> reporter: ita very different side to the 18-year-old who not long ago was quickly spiraling down a dark path. >> some of the fights i ended up hurting the kids real bad and i was arrested for it. >> reporter: persistent pleas to change course and a timely introduction to teri delane, the founder of life learning academy on treasure island, became a turning point. >> i knew he had some challenges from his past. but he has this -- leadership warmth. >> the truth hits you hard. like where -- where somebody notices your -- like where you are going before you are there. >> reporter: delane intimately knows what it's like living on the streets and where that often leads. >> i was running away at 13. at age 14, i had a needle in my arm. from 14 to 20, i was a heroin addict. >> reporter: she turned her
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life around through recovery at the delancey street foundation in san francisco. her focus now centers around at risk high school students. >> basically, what you will find in their background is a youth life full of trauma, violence, running away, et cetera. >> reporter: the on campus dorm is home to those in dire need of a safe, supervised space. she initiated the years-long endeavor after a student died off-campus of a burst appendix with no medical attention and no parents in her life, like many students at the school. >> they can, you know, have this beautiful environment. live with a bunch of other kids who all get along and they cook together and they eat together and we have created a family environment. >> reporter: its culinary class brings some 60 students together for daily meals as they take turns in the kitchen. >> it's like diamonds, you know. put them under pressure and a lot of things happen and at the end of the results, after two hours, it's beautiful. a beautiful meal.
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>> reporter: the public charter school under san francisco unified school district has also added three new apartments to its transitional housing program for graduates. >> really important to me not to just say, oh, we give all these kids everything. we will give you anything you need, but you are going to earn it. and when you earn it, you are going to feel proud of yourself. and that's what will make you want to keep it. >> reporter: instead of paying rent, graduates are required to deposit one-third of their paycheck into a savings account. that's what nathan will soon do later this year. >> i had a hard upcoming and i'm glad i turned it around. >> reporter: it's not just a dorm or an apartment that's changed nathan's path. >> love. that's what i felt when i was here. i felt love. >> reporter: a word everyone knows, but so many are searching to experience and change the course of their lives. >> nathan, we love you. you are a vie tool part of the community and i can't wait to see what you accomplish. by the
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way the leader hopes other organizations will see the success stories that come from love and her program and adopt a similar model to address the needs of students like beautiful and loved nathan. gianna? >> oh. so true. time 6:53. taking a live look outside on this tuesday morning. look at that gorgeous view of the blanket of clouds just kind of hanging out this morning across the bay. well, as you get ready to head out the door, what are you going to listen to on the radio? here's an idea. ♪ ♪ >> yeah, that will get you going. what a combination. foo fighters with jimmy page and john paul jones from led zeppelin years ago and now the foo fighters are coming to the bay. the pit stop during their summer tour, we'll have that when we come back.
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another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente.
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welcome back. let's get you updated on this crash we've been monitoring throughout the morning. this is the live look and it's a deadly crash unfortunately. westbound 580, you can see here traffic is blocked and only one lane is open. this is as you connect on to west 80 into the macarthur maze. if you are headed to the bay bridge. and now that we're heading into the 7:00 hour, here's another perspective. really going to get busy for that commute heading over into san francisco. so if westbound 580 is the way you get to the bridge i would recommend using 880 as an alternate route. westbound 24 also backed up because of that. the investigation is still under way and still a lot of activity there on scene. it's going to take some time for them to clear this out of lanes. and look at how slow it's getting in and around that area. sort of the center of the screen all that red that speeds under 25 miles per hour. 2 miles per hour in some spots. a very slow ride there. still update you on pix+ 44 cable 12.
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well. another launch from the air force base from spacex out of santa maria just south of there. this is the falcon 9 rocket seen by people yesterday in southern california in the form of the trailing cloud in the night sky. this is one of 22 starlinksatellites into orbit. now blast off for this. ♪ times like these we find reasons to have a little fun. how about this? the foo fighters are adding an east bay stop for their up coming the everything or nothing at all tour. so keep your calendar open. concord pavilion will host the iconic rock band on august 13th which the tuesday night by the way. the tour supports their latest studio album. ticket sales start on thursday and i have -- i mean i'm texting and making plans. >> gianna is getting a party bus and headed to concord and ready to go. reed. are you on it. >> i am not but i look at the
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pictures and dave, he looks like he's aging and i just love he's got the glasses. i want to sit and read a book with him. >> i would love to. he's still got it. >> he does. such a talented band and it's one of those bands that you can -- i remember taking my step kids getting when they were lit toll see the foo fighters and i want to take the other kids to that too. >> i love that. >> full circle. all right, well, coming up at 7:00 over on pix+ 44 cable 12 a cough is becoming more common in the bay area. and with allergy season arriving, it could potentially exacerbate the problem. we'll have a look at what the experts are saying. and speculation about princess kate's whereabout hits a fever pitch. now she's been spotted in public for the first time in more than two months. we'll explain the ongoing controversy. taking a live look outsi right now ♪>>


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