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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  March 19, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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you're looking at some real jack in the box haters. yeah, they exist. they have no idea they're about to try my new smashed jack. this is good. it's very fresh. i like the sauce. i'm a saucy woman.
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probably not the best. not the best... she came in a white sedan. tow it. almost like a flavor bomb. i don't think it's a fast food hamburger. this is more like homemade. -it's me! -ahahaha! oh shoot, jack! if this is your new burger... yeah? -i'm going to you. say hello to the best-rated burger in fast food. welcome to jack in the box! this is cbs news bay area with elizabeth cook. a developing story in the east bay. new details about a deadly shooting at a pleasant hills condo complex. a driver killed by a wrong way driver on the freeway. how the crash is tied to a smash and grab in the east bay. they are cooking, cleaning, and moving their way onto a positive path. the bay area school program helping these kids turn a corner. thank you
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so much for joining us today. i'm elizabeth cook. issued investigation is underway right now in pleasant hill. anne makovec has that story and other news headlines. >> two people were killed -- shot this afternoon. one was killed and the other critically injured. the shooting happened at this condominium complex near the sun valley shopping center. police say they found the victims with multiple gunshot wounds. they were taken to the hospital. police say one of those men was pronounced dead there and the other is being treated for life-threatening injuries. no arrests have been made yet and pleasant hill police say they are still actively investigating the incident. we heard from a witness just moments ago. >> this is the third incident. >> in oakland, one person was killed, three others injured after a wrong way driver in a pickup truck slammed into two other cars. it happened early this morning on 580 on the macarthur maze. just before the crash, the pickup truck had fled from a reported burglary at a smokeshop in el cerrito.
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police in el cerrito say the truck rammed into the tobacco outlet just before 4:30 this morning. the owner will come to notification of the break-in. >> i woke up, looked at my cameras, seen that there was a pickup truck backed into the store. guys were rummaging around. >> tons of damage. it almost looked like a total loss. this could be $50,000 in damages. i don't know if we can fix that. >> the owner says this is not the first time the shop has been burglarized. it has been six times already. police and campbell say they shot and killed a domestic violence suspect during an exchange of gunfire. it happened early this morning. they say the suspect refused to listen to officers and opened fire at them. a police officer returned fire. police say the suspect had been served an
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order. congress has requested documents from uc berkeley in the widening investigation on campus anti-semitism. the house education committee wants the school to turn over a trove of documents by april 2. in a letter, the committee's chair cited uc berkeley's failure to detect jewish students. she cited a list of incidents since the october 7 thomas attack on israel. on february 26, hundreds of pro-palestinian protesters broke down the door of uc berkeley's playhouse . that is were an israeli speaker was sent to address jewish students. the protest appears to be organized by a pro-palestinian student group. in the days after that incident, uc berkeley called it unacceptable and today, they told us they will be providing a comprehensive response to the house committee's questions and concerns. onto first alert weather mag now. -- weather now. it is the first day of spring. it sure does look like it.
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meteorologist jessica burch is tracking our temperatures, our winds and when things will change. >> the morning clouds are starting to roll out of the bay area. we are left with plenty of sunshine for our afternoon hours today ended has been a quiet start to the week so far. the clouds will hold on tight to our coastline throughout the afternoon but other than that, a beautiful day. more clouds will role in tomorrow but it is a dry setup for us and the winds kicked off pretty light this morning. it will get gustier into the afternoon hours. within the next few hours, we are seeing 20 miles per hour wind gusts in san francisco. a similar trend into the north bay by dinnertime. that wind could whip up some pollen and we are in the medium to high category. if you are sensitive to allergies, take it slow throughout the next couple of days. we will start to see improvements heading into our friday forecast. friday is when the forecast really starts to change. we see an increased
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chance of rain showers in the bay area. whether you live along the coast or in our inland areas, that is all thanks to a system that is developing offshore. it is out in the pacific right now. we will watch this area of low pressure move its way into the northwest, giving us rain in the bay area and snow in the sierra. in total, right now, we can see close to an inch of rain expected until monday in the north bay. a similar trend closer to the santa cruz mountains. let's take a step back. that is next monday. we are still in this forecast. notice how cool it is today near san francisco compared to the past couple of days. we had closer to 71 on saturday and sunday alone and now we are talking about 60s and 50s once again. we still see 70s off into the east bay this afternoon but all of that sunshine lasts into the evening hours tonight. down into the santa clara valley, 71 degrees in san jose. that won't last for too much longer. once that
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system stops developing and moves its way in from offshore, that will create a cold front for us and that will give us cooler temperatures into the weekend . we have low 70s now, low 60s into this weekend. that is just our inland forecast. as we take a look at the bay, cooler for our friends in san francisco and everywhere in between too. upper 50s right around the corner. rainy skies saturday and sunday lingering into next week. we will keep you updated. >> thank you. today, officials are laying out the logistics for new speed cameras in san francisco. the red markers on this map show where 33 cameras will be installed. we are told a lot of them will be in the financial district near downtown union square area. we are told each district will get at least two, mainly in areas where speeding is an issue. anyone driving more than 11 miles per hour over the speed limit will be fined. this is all part of a pilot program. oakland and san
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jose will also test the cameras. right now, a two-month-old baby is in the hospital after a speeding driver slammed into a san francisco bus stop , striking a family a four. the father, 40-year-old diego, was originally from brazil and the little boy, who would have turned two in august both died at the scene. their mother, 38-year-old matilde, was from portugal. she died sunday from her injuries. it happened right outside the west portal beauty -- munich station. several witnesses saw the family thrown in the air after the impact. friends of the family say they were on their way to the san francisco zoo to celebrate the parents' wedding anniversary. since then, memorials have appeared at the bus stop . a huge group of people gathered at the crash site last night, some of them in tears to remember the young family. >> we take comfort from the fact that our friends and neighbors are here. this is what the city is all about.
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>> all they were doing was going to the zoo. the little baby is still in the hospital. it is heartbreaking. >> we heard the crash. we heard the sirens. we heard everything but i did not expect it to be this tragic. >> i one of the lucky ones that -- people have lost too many members. it is so unnecessary. you see the way people are driving in this street. even in our dutiful neighborhood in lower haight, people just blow through the stop signs. they are distracted. they do whatever . it is so sad and so unnecessary. it just breaks my heart for those children. it just breaks your heart. >> police say the woman behind the wheel of that car was 78-year-old mary fong lau . she
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was booked on sunday and remains in county jail, accused of vehicular manslaughter, reckless driving, among other charges. in a statement today through their attorney, lau and her family say they join the community and mourning the tragic loss of life that occurred in west portal over the weekend and say that she has been fully cooperating with investigators and will continue to do so. members of the public are weighing in on at&t's push to stop landline service in california. some people argue, we are not ready to cut the cord completely. some neighborhoods have spotty cell service at best. they say they need landmines for emergencies and for internet connections. some bay area counties are pushing back and a supervisor told me he is looking for alternatives. >> we are trying to figure out, is there a possible plan b that will provide the connectivity that is necessary for the health and safety of our residents? >> at&t says they want to put their efforts into upgrading
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their wireless network to make it more reliable. >> we are going to continue to provide existing voice service for as long as it is needed and that is particularly in those areas where there may only be at&t landline service available to a customer. >> another virtual hearing starts at 6:00 tonight. they are learning life skills and getting a little tough love. we go inside a program helping teenagers shift away from a troubled past. >> we will give you anything you need but you will learn it. when you earn it, you will be proud of yourself and that is what will make you want to keep it. a rare event is coming to our skies and we mean really rare. why you will want to circle april 8 on
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the sky star ferris wheel may be staying in san francisco a little longer than expected. mayor london breed announced a proposal that would keep the 150 foot ferris wheel at fisherman's wharf for another
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18 months. she says the attraction helps bring in foot traffic from locals and tourists and wants that to continue. the paris will moved from golden gate park back in november. the city says ridership has doubled ever since. to treasure island now where some teenagers are changing course from a troubled past, all things to a woman who has done it herself. kenny joint takes us inside the charter school where she is giving them the tools to create a brighter future. >> without hesitation, nathan pittman flows freely among classmates and a theater class he wants never would have joined. >> being your true self, being comfortable with being your true self. >> it is a very different side of the 18-year-old who not long ago was quickly spiraling down a dark path. >> some of the fights, i ended up hurting kids real bad and i was arrested for it. >> persistent pleas changed course and a timely introduction to the founder of life learning academy on treasure island became a turning point. >> i knew he had some challenges from his past but, he has this leadership warmth.
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>> somebody notices your path, where you are going before you are there. >> teri delane intimately knows what it is like living on the street and where that leads. >> i was running away at 13. at age 14 i had a needle in my arm. from 14 to 20, i was a heroin addict. >> she turned her life around through recovery at the delancey street foundation in san francisco. focus now centers around at risk students. >> basically, what you will find in their background is a youth life full of trauma, violence , running away, et cetera. >> the on-campus storm is home to those in dire need of a safe, supervised space. she initiated the endeavor after a student died off campus of a burst appendix with no medical attention and no parents in her life like many students at the school.
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>> they can have this beautiful environment, live with a bunch of other kids who all get along and they cook together and eat together. we have created a family environment. >> the culinary class brings 60 students together for daily meals and they take turns in the kitchen. >> it is like diamonds. he put them under pressure and a lot of things happen. it is beautiful. >> the public charter school has also added three new apartments to its transitional housing program for graduates. >> it is really important for me not to just say that we give all these kids everything. we will give you anything you need for you will earn it. when you earn it, you feel proud of yourself and that is what will make you want to keep it. >> instead of paying rent, graduates are required to deposit one third of their paycheck into a savings account. that is when nathan will soon due later this year. >> i have had a hard time coming but i got a turned it around. >> it is not just the dorm or apartment that has changed
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nathan's path. >> love. that is what i felt when i was here. i felt love. >> a word everyone knows but so many are searching to experience and change the course of their lives. >> delane says enrollment is capped at 60 but is hoping other organizations will adopt a similar model to address the needs of hundreds, if not thousands of at risk students. there was a lot of excitement building for next month's total solar eclipse but you will have to travel to get the full experience. brian hackney spoke to stargazers who say it is worth it. >> meet a fellow cal poly physics grad. >> i an exhibit developer here. >> she's got big plans for april 8 . >> when did you make reservations?
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>> not as early as i should have. >> caitlin done millions of others are headed to four minutes of darkness at midday, the total solar eclipse. >> that was the craziest thing i have ever seen. >> that was amazing. i am at a loss for words. >> they are talking about the 2017 total eclipse which was dr. noah's first. >> i found that it was remarkable how many people did not get what the big deal was until they got what the big deal was and then it was amazing. >> it was just fantastic. >> it is absolutely unforgettable. >> that chance is coming april 8 for the last time in decades, the sun and moon will be in perfect alignment to cast a shadow 115 miles long for a total eclipse touching down off the coast, across the border into texas and sweep diagonally up through new england and into the canadian maritimes. 43 million people live within the narrow path of totality. side
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of it, from the san francisco bay area, we will not see totality. >> that is correct. 35% of an eclipse. again, that is a nice reminder that we are in this nice dynamic environment with the moon and the sun but you've got to be in the path of totality to really feel it. >> the partials are cool. the totality is amazing. like, actual amazement. >> at this point, airfare to totality is hovering around the $1000 mark. of course, you could drive for 25 hours. for four minutes of totality. >> is there anything like it? >> no. nothing like it at all. i want to see as many total solar eclipse is as i can in my life. >> let's hope this doesn't
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happen. it is a long way until 2045 when the next total solar eclipse makes landfall in the u.s. >> if you haven't seen it, you haven't seen anything. >> very ominous there. >> another total eclipse outside the u.s. will happen in 2026 but for that one, you would have to travel to the arctic, greenland, iceland, or northern spain. still ahead, a big move for access to birth control. the new online offering and you don't need a prescription.
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onto healthwatch now. women can now buy a birth control pill online without a prescription. the fda approved the over-the-counter sale of the opill last july. now, the oral contraceptive is available to buy at opill .com and amazon. a one month supply costs $20 and a six month supply sells for $90 though insurance may cover that cost. doctors say the sale of this drug online is a game changer for women who lack access to healthcare. >> in the past, you had to go see your doctor, get your prescription for a contraception and we all know sometimes that is not easy. sometimes women live far away. they cannot get an appointment, maybe don't have health insurance. you do a safe and effective option. >> the drugmaker recently started shipping the opill to
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cvs and walgreens as well. the fda says the drug is generally safe for most people who could get pregnant and it is about 93% effective. opill should not be used as emergency contraceptive . patients with breast cancer should not take it as well. coming up, they are off the field for now but see how two of the 40 niners star players are coming to your screen as soon.
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i was like shaking you know, i was so scared. when i first reached out to jacoby and meyers. i didn't know if i had a case or not. as soon as i got a hold of my attorney, she was very, very nice, very kind. because of jacoby and meyers, i don't have that pressure to worry about a medical bill or things like that. if i know of any accident, i'm like, call jacoby and meyers, they'll help you.
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coming up tonight at 5:00, we will take a look at new technology and agriculture including robots and ai. see how the harvest is going high-tech. that story and more coming up tonight at 5:00. march madness is here. 50 million people will give it its best shot, guessing the winner on the brackets. all the action starts today with a play in round in the men's ncaa tournament. 18 will look to
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make the first round over the next two days and then the real fun starts on thursday and friday with a round of 64. you can see how your picks stacked up against hours and a bracket challenge. there is a $1000 grand prize on the line. register and play along by heading to our website, it is the nfl off-season but soon, you will be able to watch two 49er fan favorites. tight and george kittle and wide receiver deebo samuel will be featured on the new docuseries called receiver on netflix. did you watch quarterback? it was pretty good. the receivers include davante adams, justin jefferson and brown. the series follows the players through the 2023 season and it is said to premier this summer. >> this is a show me your papers law. >> norah: breaking news. texas can now arrest and


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