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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  March 19, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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convicted murderer scott peterson, and what it could have to do with this van. a robbery, a police chase, and a driver killed. a string of destruction this morning in el cerrito. thanks for joining us, i'm elizabeth cook. >> this was the scene on the macarthur se earlier this morning where the police chase came to a deadly and. boxes of cigarettes littered on the ground, and one man killed in that crash. it all happened on 580 in oakland, with two men speeding away from police after robbing and el cerrito smokeshop. the suspect vehicle was driving the wrong way when it hit two other cars. amanda harris spoke with the owner of the smokeshop about that impact. >> reporter: after this early-morning break-in, the owner says the tobacco outlet will be closed for at least a few days, maybe even a week. the front is boarded up, and he estimates it will cost about $50,000 to fix.
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this was a whole another level. >> reporter: shocking video shows the moment to suspect that a white truck into the front of the tobacco outlet in el cerrito, destroying the façade and thousands of dollars in merchandise. the suspects filled up their bags. >> they grab what they could and ran out. you know? it was like fun and games to them. >> reporter: the owner, omar, did not want to show his face on camera. he says his phone started ringing around 4:20 on tuesday morning. police quickly responded, and the situation escalated. the suspect jumped back in their pickup truck and took off. el cerrito police chased them onto westbound i-80. after the i-80 merge with westbound i-580, police say the suspect abruptly changed directions and began driving the wrong way. police disengaged and chp took over. chp says the wrong way vehicle
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hit two other cars. the two suspects, and another driver had major injuries. the driver of the bmw was killed in the crash. omar says, while this lost his business is bad, it is nothing compared to the innocent lost life. >> this gentleman was on his way to work. you know, just out of nowhere, that was it. it ended for him. you know? he thought he would have a good day, go home, see the family. but these scumbags decided that what happened today. >> reporter: products from omar's smokeshop littered the highway. he says it is the sixth major break-in in the last five years and he cannot even get insurance. >> our business is not covered by insurance. insurance companies dropped us because of incidents like this. anything that happens comes out of our pockets. >> reporter: the el cerrito chamber of commerce stopped by to look at the damage. they say situations like this are
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becoming too common. >> businesses are very concerned about doing business here. we are still safer than other cities. we have a police force, almost fully staffed, and new license plate readers around town. >> reporter: omar plans to rebuild, but he cannot help but be frustrated. >> i am angry. i am angry at them, people like them, thinking they are above the law. >> reporter: the owner says he wants to put up parking bollards to prevent crimes like this one, but his landlord will not let him. he has to resort to cameras and an alarm, which did not deter this crime. this continues a trend, where we have seen a number of recent cases of armed burglars ramming cars into commercial businesses before robbing them, including gas stations, jewelry stores, liquor stores, and others. today, we are hearing from the attorney of the speeding driver who slammed into a san
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francisco bus stop, striking a family of four . a 2-month-old baby is still in the hospital, in criminal critical condition. the father, diego, originally from brazil. the boy would have turned two in august. the mother, from portugal, died sunday from her injuries. police say the woman behind the year wheel of the car was 78-year-old mary lau. in a statement through their attorney, lau and her attorney and family say they join the community in mourning the tragic loss of life that occurred over the weekend and say that she has been fully cooperating with investigators and will continue to do so. there is a push to add more speed cameras to some of the sentences goes into sections. street safety advocates and local residents believe these cameras will save lives. >> the faster you go, the more likely a crash will happen in the first place and the more
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severe the consequences. if everybody slowed down our streets would immediately be safer for everyone, including drivers. >> constantly, we are watching cars because we are scared we will get hit. >> kenny choi has more details on the plan to slow drivers down at 6:00. a double shooting in pleasant hill today, happened outside a apartment complex near 680 and walnut creek. anne makovec has the latest on this investigation. >> reporter: no arrests have been made. the shooting happening in broad daylight. police are canvassing for clues. witnesses reported hearing multiple gunshots and cars speeding off just before noon. police were called to the scene and found two men lying on the ground who were shot several times. one man was taken to the hospital immediately. as first responders attended to the other. >> we started chest compressions, we were there for the longest time. we finally came and got him. i
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believe that he did die. he was an older man. >> reporter: both men were taken to the john deere medical center in walnut creek, where one man was pronounced dead. the second man is being treated for life-threatening injuries. a lot of questions this evening as to if these men knew each other or the shooter. police say they are only starting to piece things together. >> always looking for cameras and witnesses. there are so many cameras, even residential cameras now. we look for residential cameras to help the investigation. >> police are hoping that anyone with information will come forward. to the south bay, and officer involved shooting left one man dead in campbell early this morning. it started with a drastic violence call to police through a text message. the shooting happened at an apartment on south baskin avenue. police returned fire
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and the suspect died at the scene. the suspect had already been serving a restraining order. congress is widening its and i semitism instigation on college campuses to include uc berkeley. the house education committee wants attorneys to turn over a trove of documents. in a letter, they cited the schools, quote, failure to protect jewish students including the incidents since october 7th. palestinian protesters broke down the door on uc berkeley where an israeli speaker was set to address jewish students. vitae hod spoke to one student who said the mob became violent and forced her to flee through an underground exit. >> i saw a girl get grabbed by the neck and shoved. i saw my friend get spat at, and i saw how much anger and hatred they had towards us at this moment. and i am thinking, why is this happening? why is it that we
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cannot simply have our private event peacefully? >> the demonstration appears to have been organized by a pro-palestinian student group, bears for palestine. group called on people to protest the event. the university says it is investigating the confrontation as a hate crime, calling the protest unexcitable. uc berkeley responded in a statement , the university has long been committed to confronting anti-semitism and supporting the needs and interests of jewish students, faculty, and staff. the u.s. is taking a tougher stance with israel when it comes to protecting civilians in gaza. president joe biden spoke with israeli prime minister netanyahu for the first time in over a month, telling him not to move ahead with a ground invasion of the last thomas stronghold unless they can protect civilians seeking shelter there as well. this all comes as the world food program reports that half of gaza's population of 1.1 million are officially without
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shelter and starving. the programs director says that more needs to be done to avert a famine. meanwhile in gaza, civilians were able to get their first boatload of aid today from the world central kitchen, receiving roughly 200 tons of supplies. another boat with 240 tons of aid is ready to go, from cyprus. stay with cbs news for the latest updates on the conflict in gaza. downtown san francisco, the game developers conference is taking place. one of the big topics this year is artificial intelligence in the game industry. and from gaming to farming, ai is starting to make its way into more parts of society, even changing the way we grow our food. >> reporter: robots helping out on the farm, bringing down food prices. >> translator: the farmers
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benefit from it, but it is taking work from us. azazel coming up at 5:30, we look at the impacts of ai on consumers and farmworkers. still ahead, will we be saying goodbye to dial tones? the big decision before the cpuc , and how you can give your opinion on the future of land lines. later, how this man discovered by fire and rescue 21 years ago may help convicted murderer scott peterson in his attempt to appeal his conviction. dozens of votes separating congressional candidates. we check on that race in the south bay. looking east toward the bay bridge or the west, blue skies overhead. just a little fog in the distance. we track that along with the next rain chance headed our way in the first alert forecast. ♪♪ [storms sound] whatever weather comes your way
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[wind and snow sounds] weathertech has you covered. [bird chirping] [laughing] with our laser—measured cargoliners. no drill mud flaps and floorliners. to secure your phone don't forget the cupfone. order yours today at you never know when it's gonna be a weathertech day. perfect weather today... it's the work behind the scenes, youlet's take a lookit's gonna bat this day. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! kaiser permanente.
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members of the public are weighing in on at&t stopping service in california. many people so they are not ready to cut the cord completely, and since several neighborhoods have spotty cell service, they say they need land lines for emergencies and internet connection. some counties were also pushing back and a san mateo county supervisor told me he is looking for alternatives. >> we are trying to figure out, is there a possible plan b to go ahead and provide the conductivity necessary for the public health and safety of our residents living in those areas? right now, we don't. >> at&t says they want to put their efforts into upgrading their wireless network to make it more reliable. >> we are going to continue to provide existing voice service for as long as needed. that is particularly in those areas where there may only be at&t landline service available to customers. >> lorraine spoke with someone who relies on those land lines for work. she will have that
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story coming up at 7:00. more curbside electric vehicle chargers could be coming to san francisco soon. the city announced a pilot program that could get more plug-in stations onto the streets. >> reporter: the ultimate goal of this project is by next year, to see ev charging pilot stations actually showing up on curbs in san francisco. that's an applause line. that is why we are here. we love a study in san francisco. we would really love to see the chargers. we think we are close. right now, about 1250 public chargers are stationed around the city. 37% of those are free to use. let's check in with first alert meteorologist paul heggen. another good day on top, another sunny day. >> the first day of spring. >> i know. >> it felt like spring for the first time in a long time. i celebrate the first day of spring. i've been looking forward to it. >> is it lavender?
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>> lavender and hot pink. >> purple. >> it is a shade of purple. >> we are still technically three hours away from spring. the equinox is at 6:00 this evening. time your rituals for that. >> thank you for that. >> you are welcome. i offer multiple services here. let's look at what you need to know for the next several days. blue skies overhead as we check out salesforce tower. weather headlines and what you need to know, and once again, the computer seems to be stuck. let's see if i can get it to react here. okay. there we go. i thought it would be two days in a row. areas of fog developing tonight, a mix of fog and sunshine in the forecast, rain chances return on friday. friday at 7:00 looks like the wettest times but an unsettled pattern will persist into early next week. we will talk more about that in just a moment, but with plenty of sunshine after morning fog, the next couple of days we will be through the top of the scale
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for solar and electric city generation, maybe a bit more cloud cover streaming through the upper levels of the atmosphere on wednesday . that would knock it down a bit compared to thursday but either way, hardly any complaints about what will happen overhead for the next couple of days, including light bright blue skies for san jose. further inland, it is a mix of middle and upper 60s. 73 degrees in livermore. we will see some of that fog developing later tonight, but it doesn't look like it will be as widespread as what we had this morning. a couple of extra minutes on the way out the door to be on the safe side. as we go to late morning, should be gone by 10:00 or 11:00 at the latest. temperatures dropping to 40s across the board but the cooler spot getting closer to 40 degrees, the warmest locations barely in the low 50s but temperatures tomorrow, those will be very close to where we topped out today. check out those forecast highs into the low 70s for most of the santa clara valley. 72 degrees in san jose. one of the warmer
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locations along with spots in land in the east bay. upper 60s for fremont and down the peninsula. on the coast, you will still be cool, topping out below 60 degrees for half moon bay, just above 60 in san francisco. exactly normal for this time of year. temperatures in the north bay reaching the middle and upper 60s. some spots might get close to 70 degrees. that is where the fog is more stubborn this morning. likely more stubborn tomorrow as well. let's talk about the next rain chance headed our way. we will zoom through the next few days on futurecast and you will see gray overhead, but these are the high clouds tomorrow afternoon. filtering sunshine but not blocking it. one wave of moisture hits the coast on thursday. that will fall apart before it reaches us, but the next system will have a much better chance of sending widespread rain across the bay area through the day on friday. showers in the north bay friday morning and across the rest of the bay area by friday afternoon. we are talking about light or moderate rain for the most part showers linger on friday evening and
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probably into saturday as well. some winds to go along with the system. the orange shaded tiles indicate wind gust in the 20 to 30 mile-per-hour range, that goes through 5:00 on saturday. that is not strong enough for a wind advisory but it is notable, and this will be a snow maker in the sierra. a bit more snow on saturday and more on top of that on sunday. something to keep in mind if you are traveling in that direction. seven day forecast will start inland. a couple of nice days and cooler wet weather returns by friday and saturday continuing into sunday and monday. the rain chances are lower than 50/50. across the entire area, flexible with outdoor plans. you are not going to have additional warmth , by friday and saturday, the best chance of rain settles in,
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mid-50s and highs along the coast by sunday and monday of next week. we will be tracking that rain. up next, scott peterson's efforts to overturn his conviction and how attorneys say a van will have crucial new evidence. if you shop at trader joe's, we have details on a recall announced today.
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scott peterson makes another push for a new trial. a former fire investigators in modesto says key evidence from that case was not properly investigated. >> peterson is serving a life sentence for murdering his wife and unborn son. ashley sharp has more on what the former investigator is now saying. >> my motivation is how it has always been, let the facts say what they need to say. >> reporter: ryan is now a private fire investigator. christmas morning of 2002, he worked for the modesto fire department, and was sent to investigate a van fire he still thinks about to this day. >> we didn't have a fire that would be accidental.
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>> it came one day after, and less than a mile away, from where lacy peterson went missing from her modesto home. >> it wasn't that i thought it was connected, it was that it was close enough and should be looked at. >> reporter: the van and blood recovered from it are a main focus for the l.a. innocence project, which took on scott peterson's case in january . >> was it obvious to you right away that there was blood in the back of the van? >> know. the only reason we were able to see this piece of fabric was because there was a metal container on top of the mattress which left a perfect circle for where that container protected it. had that not been there, this wouldn't be happening. >> reporter: in court documents, attorneys describe the mattress with stains that tested perceptively positive for blood, saying only a small portion of the fabric was tested for dna, which was insufficient to determine whether dna from lacy and her unborn son, connor, was present. >> imagine my shock when i found out, just a few years
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ago, that he tested positive for human dna. the hairs on my neck stood up, because that is significant. >> reporter: the significance has not been properly investigated, he says. this kept him up at night. >> to be fair, this was not brought up in court. if it is relevant, i would want somebody to say something about it. >> reporter: in court filings, the l.a. innocence project alleges police systematically ignored evidence that did not support their theory of peterson's guilt. which includes refusal to investigate who set the van on fire. >> just to be clear, this is not you saying that you think scott peterson is innocent. >> no, i don't care one way or the other about scott peterson , whether he is innocent or guilty. the only time i have to this is that van.
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>> if peterson is granted a new trial, he says he would testify. peterson's next court hearing is on april 16th. in our next half hour, a special report on how forms are using artificial intelligence, and what it would mean for hundreds of thousands of farmworkers in california. big-money coming to the bay area for one of the richest women in the world. we will tell you where that money is headed. two campaigns and two very different roads to party nominations. the latest from the trial and challenges ahead for both president biden and former president trump. inside this facility in central california, these 40 foot tall towers are removing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. it is the
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now at 5:30, the faa disapproved using swarms of heavy drones to treat crops with just one person at the controls. what this high-tech harvest means for california farms. trader joe's issuing a recall. what you need to know if you recently bought some nuts. some fairy dust sprinkled on bay area nonprofits. the big donations that will make a huge difference. good evening. i'm elizabeth cook. >> and i'm ryan yamamoto. if you recently bought fruits and
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vegetables at the store, chances are it was picked by the farmworkers in the united states. >> that could change with new technology in agriculture including robots and ai. >> later this summer, the biden administration is expected to seek financial help for people displaced by a i and all kinds of jobs. >> for now, it is the robotic wild west. that is where we find dave malkoff. >> reporter: this is the world agriculture expo in california . >> we live in the future. there's drones and flame throwers and sprayers and spreaders. >> reporter: this is like captain picard's vineyard. >> exactly. >> reporter: star trek imagined this is what farming would look like in the dawn of the 25th century, but the future has come faster than imagined. >> this is a laser weeder. we kill weeds with lasers. >> how did this happen before you had a laser weeder?
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>> you had to have people out there with handtools brain chemicals. >> reporter: now, artificial intelligence recognizes what to weed and that's it away. it replaces 75 people. there is a heavy lifting robot called burro grande . >> you can move it from place to place. >> reporter: does this cut down on the amount of people you need in a field? >> definitely can. >> if you want to see a robot arm harvesting strawberries, we have one over here. >> reporter: frazier uses a silicon brain and inflated silicone hands to mimic the way humans pick berries right now. we will get back to frazier in a second, but how is all of this changing life on the farm? >> i am originally from mexicali. >> reporter: he worked his way from mexico, to


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