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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 6pm  CBS  March 19, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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would be safer for everyone. burglars ram their way into a bay area smokeshop. >> it was like fun and games to them. >> the robbery that ended in a chase with deadly results for an innocent driver. >> you know, he was heading home from work and it ended for him out of nowhere. >> a clash for the past and the future of the downtown park in san jose. why plans to turn it into an entertainment destination has had a major setback. >> it is destroying the historical district and that is a problem . >> we are coming the neighborhood better, not coming into destroy anybody's historic footprint. the message, slow down. we are learning more about the plan to add dozens of speed cameras to some of sentences goes most major intersections.
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it is one of the first cities in the bay area to do this as a new state law. pedestrian safety is top of mind after this weekend's tragic crash in west portal, which killed three members of the family, just waiting at a bus stop. the drivers speed is one of the factors that police are looking into in that crash. today, transit officials met to talk about 33 locations where cameras will be going up. in fact, you can see from this map, they are all over the city in areas where speeding is an issue, the red dots over the cameras will go. two of them will be installed on fulton street. kenny choi spent some time walking the street with safety advocates who say these cameras are a proven tool to save lives. >> the goal of these new cameras is to slow down drivers.
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>> reporter: paul rivera, his wife, and 2-year-old girl, and richmond. >> we don't want to be hit. >> reporter: a speeding car fatally struck a 72-year-old in january. residents say these are two common. >> reporter: safety advocates witnessed three previous attempts to pass legislation fail at the state level. lindsay, of sentences go, often checks speeding cars. >> every mile a driver goes above 25 miles per hour, the risk to pedestrians goes up so much. >> reporter: unlike the 13 red light cameras in san francisco, which can take photos of drivers, the new speed cameras will only be able to identify license plates. in a 30 mile
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per hour zone on fulton, cameras would initiate fines for cars going 11 miles over the limit. >> at 40 miles per hour, a person gets hit, we are so vulnerable. there is a 75% chance that you will not survive or be severely injured. >> reporter: the san francisco transportation agency will determine the 33 locations, including near schools, senior centers and applications on the high injury network. 12% of city streets that account for nearly 70% of serious injuries and fatalities . cities like new york have been deploying more than 2500 speed cameras for about a decade. >> there really have been some amazing results in the other cities that have used speed cameras. we have been advocating over and over to try to get them . we are glad we finally have the chance, even in a limited pilot program for this five-year period. >> reporter: oakland and san jose are the two other cities allowed to install pete can't speed cameras. >>
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>> increasing awareness for pedestrian safety will definitely help the community. >> reporter: paul rivera wants to see more than 33 speed cameras deployed, but it's a major win for now. >> kenny tells us the sf mta board will hire a contractor to install the cameras by early 2025. drivers caught will get warnings for the first couple of months and then face fines after 60 days. this discussion is happening with a backdrop of that heartbreaking crash in west portal. the medical examiner's office has officially identified the three family members killed. the father is 40-year-old diego cardoza at the oliveira. the mother, 38-year-old moncada ramos pinto, and their son, 1-year-old joaquin ramos pinto dale avera. all three died while hit by an suv going the wrong way. the only survivor of the crash, a
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2-month-old baby who was still in the hospital. it happened right outside the west portal muni station on saturday. friends say they were on their way to the san francisco zoo to celebrate the parents wedding anniversary. the driver, 78-year-old mary phong lau was arrested on suspicion of vehicular manslaughter. in a statement, her attorneys say she is fully cooperating with investigators, and says she and her family join the community in mourning the tragic loss of life that occurred in west portal over the weekend. we express our gratitude to the first responders that responded to the scene, and to the district attorney's office for undertaking a diligent and thorough investigation into the circumstances that led to this tragic accident. da brooke jenkins is asking for patients as her office receives all the evidence in the case , including toxicology results, and analyzing vehicle operating systems to determine whether mechanical issues may have played a role.
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to a developing story, police in the east bay are looking for a killer after a double shooting in pleasant hill, today. it happened outside of a condominium complex on twin bridge circle, just west of 680 near the walnut creek city limits. anne makovec has the latest on the investigation underway. >> reporter: no arrests, julia, but police are looking for clues as we speak. witnesses reported hearing multiple gunshots, and a loud car speeding off just before noon. this was the view from our chopper. police were called to the scene. they found two men lying on the ground who had been shot several times. >> one man was down. he was not moving at all. the other guy was bleeding a lot . when they got him up to put him onto the gurney, you know, you could see, but he was moving a little bit, and talking. >> reporter: both men were taken to john medical center in
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walnut creek, where one man, a 67-year-old, was pronounced dead. the second man is being treated for injuries described as life-threatening. a lot of questions this evening as to if and how these men knew each other , and the shooter. police say at this point they are starting to piece things together, canvassing the neighborhood for surveillance footage that might exist. they are hoping that anybody who might know something or have potentially helpful video would come forward. >> absolutely. >> thank you. let's get to some other stories we are following around the bay area. a police shooting leaving one man dead in campbell early this morning. it happened at an apartment on south baskin avenue. started with a thomistic violence call to police, through a text message. officer say, when they got there, the suspect eventually started shooting at them. police returned fire, the suspect died at the scene , and officers say he had already been served a restraining order. in the east bay, a robbery and pursuit concluding in a deadly runway crash but the crash happened at 580 and
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macarthur maze at about 4:30 this morning. it was a three-car collision. this is the scene at the crash site. you can see boxes of cigarettes withered on the ground. a pickup truck collided with two other cars, killing one of the drivers. it all started at an el cerrito tobacco shop. two men were running from police after robbing the store. video shows the moment to suspect backed a white truck into the front of the building . the suspects then spent about three minutes filling up their banks before taking off. the shop owner says the loss to his business is bad, but is nothing compared to the innocent life lost. >> this gentleman was on his way to work. you know, out of nowhere, that was it. it ended for him. you know? he thought he would have a good day, go home, see the family. these scumbags decided no, that won't happen today.
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>> so upsetting. police chased them onto westbound i-80. police say the suspect abruptly change directions, and then started driving the wrong way. that is when police disengaged, but they went on to hit the two other cars. back to the drawing board for plans to breathe new life into a historic park right in downtown san jose. the city has spent decades, and millions of dollars on its vision to turn st. james park into a major event venue . it has also been battling the social club next door that is trying to preserve its own history . john ramos has more on the new court ruling which put the years long project in limbo. >> reporter: st. james b.a.r.t. sits right next to downtown san jose. city officials would love to have this become a amenity for the new housing they plan to build but those plans are on hold at the park's future has run headfirst into its past. >> it is extremely historic. the park has been around for
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hundreds of years. >> reporter: in recent times, st. james park became a haven for drug sales and lately, a hangout for homeless people. so, on most days, it stays pretty quiet and empty. >> it is an urban park that people are outside of downtown, people are afraid to come there. and it has a horrible reputation. >> reporter: phil maresca is part of an effort to change that. the city has spent 10 years and $4 million to develop a redesign of the park , and the centerpiece would be a music venue called the lemon pavilion, san jose. >> that is the part that will bring people to this location. that is the part of it that will activate it on a regular basis. >> reporter: a very regular basis. in order to get help from a philanthropic developer called the lemon foundation, maresca has committed to putting on 50, up to possibly 300 music shows per year, with the goal of attracting crowds
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of up to 5000 people. >> this can become our living room. this is where we can come and meet our neighbors and hang out in the front yard and spent time in our community. >> reporter: the park is already somebody's front yard. right across the street from the proposed pavilion is the st. clair club, a stately building constructed in 1892 . sean atkinson, the club's general manager, said they were alarmed to discover that the city's plans would disqualify the area from its historic designation. >> it is destroying the historical district, and that is a problem for anybody sitting in a building and wants to keep the district intact. >> reporter: they also objected to the size and frequency of the proposed concert venue and its futuristic look. >> it just seemed very aggressive, and destructive to the park. >> reporter: so, the club challenged the city in court, and one. >> the court said they broke their own laws, their own historic ordinance. they told them, you violated your own laws, and you can redesign it,
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and you can maybe even change your own ordinance, but you have to be ready for a challenge and do it aboveboard. >> reporter: now the plans are on hold other as the city decides what to do about its own historic preservation law and the park sits in a crossroads, whether to move forward to tomorrow preserve what is left of yesterday. >> in its new ruling, the court of appeals said san jose cannot approve its own permit for the redesign because the park is registered as a national historic site. so far, the legal battle over the city's plan has gone on for more than four years. still ahead, it is a service many people still rely on. we are talking about land lines. but now, thousands across the state could be cut off. the last chance, now, to weigh in. it is the first day of spring, and the hungry bears are coming out but hibernation is over. we are finding out why some of them didn't really get their beauty rest. >> it is bears doing what they
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need to, to compensate for us taking over what has historically been there
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on select new volvo models. contact your volvo retailer to learn more. kelly has two choices... a honey baked ham that's been slow smoked, hand glazed, and spiral sliced. or, a kelly baked ham. nobody wants a kelly baked meal, not even kelly. every bite is a celebration with the honey baked ham company. welcome back. right now is your last chance to weigh in on whether or not at&t should stop landline service here in california. the last online forum started just at 6:00. folks are chiming in right now about whether they believe this is the right thing for the
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state. at&t says it wants to focus on upgrading its wireless networks, while some people argue they are not ready to cut the cord completely. some neighborhoods have spotty cell service at best. visit any land lines for emergencies and internet connection. eileen spoke with someone who relies on land lines for work. she will have more on that story coming up at 7:00. a new survey shows customers are really not happy with pg&e. a study by the american consumer satisfaction index shows pg&e ranked 23rd out of 27 big utilities nationwide when it comes to his customer satisfaction. rate hikes are one major concern . in january, the utility says monthly bills averaged about $294 per month. that is about 22% higher than the average monthly charge last year. customers can expect to see another rate hike in april or may . spring is here , and in the
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sierras, that means the bears are back in action. not all of them got to rest during the hibernation. so, the bear league says there was a record number of evictions around tahoe this winter. tori apodaca has details on what that means as animals wake up. >> reporter: over 100 bears have been evicted from homes, businesses, and even churches this winter, in tahoe. the bear league says that this is a record, but the problem isn't that there is more bears, but more people. >> reporter: a paintball gun scaring off a bear from its sleep under a tahoe home . >> we upgraded the hinges and the latch and put some steel rods on the back of the store . >> reporter: even with a secured crawlspace like this, one bear on a mission for warmth in winter found another way in. >> this year, the bear came behind the church, and entered
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under the deck this way. >> reporter: pastor at pryce king lutheran church in tahoe city said he knew something was off in the chapel wasn't cheating, so he called in a contractor. >> while he was underneath, the contractor came face-to-face with a hibernating bear and immediately ran out. >> reporter: that bear spent a month of hibernation hogging up the heat under the back deck. >> it is just bears doing what they need to to compensate for us taking over what has historically been there forest. >> reporter: hilton called in executive director of the bear league, and bryant, to fix the bear. >> she crawled under the church. >> reporter: why are bears burrowing near humans and not in their habitat? bryant says it is because we are inviting bears in by leaving crawlspaces open and food out. the solution, secure your space. >> the problem is, more
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terrorism and more people coming up here for vacation forget to bring their brains with them. >> reporter: the majority of evictions are happening at vacation homes. >> this winter was a record. >> reporter: sometimes, eight per day, and they usually find another home to hide under. >> bryant does not expect the disrupted sleep to impact bear behavior. but, the bears are not going anywhere as long as people keep unintentionally inviting them in. >> even though there are still mounds of snow on the ground in tahoe, the bears are waking up from hibernation, and they will be coming out thirsty and pretty hungry. that is why bryant says it is really important for people to be cautious and secure areas and food this spring.
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plenty of sunshine today after morning fog burned off. this was the view from salesforce tower looking toward the golden gate as the fo another one in the books. but we're just getting started. everything going well? oh yeah. let's take a look at this knee. because it's the work behind the scenes, that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team! for all that is me, for all that is you. kaiser permanente.
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has spring sprung ? do we have the countdown? >> not official yet. the weather says it has. 8:06 this
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evening is the moment of the spring equinox. >> we also start spring showers. >> , the first weekend will feel like late january. everything has been topsy-turvy, recently. why would it change as we enter a new season. let's take a look as we head into the new season, the big picture pattern will hold up of the next couple of days. clouds streaming through the atmosphere of her head but they are way up in the atmosphere, filtering in the sunshine. a bigger pattern change into the work week. also going to kick in a stronger onshore breeze and cooler temperatures as we enter the first weekend of spring. the wet chilly conditions will feel more like late january. blue skies overhead, temperatures were still standing at 65 degrees in san jose. it is still 70 degrees in livermore.
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temperature in san francisco is only 56 degrees. the high was only 60 in the city, thanks to the onshore breeze living things air-conditioned. that's close to normal for this time of year. no fog out just yet. the forecast models indicate that the fog , while it will reform, it will not be as widespread or as stubborn as what we started up through this morning. as the fog dissipates, likely by 10:00 or 11:00 of the latest, we should be able to run up to warm entities and click. everybody in the 40s to begin the day on wednesday and high school approach normal at the water was above normal temperatures for inland parts of the bay area including low 70s in the santa clara valley and 72 degrees in san jose. low 70s inland in the east bay and around the bay, temperatures won't be quite that warm but still 68 degrees in fremont and down the peninsula in free would city. san francisco a couple of degrees warmer than today. 62 is exactly the normal high temperature for march 20th. in the north bay, not quite as warm as other inland parts of the bay area because he will have fog being more
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stubborn than the other inland valleys, that just slows down the warm-up by a couple of degrees. let's talk about the dog looking forecast for tomorrow. you can enjoy fantastic weather. that is a happy doggy face but she should be happy with plenty of sunshine, evitable temperatures in san mateo reaching the middle portion of the 60s by wednesday afternoon. tomorrow and thursday, the rain chances are right around the corner. let's truck that look. futurecast tonight, with high cloud cover moving in tomorrow. looks like a lot of gray. it will be right up there, filtering in the sunshine. one batch of moisture falls apart on the way into the next system is going to be quite a bit more substantial , that will be moving into the north bay by friday morning, and across the rest of the bay area by friday afternoon. we are talking about some moderate range hours, maybe locally heavy rainfall rates that won't last long enough to lead to significant
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flooding threat, but a good chance of that rain lingering into friday evening, friday night, and likely into much of the day on saturday. off and on showers in the forecast for the first half of the weekend and the wind will pick up. not to a great extent on friday, we are tracking speeds through 5:00 on saturday, look for the orange shaded tiles here , that indicates wind gusts in the 20 to 30 mile-per-hour range. no significant power outage threat but certainly a noticeable breeze for most of the bay area by saturday afternoon into saturday evening. this will be a snow maker for the sierra. not a lot if you will be heading up there on friday. within the first few hours after the sun goes down, but quite a few areas of snow on saturday . back to the forecast, a couple of days of dry weather. warm weather inland, hires around or above 70 degrees, tomorrow and again
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on wednesday. the what weather is accompanied by cooler temperatures, barely above 60 degrees, and even inland by saturday, sunday, and monday, and similar temperatures around the bay once cooler conditions arise. pleasant both tomorrow and again on thursday. along the coast, temperatures don't change much. you will be in the upper 50s across the board until we get into the what weather pattern, that is where you dip down a few more degrees, into the mid-50s. middle and upper 50s and low 60s for highs in late march, that is nuts. we should expect in late march, but things have been weird. >> keep the shorts and sweatshirts available. coming up, a popular new attraction at
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let's take a look at the sky star ferris wheel, which will be staying in san francisco's waterfront longer than expected. maryland inbreed has proposed keeping the 150 foot ferris wheel at fisherman's wharf for another 18 months. she says the attraction helps bring the foot traffic from locals and tourists, and once that to continue. the ferris wheel moved from golden gate park in november. the city says ridership has doubled ever since. let's go for a ride. cbs evening news is next. >> this is a show-me-your-papers law. >> norah: breaking news. texas can now arrest and detain anyone suspected of illegally crossing into the state from mexico.


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