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tv   The Late News  CBS  March 20, 2024 1:37am-2:13am PDT

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[cheers and applause] ♪ ♪
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now at 11:00, breaking news, the search for shell casings shuts down a busy bay area freeway. plus, witnesses say -- in seconds. >> i saw him turn into the complex. >> a killer is on the run in pleasant hill exactly four years since the goff nor ordered the whole state to stay at home, downtown san jose is bouncing back. >> 86. we going to have about 200 covers today. the company whose artificial intelligence convention is helping
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businesses rake in real bucks. and the bay area seventh grade who are just put up a stat even steph never achieved. from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> hello, i'm sara donchey. we do want to start off with that breaking news. a quick update for you, i-80 has just rehoped in richmond after being shut down for over an hour because of a possible freeway shooting that sent one person to the hospital. the chp told us a man walked into the hospital around 8:45 tonight and said he was shot while driving. officers had to close westbound 80 at mcbryde to look for casings. it caused quite a backup. richmond police have been checking surface streets too. so far no details on a potential suspect or about exactly what happened. about 30 minutes away in pleasant hill, a murder suspect has been on the run for nearly 2 hours now. kelsi thorud reports within seconds of the killer pulling up at a normally
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quiet condo complex one man had been fatally shot and another was fighting for his life. >> reporter: people we spoke with here at this apartment complex told us this is the first time they have seen such violent crime in this area. and they say it all just happened in a matter of seconds. >> i saw him turn into the -- turn into the complex. by the time i got about here, he was already coming out. >> reporter: this witness was out walking her dog just before noon when she says she heard a series of pops and saw a car speed out of the complex off long brook way. >> and i ran and there was two people, two men laying on the ground. by the time they got to him, one guy was not moving at all. the other guy i could see that he was moving. he was moving his hands, he was saying something. >> reporter: both were rushed to john muir medical center. one a 65-year-old, was pronounced dead. we're told the other has life-threatening injuries. we still don't know if the victims knew each other or the man who shot them.
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police would not confirm any leads they are working on in this case. they did, though, say they were interviewing witnesses. a suspect, though, is not in custody. we have also been following the aftermath of one of the most horrific traffic accidents that we have reported on in years. three family members were killed and a baby was critically hurt when an suv speeding down the wrong side of the road plowed into a san francisco bus shelter. tonight the attorney of the 78-year-old driver tells us she has been in the hospital since being arrested on saturday. 78-year-old mary fong lao is facing a long list of charges, including vehicular manslaughter and reckless driving, but we are still waiting to see what the district attorney's office will do next. her charging decision could come any day now. saturday's crash happened near west portal muni station on ulloa street. a mother and father and their toddler were killed. their 2-month-old baby is in the hospital with life-threatening injuries. the suspect's attorney gave us a statement saying that mislao
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and her family are mourning the tragic loss of life and she is fully cooperating with the investigation and will continue to do so. speed cameras are coming to some of san francisco's most dangerous intersections in the meantime. they'll -- of a small amount of street responsible for most fatalities and injuries. it won't capture faces, only license plates, and will only activate when a car is going 10 miles over the limit. drivers going 41 on fulton where the limit is 30. people who live tlarnd say near misses are far too common. >> my wife and i were crossing the street. i had to jump in front of a car so we wouldn't get hit. >> 40-mile-an-hour, a person gets hit, we are so vulnerable. 75% chance you are not going to survive that crash or are going
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to be severe lit injured. >> the pilot program will be rolled out in san jose and oak lamentd. a warning far very specific group of people tonight. if you visited a certain restaurant earl dwler month you might have been exposed to measles. if you were one of the people who was at the sons of liberty restaurant in san leandro back on march 9th between 4:45 and 7:30 in the evening, they say you were at risk for being exposed to measles and if you are high risk, they say, like the unvaccinated, pregnant women, or infants, you should call your doctor. it could take a few more weeks before you show any symptoms like fever, red eyes, and a rash. tonight a former investigator who responded to a crime very close to scott and laci peterson's home the day after laci disappeared says some key evidence was ignored. more than 20 years after being convicted of killing laci and their unborn son, scott
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peterson seeking a new trial u, and that investigator made an interesting revelation to reporter ashley sharp about this burned out van. >> my motivation is how it has always been, lit the facts say what they need to see. >> reporter: brian is now a private fire investigator, but christmas morning 2002 he worked for the modesto fire department and was sent to investigate a van fire that he still thinks about to this day. >> we didn't have a fire that would be accidental. >> reporter: it came just one day after and less than a mile away from where laci peterson went missing from her modesto home. >> but it wasn't that i thought it was connected, it was that it was close enough and it should be looked at. >> reporter: the van and blood brian recovered from it are a main focus for the l.a. innocence project which took on scott peterson's case in january. was it obvious to you right away that there was blood in the back of the van? >> no. only reason we were able
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to see this piece of fabric was because there was a metal container on top of the mattress and it left a perfect circle for where that container protected it. had that not been there, this wouldn't be happening. >> reporter: in court document, attorneys describe the mattress with stains that tested presumptively positive for blood, saying only a very small portion of the mattress fabric was tested for dna, which was insufficient to determine whether dna from laci and her unborn son connor was present. >> well, imagine my shock when i found out just a few years ago that it did test positive for human dna. i literally got goose bumps and the hair on the back of my neck stood up because it does mean something. it is significant. >> reporter: the significance to brian has not been properly investigated. this started to keep him up at night. >> to be fair, this wasn't brought up in court. and if it's relevant, i would want
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somebody to say something about it. >> reporter: in court filings, the l.a. innocence project alleges police systematically ignored evidence that did not support their theory of peterson's guilt, which includes refusal to investigate who set the van on fire. just to be clear, this is not you saying that you think scott peterson is innocent. >> no. i don't care one way or the other about scott peterson, whether here's innocent or guilty. the only tie i have to this is that van. >> peterson's next court hearing is about a month from now. if he's ever granted a new trial, brian says he would testify. a very coordinated smash-and-grab caught on camera, and it's being called the coachella of ai for businesses in downtown san jose. it's quite the party for their cash registers. nice weather across the bay area once again today, and as the sun went down, the fog was being very polite. just hanging out along the coast. we are
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going to see that fog spreading farther inland as we head through the rest of tonight. we'll track that and the next rain chance that's heading our way. that's coming up in the first alert forecast. plus, she is harder to place than carmen san diego, tonight we take a look at where in the world princess katherine was spotted.
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we have seen a lot of smash-and-grab heists lately, but not one like this. thieves in placer county used a car to ram their way into a motor sports store in rockland and a u-haul to steal as many dirt bikes as the box cut truck could fit. the car they used to smash their way in also turned out to be stolen. meanwhile, the cash registers are revved up in downtown san jose with the nvidia conference in town. it's expected to bring 16,000 people to town over four days and all of them need places to stay, eat, and be entertained. and exactly four years to the day after governor newsom ordered the whole state to stay home, local businesses say it's starting to feel like old
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times again. >> it's today. 86. we're going to be with about 200 covers today with the convention. so it's going to be a moment that we're going to click, close the system, just try and take care of people who are walk-ins. >> and there are some huge events on the horizon for the area in 2026 nearby levi stadium will host not only super bowl 60 but also a half dozen world cup games. huge deal. all right, an update tonight on a very sad animal cruelty case out of san jose. more than two months after being shot through the jaw, marley the german shepherd is not only recovering, she is thriving. marley was 10 months old when she wandered away from her home and limped back with a bullet hole through her snout, lower jaw, and front paw. the vets at uc davis were able to repair her jaw, and she is expected to make a full recovery. police are still looking for whoever shot her. there's a $1,000 reward for information in her case. >> extra good puppy.
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>> i know. >> extra good. >> i mean, i cannot even -- we're both, paul, animal lovers. we're both rescue dog owners. i can't even imagine something like that. so happy to see she's doing okay. and cute as ever too. >> and when she's ready, she'll be ready for that forever home. let's take a look at what's happening weatherwise as we head deeper into the workweek. high pressure camp noutd the upper levels of the atmosphere means there is more atmosphere on top of us prisoning down and suppressing the development of anything more than some of that low level fog. and it means the fog should be clearing out pretty quickly as we head through early tomorrow morning. we'll see plenty of sunshine for the rest of the day. that means we'll be towards the top of the scale for solar electricity generation for two more days. first we look outside and see some of that fog in the distance. but again, it's a very compressed marine layer because of the weight of the atmosphere on top of us. the temperature's down to 47 in santa rosa. everybody else is still in the low to mid-50s.
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the fog is not going to be as widespread as thick or as stubborn as it was this morning. reduced visibilities on the map as we begin the day on wednesday. it's not going to take long for that fog to burn off and dissipate. temperatures warm up far normal start. let's get back to those forecast lows for tonight. get the computer back up here. that's fun on live tv. temperatures in the 40s tomorrow, where we're supposed to be. everyone within a degree or two of average for the first morning of spring. spring rooifed at 8:06 this evening. let's take a look at forecast highs for tomorrow. still warm inland. low 70s for the santa clara valley. 72 degrees in san jose. upper 60s for fremont and down the peninsula in redwood city. upper 50s along the coast and half moon bay. cooler because the onshore breeze, but it's where you're supposed to be in mid-march. 62 degrees in san francisco exactly, tomorrow's normal high temperature. in the north by a,
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the fog even limited though it's going to be, a bit more stubborn. that's why your temperatures are a little slower to waurm. you'll make your way to the mid to upper 60s by tomorrow afternoon. let's talk about the next chance of rain headed our way. high clouds floating in tomorrow afternoon. those are just going to filter the sun. some moisture tries to stay towards the coast on thursday. it's going to fall apart before it makes it in. some additional cloud cover. a more substantial storm system is going to be looming off the coast as the sun goes town on thursday, it's going to make its way in. across the rest of the bay area by friday afternoon. light to moderate rain, some occasionally heavier rainfall rates, but no flooding potential out of this system. the rain is going to linger from friday night into saturday, at least off and on. so be flexible with outdoor plans, and the wind is going to pick up as well with the first wave of energy, the winds aren't going to be too strong on friday. 11:00 p.m. friday through 5:00 p.m. saturday, but it's saturday that brings more widespread gusts. these orange
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tiles 20 to 30-mile-per-hour wind gusts. not strong enough for any significant wind damage potential, but it's noticeably breezy for the first half of the weekend. and this is going to be another snow maker for the sierra. not a lot if you're going to be up there on friday. they're going to pick up a couple inches with the initial wave of moisture. they're going to pick up quite a bit more saturday into saturday night. we're likely going to see winter weather advisories, even winter storm warnings posted for the high country as this system moves through. but then getting back by late sunday. might be okay. we'll keep you updated on that as well. let's take a look at the seven-day forecast, and we will start with the warmest parts of the bay area. inland where temperatures are going to top out right around 70 degrees the next couple of days. and then we cool down as the moisture moves in friday and saturday. saturday looks like the wetter half of the weekend but sunday's not going to be completely dry either. do be flexible with outdoor plan, have an indoor alternative ready to go. everybody cools off, doesn't matter if you're ub land, around the bay, or
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along the coast. eventually temperatures warm back up, but we're probably going to see another chance of rain wednesday night and thursday of next week. straight ahead in sport, my college, my university exposed. not in court on the court. and why this seventh grader's game could have helped him as the ncaa tournament opened for business tonight.
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pretty shot of the fog rolling into the city. okay, i think this is when steve kerr earns that fat check, because he's got to motivate these guys. he's got to get them in line. they need to get it together right now. >> for the warriors it is go time right now. there's a term called nitt. now is the time.
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for warriors basketball. defend home court was never more important than what faces the warriors tomorrow night when they host memphis. they are back and forth with the laker, sara, for these last two spots for the postseason. they got to make the most of these remaining 15 games or else. six of those games are at chase center. >> there's no place like home. there's no place like home. >> wasn't the case monday against the knicks. after the loss, the dubs home record is 17-18. and the team is baffled. >> i don't know what the answer is. it's always that thing if you did you'd be able to get ahead of it. >> we've been good at home far long time, and just haven't been able to establish, you know, that dominance at home, and that's what's keeping us from, you know, climbing up in the standings. ncaa men's basketball tournament tonight, and my school got embarrassed. virginia took on colorado state
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and uva was basically unwatchable. look at this. uva has been in my life for 40 years, and this was brutal. virginia did not score for nearly 14 minutes between the first and second half. meanwhile, colorado, they got all the bounces. patrick cartier, that gave him an 18-point lead. they blew out virginia, 67-42, and that means a quiet flight back to charlottesville. csu advancing to play texas on thursday. first game of the night, wager in seahawks took on howard, battling the 16 seeds. late first half. wagner's melvin got fouled and still banked it in. put the seahawks up seven with 90 seconds left, but howard, oh, the bison, they rallied, down three. final seconds, look at the open --. >> oh. >> one, two, three, no, no, no. wagner hung on and advanced 71 -68. it was their first ever tournament win. next up, top side north carolina in the
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first round. baseball, new giants pitcher black snell in the dugout. can't wait to see the lefty go. batting against the royals, bottom fifth, bases full, estrada into the scottsdale, arizona sky. a grand salami, sara. estrada was 3 for 3 tonight. san francisco won it 9-8. opening day is a week from thursday. and we'll leave you with seventh grade baller william. look at this guy playing cyo ■ for a lady of lo ret to in novato, he made 11 threes in this game, scored 38 in a 64-40 playoff win over san anselmo. he was on fire. sara, i must ask, you're an athlete, you ever have one of those games where just everything went right? >> they're rare. i mean, at least a streak where it just, like, everything was connecting. >> just in the zone. >> just in the zone.
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everything. >> everything's just flowing. like your shows every night. >> no. never. i can't remember the last time that happened, but that's the fun of being on live tv, mistakes are made. we embrace them. not by you, though, not by you. verb, thank you. an accident with a blow dryer cost a woman her hand. the change she wants to see to keep it from happening to anybody else.
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this story is unbelievable. a south carolina woman who passed out while blow drying her hair woke up to just about the worst news she'd ever gotten. mary wilson thinks a shock from the dryer may have been what knocked her out. this happened last month. she landed on top of the blow-dryer and then she laid there for 20 minutes as it burned her hand
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all the way to the bone. imagine that. the nerve damage was apparently too much. she lost her hand and her wrist. >> it really kind of puts in perspective all the other, you know, issues that i was dealing with in my life six months ago are so insignificant to things that i'm having to go through now or challenges that i'm going to have to be going through in the future. >> oh my gosh, poor girl. mary is a professional dog groomer. she's hoping to get back to that some day. in the meantime, she's calling for blow-dryers to have an automatic safety shutoff. and after struggling with his own health issue, dr. dre is moving on to the next episode. eminem, snoop dogg, and 50 cent joined the seven-time grammy winner as he got his star today. a little drat in dre's opinion. >> i'd like to thank the hollywood chamber of commerce who felt i was finally ready to
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walk in the footsteps of ice cube, snoop dogg, 50 cent, all of whom got stars before me for some [ bleep ] reason. >> i mean, he's got a point. dre says he is working to stay healthy after he was hospitalized in 2021 for a brain aneurysm. just last week he revealed he's had three strokes since then. he looks really good, though. congratulations to him. after months of mystery, the prince of wales was spotted in publ you're looking at some real jack in the box haters. yeah, they exist. they have no idea they're about to try my new smashed jack. this is good. it's very fresh. i like the sauce. i'm a saucy woman.
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probably not the best. not the best... she came in a white sedan. tow it. almost like a flavor bomb. i don't think it's a fast food hamburger. this is more like homemade. -it's me! -ahahaha! oh shoot, jack! if this is your new burger... yeah? -i'm going to you. say hello to the best-rated burger in fast food. welcome to jack in the box!
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from dr. dre to whatever that was --. >> wilbur tannin? . >> i don't know, it's not playing in my car. dr. dre maybe. >> i don't judge what you you're listening to. >> i'll listen to more of that for paul. i did watch the crown. there's been a lot of controversy about the whereabouts about kate middleton, aka princess catherine. she had abdominal surgery and hadn't been spotted since christmas. when she merged in a photo, it was retracted. this was the photo controversy heard around the world. now tmz broke news by sharing this video of kate walking with prince william in
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windsor smiling, looking healthy from what we can tell. even with this video, although a little grainy and shot from afar, the rumor mill continues to turn. somebody said nothing like silencing the conspiracy theorists with a grainy video. peter tweeted, breaking, kate spotted in forest near windsor. >> nice. >> yeah. the new york city department of sanitation posted to their x account, yes, they have one, kate's been found, she's putting out her trash in bins. be like kate. the fact that they need to send that message says a lot. the city of new york responded then saying upon investigation this image has been photo shopped. >> oh really? >> however, those rat-proof lidded bins are very real, use them. another tell tale sign of life in new york. >> yeah, what's going on in new york, man? >> a rat-proof bin. >> you don't need to tell me twice to use the raf-proof thing. >> a lot of people spent a lot
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of time on that. >> yeah, they did. >> we spent a couple minutes on it just now. >> the problem was mounting. and you know when you go out in new york and you do see the garbage piled up in bags, i guess they want them to use the - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.


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