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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  March 20, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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thanks so much for joining us this morning. it's wednesday, march 20th. >> let's get started. >> constantly we're just like watching cars because we're scared we're going get hit. >> fright tornado walk on our street streets bestride cameras make a difference in san francisco. i can take him probably and then -- i need to do something
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to -- to help people. >> he's using his talented with our community in mind. taking a stand against breast cancer. it's really important for women to feel they're making -- an impact for other women. >> changing the landscape in an industry of mostly men. the push for representation in faming. and that pot of gold climbs even higher. how does $977 million sounds to you? the mega millions jackpot soars again the powerball is right behind it. >> i bought more tickets yesterday and keep continuing to purchase until i get the big winnings. hello, i'm gianna franco. >> we buy. when we came to work today and we saw nicole wasn't here i thought she's out buying tickets that's what she's doing. >> not the big one. she could have won i don't know a million bucks. >> enough to get you on the road. a live look outside
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before gianna gets you on the road this morning and see what the weather conditions are like just look at that beautiful shot there. grace cathedral glowing there in the heart of san francisco. and there is a live shot of the moon. consider yourself mooned at 5:01 in the morning. before you ever hop in the shower. jess, take it away my friend. how do you build from that? i can't take it from there. but you know what today is the first official full day of spring. let's dive into the forecast for us and waking up this morning oh gosh it was so beautiful. fun fact actually. the sunset yesterday just around 7:20ish and it wasn't until 8:00 where we actually hit the spring equinox. it's official once the sun rises this morning it's officially spring. and it's the full day of it. now we're waking up to a little bit of haze down into the santa clara valley. no issues with visibility at the bay bridge but still cloudy and cold this morning. actually see localized dense fog up in the north bay but that will bleed off in the afternoon hours. we
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have a couple more days of just calm weather but how does that play out? today and tomorrow very similar. mild temperatures and pretty much sannyasis into the afternoon hours just like what we saw yesterday. so mix of sun and clouds until friday where the rain finally returns for us here in the bay area and continue to see light showers through the weekend and temperatures dipping down well below average as that cold front moves its way in giving us all the characteristics of a cold front. cooler weather and gust thier conditions and of course the rainy skies too. just keep that in mind that's what we have this weekend but today we're just seeing the passing clouds into the evening hours tonight. not a lot of activity and showers still staying to the north of us but once we head into our friday forecast. that's when we start seeing the showers offshore starting to form and that's going to impact us as we head into our friday, saturday and sunday forecast. lingering into early next week too. i'm going to time the rest of this storm out for you coming up in just a bit. for now over to you, g. >> thank you. let's start off with the look at the freeways here in our bay area bridges. if you are headed across the golden gate bridge, right now it is
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smooth sailing. we're seeing a pretty nice commute overall and in fact things are pretty quiet for the most part on the freeways on this wednesday. really the only place we're tracking just a few brake lights is that area as you head into the altamont pass. supercommuters, pretty typical this morning we're seeing a lot of red popping up and yellow so some slower speeds coming out of tracy connecting on to 580. but again, in major accidentsright now and that's good news if you are commuting early this morning. more tough news from bay area roads and what has been a week of tragic traffic headlines. overnight police investigated a possible shooting overon the westbound lanes of i-80 in richmond. that case all started when a man rushed to an e. r. just after saying that he'd been shot while driving around sunset. well, that prompted a quick closure of westbound 80 and california highway patrol officers scoured the area you see right here from the traffic cameras. this is area of mcbird looking for bullet casings and was their job. not a lot of details in the case yet but we will update it throughout the morning. and to the headline that broke hearts this week in san
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francisco's west portal neighborhood. we now know the names of the victims of a violent and deadly crash that killed three saturday and sent their lone surviving child to critical condition in a local hospital. diego and matilde the mother and father killed in the crash and their son 1-year-old joaquin also died. the only survivor that infant still in the hospital this morning. police say an suv speeding down the wrong side of the road driven by 78-year-old mary fong lau hit the family on their way to the zoo. lau is in the hospital charged with vehicular manslaughter this morning and reckless driving and her attorney said she and her family mourn the loss of life and vow cooperation with the investigation. so the community conversation about safety on our roads continues and so does action to make our streets safer. new state law will put
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cameras in crash prone areas including san francisco. in fact you are looking live at the such location. this is the view at 5:05 in the morning at lincoln way and 27th avenue and then let's pull out the focus here. this map shows 33 locations for the cameras in san francisco. you might see the little red dots. they are marked on speed prone areas. we're talking about places like fulton street near golden goat park which often sees people putting pedal to the metal. in the wake of the portal neighborhood tragedy our kenny choi spoke with safety advocates who believe in the cameras. >> reporter: paul rivera, his wife and 2-year-old girl live on a busy corridor in the inner richmond. >> constantly just like watching cars because we're scared we're going to get hit. >> reporter: a few blocks away from them a speeding car fatally struck a 72-year-old?
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january. residents say near misses are too common. >> my wife and i were crossing the street and i had to jump in front of a car so we wouldn't get hit. >> reporter: safety advocates witnessed three previous attempts to pass legislation fail at the state level. martha lindsay of walk san francisco often checks speedingcars. >> every mile a driver goes above 25 atmospheric river, the risk for pedestrians just -- goes up so much. >> reporter: unlike the 13 red light cameras in san francisco which can take photos of drivers, the new speed cameras will only be able to identify license plates. in a 30-mile-per-hour zone, like on fulton, cameras would initiate fines for only cars going 11 miles over the limit. >> 40 miles per hour a person gets hit we are so vulnerable 75% chance that you are not going to survive that crash or you are going to be very severely injured. >> reporter: the san francisco municipal transportation agency will determine the 33 locations including near schools, senior centers, and at locations on
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the high injury network. the 12% of city streets that account for nearly 70% of serious injuries and fatalities. cities like new york have been deploying more than 2500 speed cameras for about a decade. >> there have been really some amazing results in the other cities that have used speed cameras. and we've been advocating over and over to try to get them and we're really, really glad we finally have the chance. even if it's just in the limited pilot program. just for the five year period. >> reporter: sfmta is working together with san jose and oakland officials. those are the two other bay area cities allowed to install speed cameras under ab-645. >> i think any kind of enforcement along with traffic calming measures and just increased awareness for pedestrian safety will definitely help the community. >> reporter: paul rivera wants to see more than 33 speed cameras deployed. but it's a major win for now. >> so let's talk timeline. travel boss in san francisco
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hope to see the cameras operational by early 2025. shawn? >> reporter: reed, good morning. we're here at the game developers' conference in san francisco. this week they're looking at representation among women. coming up how they're not only trying to get more women developing games but leading company. from women in gaming to the amazing women on the hardwood. are more people excited about the other ncaa tournament and nba legend tells you why he is. the day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day... a "let's dig in" day... mm. ...a "chow down" day... a "take a big bite" day... a "perfectly delicious" day... - mm. [ chuckles ] - ...a "love my new teeth" day. because your clearchoice day is the day everything is back on the menu. a clearchoice day changes every day. schedule a free consultation.
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have heart failure with unresolved symptoms? it may be time to see the bigger picture. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms like carpal tunnel syndrome, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeat could mean something more serious, called attr-cm a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time. sound like you? call your cardiologist and ask about attr-cm.
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happy 90th birthday to former san francisco mayor willie brown who made history. serving eight years as san francisco's first african american mayor. during his time he expanded real estate budget and development and helped get the giants a brand new ballpark. we welcome all of those coming into town for the gaming industry to our city for the 2024 game developers conference. >> more than 30,000 people are expected to attend the event and a growing portion will be women. our shawn chitnis is live this morning at the moscone center. a point of pride this women's history month to see women making history in gaming. shawn. >> reporter: hey guys, good morning. yeah. so day three of gdc will see a lot more happening here around moscone center and part of the schedule between now and friday includes a discussion about the contributions that women from all over the world are making in the video gaming industry.
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and we have the chance to catch up with one woman who is helping to lead that discussion. she tells us why it's so important that they are inclusive to everyone. >> i have been playing video games ever since i remember. >> reporter: lia b. loves video games and has made a career out of it. she's attending the game developers conference this week in san francisco to help highlight the work done by women just like her in the industry all over the world. >> it wasn't until i was a teenager that i actually realized that it was seen as something male dominated. or when i went to the first video game store of my neighborhood, i was the only girl there. >> reporter: today she's the co-founder and ceo of an independent video game studio in uruguay and even in 2024, there aren't in women like here in the industry. a survey of developers this year shows that more than two-thirds are men. lia says that number only increased outside of the u.s.
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and she estimates that only about 3% to 5% have leadership roles like her. >> it's really important for women to feel they're making video games to create a cultural impact for other women. >> reporter: but while only third of developers are women, lia says they make up about half of the people playing video games. >> it's important that women are well represented and they actually look and talk like real women. >> reporter: also president of the uruguay game developers association and works to get more women in the industry throughout latin america. >> we used today have like very little representation. and sometimes it was oversexualized so it was -- made like to be in the male gaze instead of something that actually represents us. >> reporter: and as a woman running a video game studio, lia can have a direct impacton the characters we see in games. and how we play them. including this one she helped create. >> we don't ask you what your gender is. you can just choose how the way you want to be
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perceived. and for example, the girl in the tutorial is not a damsel in distress. she's actually helping you and these small little t things i think will change the perception of how people see video games and how they perceive the world. >> reporter: that's in progress that keeps her going. excited to see more women in gaming reaching null levels of the industry. >> video games actually have the power to change the world in the way we perceive it. so yes, i think that it's super important. and that's what keeps me here. >> reporter: and so that discussion she's helping to organize will bring together women from asia, africa, and latin america. and one thing she wanted to point out is that at a time when there are so much conflict around the world, she loves that video games help us to see what people dream about and what their passions are especially in parts of the world where they don't have as many resources to create those games. back to you. >> shawn chitnis, thank you so much. see you later in the broadcast and welcome to all in san francisco. we hope we treat
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you well. taking a live look outside right now. this is the view from mount diablo. and it is going to be a beautiful day. we're almost halfway through the workweek and we always declare it is on wednesday morning but i know you don't really do it until you check the box on wednesday afternoon, jess. >> absolutely, but it's officially the first full day of spring. something to celebrate too for us today. here in the bay area, gosh, it was such a beautiful day for us yesterday and we're really going to see a repeat of that today. just a mix of sun and clouds in the forecast for us and we are waking up to some dense fog up in the north bay. those clouds widespread throughout the bay area. kind of just holding on tight to us. now as we take a look at futurecast we'll continue to watch that kind of build in from offshore through the next couple of hours and moments of sunshine and moments later this afternoon we get blankets of clouds filling the bay. that's going to look a lot different heeding into our friday forecast. here we go into thursday a similar trend with just clouds rolling over the bay area. still pretty mild in the grand scheme of things and watch what happens though as we head into thursday evening. there's the heavier showers
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that we've been talking about all week long. moving in from offshore and around 11:00 a.m. on friday, that's going to hit the north bay first. moves over to san francisco and closer to around the 2:00 hour. down into the santa clara valley by 5:00. and we'll continue to watch on and off showers really build as we head into this weekend's forecast. now in total, how much rain to really expect from this weekend? because this system is going to last into our sunday forecast and monday of next week too. so timing this out on futurecast, just one of the long-range models in the gfs one is showing close to around a quarter inch of rain actually about a half inch of rain closer to san francisco. by saturday, we continue to watch the numbers really build. as we head into sunday and monday of next week. now not only are we going to be seeing significant rain and certain pockets of the north bay, heading into early next week, but we're also getting some snow up in the sierra from the exact same system that's bringing us here rain. so by sunday, areas like connor all the way over into kirkwood for example could see close to around 20 inches from the exact same storm that's going to give us the showers too. so let's take it a step back and
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show you what's happening for us today like i said just a mix of sun and clouds in the forecast for us. so kind of go back and forth two the afternoon and evening hours tonight. we'll hit the 60s in san francisco so just a degree warmer compared to yesterday there. we he over to the east bay and we're talking about 70s anywhere from antioch down into livermore and for our friends along the coastal areas like half-moon bay, we are still flirting with the upper 50s lower into this afternoon. down into the santa clara valley we go, 70s with light winds throughout the afternoon hours today and it's a beautiful forecast to get out there and get the legs stretched and of course enjoy the dry break while we have it because it's coming to an end as we head into the friday forecast. gianna? jess, sounds good. let's talk about the roadways right now and getting ready to hop on one of the bray bridges this morning, the golden gate bridge looks pretty good and in fact a quiet ride working your way into san francisco this morning. not seeing a loot of brake lights or issues. so easy commute there. if you are headed elsewhere, not bad. in fact, 101, 280, all clear along the peninsula. if you are making that ride along 880, everything is moving along well there too. if you are making
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that ride into the altamont pass, supercommuters, good morning to you. grab that coffee and get going and it's busy already. if you are coming out of tracy getting on to 580 making the westbound trip. no advisories and things are pretty clear on the roadways and not dealing with a lot of issues. 880 both directions live look here and you can see not a bad ride at all and in fact everything is pretty clear and 880 south of here into hayward. 880 north of here headed to the bay bridge. taking the san mateo bridge this morning, so far only about 15 minutes between 880 and 101. so feeling lucky on the roadways? well, maybe you are also feeling lucky when it comes to winning the lottery. because the mega millions jackpot just keeps on getting bigger and bigger. >> yeah, no winning tickets last night so that means mega is more mega at almost a billion bucks. up for grabs. specifically doing the math. $977 million. makes the next draw the sixth highest in the game's history. now even though nobody won the big prize, check your ticket as some of you may hold smaller wins. 24, 46, 49, 62, 66, and
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megaball lucky number 7. not so lucky though last night. gianna? the next drawing is friday night. >> yeah. 7 could be a winner. there's a lot of money to win in the powerball as well. right now the jackpot is around $687 million. i'll take this one too. but you don't have as much time to buy a ticket. the drawing for this one is tonight. so good luck. may the odds be in your favor. [ laughter ] 5:19. as you fill out the brackets why not fry and do two of them. >> the women's college basketball game getting even more attention. the stars bringing the sport to another level. sutro now and another view of the beautiful bay area. still waking up and still under the cover of darkness but we expect the sunshine
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cy young winning season last year with san diego. posting a 2.25 e.r.a. with a 14-9 record. we are excited about this signing. all right, going over to levi's stadium where some recent history going to be shown on the small screen. tight end george kittle and wide receiver deebo samuel will be featured in a brand new netflix docuseries called "receiver." it will follow five of the league's top talent. it's sort a sequel to the other show "quarterback." the raiders adams who is from east palo alto by the way and the vikings justin jefferson and the lions' brown will be featured in the show. that will be fun. and we are just a day away from the official start to the madness this march.
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>> yeah, so the round of 64 in the men's ncaa tournament starts tomorrow and the women will get under way on friday. so two teams have already punched their ticket to the first round over on the men's side. wagner and colorado state won their games in the first four. happy face there. two more games are set for later today. tip-off for the women's first four also happens today. and you know, you might still be filling out the brackets but don't forget to pay attention to the amazing women on the hardwood. >> even more interest in women's college enthrall in year, earlier this month right here on kpix you might have watched the big 10 championship game with iowa and nebraska and it ended up being the most watched women's college basketball conference tournament game ever on any network. and some people are not even paying attention to the men's tournament this year and just focusing on the women. one of those people nba legend shaquille o'neal. he told "people" magazine in part that women's college basketball is just a better game and it's more competitive. and these
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stars are definitely helping bring more interest to their game. shaq pointing to lsu star angel reese, usc freshman sensation juju watkins and of course we cannot forget iowa superstar caitlin clark. she's the highest scoring division i college basketball player ever. >> back here in the bay the stanford women will be representing northern california in the tournament. i love the energy from this video. the two seed will play norfolk state on friday. at maples pavilion. i needed that video this wednesday morning. >> that energy. just cheering like she does. >> recue tara and all her team. you can see how the picks stack up against ours in our bracket challenge. there's a $1,000 grand prize by the way. all you have to do is register and play along on our website. well, 5:26 on this wednesday. we are blessed to have some great neighbors in our bay area community. and
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this south bay man, well, he's among them. his talents being used for a larger effort. and we continue watching the vote count in a san jose nail biter. who will face off with former san jose mayor sam liccardo for the seat of di >> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. >> tech: we're all set. >> woman: wow. that looks great. >> tech: schedule now at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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area at 5:29 in the morning looking down from salesforce tower on the willie brown portion of the bay bridge as we see and celebrate his 90th birthday this morning. and so many years of service and making a way in our community. and really that's what it's all about in leadership right? opening the doors not only for yourself, but using that power of position for others. yes, sir, you have done so by serving our country as well. so on this women's history month we continue to salute you and your service. thank you so much. >> i really appreciate that. good morning to you guys and good morning to everyone at home. and let's take a quick look at what's going on in the forecast for us before we head out the door this morning. we are going to see partly cloudy skies throughout this afternoon. those clouds are a little bit more dense this morning and just like yesterday. we can even see some localized fog in the north bay that will bleed off in the next couple of hours but the forecast is relatively mild right now. here's the weather headlines the next couple of days because we're gearing up for the dry break we've had so far to end and that happens as we head into this weekend's
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forecast starting friday actually. see showers roll in from offshore but today and tomorrow just a mix of sun and clouds. it's going to be a beautiful day for us today and it's officially the first full day of spring. taking a look at this afternoon, we're just seeing a mix of sun and clouds widespread throughout the bay area. a blanket of clouds moving over the bay as we head in the 5:00, 6:00, 7:00 hour tonight. match that with the daytime highs later this afternoon sitting in the 60s near san francisco and upper 60s near napa. very similar to yesterday's forecast. that on shore wind getting a little bit breezier into the afternoon hours and all the way off in the east bade we're sitting in the 70s still and hold on tight so much to the 70s as long as possible because once the rain moves in on friday, it brings in some other conditions too. cooler temperatures because the end to have day it's a cold front moving in. to add to that some gustier conditions as well. so the 70s we have down into the santa clara valley later this afternoon, ooh they're going to turn into upper 50s by this weekend. moreen that coming up. for now over to you, g. jess, thank you. taking any of the bay area bridges they
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look just like this. quiet and easy commute so far, so good. we have not had any reports of major issues at all this morning. hopefully fingers crossed it stays that way for a while at least and obviously get more busy as we get more cars out there but look at the overview. not tracking a lot of brake lights or any troubles at least on some of the major freeways. really the only slow spot is that area as you head on to 580 working your way into the livermore valley getting into the altamont pass coming out of tracy. brake lights there. police identified the driver who caused a deadly wrong-way crash on interstate 580 in oakland. one person was killed and three others were injured and we first brought you this story as breaking news yesterday morning. now it happened right on the macarthur maze around 4:30. police say the driver 34-year-old patrick heckles and his passenger 56-year-old andre alberti were trying to escape officers after robbing a smoke shop in el cerrito. the theft was caught on camera. amanda hari gives us a look. >> this was just like a whole
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nother level. >> reporter: shocking video shows the moment two suspects backed a wait truck into the front of tobacco outlet in el cerrito destroying the facade and thousands of dollars worth of merchandise. the suspects then spent about three minutes filling up their bags. >> it was like fun and games for them. >> reporter: the owner, omar, didn't want to show his face on camera. fearing for his safety. he says the phone started ringing around 4:20 tuesday morning. police quickly responded and the situation escalated. the suspects jumped back in the pickup truck and took off. el cerrito police chased them on to westbound i-80. after the i-80 merge with westbound i-580, police say the suspects abruptly changed directions. and began driving the wrong way. police disengaged and chp took over. chp says the wrong-way vehicle hit two other cars. the two suspects and another driver
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have major injuries. the driver of a bmw was killed in the crash. omar says while this loss this to his business is bad. st nothing compared to the innocent loss of life. >> this gentleman was on his way to work and you know, just -- out of nowhere. it was -- that was it. it ended for him you know. he thought he was going to have a good gay and go home and see the family. no, but these scum bags decided no it's not going to happen today. >> reporter: products from the smoke shop littered the highway and he says this is the sixth major break-in in the last five years and he can't even get insurance. >> our business isn't covered bid insurance. insurance companies dropped us because of -- instances like this. so -- anything that happens, it's -- it's going out of our pockets. >> reporter: john with the else see row toe chamber of commerce stopped to look at the damage. he says situations like this are becoming too common. >> businesses are very, very concerned about doing business
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here. but this is -- we're still better and safer than other cities. we have -- police force almost fully staffed. and we have our new license plate reader cameras around town. and we're on it, fast. >> reporter: omar plans to rebuild. but he can't help but be frustrated. >> i'm angry. i'm angry at them. i'm angry at people like them. thinking that they're above the law. >> well, the shop owner says he wanted to put up metal or cement posts to prevent crimes like this one. but his landlord wouldn't let him. well, bullets flying in a condo complex in pleasant hill and police have a manhunt this morning. the evidence, the body of a man shot and killed and another man on the pavement fighting for his life. witnesses at twin bridge circle off long brook way say they heard a series of pops just before noon yesterday. saw a car speeding out of the complex area. this is the response our cameras caught. the case is being watched closely as police really don't have a lot of information at this hour other
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than to tell us that the one man who survived has life-threatening injuries. to campbell now where a case of domestic violence ends with man killed. police say they were forced to fire killing 31-year-old miguel gomez who police say shot at them first. the violence happened early tuesday morning after a domestic violence call. police say gomez broke a restraining order and had a warrant for domestic violence when he died. looking live at san jose. never say your vote doesn't count. look at this. the race between joe simitian and evan low prove this is very case. so here's your headline this morning. low has pulled away of simitian by just two votes. they're racing to replace district 16 representative annaest shoe. we're watching this closely as there are still ballots left to count. just down to a few votes. from local to national politics. president joe biden and former president donald
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trump, they swept their respective primaries in several states tuesday. donald trump took illinois and kansas and ohio and arizona and florida. biden did the same except in florida, democrats just canceled their primary and opted to award all of the 224 delegates to biden. san jose gardener turned abstract artist is lending his skills to help fight breast cancer. len ramirez reports it's one of many causes the artist supports. >> reporter: true high dough is a san jose landscaper for most of his adult life. he is mowed lawns and trimmed bushes and designed outdoor landscapes for his clients. but since the age of 6 he's had a passion for painting. and in the evenings when the landscaping tools are put away he comes into his own studio and takes up the brush and the canvas. >> time to enjoy the arc, the
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thing i always -- >> reporter: he fled his native vietnam in 1986 and survived a dangerous boat trip to hong kong. he arrived in the united statespenniless. >> we are reborn from the ocean. >> reporter: he took up landscaping and married and raised four children and never gave up his art. his painting now fill up books and some of the paintings sell for thousand of dollars which he often gives back to the community. dow has held shows that benefited ukraine, florida hurricane victims, and maui fire survivors all causes he identifies with. but his latest show and fundraiser was inspired by the suffering of just one person. kathy new and dow share the same small hometown in vietnam and they fled the country separately, but found each other by coincidence in san jose. and formed a friendship. kathy is a breast cancer survivor and enduring years of treatments. her younger sister died from the disease.
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>> i have mammogram for six months. six month when i find out just six months i find out -- the breast cancer and after that, we have one year for treatment. >> reporter: although breast cancer rates are declining in white non-hispanic american women, they are increasing in vietnamese american women who are also behind the national average when it comes to breast cancer screenings. >> it's all about how do we engage the community to improve prevention. >> reporter: the u coming show in april will benefit the valley health foundation's efforts to increase screenings in santa clara county and upgrade technology. >> if we can prevent cancer, that really makes the biggest impact. >> and when my friend, when the people, cancer, feel better, feel less hurt, and at the same time, i think i feel very good too. >> reporter: dower's contribution may be a small piece of a larger effort. but he says he wants to give back
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to the country and community which took him in when he had nothing. >> i lucky. i still alive. and i come to the freedom country. and i have the good family right now. i can take care of my family and then i need to do something to -- to help people. >> reporter: artists drains price from many courses and as we huts the finishing touching on the latest painting. dow says his latest inspiration comes from the cause of helping people. time right now 5:39. taking a live look from sfo. you might want to double check flights if you plan on taking jetblue in june. the routes cut and how that could affect you. before we head to break. take a listen. ♪ let your mind, down the road, don't bring me down, no, no, no ♪
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>> woo-hoo, we love this. don't bring me down this wednesday morning. it's a good-bye from electric light orchestra. the farewell to the bay area later this year. we'll be right back. (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
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it's the work behind the scenes, flonase all good. let's take a look at this knee. that truly matters. [ physical therapy staff discusses results ] for your mind. for your body. and for the community. -team!
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kaiser permanente. (music) have heart failure with unresolved symptoms? it may be time to see the bigger picture. heart failure and seemingly unrelated symptoms, like carpal tunnel syndrome, shortness of breath, and irregular heartbeat could be something more serious called attr-cm, a rare, underdiagnosed disease that worsens over time. sound like you? call your cardiologist, and ask about attr-cm. (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. all right, looking live at
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oakland now. where leaders from all over the region will meet at an economic summit and top talking points in oakland, trends in housing and job creation. welcome to those of you who are coming in for that. in washington all eyes were on in federal reserve this morning and potential interest rate changes. most economists really are not expecting the feds to announce a rate cut today. but they might get some clues about what our future holds. top of mind for economists taking the temperature of our money situation in the country, the auto workers strike, worries of a possible government shutdown because lawmakers get stuck on several issues, and then locally silicon valley bank closures and some also point to recent global events like the war in ukraine and unrest in the mideast for financial concerns that influence the markets. >> the fed can control only what it can control. it cannot control global events. are things perfect? no. are they better than what people are feeling? yes. >> so if the fed does not adjust rates down today, some on wall street predict rate cuts will happen this summer. we'll be watching that one
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closely. more money news. billionaire ex-wife of amazon co-founder jeff bezos is giving $640 million to hundreds of nonprofits. including many here right here in the bay area. it's all part of something called the giving pledge and made by some of the country's most wealthy. who will benefit here at home? san jose's grail family services. that provide equal access to quality education. they get a million bucks. and open house which is a san francisco nonprofit serving lgbtq+ seniors. they got $2 million. over in oakland aawardees include communities united and the hack the hood organization. the latter focuses on helping youth of color break in to the tech industry. congratulations to them. well, let's talk about your electric bill and a new survey shows many of you, pg&e customers, are not happy with the company. the study by the american consumer satisfaction index finds pg&e ranked 23rd out of 27 big utilities nationwide. so that's a flunking report card right when
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it comes to customer satisfaction. why? rate hikes. i mean, you are saying it at home right? over the coffee right now. major concern for all of us. in january the utility says monthly bills were about 22% higher than that time last year. and a lot of you say you are expecting another rate hike coming in either april or may. gianna? well, guess what else is going up in price? chocolate. uh-oh. a new report from wells fargo finds low supply around the world is causing cocoa prices to skyrocket. in fact, the cost has more than doubled over the last year. a big part of the problem has to do with climate and dry temperatures in place where they grow. do you say cocoa or cacoa? >> i just love -- that's one of the things i'll complain about the electric bill but i'll pay extra for chocolate. >> still pay for it. it's like a love. >> right. [ laughter ] >> don't separate us from the yummy deliciousness of chocolate. jessica. we definitely need some more of
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that. yeah. taking a live look outside this morning. and you -- might just want to put a little chocolate in the coffee this morning or cocoa. however you say it. it's just a nice morning because we understand there'll be a little fog today that will burn off and then it's another smooth sailing day. >> absolutely. and it's the first official day of spring. well, full day of spring i should say. so you can always treat yourself with some chocolate anywhere. doesn't even need to be just in the coffee. as we wake up this morning to the blanket of clouds over the santa clara valley, not only today but tomorrow too. a very similar forecast to yesterday where we had a little bit of patchy fog up in the north bay. a blanket of clouds to wake many of us up as the sun started to rise above the blanket of clouds and in the afternoon and evening hours tonight a mix of sun and clouds and really it's going to stay mild for us. we're going to continue to watch those move to the east in the next couple of days. really not until the friday forecast where we see the offshore showers starting to build and they are going to move in the bay area
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as we head into friday morning. just around 11:00 a.m. starting up in the north bay. that first cold front moving its way in. into the bay area. all throughout the santa clara valley and the east bay and everywhere in-between with just some light showers heading into the afternoon hours on friday. now we'll continue to watch that system move off into the east. bringing in snow to the sierra. and we'll continue to see more showers move from offshore all throughout this weekend. in total amounts clog to around an inch of rain on average. this is in saturday's forecast and sunday and here we go all the way into monday early next week. close to an inch? san francisco and the same system will bring in plenty of snow for the friend up in the sierra. actually expecting close to around 20 inches from tunnel bridges into kirkwood just by sunday alone. lots of changes around the corner for us in the rest of week. like i said yesterday's forecast will look very similar to today. today's forecast will look similar to tomorrow and then we're talking about friday and then those temperatures drop fast and we will be dealing with a lot
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wetter conditions lasting into early next week too. daytime highs today are sitting in the 70s through the inland area once again. 60s mostly along the coast and peninsula too. next couple of days watch what happens as the cold front moves in. we dip down from the 70s all the way down to the 50s within the matter of only three days or so. from thursday into saturday. a big change in the forecast as that confident moves in. keep that in mind. don't get rid of the umbrellas just yet. this dry break is coming to an end as early as friday morning. for the north bay. and friday afternoon for the friend down into the santa clara valley. we will update the rainfall totals as they get closer. still forming right now. so we'll talk more about it coming up in just a bit. for now over to you, g. >> thank you. lets talk about the freeways right now. specifically some of the bay area bridges and live look here at the golden gate bridge and so far moving along pretty well as you make your way out of marin into san francisco this morning. just keeping ability eye on that in case there's any fog through there. but doesn't look like that's the issue at all today. if you are
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headed though taking westbound 80 towards the bay bridge, well, we are tracking a couple of things through here. two new accidents actually. one of them westbound 80 right at that highway 13 ashby exit. if you are headed through there we're tracking a very slow crawl there. no lanes are blocked but certainly busy for the accident. and if you are headed westbound 80 right around the carquinez bridge. reports of a trouble spot there. this one may be blocking lanes because look at that. backing up into vallejo this morning. expect those brake lights as you work your way westbound through there. also that westbound commute into the altamont pass, is a busy one. no wind advisories but a lot of slow speeds already this morning for folks supercommuters specifically, heading over towards the dublin interchange. and looks like we're already starting to see that backup building at bay bridge toll plaza and metering lights were turned on just about ten minutes ago. a live look right now at sfo where jetblue is getting rid of a number of unprofitable routes. and it's exiting five cities altogether. that
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includes its los angeles to san francisco flights. so that's not an option. with jetblue. nationwide the company is pulling out of kansas city and missouri and newburg, new york. internationally won't be in bogota, colombia or quito, ecuador and lima, peru. they blocked the company's planned merger with spirit airlines and jetblue says it will lower delays and free up aircraft to fly more profitable routes. good news for san francisco's sky star ferris wheel. may be up for a bit longer than expected and mayor london breed proposed keeping the 150-foot ferris wheel at the wharf for another 18 months. looks good down there right? the mayor says the attraction helps bring in foot traffic from both locals and tourists. the wheel moved from the park in november and the city says ridership has doubled ever since. ♪ ♪
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you know them and probably love them and now is your last chance to watch them live. electric light orchestra announced the farewell well and lucky for you the rock & roll hall of fame band will make a stop at chase center on september 1st. elo was formed in 1970 but then disbanded in 1986 until the founder jeff lynn resurrected it in 2018. there's a lot of good shows that i would want to go to. to fighters and bruce springsteen. >> springsteen is coming. oh my goodness. i want to know who evil woman is. somebody's got to know the back story of that. who's the evil woman that made millions of dollars? >> a lot of fun i'm sure. >> got to figure that out. time right now 5:51. she's a brave girl who's been courageous in her fight and is now being recognized by her entire community. we've got a rhode island sendoff that will make your heart sing. and how about a live look
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outside? this view might make your heart sing too. a gorgeous perspective of the city of san francisco. with those twinkling lights as we take a look from our mark hopkins cam, we'll be right back.
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or trouble with low light that makes driving at night a real challenge. if you think you have ga, don't wait. treatments are available. ask a retina specialist about fda-approved treatments for ga and go to ♪ be the best. right? a cheerful celebration for this little girl hitting a major milestone this week. beautiful baby. a rhode island community turned out to send off 5-year-old amelia bernard as she got the final chemo treatment after a hard fought battle. on the last day of treatment she went to the hospital in style. look at the
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people around her. and what her bravery turned her community into. that is light there. light on all side. a motorcade of police and firefighters took her to ring that bell at her appointment and by the way she even got a visit from the local mayor. >> it was finally like there was a light at the end of the tunnel. still doesn't feel real. today doesn't feel real. i don't think any of us could have done this without the amount of support we had through the community. >> people are good. don't you forget that. amelia is now officially in remission and she is ready to attend kindergarten in the fall. >> oh my gosh what a sweetie and wishing her tall best and what an incredible community just rallying around her. and just -- wrapping her up in all that positivity. to help her. i love to see that. >> such a beautiful counterpoint you know we're going into a political season where we're fighting other issues and things and you just see that and there's no politics. there's nothing that divides us. it's just people rallying around a child who's now going to claim her life. beautiful. >> it is. it's 5:57. some avid sports fans say it's all about
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stars inner them and women's college basketball certainly has them. the players helping to bring even more attention to the other ncaa tournament. let's get a live look outside before we head to break. we are halfway through the workweek and we're looking live at the bay bridge. the portion called the willie k. brown bridge (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spray flonase sensimist daily for non-drowsy long lasting relief in a scent free, gentle mist. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.
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business. flonase all good. it's not a nine-to-five proposition. it's all day and into the night. it's all the things that keep this world turning. it's the go-tos that keep us going. the places we cheer. trust. hang out. and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. powering more businesses than anyone. powering possibilities. this thing? it's what's going on inside of me. it's my moderate to severe ulcerative colitis. it wasn't always this calm uc went everywhere i did. wondering when it would pop up next was stressful doing a number on my insides. but then i found out about velsipity a new once-daily pill, not a steroid or biologic, for adults with moderate to severe uc. velsipity can help calm the chaos of uc — it quickly treats flares providing a chance
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for lasting steroid-free remission. don't take velsipity if you've had a heart attack, chest pain, stroke or ministroke, heart failure in the last 6 months, irregular or abnormal heartbeat. velsipity may cause serious side effects including infections that can be fatal, slow heart rate, liver problems, increased blood pressure, macular edema, certain types of skin cancer, swelling and narrowing of the brain's blood vessels or shortness of breath. tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to be. if conventional therapy like 5-asas or steroids aren't working for you, ask your gastroenterologist about velsipity. velsipity. help calm the chaos of uc. (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills.


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