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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  March 22, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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this is cbs news bay area with elizabeth cook. >> it has taken more than a year. now finally the city of oakland has named its new police chief. floyd mitchell, who most recently served as chief in texas. >> most importantly he can deliver results and that is what i am looking for in a proven leader. >> the city has been without a leader at the department since this. >> i've lost confidence in chief armstrong. >> since then it has gotten heated, prompting community leaders to call for action and leadership as crime and public safety become more of a
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concern. >> public safety has to be number one priority in the city of oakland to keep it from becoming a ghost town. hi there, thanks so much for joining us this afternoon. i am elizabeth leadership for o after a year without a permanent chief. we just heard from mayor sheng thao about why she thinks floyd mitchell is the best person for the job. we will also talk live with longtime oakland city councilmember noel gallo about the major change for the city. before that we want to get to the latest rain and a chance of thunderstorms on this first alert weather day. here is meteorologist darren peck. >> good timing for that. look at what is showing up. a line of rain. it is actually a little bit behind schedule from where the highest resolution models have this yesterday. the things slow down a little, but it is still coming and is just as well put together as it always looks like it would be. santa rosa,
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you're getting this line of rain and when we put it in the high-resolution futurecast you see the same line show up and it takes its time working south. by the time we get to around 5:00, that line is coming over the city, the peninsula, through san pablo bay. we know the usual orientation. here is the take away. this is primarily an evening commute home impact. it will rain enough from 5:00 through 10:00 tonight, right through the evening commute, all down the peninsula, 280, 101. east bayshore, all down 580, 880. this will get over to 680 and this will be wet. some of this will come down in moderate amounts of rain. the windshield wipers will be going and streets will get wet enough. you probably have to slow down a bit. on the evening commute for friday. that is the first aspect of
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why today is a first alert weather day. notice how the rain gets more intense as it moves over the south bay tonight. the other reason why we are in first alert weather status not just today, but for the weekend is because once that front leaves and you can see once we get past midnight into the early morning hours, we are done with the cold front. back here the rest of the system will start working its way through and this is where the isolated thunderstorms are. we change our perspectives, go more long-range and looks at what happens. the first half of saturday is quiet, but by the second half of saturday the radar depiction starts to blossom and now you will see a very different kind of rain from what we are getting today. this will be isolated, on-again off-again hit or miss showers with the occasional thunderstorm mixed in. it will go that way primarily through saturday the second half of the day, but it will linger into sunday. sunday has a
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chance of rain as well. we really can't take that out of the forecast until we get past the last edge of it right there. beautiful to see a well-defined back edge to this. that is not coming through until we get to sunday night. if you look at the rainfall totals from right now through sunday, they are still decent. we are looking at half an inch of rain, three quarters of an inch of rain, maybe an inch of rain along the coast for some of the wetter locations and there is the total through saturday on the total through sunday. so we look at the accumulation in lockstep, friday, saturday, and sunday to show you how it will all add up. it also gets breezy as this line comes through. that is the cold front we are looking at with the rain. when the rain comes through that is when the wind will pick up. it's not bad enough for a wind advisory and it will not last terribly long, but with that cold front this afternoon and evening, expect the wind to pick up. 20 to 30 miles per hour. not a terribly impactful
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storm from a wind standpoint. let's look at the seven day forecast. we know the story on rain. saturday and sunday, both first alert weather days for isolated thunderstorms. look much cooler we will be. daytime highs have been in the mid to upper 60s. we will be in the low 60s from here on out. no rain monday or tuesday on the next system gets here wednesday. we will deal with these when we get through the weekend, but here is the early heads up. liz, there is more rain coming next week after the excitement of this weekend. for now, back to you. >> we will be ready for it, thank you. the city of oakland has had a revolving door of police chiefs over the years and this announcement has been a long time in the making. he has an out-of-town are brought in from texas to put a priority on public safety. we have more on the new police chief. this has taken a while.
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>> reporter: oakland has been without a chief for a little more than a year and after the exhaustive search, we finally have a new leader. floyd mitchell was police chief in lubbock, texas. before that in temple, texas and before that he spent 25 years with the force in kansas city, missouri. >> just like any chief whether they have experience here or in other large cities, we will support him and have a lot of support internally. he is the missing puzzle piece to my comprehensive approach to public safety. >> reporter: he is taking over a department under federal oversight in a city facing a multimillion dollar budget deficit. i asked him about the issues with the 911 system in texas. a high rate of dropped calls. oakland has also been criticized for longer response times in recent years. >> i know he will be able to take that experience and only add on to and strengthen oakland's systems here.
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>> reporter: in addition to his experience, mitchell is an air force veteran. he is moving with his wife, rebecca, and is the father of two adult sons. the president of the police officers association welcome to the chief saying, we are pleased the uncertainty has been resolved. oakland's police officers anticipate working with mitchell in serving our community. the search has gone on for a year and two months. the police commission sent a list of four options to the mayor last year and she rejected all of them. mitchell was one of the new finalists handed down last month to replace former chief armstrong, who thao fired over a year ago. last month armstrong sued thao and the city of oakland alleging wrongful termination and today armstrong released a statement offering his support to the new chief, saying he is offering any assistance he might desire and that this is my hometown, i want everyone to be safe and will do everything in my power now as a private citizen to
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assist in that goal. chief mitchell's start date is set for late april or may and he will hold a media availability next windows -- next wednesday so we will hear from him then. still ahead, we continue our conversation on the new police chief in oakland. longtime city councilmember noel gallo joins me live with his steak on the mayor's appointment and how oakland moves forward
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you're looking at some real jack in the box haters. yeah, they exist. they have no idea they're about to try my new smashed jack. this is good. it's very fresh. i like the sauce. i'm a saucy woman. probably not the best. not the best... she came in a white sedan. tow it. almost like a flavor bomb. i don't think it's a fast food hamburger. this is more like homemade. -it's me! -ahahaha! oh shoot, jack! if this is your new burger... yeah? -i'm going to you. say hello to the best-rated burger in fast food. welcome to jack in the box!
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i was like shaking you know, i was so scared. when i first reached out to jacoby and meyers. i didn't know if i had a case or not. as soon as i got a hold of my attorney, she was very, very nice, very kind. because of jacoby and meyers, i don't have that pressure to worry about a medical bill or things like that. if i know of any accident, i'm like, call jacoby and meyers, they'll help you.
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public safety in oakland is our focus today as the city's mayor named a new police chief after going a year without a permanent chief. community leaders have been calling on the mayor to do more to make people feel safe in their city. >> public safety has to be number one priority in the city of oakland to keep it from becoming a ghost town. we have to make our businesses safe. we have to make our citizens safe. we have to make our community a safe place for everybody. black, white, brown, yellow, red, rich, poor. >> joining me now is oakland city councilmember noel gallo.
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thanks for being here this afternoon. >> think you for the invitation. >> in the commercial break you mentioned you've been on the city council for 11 years and this is your ninth police chief. >> this is the ninth police chief i will have seen in my terms. >> what do you think about the mayor's decision? >> i support chief mitchell coming to the city of oakland. we are a little different than where he has been before, so the challenges will be greater. at the end of the day public safety is number one in any city, any state in the country and the most important position in government is the police chief. especially in a city like oakland. so we welcome his leadership. certainly he has my whole cooperation. as chief armstrong did, our previous chief. but at the end of the day it is not about what we say, it is about what we do and right now in oakland we are challenged tremendously when it comes to public safety. i met for two or three hours this
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morning with my small businesses. there were 30 people who were there, presenting their concerns. the lack of safety that has been administered and chief mitchell will have full cooperation and look forward to working with him directly in the neighborhood. because at the end of the day the small businesses are the ones that not only employ people, but provide the taxes necessary for government to stay with services, but also pay rent and pay utilities and keep the community going and for me right now that is the greatest challenge. we need to take care of our small businesses. >> what is priority one? you mentioned small businesses, but from his perspective is it hiring more officers? is it designating more officers to areas? look at the hegenberger corridor. they have to change how they let people into their businesses. what should be the
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priority? >> other areas that have been missing in oakland, i grew up in east oakland. with the violence, i grew up in that and it's always been that way. the number of murders and so forth. the reality is what is missing now is the cooperation between law enforcement. you have highway patrol. some of the streets in oakland or state highways. the highway patrol, sheriffs department, the housing authority police department, then i have the federal agency like the fbi that come in my neighborhood and the u.s. marshals to deal with prostitution. at one time we were working together, day in, day out, to provide the safety and in several years that broke away, but people need to recognize i also have a federal monitor for 20 years now that i am paying over $1 million per year for him to show up every three months and tell me what is wrong with our police department. the police chief will also have to have
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accountability to a federal monitor. but at the end of the day my children and families, my schools, my grandma and grandpa, we need assistance for public safety because i can't even get grandma and grandpa to walk down the street anymore without being robbed. so i welcome the new police chief, but certainly he has my cooperation, but at the end of the day we've got to get back into the neighborhood to make sure that we meet the needs and we get the cooperation from other law enforcement agencies, because i am paying all of their salaries as a taxpayer and we need to form a team again and deliver the service. >> there are two recall efforts also going on in the city right now. one to oust the mayor and the other to oust the district attorney. is a change in leadership the answer or a distraction?
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>> i'm not part of that. i have enough things in the neighborhood that i have to attend to, but i think it brings the attention to all of us elected politically, including myself. and you know this morning people brought up the issue and put it off on me. i need to take care of public safety and those are realities that we need to accept. in terms of the recall, that comes out of people's frustration. with the lack of service we are providing at the governmental level and i agree with that. when it comes to public safety it is not just up to the police chief and the police. it is every city employee that needs to be engaged and involved directly in the neighborhood and that is what is missing today. we still have people working from home. so i never see them at city hall or in the neighborhood and
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we need a clean, safe environment for us to live in oakland, protect our children and at the end of the day, maintain our business. bottom line. >> in population. oakland is not what it used to be when i went through high school. it used to be 70% african american. it's changed. i heard the statistic from the oakland chamber yesterday that by 2035 oakland will only be 10% african american. so it changed dramatically. i do
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have a good number of people coming into the city. there is an area we need to get back into. education in our schools, to make sure our kids are in school. if i have 50% absenteeism --
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( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ looking live at the oakland coliseum right now, we want to highlight something for the community to celebrate. a win for two up and coming sports teams. the oakland roots and oakland soul will both be playing home games at the coliseum in 2025. the oakland roots as a pro soccer league
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in the usl, one division before major league soccer. the oakland soul plays in the women's league. for now the teams are playing home games at east bay merritt college. the matches will kick off next march, a couple of months after the coliseum's lease with the oakland a's is set to expire. as oakland, like many other cities, struggles with the homelessness crisis, a nonprofit is hitting the ground to help those in need of one of the hardest hit areas. our itay hod shows us how they are serving up hope. >> this is a difficult one. this is one you never hear them talk about. >> reporter: this is deep east oakland. street after street lined with cars that have not driven in years. >> every car that you see here, someone is living in, you know. this is their home. this is where they reside.
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>> reporter: few people know this area better than duane and candace. there nonprofit, east oakland collective, has been showing appear every week to deliver something most people here can only dream of. restaurant cooked meals. no leftovers here. every meal has been carefully prepared just for them. today it is a variety of sandwiches from a local institution. >> do you want tuna or turkey? >> reporter: but no matter how much they bring, it never seems to be enough. >> food insecurity has exploded. since the pandemic. we see more and more people are hungry. more and more people don't have access to food. >> this is what i do when i go to places. i get their attention. >> reporter: 50 years ago east oakland was a thriving
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middle-class community. now many of its streets look like war zones. the alameda county board of supervisors voted to declare a state of emergency after its homeless population jumped 22% since 2019. chad goodrich is an army veteran. he has been living in his van with his dog, poncho, for more than a decade after a motorcycle accident left him paralyzed. is this your first meal of the day today? >> yes. a couple of days actually. >> reporter: duane and candace say with each week the desperation here grows. what keeps them going is the look on people's faces as they hand them a fresh meal. >> it is an awesome feeling. it is gratifying. it touches my heart. >> reporter: serving up dignity on a plate with a side of hope.
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you're looking at some real jack in the box haters. yeah, they exist. they have no idea they're about to try my new smashed jack. this is good. it's very fresh. i like the sauce. i'm a saucy woman. probably not the best. not the best... she came in a white sedan. tow it. almost like a flavor bomb. i don't think it's a fast food hamburger. this is more like homemade.
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-it's me! -ahahaha! oh shoot, jack! if this is your new burger... yeah? -i'm going to you. say hello to the best-rated burger in fast food. welcome to jack in the box! okay, it is a first alert day and we are keeping a live on first -- a live look on first alert doppler. a cold front is just now arriving and this will be an organized line we will watch march its way across the entire bay. the main take away for today is this is going to be a rainy evening commute for locations from the golden bay southward. the focus for this rain,
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really between 5:00 and 10:00 tonight, really is going to be for those locations. the greatest population center during what should be a busy drive time. that is why we are in first alert status today and a chance of thunderstorms over the weekend. much more on that coming up in the evening newscast. back to you. a big day in college sports in the bay. the st. mary's men's team and stanford women's team will hit the hardwood. let's start with st. mary's. they play grand canyon in the first round tonight in familiar territory. the five seed will take on the antelopes in spokane, washington, which is also home to st. mary's biggest rival, gonzaga. tipoff tonight, 7:05. and st. mary's will be going into a tournament on a bit of a roll. they only dropped one game since the beginning of the year, winning 17 of 18 games. pretty amazing. back at home the two seed stanford
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women will play norfolk state that maples pavilion. tipoff is at 7:00. this is stanford's 36 consecutive ncaa tournament bid. they are awesome. now that the tournament is underway, you can see how our anchors are doing in our march madness bracket challenge. just head to our website, i have not looked at my bracket yet. thanks so much for joining us for today's conversation about oakland's next police chief. we would love to hear your thoughts on the mayors pic and the crime and public safety concerns in the city. post your thoughts on mine. the cbs evening news is next on kpix. local news continues on our streaming service, cbs news ba ♪ ♪ >> it has been an incredibly tough couple of months for our entire family. >> norah: breaking news. the health crisis rocking the royal family. >> in january, i underwent major abdominal surgery in london. test after the operation found


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