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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  March 25, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business. bounced from one doctor to the next. did they even send my lab work...? wait, was i supposed to bring that? then there's the forms. the bills. the 'not a bills.' the.... ”press 4 to repeat these options.” [chaotic music] [inspirational music] healthcare can get a whole lot easier when your medical records, care and coverage are in one place. at kaiser permanente, all of us work together for all that is you. from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. thank you for joining us on this monday morning, march 25th. >> let's get started.
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it goes back to oakland losing everybody up, you know. >> frustration for devoted customers and employees. in-n-out says an official goodbye to oakland. >> it defines us. >> is one business leaves oakland, another pops up. these entrepreneurs are standing up for their hometown and focusing on a bounce back. we look forward to supporting the next generation. >> improving the lives of young people across california. a commitment to children during a big anniversary. a sigh of relief as stanford women move on to round 16. >> it is monday, the weekend, it was something with a little bit of rain , but not too bad.
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at least we had the stanford women to cheer us on and get excited for a big win. >> what about that kiki, right? amazing. let's take a live look outside on this monday morning. we have endured the rain and now the big question is, what is coming this week? good morning, darren peck, to fill us in. >> good news for the next two days, it will be a little sunnier and warmer than it has been, then the rain is coming back. midweek another system coming with light rain and another more increasing one for the end of the week. we will look at that in detail in the complete forecast. for your monday, nothing to see except for a few showers off the coast. you will get plenty of breaks for blue sky today, although it won't be perfectly clear, more than we had yesterday, anyway. just a
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little breezy out there, yesterday we had strong northerly winds that were making it feel pretty cold. today, slightly different, more of an onshore breeze coming in from the city. that is kind of classic as we transition seasons, the spring onshore winds are already starting. it stays at around a 20 mile an hour breeze. inland, not so bad. current numbers, stepping out the door, cool in some of the sheltered valleys like the santa clara valley, livermore, 44. everybody else is low 50s, and without too much of a winchell it should feel just fine stepping out the door. even in the city at 50. a little more of a breeze in the afternoon. wednesday, rain, friday more noticeable, i will see you with more on that in a
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few minutes. getting busy out there, the bay bridge toll plaza, median lights are officially owned and it is officially slow, sluggish working toward the toll plaza area near the incline. plus we are getting reports of a crash westbound near the toll plaza. brake lights on westbound 80 , as the things get busy around that area of berkeley. out of san francisco toward the lower deck of the bay bridge, just cleared a crash, and now clear as you had in the opposite commute. san francisco please have a mystery on their hands with the discovery of two people shot to death inside of a home. this was the scene on dwight street in san bruno avenue last night. police are not saying a lot and we will continue to have more updates, especially for those of you waking up in the neighborhood. protests in san francisco
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against that is really ground operation in rafah. over the weekend the vice president said and is really assault on rafah would be "a huge mistake." a rallying cry historically used by a.i.d.s. activists is now being used for abortion access. act up, fight back. protester send it off at the federal building over the weekend as the supreme court prepares to hear opening arguments on a case that could make access to abortion medication were difficult in the country. >> what we are concerned about is, given the supreme court's past record, anything is possible. we want to send a message to the supreme court and to everybody else. >> at a specific issue, access to medication , and the central dispute is whether the fda
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overlooked safety problems when they made it easier to obtain. we will watch that closely. if you are hoping to grab a double double on your lunch break today, you will have to drive a little further. in-n-out closed its only location in the city, the first permanent resident enclosure in the company's history. corporate decided there was just too much crime to ensure the safety of customers and employees. >> reporter: this sunday marks the end of an era for in-n-out in oakland. >> it is really said that a big corporation like this has to shut down. >> just one of many employees saying goodbye to this internet location where she has worked since 2012. this is the first ever permanent closure ended comes amidst rising concerns over rising crime in the area.
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>> it is a bitter moment. a lot of employees gathered here today. being that it has been a high place of crime, it has increased extremely over the years. >> a lot of businesses in the area have also shut their doors over similar concerns. if you wonder about the future of the employees, they were all given the chance to transfer to other locations. she declined and has been working from home for another company but says she is concerned about the future of the city. >> this is a main spot after games, but it goes back to oakland losing everybody up, the raiders, the a's. it is just sad to see a lot of things shut down. >> and that is why many customers lined up throughout the day to get a last bite. to show the support to those employees. look at the drive through, dozens of cars ordering they a conic double double or the 4 x 4 by maria
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who has been living here for 10 years and comes with her kids. she says she is very sad about the closure because it is located in a perfect spot for oakland and it is sad to see that they are closing because of people committing crimes here. the company announced the closure back in january, saying, despite taking repeated steps to create safer conditions, customers and associates are regularly victimized by car break-ins, theft and armed robberies and the mayor responded saying she will prioritize security in this area, and you can see a police car station to the parking lot today. but a security guard told us that he had witnessed at least one car break-in per day. >> the theft thing just happened so quickly. it is mainly on the side of the parking lot. and they target mainly people who come and travel with rental cars. >> the closest in-n-out locations are now san leandro and alameda .
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a new police chief has been appointed, floyd mitchell is the former leader of the lubbock , texas police department and will base these issues and for sure, on day one. i'm facing an issue today. this is one color, and this is another color. that's what it means to get dressed in the dark. >> it's not as bad as you think. >> you want to hear camille agree. when you say, it's not as bad, then it is bad. we will talk about this next story also happening in oakland. you may want to take a visit there and maybe get him matching jacket to your pants. it is a new independent vintage company in oakland completely dedicated to the city. we introduce you to these couple of young entrepreneurs. >> reporter: watch as people pass by the newest door on
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lakeshore avenue. i do a double take and then turned back. what exactly is that? it looks like the store but could be an art gallery. it is a vintage clothing store created by a 20-year-old and a 24-year-old. >> bringing a different type of retail, a new experience with brick-and-mortar, that's the cold. >> the trick is finding just the right pieces. it is okay to be worn and frayed, as long as it expresses creativity and more importantly, is one-of-a-kind. >> it really is a piece of art. it really shows your fashion taste and being different. >> that is what is important for the consumers, you won't see this at any other store for the most part, it is just this
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one size and we hope it is your size. >> these are original 501s from i believe, 1968. >> these pants are actually from the summer of love? >> most likely. someone was having fun with these, that's for sure. >> is much as business partners are peddling clothing, they are also trying to market their city as well. they are well aware of the crime that has driven businesses away. across the street is colonial donut, a business that was infamously robbed three times in six months. but the guys are opening their new store here as a way to stand up for their hometown. >> oakland has one of the biggest hearts. i feel like that defines us. it also deals with the bad publicity and slender, oakland is still here. people run with what they see on instagrammer here on the news. you can see families picnicking, people in the farmers market, a lively city that locals understand and
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that is the message we want to bring to the bigger market. to the rest of the bay area in the nation in general. >> that is the pitch that is as appealing as the graphic tees and patch levi's. >> there is a lot we go through as oakland and bay area residents, a lot of things being broadcast across the country and the internet that we are still here and we still are living and breathing our inspirations and the things that allow us to be a unique community. >> there are a lot of pressures on businesses these days and too many operating in oakland are seen as a liability. but as familiar names decide to cut and run, it leaves opportunities for those who believe in the city to stick around and maybe even start something new. the sierra is seeing more snow. the weather is coming u
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see why comcast business powers more small businesses than anyone else. get started for $49.99 a month plus ask how to get up to an $800 prepaid card. don't wait- call today. welcome back, you might have complained about the rain over the weekend but you can
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contrast that with the cold hitting the midwest. when you do, you realize we don't have it so bad. nebraska, minnesota and south dakota bracing for at least eight inches of snow and neapolis facing a foot of snow. >> that looks so terrible. we had a little rain closer to home but the northern end of the sacramento valley sure got a taste of the weather affects. >> snow is the keyword with this one. what we will show you is a time lapse of the hard-working volunteer that was cleaning up a mound of snow blocking the entrance to the volcanic national park. park officials say there is still as much as 12 feet of snow left up here. that is pretty common for this area to see as much as 30 feet of snow over the winter. that is a cool visual on how much snow the northern sierra has gotten this year. they did a great job keeping the roads going. that's also got to make you feel good going into the summer. with this much snow we are at about hundred
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percent of where we need to be for the sierra as a whole and that will be helpful for august, september and october when it comes to fire season. that snow will help in terms of the higher elevation vulnerability. we will do better this year with what the previous years have been. how are we doing here at home for rainfall? if we pick at five representative spots, the general take away, about 100% of average, some spots a little above and some spots a little below, san jose at 130%, oakland is a little shy of 90%. let's come back to the here and now. we mentioned a system coming our way with the chance of rain showing up by the time we get to wednesday. for the next two days we've got a little more blue sky than we've had over the weekend and it will be a couple of degrees warmer. before we get into
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those details, let's get you ready first for how monday will go with just a few high clouds and daytime highs in the low 60s. different from last week, a lot of low 70s for the last week, but since this system came in on friday, it brought temperatures back down to average or a little below. we had a little taste of spring last week, but this is where we pretty much should be now. now let's get back to the story in terms of the next system. the reason why we get a break for two days is because we have to go to the other side of the pacific to find it. the first one that comes in on wednesday is not super impressive. coming in for a closer look , you will notice a few showers showing up by wednesday morning and afternoon. more likely will be second half of the day on
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wednesday when the majority of us noticed the rain. a.b .25 of an inch, maybe .5 of an inch. does not do a whole lot other than put some rain in the seven-day. it is the system after this that looks a little more impressive. here is why it gets more interesting after that. looking at the big picture, see this little green blob, that will get pulled in to the wednesday system, redevelop itself into a cut off low and set off the coast for a few days. first thing about this, when it does get organized and come on shore it is already better organized than the wednesday system. friday looks like more widespread rain with bigger rainfall totals. then the question becomes, does it get pulled off the coast into the weekend? look at the long-range forecast, saturday, doesn't come off shore and by sunday, does it get pulled out here , it is still too close to
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comfort in terms of the widespread potential. so wednesday, that is the easy one. thursday, kind of scattered showers, because we are between that wednesday and friday system. friday looks to be more impressive in terms of widespread, steady rain and saturday and sunday we've got to keep a chance of rain going. if you've got important weekend plans for saturday or sunday, systems like these, we can get a lot more specific and confident on them about three days out. by wednesday we will be able to give you much better specifics to start planning the weekend. for right now, just a heads up that there is a reasonable chance that we will have some left over widespread showers saturday and sunday. starting to get a little busy out there this morning. it
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is 6:20, maybe you are getting ready to make that drive toward the bay bridge, a lot of people are already out there. bumper-to-bumper traffic for that commute to san francisco. seeing those brake lights, westbound 80, westbound 580 northbound 880, still doing okay. westbound 24 near highway 13, reports of a crash. does not look like it is slowing down too much. moving along okay for the most part. again, the busiest is westbound 80 toward the bridge, 580 still holding steady. when advisory in effect for another portion of 580 into the altamont pass. taking a live look from the stanford campus. we hope you got some asleep after your
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norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school. what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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good morning for students waking up on the stanford campus. starting your monday feeling great after your women basketball stars move on to the sweet 16 for the ncaa tournament. you can think lee kiefer coming in strong. >> they needed it kiki to bring her a game this tournament and she did not disappoint. stanford and iowa state balloting -- battling it
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out in what people are already calling in overtime classic. knocking down this jumper with two minutes to go and a couple of plays later, goes right to the rack for this and finishes with a career-high of 41 points. under a minute, stanford up by two, with a big response by eddie brown, giving the cyclones the lead. next stanford possession, brooke dimitri, money shot right there, stanford wins , an instant classic, 87-81. here is tara vanderveer. >> kiki, whoa, what a great game. kiki, my hat is off to you how hard you played, you are an absolute worrier. we have our own 40 point scorer. that was an awesome, awesome performance. >> i think i started the game
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off hot and in the second half i just remembered where we were at last year and it was a great taste in her mouth. we had that loss at the back of our minds and didn't want that to happen two years in a row. >> next up for stanford, the winner of nc state and tennessee today. taking a look at the leaderboard, max darrow and a sara donchey tied for first with a score of 102. i'm at 84. and read, you have fallen from first, moved down with 74 points, not quite the bottom of the barrel, but how did it feel to have a day or two, to be the reigning champ? >> it's like, i'm an imposter, i'm so not deserving. it's comical. but i'm glad to see them at the top, we like them. >> sarah knows sports, and so does max, so i'm sure they took time to think about the
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bracket. i'm just assuming. >> i knew deflated position is well deserved. bridge builders committed to holding -- helping children when we come back. and parisian waiters are ge charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. from cbs news bay area,
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this is the morning edition. 6:29 in the morning. good morning, everybody. we are your community station and so glad you tuned in. let's talk to darren peck about our forecast. it looks like the clouds are clearing. >> yes, a little more blue sky than we had over the weekend. temperatures will be of you degrees warmer , the wind will be a little less intense. two days like this and then the rain comes back on wednesday. two systems are coming our way with the chance of rain. taking a look at the first alert doppler, not a whole lot on here. look at the sky behind it, that is the little break in the clouds. still some clouds to start this morning, which, if anything, have kept the temperatures relatively warm. 54 degrees in san jose right now. cooler than that in los gatos. those places are either mid 40s or mid-50s. braidwood city at 54. it is
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kind of a mixed bag, leftovers from the system we had over the weekend, which kept amateurs relatively warm in comparison to where we were for much of the season. however, the big picture shows another system coming our way with a small chance of rain for wednesday. we will go into the details of wednesday's rain and what could be the more noticeable rain for friday. but today, a few high clouds and one other item, the wind, which was pretty noticeable yesterday. not as windy today with the exception of locations near the coast. i 2:00 in the afternoon, a bit of an onshore breeze. city, coast side down the peninsula, still about a 20 mile an hour breeze. more on the forecast in a bit. how is
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the drive looking? >> we've got the official brake lights building at the toll plaza. slow indigo conditions heading over into san francisco, our busiest spot. kind of the headline right now if you are making the commute from the east bay into the city. across the upper deck you will see those brake lights they are as well as you head into the city. if the approach takes you westbound 580, the bay bridge, slowing down , as well as westbound 80. checking on the altamont pass we will check on that in the next report. it is a little windy. this just in, a major shakeup at boeing. the ceo , dave calhoun, stepping down by the end of the year. they are facing pressure to make changes after the recent quality control issues on commercial jets made by boeing. the company's chairman and head of
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the commercial airline unit are also on the way out. now to a developing story him at the federal aviation administration is considering temporary action against united airlines after a number of troubling incidents according to a letter sent out to employees. art of that action means barring united from launching new routes or not certifying new captains. this month alone we saw a piece of an outer body of the united airlines flight fall off and a wheel that fell off one of their flights . that was taking off from sfo. from all of this in mind, should fires be anxious? take a listen to one expert. >> i don't think the traveling public needs to be concerned. the regulatory authority will make sure that united airlines is providing a safe service that the traveling public is entitled to. >> the last deadly airline crash in the u.s. was in 2009 when a plane crashed into a house outside of buffalo. since then there has been one death due to an airliner.
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berkeley family not happy with the choices of d.a. pamela price in the case of the killings of their sons two years ago. angel and jc shot to death by a 17-year-old. someone who, at the time was a juvenile. fast-forward to today and the suspect is over 18 but price is choosing to keep the case in juvenile court and that means the suspect could get a maximum sentence of only seven years. something that the families say isn't enough for two lives lost. >> reporter: a year and a half after the shooting, emotions are still raw for the victims family. melanie misses her cousins, angel and jc , every day. >> sometimes i feel like i'm going crazy because i feel like i see them in the crowd. >> reporter: melanie was extremely close to the two boys
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and says the killings tore apart the family and they will never be the same. >> christmas and every other holiday does not feel complete. we try , but their absence is felt. greatly. >> reporter: says they are serving a life sentence of grief. >> he has not been sentenced yet. seven years is the max, he could get one or none. >> reporter: about 10 days ago district attorney pamela price decided to keep the suspect in the juvenile court system. the family pleaded with price to charge the suspect as an adult. the suspect was 17 years old at the time and is accused of doing 15-year-old angel and 17-year-old jc at a birthday party in oakland in october of 2022. gunfire also injured
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additional teenagers. police say the brothers were innocent victims, students at berkeley high. >> you cannot hold someone to the same standards when they are a teenager as you would and they are an adult. >> the executive director of dream beyond bars has personally met the suspect and he and his staff are working to turn the young man's life around. >> prison is not the answer, the safest communities don't have the most police or prisons but this -- the most resources. >> they will hold a press conference on tuesday and they want to show the public that they support the decision in this case and other cases involving minors. as for melanie, she is urging the public to contact and pressure price to reverse her decision. >> there is nothing anybody can do to bring them back . they can help us heal and feel as though there has been justice and closure for our boys.
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>> we asked price for comment and the office replied that they cannot discuss cases involving minors. to sunnyvale where police were forced to fire on a man armed with a knife in a mobile home. the case unfolded saturday evening. police got there and they saw a man wielding a knife in the road, officers told him to stay put, but apparently he refused, as he approached them they had to shoot. he later died in hospital. now to something we haven't seen in california since 1984. a mountain lion attacked a pair of brothers in el dorado county, leaving one dead, in a remote area near sacramento on saturday. fish and wildlife euthanize the mountain lion. a follow-up to a deadly terror attack in russia, brand-new video of suspects in court on sunday, in connection with the deaths of more than 130 people, each of the
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suspects showing signs of being been severely as they now face terrorism charges. three of them submitted guilty pleas while isis claimed responsibility for the attack. the russian president still pointing the finger at ukraine, accusing ukraine of letting terrorists into russia while ukraine responded, saying, doing is using this tragedy to falsely bolster support for his war in ukraine. back to the united states, former president donald trump faces a deadline, he has to play with the civil fraud ruling and post up $454 million bond or face the possibility of having half $1 billion worth of assets seized. he has asked the appeals court to pause the payment and accept a lesser bond of just $100 million. we are watching that today. let's deliberate bridge builders who are associated with first five california connecting kids to healthcare. we have the story that celebrates the efforts of giving families the tools they
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need to thrive and they have been doing it for quarter of a century. >> this year marks 25 years of california's first five program. the executive director says over those 25 years, the program has helped millions of parents and young children. >> so excited that we are celebrating our 25th anniversary. 25 years holding strong, serving california's youngest residents, if you will. >> first five was established in 1999 after voters approved a ballot initiative the year before the text tobacco products to find services for children ages 0 to 5 and their families. those services include everything from prenatal care to early education. >> we are so proud of our investments in early learning,
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specifically, that led to the current governor actually fully funding universal tk, which is a huge win for us. >> to mark this big milestone, first five will be hosting a days long summit in oakland this week. speakers will include california surgeon general, the state treasurer and many more officials, doctors and educators. they have been crucial to the programs success. she is excited to highlight all of the hard work so many people have put in over the years but is even more excited to see this program thrive long into the future. >> it has been amazing that they have touched millions of lives and we look forward to supporting the next generation of parents, if you will. just about that time, get your tickets, lottery fever is getting even hotter with more
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chances to hit the big one. a race that might make you
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time for your money watch report, the government dodging a shut-in, passing a $1.2 trillion budget bill on saturday but president joe biden quickly signed it. the
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treasury secretary says it will also stabilize global economies, allowing the u.s. to lend up to $21 billion to an international monetary trust to help the world's poorest countries. time to take a look at what is coming up later. tony dokoupil joining us live from new york. talking about a story near and dear to our hearts. >> good morning, coming up, david beckham takes us to paradise, california. that town has been devastated by wildfires and david will show us how the community came together after that to help a woman in need. also, joined with some medical insight after princess kate revealed she has some cancer . and we will talk with of royal contributor about what it means for the royal family. simon baker is known for being handsome and charming and he got rid of both of those
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qualities for a while in a movie called limbo and is almost unrecognizable. he will be in studio talking about that. tony, thank you so much. your next chance to become a billionaire is tomorrow night. the mega millions jackpot is up to $1.1 billion. let that sink in. there have been 30 drawings without a winner and it tops $1 billion for the sixth time in six years. in the parable is that $800 million. no one matched all six numbers over the weekend and the powerball jackpot is the sixth largest in the game's history. the historic waiters raise, it is a 110-year-old tradition. >> 200 waiters from various
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cafes had a tray with a cup of coffee, water and a croissant on it. they can't run, they can't spell and have to do it with one hand. look at this. i don't know. look at this guy, you are running, serve. >> that one was running for sure. >> apparently they couldn't hold it for a decade because of funding problems but they are back and are doing this to ramp up excitement before the paris olympic games. >> can you do that ? >> know but i can run by and grab a croissant and eat it . on this monday morning, what is your go to for breakfast, are you a croissant guy, toaster guy, bagel guy? >> lately a croissant guy, once i've discovered those chocolate slivers. maybe they have always been around, but to me, it's new. i'm not
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that much of a morning person. let me show you the view from the virtual set. you can take a look at this beautiful start, look at the view out of these windows. sunrise right around 7:05. take a look at the big picture view. you can see the clouds out there right now. they will not stay widespread. you will get more rakes of blue sky throughout the afternoon. not perfectly blue skies, and these will be the daytime highs. pick out your number for whichever part of the bay you happen to be on. there won't be as much wind, one aspect from yesterday, we had strong northerly winds around for a good part of the weekend. thanks to that weather system that was around dropping rain. not quite as windy today with the exception of one location. watching the futurecast, the
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wind picks up today, if you are near the water or in the city, there will be onshore winds. you can almost see how it will play out. this is more of a spring and summer thing. stronger onshore wind through the city. 25 mile an hour wind in san francisco. pretty classic, those numbers we just looked at, factoring a little bit of a wind chill. looking at the big picture, more rain coming back. two systems this week to bring us rain. first one on wednesday is not a big deal but it does bring us about .25 of an inch of rain. let's take a closer look at wednesday so it shows you how it is put together. not the most impressive. but it doesn't mean that we've got to talk about, pretty much the middle of the day, on-again, off-again , widespread showers.
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the system after wednesday looks more impressive. going back to the big picture, just on the southern edge of that, that will become more impressive rain on friday because it will be pulled in to the wednesday system and develop itself into a cut off low and then we have a much more impressive weather system for friday, potentially saturday and sunday. but the difficulty with this is, it is a cut off low. friday we've got rain and then after that it wobbles off the coast and becomes a bit of a question. how much rain will it be able to deliver into the weekend? too close to comfort to put a definite on this, but we will broadbrush the possibility for rain saturday into sunday. wednesday, yes , friday, yes, saturday and sunday, we can see how it is set up. thursday, in between systems, counting on at least a few light
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showers. friday, notable rain, saturday and sunday, if you've got weekend plans and rain is an important factor, with cut off lows like this we can usually get much better within about three days. give it until about wednesday. by then we will have much more specifics in terms of how to plan for the weekend. it is busy as we get closer to the 7:00 hour. at of the east bay, most of the brake lights around the sour. 880 near paseo grande a. you can see the traffic is slow, northbound, not as bad but starting to bog down. 880 toward the san mateo ridge, you can expect it to be slow right here, brake lights all the way down to foster city. no wind advisory for the san mateo
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bridge but there is a wind advisory in effect for that delmar bridge. have two hands on the steering wheel this morning, you may start to feel in the larger, more high profile vehicles. altamont pass, wind advisory there as well. busy coming out of tracy getting onto the 580. a live look at the coliseum, fans will get to see the bay area rivalry in action. the a's will host at the giants, an exhibition game, not much on the line. the a's will break open the official 2024 season, pinning up there newly acquired lefty against shane bieber. meanwhile tomorrow the giants hosted the a's for the second game in the exhibition series. this could be a big one as it might be pablo sandoval's last game with san francisco. yesterday he teased that it could be his farewell. debuted for the orange and black in
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2008 and helped the team win three world series titles. we will see if he ends up playing again for the home crowd. the home opener is next friday when they take on the padres. getting ready for the total eclipse on april 8th, experts are warning that there are fake eclipse glasses on the market that could damage your eyes. unidentified factories in china are producing counterfeit glasses that look very similar to the real thing and even have the correct number and name of a legitimate american manufacturer. so how do you know if the glasses you buy are real? >> take your eclipse glasses, find a bright light like a lamp or flashlight, hold the glasses up to light and look through them. the light will appear extremely dim or not appear at all when looking through the glasses. >> eclipse glasses are at least 1000 times darker than the very darkest ordinary sunglasses. >> the american astronomical
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society lists authorized dealers that sell safe glasses. what you get when you cross a rodeo with skiing, it is something called ski joring. janet went to leadville, colorado in search of a wild ride. >> reporter: it is a winter sport you me never have heard of, ski joring is an adrenaline soaked blend of coursers , writers and skiers. racing through the snow pack at top speed as a skier holds onto a rope for dear life. one of the premier competitions is nestled high in the rockies in leadville, colorado. duffy runs it, a former skier who've fell into ski joring. why haven't more people heard of it? >> it may just be starting to grow its roots in pop-culture america. in leadville it's
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been going on for 75 years. >> for 10 of those years savannah has been the reigning champ, winning your first competition at just 13 against a field of mostly men. what's the attraction of ski joring? >> i've always wanted to be a jockey but i'm a little too thick so this is the closest thing i could get. there are not a lot of sports where you can go full speed. >> reporter: some host cities are heating up the challenge even more. in montana they raced through fire as the snow flies. it is not for the faint of heart. >> the second that rope gets pulled tight it is all you. >> have you ever been hurt doing it? >> oh, yeah. >> not enough to convince you to stop? >> not enough. it's too much fun. >> it started in nordic countries with reindeer as a way to get around and they
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found themselves behind motorcycles and cars over the years. even an aircraft or two before it found its way to mountain towns. mccarthy bravely allowed me on her championship horse. who would go on, hours later, to win leadville, once again. does it still bring the same adrenaline rush? >> it does. i don't think it will ever get old. you kind of feel like a celebrity, kind of hard not to when you have 4000 people cheering for you. >> reporter: a mix of ski bums and cowboy culture, the result, one epic ride. >> i don't know, will you try that? >> i have an idea, let's go to san francisco and hitch a ride behind one of the cable cars. on roller skates. >> don't do it yet, until the mayor says it's okay. just an idea. >> i will think about that
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idea. you've got to have a lot of trust in the person riding the horse. she is impressive. reigning champ, good for her. >> let's just hope the horse doesn't have a full meal right before the race. >> very true. it is still -- 6:55, still ahead. i want to see you do some of these moves that
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bounced from one doctor to the next. does it have to be like this? at kaiser permanente, we have a different kind of healthcare... so, how did you like doctor lum? ...where all of us work together for all that is you.
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kevin bacon is getting ready to cut loose once again and will go to prom at the high school where his iconic film was filmed. utah's payson high school is set to relocate at the end of the year so the students kicked off a social media mission with the #vacant payson to attend the big dance and he said yes. he will be there with those moves , hanging out with the kids. how
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cool is kevin bacon? >> he is so cool. so excited for these kids in utah. that was a big deal as a kid that grew up in utah during that time went footloose the films. it was amazing. coming up, that hit tv drama series and cis is in its 21st season and returns tonight with a mysterious episode. we will have a sneak peek of what you can expect. we are highlighting bay area sportscaster brea ♪ ♪ welcome to "cbs mornings." hello to our viewers on the west coast on this monday, march 25th. i'm tony dokoupil. >> i'm vlad duthiers.


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