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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 6pm  CBS  March 27, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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area with juliette goodrich starts right now. well here we go. round one of the rain is here. it is a soggy evening commute in parts of the bay area and the strongest storm is still to come. that's the one getting here on friday. a part of the weekend. we've got to talk about that for a chance of thunderstorms. but first, we're going to talk about tonight. look at the rains arrival. just started about an hour and a half ago. pretty consistent showers will be falling right over the heart of the bay. everybody will start to see that now. we'll track the rest of tonight's rain in detail coming right up. the rain adding more anxiety for a community cut off by a landslide in the santa cruz mountains. >> it has about another hour to my commute. >> reporter: with the ground still moving, the fears about the daunting timeline for repairs. >> the prognosis is about three years of inconvenience and really that's just too much for anything. >> reporter: oakland's new
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police chief will make their formal debut and get candid about the big job ahead. >> i had questions about what was going on in oakland. >> reporter: his plan of action and how the community is responding to his message. >> let's change the narrative. >> and he has beaten cancer twice. he's testing his limits with the treacherous swim. and help others survive the disease. >> it's the epitome of faith. good evening, the rain is back and the rest of the week is looking wet with a one-two punch of spring storms. our photojournalist is giving us a look at the driving conditions for the evening commute. he just made it over the golden gate bridge, into san francisco. showers have been light. so far no rain drops on the windshield yet. that rain expected to pick up in the next few hours. this is just the taste of an even stronger storm
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coming on their heels. tracking round one for us. >> reporter: that's one of the easier ways is to go to our exclusive view. i'll show this again because it is such a great illustration of what today's rain has been like and how it will continue to be like. watch the time frame there and then right here at 4:00, the showers will start showing up and just getting swept across the entire bay and it was interesting to watch right in that time frame. it wasn't just here and that great vantage point that one sliver of the bay as good as it is. for the bigger view, let's go back now and watch what happens here about the same time frame around 4:00. the numbers just start blossoming here for showers right off the coast. none of these are intense, in fact i was looking at the rain gauge for the two
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hours that we would watch there. and right through the heart of the bay. but here is why that will pick up in intensity and that's the line you want to look for. they are able to resolve out the more meaningful rain is and watch that line develop. that will get more impressive with a little more intense as we would get into the early evening with that actual cold front of the system. it won't be this unorganized blob of light showers appearing to blossom out of nowhere like you saw. and you will get a cold front. by the time we get to 9:00, they made it down to the golden gate bridge. the streets are going to stay slick. just expect the intensity to pick up a bit once we get into the early evening hours. i'll show you what they have in stored. >> thank you. so the spring storm will dump even more snow in the sierra. the storm warning is in effect for areas above 5,000 feet. the snow could create
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slick roadways and cause travel delays over the summit and highway 50 over echo summit. so imagine having to make this on foot just to get to work or school. a landslide has left some residents struggling to get to and from their homes. and they are still moving. we spoke to neighbors trying to adjust and deal with the unknown timeline for the repairs. >> it adds another hour to my commute. >> reporter: climbing in and out of this road has become a daily occurrence for people who live nearby the road in the santa cruz mountains. just so they could get to work or school. they estimate it is impacting 80 homes including eric hanson's. >> if i park my car on the other side and ride my bike,
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then, you know, i'm pretty much managing. >> reporter: he was crossing the road to pick up his daughter, but he's worried this access way won't be an option soon. >> we don't know when that access will go away, so we are all nervous about the county shutting this down. >> what is really concerning is the fire safety because this road will provide two ways to get out. and now we only have one. >> reporter: the santa cruz development and infrastructure department says they became aware of this movement on february 26. within a few days, the road became unusable. they say right now all this land is still moving, and they are going to have to wait until it stops to determine what repairs need to be made. with more rain in the forecast, the road may not settle for a while. but they say residents, they need
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help now. >> we just need the county to step up to get the financing that they need and mobilize the equipment and get this thing going as a priority. right now there are several hundred impacted. she was walking her dog and says she attended the meeting tuesday night where they updated the community on the road and future repairs. >> and they are really impressed that they seem to be on it and care. and for the costs from seven declared disasters since 2017. they say they are actively working on the plan to eventually get it repaired, but the anticipated timeline is one to
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three years. hanson says that is too long. >> and how the prognosis is about three years of inconvenience and really that's just too much for any family. >> so the county has held two public meetings so far and says it is committed to staying transparent about the status of repairs. it is posting all updates on the department of public works website. and a woman is dead after an officer involved shooting. police say she was fleeing the scene after shooting her adult son. this happened about 8:00 this morning. officers were called to an apartment on francisco boulevard. a man reported he had been shot by his mother. police say when they got there, the woman was driving away from the apartment when officers eventually made contact with her. she pointed a gun at them. this led to the officer involved shooting. the woman died at the scene. her adult son is in the hospital with a gunshot wound. he's in fair condition. oakland's new police chief
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faced the media for the first time today. floyd mitchell introduced himself to the community, five days after the mayor made the announcement that he will be the city's next top cop. anne makovec has more on his message. >> reporter: yeah, it was a big welcome to oakland for the man moving in from lubbock, texas. he has plenty of challenges in front of him. he's taking over a department that's endured decades of drama from allegations of officer misconduct, sex scandals, rampant gang violence, theft throughout the city. and a string of short lived tenures for police chiefs. the department is now under federal oversight. floyd mitchell will officially become chief in either late april or early may. he says he realizes that he will have a lot to learn. >> and from being outside, i have not sat down to delve into what's going on here. i'm not privy to some of the information. so first and foremost, i'm going to talk to my staff and talk to the community to find out what they believe is going on. and then i'm going to make sure that we
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will have a robust violent crime initiative plan in place. >> reporter: mitchell spent 25 years with the police department in kansas city, missouri, then served as police chief in temple, texas before joining the lubbock police department. he stepped down as chief there after criticism dropped 911 calls. today he took full responsibility, saying he didn't understand the pressures his dispatchers were under. >> and in the minute situation here, from those that are on the console and understand what's going on and can help me better make decisions as we move forward. >> mitchell is one of four finalists by the police commission last month to replace the former police chief. armstrong was fired in february, 2023, and just last month, sued the mayor and the city alleging wrongful termination. mitchell is an air force veteran and moving to oakland with his wife, rebecca. he's the father of two adult
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sons. juliette? >> thank you. i spoke to oakland chinatown leader carl chan. a vocal advocate for businesses dealing with crime. he gave me his thoughts on the chief's first impression. >> and we like the idea that he is willing to go out to different communities. and the meeting with everyone. especially now that, you know, we need a lot of support from the businesses. and supporting not only the businesses, but the employees and the residents. so we welcome his comment by saying that, you know, he's going to spend time coming to all different communities, talking with us. >> he was criticized in lubbock for his handling of the 911 system. he was very open, addressing that. that he took responsibility for some mistakes he made. how did you take his response to that? >> well remember, you know, we are having our own issues when people are calling 911. so i'm not surprised that all different cities, they might be facing the same. but i have to say that. i don't think that
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anything could be worse than what we have now. since, you know, they faced that kind of a problem and issue, so i do believe and hopefully that he is able to deal with the criticism that he was facing, but also finding solutions to our city. that's no weird for them and that role running. but that as i said, we need to support them. otherwise that he has to face a lot of tough situations. >> carl chan, thank you. in the meantime oakland's budget challenges, they could make the chiefs job even more difficult. the department of finance estimates the city is facing a $177 million hole in its two-year fiscal plan. this affects the city's general fund, which includes fire, police, and parks. it was one of the main factors for the deficit tay say is lower real estate tax revenues. all right, onto baltimore now, where divers have now recovered the bodies of two of the six construction workers
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who were on the francis scott key bridge when it collapsed. miguel luna, a father of three. and maynor sandoval who was married. the coast guard revealed the cargo ship that lost power and rammed into a support column of the bridge had routine engine maintenance before it left port yesterday. but there were no reports of any problems with the engine. the ntsb will begin interviewing personnel and analyzing evidence from the ship including the voyage data recorder, which is essentially the ship's black box. still ahead, he's already bravely beaten cancer twice. well now he's jumping into some treacherous waters to help others fight the disease. and so for me, it was just like what can i do to challenge myself? and throughout training for this as well. and to just show my respect
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the biden administration is expanding their cancer moon shot program. the round table today with jill biden discussed the importance of patient navigators. they have agreed to cover the cost of trained professionals that will actually help guide cancer patients and their families through their appointments and treatment. >> when you have someone that knows the system by your side, every step of the way, it changes everything. but for
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too long, these services weren't available to many americans. >> the first lady encouraged insurers to implement new billing codes to cover the cost of these services. well a bay area man who survived cancer twice is now turning his energy towards helping others fight the disease. she shows us that they just completed one of the toughest swims of his life for a very good cause. >> reporter: every name written on the sacred story and who have battled cancer. and he's a two-time cancer survivor. he decided to swim from alcatraz as a fundraiser for cancer survivors, a way to build them fighting the disease. ever since he beat cancer, he says that he has not taken one moment for granted. >> as soon as i got out of the
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hospital bed, i got in the water. >> reporter: but taking on the bay area water is no easy feat. the tide could be tumultuous and the temperature quite cold. yet he says it is that very difficulty that will inspire him to take on such challenges. >> and alcatraz is definitely not the easiest swim. so for me, it was just like what can i do to challenge myself throughout training for this as well, to just show my support for people that are suffering. >> reporter: and a big splash of respect was shown. and they will continue to be shown as he dedicates his physical energy towards helping cancer fighters with medical bills. as the water world team awaits the riders this is one of their toughest swings. >> that was crazy. >> reporter: but they also swam in support of the cause, they made it. >> and it is just nothing compared to what people will go
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through when they fight cancer. >> reporter: lifting the banner with pride. it is their ultimate motivation. >> and that is all i think about as those people. >> reporter: as they would head back to shore, he reflects on the power of faith. both mentally and physically, when fighting cancer or any disease. >> i think fighting is the epitome of faith. if you're not fighting, you're not actually believing that there is an answer at the end of this thing. so as long as you're fighting, i think it will show you that you do have faith. >> reporter: the kind of faith that will keep them swimming, even against the tide. >> you know, this is bralios fourth alcatraz swim. he plans to do it every year for the rest of his life. he plans to donate money raised from his swim to support a woman battling breast cancer. still ahead, the first wave of the rain, oh, it's here. showers, picking up for the evening commute. we will have the time of the -- when the
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heavier storm
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all right, let's get straight back into the details where we left off on tonight's rain. then we need to look ahead on friday like they said. that's the bigger one. on first alert doppler, just a whole crop of showers just sitting out there over the ocean. that's just about to kind of come if and sweep
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across the entire bay. but it's what happens over the next few hours when these get a little better organized. to see that, we'll put that into futurecast with your cold front. but the forecast model does a good job of resolving where the energy is for that and then tracking it forward. so when we've got that light rain already, it's been unorganized. this gets better. it's still hung up in the north bay. that line is coming across the city. so it's not like the rain doesn't necessarily stop that you just notice it'll pick up a bit with a little more steady. then it will clear the south baby the time that's over with.
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it's isolated scattered showers and for the first part of the day until later into the friday time frame for thursday and they still have some scatter chowders to go. we will get a quarter of an inch of rain out of this and it is not like we're getting a whole lot out of this on the commute and it will be slick to slow people down tonight. that's number one. now keep in mind that storm will go to the sierra and drop another foot of snow in the sierra tonight. in the mountains tonight, and i'll show you why the second storm is going to do even more than that and have a bigger impact because it will come on the weekend. let's look at that second storm. the big picture will show us that we're waiting for that little slug of moisture right there. we'll come in for that, closer perspective on it and you'll see what they did with that cutoff low. that will depatch themselves from the jet stream
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and wanders around for a couple of days. we've got a lot of these. and that will do it again. let's bring it back to the beginning to put the best timing on it now. keep it in mind that's wednesday. looking ahead at 48 hours. we've got that confidence in this and the timing and the location of this can still shift a little bit. because it's not connected to the jet stream. those types of storms don't like to behave well in the forecast models. they need to slow down a little bit and you will get a slightly different forecast. right through the middle of the day on friday. friday morning, we are probably still in that waiting game. by midday, the widespread showers will show up. that's probably when this system will give us their best and most widespread rain. friday midday into the afternoon. and then we watch the center of the storm out here. because the closer we are to that and the more ingredients they are for
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isolated thunderstorms, on again, off again showers. that'll just kind of move their way down the coast. so saturday, it's going to be under the influence of that. friday will be even more widespread steady rain. saturday will be the on again, off again scattered showers from that system. if you look at the rainfall totals, they're better than what we've got coming through tonight and today. they will go up to half an inch of rain in places, notice that it is better rain down the south because they want to go to the south. one other thing about this storm as we saw how it's a cutoff low. it will also intensify fairly close to us. in other words it's going to develop into that tightly wound area of low pressure a little too close to the coast. so now when we look at friday, not only are we seeing the better rain. if you would look at just the wind field on here, we're getting a little too close to the bands of purple off the coast. you can get 40 miles an hour gusts perhaps along the coast from that. so it could be windy on friday. then there's this. that same little bit that will get close to the center of the low. the storm prediction center has once again included
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the bay in its overall forecast for a slight chance of thunderstorms. we've got about 20% chance for thunderstorms. this is for friday and saturday. so we've had our fair share of storms this season that have had the potential to do that on friday and saturday where we are going to watch it again. on top of everything else. friday and saturday, just like another foot and a half of snow coming to the sierra. that's a winter storm warning that will slow down travel. now unwith other thing to discuss about tomorrow, let's take a look at the daytime highs. the temperatures will be in the low 60s. it's not like it's a terribly cold storm for tomorrow any way. you'll get plenty of breaks of blue sky tomorrow as well as this system is moving through. all right, into the seven-day forecast. the headline, after today's rain. and that friday, saturday system. so you'll see those two days have rain on them then look past that. we're done. we will get into the middle of next week and even warm up to near 70 degrees once again with a lot more sunshine. juliette, back to you. >> 70 degrees? okay, darren, can't wait. we are just hours away from
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the a's home opener tomorrow night. the request of the team to chang
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gearing up for what could be the team's final day in oakland tomorrow night. they will host the cleveland guardians at the coliseum. some a's fans are planning to send a message by boycotting the
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game. and they won't go inside the coliseum until two hours before the first pitch. they said on social media, they're asking the a's to open the lot earlier. they had not heard back. we're back in 30 minutes with more news at 7:00. we'll see you then. thanks for joining us. >> if we could stop traffic, just make sure no one is on the bridge right now. there's a crew up there. >> norah: tonight, police had just 90 seconds to stop traffic on baltimore's francis scott key bridge. the new details as the investigation intensifies. >> based on sonar scans, we firmly believe that the vehicles are encased in the superstructure and concrete
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