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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  March 28, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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well, good morning and thank you for joining us this morning. it's thursday, march 28th. >> almost friday. >> yes. >> let's get started everybody. >> we know that they were hard workers and we know they loved soccer and we know they love you know, their families and the community. >> stories surfacing out of a tragedy. this morning, we learn more about the workers who died in the baltimore bridge collapse as we awaited the data from the ship's black box recording system. i see our community and students hurting and people that i really admire our administrators and teachers and staff at the schools. really pleaing for help. >> parents concerned about safety at santa rosa city schools want the ouster of the
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school board president. the question about more officers on campus and a community getting active for answers. my upbringing taught me the importance of community, commitment, and working together for the greater good. >> making the case. meet the new top cop in oakland and hear his belief in restoring safety in the east bay through community. and opening day is finally here. will new additions by the giants during the off-season knock it out of the park? the giants and the a's, just hours away from the start of their seasons. i love seeing the seats in the stands and hopefully they fill up because that's how we have community. good morning, everybody i'm reed cowan. >> yes we do. there's nothing like hanging out afternoon at the ballpark your friends and family and hopefully you get that chance to do that the next couple of weeks because it's mlb season. i'm gianna franco and thank you for joining us this morning. yes it's thursday. friday eve. as i like to say. i know. we are ready for the weekend. let's get a live look outside as we take a look from what we like to call the jewel box and the reason why we're going to start off
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with this, we cannot take credit for this. we have the amazing director his name is mike and he says let's do this because you are going to see diamonds leading us into the fact there are diamonds happening today on the ballpark field. >> get it? right. pretty good right. >> it all comes together and that was awesome. and it's -- baseball season and everybody's in first place. you know, some teams have higher predictions than others but everybody's tied for first today. >> that's a nice way to start a day. >> it is. >> let's see how the standings are at the end of the weekend but we'll enjoy it today. everybody got rainfall last night and good morning to you. this is first alert doppler radar and whole lot drier than it was at 9:00 last night where it was raining in most locations but the front is now down over the central valley. we are left with scattered showers and it's not going to be a completely dry morning. you can see a few showers moving across the 680 corridor from concord down to the tri-valley and livermore and it's light stuff shot going to be that heavy. but some of you got a good amount of rainfall
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last night. pacifica about one-third of an inch and officially in san francisco downtown a little bit less than a quarter inch of rainfall and berkeley a half inch and then of course the north bay you got the most. kentfield, nearly 1 inch of rainfall so those were your rainfall totals from last night. with the additional scattered showers today. let's talk about our high temperatures today. typically in the wake of a front, even in late march, or early april you are going to see temperatures that aren't going to be that warm. so 62 in redwood city and with some afternoon sunshine. 57 in half-moon bay and 59-degrees for a high in san francisco and a couple of degrees cooler than yesterday and concord 62. oakland 60. petaluma and santa rosa likely only in the upper 50s. so a cooler day today. you will get some afternoon sunshine and there are some scattered showers out there this morning. we've been talking all week about two rounds of rain and you made it through one round of rain. we have one more to go
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and it gets here tomorrow. changes you will like is coming up in a few minutes. gianna. >> we like changes especially no rain. all right, a look at the roadways live look at the bay bridge toll plaza. so far, off to a pretty good start. it's very early. no cars or brake lights as of now in -- unless there's an accident. not the case today though. but a can you believe of spots to talk about an accident as you commute amorning northbound 101 not too far from oakland road. there's a traffic alert in effect three lanes are blocked and this is a pretty serious crash. and traffic is backing up to the 280 and 680 connector. give yourself some extra time through there. maybe consider using 87 or 280 as an alternate. also crash south 680 near washington boulevard. looks like that's causing you just a few delays heading into fremont. reed? all right, gianna, we have some developing news out of baltimore this morning in the wake of the deadly bridge collapse. the bodies of two men pulled from the water by dive teams. those teams this morning risking their own lives in cold waters of mangled metal looking
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for four others who are still missing and presumed dead in the water. as their families wait there for word, wendy gillette reports on the work of investigators figuring out why that cargo ship you see right there lost power only to drift and destroy. >> reporter: new traffic video from the maryland department of transportation shows the massive cargo ship approaching the francis scott key bridge moments before it crashed into the span. the national transportation safety board also released video of what's left. sections of the bridge bent and crumpled around the front of the ship. >> our mission is to determine why something happened, how it happened, and to prevent it from reoccurring. again, to save lives. >> reporter: the ntsb says there were 21 crew and two pilots on board the ship when it rammed into the bridge. it was transporting 56 containers of hazardous materials and according to the ntsb, some of those containers were breached. authorities say they have seen a sheen on the water indicating
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chemical leaks. officials have started identifying the six victims all construction workers. 40-year-old miguel luna had three children and was a originally from ell system have door. 34-year-old sandoval had two kids and was from honduras. >> we know that they were hard workers and we know they loved socker and we know they loved, you know, their families and the community. >> reporter: all wreckage from the crash must be cleared before the port of baltimore can reopen to ships. the navy is bringing in barges equipped with cranes to help. logistics experts say it's possible prices could rise if the global supply chain is disrupted. >> let's talk about that impact of shipping. that port of baltimore sees more vehicles and imports and exports than any other port in the united states. so a closed port means people this morning are without jobs. as to the shipments wendy talked about ships are now being redirected to other ports along the east coast. stay with us on air and online at
5:07 am and streaming on the free cbs news bay area app. it is time now for a look at this morning's other top stories. deadly police shooting sending shock waves through the quiet community of pacifica. officers shot and killed a mother after she allegedly shot her adult son. police say the woman was driving away from the apartment complex on francisco boulevard when they arrived yesterday morning. officers were forced to fire when she pointed a gun at them. >> we're so sorry. i'm -- but a loss of life is always a horrible thing. and we're sorry that whatever it was came to that. >> the son is in stable condition at a hospital. the district attorney's office is investigating. the vallejo police department is looking for a new deputy chief. joseph gomez is out just nine months after starting the job. in a short two line statement released last night, police thanked deputy chief gomez for his service and wished him the best of luck in all future endeavors. he has 37 years in
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law enforcement and served as police chief in selma near fresno. we'll be following this for future developments. it's my honor to introduce you, our new top police officer, chief floyd mitchell. [ applause ] >> floyd mitchell is the new police chief in oakland. yesterday, he was officially introduced to the people. he'll be tasked with protecting. now the city has now had a half a dozen people filling that role in just four years. mitchell was a former chief in lubbock and temple, texas. and he got his first chance to explain how he will tackle the job here. >> my approach is high visibility and responsible, proactive policing that is procedurally just, data-driven, and grounded in evidence based strategies that addressed our most difficult issues. >> well, mitchell says his first order of business will be getting to know the people in the department and in the
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community. shawn ? >> reporter: coming up, the -- [ inaudible ] and later, determining the personality of man's best friend. how arti
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you're looking at some real jack in the box haters. yeah, they exist. they have no idea they're about to try my new smashed jack. this is good. it's very fresh. i like the sauce. i'm a saucy woman. probably not the best. not the best... she came in a white sedan. tow it. almost like a flavor bomb. i don't think it's a fast food hamburger. this is more like homemade. -it's me! -ahahaha! oh shoot, jack! if this is your new burger... yeah? -i'm going to you. say hello to the best-rated burger in fast food. welcome to jack in the box! welcome back. baseball is here again. taking a live look at both the bay area ballparks and it's opening day for the
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a's and the giants. but we'll have to wait for at least one of those teams home openers until next week. the giants are on the road today in san diego opening up the season. logan webb is up against thepadres' darvish and both aces for their squads is it's going to be an exciting season for san francisco. giants made some great new additions during the off-season. giants padres starts at 1:10 first pitch this afternoon. well, hopefully the a's bounce back a bit more this year for their potential final season at the coliseum. newly acquired lefty alex wood up against cleveland guardians' number one starter, shane bieber should be a good match-up. oakland will begin the season here at home at the coliseum first pitch for that game just after 7:00 tonight. but unfortunately fans might not be thinking about the team this year. they have big e issues to worry about reed like the potential move to las vegas. >> still a lot of questions circulating about that move. so you see right here, these are renderings of the a's' new $1.5 billion ballpark. planned for
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las vegas. looks downright fancy right? so who's going to pay for this fancy stadium? nevada leaders green lit up to about $380 million in public money to fund the portion of the stadium construction underline a portion: but a lot of people in las vegas are not happy about that move. in fact, the nevada teachers' union is taking it to court. saying stadium money should instead improve education and not build fancy stadiums. still it looks like the fix is in. the a's hiring a company to oversee ticket and suite sales and the planned new stadium looks to be going up soon on the las vegas strip where the old tropicana stands. finish date they say in time for the 2028 season. until 2028, where will the a's play? another big question. so you see the coliseum here. the a's' lease with the coliseum ends after this season. we can give you update on this part. the team is met with top bosses to try to extend that lease. but so far no deal announced yet and another meeting happens next week and we will have our ear to the ground on that one. so if there's no deal in
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oakland what happens? well, we understand sacramento and salt lake city are in serious contention. as just temporary homes. lots to work on and but we're told if there's any silver lionelling it's that oakland has reportedly also been in talks with major league baseball about bringing in an expansion team in return for giving the a's a lease extension. gianna? well, the whole move situation, reed, just really doesn't sit well with some fans. knowing it could be their final year here in oakland. so they're planning to send a message for today's home opener by boycotting the game. >> yeah, our intent is not to go to any games whatsoever. you know, john fisher doesn't deserve our money. the a's' portion, the front office, do not deserve the love. >> so here's what's happening today. if you want to join the boycott, fans will be parking and packing the lot with a massive tailgate. but they're not actually going to go inside the coliseum. parking will be closed two hours before first pitch and that's when things will open up but oakland vice mayor kaplan is asking the a's to open the lot earlier in
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order to avoid traffic safety issues. we've reached out to the a's for comment but have yet to hear back from them. and if there was not enough tension between the a's' organization and fans, this is according to sports reporting website sb nation. they're reporting the team once again blocked all replies on x. this, after a string of negative comments about them. now the a's did something very similar back in december if you remember. that blockade ended after a few weeks. we've reached out to the a's for comment on this and still waiting to hear back as well. and since we have not blocked replies on our social media accounts we wanted to ask you the fans, do you support the boycott against the home opener? a simple yes or no and look at this. overwhelmingly 80% say yes. 19% say no. i mean, there's a lot of unhappy fans. can you blame them? coming up in our 7:00 a.m. show on pix+ 44 cable 12, we're going to break open the a's' move conversation even more in our "people are talking" segment. but it's not all hate, reed you know, there are
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fans out there who still love the team and grew up watching them. >> implant in love for the a's still is in full bloom. and shawn chitnis is live this morning outside the oakland coliseum with the story of a superfan whose love is downright rosy. good morning, shawn. >> reporter: hey guys, good morning. yeah, you have just explained why there's so muchuncertainty. so some don't really want to spend the day here. but we found one fan who has such a great positive attitude if you just spent a few minutes with him, you cannot help but see the faith that he has for his team. if wearing a suit and tie shows people you are serious about what you do, then todd swank wants fellow fans to know he's a pro when it comes to cheering on the oakland athletics. >> sometimes people forget the ushers are the hosts to our baseball party. >> reporter: and that means
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celebrating everyone who makes the game possible at the oakland coliseum. >> the little things in life that mean a lot. and we're so proud of our oakland a's yellow and green. and right here, we get both our yellow and green. >> reporter: since the pandemic, todd has given out roses to the ushers at the first and last day the a's play at home. >> every time i hand out a flower, it's a -- blooming memory for life. and i really, really enjoy how shall i say? what goodness comes back to me tenfold in the -- in the name of a flower gift. >> reporter: he's been a fan for decades following the team as a child all the way back to the '70s when he lived in pennsylvania and saw them win the world series three years in a row. the a's haven't given fans seasons like that in quite some time. and the support they've shown toward the team isn't the same either. >> i have spent my whole life living in the now. because we can't control the future. and we can't redo the past. what we can do now is cherish the
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moment. >> reporter: but todd remains optimistic the a's aren't leaving oakland yet. no matter the team's record at the end of the year, and where the team plays, he wants this opening day to start with the sweet smell of something satisfying. and offer another bright beginning to a new season of baseball. >> there's too much good times to still be had for the kids, for the elder folks such as myself, and every age group in-between. >> reporter: all right, so todd altogether will be giving out eight dozen rosss today and understands why people are participating in the boycott and certainly has been critical of the ownership as well. but he wants to see as many fans as he can. as well as away and home. he wants to make the case for oakland. he believes the fan base of course is great here and he also says hey, what about the weather? he thinks oakland has some of the best baseball weather in the country. guys, back to you.
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>> wonder take thorns off the roses for the owners? shawn chitnis. thank you so much. [ laughter ] that was very well put. reed. i mean. >> every rose has its thorn. >> a positive story coming out from, you know, oakland fans and so son because it's really been kind of hard. but hey baseball is here. and i know with the a's opening up tonight, paul, how's the weather going to look? are we going to need some jackets. >> i think sneak in a pretty decent night for baseball tonight and can't really say the same moving forward on friday and saturday but we're going to get the game in tonight but yes i would suggest a sweatshirt or a jacket if you are heading out to the game. mostly cloudy skies and little breezy. but likely rain-free for the guardians at the a's and ringcentral coliseum. they might move and we know the deal. i was here for many years and we were talking about the stadium site and that site. should we go to san jose? we don't know how it's going to turn out but the a's are still here and embrace them while we can. not great weather for the giants on the road. down interstate 5 in san diego.
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they're going to be fine today and tomorrow. but saturday, rain likely could be couple of inches of rain in southern california and thunderstorms are likely on sunday. so this series may turn out to be a two game series there. the radar currently is mainly clear and we do have some scattered showers out there especially in the north bay. let's talk about how much rain fell last night. because it was a decent amount. not a ton. our mountain locations like ben lomond in the south bay got up to an inch of rainfall. let's take a look at some of the rainfall totals. redwood city about 0.2 of rainfall and fremont the same. and exactly 0.2 of rain in san francisco. half-moon bay. slightly less. oakland, almost 0.2 of rain. and over my shoulder here out toward napa. you were the highest airport total at about 0.5 of rainer slightly less than that. we got rain yesterday evening. the rain has moved out and now we have what i would call the scattered showers mode
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in-between the storms. here are your first alert weather headlines. it's a brief break. today not going to be that wet and you are going to get some sunshine. storm number two moves in tomorrow and that's going to give us a weekend split. now looks like sunday easter sunday, will be mainly dry. but friday and saturday for the holiday weekend are going to be a little bit wet. or in some cases a big bit wet. san jose today partly sunny skies and not that warm low 60s but likely stay rain-free. two storms out there. one is still spinning off the coastline that's the boundary of the front that came through yesterday evening giving you rain after dinner in the south and east bay. here's storm number two. it's bigger and slower more importantly. it's going to take its own path along the california coast for a couple of days. so giving us a two days of a solid rain chance. let's time it out for you today just a few scattered showers out there through the afternoon and the evening. plenty of sunshine. as we roll through friday, watch the change. friday morning during
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the overnight hours, not that much. by friday afternoon, rain envelops northern california and steady shocking rainfall and likely also see some pretty strong wind gusts as well. 30, 40 miles per hour and some of you are under a wind advisory. so today, just some scattered showers. not too much out there. rain and wind tomorrow. tomorrow is going to be a pretty sloppy day. rain continues and isolated thunderstorm chance on saturday. here's the best change i can give you. storms should be gone in time for a dry sunday. monday we're dry. and tuesday we're dry. and wednesday we're dry. it's going to be pretty pleasant and sunny week next week. but stormy tomorrow and saturday and thankfully not continuing into sunday. that's your forecast. now a look at the roads with gianna. good morning. >> looking forward to sunday now since we have the dry conditions. thank you paul. let's take a look at the freeways this morning. good morning to you on this thursday. and if you are headed down to the ball game later on today at the coliseum for the a's, and maybe you will be
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part of the boycott of the parking lot or maybe go to the game. just expect busy conditions along 880 right now it's moving great and live look here at the nimitz and you can see it's not a bad commute at all. but you know, might get a little bit busier later on especially as folks head out there. also a concert happening at the oakland aroadway no as well. which shares the parking lot with the coliseum. pretty busy there tonight. maybe going to the game or potentially the concert also. so expect those delays and some busy conditions there. other than that, we're doing okay along 880. but in the south bay we are monitoring this traffic alert. northbound 101, just as you approach oakland road. lanes are blocked and you got your backup to 280 and 680. reed? all right, thank you so much gianna. time right now 5:23 in the morning. losing powerball again make you feel a little powerless on a thursday? big draw now drawing you
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you depressed. >> maybe that's that's wrong with me today. >> didn't win powerball. that's the diagnosis this morning. nobody won in last night's big jackpot draw. so the prize is bigger to entice you once again to try again. >> yeah, no, that's true. that's true. there's always hope right? the next drawing is saturday night which this time around will be playing for the
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fifth largest prize in powerball history. $935 million. that's it. drop in the bucket. again no big winners last night but still some small winners out there so check your tickets. i still need to check mine as well. match the numbers. 37, 46, 57, 60, 66, and powerball is 8. lot of double digits there. i love seeing the patterns. >> you know whenever i lose i get all up in my feelings and i start to do some philosophy and i start to do some enterspection and thinking and i always do thequick pick. >> i do the quick pick and a mixture of both. >> we are informed by the winner of the mega millions jackpot this week how that person chose their numbers. they did their own. right? but we drilled down and we found that 70% of winners are quick picks according to a lotto reports this morning. so experts say the biggest advantage to choosing your own numbers is that you get complete control and you cut out that possibility for repeat numbers and combinations that do happen with quick picks. >> wow. >> i'm a quick pick guy. >> yeah. >> 70%. you know, i'll take
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that. time right now 5:27. dear easter bunny you are breaking emergen-c crystals pop and fizz when you throw them back. and who doesn't love a good throwback? ( ♪♪ ) ( ♪♪ ) emergen-c crystals. >> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. and she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. we come to you for free! schedule now for free mobile service at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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♪oh what a good time we will have♪ ♪you... can make it happen...♪ ♪♪ try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints. right now on cbs news bay area. so says one of our family members, mike. mark hopkins looking west there at the beautiful glistening lights of san francisco. good morning,
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everybody. what beautiful place we live and of course we are looking at the weather. i need to have a better attitude, paul. i need to fix my mind here but then i remember we need the water. right? we need the reservoirs full. >> need the reservoirs full and we'll be very happy in july when we don't see a drop of rain. we're the driest place in north america in the summer. let's get of it way now and hopefully before the holiday. a lot of vow outdoor plans on sunday. sunday's forecast has changed for the better. that is great news. the forecast for tomorrow and saturday, is just as quoting reed, bleh as it looked 24 hours ago. most of you are dry, likely a wave of a shower or two through the day but we're 46 in petaluma and 52 novato and 51 in napa and vallejo low 50s and mid 50s mild in oakland and 54 degrees you are going to warm up like five degrees the entire day. redwood city and half-moon bay at 54. san francisco, 53. fremont 55 and livermore 50. and out in the south bay, you are also in the mid 40s los
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gatos typically cooler than san jose by seven, eight degrees. it's a mild morning out there because we have lots of cloud cover still. here's a look at the radar. it was very active when darren had the forecast for you last night. and it's not completely dry bud it's markedly less active. we're heading up towards the north bay and seeing just a few showers moving on shore and north of bodega bay. get you and santa rosa and healdsburg and probably hopping over the beautiful hills into napa county and you may get some showers over the next hour or so. not much. but there's still some scattered showers out there. santa rosa today, more sunshine this morning than this afternoon. but mainly dry. but chilly. highs will only be in the upper 50s this afternoon. all setting the stage for that second storm which gets here tomorrow and details on that coming up and your traffic details with gianna right now. good morning. and i got some details because we've got some stuff going on this morning. here's a look at traffic conditions at the bay bridge. metering lights not yet in the next couple of minutes likely be flipped on and traffic is clear heading into the city and the roadways
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are fairly dry. so that's good news, we're getting that break until that rain comes back in tomorrow. paul just talking about that but i'm going to zoom in here on san jose just a heads-up. this is where we are tracking a very slow ride and looks like we're getting word of a couple of crashes behind the big accident. this is north 101 between santa clara street and oakland road. there's a traffic alert with three lanes completely shut down. now according to chp, it's a pretty serious crash. that's why it's taking a long time to clear this one out of lanes. use 87 or 280 in the meantime as an alternate. reed? well, gianna, we continue following developments in the wake of the deadly baltimore bridge collapse. divers braving icy waters this morning. they've pulled two bodies that came from the tragedy when the cargo ship caused the bridge to fall. they're out again in the mangled metal underwater searching for four more construction workers who are missing and this morning thought to be dead. and new this morning, worry about chemical leaks into the river where the crash happened. national transportation safety board says that ship carried
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dozens of con tiners of hastous materials and some we understand were breached in the crash. so chemical leaks are a major concern there. and this morning, investigators are going to listen to the tapes recovered from the ship's on board recording system or black box and study why this happened with the goal of making sure this never happens again. >> our mission is to determine why something happened and how it happened and to prevent it from reoccurring. again, to save lives. >> well, there's another impact here. the port of baltimore is closed and that means thousands of jobs are on pause. that port sees more vehicle imports and exports than any other in the united states. so ships are being rerouted but there's a larger impact here as you see the ships just waiting there in the water. global supply chains are seeing interruption until that bridge wreckage is cleared and we don't know when but first of all, the most important thing, the people. right? so we're awaiting word on the four workers still missing in the waters. then the
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investigation happening in realtime for all of those details stay with us on air and online at and streaming on our cbs news bay area app. time now for a look at this morning's other top stories, sam bankman-fried will be sentenced today on new york. the 32-year-old billionaire was convicted of creating investors out of at least $10 billion. back in november. prosecutors recently filed papers recommending bankman-fried be sentenced to up to 50 years behind bars for the crimes that shocked the cryptocurrency world. his lawyers are calling for no more than six and a half years. a sentencing hearing for the man who attacked paul pelosi with a hammer in san francisco has been delayed by a month. david depape was originally scheduled to be sentenced on the assault and kidnapping charges on april 24th but the hearing conflicts with depape's state trial which hasn't started yet. sentencing now been pushed back to may 22nd. a new attempt to recall
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governor gavin newsom getting a green light by the california secretary of state. secretary shirley web every giving the go ahead. backerswill need to get 1.3 million signatures to get the question on the ballot. the group is called rescue california and they say newsom has mishandled the homeless issue and as well as problems with rising crime in california. governor newsom stayed in office after another failed recall effort happened three years ago. well, another recall effort in california and this one is more local. listen up. parents in the santa rosa school district want to boot school board president omar medina. they say he is not making safety enough of a priority. last march a 16-year-old died in a stabbing at montgomery high school. so parents in a group called safe campus alliance want school resource officers on campus and medina though opposes that. here's
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parent stephanie taylor pushing back. >> being a resource that we can offer immediately because the city and particularly the police department is willing to work and modify the program. >> your community station covering all angles of this story both sides. so medina's supporters say having the officers on campus causes trouble for students of color. we tried to talk to medina but his only reply was i'm busy. running a board meeting. gianna? the bay area man who has survived cancer twice is now directing his energy toward helping others fight the disease. loureen ayyoub shows us he just completed one of the toughest swims of his life in support of a worthy cause. >> reporter: every name when on his body carries a sacred story. it's the names of loved ones known and unknown who have battled cancer. fonseca himself is a two-time cancer survivor. and an avid swimmer. joining the water world swim group. he decided to swim from alcatraz to st. frances beach as a
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fundraiser for cancer survivors and a way to build awareness for those fighting the disease. ever since he beat cancer, he says he has not taken one moment for granted. >> as soon as i got out of the hospital bed, i got in the water. >> reporter: but taking on the bay area waters is no easy feat. the tide can be tumultuous and the temperature quite cold yet he says it's that very ditty that inspires him to take on such challenges. >> alcatraz is definitely not, you know, the easiest swim. so for me, it was just like what can i do to challenge myself throughout training for this as well? to just show my respect for people that are suffering. >> reporter: and a big splash of respect was shown. and continues to be shown as he dedicates his physical energy to helping cancer fighters with medical bills. as the water world team awaited the arrival of swimmers from alcatraz, he says this was one of his
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toughest swims. >> it was crazy. >> reporter: but he and his friend hannah who also swam and supported the cause, they made it. >> it's just nothing compared to what people go through when they fight cancer. >> reporter: lifting their banner with pride. it's their ultimate motivation. >> that's the whole point. all i think about is -- is those people. >> reporter: as they head back to shore, he reflects on the power of faith both mentally and physically, when fighting cancer or any disease. >> i think fighting is the epitome of faith because if you are not fighting you are not actually believing that there'san answer at the end of this thing. as long as you are fighting it shows that you have faith. >> reporter: the kind of faith that keeps him swimming even against the tide. >> wow. incredible. this is the fourth time he swam from alcatraz and he is vowing to chemodoing it every single year and he plans to donate money raised from this litest swim to support a woman battling breast
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cancer. really, really good guy there. 5:39. the opening weekend of march madness was fun but get ready for more thrilling games. the start of the sweet 16, that's on tap today. plus. ♪ ♪ the boss is here. bruce springsteen and the e street band are playing chase center tonight. the dedication to the music legend before he even takes the stage. we'll be right back.
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time now for the money watch report. crack open a nest egg for easter everybody. $22.4 billion. that means about $180 per person. this group does this all the time. they survey most holidays to get a sense of what you are spending. for easter, they found that you are paying top dollar for candy and food and gifts and clothing and decorations. well, researchers in the u.s. and britain are harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to match dogs with new owners. does this not make you happy? how cute. the work involves making predictions about the personality types of the animals and now those types are based on behavioral attributes. rather than the specific breed of gender. computer scientists used records of more than 70,000 dogs to develop an algorithm
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that puts canines into five different groups. this could help for example in finding the best dogs to sniff out drugs or guide the blind. >> if we have an idea about the dog's personality in advance, we can select the right dog for the right job. >> each of the dogs in the research project fall into one of these categories. excitable and hyper, attached, anxious, and fearful, aloof and predatory, reactive and assertive, and calm and aggressive. so many options. but there are a lot of types of dogs out there. i love that. you can maybe find the one that's best suited for you because when you know, you get a job, you will keep it longer. a happier experience for everybody. >> do it for date right? all the things for dating could be fascinating in the dating world. yeah. let's invent it. can't win the powerball. >> there's the billion dollar option. >> let's create some love out there. ai. love in the ai age. hey, let's talk about something that might give you a little bit of a chill this morning. as we talk about
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warming your heart. this is a live look at interstate 80 at donner summit. listen up. if you want to go to tahoe this weekend slick driving conditions and that winter storm warning is in effect for areas above 5,000 feet. keep in mind the snow might just cause some travel delays even as high as highway 50 over echo summit. just be aware of that. >> yeah, never fun to drive in the conditions. always have your chains in the car whenever you are traveling up to tahoe but closer to home, paul, no snow here, just a little bet weather. >> no snow here but we're close enough and maybe we're going to be seeing in july and august like we were last year. i know mammoth stayed open until mid-august in the southern sierra so lots of snow. snow pack is above average. this is going to help. this is a live look at first alert doppler and we're seeing the showers decrease but snow showers do continue in the mortgage. and some scattered rain showers around here and snow levels not low enough the
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mount diablos or mount tams of the world will get any snow showers but some rain showers at times throughout the day today. and also some breaks in the clouds. here's your first alert neighborhood forecast for san jose. you got a good dose of rainfall last night. rain-free today and notice a 10% chance of a shower and at any point in time throughout the day. 60 degrees by 1:00 this afternoon. should be a decent day and a little breezy and cooler and this is for tomorrow. into saturday. not only is it going to be wet, but especially for the coast range, san mateo county, santa cruz county, santa clara county, and also out to the tri-valley the higher elevations and then get windy. wind gusts up to 45 miles per hour and a wind advisory has already been posted for those spots. for our cities, this is a profile pick the town that's closest to you maybe it's fairfield 22-mile-per-hour gusts on friday and 23 on saturday. half-moon bay, closer to 30. san francisco, oakland, santa rosa likely will see wind gusts of 30 to 35 miles per hour. so tomorrow is going to be pretty
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windy in addition to the rainfall. storm number one is still spinning off the western washington and british columbia coastline. but that front has moved through and that's the rain you got last night. and that's no longer an issue. so let's turn our attention to the second storm which is not only going to be a bigger storm it's going to be moving slower. so we're going to see a prolonged rain event coming up from that. here's a look at futurecast at lunchtime today. you will see there are some breaks in the clouds but there are still some scattered showers out there. mainly for the north bay and then mainly for the sierra. that's the two spots that have the highest chance of seeing showers and we're dry this evening and we're mainly dry overnight but you can see the clouds thickening and here comes that second storm. right around this time tomorrow. 6:00 is when the rain begins to move in. this one a lot more colorful which means more intense rainfall. so some pretty heavy rain for the santa cruz mountains and it's going to add up especially along the coast and in the north bay. this is one of the more aggressive computer models but i want to highlight it for you. there's the potential for 1 point # to 3-inches of
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rainfall in sonoma county and northern marin county and napa county and points north. san francisco, about an inch of rain. so we could see some minor flooding potential in the north bay because of that. so watch out for wet weather and windy weather coming up on friday and also saturday. high temperatures today will be kept down. we're on the backside of the front so even though we get some sunshine, san jose 63. redwood city 62 and half-moon bay brisk day and high of 57 degrees and san francisco, 59. concord, low 60s. and mainly the mid- to upper 50s for the north bay. so partly cloudy skies today and scattered showers for the north bay. but temperatures will be a couple of degrees cooler than what we've had over the past few days and i want to show you the extended forecast because there's a very important change. i want to show you the change here. it's not today and tomorrow or saturday. those still look soggy. i want to highlight sunday. easter sunday, now looks like the storm will get out of here. and sunday is going to be dry and that sets the stage and tees up what will be a very pleasant
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week next week with highs close to 70 and lots of sunshine. that's your forecast. now traffic with gianna. good morning. thank you paul. good morning. let's talk about the roadways right now. we've got a couple of things to look out for this morning. first offer, showing you a live look of what you can expect when you head out the door. it's not too bad as far as the roadways go as far as it being dealing with the welt weather right now but again tomorrow will have more of that. bay bridge toll plaza, metering lights from on. i did just get new information though on this crash. we've been monitoring in san jose. according to chp, unfortunately, one person did die in this accident. this is north 101 santa clara over towards oakland road. those lanes are shut down three lanes you only have a couple of lanes to kind of squeeze through there. that's why this is taking some time to clear out of lanes. there will be an investigation and this closure will be out there for likely most of this morning. you can still use 101 but the backup is building quite a bit at least beyond that 280/680 connector there on the northbound side of 101. now you can use 280 instead. you can also use 87 as
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an alternate route. but again, three lanes are still blocked due to the very serious crash as you head through there. keep an eye on this throughout the morning and especially when we see more and more cars out there making that commute out of san jose. well, the first weekend of the ncaa tournament showed what makes march madness so great. we had some big upsets and really some unforgettable finishes and of course incredible performances. >> so we're getting ready for a lot more with the sweet 16 getting under way today in the men's tournament and of course who can forget the women's tournament that happens tomorrow? lots of heat and win behind that one. all the teams putting extra work on the hardwood getting ready for the biggest blames in their young careers and guess what? you can watch some of the game right here on kpix today. tip-off for clemson and arizona just after 4:00 and then later at about 6:40, you can watch alabama and north carolina. >> okay. so let's take a look at the brackets here at kpix. max and sara still in first
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place holding -- >> i'm at 84. reed, you are a little further down. sitting at 74. but you are not the bottom. so i'll give you that. but you know, meteorologist paul deanno is here with us this week and how is your bracket looking right now? >> different bracket because we're -- i work in the southern california full-time. so -- i'm not part of yours. but i'm doing pretty good. >> are you? >> really. >> where do you place in your bracket. >> i think i'm in first place down at kcbs. >> i think i'm in first place. i'm doing pretty good. >> we don't know who's going to win yet. so you know, with one game, you are done. so -- this is my bracket here. i have got houston beating arizona in the championship. so of course if houston loses today or tomorrow, then we're toast. my final four are houston, arizona, university of connecticut, and creighton i threw them in there. they had a really good run last year and just snuck into the sweet 16 this year: i'm comforted by the fact if you read the story online about the guy the only guy who ever had a perfect bracket through 48 games.
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>> 48. >> he had the flu. and was delirious on cough medicine and didn't realize he filled out the bracket until people started calling him saying spent wants to talk to you. he got all 48 right. >> i said the same thing. i was like what is wrong with this world. >> it was kind of fun and that makes march madness so much fun. based on names and colors. >> or they're blue and that's just as good as being an actual basketball prognosticator. >> i feel like you put effort into yours though. >> i loved it and i used to cover sports in spokane, washington. i covered gonzaga's first elite eight run 24 years ago and i have been hooked ever since. >> i don't blame you. all right, paul. sounds like fun. good luck to you. i might do all right though. caitlin clark may have a tough decision to make. ice cube the rapper and actor and
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ceo of the big three basketball league went on to social media to confirm he has offered clark $5 million to play in his three on three league. clark hasn't commented on the offer likely because her focus for now is on the tournament. her iowa hawkeyes face off with colorado this saturday. ♪ ♪ and a classic right there. glory days from bruce springsteen and you will get to hear that tonight if you are going to be at chase center. the tribute to the boss
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♪ ♪ lot of hits. every time you hear a song. the wait is over. the boss is back on stage tonight. bruce springsteen and the e street band are are at chase center for the first of two rescheduled shows. the 74-year-old rock legend was supposed to perform at chase in december but a series of medical related setbacks pushed back his tour. there's another show at chase on sunday. so hopefully you can make one of them. and to welcome the boss, bruce springsteen and the e street band got a street named
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after them. this new street sign was unveiled along warriors' way yesterday. it will stay up throughout the weekend. that's cool. >> yeah. my friend abby is a philly girl and she is a diehard bruce springsteen fan but i have seen recent pictures of him and i think rocking the silver fox look. i think the dark hair is gone now. >> i love that. >> embracing the years. >> i think men look very handsome as silver foxes. >> thank goodness because i'm going that way. >> you looking good. all right, 5:56. hey, it's game time and opening day is here. will the giants win the division after their big off-season? and how should a's' fans feel right now in what could be the team's last year at the coliseum? we're going to chat with 95.7 "the game" host mark willard about all of that and of course much, much more when it comes to sports. the madness returns tonight here on kpix with the sweet 16 and i'm going to join gianna and we're going to talk about our brackets. whether they're busted. who's doing better. who do you know is on top. all of the good stuff. our own max
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6:00 am
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