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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 5am  CBS  March 29, 2024 5:00am-6:01am PDT

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well well, thank you for joining us this morning. it's friday, march 29th. >> we made it to friday. >> yes we did. >> let's get started. >> this was harvey's chosen city. very important to him. so to have this ship come to san francisco as a testament to his legacy. >> a historic visit in san francisco. a navy ship named after gay rights trailblazer harvey milk tooked in the bay. the significance behind this historic visit. i think it's half celebration and maybe half the beginning of a funeral. right? along the -- >> reporter: diehard a's' fans saying good-bye to their team as they face a potential move the las vegas. the message
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fans sent on opening day. ♪ ♪ and beehive rejoice. queen bey is book in her country era. why the album has many fans talking this morning. well, good morning and happy friday. i'm gianna franco. this was all abuzz on social media needs and just hearing that one of my favorite songs by the way. beautiful. i can't wait to talk more about this. >> yes, blackbird singing in the dead of night. so much to talk about there. beyonce, making some history once again. good morning, i'm reed cowan. nice to have you with us this morning. >> let's take a live look outside on this friday morning. can't say it enough because i think we are so ready for the weekend. but a live look here from our sutro cam and this is the jewel box right? the -- view that we like to call that because it looks so beautiful and grittening and guess what's back today? jessica burch, hi. we missed you. >> just in time for a first alert weather day too. right? >> exactly. exactly. >> oh man. guys, it was a beautiful week for many of us here in the bay area. but we're
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starting to see some active weather move in from offshore. so let's dive straight into that. want to start off on our virtual reality map on a morning like this. i'm going to turn on the clouds because yes, it is cloudy and it is cool out there as we wake up this morning. we have rain rolling in from offshore. heading into this afternoon. which you can see right behind me on the first alert doppler. already starting to see just some light scattered showers mostly up in the north bay along that coastline. and it is an active weather day for us heeding into this afternoon with potential of thunderstorm activity around the corner. now as we wake up this morning, for many of us just along the coast and along the peninsula, we're waking up to very light scattered showers. so no, this is not a washout event just yet. but this area of low pressure has a lot of energy into it especially into this afternoon. we're going to see it continue to roll its way in along our california coastline down into san diego as we head through the weekend. let's take it back to us. a cool and cloudy morning for us. just around 8:00 a.m. the widespread showers become a lot more prevalent for the areas in santa rosa and golden gate bridge. starting to move its way in just along the peninsula and we continue to watch this
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roll in from offshore all throughout the afternoon hours. with heavier pockets of rain off in the distance and i'm going to time this out for you and let you know what type of thunderstorm activity we can expect in all of the communities coming up. for now over to you, g. e how are the roads? quiet. good news for now. when the rain set unless a completely different story and less cars on the roadway today for a couple of reasons. we've got easter weekend here lot of people have a lot of kids have spring break. so that helps. and also it's friday. we see less cars on the roadway anyway as we gear up for the weekend. so getting an overview here of the mapping system, you can see a lot of green and when i say that, that means that's good. that means you are seeing speeds above # 5 miles per hour on most of the freeways and bay area bridges. and really no major accidents to report right now and we'll let you know when that changes. again, with that wet weather coming in, that could certainly make it different for the morning commute. all right. gianna, let's go from the roads to the open water. looking live at the
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proud u.s. navy ship harvey milk all lit up at the port of san francisco this morning. this ship sails the seas for the navy and is named after one of the most pivotal leaders of the gay right movement, we're of course talking about harvey milk. that ship arriving in harvey's chosen city of san francisco. where he once stood on a milk crate saying the iconic words. my name is very hee milk and i'm here to recruit you. milk defied the odds and rose to leadership in the city of san francisco only to be murdered as history tells us at city hall. these years later this ship representing the proud u.s. navy bears his name. and a ceremony on the embarcadero will honor milk and all of the veterans. later this afternoon that ship will head off for its first mission to the middle east. milk served in the navy during the korean war but was discharged for being gay. he like so many others who came to san francisco during that time had the mark of the other than honorable discharge which meant he like many
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american veterans had a hard finding worn under that discharge status. fast forward to 2016. that was reversed to honorable and now the ship he would not have been allowed to stand on all those years ago for being who he was bears his name. harvey's nephew remembers the day when government officials worked to make it right. >> then i got a call from the white house switchboard. and on that call they said president obama would like to speak to you and the president asked me the same thing. i said with all due respect i think it's really important that we keep his -- his less thanhonorable discharge. it's not going to benefit my uncle who's in a gave to change that. and i think it sends an important message and all i heard was click and i thought i was disjected so disconnected and they actually didn't disconnect. >> the ceremony this morning pat 11:00 followed by the veterans day event at noon and ahead of the ceremony, shawn
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chitnis is live from the naval ship with the look at what to expect. shawn, it's been wonderful to have this much access and trust from the u.s. navy to get right there on the ship. we thank them and we thank you for being there this morning. >> reporter: reed, good morning. and yes, what a privilege to be standing on the flight deck of the usns harvey milk. such an incredible spot we can enjoy this morning. take a look what we can see from the flight deck. a beautiful view of the bridge there. the bay bridge there and then of course part of downtown san francisco right next to it. so this is the flight deck just one of the many locations we hope to be able to show you throughout the morning. as we get the chance to not only tour parts of the usnv harvey milk but just in the name, that's an important designation there right? it's a civilian ship. it is in its role to support the navy. it is not armed it's not going to be used for combat. but before we learn a little bit more about the ship with the captain, we
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also want to talk about the significance that we are celebrating with its presence here. and of course the name is a huge part of it. having it named after harvey milk signifies a change in the military. a change that a lot of lgbtq veterans didn't enjoy when they were serving. >> mementos from a major part of michael higgins' life are in this box. >> heavy box. >> reporter: photos bring back memories of his time in high school. >> jesus, that's me. >> reporter: at military academy. >> got straight as. >> reporter: and then memories of his time serving the country. >> there's the berlin brigade band. >> reporter: the u.s. army veteran was stationed in berlin in 1988 and he was proud to be there. >> it was me. i loved it. >> reporter: but that chapter of his life came to an abrupt halt after a year and a half. when he received a general discharge under honorable conditions. >> you see on the very bottom
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here. >> reporter: punctuated by these words. >> admission of homosexuality/b y sexuality. >> reporter: on his dd 214. >> then i was kicked out for being gay. >> reporter: at that point in history military policy explicitly banned gay people from serving. >> i was actually read my miranda rights in berlin, germany for being gay. think about that. i was getting death threats from the guys that were willing to save my life the day before they found out i was getting kicked out for being gay. >> reporter: higgins wasn't the first and certainly wasn't the last service member to have this experience. three year later -- [ applause ] president bill clinton announced don't ask don't tell hoping to find compromise in the fight over the military's ban on gays and lesbians. >> it is not a perfect solution. it is not identical with some of my own goals. and it certainly will not please
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everyone. perhaps not anyone. >> reporter: that it didn't. [ chanting ] it was met with protests and legal challenges from to the get-go. james diaz is an associate professor of history at the university of san francisco. >> the whole point of it was we're not going to ask you but if you volunteer that information, or if you are caught, then -- you are in trouble. and it kind of created this whole kind of culture of stigma and taboo and fear. and that's why it was very controversial then. and now. >> reporter: but it was the country's policy for 17 years. >> our people sacrifice a lot for their country. >> reporter: until 2010. when the senate repealed it. >> none of them should have to sacrifice their integrity as well. >> reporter: and president barack obama inked it. >> this is done. >> reporter: allowing gay, lesbian and bisexual troops to serve openly. when the repeal occurred. it was this big sigh of relief after again, generations of trying to move
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the needle especially in the military, an institution that's arguably much more conservative than others. >> reporter: then in 2021, president biden overturned the trump administration's ban on transgender people from serving in the military. >> what i'm doing is enabling all qualified americans to serve their country in the uniforms. >> now you have the commander-in-chief recognizing people who identify as transgender. >> this is for real. money. >> reporter: a lot has changed since higgins' duty came to sudden and unceremonious end. >> it's a difference in a positive direction. this is the military that has gone from illegal to be gay, period, and now we're naming one of our naval ships, you know, after harvey milk. >> reporter: and the change of tides has allowed him to rewrite a part of his history. >> big void on it. >> reporter: in 2022, higgins
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received new discharge papers. inked with the word "honorable." >> i was happy. it's the way it should be. because i did serve this country honorably. i didn't do anything wrong. >> reporter: big picture, he says more can still be done. >> there's always room for improvement, right? and again that's going to be through education. we got to educate and we should be all treated with respect and dignity and that's really what it's about. >> reporter: but he's grateful to see how much has changed since his days as a young man in uniform. >> reporter: and that was our max darrow reporting. looking at the progress that's been made in the military and the impact it is having on veterans. and now who better to talk to when we are on the ship than temperature captain and that's captain james white. thank you so much for being with us this morning. so captain, tell us a little bit about what your role is when we say this is a support ship for the navy. >> our role is to provide logistics support to the navy
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at sea. the primary mission is refueling navy ships at sea. we have a substantial ability to carry dry cargo which is good, spare parts, mail. so we deliver that to the navy ships at sea in order to keep them on station so they can continue the important work instead of having to port and resupply. >> reporter: right and we want to emphasize that's why it's a civilian crew that's on the usns harvey milk but first more about what we are here. and how that fits into the role you are talking about. >> okay. we're standing on the ship's o1 level now. this is the main part of the cargo handling area and all seven unrepped rigs are behind us. there are five fuel rigs to refuel navy ships two dry cargo stations and we're at the front of the truck tunnel where cargo would be lifted off by helicopters to navy ships. that is where all the activity for supporting the navy would occur at sea. >> reporter: great, so cool to be here and we're excited to spend the morning touring parts of the ship. we thank you and we look forward to showing you more in the next hour. reed and
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gianna, back to you. >> all right. thank you so much for that reporting this morning, shawn chitnis. hey, reminder, you can watch the special ceremony on the usnv harvey milk on the streaming service, cbs news bay area. find us on free cbs news app or on pluto tv. gianna? time now for a look at this morning's other top stories officials warn it will be a long process to reopen the port and much longer to replace the bridge in baltimore. new video here from the ntsb really provides a sense of the immense task ahead. look at that. sections of the francis scott key bridge just wrapped around the ship there. that took it down. the federal government has granted maryland $60 million in immediate aid. the bodies of two construction workers who were on the bridge when that cargo ship smashed into it on tuesday well, they've been found. four more workers are still missing and are presumed dead though. well, police in san francisco are instiging a
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deadly shooting. officers rushed to the scene near a plaza near powell and market streets at about 9:30 last night. that's where they found a person with a gunshot wound who died despite the life-saving attempts by paramedics. homicide investigators are trying to determine what led up to the shooting and so far no arrests. reed? 5:13 in the morning right now. likely the last opening day game at the coliseum and thousands of fans make their voices heard about the a's' move to las vegas. we'll show you where fans showed up and shouted. and do you know the right way to recycle? in this morning's "project earth," some young experts explain the right way to sort out your trash that
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try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints. welcome back everybody. you oakland a's fans out there are some of the most loyal in all of baseball. we saw it here. we know you are are angry at team ownership and we were there last night and we saw you as you showed up on opening day but many stopping short of walking in to the ballpark. you kept the party and the protest. look at that. outside the park. so this is what hurt and anger looks like on you, the fans. so many of you showing up to make the point that team ownership forgot you, the fan. so let's contrast that with the picture on the inside. still a lot of seats filled but look at the upper decks. they're empty. in fact this was the a's' smallest opening day crowd ever in a non-covid year, fan loyalty in the bay with the a's is a family event. so families are understandably disappointed as you see there on the screen.
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the era in oakland on the verge of ending. and we met sisters alexandria and melissa they say they've been coming to the coliseum since they were babies thanks to their grandfather and they were among so many longtime fans who stayed outside to boycott. >> we're going to not go inside. just going to be hard. but no. i'm not going inside. we're going to hang out in the parking lot for a little bit. and then go home. >> i want to because i want to go home. that's home. that's our -- that's our cement castle. >> by the way, the vegas bound a's ended up losing their opening game against the cleveland guardians. 8-0. >> giants lost too. so not a good day for our local baseball teams. but that's okay. season is just getting started. all right, taking a live look outside on this friday morning. from the top of the mark. and it is a first alert weather day. so let's get straight to jessica burch and jess, when is that rain really going to start settling in? >> oh, it's going to be an active afternoon for us all throughout the bay area. with thunderstorms expected into this afternoon as well. so let's dive into what we have
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right now. and let's talk about the next 12 hours and past that too because i mean it's friday. it's the weekend now. and as we head into this weekend, we really do have some active weather which could cancel some outdoor plans tonight. or early tomorrow morning. so this is what we're looking at right now. that frontal system starting to move in from offshore. giving our friends up in the north bay just a little splash of showers as we wake up and head out the door. it's drier along the peninsula but you can see the isolated showers already starting to impact us too. here's what it's going to look like as we time this out throughout this afternoon. all throughout this morning we're going to start off light with those showers kind of trickling in at times. but then heading into the afternoon hour this is becomes more apparent will isolated thunderstorms are possible for us along the coast just by lunchtime. and it continues to move its way off into the east bay heading into the evening hours tonight. now just by 2:00 this is where we're going to see the heaviest rainfall in areas like san francisco and all the way down into santa cruz and slowly that moves its way over those mountains and down into the santa clara valley. and off in the east bay too into the 3:00 hour. we're going to see lighter conditions on the back
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end of that just around 5:00. up near santa rosa and san francisco. still some isolated showers in the forecast for us in the overnight hours tonight. and see that rotation right there? that's the center of that area of low pressure as it moves to the south. we can see that really well defined when it comes to the winds too. we've seen storms like this this season. this is not that rare. when it comes to how much we're expecting when it comes to rain and wind. but that system will continue to build in from offshore. bringing in winds from the south as it moves its way down into southern california. starting off really light when it comes to the winds this morning but it does get gustier with the winds sweeping in from the south in the afternoon hours and that's going to change the direction of, you know, airport travel and into sfo. and oakland. and that's also going to change a loot when it comes to our coastline. when it comes to any outdoor activities you have it's going to be breezy for us as we head into the next couple of hours and you are going to want to stay really, really attentive with just driving out there throughout our evening commute tonight. and of course all throughout our early morning hours tomorrow. now here's what it's looking like for our daytime highs today. it's cool
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and it's cloudy and it's wet. we're cooperating daytime highs only really sitting in the 50s. we're pretty much all hand-in-hand right now. and as i drop this and show you next seven days, we're in for a treat as we head into next week. we're going to get done with this wind and done with this rain. we're going to start drying up as we head into our sunday forecast and then by monday, it's 70s and sunshine around the corner. gianna? >> we are going to look forward to that. but have to get through today and some of the wet weather. so far, roadways are dry but that's going to change as jessica mentioned. so be extra careful as you hit the roadways today. taking a look at conditions at the bay bridge, right now, not bad. actually moving along very well and it's friday light so far. and we anticipate less cars on the roadway because it's the weekend and also because easter is happening this weekend. lot of people off this week for spring break. lot of schools and lot of colleges and likely the case next week as well. enjoy the traffic pattern might be a little bit easier overall. here's a look at the mapping system and you can see all kinds of green. so 101, 280, if you are getting out of town heading to any of the local airports if someone is giving you a lift this morning, you are good on 280. you
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spoke to a top team for advice. >> reporter: it's lunchtime at glenwood elementary in san rafael. tucked into the lunch bags and boxes. >> cheese and tortilla roll. >> chicken noodle soup. >> half asian burrito. >> a cucumber and radish salad. >> nuts. >> reporter: a trip to the recycling bins before students head back to class. the kids about the environment and trying to help our whole school learn how to sort their waste. >> reporter: and there's a lot of waste. about 2 billion tons generated each year around the world. not only that, but 40% of all the food we bring home ends up in a landfill. and that landfill mix is helping to fuel climate change by creating a potent greenhouse gas. >> it creates methane and
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methane and a greenhouse gas that can lead to pollution to our environment. >> reporter: 15% of greenhouse gases come from landfill. if organic waste like food or soiled paper is not composted. it rots and produces methane. and that is contributing to more extreme weather events. >> like droughts and wildfires. >> reporter: surveys show more than 55% of americans are confused by recycling. that includes seasoned news veterans. found inside the kpix bins, soiled paper towels and cups thrown into landfill. a fruit salad sealed in a ziploc dumped into compost. and an unemptied cup of soup tossed into recycling. so we asked the green team for help. >> organic food in the compost. soft plastic in the trash. >> reporter: what does not go into recycling? >> food waste. >> candy wrappers. >> chip bags. >> reporter: what does not go into compost? >> plastic bags and wrappers. and like straws and those things. >> reporter: and finally, what does not go into landfill?
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>> banana peels, or soiled papers or -- even plants. >> reporter: but what about this? at kpix in the landfill bin a sealed plastic bag containing an aluminum can, sardines, used paper towels and a plastic fork. >> it's gross. >> i think that -- i think that that is definitely not the best choice to do. >> this is the type of thing where people are just too lazy to do it. >> reporter: bottom line, the green team insists sorting is simple. it's just not that hard. >> just always follow the stickers or like the instructions when it comes to trash. >> reporter: and that is the best kind of trash talking. >> i mean, we can learn something right there from those littles. now taking a live look from the usnv harvey milk. docked in san francisco this morning. it's a historic visit for the bay area
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i chose arexvy. rsv? make it arexvy. 5:30 on this nose on cbs news bay area on a friday and we take a live look right now seeing beautiful bay bridge all the glistening lights and good morning to you over there. glowing on the other side of the water in the east bay. we wish you a beautiful day today. jessica burch, it is a first alert weather day. because well, we can see it on the radar behind you. i know, i wish that was not the case but yeah, we have some active weather in the forecast for us waking up this morning
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and heading out the door. for most of us, off in the east bay, the santa clara valley, and along the peninsula, it's still dry. but we're seeing this offshore setup starting to move its way closer to us as we speak. and now it's cool and it's cloudy out there right now. and razz we wake up and head out the door, what we see just offshore is a good reminder that that's about to impact us right around the corner. for example, there's some lightning and thunder activity just offshore of point arena and light showers up in the north bay already with some isolated scattered showers getting really close to our coastline closer to half-moon bay and pacifica as well. now this storm, it's a huge area of low pressure and it's slowly rolling its way down the california coastline as we head into our weekend forecast. that's going to deliver rain for us here in the bay throughout the afternoon today. early morning hours tomorrow. and then honestly just early morning we're already starting to see some of it on our first alert forecast. this is what it's looking like for us near the 8:00 hour near santa rosa and down near san francisco light to moderate rain already starting to impact us. at that point it's still dry down into
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the santa clara valley but the trickled showers become a lot more apparent down into the south bay heading into the lunchtime hours. at this point the same storm is bringing snow in the sierra too. this system right tear that frontal system moving moving in, it's going to bring in gusty conditions and heavy showers sweeping in from the south. and some isolated thunderstorm activity too. especially along our coastline where it's going to be very active for us throughout the afternoon and evening hours tonight. i'll continue to time this out for you as we wake up tomorrow morning. in our forecast for us but for now i want to send it over to you, g. >> jessica, thank you. let's talk about the roadways right now. and starting off with a live look at traffic here at the bay bridge toll plaza. and it looks pretty dry here so far. but again that's going to change. so things might get a little slick and sloppy out there this morning. so be extra careful as you hit the roadways. our only slow spot is that ride into the altamont pass. looks like we're dealing with a broken down big rig possibly or a larger truck westbound near grant line. so that's making it a little bit difficult for people making that ride in and out of livermore. but if you are commuting through the south bay, so far, so good. in fact,
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most of our freeways and bridges are actually looking pretty good and in fact a live look here at golden gate bridge. no delays. pretty seamless as you head into san francisco out of marin county. you are looking live right now at a historic sight on the bay. a u.s. naval ship named watch trailblazer harvey milk is docked in our waters and it's the ship's first visit to the city. the late san francisco supervisor once called home and we caught the moments the usns harvey milk crossed underneath the golden gate bridge as it arrived here in the bay yesterday. the 746-foot milk is the first ship named after an openly gay person. it's also the second ship in the john lewis class of fleet. a fleet that is naming all of its ships after american civil rights heroes. well, so much significance surrounding this trip. not only was milk a champion of lgbtq rights in california, but he also served in the navy during the korean
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war. his career as a navy officer ended with an other than honorable discharge. now getting a naval ship named after him is a true testament to the weight of his legacy. >> this was harvey's chosen city. very important to him. so to have this ship come to san francisco as a testament to his legacy, amazing to somebody like me who joined the navy in 1983. to see a ship named after, you know, the first ship named after an openly gay person is incredible. the strides that we have made over -- those few decades is incredible. >> that's navy media officer brian o'rourke says having a ship named after an icon is something everyone in the country should be proud of. well, we have a big day ahead here in the city before the ship leaves the port. the ship will be host to a special national vietnam war veterans day commemoration. and our itay hod met up with to see why this
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moment is historic in more ways than one. >> reporter: as the saying goes, once a marine, always a marine. and no one embodies that more than bill peacock. >> all got to be straight. got to be absolutely squared away. >> reporter: at 82, he moves a little slower. but his need for perfection is as crisp as ever. >> how's that? >> reporter: bill is one of a few good men who served in vietnam from 1968 to 1969. and one of the lucky ones who made it home. >> my basic school class 567 had one of the highest casualty rates of lieutenants in the entire war. >> reporter: but unlike other wars, vietnam vets didn't return home to ticker tape parades or fanfare. in fact, it took until 1982 for a national
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memorial to be commissioned and another 35 years before the government officially declared march 29th as vietnam veterans day. which is why today bill is straightening old medals as he attends his first ever commemoration in san francisco. >> it's great that the country recognizes what we did. however many years ago that turns out to be. >> reporter: and although he hears it all the time, he'd rather you not thank him for his service. you prefer another saying. >> i would much prefer for them to say, thank you for our freedom. because that's what we were there for. we weren't there to wash their windows or mow their lawns or, you know, clean up their bathrooms or something like that. that's service. military and combat, is the real thing. >> reporter: and how can anyone argue with that? >> and again, a reminder today's ceremony is closed to the public but you can watch it on the streaming service, cbs news bay area. and find us on
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the free cbs news app or on pluto tv. the ceremony is scheduled to start at 11:00 a.m. gianna, we're also watching politics this morning. the race to the white house. both major presidential candidates on the stump there trying to get votes and money. president joe biden. he held a fund raise raiser last night at radio city music hall joined by former presidents barack obama and hillary clinton on the left and right. that event brought in $26 million. meanwhile, former president donald trump was also in new york. he attended a wake for a police officer jonathan diller killed in the line of duty. trump used the event to make a point of in need to fight crime in our country. a live look at oakland. during the same week, mayor sheng thao introduced her new police chief, businesses with big names are taking matters this morning into their own hands. kaiser and pg&e pulled together $10 million to pay for and beep you have security around their offices. they say the money will be paying for on demand buddy escorts and transit and parking. and they
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say a spike in street robberies is their biggest source of concern. few months ago kaiser even advised workers to not even go outside for lunch. and a brisbane where a community sees stars and wants to see more. pushing for new rules about the use of outdoor lighting. here's max darrow. >> reporter: barbara ebell really appreciates the view from her back porch. >> it is beautiful. >> reporter: but once the sunlight fades and nighttime arrives, the longtime brisbane resident says something is missing when she looks to the sky. >> oh, yeah. it's all sky glow right now. [ laughter ] we get two, three stars i think. but every one of those stars is still there. they're just hidden. >> reporter: so for the past several years, she and her neighbors and the city worked to create a plan to try and change that. they came up with a dark sky ordinance. >> light pollution has skyrocketed. >> reporter: and after a january 18th city council vote, the city of brisbane is implementing it. which means the clock starts for brisbane
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residents to modify their outdoor lighting. >> we put this one in a couple of months ago. we used to have a very nice carriage light fixture. but it was completely open and glass on four sides. and the bulb was completely exposed. >> reporter: it has a warmer color temperature and a motion sensor and it's shielded. >> one of the things we look for is put a ruler across the bottom of the fixture. the bulb should be higher than that so it's completely tucked up inside the fixture. >> we have every bit as much usable light as we use to. just being directed downward. >> this is an example here at city hall of a fully sheltered light and it's got the warmer color temperature. it's pointed downwards. >> reporter: caroline chung is with the city. >> you can see the difference over the years that there has been an increase in outdoor lighting applied to people's homes. >> reporter: per the regulations new outloor bulbs and fixtures must might brightness and color standards set by the ordinance. commercial property owners have
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five years to modify the outdoor lighting to meet the criteria. the city has 15 years for street lights and facilities. as for enforcement? >> we have an administrative citation process. so there's definitely a warning and we have a code enforcement officer that will work with the residential and commercial community. >> reporter: brisbane is a small city. nestled in a hillside next door to san francisco. one of the largest culprits of bay area light pollution. even though they won't make a major dent in reducing regional light pollution. >> there's always somebody out there who's making a bigger mess than you. right? and that's not any reason to not clean up your own house. [ laughter ] >> i'm hoping that other cities will follow suit and that you know, in ten years, we will have a dark sky compliant bay area and we will have our stars back. and our animals will have their nights back. and people will have a better
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quality of life. >> reporter: ebell still has work to do on the home front. >> this one is unshielded. so it casts light out and up. where it's not needed and that's considered light pollution. >> reporter: and although she has ten years to find a fix, you can bet she'll have it done much sooner than that. time right now 5:40. stanford is back in the sweet 16 tonight and all excited for the game but one fashion student is bringing the looks and the glam to a star player. we'll explain coming up. ♪ and some queen bey to start your morning. beyonce just released her new country album. up next we'll explain the significance behind "cowboy carter."
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♪oh what a good time we will have♪ ♪you... can make it happen...♪ ♪♪ try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints. time now for the money watch report. sam bankman-fried sentenced to 25 years in prison. the jury convicted him of fraud and conspiracy. while fried told the federal judge in new york he quote made a lot of mistakes, he did not apologize to the thousands of people defrauded out of billions. major move from home depot. the home improvement chain buying building terms. it's a supplier materials srs distribution that will go under
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the home depot umbrella. a deal valued at more than $18 billion. srs sells supplies to roofing and landscaping and pool contractors. and home depot is hoping the acquisition can enable it to build business with professionals. the deal is expected to close early next year. well, beyonce's country era is officially under way. the highly anticipated country album dropped today. ♪ ♪ >> so you are listening to blackbird one of the tracks on her new album act ii cowboy carter. the 27 song collection includes a collaboration with country superstar willie nelson and a cover of dolly parton's hit songjoe lean. the album took five years to make adding it was born out of the experience she had where she didn't feel welcomed into the genre. ahead at 7:00 on pix+ 44 cable 12, we'll be taking a deeper dive into the beyonce blowback with sister to wyclef
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jean and grammy nominated singer and songwriter milky jean. looking forward to having the conversation. and just you know, it's interesting about that we're listening to blackbird which was a beatles song and she kind of created it into something different in her own way. it sounds beautiful. >> i had a chance to talk to milky on the phone yesterday and she said she's going to talk about this later. artists shouldn't be in fences right? they should have the ability to go where they want to go. three snaps to beyonce. we know you may go to tahoe this weekend. live this morning to interstate 80 at donner summit and look at this. it's going to be slick, g. lot of people driving there. keep in mind a winter storm warning will slow your drive in that snow on highway 50 over echo summit. >> not fun driving in those kind of conditions. and it's kind of be kind of a messy day here on the roadways with that wet weather. first alert weather day, jess. >> absolutely. it's an active weather day where you are up in the sierra or all the way back here in the bay area. and we're going to see a very similar
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setup tomorrow too. that winter storm warning will remain in effect for us as we head into the weekend forecast. all in highlighted red we can see wind gusts anywhere up to around 45 miles per hour up in the peaks. and to add to that they can see about to 10-inches of snow but back here in the bay, we're not going to get snow but we're definitely going to get a lot of moisture from the system moving in from offshore. already noticing it this morning up in the north bay. yucaipa and santa rosa there's some thunderstorm activity just offshore and you see that lightning symbol right there. this is just a little bit of a example of what we're going to see really as we head in the afternoon hours. now all the way down into fence la we go. still dry right now but boy it's going to look a lot different in the next couple of hours and i talked about this earlier, this is a system of low pressure moving its way all along our california coastline and continue to roll its way down to southern california. as we head into this weekend's forecast. but back here in the bay i'm promising you we're going to time this out so you can see the local communities and see how much rain you can really expect because there's some light to moderate rain already this morning. just as that 8:00, 9:00 hour up in the north bay. but this bobs a lot
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heavier of a system as the gust major frontal band moving its way in? offshore and this happens around lunchtime guys. and n san francisco stretching down into santa cruz that's where the moderate to heavy rain will start to fall and in the afternoon hours as heat lifts into the atmosphere, it allows for a lot of instability above us. and that's going to cause some thunderstorm activity throughout the afternoon hours today. so from 2:00 to 4:00 really i'm keeping a close eye on areas like san francisco oakland stretching off into the east bay too. in the back end of the major system moving its way all the way up into the vie, we see some lighter showers into the evening hours tonight. look at this lowation right here. see that circulation? that moves its way in from the south. that's the area of low pressure and we can see is that really well defined in the winds. because it is going to be a gusty day for us today. we're under a wind advisory for many areas in the bay with wind speeds expected anywhere up to around 45 to 50 miles per hour as that system moves its way to the south. now is this a unique storm? no. not really. i mean we've seen plenty of these so far this season. this is just our next batch of winter storm -- not winter storms but that's the case up
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in the east bay and the sierra. but back here in the bay, we are definitely feeling our wind advisory and of course all that rain that we're going to see into the afternoon hours today. wind speeds anywhere up to around 50 miles per hour and daytime highs today really reflect a system moving its way in from the north. i mean we're only talking about 50s for daytime highs. san francisco, oakland both at 55 this afternoon and low 50s off in the east bay. and we're seeing a similar trend all the way near livermore with daytime highs down into the santa clara valley topping off at 56 degrees. gianna? all right, jess, thank you. let's talk about the roadways right now. as you get ready to head out the door. and here's a live look at the golden gate bridge. we're moving along pretty well for the most part. on our bay area bridges. and on our freeways. we're not getting word of too many troubles out there which is good news. it is safe to say it's holiday light in a way with a lot of kids off of school this week for spring break. and lot of colleges are off this week possibly next week as well. so we are seeing less cars overall and it's friday. we see less cars anyway on a friday. and look at that. that's reflective when we take a live look here at the san
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mateo bridge. not seeing too many slick surfaces just yet. but that will change and it is that first alert weather day. that wet weather will be coming in and will affect your drive throughout the morning at some point. just keep that in mind. now we are tracking a slow ride into the altamont pass this morning. due to a hotspot near grant line. we're getting word of a broken down vehicle westbound 580 right around actually north flynn is a better locator there. but there's debris all over the roadway as well. so that's taking a long time to clear out of lanes. well, a couple of big upsets in the march madness tournament. check on your brackets and see how they're doing. i need to check mine. well, last night sixth seed clemson tigers had the hot hand against two seeded arizona. that game went down to the wire. the tigers pulling off a big upset against the favorites. 77-72. so that is a bracket buster right there for sure. top seed north carolina held a narrow lead late in the game against the four seed alabama but a big bucket and block helped the crimson tide get the win. they're advancing
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to the elite eight. the final score there was 89-87 and over to the east region. those top seeds handled business yesterday. uconn blew out san diego state and illinois edged iowa state and all four of yesterday's winners will play saturday in the elite eight. starting to get really good. i get excited. and a lot of big games tonight as well. nc state taking on marquette. one of my favorites. at 4:00. followed by gonzaga versus purdue at 4:30 and later on duke and houston at 6:40 and creighton at tennessee at 7:10. not just the men. no. march madness continues for the women tonight as well. our very own stanford's women's basketball team facing off against nc state. both teams looking to make their way to the elite eight. if stanford get it is the win it would make the ready time advancing to the elite eight just in past four years. the cardinal will be relying on their front court to lead the way. well, stanford has another standout student-athlete who's making waves on campus and her name is emmy sharp. she's not
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only a standout beach volleyball player but she is also a design enthusiast and recently she designed address for stanford's fashion exrunway show. her model stanford women's basketball player kiki iraifen. they share a love of fashion. >> you are part of fashion x. you are a budding designer. tell me a little bit about that. >> yeah. so fashion x has been such an amazing opportunity because it's really allowed students at stanford to get into fashion and learn a lot about fashion in a way that you know through regular courses you wouldn't have been able to. and i have gotten to work with her the past two years which been amazing. she's just -- she's so fun to work with. she's always enthusiastic and excited about whatever i want to design. >> it sound like not only does she l, you know, obviously playing stanford basketball and women's basketball but sound like she has a love for fashion as well. >> yeah. every time i see her walking into class, she'll have maybe some new bright orange
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hair and her nails and like -- she's always trying like a new thing. and excited about other people's outfits. and yeah. it's really fun. >> i love how you guys interweave technology. sustainability. into the world of fashion. it's not just, you know, go get some material and make this gorgeous dress. it really takes it up a notch finding new ways to repurpose and reuse and reinvent. >> yes, absolutely. i think sustainability is something that i'm really passionate about and actually from my senior capstone for the project design program i'm working with a group of four other talented amazing designers and individuals and we're working on a project that can approach sustainability in fashion from a different angle. >> are you super excited aboutstanford women's basketball being in the sweet 16. >> so excited to watch them. oh my gosh. i was screaming my head off at the last game. and every time kiki would score, that's my model. so -- i was so excited to see her and cam and brooke and all those
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beautiful amazing athletes succeed. so i was so excited. >> great women doing some great things in sports and in fashion. those -- that dress she designs made from curtains. >> wow. >> yeah and then she actually -- i know right? cool. she created that buckle on a cad cnc machine. like machining. cool girls. >> congratulations to them. break some news. your bracket is not busted. >> it's not. >> mine is super busted so you are now at like one, two, three, four. you are tied with our sports director brian day with vern and look at me i'm at the very bottom with juliette goodrich. >> at
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