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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  March 29, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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♪oh what a good time we will have♪ ♪you... can make it happen...♪ ♪♪ try dietary supplements from voltaren for healthy joints. hey, we made it to friday everyone. thank you for joining us. it's march 29th. >> all right. let's get started. >> this was harvey's chosen city. very important to him. so to have this ship come to san francisco is a testament to his legacy.
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>> a historic visit in san francisco. a navy ship named after gay rights trailblazer harvey milk docked in the bay. the significance behind this historic visit. i think it's half celebration and maybe half the beginning of a funeral. right? along the -- >> diehard a's' fans saying good-bye to their team as they face a potential move to las vegas. the message fans sent on opening day. ♪ ♪ and beyhive, rejoice. queen bey is back in her country era. why the album has many fans talking this morning. well, good morning and happy friday. i'm gianna franco. yes, lot of people talking about that. and so far, i have not heard the whole album just bit miss pieces and i like it. i actually love it. >> so -- it's so great. and great for so many reasons. good morning, everybody. i'm reed cowan. we're glad that you can add that to the play list this morning. >> cruising outwork and out and about but you might see some wet weather so mopefully you will have something good to
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listen to. taking a live look outside on this friday morning. doesn't look too bad for now. but that is certainly going to change and it is a first alert weather day. so we invite our meteorologist jessica burch who is back from being off for a few days. oh, yeah. well, it's interesting if you want to you know, crank up the tunes this morning, especially to beyonce as you are waiting in the traffic and all this active weather. today is the day to do it. also happy friday by the way. waking up this morning it's a first alert weather day. we have some really active weather moving in from offshore, it's still dry for our friends down into the santa clara valley off in the east bay and along the peninsula but right around the corner we're going to have really heavy storms building in especially into this afternoon. just offshore from point arena isolated thunderstorm activity that's continuing to move its way inland and i'm keeping a close eye on you guys and all the way down into the south bay we go. along peninsula light splashes of showers starting to accumulate within the next 15, 20 minutes or so. this is a part of a large system, it's an area of low pressure circulating its way down into southern california heading
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into this weekend's forecast. it's just hitting here first and boy, is it definitely hitting us especially this afternoon. i mean we can see some isolated showers all throughout -- excuse me isolated thunderstorms all throughout this afternoon with some widespread rain in the forecast for us into the afternoon hours too. bill lunchtime we're keeping a close eye on the radar because it's going to be active for us from the peninsula all the way down into the south bay. really heavy rain will fall around those hours and that lasts ins until around 5:00 and slowly trickles into the east bay down into the sacramento valley and all the way up into the santa cruz -- not the santa cruz, but the tahoe region too. giving them plenty of snow. back here near santa cruz we're going to start drying up around that point but we'll still see some on and off showers throughout the evening hours tonight. loleta know how long the rain is going to last for us coming up in a bit. for now over to you. >> jess. thank you. taking a look at the roadways. we are seeing okay traffic patterns so far but be careful when you start running into the slick surfaces out there this morning. right nowholding steady across the bay bridge with no major delays. friday light heading into san
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francisco. our only hotspot really is that westbound 580 commute near north flynn. there is a stalled vehicle stuck out there in lanes a larger truck and it's also i guess spilled some debris in the roadway as well. so that's making it extra busy for that commute coming out of tracy and getting on to 580. so unusually slow for a friday. supercommuters just a heads-up as you travel through there. but the south bay looks great. along the peninsula, from 101 from san jose all the way towards palo alto. if you are headed to sfo, everything is moving along pretty well. well, looking live this morning and boy, it's going to be a beautiful look at that. the proud usns harvey milk. at the port of san francisco. shining in the dark this morning as we await the sunrise. the ship sails the seas for the navy and is named after one of the most pivotal leaders of the u.s. gay rights movement. we're of course talking about harvey milk. that ship arriving in harvey's chosen city of san francisco where he was wasn't on a milkcrate and my name is harvey
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milk and i'm here to recruit you. words shaped history. you know, milk rose to defy the odds and leadership in our city. only to be murdered at city hall. look at this. these years later, this ship representing the u.s. navy it has its name on it. a ceremony on the embarcadero to honor him and other veterans and then later this afternoon it will head off for its first mission in the middle east. harvey milk was in the navy during the korean war but discharged for being gay. he like so many others who came to san francisco came with that other than honorable discharge. some people called them the blue discharge papers. which meant he like many american veterans had a hard time finding work with that status. fast forward to 2016 and that status was reversed at the effort was made to reverse the status and now the ship he wouldn't have been allowed to stand on for just being who he was, the ship now bears his name. harvey's nephew stewart remembers the day when government officials worked to make it all right.
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>> then i got a call from the white house switchboard. and on that call, they said president obama would like to speak to you. and the president asked me the same thing. and i said, with all due respect, i said i think it's really important that we keep his -- his less than honorable discharge. it's not going to benefit my uncle who's in a grave to -- to change that. and i think it sends an important message and all i heard was click and i thought i was disconnected so i actually called back. and they said no, you were not disconnected. not that many people say no to the president. >> this morning, ceremony kicks off at 11:00 foal lowed by the vietnam war veterans day event that happens at noon. ahead of the ceremony shawn chitnis has the opportunity to be live from the naval ship where the look at what to expect. shawn, what a morning for you to get to be there on the ship especially on the day we're also talking about beyonce. we know you are a huge beyonce fan. so this is a great friday for you. my brother. >> reporter: reed, it is. good
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morning and yes i'm one of the many people who were listening to the album as part of the commute here. what a commute to come down to the water and be on the ship. the usns harvey milk truly a privilege. where i'm standing right now i'm 30 feet above the water. but we want to give you a sense of just how massive this ship is. and the incredible views that folks will be enjoying on the ship today. so behind me, we do get to see a part of downtown san francisco as well as where the bay bridge starts. and if we move up here, you can see a little bit more of the ship just again, how massive it is through the darkness you can probably see a little bit of the bridge. so much higher than where we are. again we're just 30 feet above and it just goes up and up and up. so we're so thrilled to be here and get to spend the morning showing you a little bit of the usns harvey milk and it's important to explain that name signifies that it is a service ship. it is one that is civilian staffed aboard here. and of course the
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name is significant right? because it helps to show the direction that the military's moving. the progress that has been made. and our max darrow has a closer look at why that's so important for some lgbtq veterans who were not able to enjoy that many years ago. >> reporter: mementos from a major part of michael higgins' life are in this box. >> heavy box. >> reporter: photos bring back memories of his time in high school. >> jesus, that's me. >> reporter: at military academy. >> got straight as. >> reporter: and then memories of his time serving the country. >> there's the berlin brigade band. >> reporter: the u.s. army veteran was stationed in berlin in 1988 and he was proud to be there. >> it was me. i loved it. >> reporter: but that chapter of his life came to an abrupt halt after a year and a half when he received a general discharge under honorable conditions. >> you see on the very bottom here. >> reporter: punctuated by these words. >> admission of homosexuality/b isexuality.
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>> reporter: on his dd 214. >> then i was kicked out for being gay. >> reporter: at that point in history, military policy explicitly banned gay people from serving. >> i was actually read my miranda rights in berlin, germany for being gay. think about that. i was getting death threats from the guys that were willing to save my life the day before they found out i was getting kicked out for being gay. >> reporter: higgins wasn't the first and certainly wasn't the last service member to have this experience. three years later -- [ applause ] president bill clinton announced don't ask don't tell, hoping to find compromise in the fight over the military's ban on gays and lesbians. >> it is not a perfect solution. it is not identical with some of my own goals. and it certainly will not please everyone. perhaps not anyone. >> reporter: that it didn't. [ chanting ] it was met with
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protests and legal challenges from the get-go. james arce-diaz is an associate professor of history at the university of san francisco. >> the whole point of don't ask, don't tell was we're not going to ask you, but if you volunteer that information, or if you are caught, then -- you are in trouble. and it kind of created this whole kind of culture of stigma and taboo and fear. and that's why it was very controversial then and now. >> reporter: but it was the country's policy for 17 years. >> our people sacrifice a lot for their country. >> reporter: until 2010, when the senate repealed it. >> none of them should have to sacrifice their integrity as well. >> reporter: and president barack obama inked it. >> this is done. >> reporter: allowing gay, lesbian and bisexual troops to serve openly. >> when the repeal occurred, it was this big sigh of relief after again, generations of trying to move the needle, especially in the military, an institution that's arguably
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much more conservative than others. >> reporter: then in 2021, president biden overturned the trump administration's ban on transgender people from serving in the military. >> what i'm doing is enabling all qualified americans to serve their country in uniform. >> now you have the commander-in-chief recognizing people who identify as transgender. >> this is for real. eastern money. >> reporter: a lot has changed since higgins' duty came to a sudden and unceremonious end. >> it's an exponential difference, is what it is, in a positive direction. this is the military that has gone from illegal to be gay, period, and now we're naming one of our naval ships, you know, after harvey milk. >> reporter: and the change of tides has allowed him to rewrite a part of his history. >> big void on it. >> reporter: in 2022, higgins received new discharge papers. inked with the word, "honorable."
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>> i was happy. it's the way it should be. because i did serve this country honorably. i didn't do anything wrong. >> reporter: big picture, he says more can still be done. >> there's always room for improvement, right? you know. and again, that's going to be through education. we got to educate and we should be all treated with respect and dignity and that's really what it's about. >> reporter: but he's grateful to see how much has changed since his days as a young man in uniform. >> reporter: our thanks to max for that piece. again, highlighting just the importance of the progress we are seeing and making sure that lgbtq veterans are getting that honorable discharge. well, once again we are now live on the usns harvey milk and say good morning again to the captain that's captain james white. captain, again thank you so much for being here. we want to help people appreciate what happens here. normally when you have a full crew, it's 95 members. tell us a little bit about the role that you all
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play azilian staff for the navy. >> the crew is civilian mariners and all civilian employees of the naive and we all have merchant marine licenses and documents. we support the navy at sea. we go everywhere the navy goes and we are to resupply navy ships at sea to keep them on station and on their missions you know. so that's what we do. >> reporter: right and we certainly appreciate and thank you for the service that you do here. it is so cool to be on this ship and see all of the amazing aspects of this ship. but tell us what we're seeing behind here because of course it's all kind of foreign to the rest of us. >> sure. this is one of our five refueling rigs. this -- this is how we transfer fuel to a navy ship at sea. the -- it's two 7-inch hoses and each hose can pump 3,000 gallons of fuel a minute to a navy ship at full pressure. the yellow pipes with diesel fuel and that's our main mission is to refuel ships. so they're -- yep. >> reporter: right. one aspect
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of you being a huge gas station essentially for other ships in the navy. well, captain, again, thank you so much for being us and for waking up early with us. what a privilege to be out here and seeing the amazing work of the team and the crew that are aboard the usns harvey milk. >> we are your community station. this is how we differentiate we are where you are. thank you so much, shawn. reminder you can watch the special ceremony on the usns harvey milk on the streaming service, cbs news bay area. you can see that today at 11:00 a.m. and also find us on the free cbs news app or on pluto tv. gianna? it was so cool to see that ship when i was driving in to work this morning. time now for a look at this morning's other top stories. two barges with cranes are moving toward a disaster zone to help remove wreckage from the baltimore bridge collapse. officials warn it will be a long process to reopen the port and much longer to replace the bridge. new video from the ntsb provides a sense of the immense task ahead. with sections of the francis scott key bridge you can see just stuck around the ship there that took it down.
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the federal government has granted maryland $60 million in immediate aid. the bodies of two construction workers who were on the bridge when the cargo ship smashed into it on tuesday have been found. but former workers are still missing and our presumed dead. reed? time right now 6:14 in the morning. likely the last opening day game at the coliseum and thousands of fans make their voices heard outside and inside the coliseum. they don't like the a's' move norman, bad news... i never graduated from med school.
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what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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welcome back. least have only community news. we know this. you oakland a's fans out there you are some of in most loyal in all of baseball. this we know. we also know you are angry and hurt because of team ownership. we saw you last night as you showed up on opening day but stopped short of walking into that ballpark. let's go to the video right now. you kept the party and the protest outside the park. this is what hurt and anger look like on you. so many of you showing up to make the point that team ownership just forgot the fans. let's contrast that with the picture of the inside. you see the lower seats filled but i mean here, pretty empty. sparse and empty right there. that's the smallest opening day crowd ever in a non-covid year. you know fan limit in the bay, the a's, is a family event. so many of your families were unhappy about the era in oakland on the verge of ending. and we met some of them who are disappointed as the sign says. alexandria and melissa say they've been coming to the coliseum since they were
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babies. tied to their grandfather. they were among thousands of longtime fans who said we're going to boycott this game. >> we're going to not go inside. just going to be hard. but no. i'm not going inside. we're going to hang out in the parking lot for a little bit and then go home. >> i want to because i want to go home. that's home. that's our cement castle. >> so by the way, the vegas bound a's ended up losing their opening game against the guardians, 8-0. nothing. painful. >> yeah. not a good start. i mean, they lost the giants lost. but hey, we're just getting started in the season and we're just getting started for another round of rain, jess? i know. it's right around the corner and just offshore and as we wake up and head out the door this morning, some of us are going to start seeing it a lot sooner than others as this moves its way in from offshore, we're going to see light thunderstorm activity up in the north bay. just near point arena. and all the way close to san francisco we go. as we zoom in a little bit closer to home areas like san rafael starting to get splashed with a little bit of light
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rain. moderate pockets start forming as we move into the next couple of hours and we'll continue to see that really ramp up heading into this afternoon. now this is all part of the large area of low pressure sitting just offshore. boy is it going to bring us some windy conditions and some wet conditions too. just around lunchtime today, that's when the bulk of this storm is really moving through all of the communities. and anywhere from san francisco down into redwood city and everywhere in-between. we're going to see some moderate to light rain for the most part throughout the morning hours. but then high heavy showers as we expect -- we head in the afternoon hours so closer to around 3:00, 4:00. that continues to track off into the east and look at the colors of yellow and orange. that's those isolated chances of thunderstorms that we'll see as it moves off into the east. and then backing that system, you can see that circulation moving in from offshore. that's actually the center of the area of low pressure and that's driving in a lot of winds from the south today too. so today we can see wind speeds in the afternoon hours anywhere up to around 30 to 40 miles per hour at times. especially along the coastline as that system is sitting just offshore. now i
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don't know what's happening behind me i'm going to drop that. but as we take a quick look at what's going on for us today for our daytime highs we're cooperating 50s in the forecast for us from san francisco over into oakland. streaming off into the east bay and a similar trend in the santa clara valley this afternoon. we'll see a big warm-up in the next week with drier conditions but we'll talk more about that coming up in a bit. g? all right, jess, taking a look at the roadways. right now as you get ready to head out the door and take a look at some of the briar bay area bridges and freeways. actually not too bad. in fact, number one it is friday. friday light. so we'll take that. the weekend is here. so happy friday everyone. here's a second thing. we're in a you know, safe to say holiday travel pattern. easter this weekend. a lot of kids are off school this week and a lot of colleges as well. leading into the holiday. and then next week, likely a lot of people also off as the spring break holiday continues. with that said, look at this. golden gate bridge, moving along very well. no delays
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well, during march madness, many of our >> reporter: it's lunchtime at fellow sports fansare seizing up those food deals and freebies from restaurants. but what are you going to do with the empty chip bags and all those pirafael. tucked into the lunch bags and boxes. >> cheese and tortilla roll. >> chicken noodle soup. >> half asian burrito. >> it's a cucumber and radish salad. >> some pistachio nuts. >> reporter: but before students head back to class, a trip to the recycling bins. the kids know what goes where. that's thanks in part to the school's green team. >> the green team is a group of really dedicated kids who care about the environment and are trying to help our whole school learn how to sort their waste. >> reporter: and there's a lot of waste. about 2 billion tons generated each year around the world. not only that, but 40% of all the food we bring home ends up in a landfill. and that landfill mix is helping to fuel climate change by creating a potent greenhouse gas. >> it creates methane and methane is a greenhouse gas that can lead to pollution to our environment. >> reporter: 15% of greenhouse gases come from landfill. if
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organic waste like food or soiled paper is not composted, it rots and produces methane. and that's contributing to more extreme weather events. >> like droughts and wildfires. >> reporter: surveys show more than 55% of americans are confused by recycling. that includes seasoned news veterans. found inside the kpix bins, soiled paper towels and cups thrown into landfill. a fruit salad sealed in a ziploc dumped into compost. and an unemptied cup of soup tossed into recycling. so we asked the green team for help. >> organic food in the compost. soft plastic in the trash. >> reporter: what does not go into recycling? >> food waste. >> candy wrappers. >> chip bags. >> reporter: what does not go into compost? >> plastic bags and wrappers. and like straws and those things. >> reporter: and finally, what does not go into landfill? >> banana peels, or soiled papers or -- even plants. >> reporter: but what about this? at kpix in the landfill bin, a sealed plastic bag
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containing an aluminum can, sardines, used paper towels, a soiled paper plate, and a plastic fork. >> it's gross. >> i think that -- i think that that is definitely not the best choice to do. >> this is the type of thing where people are just too lazy to do it. >> reporter: bottom line, the green team insists sorting is simple. it's just not that hard. >> just always follow the stickers or like the instructions when it comes to trash. >> reporter: and that is the best kind of trash talking. okay. i seriously learned a lot in that story: thank you for that. all right, now taking a live look this morning from usns harvey
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right now on cbs news bay area at 6:30 in the morning, taking a live look right there at the waters' edge. a glorious morning. the usns harvey milk right there floating in the water and we are proudly on board this morning. we are where you are. as your community station. >> it really was so cool to see that driving in this morning. along embarcadero. very, very beautiful sight there. but you know, what's not so great -- all lit up right this on the
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water. what's not so great is that wet weather that's coming in today. and probably going to hit some of our roadways and bridges for that morning commute. jessica. i know i'm back and suddenly so so the active weather too. so let's dive into it this morning. it is friday. we made it to the almost weekend. and as we take a look outside, yeah, it's going to be pretty wet for us heading into this afternoon with rain right around the corner and let's start off wide, wide scale before we zoom in closer to home. in area of low pressure, it's circulating its way all along the california coastline this weekend and it's impacting the sierra-at-tahoe region too giving them and and rain from san diego all the way until sunday. so as we zoom in closer to home on the first alert doppler, look at that band of rain already starting to move in from offshore. we're starting to see that trickle its way in close to santa cruz and along our coastline and just closer to pacifica and half-moon bay. and we'll continue to watch that rain roll in from offshore throughout this afternoon. now here's the thing. as we take a look at our first alert
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doppler, and our futurecast system which is such a great tool on a day like today, we really do see that isolated band impacting us around lunchtime. and it's going to give us heavy rain at times and a chance of thunderstorm activity too. so take it slow out there. around your lunch break. especially from san francisco down into santa cruz and stretching off into the east bay and the santa clara valley just into the 3:00 hour. luckily the system continues to track off into the east so around 6:00, as many of us are getting off work and school, that's when we're going to start seeing a little bit of a drier setup for us. this is not 6:30 though. keep in mind that system still tracking off into the south and off into the east actually. so near the sacramento valley and up into the sierra-at-tahoe region. so if you were considering heading up to tahoe this weekend. they're under a winter storm warning and we're going to have more on that coming up in a bit. for now over to you, g. jessica, thank you. let's talk about the freeways and bridges right now. as we get ready for that wet weather. so still holding steady with the pretty quiet commute overall at the golden gate bridge not too many issues this morning. i want to zoom in on that ride westbound 580 heading into
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north flynn heading into the altamont pass might be a little bit windy there. but getting some new information on this trouble spot. there are six cars on the side of the roadway there. that traveled over some sort of debris. nails, either way whatever it was, gave them flat tires. so chp is working to clear that out of lanes and looks like it's in the process. 34 minutes now for the travel time. 205 over to 680. that's a big improvement saving about 30 minutes from we saw about i'd say ten minutes ago. a little slow as you work your way towards the dublin interchange . well, looking live at a historic sight on the bay. the u.s. naval ship named after gay rights trailblazer harvey milk is docked in our waters. the late san francisco supervisor once called the city home. >> let's talk now with david martin an honor to talk to national security correspondent for cbs news joining us live from the pentagon this morning. thank you so much. we know that your knowledge goes back decades. it's an honor to have
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you here. it's striking me this morning that harvey milk was out of the military because of who he was. and now a ship is named after him. quite a significant morning. wouldn't you agree? >> reporter: it's a very significant morning and it really tracks back to the year 2011 during the obama administration. when gays were, for the first time, finally allowed to serve openly in the u.s. military. as you mentioned, harvey milk had served in the navy in the 1950s but he had been forced out because of his homosexuality. he was given a choice of accepting a discharge or facing a court-martial. so times have changed. and then in 2016, the navy named a class of ships,
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these under way replenishment ships, after a series of civil rights leaders to include john lewis, robert kennedy, ruth bader ginsburg and harvey milk. the ship was built in san diego. it is now on its maiden voyage and it's making its first port call in the city most identified with harvey milk. and from there, it will go to its new home port of norfolk, virginia. where it's going to become really a workhorse of the u.s. navy fleet. sailing around the world to replenish u.s. warships at sea with both fuel and supplies. so really naming this ship harvey milk is not just an honor for harvey milk. it really is a statement of the fact that gay rights matter to the united states of america.
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>> you know, we have one of our reporters on this ship this morning and they talked about what the ship's purpose is. and refueling other ships throughout, you know, the oceans. but we do understand the decision by the macy secretary in 2016 to name the ship after harvey milk did really provoke some controversy. >> reporter: well, it was certainly a break with tradition. although i have to say that almost certainly over the years, other navy ships have been named for gay people. it's just that -- they were closeted gay people. and the navy did not realize that it was naming a ship after a gay person. but harvey milk obviously was not closeted. he was out in the open and that -- these attitudes change very, very slowly and there were people in the united states
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navy in the united states military in the 21st century who just believed that homosexuality was a sin. and therefore they did not want to see a u.s. navy ship named after an openly gay person. >> david, i think an important question to ask from the cbs news reporting. our government just passed that funding bill and it was signed last saturday but there's a provision in the bill that says that lgbtq+ pride flags over u.s. embassies is part of that bill, that president biden signed into law, that is no more. so things like this moves like this, are vulnerable. are they not? and in washington, d.c., is there a sense that honors like this for an lgbtq+ person could be taken away? >> reporter: well, i doubt seriously that the name harvey milk will ever be taken away
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from that ship. i mean, we still have the cultural wars going on full force. but once you name a ship, it usually sticks. >> well, we appreciate your time this morning. cbs news national security correspondent david martin. thank you so much. and we do have a really big day ahead here in the city before the ship leaves the port. the ship will be host to a special national vietnam war veterans day commemoration. our itay hod met up with one bay area vietnam vet to see why this moment is historic in more ways than one. ♪ >> reporter: as the saying goes, once a marine, always a marine. and no one embodies that more than bill peacock. >> they all got to be straight. got to be absolutely squared away. >> reporter: at 82, he moves a little slower. but his need for perfection is as crisp as ever. >> how's that? >> reporter: bill is one of a few good men who served in vietnam from 1968 to 1969. and
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one of the lucky ones who made it home. >> my basic school class, 567, had one of the highest casualty rates of lieutenants in the entire war. >> reporter: but unlike other wars, vietnam vets didn't return home to ticker tape parades or fanfare. in fact, it took until 1982 for a national memorial to be commissioned and another 35 years before the government officially declared march 29th as vietnam veterans day. which is why today, bill is straightening old medals as he attends his first ever commemoration in san francisco. >> it's great that the country recognizes what we did, however many years ago that turns out to be. >> reporter: and although he hears it all the time, he'd rather you not thank him for his service. you prefer another saying. >> i would much prefer for them
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to say, thank you for our freedom. because that's what we were there for. we weren't there to wash their windows or mow their lawns or, you know, clean up their bathrooms or something like that. that's service. military and combat is the real thing. >> reporter: and how can anyone argue with that? >> and again, a reminder today's ceremony is closed to the public. it starts at 11:00 a.m. but you can watch it on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. you can find us also on the free cbs news app or on pluto tv. reed? fascinating story out of the community of brisbane where leaders there see stars and they want to see more stars. how are they doing that? pushing for new rules about the use of outdoor lighting. here's max darrow. >> reporter: barbara ebel really appreciates the view from her back porch. >> it is beautiful. >> reporter: but once the sunlight fades and nighttime arrives, the longtime brisbane resident says something is missing when she looks to the sky. >> oh, yeah. it's all sky glow right now. [ laughter ] we get
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two, three stars i think. but every one of those stars is still there. they're just hidden. >> reporter: so for the past several years, she and her neighbors and the city worked to create a plan to try and change that. they came up with a dark sky ordinance. >> light pollution has skyrocketed. >> reporter: and after a january 18th city council vote, the city of brisbane is implementing it. which means the clock starts for brisbane residents to modify their outdoor lighting. >> we put this one in a couple of months ago. we used to have a very nice carriage light fixture. but it was completely open and glass on four sides. and the bulb was completely exposed. >> reporter: it has a warmer color temperature and a motion sensor and it's shielded. >> one of the things we look for is put a ruler across the bottom of the fixture. the lightbulb should be higher than that so that the lightbulb is completely tucked up inside the fixture. we have every bit as
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much usable light as we use to. it's just being directed downward. >> this is an example here at city hall of a fully sheltered light and it's got the warmer color temperature. it's pointed downwards. >> reporter: caroline cheung is with the city. >> you can see the difference over the years that there has been an increase in outdoor lighting applied to people's homes. >> reporter: per the regulations, new outdoor lightbulbs and fixtures must meet brightness and color standards set by the ordinance. commercial property owners have five years to modify their outdoor lighting to meet the criteria. residential property owners have ten years. the city has 15 years for street lights and facilities. as for enforcement? >> we have an administrative citation process. so there's definitely a warning and we have a code enforcement officer that will work with the residential and commercial community. >> reporter: brisbane is a small city. nestled in a hillside next door to san francisco, one of the largest culprits of bay area light pollution. even though they won't make a major dent in
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reducing regional light pollution. >> there's always somebody out there who's making a bigger mess than you. right? and that's not any reason to not clean up your own house. [ laughter ] >> i'm hoping that other cities will follow suit and that, you know, in ten years, we will have a dark sky compliant bay area and we will have our stars back. and our animals will have their nights back. and people will have a better quality of life. >> reporter: ebel still has work to do on the home front. >> this one is unshielded. so it casts light out and up where it's not needed and that's considered light pollution. >> reporter: and although she has ten years to find a fix, you can bet she'll have it done much sooner than that. time 6:43. stanford is back in the sweet 16 tonight and we are all excited for the game. but one fashion student is bringing the looks and the glam to a star player. we'll explain. ♪ blackbird fly ♪
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you hear that? shawn chitnis out there on the usns harvey milk. we know you are a beyonce fan and we know you are not alone. some queen bey to start the morning everybody. beyonce just released an charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer.
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charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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happy friday to you everybody and time for the money watch report sam bankman-fried is going to trade in the business clothing for a prison jump suit. the bay area native now sentenced to 25 years in prison. go back in time a jury convicted him of fraud and conspiracy. now while fried told the federal judge in nsrs what are they? they sell supplies to roofing and landscaping and pool contractors. home depot says the move builds its business with professionals. well, beyonce's country era is officially under way. her highly anticipated country album dropped today. ♪ blackbird singing in the dead of night ♪ >> so you are listening to
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blackbird one of the tracks on beyonce's new album "act ii cowboy carter." the 27 song collection includes a collaboration with country superstar willie nelson and a cover of dolly parton's hit song. she says the album took five years to make adding it was born out of the experience she had. ahead at 7:00 on pix+ 44 cable 12, we are going to take a deeper dive into the beyonce blowback with sister to wyclef jean and singer and songwriter mel ky jean. >> i love the lyric to that song. you were always waiting for the moment to arrive and look at that beyonce in country. we know you might be tracking to tahoe this weekend. live this morning near soda springs. ohment it's going to be slick out there. so just be careful out there. winter storm warning will slow your drive in the snow on highway 50 over echo summit. >> never fun driving in the weather there whether it's snow or here at home in the rain
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too. jessica, let's talk about this first alert weather day. >> i know. from the snow to the rain and let's talk about the wind too because there's a big reason why the national weather service has issued that winter storm warning for our friends up in the sierra and it actually has to do with the winds too. i mean, avalanches are easily triggered when you see wind speeds anywhere up to around 45 to 50 miles per hour. and that's what they're expecting for the wind gusts heading into this weekend's forecast. it's going to be a little bit difficult traveling up there this weekend. and it's all a part of the huge storm system that's moving its way along california moving to the south and as we head into our weekend forecast. so it's just visiting the bay area first in the tahoe region too in l. a. and southern california and san diego by this weekend. this is what it looks look right now on the first alert doppler. first band of rain with isolated pockets of rain in the moderate category. lightning and thunderstorm activity just offshore about an hour ago. and that was up near point arena. so we're keeping a close eye on the north bay too as the system really builds its way
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in. now it's starting off light but heading into this afternoon hours, it's heat rising and instability happens in the atmosphere, we can see some chances of thunderstorm activity just around 2:00 3:00, you will notice that in the darker colors -- darker colors like orange and red. as that moves its way off into the east we can see that chance of thunderstorm activity move its way into the santa clara valley. and moving off into the east bay throughout the evening hours tonight. now you will start seeing the rotation of the center of the system as it moves its way into the overnight hours. down to the south. now we'll continue to watch winds sweep in from the south and more slight chances of showers in the forecast for us tomorrow. gusty conditions too. it's definitely going to be a wet and windy day for us in the afternoon hours with winds speeds anywhere up to around 30 to 40 miles per hour allock the coastline. we'll continue to watch that system develop heading into this afternoon. but let's take it a step back and let's talk about our daytime highs. because this system is also bringing in some cooler weather from the north. daytime highs this afternoon are only topping off in the upper 50s and anywhere from san francisco over into oakland
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with low 50s up in the north bay. and low 50s stretching all the way over into livermore and fremont too. now heading into the next couple of days we have a treat actually because we have some big weather changes right around the corner for us. let's start off with saturday into sunday. because we still see some lingering showers into our saturday forecast. chance of thunderstorm activity in the early morning hours. it clears up into sunday and then we warm up fast as we head into early next week. 50s to 70s just like that from a weekend forecast. by monday, it's going to be sunny and beautiful and that's how we're going to kick off next workweek with a similar trend into mid portions of next week too. g? >> jess, looking forward to the sunshine. all right, but you got to get through that wet weather. and right now it's not really causing any issues or problems on the roadways. live look here at the golden gate bridge. pretty quiet heading into san francisco. look at this. look at the mapping system. we're seeing a lot of green. thumbs up for the areas where we typically see the bottlenecking happening like the 238 and 880 connector into hayward. that looks pretty good right now. if you are headed towards the bay
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bridge, no delays there. there's some debris in the roadway westbound 580 near north flynn. they're working to clear this out of lanes and a couple of cars ran over it and caused flat fires. reportedly saying maybe some nails out there that might be causing the issue but the backup all the way to the 205/580 connector in the altamont pass. past that though pretty clear and look at that 32 minutes for the travel time. 205 over to 680. to me that indicates they're sweeping things up and everything is back to normal here pretty soon but good news. really not a lot to report on this friday morning. so that's your headline and enjoy it while you can. a couple of big upsets in the march madness tournament check on the brackets. get them out and see how they're doing. last night sixth seed clemson tigers had the hot hand against top -- two seed rather arizona and that game came down to the wire. the tigers though pulling off a big upset against the favorites. that final was 77-72. and now top-seeded north carolina held a narrow lead late in the game. i love that celebrating. against four seed alabama but a big bucket and
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block helped the crimson tide get the win and they advance to the elite eight. final score for that game close one. 89-87. now over to the east region. those top seeds handled business yesterday. uconn blew out san diego state and illinois edged iowa state. all four of yesterday's winners will play saturday in the elite eight. so a lot of big games tonight as well. nc state with marquette at 4:00 and i got them pretty -- going pretty far in my bracket so come on marquette. followed by gonzaga versus perdue at 4:30. then creighton taking on tennessee at 7:10. so it's not just the men though. reed. march madness continues for the women. tonight got to cheer on the women's basketball team stanford facing off against nc state. both teams looking to make their way to the elite eight. now if sanford gets the win, it would actually mark their third time advancing to the elite eight in the past four years. the cardinal will be relying though on their front court to lead the way. i
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hear they're pretty good. right? very good actually. >> word on the street. >> yeah. that's what the kids say. stanford has another standout student-athlete who's making waves on campus. her name is emmy sharp. she is also a design enthusiast. and recently she design address for stanford's fashionx runway show. her model women's basketball player kiki iriafen. they share a love of sports and fashion. you are part of fashion x a group another stanford and you are a budding designer. tell me a little bit about that. >> yeah, fashion x has been such an amazing opportunity because it's really allowed students to get into fashion and to learn a lot about fashion at stanford. in a way that, you know, through regular courses you wouldn't have been able to. and i have gotten to work with kiki the past two years which has been amazing and she's just so fun to work with. always enthusiastic and excited about whatever i want to design.
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>> because it sounds like not only does she love playing stanford women's basketball but she has a love for fashion as well. >> uh-huh. yeah. every time i see her walking into class she'll have maybe some new like bright orange hair. her nails like she's always -- always trying a new thing and excited about other people's jut fits and it's really fun. >> i love how you guys interweave technology, sustainability, into the world of fashion, not just -- you know, go get some materials and make this gorgeous crease. it really takes it up a notch finding new ways to repurpose and reuse and reinvent. >> yes. absolutely. i think sustainability is something that i'm really passionate about and actually from my senior capstone i'm working with a group of four other really talented individuals and designers and we're working on a project that can approach sustainability and fashion from a different angle. >> are you guys super excited about stanford women's basketball being in the sweet 16. >> oh my gosh so excited to watch them. i was screaming my
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head off at the last game. and every time kiki would score, that's my model! so -- i'm so excited to see her and cam and brooke succeed. so excited. >> we're excited too. to see women's stanford basketball tonight do hopefully well. but i love talking to her, super enthusiastic about design and just like product development. that dress made out of curtains. >> nobody is just one thing right? you can hit the runway and work it like a supermodel. >> yeah. >> nobody is just one thing. >> you were not just one thing in the world. >> no. be all you can be. all right, here's a live look outside before we head to break. speaking of -- >> from army to navy. >> army to navy. usns harvey milk is on the bay this morning and we will have a live
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plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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got some bad breaking news. award-winning actor lewis gossett jr. has died. his career on stage began more than 70 years ago. making his broadway debut at just 16, he went on to become the first black man to win best supporting actor for his role in the 1982 film "an officer
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and a gentleman." made history there. gossett is also known for his emmy award-winning role in the tv series "roots." changes a lot of lives and caused us really to see important things in our country. he passed last night in santa monica at the age of 87. >> sad to hear that. the first navy ship named watch the openly gay person. we have that here in the bay right now. we have detailed coverage and its mission today in san francisco.


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