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tv   The Late News  CBS  March 29, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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charged with style. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. now at 11:00, evacuation was not on today's activities list. it was a late add at this bay area senior center. and talk about dedication. >> well, it's my husband's bright idea to come here. >> the group who won't let pouring rain stop them from getting a pour of a famous bay area beer. >> i'd have to say it's worth the wait. plus protesters try to jump ship in san francisco, how they
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managed to breach security and nearly board a navy vessel. and the last bay area team standing is bounced out of the ncaa tournament. from kpix this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> good evening. hello. i'm juliette goodrich in for sara tonight. not the most ideal conditions for the easter bunny, but we're kicking off the holiday weekend doing it right with some rain and wind. meteorologist darren peck is here to answer all the questions you probably have heading toward easter sunday. it's all on you to tell us. >> easter sunday is the best part of this forecast. >> okay. >> this storm will be done by then. >> good. >> in fact, the storm is winding down. we've still got an issue tonight. let's start out with the here and now. there's still plenty of showers off the coast and they're still getting pulled
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onshore, particularly through marin, the city and as we look down the peninsula, looking at first alert doppler, our crop of showers. every once in a while one of these comes together with a little more intensity than the others around it and you get a brief little downpour. there's still potential for an isolated thunderstorm. we haven't seen a lot of that tonight. that's at least one positive sign. you might not have to necessarily get woken up by thunder. look at what happens right there with the one little cell. see it? perfect example. most of these are pretty benign. all of a sudden one of them turns into a little bit more of an intense complex. we had one of those here about an hour and a half ago and you really heard it coming down on the skyline. you could get woken up by that only because it goes like this through the remainder of tonight. watch futurecast. on again, off again, scattered, hit and miss, occasional thunderstorm mixed in. here's how this changes. tomorrow once we get past like sunrise there are far fewer of these. you'll
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see plenty of blue sky on your saturday. don't let that fool you. even though the majority of your day is nice, every once in a while an isolated shower will crop up. you'll have a long stretch of time during the day tomorrow where you likely get real pretty blue sky, an isolated shower could easily come back in. in fact, it will for random parts of the bay tomorrow. then sunday did you see that? same story only much more blue sky. sunday we are out of this. keep your outdoor plans for easter. it's going to be a go. we're still a bit windy, but we'll see the wind really calm down by tomorrow, certainly by afternoon. the wind advisory was allowed to expire. i'll be back in a couple minutes and we'll look ahead to the rest of the forecast. >> see you soon. the weather made a mess of a senior center in see ambassador sebastopol where a large oak tree was uprooted and
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crashed into a roof. about 30 seniors were inside inside taking a class at the time when their plans changed in a snap. >> it was pretty with wild. it sounded like a low rumbling and kind of crashes as the branches started hitting and like he a large crash. everyone stayed very calm, all the seniors in the building for classes, very calm and we got everyone out. >> fortunately, no one was hurt, but the roof and porch had some damage. the center expects to have all of that fixed by monday. about ten minutes away in santa rosa neither rain nor wind nor gloom of night could keep beer lovers away from a big line. it was outside russian river brewerring. andrea nakano asked them is a pour of pliny the younger really worth all this? >> reporter: the rain let up a couple hours throughout the day, but for the most part it's been like this, wet,
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windy, and bone chilling cold. theresa came from vacaville to stand in line for hours at russian river brewing for the 20th annual pliny the younger release. >> it's my husband's bright idea to come here. >> reporter: waiting in these long lines is tough enough, but to do it in this weather? >> to begin with, it was raining. it's very cold. the weather is freezing, but, you know, thankfully, for us we had enough gear in the car. >> reporter: instead of warming up next to her husband, this heat lamp became theresa's best friend. >> it is helping. it's helping on a smaller scale, but it's cold enough you can feel the heat coming off this. >> reporter: russian river did try to keep customers as dry as possible by lining the sidewalk with pop-up canopies, but many say the cold wind was the worst. >> we had to go back to the car to get a hat. now i'm going to thaw out a little. >> reporter: even after all that those we talked to say they would definitely do it again. >> i'd have to say it's worth
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the wait. >> reporter: the rain, wind, and chilly temperatures haven't impacted this year's younger release. russian river brewing's owner says between their two locations they've served roughly 13,000 customers in the first seven days. this event draws people from out of the area, rain or shine. >> i'm shocked how more popular it is now. it is cold, dreary. people are at home saying where are you? why aren't you at home? but it's an experience. >> and the spring storm certainly slowed things down for drivers heading to tahoe for the weekend. there was bumper to bumper traffic on interstate 80 as the snow started coming down. steve wolf and his wife were traveling from santa rosa but decided to make a pit stop in nyack and wait out the traffic. >> we left earlier than usual because we thought this would happen and sure as shooting, it did. >> sure as shooting. well, there is more snow on the way.
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so if you are planning to head up there, make sure you do carry chains. on to san francisco where the head of the harvey milk foundation says the late gay rights icon would not have agreed with the cause of the protest at san francisco's waterfront today. pro palestinian protesters jumped the security fence at pier 30 and 32. they got all the way to the gangway of the usns harvey milk, then chained themselves to it. police used bolt cutters to get them off and out of there and arrested 14 people for trespassing. earlier mayor london breed and former house speaker nancy pelosi spoke at a ceremony to honor the vessel's namesake. dignitaries also got a tour of the ship before it headed back out to sea and i got a chance to join them. >> reporter: captain james
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white welcomes former speaker nancy pelosi and all of us aboard the harvey milk navy tour ship for a private tour. the 746-foot vessel will carry 99 crew members when it's fully staffed. it's a traveling service station on the water that supplies fuel to other navy service ships at sea. so we're inside the cargo control center. you can see the panel here. all of the information that's going on inside is really directly related to what's happening outside. this on the sea gas station can carry 162,000 barrels of diesel fuel. on our tour speaker pelosi preferred to take the stairs rather than the elevator. so we all got our steps in today. 16 flights of stairs later, about 129 feet above sea level here we are. this is called the bridge and this is where the ship is
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actually controlled and steered. throughout the ship's interior are photos of harvey milk, including his time in the navy. i also spoke with harvey milk's nephew who reflected on today and his hope for the future. what is that like for you personally as we're in the bridge of the ship looking out and the symbolism and where we've come so far? >> i mean it is astonishing in some ways to think that we have come this far, but it's a reminder that it's a continual work in progress because we have made so many steps forward, but, for instance, on women's rights we're moving backwards and so thomas jefferson famously asked when does the battle for equality and justice end? he said it doesn't. it requires constant vigilance. i think this ship is a reminder. it's going to go to ports where lgbtq people are illegal and this ship will teach about who harvey was. >> vern, just as soon as i was back on dry land and not
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feeling seasick, i got some pretty bummer news about our last bay area team in the tournament. the conference of champions is drawing to a close. this conference has been around since 1915, 1915, and, boy, as these sports end, we're coming to the end of an era. the pac-12 era for stanford women's basketball ended tonight and a soon to be conference foe took care of it. west region second seed in the round of sweet 16, a last look at the senior cameron brink in the portland regional. she grew up 15 minutes from where this game was. nc state in the way of an elite eight spot, brink from top of the key, nine points, seven blocks first half. third quarter nc state outscored stanford 28-10 in the
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quarter. that's james drilling a wide open three. she held nc state with 29 points. brink fouled out with eight minutes left in her final game with stanford and nc state, the third seed, beat second seed stanford 77-67. they are moving on to the elite eight. stanford now joins the wolfpack in the atlantic coast conference. >> it's really sad that this is her last game. i know she wanted to do so well in portland being from portland. >> obviously sad, but i'm just happy to have had such an amazing career here, to be coached by tara, to play with these amazing girls. so i'm sad, but, you know, it's bittersweet for sure. >> yes. it's sad, but brink will bounce back. time heals all wounds, especially when she's the second pick in the wnba draft coming up. then she'll be saying stuff like ka-ching, ka-ching because her bank account is about to get
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fat. >> we'll hear from you later on in the show. thank you. still to come, we have terrifying new video of a bay area freeway shooting from the victim's point of view. plus, a peninsula city is planning to dim the lights to let in the stars. we'll tell you about the new plan to fight light pollution. and every parent hops at the chance to make their kids happy. oh, don't we ever? >> we have smaller kids and they're interested in the cuddly, fluffy things. >> but a bay area rabbit rescue is begging people twice to think about not
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the chp hayward just put out new footage video of an apparent road rage shooting from the victim's perspective. it happened wednesday afternoon on northbound 880 near union city. the bullet blew out the passenger side window. the driver is okay aside from some minor cuts. officers say they arrested the suspect the next day seizing two guns and a large amount of ammo. hundreds more crime fighting cameras are now coming to east bay highways and the streets of oakland. governor newsom announced the chp and oakland police have signed a contract with the company called flock safety to install about 480 hi-tech cameras. that includes 290 on oakland city streets and 190 on state highways in the east bay. they're similar to license
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plate readers but also can help identify stolen cars by features like make, model and color. the first cameras will be installed in the next month. huge cranes are arriving in baltimore tonight to help in the daunting effort to clear the wreckage of the key bridge and reopen the city's busy port. one of those cranes can lift 1,000 tons. it would take four lifts that size just to clear the portion of the bridge sitting on the cargo ship that destroyed it early tuesday. one of the top priorities is removing the wreckage preventing divers and recovering the bodies of the four construction workers unaccounted for, among them father of three jose lopez. his wife spoke with cbs news through an interpreter. >> translator: i feel bad. only god knows how hard my heartaches. maybe he was desperate trying to escape. he had a good heart. he was a hard worker. he was always worried about his family, too. he died, but he was fighting for us always. >> investigators say it could take one to two years before we
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know what caused the 900-foot long ship to lose power. cbs news estimates it hit the bridge with at least the same force as the thrust generated by the launch of a falcon 9 rocket. back here in the bay area a small city of brisbane is trying to make a big impact on light pollution. it is implementing a dark sky ordinance over the next several years. all outdoor lights will have to meet brightness and color temperature standards and they'll have to be enclosed in some kind of fixture that directs the light only where it needs to go. >> i'm hoping that other cities will follow suit and that, you know, in ten years we will have a dark skies compliant bay area and we will have our stars back and our animals will have their nights back and people will have a better quality of life. >> commercial property owners have five years to get with the program. residents have ten. the city itself has 15 years to
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modify its streetlights. from that let's go to our skies. are the stars shining bright? darren peck has it all for us tonight. how about that? take it away. >> not quite. i was going to see how long we keep the rhymes going. tomorrow night probably, but tonight you might get some breaks in the clouds, but they wouldn't be long lasting. look at this storm. that's such an impressive satellite imagery of what this looked like, did a capture on that around 3:00 this afternoon, beautiful structure to this storm. we've come through that first phase where we had the widespread steady rain. now we're waiting for the center of the storm here to continue to rotate and spin south and it keeps throwing us isolated showers and occasional thunderstorms. we're still in this probably through the first half of tomorrow. it makes more sense now having seen that when we watch how this plays out. those are flashes from bad radar
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data. we aren't seeing very much lightning on here. i've seen a few, but we haven't seen it be terribly widespread. we've seen intensities pick up. watch that line right here as it comes in right through the middle of the bay, perfect example. that's about to go over alameda, oakland, richmond, el cerrito. you'll notice the intensity pick up in the next ten minutes. then it could be anybody else's turn even though there will be plenty of time tonight when you're not getting rained on. there's not a whole lot here. every once in a while one of these cells develops. you get a brief little downpour. after that things are really going to quiet down. we'll switch to the longer range forecast model. you'll see that pattern of the spinning go south. in other words, the big spin off the coast finally goes far inform south, pulls all the rain with it and we're done. sunday is more blue sky than anything else. easter will be
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great. the wind, watch how dramatic this changes again. right there the colors went way down. the numbers went down to single digits for many places and that gets us to early afternoon tomorrow. the wind advisory already was allowed to expire. it still snows in the sierra significantly enough we get another foot up there. travel is still difficult for anybody who needs to travel through the mountains over the course of the next day. watch the transition in temperatures here. that's the next focus. there's a warm-up coming our way. i've got temperatures going back into the mid-70s towards the early part of next week. let me show you how we've done so far for rain. we got about 0.3-inch for the south bay, a little less than that in the tri-valley. we'll work our way north where so oftentimes we find the winner, north bay communities already gotten close to an inch from this, not
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bad. this is the bulk of the rain. next they'll be so isolated on again, off again, most numbers don't go up a whole lot. let's get into the seven-day forecast. we need to look at two because we're now back into the kind of pattern where there are noticeable temperature differences. this corresponds to the bay. we're going to the low 70s by tuesday. you'll cool back down to the low 60s by the end of the week and some light rain thursday and friday next week. the numbers for the inland microclimates mid- to some upper 70s by tuesday. we're going back to spring, juliette. >> love it. thank you. a live look at the port of oakland where hundreds of huge ships load and unload every year. they're leaving behind a lot more than just cargo. climate experts say the shipping industry produces roughly 3% of all greenhouse gas emissions. now a uk startup has a plan to clean it up. sea bound carbon captures, new device that captures ship
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exhaust and mixes it with quick lime turning the carbon into stone. the end result is a container full of rocks which are unloaded at port and then processed on land. >> there's nothing toxic. there's nothing explosive. it's very safe. even in an extreme emergency we would just be left with a pile of rocks. >> sea bound says its pilot trial captured 80% of co2 emissions and 90% of toxic sulfur dioxide. it is already working on an even more efficient model. the orange and black of giants baseball is at its best tonight, the a's not so much. and of all places to put steph curry's skills on
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from anywhere. so they can close deals even faster. dialpad ai, for customer service, sales, and team collaboration. all in one beautiful app. as we head into easter, parents are being urged to buy chocolate bunnies for their kids, not the real thing. as our itay hod shows us, this is the time of year where a lot of bunnies show up in shelters after families realize they really can't take care of
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them. so cute. >> reporter: just days before easter, ben vanderveer, father of two, found himself in a hair raising predicament. >> you tell your kids you're going to look at a houseful of bunny rabbits and that dominates the attention and discussion for the day. >> reporter: about a year ago 9-year-old delphine and 5-year-old adrienne were visiting relatives who had a pet rabbit. since then it's all they could talk about. >> we have smaller kids and they're interested in little cuddly, fluffy things. >> reporter: which is why ben decided to take a leap of faith heading to a rabbit rescue in mill valley for a little bunny bonding. save a bunny founder marcy berman says a lot of parents get their kids bunnies for easter, but don't let all that fluff fool you. raising a
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rabbit is serious business. according to peta, about 80% of rabbits bought for easter will die or be abandoned within the first year. >> these rabbits are not wild and so when you set a bunny free, you're really feeding the wildlife. >> reporter: it's why rescues get full about two weeks after easter, just as the novelty of having a bunny wears off. >> it's been a super crisis in the bay area and it's probably only going to get worse. >> reporter: to try and combat the problem, save a bunny now offers a foster to adopt program, essentially giving people a trial run for bunny parenthood. at the end of the day delphine and adrienne fall in love with yvette, a mini lop rabbit with floppy ears, but they won't be taking her home just yet. all applicants must come back for a second visit before fostering or adopting
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and while nothing is final, it looks like the vanderveers are getting a new fuzzy family member. are you excited about getting a bunny? >> sure. >> reporter: as for delphine and adrienne, they're jumping for now now that they found some bunny to love. >> i want that one. >> adorable. >> but we are saying don't get them if you can't be responsible. i know what -- >> you are an expert rabbit owner. >> well, i do know that they multiply. we had 12 at one point, yes. >> they're so cute. the coat's so soft. >> i know. i know. >> i want one to just kind of follow me around the house. that would be awesome. hey, rabbit! if the warriors had lost tonight, they might have needed a therapy bunny, but they don't need one tonight, no, no, no. nine games left for the warriors, jules, still very playoff relevant and now it's getting interesting. give me steph curry in his hometown of
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charlotte. was he ready? what does this tell you? warriors without klay thompson, jonathan kuminga led by two final seconds of the first half, but curry got loose and hit, 50-45 dubs midway. third quarter dub goes on a 27-12 run. curry scored 12 in the quarter, finished with 23. we've seen this movie before. chris paul throwing it up for trayce jackson-davis, pushed the lead to 20. tjd got the start and scored 18. warriors won their third straight on this road trip 115-97 and remain one game ahead of the rockets for the last play-in tournament spot. now this mariachi band were out for the giants-padres in san diego. san francisco looking for the first win of the season. an offseason pickup matt chapman did the heavy lifting. look at this. he had two home runs, drove in five
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and to the fourth inning another new giant, jung hoo lee, base knock up the middle. that drove in a run. giants win 8-3. de la salle alum kyle harrison earned the win, gave up just two runs over six innings, first win as giants skipper for bob melvin. the a's lost to cleveland 6-4. now college basketball, there he is, dj burns, 300 pounds space heater for north carolina state, became a tournament star just because of plays like this, the spin move and smooth finish against marquette. nc state led by 13 at the half. final minute, late shot clock, stanford transfer michael o'connell hits and it's a safe flight back to milwaukee we all home as nc state, jules, an 11th seed, won it 67-58. the wolfpack is moving on to the elite eight. jules, the wolfpack is the best
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story of the tournament. why? they had a losing record and won five games in five nights to get into the ncaa tournament and now into the elite eight with a chance to get to the final four for the first time since i was in college years ago. >> that's why they call it march madness. >> that's right. >> thank you. we'll be right back, but this november will it be biden, trump, or literally anybody else? meet the new candidate who legally change
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it is no secret that there is not a lot of enthusiasm about this november's presidential election, but now a new candidate is throwing his hat in the ring. his name is literally anybody else. that's his name. you heard that right. literally anybody else is a texas teacher. his friends and family call him dustin because that's what his parents named him. the u.s. army veteran said he was so fed up with
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america's options he's collecting signature dogs get his new name on the texas ballot. he's encouraging write-in votes even though they probably will not count. i bet a lot of people will actually write in literally anybody. >> he's going to get some votes. >> what do you call him, president else? >> literally anything you want. what would be your write-in name? >> step stool. i would use my step stool as a platform. >> oh. i'd be jules in the house. you' >> miami beach wants to break up with toxic spring breakers. in a new psa, the city outlined the strict rules it'll implement this month in response to unruly crowds in past years. this includes curfews, higher parking fees, and limited beach access. >> and now, a response from will smith. ♪ ♪


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