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tv   The Late News  CBS  March 31, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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. from cbs news bay area. there is the evening edition. now at 11:00. a pardon from the governor, giving a marin county man a second chance. big changes could be coming for the oakland airport. what they say they are doing to bring in more travelers. >> part of highway 1 fell off of the cliff. what cal transis doing to keep traffic going. what fisherman are doing to make sure you can have crab next year. >> good evening. we will start this easter
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sunday night with a story of redemption. michael woodson from nevado was convicted of embezzlement in 1987 and now at the age of 82. he just found out he has been pardoned by governor newsom. he had been released from prison but with the pardon he is feeling a new sense of freedom. and jose martinez has that story. >> reporter: it is easter sunday in downtown nevato. families gather to celebrate. one is special. michael woodson. 82 years old. spending this easter with his son after receiving a life changing gift from california governor newsom. >> this is the actual pardon itself. and, this is the, this is the work product that you have to do in order to apply for a pardon with the governor. >> michael, spending five years behind bars is celebrating a
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new chapter in his life. on friday, haddie is granted clemency to dozens of individuals with 37 pardons. >> once you are in the system, you are in the system. and, and what happens with so many people that go to state prison is that they are completely just pushed away from society and they sit over here somewhere and that is why so many reoffend because with the felony you can, you can not be licensed, you can get a driver's license but, you can not, you can not, i mean, you, you can't get a license to even cut hair in california. >> he was convicted by marin county in 1987. accused of misusing $13.5 million from 400 investors, then it took him two decades to get here >> this was the binder i gave
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to the district attorney to prove all of the recover of all of the money. and then this went to, up to sacramento also but they followed up with extensive documents. they said oh, come on, this didn't really happen did it? i was able to prove it. being able to prove the recovery of $12 million more than we started off with, i believe it is sole reason he gave me the pardon. >> reporter: now, all of the weight he has been carrying on for years is gone and hopes to be able to help other inmates to get back on track. >> with the pardon it does give me vindication. to some level. some people will never say, well, yeah, you are a crook. you know. but, if you look, if you go inside of that binder you will see that it is very
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unique.. >> governor newsom granted 180 pardons. a small group of families and businesses say they are fighting for a better oakland. they held a rally this afternoon in front of city hall. one of the people there was taylor jay. before coming to the rally she was cleaning up her stores, surveillance video shows someone using a hammer to smash the glass door and kick it open. despite being discouraged by the violence, jay and other business owners have hope that the city can turn around. >> if we have a little more unity we can start listening to each other and stop arguing and come up with solutions. >> building such a strong brand within the community we want to be here, successfully here, thrive here, not die here. >> reporter: the businesses asked the governor and local government for more resources to fight crime including more officers and grants to help with struggling businesses. and now, a live look at the
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oakland airport. in about a month it could have a new name. the airport officials say tourists don't often know exactly where oakland is. so, they choose sfo to get to the bay area. in oakland, at the airport, they want to change the name. are you ready? san francisco bay oakland international airport. >> we consistently hear from local travelers about their desire for more domestic and global routes. to make this happen, travelers who live outside of the san francisco bay area need to learn that it is located to the bay and close to regional destinations >> it is not about shifting its image away from oakland instead it is highlighting the region, oakland specifically can reap the benefit. >> ultimately we want to boost jobses in economic activity for oakland. >> port of oakland has been thinking about changing its
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names, two votes in april. the airport code will remain oak and the branding around it. shocking video captures a plane in the sky getting struck by lightning here in the bay area. take a look at this. >> oh, that was a bright one >> it happened in san jose. social media user showed this plane getting struck. he was trying to get video of the storm overall when it happened. here is a closer look. you can see the bolt hit the plane creating sparks. >> wow. learning the names of a plane crash that killed two people in truckee. upwest identified them. a couple apparently got upwest started in 2012 and worked as advisories since 2017. the cause of the crash is still under investigation. from the skies to the
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highways, a stretch of the highway remains closed in monterey county. the shutdown is due to a slip out just south of the storm. >> it was very pleasant to discover that the erosion and the erosion beneath the roadway had remained in place from where it was the night before. so, it was static. it had not continued to erode into the northbound lane. it was a grave concern for us. >> convoys will lead the cars to the north and south from 8:00 until 4:00. they are asking people to avoid any unnecessary travel to the area. still ahead, grab the crab while you can. the crab season will change. fast food workers are going to get a raise tomorrow what it is and what it will mean for
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the prices? temperatures are going up for awhile. we will
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. crab fisherman have been doling with later and later starts over the past few years. now the state will be cutting the crab season short on the other end. >> reporter: another year, another a briblged crab season
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along the california coast. the department of fish and wildlife says fishery are using line gear south of the county line. they will have to call it quits for the season. the reason, entanglement risks for whales in the coastal waters to feed. >> one of these unexpected surprises that climate change thrown at us. now we are trying to figure out how we can adapt. >> senior scientist. international group focused on conservation. >> due to climate change and changes in -- in the warming of the ocean it is pushing whales closer to shore and it is resulting in greater overlap of where the fishing gear is. >> it changed the start of crab season to be delayed and the end to be accelerated bye-weeks or months. he believes it will be the key to finding solutions for the fishery and for the
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whales. >> i am optimistic, hopeful, with new science and collaboration across fisherman partnering up with conservation groups we can find solutions and that is our goal. it is not just about saving the whales but have safe water for the whales and have a vibrant fishery here in california. >> reporter: this comes from fisherman that want to fish. >> this spring there are 20 fisherman signed up to do a large scale test of this new technology. if successful it could provide a pathway in the future to be alongside whales and extend the crab season and give fisherman the opportunity back. >> crabbers expressed concerns over the cost of newer fishing methods saying they are far
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more expensive. >> reporter: obviously to take a fishery that has been around for 100 years and transform it. and have fisherman do fishing in a different way >> with the status quo clawing at all parties involved there is no question that changes are needed. cracking the current conditions made it a challenge. easter sunday here in the bay area came with a variety of traditions including a sensory-friendly easter egg hunt. the bay area christian church says sensory-friendly easter egg hunt is a way to accommodate needs for kids with autism. they can come out with reduced noise and stimulation. >> we really wanted to do this because we feel like holidays are so special for kids but many kids that get shutout from being able to experience things like this because they can not handle crowds or the noise level. so, we really wanted to put something on that would be able to include all kids and give them a great easter
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experience. >> there were multiple sensory friendly egg hunts today at the church's campus. all free and open to the public. there it is. in san francisco. the 22nd annual bring your own big wheel race took place earlier today. this was on the hill along vermont and 20th street. a chance for kids and adults to climb on to the trikes. >> did you have a big wheel when you were a kid? >> no. >> you didn't? >> no. you missed out. >> did you? >> i had a plow. >> yes. >> in the fields. >> yes. the last of the storm that has been with us since friday that is all that remains. fuel showers coming through the central valley. drawing up after it gets over the
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reservoir and the hometown of hollister. i plowed many a fields. the next couple of days you will find something different. things will warm up in the 70s in parts of the bay area. a return of sunshine tomorrow. clouds on tuesday and later in the week, a return of showers. yes. but, very pleasant weather for the next couple of days. the numbers between last night and tonight find getting cooler as the skies clear. the numbers are coming down tonight. during the day time, high pressure establishes itself over the eastern pacific. we will look for plenty of sunshine over the next couple of days, future cast, here is tomorrow morning, the coast is cleared. it stays that way until tuesday. watch what happened, tuesday, low clouds appear. just at the coastline. so, monday, tuesday, andrea will not have much to complain about. but, wait, until west. another big deal trough out of a high pressure system for awhile. cooler
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change coming in on wednesday. rain will come down on thursday. not a big rainmaker. you know, in the meantime, tomorrow looks nice. san goas a warming up from 50 degrees when you head out the door. lower 70s from 2:00 to 4:00 in the afternoon. same thing for santa rosa. nearly identical. numbers in the 70s. pleasant day. by the end of the week, that is when we ramp up the rain chances on both thursday and friday. the numbers will really come down. so, tonight, it will be clear, it will be chilly. lows in the 40s. more sunshine for tomorrow and for tuesday and then suddenly and dramatically. cooler for wednesday and the next chance of rain will be moving in by thursday. we have trouble shaking off winter. in the meantime, more cold showers later in the week. day time highs tomorrow, pleasant day for much of the bay area. 60s along the coast but go to santa
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clara, 73. in the east bay it is nice as well. lower 70s to middle 70s in the north bay. plenty of sunshine. mill valley, checking in at 69. up in lake port and clear lake, all in the middle 70s. extended forecast, seeing the same thing. sunny, sunny, by thursday, friday, clouds and rain. the temperatures will be going from, 60s or 70s to the lower 50s by thursday. big change by the latter half of the week. as i say, same thing for the north bay. san jose, warm tomorrow, cooler in the later half of the week. east bay, for the coast. the numbers will be cooling down midweek and things will dry out. monday and tuesday look great. >> sounds great. thank you. still ahead, the federal minimum wage is $7.11. but now fast food workers will make almost three times that amount. how restaurants are responding to the hike. he was one of the last
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drivers over the francis scott bridge on tuesday night. what he saw before it collapsed. warriors building up steam, teams of destiny in the ncaa tournament >> they thought they knew us, man. big wheel, big deal. you find only on easter sunday in san francisco . >> why not take a big wheel down a hill. really, opportunity comes up you have to, right? >> it is game day, in moments at 11:30 (upbeat music) - this is the new pix+ with the only 8:00 and 9:00 pm news, the primetime edition: weeknights on the new pix+. test test test test test test test test test test test test test
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. welcome back, a big pay bump will go into effect for california fast food workers, a new $20 minimum wage. 275% higher than the federal minimum wage. the democratic super majority in the california legislature wrote the bill. it applies to workers at fast food chains with at least 60 locations nationwide. that raise is getting mixed reactions. workers are happy, franchise owners say consumers will, of course, end up paying the price. >> i want to do right by my employees, i want to pay them as much as i can. but this bill is really hit our operations hard. we are no longer hiring, we are not backfilling positions, we are not growing
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in the state, we are not expanding more locations and i am thinking about selling or closing my business. >> employees had it good. profits are high in the industry. and so there is room for them to absorb the wage increases >> national chain owners say some workers will not be making any money at all because they will be laid off. at&t is reporting a data breech that effects some 73 million accounts the company says the data included personal information of current and former customers including social security numbers the data was shared on the dark web about two weeks ago. at&, it is as they have been reaching out to customers asking them to reset their account pass codes. it is also urging customers to remain alert about changes to their accounts or credit reports. today, workers began cleaning up the collapsed
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bridge. seconds before all of it happened the officers rushed to shutdown traffic on the bridge. larry was one of the last drivers to make it across. we have his story. >> if i was a minute later i probably would not be here. >> reporter: he left from his job around 1:18, roughly 10 minutes before the key bridge collapse tuesday morning to head to his second job at herman's bakery. >> when i was getting on there was a tractor trailer, it only had a tractor, not the trailer part of it. i got out in front of him or whatever. we both got on the bridge. >> reporter: larry says he was going around 45 miles an hour because of the construction, he saw the construction workers once he was over the top part of the bridge. >> there was a police car when i went by right from the toll bridge, they knew something was going to happen he was waiting to get the word to stop the traffic. i was like the last one that went through. >> reporter: once he was off of
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the bridge he did not see or hear the collapse. the only reason he knew is one of his co-workers called him. >> i was sitting at the light a woman from here called me saying where are you at. did you go home? no, i just went over the bridge. she said it just collapsed. >> knowing some of the construction crew he passed on the bridge died in the collapse >> no, i know, they still have not found some of them. it is sad. they were just doing their job. >> reporter: now, counting his blessings >> the guy i work with, we left at the same time. if we stopped and talked for a minute, but we both had other jobs to go to, so we just left. >> baltimore containerships are recruited and president biden is expected to visit the bridge
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. march 31st is the birthday
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of cesar chavez. his famous 300 mile march across california. cbs sacramento looks back on the history. far more important lessons from caesar and the movement than i ever did in a classroom. >> mark grossman is the spokesperson for the foundation, before that, he worked alongside chavez as his personal aide and speech rider for the last 24 years of his life >> we would be almost constantly on the road for weeks and months at a time for certain periods. >> chavez, known as a labor leader and civil rights activist is best known for cofounding the united farmworker's union. dedicated to improving work conditions. his leadership during the strike in the late 1960 drew national attention for rights of farmworkers which he met chavez for the first time >> lessons about self-sacrifice
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and commitment. what it means to be part of something that is bigger than you are. what it means to be a man. >> reporter: for years he would travel alongside chavez where he got to see his impact in realtime. noting his skills of migrant-born youth to follow their dreams and make a better life for themselves and their families. >> he saw the greater good of helping people fulfill their dreams, dreams some of them did not know they had at the time. >> reporter: after his death in 1993 he left behind the farmworkers union, helps dozens of laws helping my grant workers. the latest in 2022, a california law signing union authorization cards for farmers. chavez would be proud to see what his union has become today. >> ufw, united farmworkers, continuing to fight for people every day >> there will be a parade and a festival for chavez on saturday april 13th. it will be held in san francisco's mission
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district >> coming up, divers in florida looking for a different kind of buriyed treasure. buried treasure, what they found. journeys to texas to meet a woman who flies under the radar despite making a big impact on the lives of her neighbors . she is like a little angel, she is. i can't drive. and, i had to get a job to make ends meet, period. she volunteered. >> that is just the beginning of the story. you can watch
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morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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you're looking at some real jack in the box haters. yeah, they exist. they have no idea they're about to try my new smashed jack. this is good. it's very fresh. i like the sauce. i'm a saucy woman. probably not the best. not the best... she came in a white sedan. tow it. almost like a flavor bomb. i don't think it's a fast food hamburger. this is more like homemade. -it's me! -ahahaha! oh shoot, jack! if this is your new burger... yeah? -i'm going to you. say hello to the best-rated burger in fast food. welcome to jack in the box! . well, yesterday, we showed you a flying bunny. today, and
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there he is. today we show you a diving bunny >> this is an underwater egg hunt in the florida keys. those are colored hard boiled eggs on the seafloor. beautiful. the easter bunny is laying eggs and scuba divers are scooping them up >> that is a great way to do it. >> why? >> i mean it would mean you are at the beach on easter. >> i like that color, by the way. >> i like your tie, too >> thank
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content, content, content. it's an easter sunday edition of game day for march 31. no waiting to get to the good stuff. it's all good. a to z. that includes the warriors. winners of four straight. they were strong tonight, deep in the heart of texas. victor wembanyama was waiting for him in san antonio. draymond green open from the corner. scoring 21. he did it all sunday. he got one of the warriors season high 15 steals. he laid it in. green had six steals and 11 assists. the fourth quarter,


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