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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 530pm  CBS  April 1, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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right now at 5:30, millions of at&t customers learning likely hackers stole their personal information, what you should know about the security breach. in baltimore today the next phase of recovery is getting underway following last week's deadly bridge collapse, details on the delicate operation. one week from today california's commercial crab season will come to an early end, the latest setback for fishermen who have been dealing with alert and later starts to their season over the past several years. >> in time the state is cutting crab season short on the other end. max darrow has that story. >> reporter: another year,
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another abridged crab season along the california coast. the department of fish and wildlife says effective april 8th fisheries using vertical line gear in the water south of the sonoma-mendocino county line will have to call it quits for the season. the reason? entanglement risks for whales coming to the coast to feed. >> it's one of these in expected changes climate change has thrown at us. >> reporter: dr. jeff schefter is a senior scientist. >> due to climate change and the warming of the ocean, it's been pushing the whales closer to shore that's resulting in a greater overlap with where the fishing gear is. >> reporter: as a result, it's become the norm in recent years for the start of crab season to be delayed and the end to be accelerated often by several weeks, if not months. schefter tells me he believes cooperation and innovation will
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be key to finding solutions that will work for the fishery and the whales. >> i'm hopeful. i think with new science and with collaboration across maybe unlikely partners, right, fishermen partnering up with conservation groups, i think that we can actually find solutions. that is our goal. it's not just about saving the whales, but how can we make sure we have safe waters for the whales and also have a vibrant fishery we can be proud of here in california? >> reporter: he says some of his optimism comes from newfound interest from crab fishermen in new ways to fish that would allow for ropeless fishing. >> this spring there are 20 fishermen signed up to actually do a large scale test of this new technology and if it's successful, it could provide a pathway in the future to have whale-safe fishing right alongside whales so that we can share the ocean and extend crab season and give fishermen that opportunity back to keep fishing. >> reporter: but historically some crabbers have expressed concerns over the costs of
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newer fishing methods saying they are often far more expensive. >> obviously it's hard to take a fishery that's been around over 100 years and transform it and have fishermen view fishing in a very different way. >> reporter: with the status quo clawing at all parties involved, there's no question that changes are needed, but cracking the current conditions remains a challenge. >> we have continuing coverage of the shortened season and what crab fishermen are doing to try to prepare for next year. head to our website at we're following some breaking news now. our chopper is live in napa county where residents are being asked to shelter in place. this is the area of a safeway at dan rose drive and american canyon road. >> you can see crime tape surrounding the parking lot there. police tell us they are investigating a shooting and we will continue to follow this breaking story and update you online and on air. now an update on the efforts to clear the devastating bridge collapse in
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baltimore, crews opened one alternate shipping channel around the wreckage and a second could open in the next few days. meanwhile welders are cutting away pieces of the bridge. baltimore homes its port, one of the busiest in the country, can fully reopen sometime soon. crews are also hoping to find the bodies of four construction workers who are presumed dead. maryland state police believe they have found missing vehicles underwater. >> below the water line along the bottom is it very challenging because these girders are essentially tangled together, intertwined. >> president biden will visit baltimore friday. maryland has said it expects help from the feds to rebuild that bridge. the cdc and health officials in texas are monitoring a second case of bird flu. authorities say the person worked on a farm in the state and had direct contact with a dairy cow. the person tested positive for bird flu last week. the patient's only
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symptoms was an eye infection. they're now getting treatment with a generic version of tamiflu. health officials maintain the general public risk remains very low. since late last year, farms in the north bay have been dealing with the outbreak of avian flu forcing them to kill birds to stop the disease from spreading further. kaiser permanente was excited today to open their brand-new genomics lab in san jose. it's specifically for northern california kaiser members. kaiser says it has major use of robotics and will help patients with personalized precision medicine. they did the inaugural noninvasive prenatal test inside today. usually kaiser does about 45,000 of those a year plus 30,000 other tests. >> we expect the new facility to enable to us double that to
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about 150, 160,000 specimens a year over the next five years. >> genomics is the comprehensive study of genes in a person and is part of cancer research and treatment. at&t says it's investigating how information from 73 million customers got onto the dark web. past and present at&t users they say should act now to protect their data. the company says they are now notifying those impacted. the breach appears to involve data from 2019 or earlier. it could include names, passwords, social security numbers, birth dates, and much more. >> once a bad guy has that, a criminal has that information, perhaps they could pose as you and call up one of your bank accounts or health accounts. if you're not notified, don't assume automatically you're safe. you need to investigate this. >> if you are an at&t customer, head to be with being with for what you need to know. a bay area lawmaker is taking aim at ticketmaster. the
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issue was thrust into the spotlight in 2022 after taylor swift fans encountered huge problems buying tickets for her tour. according to politico, assembly member buffy wickes of oakland is pushing to end exclusive contracts between venues and ticket sellers. she also wants to lift restrictions on resales. she says her goal is a system where customers can buy through competing companies similar to how online travel sites operate. they said increased competition would lead to lower prices and increased accountability. up next, a creative new effort to cut down on food waste, how a bay area chain of grocery stores is now helping customers save money and the environment. >> if you talk to any of our associates, one of their biggest challenges is throwing away food they know people in their community could really consume. plus it's a favorite in
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( ♪♪ )
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you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪
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it was a soggy easter egg roll hosted by the white house and the president and first lady filled with eggucation activities for kids. >> some 40,000 visitors gathered on the south lawn for the annual event. president biden blew the whistle to start the race where children rolled colorful eggs through the grass using wooden spoons. >> easter reminds us of the power of hope and renewal, sacrifice and resurrection, but mainly love and grace toward one another. >> everybody was outs in their cute rain jackets. first lady jill biden also read stories to the kids and their families during the celebration. a new app aims to connect you with inexpensive food at
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the grocery store and cut down on waste. >> dominic garcia has a look at flash food and how it could be a game changer in the grocery industry. >> reporter: when it comes to americans and food waste, the numbers are just -- >> way too much. >> reporter: that's nick bertram, ceo of flash food. >> in california alone last year, 11 million tons were thrown out and then you contrast that with over 4 million californians who had identified as food insecure. >> reporter: the hope is the flash food app can help connect the two. grocery stores partner with the app. it lets people know what food is close to its best buy date. >> you can click on the store and you'll find items that that store management team has identified as either surplus or nearing its best before date and they're available to you up to half price. >> if you talk to any of our associates in the stores, one of the biggest challenges that they have is throwing away food that they know people in their community could really consume. >> reporter: tamara patterson is with the save mart
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companies. they just launched the app at some of their lucky bay area stores and soon will be bringing it to save marts and food save locations. >> we said this is amazing. we want to take it full speed and do it as quickly as we can. >> reporter: when you look up what's available, you get a picture of the food. >> it's really hard to plan your life around like a surprise. you need actually to know what the item is and what i love is that there are actual pictures taken of the items. >> reporter: an app meant to help cut down on waste and hunger at the same time. >> and then get on with your day with the feeling of joy that you've saved money and also diverted food from landfills. >> save mart also owns lucky and food max and plans to expand to areas where the app is available this summer. up next, a massive lottery jackpot on the line in about
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two hours, details on the staggering powerball prize. straight ahead in sports, two words that always strike a nerve, giants, dodgers. and the warriors, every game bigger than the one before with just eight left in the regular season.
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why do i care about paper so much? because my life and career were built on them. auditions, headshots, boxed wine... i mean, the least i can do is keep it around. [angelic sound] see, she gets it. ethan! empty, flatten, then recycle. i'm a papertarian, sue me. and you can recycle those papers too. let's go gary! [ struggling ] ok.
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what, you don't get fan mail? after climbing higher and higher all year, the powerball
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jackpot has hit $1 billion. >> whoa. lotto players have another chance tonight after 38 consecutive drawings without a winner. >> the longest stretch ever without a winner is 41 drawings. powerball will break that and the prize will keep on ballooning a week from today if nobody wins. >> california lottery estimates it raised $70 million for public schools from just the past three months of powerball ticket sales. $1billion. >> darren, what's the first thing you would buy? >> a lawyer. >> that is such a good question. i never even get past the notion of what my threshold is to buy a ticket and it's a $1 billion jackpot. >> time. >> will you buy one now? >> i will if i can remember before the deadline. >> that's right. that's always a challenge. so in the last visit we were talking about the dramatic changes this week, rain thursday, a 20-degree temperature drop thursday, and starting tomorrow even though it's a real pretty day we'll start to notice two very subtle
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changes. look up here at the north bay. see the little low spot, north point reyes, as you start to creep into sonoma county. that little gap called the petaluma gap. let me show you another one. this is the better known one, the golden gate. that's the other obvious gap through which this time of year the marine layer starts coming back in the morning. it's only april 1st, but we're going to start to look a little like may gray. watch tomorrow, the very beginning sign of a change, a little stratus clouds starting to filter in through the petaluma gap there and through the golden gate. it's not terribly widespread tomorrow. you'll have to be up real early to notice it, but wednesday everybody wakes up and it's widespread may gray marine layer everywhere. it's almost like a seasonal change when this starts to happen. our entire lives are going to be dominated by this from may,
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june, july, august, even into september. this will be one of the first showings of the season. it's starting to fill back in because it's getting pushed inland, beefed up and redeveloped on the leading edge of this spring storm. it's going to get a little windy wednesday night. look at the wind speeds wednesday night. this is the very leading edge of the cold front that will usher in daytime highs only in the 50s on thursday and morning lows on thursday morning in the upper 30s. this is kind of how that process is going to start. wednesday night it gets a bit windy. let's look at the system itself because there is rain coming in addition to cooler temperatures and the marine layer beforehand. on thursday this system is going to be able to deliver widespread rain for just about everybody and the way we'll time this out is to say middle of the day on thursday widespread rain pretty much overtaking the entire bay and then we'll keep that around into friday, although friday it really should have diminished to just more scattered showers. there won't be a whole lot
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left friday at this point the way the timing looks in the forecast model. we'll call it rain thursday and scattered showers friday. we could get about a half inch out of that, maybe more. north bay comes away with maybe 0.8 inches of rain, san jose with less. cold enough, going to snow in the sierra, maybe a little less than a foot to donner pass. that will impact travel thursday and friday. the good news for the weekend, we're done with that system. we're not concerned with this system having holdover impacts into the weekend except two things. we'll stay relatively cool. we're going to be right around 60. on sunday there is a weak little system that's going to come through with a chance for a few light showers. it really doesn't look like much. it's an entirely separate system on sunday. it's not a rain-out or washout, but you can see on our inland microclimates there's a small chance of rain sunday.
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this is the real headline. from 75 degrees on tuesday to 53 degrees with rain on thursday. it's going to be a bit of spring whiplash. guys, back to you. time for a check of what's ahead at 6:00. we switch over to juliette. >> we're getting reaction to the video of a brazen walgreens theft in san francisco. one of our producers had his cell phone while he was shopping there and got this as a group of people grabbed whatever they could with no fear of the camera. coming up, what one supervisor is blaming for all of these free for alls. also some bad blood between bay area airports, why sfo is slamming the plan to change the name of the oakland airport, so a lot coming up in about ten minutes at 6:00. let's go to vern and sports. >> all ri right there, jules. the warriors lead houston by two games for the tenth and final
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playoff spot. two weeks left, eight games left, in the regular season. >> it was a good trip for us. we got to go back home and try to build on it. >> winning at home has been a challenge this season. the dubs have a record of 18-19 at chase center and four of the remaining eight games are at home. >> we've been better on the road than home. it's bizarre. a year ago we were 33-8 at home and 0-41 on the road or so. >> and this from steph curry. "i was joking that we might need to stay in hotels in san francisco the night before home games and act like it's a road game. take the bus to the arena." now baseball, the giants are in l.a. tonight, first of 13 regular season games against the dodgers. their first look at shohei ohtani in dodger
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blue. many know him as the grandson of the wind. we know him as jung hoo lee, strong at the padres, reached base seven times in the four-game series and hit his first big league home run. the korean star then got his welcome to the majors moment in the clubhouse. >> i love you. good stuff. the men's final four is set and the overall number one seed uconn, liz, remains the favorite. the huskies have won by 27 points per game, liz. dan hurley senses they might not be the most popular team with the average fan. >> the uconn target plus the defending national champs target plus we're a program, our players have a lot of confidence and a lot of swagger and our fan base again is
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obnoxious as [ bleep ] on social. so everyone hates us. >> so darryl johnson, the guru from 95.7, the game leads our cbs bracket challenge, but he's got houston winning it all. so that leaves liz cook and max darrow as the only two people left who have a chance to pass him. they both have uconn. as for the rest of us, the bracket doesn't lie. odds are in liz's favor if, if connecticut beats purdue. we will see next weekend. >> how many is that? >> that would be four, not one, not two, not three. that will be four if it happens this weekend. >> i can't explain it. i don't know why this happens, but here we are. i'm going to celebrate this time, though. >> go get them, champ. >> she's a sports genius. >> yeah, right. >> you are. >> i'm going to quote you on that and send that to my dad,
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sports genius. >> thanks, vern. still ahead here at 5:00, grab your big wheels, hit the streets. we'll take you to the annual races on potrero hill. >> we're traveling at a very high rate of speed and there's a lot of people. i got to make it look good.
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a big crowd coming out for an easter tradition on san francisco's potrero hill known as bring your own big wheel. >> looks like fun. kids and kids at heart zip down the curves on vermont street on plastic tricycles. our matt lively takes us to the races. it's been happening for 24 years. >> we're traveling at a very high rate of speed here and there's a lot of people. so i got to make it look good, all right? >> why not take a big wheel down a hill? opportunity comes up, you have to, right? >> reporter: you don't have to, but it certainly looks fun. >> crashed on turn three, crashed on turn four, flipped over on turn seven. >> people flip over backwards all the time, spin around backwards.
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>> reporter: the walk up the hill forces you to look at the course and it's a bit of an anxiety ridden experience. >> i just heard all these little kids go down right now. i was practicing on a little steep hill yesterday, but i don't know. >> reporter: how fast is it actually going down? >> oh, it feels like 1,000 miles an hour. it's probably like what, three from the outside? when you're in it, hair's blowing in the wind. my little tassel is waving behind me. >> reporter: participants come decked out in costume. as for the big wheels and equipment, not as much of a priority for some. >> they said brake with your feet a lot. i didn't really have shoes for that, so i'm wearing shoes three sizes too big, also a concern. >> reporter: can you show me the seatbelts on this thing? where is it? >> right here. you know what i'm saying? just put your feet up like this. >> reporter: there's no way
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you're getting that seatbelt on. >> yeah. >> reporter: the event has survived two plus decades and it's clear the most dedicated wouldn't miss it for the world. what on earth possesses you to do this? >> what else is there to do on an easter sunday? >> reporter: go to church or something. i don't know. >> what's that? >> race a big wheel, go to church. >> their heels are going to be completely rubbed raw. >> we're doing it next year. >> i'll watch you. >> yeah. you're doing it with me. >> have to wear a costume. >> i will. that's it for the news at 5:00. cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich starts right now. >> thanks so much. it's stunning to watch as a group of thieves clear shelves at a san francisco walgreens with no fear of the cameras rolling on them. we have reaction to the video that shows these brazen thefts that are still happening in the city. >> they think it's a free all. they think you can grab and go as you please. and the plan to change the name of the oakland airport is
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causing turbulence, how sfo is slamming the idea. >> that idea that oakland would basically cut and paste that name, san francisco international airport, into its own name makes no sense. and new video of a crumbling highway 1 in big sur, the washout that left hundreds stranded over easter weekend and what's being done to get people where they need to go. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. >> good evening. they are caught on camera. they are literally ransacking a san francisco walgreens. they don't even care that there is video of them. video was taken from one of our producers just yesterday at the pharmacy on ninth and market. it's near civic center. it shows how the city still has its work cut out for it trying to clamp down on the kinds of brazen retail thefts that have gone


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