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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  April 2, 2024 6:00am-7:01am PDT

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with your life... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it. thank you, boring. (psst! psst!) ahhh! with flonase, allergies don't have to be scary. spraying flonase daily gives you long lasting non-drowsy relief. flonase all good. also, try our allergy headache and nighttime pills. thank you for joining us this morning. today is tuesday, april 2nd. >> so let's get it started. >> just like an ambush. basically. that's pretty much it. it was that quick. it's san francisco and so i'm still kind of immune to it at this point. >> caught on camera. stunned shoppers and store employees watch another brazen retail theft in broad daylight in san francisco. how do we hold these people accountable? we talk to
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city leaders. first bombs start -- we knew what was going on immediately. >> we remember a veteran who witnessed one of the worst attacks in our country's history. i believe the city should not back down. and that if the a's don't want to work with them, they need to leave. >> pushing a little hard, i think. i think they need to negotiate something that's a little more agreeable. >> a difference of opinion from fans. would you like the a's to stick around in oakland until they >> move to vegas? oh, max darrow, yes, we did forget our powerball ticket. but that's okay. because i was just wanting to be a billionaire. i'm nicole zaloumis. i mean, whena potential deal being discussed today. and did you forget your youpowerball ticket? cash out you don't stress. arethe jackpot is still up for grabs. like -- >> reporter: on easter sunday, millionaire to the tune of what? $700 million? i don't know what taxes are. >> not enough.
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>> absolutely. i'm max darrow in for reed cowangianna franco this morning. great to be here with nicole. jess, everybody with the morning edition. >> i know, i feel like we should buy a lotto ticket for the team because even breaking it up a little bit i still think we can quit our jobs. >> that would be a beautiful thing too. >> no, never do that to kpix right? because you have days like today where you are smiling and shining because the sun is out. the sun is out. oh my gosh a gorgeous day. it's such a great day to forecast too. no one is complaining about the meteorologists saying sunshine right. now thursday, you are not going to like me so much and here's the reason why. a cold front is going to be moving in and boy it's going to be bringing in way different weather for us. but let's start off with this morning in the 40s and 50s. currently later today we're actually going to hit the 70s once again in our inland areas. this right here though is going to be our forecast for our daytime highs. just by thursday. as that cold front settles in. upper 40s and lower 50s are expected at that point but let's dive straight into what's happening for us -- actually take it a step back and show you the weather
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headlines starting off this morning throughout the bay area. localized fog especially along the coastline up in the north bay and start to clear up as we head into this afternoon. we're just left with sunny skies for us today. partly cloudy skies tomorrow as gear up for the cold front that's going to bring in a series of showers for the thursday forecast. here is futurecast. great tool on a day like today because it's showing us the coastal fog will linger around this morning. coastal clouds and it starts to fill the bay area as we wake up and head out the door for wednesday morning. becomes a lot more apparent the clouds are moving in from offshore wednesday evening and then as we zoom out a little bit more actually able to see the cold front heading into the thursday forecast and that up there is the one that's bringing in lot cooler weather and gustier conditions and rainier skies too. looks like it didn't want to show us that just right now on the models but here's what it's looking like as we head into this weekend's forecast. friday, saturday and sunday, we're going to still be seeing some unsettled weather in the forecast which could impact the padres and giants' game and talk more about that coming upa
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bit. for now over to you in i coal. a live look at the bay area bridges this morning in the east bay. this is looking westbound 92 from hayward over to foster city. a bit of brake lights there but no major buildup just yet. looks quite clear over on the left side. for those going east. metering lights are on at the bay bridge. as we take a look here we see the sluggish conditions for those entering san francisco. and how about a look at our traffic maps just across the bay here? no major delays to be worried about. overall, a simple commute so far. time now for a look at this morning's top stories. santa clara county nurses are hitting the picket lines this morning demanding the county address working conditions and safety issues. here's a live look from san jose on this tuesday. the strike will start in a half hour and will last for three days. the union representing the nurses says it hoping to reach an agreement with the county on better pay, better staffing, and more resources
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for workers. the hospitals say they will still conduct emergency essential services through the strike. napa county police are investigating a shooting outside a safeway in american canyon. three people were hurt last night and are now recovering in the hospital. it happened near the safeway at about 5:30 in the evening. video at the scene shows a car with bullet holes through the window. police have brought two people in for questioning as they try and figure out what happened. today marks one week since the deadly bridge collapse in baltimore. crews continue to work around the clock to remove the wreckage and reopen one of the country's busiest ports. we saw some progress made yesterday as officials opened up a temporary channel allowing vessels to pass through for the first time since the bridge fell. new video of a dramatic cliffside rescue in marin county. the sonoma sheriff sent a helicopter to save this man who was clinging to the rocks after falling 50 to 60 feet from a trail. the call came in
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about 7:40 last night. and this took place near the battery alexander trail in the golden gate national recreation area. sheriff's deputies used a long line to lower themselves from the helicopter and rescue the man. >> okay. don't let go man. don't let go. okay? don't let go. slide your left hand in here, brother. >> southern marin fire says except for some minor scrapes and bruises, the man is expected to be okay. in san francisco, one of our producers caught a group of thieves that you see here ransacking a walgreens on camera. as juliette goodrich reports, the recording didn't stop them. >> reporter: on easter sunday, this brazen group grabbing what they pleased. wearing hoodies and carrying bags and backpacks, they went up and down the aisles, stealing merchandise. there's a security camera inside the store. and a kpix employee was taking this video, but this group didn't
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seem to care. >> and it was just like an ambush. basically. that's pretty much it. it was that quick. >> reporter: our producer who took this video didn't want to be identified, but describes what happened. >> took me about three seconds to pull my phone out and started videoing -- or filming and they just had no -- no care at all. so. >> reporter: were you concerned even standing in their way? taking video. >> no. i mean, i'm still -- i mean, it's san francisco. i'm so kind of immune to it at this point. >> reporter: what was the reaction of the employees during and after? >> they did nothing. basically. they just -- i think they -- they're also probably immune to it. again, it's that area. it's market and civic center and i think they're used to smash and grabs in that area. especially the walgreens and cvs's. so there's -- you know, i think they're taught not to do anything. >> reporter: sal is a vendor and goes into this walgreens' store and others weekly. >> they think it's a free all.
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they think it's just -- that you can grab and go as you please. >> reporter: have you been working in the store when that's happened? >> i see it often. >> reporter: when i walked in this particular walgreens, there's a video camera. there's a security guard today. is that not enough? >> no. it's never enough. >> reporter: we showed san francisco board of supervisor matt dorsey this video. he lives just a few blocks away from the walgreens and shops there. he points to san francisco's police staffing crisis. >> if we had a fully staffed police department, we could have a robbery unit that was doing more enforcement around places where retail theft plays out. holding more people accountable. and doing more to go after the fencing operations and, you know, the -- the kinds of operations that make this lucrative. >> reporter: how did you feel when it was happening and then after when you had the video? >> i was in shock. angry. you know. because i -- i live in san francisco. and, you know, this is -- you hear about this stuff and you see it happening all the time. >> the city is trying a number of strategies to fight organized retail crime like
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carrying out blitz operations to arrest shoplifter that are at stores that are constantly hit. lauren? >> reporter: a high-stakes meeting today to determine whether this could be the a's' last season here in oakland. we'll have details on a potential extension coming up. plus, seizing the spotlight. college basketball sensation caitlin clark has done it again. sending iowa to the >> tech: cracked windshield? schedule with safelite, and we'll come to you to fix it. >> tech vo: this customer was enjoying her morning walk. we texted her when we were on our way. and she could track us and see exactly when we'd arrive. >> woman: i have a few more minutes. let's go! >> tech vo: we came to her with service that fit her schedule. >> woman: you must be pascal. >> tech: nice to meet you. >> tech vo: we got right to work, with a replacement she could trust. we come to you for free! schedule now for free mobile service at >> singers: ♪ safelite repair, safelite replace. ♪
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new foes, same results. the coliseum hosted the boston red sox for the first time this season. and the a's, well, you can probably guess how it all went down. oakland started john boyle on the mound against the sox and high hopes for boyle as he finished the '23 season with two wins in three starts and even striking out 15. the red sox put up one run in the 1st and two in the 2nd and followed by five more in the 3rd and boyle couldn't even finish three innings before being taken out. absolutely no run support for the righty. and to top it off the a's committed a whopping five errors. the red sox pull emed the a's 9-0. they will play again tonight at 6:40 and unfortunately a lot more going on with the a's other than just that sad defeat. and
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mainly it's what's going on with their las vegas move. still a lot of questions that people are wanting to get answers to. a's and the city of oakland they are still working out if they will extend their lease before the team makes it official in las vegas. these right here are some of the renderings of the new $1.5 billion ballpark at the site of the tropicana casino resort. the a's already made headway like hiring the same company the raiders used. they're hoping to to have the park ready for baseball by the 2028 season. as for the future of the tropicana, they have come to terms with the whole a's' move. the hotel is closing its doors for good this afternoon and it will eventually be demolished to make way for the 30,000 seat stadium. nicole? >> more immediate question, max. and until 2028, where will the a's play? oakland's lease with the coliseum ends after this season. the a's have already met officials to extend the lease. but no deal have
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been formally announced yet. another meeting is set for today. and our lauren toms is live outside the oakland coliseum. lauren, where we're already hearing there's a proposed extension. good morning to you once again. >> reporter: yeah, good morning nicole. that's right. and a's' fans are torn over the departure of the a's. finally becoming a reality. now $97 million over five years. that's the magic number that the city of oakland says the a's would need to pay in order to continue playing here at the coliseum until that new las vegas stadium is ready. but reportedly there's a three year opt out option if it's done in time. but it's a steep increase from the reported $1.5 million a year that team has been paying to play here in oakland. and an increase some fans say is just too much. >> it's pushing a little hard i think. i think they need to negotiate something that's a little more agreeable. there has to be a little give and take. i mean, there has to be
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something where we're not just left hung out to dry. >> reporter: now the team is also rumored to be in talks with salt lake city and sacramento as a temporary home for the next few seasons. as the a's await their next vegas stadium but politics are at play as well here in oakland as mayor sheng thao faces a recall vote and a significant city deficit of $360 million. that officials are trying to dampen with this agreement. but a's' fans today on the edge of their seats as they wait for answers on whether this could be the a's' last season here in oakland. >> all right. thank you lauren. we appreciate the details and it really is such a tough start for the a's' season. because you know, the future of the team is looming over these fans' head that the team is not winning. they're losing in dramatic fashion. and so something needs to turn around and i think for the fans that are there, that are still showing up and we know that they are few and far between. they need to stay in oakland. >> really do care about the team. that's one thing about
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the a's they have a special fan base that truly really loves the oakland athletics. and as we are to say the oakland athletics because we know that chapter is coming to a close. >> sure. with the tropicana coming to a close. all right, for continuing coverage on the a's and their potential move to vegas on the tropicana site, stay with us on air on our website,, and streaming on our cbs news bay area app. if you look across the country, severe storms are sweeping through affecting millions of people. this week, we are going to see it all from tornadoes to snow. jessica burch joins us now and you have that to show us this morning. >> i know such a terrible time for the eclipse to come throughout the states too because a lot of people are going to be seeing cloudy skies for a bit and a lot of people were hoping to get into the swing of spring. but it looks like for many people all throughout the u.s., they're dealing with winter still. check out this video in oklahoma. weather officials issued widespread severe
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weather warnings as baseball sized hail fell overhead. and folks all the way over in illinois saw their fair share of bad weather yesterday as well. strong winds and heavy rain whipped throughout their state. as people braced for the possibility of hail and tornadoes. now back here in the bay while they were dealing with that, the worst that we had was what? sunshine and 70s. and then we had some even better weather in the afternoon hours. gosh, yesterday was gorgeous and i will say this. the pollen count is still high and that's worth noting and i mean you can hear a little bit of the scratchiness in my voice and we're been talking about it all morning long along the team. the pollen count is high even thursday despite the fact the cold front comes in bringing in some wet weather. so take it slow out there. give yourself some extra time and of course out there doing any outdoor activities we have some rain returning into the bay area as a cold front moves its way in and on thursday, and then we start to see the showers decrease into our friday forecast. but this didn't work earlier. on futurecast like i said, today mostly sunny skies in our inland areas. we'll see some clouds along the coast and then the clouds kind of fill the bay area into our wednesday
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forecast. high clouds passing through into the evening hours. just ahead of that first band of rain that's going to bring in a series of showers for us heading into our thursday forecast. and some snow up into the sierra too. but for now we're still remaining dry. as high pressure sitting just offshore. so let's take a quick look at what's going on for us today throughout the bay. we're talking about low 60s near san francisco. upper 60s across the beautiful bay bridge that you can see just above me. all the way over into oakland. it's clear for us this morning. it's beautiful. no issues when it comes to visibility out there on the roads. as you get out there and get going, it's a beautiful day to get out there and get some exercise off in the east bay where we're close to the 80s actually near antioch. upper 70s expected today near concord and stretching all the way into san jose. where we wake up this morning we have a beautiful sunrise. very yellow and golden for the golden state. a quick look at what's happening in the next couple of days. now that cold front moves its way in. notice how those upper 70s i just talked about like antioch and san jose, drops down to the50s and in
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areas like napa and sonoma, even upper 40s for the daytime highs up in the north bay. worth noting thursday is the day to grab the jacket and umbrella and take it slow on the roads. friday we could see lingering showers but turns into partly cloudy sky and we'll see sunny skies on saturday and take a it bit but we start to warm back up in the 70s heading into early next workweek. more on the forecast coming up in a bit. for now over to you, nicole. all right, thank you, jessica. so here's a look at your traffic. there's a crash to report on eastbound 80 in berkeley before ashby avenue. two lanes are blocked and traffic is slow to the stretch of gilman road. here's a live look now at conditions over there as emergency responders help assist those involved. no reports of any injuries. and we're going to check back in if the cause is more delays to your commute. on the supercommuters over at the altamont pass. a normal hotspot tend to see each weekday with slow pockets seen here about 20-mile-per-hour speeds. you are looking at about 55 minute drive from 205 over to 680.
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women's college hoops saw some of the best players go head-to-head last night. iowa and lsu clashed in a rematch of the 2023 championship game. but in the end, it was caitlin clark who the hawkeyes who got to cut the net and move on to the final four. the future number one pick in the wnba draft had a huge night to lead her team to the win. clark almost nabbed a triple/double. 41 points, 12 assists and a casual seven rebounds for clark. she also tied a tournament record with nine made three pointers. iowa beat the defending champs 94-87 to advance to their second straight final four. paige buickers and the uconn huskies took on the trojans as well. watkins continued her historic season scoring 29 points on the night. but it wasn't enough. this one came down to the wire with buckers nailing a clutch three giving her 28 points o p the night. the huskies won it
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80-73. booking their record 23rd final four appearance. so the women's final four is set. both games tip off on friday afternoon. first up we've got south carolina facing nc state at 4:00. iowa and uconn are up next at 6:30. the winners will play for the national championship game on sunday. all right, max, well, to the men's final four. it's also set. both of those games will take place on saturday. uconn face alabama and nc state against purdue. the national championship game is set for next monday. and let's check again how our brackets are doing. you can see some of our crews' scores on the screen here. how about darrell the guru johnson, the leader on the scoreboard here. 95.7 the game. and max my guy, you are in second right now. how does this feel? this is from my old reporting days in sports. >> looks can be deceiving. >> gianna franco is up near the stop. i know how she feels and doesn't have a voice right now. so she's at home resting
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up. she is currently in third place though here on the leader board. and you can see me a few notches below. a score of 112. and our reed cowan. better luck next year. so not doing great on the leader boards. not doing great at home as he is sick as well. so oh. misery loves company down there but for you congratulations on the second spot. >> elizabeth cook wins this every single year basically. whatever she does we need to start doing. >> she duds research and you do actual research. i'm this person, this sounds good. i like the color. my brother went to this school. like -- just random. but you guys actually take the time to set the bracket. >> we do. >> it helps out and i will say and i said this a couple of weeks ago. my team, syracuse orange didn't make the tournament this year and i think that probably helped me out in the bracket challenge a little bit because i couldn't be a homer.
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>> no emotional ties. >> none. it's madness. best time of year. >> wishing you luck. >> thank you. all righty, time 6:22 on this tuesday morning. the three month winless streak for the top prize continues. the powerball jackpot, that's what we're talking about. it is still up for grabs this morning. and let's take you live outside. a beautiful view from mount diablo on this tuesday morning. little hazy out there but we know it's going to be a beautiful day and we'll talk
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no big winner from last night's powerball drawing. so that means we all have another chance to take home the $1 billion jackpot. >> love it. with a b.. the grant prize again with a b. is now under just under $1.1 billion. making it the fourth largest powerball in history. i feel like we say that all the time. stimsome small prize winners from last night. check the tickets. 19, 24, 40, 42, 56, and a powerball of 23. $1.09 billion. was that jackpot. >> okay, you said you are going to buy a ticket. >> probably will. >> i'm going to buy a ticket. are you going to do the lump sum or you going to do the installments when you win? >> i feel like you have to go for the lump sum and take the money and run. >> does anyone do installments? guess the cash award if you
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were to win the $1.09 billion. >> okay. let's do some math real quick. the math is mating in my head. taxes here. things are cut out. i'm going to say you'd walk away with -- $647,000 -- million dollars. >> you are $100 million off. actually it's $527.3 million. and then the amount drops to $400 million after a mandatory federal tax withholding of 24%. and then depending on your taxable income, it could drop again. 37%. so you are down to $332 million. >> i would happily take $332 million. >> sorry, not going to be a billionaire. just $332 million cool in your bank account. >> that's fine by me. all right, time 6:27 on this tuesday morning: it's an iconicsymbol and soon the
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right now on cbs news bay area at 6:30. look at this beautiful view from treasure island as we take a live look outside on what's going to be a gorgeous day here in the bay area. look at that bird justifying by on cue saying happy tuesday to all of you. get outside and go on a hike. maybe put the outdoor furniture out. >> bring the tissues. >> bring the tissues and all of the allergy medication. it is -- >> it's good flying weather.
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really trying to get at right? >> okay. >> because we cry so much for the beautiful views here, that's what's going on. >> the pollen and the allergens. >> this is tears of joy. >> that green film on my black car outside. that i could draw my name in because we know what swirling in the air right now. jessica. >> guys. the pollen count is so right now. we're actually as high as we can get on the pollen count for today and tomorrow and it starts to decrease on thursday and friday forecasts as a cold front moves its way in but that is what we're waking up to mostly clear conditions into the bay area. all throughout this afternoon and we're actually going to dry up and we're going to see sunny skies throughout the santa clara valley where the beautiful golden sunrise already this morning. later today our daytime highs are going to be topping off in the 70s near san jose. 70s once again off into the inland areas and near san francisco. we'll top off in the low 60s with some coastal clouds along the areas like bodega bay and half-moon bay into this afternoon. and 70s still up into wine country and let's drop that real fast and talk about the reason why we're dealing with this bon jovi average weather because high pressure is just offshore.
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keeping us dry for now but that system is going to move out soon and we're going to be left with way different conditions heading into the thursday and friday forecast with rain and cooler temperatures right around the corner. that's our big weather headlines for us as we head into this week. today and tomorrow still left with dry and mild conditions and more clouds roll in for the wednesday forecast. but seriously, thursday is the day that wed need to be looking forward to because you already saw the daytime highs today. talking about 70s in the inland areas and tomorrow heading into our thursday forecast, we'll drop down to the 50s and then upper 40s in wine country right around the corner. so it's going to feel and look a lot different for us heading out the door but let's take a step back. pollen count. we're in the medium to high category all week long. take it slow out there in the next couple of days and have the claritin ready to go. the water ready to go and you can hear the raspiness in the voices right now. more on what you can expect into early next week in just a bit. nicole? all right, let's check in on the roadways and mountain view on northbound 101 near ellis street. we have a report of a crash that occurred in the middle lane. traffic is
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currently at a stop and go for the those making the drive towards palo alto. back to the crash on eastbound 80 in berkeley before the ashby avenue exit. two lanes are blocked as you can see that stretch just reaching richmond. luckily, emergency responders are at the scene to help those that were involved in the crash. we're not seeing any reports from chp on any injuries at this time. if that is your route though leave a few minutes early. time now for a look at this morning's other top stories. the rainbow flag that flies over our san francisco castro district could soon be registered as a landmark. here's a live look at city hall in san francisco where today, supervisors will vote on whether or not to pass a new resolution to grant the flag as a historical status. fit i passes, a landmark designation report would be submitted to the historic preservation commission for consideration. gay rights activist gilbert baker created the flag in 1978 as a symbol for the lgbt community. the flag originally had eight colors but was
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simplified to six for easier reproduction. each stripe represents a value including life, spirit, and healing. it now sits at harvey milk plaza. another extremely rare case of bird flu in a human has been found in texas. the cdc and health officials say they are monitoring the situation and that the person who has it worked on a farm in the state having direct contact with a dairy cow. they tested positive last week. health officials still maintain the risk to the general public is low. since late last year, there are farms in the north bay that have dealt with avian flu outbreaks. unfortunately, it has forced them to euthanize hundreds of thousands of birds in an effort to stop this disease from spreading any further. former president donald trump posted $175 million bond in his new york civil fraud case. for six weeks, trump and his co-defendants have been clamoring to fight off any possibility of state authorities seizing his property or assets. the
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original amount was $464 million. but on march 25th, it was lowered as long as trump could come up with the new amount within ten days. iran has vowed retaliation after accusing israel of killing at least seven of their military officials including a top general. the attack happened at the iranianment complex in damascus, syria. the air strike comes as israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu faces growing pressure from israelis frustrated by his leadership to step down. nicole? it was a day the united states will remember for the rest of history. the attack on pearl harbor. now the last remaining survivor from one of the battleships that sank during the event has died. lou conter of the uss arizona passed away yesterday at his home in grass valley following congestive heart failure. our wilson walker sat down with conter back in 2016 as he was leaving for a 75th
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commemoration ceremony in hawaii. >> here's the motion picture record. >> the first bombs start -- we knew what was going on immediately. >> reporter: 95-year-old lou conter doesn't need a newsreel to know what happened at pearl harbor. >> i was the quartermaster third class on the 7th of december and uss arizona. we only lasted you know, nine minutes. >> here's the actual bombing of the mighty uss arizona. >> and we took the bomb downened the star board side forward by number two turret and went into the lower handling room and it blue up the forward magazines. >> reporter: 1,177 men died that morning on the arizona. and of the 335 survivors, only five are left. >> flying with us today. [ applause ] >> reporter: conter was given a grand sentoff to the 70th
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anniversary ceremony in hawaii but he is not traveling i loan. along with his family, he's also taking ashes of another arizona survivor. who died earlier this year at the age of 92. >> five of us left and there's -- three of us that are going to be buried on the ship with our ashes. >> reporter: and that he says, will be his tribute to the men he considers heroes. >> they call us the heroes but we're not the heroes. the heroes are the ones that gave everything, their life that day and they're still there. we came home and got married and had children and great grandchildren and we're just lucky. >> conter went on to serve in three wars flying 200 missions as a pilot and even shot down twice. also trained pilots on how to survive if they were ever shot down in enemy territory. he was 102 years old. well, today is world autism day and experts are trying to raise awareness that autism in
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young girls is often overlooked. michael george spoke with a family about their struggle to get a diagnosis. >> reporter: 16-year-old cozy says when she was in sixth grade, she struggled in school and battled anxiety. and neither she nor her mother lisa knew why. >> can be really hard to go through the struggles that make you different from a lot of other people without a reason. >> reporter: cozy was eventually diagnosed with autism. >> it really happened after three years or so of trying to figure out, you know, why some things in school were hard for her, why she was struggling. >> reporter: dr. cynthia martin is senior director of the autism center at the child mind institute and says autism is often overlooked in young girls and even misdiagnosed. >> we see higher rates of diagnoses of anxiety, or depression. and the autism really gets missed. >> reporter: dr. martin says the reasons why can vary. sometimes girls may not fit the criteria of autism. and girls tend to be better able to mask symptoms by mimicking friends'
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behaviors. but getting an accurate diagnosis can be life-changing. >> knowing that that's coming from a neurodevelopmental disorder can really help them to better understand themselves and better navigate the world and advocate for what they need. >> reporter: while autism is more common in boys, it's important for parents and clinicians to pay attention to the signs in girls. if a diagnosis is missed, a young person could miss out on the support they need or develop other behavioral problems. cozy says her diagnosis along with therapy and medication have helped. and she's encouraging other girls who are struggling to speak up. >> sometimes you can know yourself better than anyone else and you can be going through something and nobody else will know and if you don't talk about it and try to find those answers, then -- you won't. >> reporter: and finding answers can make a world of difference. >> well, e perts say if a child is struggling to understand social rules or they're having
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trouble navigating conflicts with friends, an autism evaluation may be warranted. it is 6:39 on this tuesday morning. is it creepy or can it be something revolutionary with artificial intelligence? the new technology that can actually recreate someone's voice. plus -- ♪ ♪ how about some green day to get your day started? the bay area natives getting ready to play tonight in san francisco. their concert for a good cause. but before we head to break, here's what's coming up on "cbs mornings." good morning san francisco. hey, nicole. good to see you. here's what's coming up on your favorite morning show. "cbs mornings." starting with a question. did you see caitlin clark last night? i bet lot of you did. we're going to break down her amazing performance against angel reese and lsu. as both the women's and the men's final four are now all
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set. and the tax deadline, it's fast approaching and that clock is ticking loudly. if you still haven't filed don't worry about this, jill lessing is here today. remember that shocking bbc interview with prince andrew speaking about his relationship with jeffrey epstein? a new movie all about this taking about how this interview came about. we'll talk with one of the - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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♪3, 4♪ ♪ - lift the clouds off of... ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪ ♪are you ready♪
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it's time now for the money watch report. if you are waiting on financial aid for school, you are going to have to wait even longer. there's a new problem with federal financial aid forms. the department of education found some colleges received the wrong information about families' finances. and administrators blame it on inaccurate tax data from the internal revenue service. about 1 million applicants are on hold right now. let's take a live look right now from sfo as it is travel tuesday. and there at sfo that's where a united flight from germany was supposed to land over the weekend. but a bathroom maintenance problem forced it to turn around. united says passengers were able to get on another plane and eventually get to san francisco. but this is the latest in a string of issues that united has experienced. just last month,
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engine caught fire on a flight from houston and as we all remember here in the bay area, a wheel fell off of one of their flights moments after it took off from sfo. there have been other issues with other airlines as well. so big question on lot of folks' minds, should people be worried when they fly or are we just more aware of these issues right now. >> joining us this morning is dr. shah heedy aviation safety expert and ceo of the flight safety foundation near washington, d.c. good morning to you. so aviation safety, it's really under the microscope after revelations of problems at boeing. so just how safe is it to get on a plane right now? >> well, good morning. so the boeing max 9 door plug accident which grounded the fleet has been addressed by boeing and the faa has certified its safety and the faa is actually increasing its oversight of boeing with increased inspections and audits. look, in this country, we have a very
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safe air transportation system. we have thousands of airplanes that depart and land safely every day without any issues. we have trained pilots and air traffic controllers that are doing their jobs very well. and so i think we have a very safe system and passengers should really not be worried about traveling. >> doctor, your own flight safety foundation report found that 2023 was actually one of the safest years on record but of course there were still concerns and areas for improvement. what have been some of the most troubling incidents and why? >> the main issue that we reported -- centered around quality processes. quality processes are so important whether we're talking about airline maintenance, whether we're talking about production, those processes are paramount to make sure that they're at the highest standards. and so we raise that issue and both airlines and manufacturers and the faa are now focused to make sure that those high standards are
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achieved. >> finally, doctor, as millions head off to spring break, and summer vacations, what will help improve flight safety and safety culture? is increased oversight the key here? >> certainly increased oversight by the faa is now very key. but also what airlines are doing to make sure that the standards are being met. and make sure that their staff and technicians are trained. and look, what's important now as we move forward is important to -- for passengers to make sure that they're following thecabin crew instructions and they're there for your safety. make sure that you wear your seat belt at all times. >> doctor, thank you for your expertise and insight and joining us this morning. we appreciate it. >> thank you. and staying in the skies, american airlines is making it easier to fly with pets on plane. the airline is now letting passengers bring both a pet and a regular carry-on bag or
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personal item into the cabin. before this week, pet owners could only bring a pet carrier small enough to fit under the seat. passengers still must pay a fee to bring their pets on the flight however. if you feel like your dog just kind of gets you, that may actually be true to a degree. researchers in hungary analyzed canine brain waves and found that dogs can match words to objects the same way that humans do. in the study, 18 dog owners said words for their objects -- for objects their dogs already knew and then the owners held up the matching object or different one. while an eeg measured the dog's brain activity. when the words matched the objects, the patterns of the dogs' brains diverred from when they didn't. really fascinating there and i feel like lot of us do just have that relationship with your dog. you do get each other. >> but -- didn't we already know this? dogs know. it's like treat. ball. we understand that they understand and i have a german shepherd and i spent two years with a trainer
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training this dog because he was very intimidating and i wanted to make sure he was a family dog. if you take a dog and you understand what they're capable of doing, and you help them realize their potential, it's remarkable to see how smart they are. >> it really is. and now we've got the science to prove it. [ laughter ] all right, well, ready or not, voice cloning is here. openai's new voice engine can recreate a human voice nearly perfectly from just a 15 second sample. should i say that again? yeah. second sample. every time i read this one i'm like where is the ai version of me? it can be used for translations already to help people who have lost their ability to speak. but because of potential nefarious issues and misuse, openai says voice engine is not being released to the public for now. >> i'm not ready for them to take a sample of my voice. >> it was what? a -- 15 second
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scam-ple that i said. thank you max for reminding me. i appreciate it. you know how to make a girl blush. >> a sample of voices soon enough. [ laughter ] all righty folks in southern california, we're treated to spectacle in the sky overnight. spacex successfully launched another falcon 9 rocket. the company sent close to two dozen starlink satellites from the space force station in central california. and recent storms in the sierra have brought in a decent amount of snow and jess it's time once again to get a sample, we're going to measure the snow pack this morning. absolutely. and governor newsom will go up with the california department of water resources to the phillips station this morning to actually conduct their fourth snow survey of the season. and this one, it's pretty crucial. normally this is typically the peak of that seasonal snow pack. and behind me, you can see when march's survey was done it's a little early at this time to avoid incoming storms. so the survey today
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will be done at 10:00 a.m. and let's take a look at the numbers they got from the last one. still pretty impressive up in the sierra but the storms have been sweeping in from the north to the south. the more north we went the more impressive the numbers got. the more south we went, still just a little bit above average and when it comes to southern portions of the sierra. keeping a close eye on snow park and continue toup date you after today. here's the thing, today, tomorrow, we're left with dry conditions all throughout the bay area and all throughout california but we have a cold front moving in as we head into thursday. that'sgoing the bring in more snow to the sierra. and adding to the totals they're going to take today. and we're also going get our fair share of rain here in the bay area too. for now, we're still left with dry conditions though. daytime highs today are going to reflect dry, warm conditions. we're going to be seeing sunny skies into this afternoon and it's going to feel very spring-like in a lot of ways thanks to high pressure sitting just offshore. we're currently sitting in the 40s and 50s throughout the bay area which by the way that's going to reflect our daytime highs once that cold front sweeps through. but for now, let me drop this and show you our daytime highs
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today. get out in and enjoy this fresh air this afternoon. of course the pollen count is still high. so just make sure you are taking good care of yourself but it's still a sunny day and a great opportunity to get out there and stretch the legs and take the dogs to the dog park. after work, after school. maybe take the kids to the park as well and here's what we have in about york 76 degrees for the daytime highs there. as we wake up this morning, to a beautiful sunrise down into the santa clara valley, we're also going to be seeing 70s and upper 70s throughout the bay area. into the santa clara valley, near san jose and los gatos, so lots to look forward to for our forecast today. and then lots of changes around the corner as we head into the rest of this week. let's start off with our inland areas and i'll show you the bay in just a second. from upper 70s to low 50s and upper 40s for the daytime highs on thursday. that's a big difference right around the corner. a bit for us to warm back up where we were at this week with sunny skies and low 70s as soon as next monday. a cool weekend ahead of us. keep that in mind. here's what
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it's looking like for our friends along the bay. upper 60s today and low 50s and upper 40s once again on thursday and average out in the 60s as we head into early next week with partly cloudy skies just around the corner. nicole? all right, let's take a look at the roadways. a live look going westbound on the richmond-san rafael bridge. commuters slowly moving across that stretch. as we can see eastbound drivers driving seamlessly by over on the right there. traffic continues to be sluggish to the mid span of the bridge and a last look at the roads across the bay. two major accidents we reported. berkeley and mountain view causing bumper-to-bumper traffic. we can see a bit of 680 starting to pick up between dublin and sunol. stay with us for more updates in the next hour making the way out the door. taking a look at the oakland airport, sfo says they have a big issue with the airport's potential name change to san francisco oakland bay international airport. the oakland airport says changing their name could boost more direct flights to the airport. but the leadership at sfo says
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the new name is just going to make travelers confused. >> our concern is that you might have travelers that are thinking their booking a trip to one airport and then they land they realize they're arriving at at completely different airport than they intended. >> the port of oakland is set to consider the name change next week. a longtime tradition rolled its way on to the white house lawn this week. president joe biden and first lady jill biden welcomed thousands of families to their soggy easter egg roll. this marks the 144th time the egg roll made its way back to capitol hill. president biden blew the whistle to start the race where children roll eggs through the grass using wooden spoons. >> easter reminds us of the power of hope and renewal. sacrifice and resurrection. but mainly love and grace toward one another. >> first lady jill biden also read stories to the children
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and their families during this celebration. ♪ ♪ you are listening to welcome to paradise by green day. the bay area natives will play that song and much more tonight in san francisco. their concert for a good cause after the break, we'll let green day play out.
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let's check out roadways a live look going westbound to the richmond-san rafael bridge. commuters slowly moving across that stretch. as we can seen eastbound drivers driving seamlessly by over on the right there. traffic continues to be sluggish and just towards the mid span of the bridge. and how about a last overview look at the roads across the bay? now we did report two major accidents in berkeley and mountain view causing that bumper-to-bumper traffic. and we can see a bit of 680 between dublin and sunol starting to pick up. ♪ ♪
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we are starting our morning out with some tunes from green day. tonight, the band is performing a one off benefit concert at the fillmore at san francisco. proceeds will go to the united nations human rights climate justice initiatives. tickets for the show are sold out but you will have another chance to catch green day this fall at their oracle park show on september 20th. just a fantastic band. i was telling you earlier nicole they were like the second concert at shoreline amphitheater and how cool is it? they have been rocking stages all over the world but also the country since the early '90s. >> and they're from here. i love a good bay area story. so i have a terrible memory when it comes to music. what are your favorite songs by them? >> it's so tough to pick. some of the original ones from their early albums are fantastic. when i come around i think that's always comes to mind. >> i think you should go and cover the concert tonight. just going to throw that out there.
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to any of the bosses watching. coming up at 7:00, there's a new push to reopen market street to cars in san francisco. why some businesses say it will attract more people to the area. new california bill will give employees the right to disconnect when they leave the office but it is ever fair for employers to contact you after work hours? we'll be having that discussion in our ♪ cue the trumpets as we welcome you to "cbs mornings" on this tuesday. hello to you, our viewers on the west coast. we see you. i'm gayle king. >> i'm tony dokoupil. >> i'm nate burleson. >> let's go, today's opener. it is your world in 90 seconds. deadly storms sweep the country as tens of millions face rain, wind and tornados. we are tracking where the system is heading. that four to five rain, it doesn't just m


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