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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 9am  CBS  April 2, 2024 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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i'm healthier now than i've ever been, and my doctor is thrilled. golo is so much more than weight loss, it's gonna give you your life back. from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. >> controversy across the bay. with the possible name change at oakland international airport create bad blood with sfo? the serious concerns sfo has with the idea. it is world autism day. your community station highlighting the spectrum disorder and places in the bay that you and your family can play. time for look at this morning's top stories. napa county police are investigating a shooting outside of a safeway in american canyon. three people were hurt last night and are recovering in the hospital. it happened in the safely at
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around 5:30. video at the scene shows a car with bullet holes through its window. police have brought two people in for questioning , as they try and figure out what happened. in vacaville police say a have arrested a man in connection to a stabbing at a restaurant . that incident happened just before 6:00 p.m. yesterday at l petrone mexican food , east of vacaville high. authority said two men were involved in a fight broke out which led them to one of them stabbing another. the victim stabbed was taken to a hospital and is expected to be okay. let's get you a live look at the state capitol this morning. where later today the senate's public safety committee is holding a special hearing on the safer california plan. the plan aims to curb
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the fentanyl crisis, retail theft and other crimes in california communities . those bills have recently been garnering more bipartisan support across the state. oakland assembly member buffy wicks is pushing a bill to end exlclusive contracts between venues and ticket sellers like ticketmaster. the issue was thrust into the spotlight in 2022 after taylor swift fans encountered huge problems buying tickets for her tour. she said her goal is a system where customers can buy tickets through competing companies, similar to how online travel sites operate. she says increased competition will lead to lower prices and increased accountability. some clouds hanging off the coast and sunshine on the inland areas. that is the forecast today with 70s and store throughout her afternoon.
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thursday. upper 40s and lower 50s, compare that to what we have to day and today is gorgeous. we see 70s near concord and antioch . low 70s near redwood city and we drop 10 degrees once we head over the mountains over into half moon bay. right down into the santa clara valley we go. 76 for our daytime high near san jose and we will see a similar trend near los gatos this afternoon. some may call it airport politics. the proposal to change the name of oakland airport is causing bad blood between an airport across the bay. it is over a plan to include san francisco in the east bay airports official title. we all know where oakland is, but the idea is that a typical traveler from outside of the bay area it may not. now sfo is saying, not so fast. kelsi thorud has more on this unusual clash. >> reporter: san francisco international airport officials are not happy about this
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announcement by oakland international airport , that it is looking to change its name. sfo officals say they believe if this name change goes through, it will only confuse travelers , trying to come here to the bay area. >> we certainly understand the desire to attract more airlines and more passengers, but we think there is a right way of doing it and we don't think the renaming is the right way to do it. >> reporter: a spokesperson for san francisco international airport says sfo has voiced strong concerns, directly to oakland airport officials over the proposal to change their name to san francisco bay oakland international airport. >> our concern is that you might have travelers that are thinking they are booking a trip to one airport and when they land they realize they are arriving at a completely different airport then they intended. >> reporter: last week lak
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posted this video on the social media, announcing the name change consideration. saying, it would help educate travelers on the proximity of the airport to other bay area destinations. >> we found that over half of frequent international travelers and nearly 1/3 of domestic travelers are unaware of oak's amazing location in the heart of northern california. in the san francisco bay area. >> reporter: oak officials say the name change would also help attract more direct flights to the airport. and help protect the jobs of their more than 30,000 employees. some local officials, including state senator scott wiener , say changing the airports name to include san francisco , is going to far. >> oakland is not san francisco. we have a san francisco international airport. the idea that oakland would basically cut and paste that name, san francisco international airport into its
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own name, makes no sense. it will cause huge confusion. among travelers. and it is just not fair. >> reporter: oak officials sent us the statement monday saying, "for every airport name there will be lots of differing opinions. we understand and respect that our proposed a modification is both pro-oakland and pro-jobs. we want to boost jobs and economic activity for oakland , still sfo officials say the name change would do more harm than good. >> all three bay area airports are competing for the same passengers and traffic but we want to serve our customers well. and i think that begins by accurately representing the airport that you are in , where your airport is located in the region you are serving. >> reporter: sfo officials told me forcing their concerns directly to oak is really just the first step in this and they say they are taking this name change very seriously . and
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are looking at all of their options. when it comes to voicing their opposition. to video that lit up our newsroom yesterday. one of our producers caught a group of thieves ransacking a walgreens on camera. check out this video. multiple people were stealing stuff off the shelves and walking out the front door. this happened at civic center thursday afternoon. it looks like seven people were in that group and many wearing hoods and masks . a producer who did not want his face shown shows he was left with shock. >> it took three seconds to pull my phone out and started filming and they had no care at all. it was shock and angry. i live in san francisco and you're about this stuff and you see it happening all the time. >> our team showed the video to san francisco board of supervisors matt dorsey. he lives near the store is as retail theft is a problem that could be fixed with better police staffing.
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making it official in the castro. we explain the vote today in san francisco to recognize an iconic symbol. today is world autism day. we speak with the owner of spirited play labs to learn about th
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welcome back. 9:10 on this tuesday morning. today in san francisco , supervisors will vote on whether or not to pass a new resolution to grant the flag and historical status in the castro district. if it passes, the report will be so many to the historic preservation commission for consideration. gay activist gilbert baker created the flag in 1978 as a symbol for the lgbt community. the flag originally had eight colors but simplified to six for easier reproduction. each stripe represents a value including life, spirit, and healing. and now sits at harvey milk plaza. now let's give you a live look in the south bay. san jose, santa clara county nurses are striking for the next three days . it is the first strike
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in the counties nursing history. it is happening at three hospitals. santa clara valley medical center, o'connor and st. louis's regional hospital. union members and volunteers for the registered nurses professional association of fighting for better pay, better staffing and more resources for workers. the hospitals say they will conduct emergency and essential services through the duration. let's give you a live look at the oakland coliseum. today the acer meeting with city officials to try and reach an agreement on a potential lease extension with the stadium. the team is looking to move to las vegas in 2028. the lease with the coliseum expires after this season. the organization has met with officials but no deal has been formally announced yet. it has been somewhat of a tug-of-war between the a's in the city and fans are getting caught in the middle. kenny choi talk to some of them at yesterday's game, about what terms they would like to see for the split.
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>> reporter: richard gomez drives in our have to come to each oakland a's home game. but like many fans he realizes this could be the final season at the coliseum. >> i still come to the games and cheer them on whether they are good or bad. >> reporter: the city of oakland said it will extend its lease through a five-year contract for $97 million. the a's are hoping a new stadium will be ready for the 2028 season in las vegas, but needs a place to play until then. >> i believe that the city should not back down. and if the a's don't want to work with them they need to leave. >> reporter: espn reports the a's have been offered a deal worth $17 million. some fans believe the city may be asking for too much. >> it is pushing a little hard, i think. i think they need to negotiate that is something more agreeable. >> reporter: the a's have been negotiating with sacramento at the lake city as their temporary home. fans know time is ticking for oakland, and the ownership group to come to an agreement. >> there has to be a little give-and-take. there has to be
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something where we are not just left hung out to dry. >> reporter: the mayor's office has dropped previous demands for major league baseball to keep the a's name and colors in oakland and a guarantee for an expansion team. >> we cannot sit here with no franchise, no baseball. it would be devastating to our community. >> to me it breaks my heart that what is going on. >> reporter: it is the latest that back for a fan base that just wants to see some baseball in oakland. >> the oakland mayor's office declined a request for an interview. mayor sheng thao gave us a statement that said, she is committed to doing everything in our power to keep the a's in oakland and that the proposed lease extension is reasonable and achievable. as for the future of the tropicana, the site of the future potential a's ballpark they have come to term with the move. the hotel is closing its doors for good this afternoon and eventually it will be demolished to make way for the 30,000 seat stadium. today is world autism day. a time to spread awareness around a life-changing
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condition. according to the cdc around one in every 36 kids in the united states have been diagnosed with autism. today we are reminded about why it is so important to get an accurate diagnosis . >> knowing that is coming from a neurodevelopmental disorder can really help them to better understand themselves and better navigate the world and advocate for what they need. >> ast can be found among all races, ethnicities and socioeconomic groups the latest numbers from the cdc say around 5 million adults in the united states have ast. joining us today to help us understand a bit more about this diagnosis is the owner of spirited play labs. good morning. can you tell me -- can you tell us more about your work at spirited play and break down why it is important to spread autism awareness. >> i am a speech therapist and i open it the lab two years ago and we are located in san ramon and berkeley and the spaces for families to be able to destress, having an
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autistic child can be stressful and be very isolating. the intention is for the community to come together to support not only the child but the apparent. that is done through play and build a relationship with one another. there is a lot of misconception about autism and how it looks in children and their behaviors. it is important that they have a very safe space. so they are understood and they can build positive relationships. >> what are some of the general misconceptions about autism and how do we combat them? >> some misconceptions are these children are having bad behaviors on purpose. that they need more discipline in order to change and grow. and often they are misunderstood as having no interest in building friendships or relationships. the best way to combat these things is to start to know the people in your community who may be autistic and to connect to the parents of those children and even adults. as
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you see autism can look very different in different people. it is really important to build those relationships in your community , if you know what child has autism or even an adult. and start to educate yourself about what that is like. >> thank you so much for joining us this morning. it sounds like fantastic work that you are doing for our community. we appreciate it. according to the cdc , the disorder is about four times more common among boys and often goes undiagnosed and young girls. streaming at 9:30 this morning we dive into white is happening and what experts say parents should now. it will be another sunny day today with 70s for a daytime highs heading into this afternoon. it reminds me of yesterday or the day before for easter sunday where we are were hitting the upper 70s near livermore stretching into the santa clara valley this afternoon. half moon bay sitting in the low 60s today. the pollen count is still highs
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to keep that in mind because it is a gorgeous day and you want to get out into all the outdoor activities. you want to take it slow and take good care of your lungs and continue to drink lots of water. we mostly see sunshine in the forecast today. the coastal clouds will linger into the early morning hours tomorrow and it feels the bay and we are left with cloudy skies all throughout our wednesday set up. as we gear up for a cold front swirling its way in from the north. heading into our thursday forecast. this will be bring in showers to the bay area. heavy pockets at times and a lot cooler weather to the point where we can see some snow accumulating at the peaks close to mount hamilton and especially into the sierra. that will be on thursday forecast. once a cold front moves through we are left with drier conditions heading into friday and a lights plus of showers possible heading into saturday. with an area of low pressure moving in from the north. it is bringing a lot cooler weather. let me drop this and i want to show you what the next seven days are looking like because we go from the 70s to the low 50s, upper
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40s just by thursday. there is like napa and sonoma are expected to hit 49 degrees for daytime highs heading into thursday. low 50s throughout the rest of our inland areas. after the cold front moves through we start to average out and we will see sunnier skies by saturday and slowly but surely, right back to the 70s heading into next monday. that is the inland there is a must look at the bay because we see a similar trend . all of us will be hand in hand with the low 50s just into thursday. unlike today were half moon bay and san jose are seeing a big contrast we will see similar weather that day and we average out into the upper 60s heading into early next week. coming up next, a major split just announced by microsoft as a major win
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9:22 on this tuesday morning. time for your money watch report. stock futures were down early this morning. pointed to a second day of losses to start the new quarter. let's see what the markets are right now. the dow jones index down about 1.2% or so today. as we keep moving forward, new york stock exchange down. let's move on to microsoft
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teams. and office 365 or breaking up. the tech giant will now sell its popular video and chat app separately from his office software suite. the decision comes after an antitrust investigation in europe which was triggered by a complaint from san francisco-based slack regarding unfair competition. tesla posted its first drop in sales since the pandemic. the automaker says it built 433,000 vehicles in the first three months of the year but deliver 387,000. for comparison, ceo elon musk today delivered only 480 -- over 484,000, excuse me, in the last three months of last year. tesla has responded by repeatedly cutting prices but analysts say it has not been doing enough to improve sales. google will destroy billions of data records to settle a lawsuit that accused the tech giant of tracking users even when browsing in incognito mode. that service is supposed to keep customers online activity private. google must also change incognito
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mode to allow users to block third-party cookies for the next five years. ♪ ♪ green day is making it a good day for some bay area native's. next, details on the band's concert for a good cause. what makes a medicare supplement insurance plan, like an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan from unitedhealthcare
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a good choice for people on medicare? it's smart for you to have now... i'm 65. and later on, for the future you... i'm 70-ish. it's really smart. hey, looking good. you made a great choice for us. with this type of plan, see any doctor or visit any hospital that accepts medicare patients. there are no networks. your healthcare future will have more freedom. i kept our doctor. and when i needed a specialist. no referrals needed, right? bingo. in fact, see any doctor anywhere in the u.s. really smart to have when you travel. when i visit this little cutie in arizona my plan goes with me. ahhh...grandkids. i can't wait. don't worry about surprise medical bills, either... you'll know up front about how much your care will cost. and knowing your expenses makes planning your financial future easier. i'm glad my husband and i can use our savings to do the things we want to do. i'm glad i don't have to shop for a new plan every year.
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that's right. once you enroll, your coverage is guaranteed for as long as you keep this plan. have questions? call unitedhealthcare now to talk with a licensed insurance agent or producer. they know a lot about what makes these plans smart now and really smart later. or just ask for this free guide. benefits and rates in one place so it's easy to compare options. year to year, 94% of members renew their plan. and medicare supplement plans with the aarp name are the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp... meeting the high standards of service and quality. so give unitedhealthcare a call today. and set yourself and your future self up with an aarp medicare supplement plan from unitedhealthcare. [dogs bark] winnie! look at you! thanks again for looking out for me. hey, we're in this together. an aarp medicare supplement plan from unitedhealthcare. smart now, really smart later.
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♪ ♪ some tunes from green day this morning. tonight the band is performing a one-off benefit concert at the fillmore in san francisco. proceeds from the concert will go to united nations human rights climate justice initiatives. tickets for the show are sold out but if you miss them you have another chance to catch them this fall at the oracle park show on september 20th. that is it for the news at 9:00. coming up next is the drew barrymore show. an actor joins the show. from our local headlines includ g whether join - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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