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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  April 2, 2024 3:00pm-3:30pm PDT

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>> thank you for joining us this afternoon. i'm elizabeth cook. in the age of the smart phone, it is harder than ever
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to keep work confined to those certain workhours. nights, weekends, it seems like we are always on call. enter the right to disconnect. it essentially says we need to spell out exactly when workers can be reached, when they're not on the clock. today, we are hearing from the san francisco lawmaker who is behind the bill and a group that is not so convinced it is such a great idea. we will have both sides in a few minutes but first, here is a look at today's news
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headlines. thousands of county workers in santa clara county are on the picket lines for a three-day strike. this is video from st. louis regional hospital in gilroy. the county says many elective surgeries and appointments have already been rescheduled but all emergency and critical services are still open at the system's three hospitals and more than a dozen primary care clinics. they say they bought -- brought nearly 1000 nurses to keep essential services running during the strike. >> unfortunately, we have now had to take money and put it toward this essential coverage and that is money that we then don't have as a system. >> nurses are protesting working conditions and staffing issues. the last contract expired back in october. the county says it does offer a competitive salary. the a's say they're still nowhere near the deal to keep the team in oakland a little
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longer. they met with city officials today in an effort to extend their lease of the coliseum. oakland officials offered the team a five-year lease worth $97 million but according to espn, the a's countered with a two year deal worth $17 million. we spoke to some fans who had some mixed emotions about the team. >> the city should not back down. if the a's don't want to work with them, they need to leave. >> we can't just sit here with no franchise and no baseball. it would be devastating to our community. >> the team is still planning to move to vegas but that is not until the 2028 season. the new stadium won't be ready until then so they need a place to play in the meantime. the a's have also been looking at sacramento and salt lake city as possible interim ballparks. in it napa county, police have arrested two suspects following a shooting in a safeway parking lot in american canyon yesterday. 18-year-old christian evans from vallejo and a juvenile were both taken in for multiple charges including attempted murder.
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authorities say three people were injured and are still in the hospital. police say the gunfire broke out after some sort of altercation there. some good news in the sierra nevada. final snow survey of the season shows the snowpack is at above average. governor gavin newsom joined the department of water resources for today's survey at phillips station. they found the snowpack at 113% of average for this location. the snowpack, as you know, is a key indicator for our future water supply. april survey is critical for water managers and is considered the peak snowpack for the season. let's get a check of our weather now. here is a live look outside downtown san jose. look at those blue skies. heaven, right? meteorologist jessica burch is tracking some changes on the way. >> it will be another sunny day for us today with 70s for our daytime highs heading into this afternoon. it reminds me of yesterday or the day before for easter sunday where we are heading the upper 70s near livermore, stretching into the santa clara valley. a lot
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cooler along the coast. half moon bay in the low 60s and speaking of low 60s, that is the case for our friends near san francisco. the pollen count is still high so keep that in mind because it is a gorgeous day and you will want to get out there and do all of the outdoor activities but you also will take it slow and take care of your lungs too. drink lots of water on a day like today. we are mostly seeing sunshine today with coastal clouds lingering around into the early morning hours. then, we are left with cloudy skies all throughout our wednesday set up as we gear up for a cold front moving in from the north, heading into our thursday forecast. this will bring in a series of showers here in the bay area. a lot cooler weather, to the point where we could see some snow accumulating at the peaks close to mt. hamilton and especially up into the sierra too. that will be our thursday forecast. once that cold front moves through, drier conditions heading into friday and a light splash of showers heading into saturday. that area of low pressure moving in
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from the north. it is bringing in a lot cooler weather. let me drop this. i want to show you what the next seven days are looking like. we go from the 70s to the low 50s, upper 40s just by thursday. areas like napa and sonoma are expected to hit 49 degrees for daytime highs heading into thursday. low 50s throughout the rest of our inland areas. after that cold front moves through, we will see sunnier skies by saturday and slowly but surely, right back to the 70s heading into next monday. that is our inland areas. let's take a quick look at the bay. all of us will be hand-in-hand with those low 50s into thursday. on my today, half moon bay and san jose seeing a big contrast, we will all see similar patterns. if you have ever wanted to ignore a call or a text from your boss when you're not on the clock, a new bill in california could pretty much
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guarantee that you have the right to do that. anne makovec has more on how this new plan would work. >> it is called the right to disconnect when you leave the office. it is meant to address what has been called availability creek. that increased with remote work. the bill would require employers in california to lay out exactly what a person's working hours are and make sure they are not required to respond to any work related communications outside of those hours. it would apply to both public and private employers. the law, giving workers the right to ignore calls and messages from their boss until they are back on the clock. there would be exceptions for emergencies or scheduling purposes and a boss that does not comply is subject to a $100 fine, increasing with multiple violations. >> every single person deserves some amount of time where they could just be with their family, when they are not expected to respond and this would help to create that clarity. >> that is the congressman who introduce the bill. some people like having flexible hours and
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this is not meant to put them or their employers in a box. workers could still be on call or work long hours but the lines would be drawn. >> now your employee or employer says these are the times when you can disconnect, rest, you're not supposed to be available for work and we understand that. you can assert that right and know that you are protected. >> this would not apply to
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our conversation continues on the proposed law that would create a clear framework for when employees can be contacted during off hours. some workers world for the new manager but it is getting some pushback. today, i spoke to ashley hoffman from the california chamber of commerce, who opposes this bill. >> we have a lot of concerns about the bill, which i do understand, is a bit of a framework right now. our belief is that california has very strong labor laws that already deter employers from requiring workers to work outside of their scheduled hours, whether that be over time, reporting
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time, what have you, and especially for salaried workers. the reason that they do have to meet certain exemptions and receive a certain salary or higher is because sometimes they may be required to be available at different times or they can structure their day as they please. we feel like the laws that california already has already speak to this issue. >> other countries, particularly in europe, have passed similar laws. why do you think we don't need those, especially with this emphasis on worker mental health, especially after the pandemic? people are appreciating the more flexible work hours. sometimes you can work from home some days. why don't you think this would go in line with that?
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>> as far as the other countries go, i think that california has laws in place already to address these issues. it is interesting that you bring up, for example, how work changed during the pandemic and mental health. if i am an employer, i would be hesitant to even send out an email, even if i am not expecting a worker to respond to it. maybe i am waiting to send things until 9:00 a.m. i think i actually would probably prefer to receive some of those emails may be the night before. i can decide if i want to read them or not, rather than waking up to a rash of emails i 9:00 a.m., all that needs to be accomplished. as far as the flexibility goes, the bill requires you to determine strict working schedule for every employee so i think that could end up backfiring and undermines the flexibility that employees are enjoying. >> it is difficult to live in san francisco. it is expensive. there is a lot of factors that make it harder for a lot of
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different workers to want to be here. is there a concern that not giving this work/life balance incentive would deter people from wanting to come here to work? >> i think we are quite balanced . it does look different for everyone. that is something that employers have taken to heart, especially in light of the pandemic, a growing number of people who are wanting to do a hybrid schedule or flex work. we prefer to leave some of that up to the worker and the employer. when we impose too many mandates and we tried this one-size-fits-all approach, sometimes it can end up backfiring or maybe it is not allowing for the flexibility that we want. if an employer is at risk of litigation or being sued if they violate any
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technical provision of the bill, they may want to scale back on some of that and the flexibility they are offering. that is often times where we have issues with these one size fits all mandates. we will have much more on the push for a better work/life balance. a bay area professor weighs in on the pros and cons of this proposal.
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make it illegal for your boss to bother you after hours. the proposal was introduced by state assembly member matt haney and it would give
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employees the right to disconnect when they leave the office. they can make more calls, -- ignore emails, calls, and texts. joining me now is amira barger. thank you so much for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> what you think of this proposed bill. it is obvious how it benefits the employees but doesn't also benefit the
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employer? >> absolutely. we are ability to disconnect from work due to various reasons, whether you are a journalist or in crisis communications or intech that the last four years, we have seen this advent of being always on of do more, work more, put in more hours and this has been something that i believe is a diversity, equity & inclusion issue, an area of concern that we have to prioritize. the right to disconnect, it ensures equitable access to clear
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expectations and to work/life harmony that promotes well-being and career advancement for everyone in the workplace. >> i want to talk more about that hustle culture. the longer you work, the more hours you put in, the more available you are, the more likely you will be eligible for climbing the corporate ladder, making more money but does this bill turn all of that on its head? maybe that is not the most important thing about somebody work life balance? >> we are definitely in an age where we as employers and employees are having a conversation about a different kind of value proposition when it comes to work which does
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turn the hustle culture that we have become so accustomed to on its head. today, employees are the most valued stakeholder, they are not diverse the fires of partners or consumers. there are six stage in 10 employees that say that they will stay or leave their organization based on alignment of values. employees are not only affecting the workplace based on compensation and title or geography or hybrid work schedules, but they are prioritizing cultural and organizational values. i firmly believe that every california employer's take on this bill is crucial because 40% of the same employees say that they would quit their job if they do not agree with their employers stance on key issues like the right to disconnect. >> there will be a lot of employers who will be watching this segment, looking at this bill and thinking, enough is enough . i am already letting you work from home and now, i can't even call you or text you or email you if i need to have a quick question about
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something? what do you say to those people who might be saying, this will hurt my bottom line if there are all these limitations with how i interact with my employees? >> every study says otherwise. prioritizing mental health, well-being increases innovation, productivity and efficiency and policies like right to disconnect signal the potential and current employees that the company values their well-being and respects their personal boundaries, leading to higher retention rates and more inclusive workforce which helps our bottom lines overall. every study will back that up. >> amira barger, thank you for joining us. a restaurant is creating quite the buzz if you are brave enough to try it. we will show you this new hot spot where insects are swarming the menu. you can watch us anytime, anywhere on our streaming service, cbs news bay area . catch all of our live newscasts plus news and weather updates throughout the day. find us on the free cbs news app or pluto tv.
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some clouds hanging off the coast and sunshine into our inland areas. 70s and store throughout the afternoon. daytime highs in the inland areas too. once we head into wednesday, we see clouds up ahead of a cold front that will move in heading into thursday. this cold front is interesting. it will bring temperatures down to the upper 40s and lower 50s for our daytime highs. by thursday, it brings in a series
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of showers and such cool temperatures in the higher elevated areas that we might even see a little splash of snow . it will be snowing in the sierra too from this same storm system. the good news is, once that system moves through, we see rain on thursday and then it starts to clear up with drier conditions to clear up the weekend. daytime highs will look a lot different into thursday. upper 30s and lower -- 40s and lower 50s. 70s once again today near concord and antioch . low 70s near redwood city. we drop 10 degrees once we head over the mountains into half moon bay and then over into the santa clara valley we go, 76 for our daytime high. a similar trend near los gatos into the afternoon. it is a site not seen very often. a team of vets in washington giving a polar bear of physical. this 3-year-old polar bear recently got checked out from nose to tail at a zoo
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in tacoma. like humans, she underwent a blood, urine, and heart test but also got her ears clean. the exam required a team of six veterinary staff to turn the bear over due to her size. that is amazing. do you consider yourself an adventurous eater? well, let this be the true test if that is the case. if it is not creepy and crawley, you won't find it on the menu here at a new restaurant across the pond at youngblood in london. courses of crickets showcase international cuisines. >> we've got mexican dishes. we've got tacos. we've got italian stuff. we just put a new cricket lasagna on the menu today. >> i don't know if i can do it. the bugs are packed full of protein and there is a perk for the climate as well. >> the insects are one of the most sustainable proteins and our crickets use 15 times less carbon compared to beef.
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>> we are popping crickets in our mouth like little snacks. >> it is the crunch for me. that is a little too much. >> when compared to beef, experts say crickets have tripled the protein and 21 times more calcium. just tell yourself they're not crickets, though. the cbs evening news is next on kpix and local news continues on our streaming service, cbs news bay area . >> norah: tonight, tornado threat. the powerful spring storm bringing flash floods and strong winds with the danger and continuing late into the night. as cleanup begins after twisters touched down in the midwest. >> i was praying so hard that the lord would save me and my house. >> norah: the "cbs evening news" starts now. ♪ ♪ good evening. i'm norah o'donnell, and thank you for being with us.


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