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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  April 2, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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county where thousands of nurses walked off the job today. >> the nurses say they desperately need more help to protect their own safety and the safety of patients. the hospitals impacted her valley medical center in san jose o'connor hospital, also san jose and saint louiegnal hospital in gilroy. katie nielsen is live in san jose where nurses were walking the picket line today. >> reporter: this is the first time in the almost 50 year history that nurses have gone on strike. something they say is a sign of how bad conditions have gotten. for mac josh is one of 3700 nurses on strike. he works at valley medical center is a progressive care unit nurse which is a step down from the icu. >> they were really focused on the community and that is what resonated with me. for mckee
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started his career straight out of nursing school nine years ago and worked there through the pandemic which he said took a toll on everyone. >> it is like a switch went off. pandemic is done let's go back to how things were. no, things have changed. >> the professional association represents nurses at santa clara county and said members are striking because of a lack of staffing and high patient to nurse ratio as well as for pay raises which they say will close the salary gap between county nurses and those at private hospitals. >> we made repeated effort to get it back to the table so we can reach a fair and sustainable contract. >> reporter: they held a conference earlier in the day addressing the strike. thing nurses have gotten between 30 and 42% pay increase since 2002. >> we are facing a $250 million deficit. we need a contract
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that is fair and sustainable for nurses and for all of the other dedicated public employees . providing critical services that county residents rely on. >> the county brought in almost 1000 purposes to keep services running. many elective surgeries and nonemergency appointments were rescheduled. >> hospitals and clinics remain open. we are continuing to provide all emergent and critical services. they are also looking out for the best interest of the patients. >> it's not just for show. it is also about when you come in as the patient. you can get the best care possible. >> especially if they feel
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like that county is not being reasonable in negotiations. >> reporter: they are one of only three level i trauma centers in the entire area along with stanford and sf general. >> workers held a two-day strike. they also expressed concern about the future of the hospital hit by job cuts and other service cuts. >> police might have your stuff . four people accused of burglaries that multiple businesses. they stole almost half $1 million in property. they connected them to the others. this is some of what they found including several guitars and other musical equipment. there is also a
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loaded semi automatic pistol. 2000 rounds of ammo and illegal drugs. asked for legal items, police are hoping to reunite them with rightful owners. >> please come forward to detectives. >> teenagers are now in custody including attempted murder. that shooting happened yesterday afternoon leaving victims hospitalized. no bystanders or officers were hurt. >> mail theft is on the rise.
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these have been exploiting an outdated system to steal from unsuspecting the dems. >> they were looking for checks and debit cards. why this is the problem 25 years in the making. by the postal service hopes to solve it. >> now taking place over the a's future took place today. and allows them to play at the coliseum. they were loyal fans about what they are hoping for. >> reporter: richard george drives an hour and a half to come to each game. he realizes it could be the final season. oakland said they will extend
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their lease through a five-year contract for $97 million. the a's are hoping a new stadium will be ready for the 2028 season but needs a place to play until then. >> the city should not back down. >> they offered a two-year deal worth 17 million. >> the a's have been negotiating as a temporary home. fans know time is ticking and the ownership group to come to an agreement. >> we are not just left hung out to dry. >> it is a guarantee from expansion team. >> i can't sit here with no franchise and no base all.
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>> the mayor released a statement saying the city made a fair offer. the hotel closed its doors for the final time today after welcoming guests for 67 years. another gorgeous day across the area. >> it felt like's ring. you didn't need all the gear. >> you will have to find that cold-weather gear.
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>> you can't do it without the perspective of the day. the view behind me, one better than that. pick out your part of the bay. look what happens when we checked the numbers down south. numbers have climbed up into the 70s. let's get to the forecast imagery. let's put perspective on it. you can see that system in the golf. there is rain with it. we need to talk about rain. scattered showers from that system. you can see the starting gate is thursday. in the forecast you can time that out. the rain is not the bigger impact from the system. it is what is going to happen to the temperatures. from the
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low and mid 70s, this pool of cold air is about to spill out of the golf and engulf northern california. if you look at the records, the one in the mid to upper levels will break the record for the coldest air mass coming our way. we will have to go back down to the upper 50s. it will be cold enough that the mornings will stand out . friday and saturday we will see some go to the upper 30s. i will go into detail, coming up. a live look now at the state capitol . lawmakers deciding on a bill that could impact when you are on or off the clock. the right to disconnect bill would give workers across the state the right to ignore texts, calls and emails from their boss after work hours with some exceptions. bosses who break the law up to 3 times could
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see fines up to $100. countries like canada, belgium and france already implemented similar legislation. >> many people have no time at all to disconnect the rest. they are expected to respond to email and texts 24 hours per day, even when they are at dinner with their family or other kids birth day. >> how that proposal would work and why it is already receiving pushback. operation costs would soon cost a lot more than bringing in. them ballooning up to $300 million. as that system has seen less than half of its passengers come back.
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humanitarian aid workers killed in gaza during an airstrike. the response from world central kitchen founder. it has been a recipe for disaster. visitors are forced to make other plans. governor newsom on hand for the last snowpacked survey of the season. what it is revealing. >> reporter:
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trying to figure out what this was. it turned out to be debris from a spacex rocket that launched monday night .
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spacex launched a similar mission less than two weeks ago. >> the south bound lane is still closed after last weekend storm centerpiece of the road into the sea. people are still being told not to come. >> business levels were quite low. >> it is restoring public access. the levels would be quite low. some businesses may elect to close. california is seeing an unusually average snow season. the latest survey proves that. governor newsom even joined officials of the track to philip station.
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we are in double the snowpacked. that is thanks to the storms we have been seeing. is the most important survey of the year. >> showing those results. 64 inches of snow depth which is about 27.5 inches of content. >> bone dry october. >> the storms slamming the sierra turned the year around, bringing it to 113% of the snowpacked. it requires a new approach. >> that detailed in the final version of the water plan
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update. the focus will be on climate resiliency. the key is doing the work at the watershed scale. >> i asked governor newsom what the results mean for the drought. >> projects are part of the plan to combat climate change. it will take more than one solution to store the water. b and allows us all to breathe easier. as we check in with their impact, we think there is so
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much snow. it is pretty much average. >> what is weird is what you just said. we rarely ever do average. >> the climate is recognized. swinging from one extreme to the other. about 105%, we are right on the mark where we should be. we thought it was a big year. see what is set up. close to another foot. let's get a closer look. this will start late tomorrow. i merrily it is snow that will fall thursday and friday. this storm will have major impacts for people that may not be ready.
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>> perhaps eight or nine inches for some of the high elevations. that is the snow side. notice how the totals were not huge but the snow level was low . it is a cold system and doesn't have a lot of moisture. if we go to the wide view and find the system up here, we bring this forward . we have looked at this is a preview. the main thing is that southerly direction. straight out of the north and straight to the south. it is a great transporter of cold air. before we get into the nitty-gritty details, let's look at what i think would be the bigger impact. we are looking at the high temperatures today. a lot of mid-70s. these numbers are thursday's daytime high. everybody is doing mid to upper 50s. this is thursday. we look
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at friday morning coming up in the next half hour. there will be several numbers for the inland valley. especially in the north bay and inland east bay. friday and saturday, upper 30s. that is the bigger impact. we haven't gotten that cold in a while and a lot of people think we are past this. this is out of the ordinary. some of these numbers will likely break records. rain obviously is important. the leading edge of showers will start thursday. this is almost right out of the gate, scattered showers. we are not really going to get one of those cold fronts. instead, from thursday into friday, we
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are in an unsettled pattern with occasional showers. some of these come in the form of thunderstorms. that gets us into friday morning early. got a perhaps as low as 3000 feet. there wouldn't be big accumulations. the scattered showers will continue going into friday afternoon and this will turn off. we will be done with the rain. >> the potential that some of these could come in the form of an isolated thunderstorm. that becomes a more noticeable impact if you should happen to get one of those. we got
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thursday and friday system here. saturday we are done. saturday you don't have to worry about rain. totally separate system. a few light showers on sunday. we will warm up again. we will be back into spring by the middle of next week. up next, outrage over the is really airstrike that killed seven aid workers. what we are learning about the attack and how israel is responding. this is a tragedy that should never have occurred. after a previous attempt was blocked by the neighbors, and entertainment venue announced plans to expand once again.
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taking a live look at the white house, joe biden is meeting with muslim leaders as the administration is facing outrage over the handling of the conflict in gaza. that meeting comes on the heels of an israeli airstrike that killed seven aid workers. they were delivering food with the world central kitchen. natalie brand has the latest. >> it is hours after bringing a new shipment. it has now suspended its work in the war-torn region. may have unintentionally hit innocent people. one victim is
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identified as the australian. the prime minister is demanding accountability. >> this tragedy should never have occurred and is completely unacceptable. >> the need to stop the indiscriminate killing and stop using food as a weapon. they said they had coordinated movements with the israeli military. the charity to makeshift peer shipping hundreds of tons of food into the gaza strip as the un once a famine. >> antony blinken addressed that strike. >> it is the best when the going gets tough. they have to be protected. >> then will do everything to
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ensure it does not happen again. >> they are vowing revenge as it accuses israel of bombing the embassy complex. it killed at least seven officials , including a top general. muslims are being targeted with more hate than ever before. it received more than 8000 complaints of bias last year. it attributes the jump to the hamas war. >> the postal service is aware of the vulnerability giving
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criminals easy access to your mail. how they are finally cracking down on the problem that led to a surgeon theft. an extraordinary request from united airlines to pilots. some restaurant employees that got a terrible surprise when they showed up to work , wh
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right now, by the administration unveiling a push to better protect railroad employees and every community that a freight train passes. plans for a big expansion at the mountain winery. details of the development. communities are dealing with the growing problem of mail theft. sword 327% since 2018. >> it is something postal services have known about for decades. >> what we did do was any piece of mail we got we returned .


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