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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 530pm  CBS  April 2, 2024 5:30pm-6:00pm PDT

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right now, by the administration unveiling a push to better protect railroad employees and every community that a freight train passes. plans for a big expansion at the mountain winery. details of the development. communities are dealing with the growing problem of mail theft. sword 327% since 2018. >> it is something postal services have known about for decades. >> what we did do was any piece of mail we got we returned .
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>> i received a phone call from a detective and he said you are the victim of identity theft. someone is stealing your mail. >> i was actually taking the mail out of the boxes. they were looking for checks and debit cards and lines of credit to get people's information. >> i know they would have emptied my bank account. >> police arrested the crew after they targeted 2200 addresses. investigators also recovered replicas of postal arrow keys. that is in a given area. >> we found countless examples of thieves using them to unlock mailboxes and steal what they want. >> the professor and research group tracked the crime on the
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dark web and other platforms. they buy and sell stolen keys. >> it depends on the zip code in the volume. >> another way criminals get the key is targeting the carriers that use them. >> incidents quadruple old over a five-year period. robberies are not the only problem. thousands of pages of agency documents and found the postal service lost track of countless keys. there is no national inventory in the postal service doesn't know how many exist or how money in circulation or how many are missing stolen or broken. >> it didn't surprise me. it
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is concerning. >> it was 90% of those site. >> the keys are critical to the mail security. >> it is reported to the supervisor of that facility and to the postal inspection service. >> it is not happening in every case. the first mention of the vulnerability that we found goes back 25 years. >> there were 245,000 delivery routes across the country.
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approximately 140,000 of these boxes . this is not an overnight change. >> more than 15,000 mailboxes without it's like this since last year. >> it leaves millions of mailboxes without the up grade. >> someone needs to get the system on a path for 2024. >> pointing to a reduction in complaints in the last five months. here are some things you can do. drop your mail inside of postal facility. if you need to use a box, wait until just before pickup. hold packages at the post office if you won't be home to receive
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them. check your bank statement and credit report. you should also contact the police department and postal inspection service. for more information we have a link on our website. baltimore will open a temporary passage to get ships past the wreckage left behind from the bridge collapse. crews have been working day and night to remove steel and concrete to open up more channels for ships stuck import. and to reach the bodies of the construction workers. there is still a lot of work ahead. a law aims to protect employees in every community that a freight train passes through. it requires at least two workers on every train. secretary pete buttigieg said last year seven workers were killed while on duty and nearly 4 dozen suffered major injuries. for years, lobbyists
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have been successful in pushing back on the two worker rule. >> rails are safer today than yesterday. when trains are approaching three miles relying on one crew member is a recipe for disaster. >> the two worker rule is a step toward broader regulations, including the railway safety act that was first introduced after the east palestine ohio derailment but was stalled by the railroad lobby and other allies in congress . united is expected to face an airplane shortage that will force the company to ask pilots to take time off without pay. united expects to receive 102 planes from boeing as there is an investigation of safety related incidents with jet planes, including a door plug going out ir united is asking pilots to volunteer for unpaid leave in may. they may
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extend that request through the summer. tesla stock plunge 5% after they reported the first annual drop in sales. deliveries of vehicles were down. that was far below expectations. tesla attributed that decline to problems getting parts from china to europe. >> plans for new development. the venue at saratoga. then featuring 255 homes along the boutique hotel. blocked after community members expressed concerns about increased traffic. especially on the evacuation route. mountain winery's owner said the new plans addresses the concern. fast food workers arrive at work to only find they don't
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have jobs anymore. why they thought they were at the butt of a bad joke. >> we had noticed no notice and no warning. carmakers are unveiling more electric models than ever.
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workers at fosters free say they received no warning that the place was shutting down. when they showed up yesterday, the owner was handing out final paychecks. some employees have a thought it was a joke.
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>> we had no notice and no warning. >> we got a text that we were shutting down and i thought it was an april fools joke. i wish there had at least been a notice. >> the owner sent this statement saying i couldn't survive the mandated wage increases. the last thing i wanted was to close. he said he waited because he did not want to ruin their easter. tickets for the outside land festival will go on sale. a three-day wristband will cost $425 plus fees. prices go up to $4900. the lineup hasn't even been released yet.
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green day returns for a special performance. >> it is one night only at the legendary fillmore. proceeds will go to the united nations human rights climate johnston's mission. >> that will return this fall that oracle park. coming to the giants clubhouse, what is the smell came out another monumental task, knock off one of the hottest teams to keep hopes alive. see how one restaurant is
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serving a
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it doesn't bring in that white stead study lane. we go headlong into that system. it will go throughout the day. here we are looking at friday. friday is the same story. friday morning is when we get those low temperatures down into the low 40s. mid and upper 30s for the inland. friday morning is when we will get a dusting of snow. we might even get flurries as low as highway 17. friday morning , you could have a flurry or two. the rainfall is not the headline. it is more the cold air and unsettled weather. the rain is a big deal. you can
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see that during the seven-day. there is another system that is much weaker. still a chance for light showers. we finally warm up again. we're gonna dive into the right to disconnect bill. than a potential impact on business. how a nonprofit is helping some of our neighbors get enrolled in healthcare, even when they don't realize they are eligible. it seems nearly impossible to find affordable housing in san francisco. the service connecting those that need a place to live with those that have space. we have a look at sports. >> we have the mbr top. the worriers are back home ay
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the mavericks. they are keeping their bags packed with the lone star state on the mind. basement easter sunday at san antonio. dental is balcom the them back to the lone star state on thursday. been up the road friday. the mavericks come to town with a seven game winning streak. everything is going their way. even this long-range shot from the other night. he is leading the nba at 34 points per game . the worriers had a two-game lead for that final spot in the last and are 1.5 behind the lakers. in baseball, moving
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pictures on the late show. la took the opener 8-3. >> help is indeed on the way. blake snell is expected to make his giants debut on monday a home. he has been ramping up after signing so late into spring training . nick avalos made his debut last night. he has a cool story to tell his friends. he blew away a fastball for his first career strikeout. caitlin clark had to cut down the net last night after leading the hawkeyes to the second final 4. been a rematch of last year's title game. it won't get any
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easier. iowa will now face connecticut friday night. >> there was a personal agenda against lsu. there's nothing personal between me and her. i think she's the best player. she is the best player of all time. >> even when they are unreachable. forget that she is an amazing score. she is leading the tournament and assist. last night's game was the most-watched women's college game of all time.
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breaking news. >> in the last few minutes, magnitudes 7.3 earthquake striking up the east coast of taiwan . tsunami warnings have been issued. >> we are waiting on word mb extent of the damage and injuries. we will bring you details as they come in. automakers planning to crank out more electric vehicles based the roadblock. the new trend emerging. - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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a major effort to put more electric cars on the road is slowing down. >> another type of eco-friendly vehicle is grabbing the pole position. >> electric cars are once again centerstage at the international auto show. the kia ev nine took on the world car of the year award. there even the track where people can go for a ride. two years ago, several automakers promised to transition to electric. at first the public responded in sales jumped 83%. last year
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that number cooled to 51%. that has many scaling back production plans. >> they bought their vehicles and now the next phase is moving to the mass-market. when you look at the mass-market, there are more questions. >> they may hit a speed bump but hybrid sales are accelerating. hyundai unveiled the new tucson that comes in a hybrid model and for to seeing success with the hybrid maverick pick up. they are now grabbing a bigger share of the market. >> she showed us that hybrid previous named car of the year. >> we are not at the future yet. if you need to take that
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road trip, you can just use the stations like always. that is it for the news that 5:00. we begin with breaking news. a powerful earthquake just hit the eastern coast. we are just seeing initial reports. equate dust prompted a tsunami warning from taiwan, china and japan. let's start with the details. a 7.4 struck off eastern taiwan a short time ago which is wednesday morning local time. it appears to show collapsed buildings. report showed buildings in the eastern city shaken off their foundations. it could also be felt in taipei. we will keep
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you updated throughout the evening. we will bring you video new reports as soon as we can. protecting like you are feeling always on the clock. >> it should be optional. an employee should have the opportunity to choose . how a lawmaker is trying to write that into law. >> the problem is the murkiness and gray area. >> thousands of nurses walk off the job. the impact on service and the potential long-term ramifications. >> we are facing a $250 million deficit


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