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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 6am  CBS  April 3, 2024 6:00am-7:00am PDT

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kind of boring. moving to boca? boooring. that was a dolphin, right? it's simple really, for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has had one goal: to be brilliantly boring with your money so you can be happily fulfilled with your life... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it. thank you, boring. and we thank you for joining us this morning. it's wednesday, hump day. april 3rd. >> let's get started. >> we were in shock, you know. and just because the scare of the earthquake is tremendous. >> my mom was so scared. my mom was even crying. and then -- i told her to hide under the table. >> taiwanese americans worried about their loved ones overseas. this morning, a look
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at the devastation on the ground after the strongest earthquake in more than two decades rocks taiwan. much more foot traffic on -- embarcadero corridor. and especially in spring season and summer. we can see that it's happening. thankfully. yeah. it's coming back. >> you can call it a bay area bounce-back. the upswing in tourism for san francisco. and from the coliseum to the capital? could sacramento be the temporary home for the a's after this year? ♪ ♪ some tough choices ahead if you are going to bottlerock next month. the set times are out for one of the most exciting music festivals in the country. there's a lot to go over today. we've got a's moves and good music news and some fun stories as well. but we have serious stuff as well. good morning, thank you for joining us. i'm max darrow and reed and gianna are off today. >> i know so great to see you again, max. we appreciate you coming in on your off day to
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co-anchor with me. i'm nicole zaloumis, a live look outside on this bend morning. now we are tracking storms later this week. but as max said we have to start overseas because we're keeping a close eye on a developing story in taiwan. a huge 7.4 earthquake struck off the east coast of the country overnight. shocking video shows just how violent that shaking was. it's confirmed nine people have died and at least 930 more are injured. and the quake was felt throughout the island causing dozens of buildings to collapse. the chaotic situation continues this morning. people are trapped under failed structures and debris and this is what it looks like outside of one of those buildings. the entire first floor collapsed. leaving the rest of the structure leaning towards the street there. and keep in mind, this is the strongest earthquake to hit the country in nearly three decades. >> just really starting to look at the devastation and what you are looking at is a warehouse that was reduced to rubble as a result of the quake. and we also need to remember there
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were dozens of aftershocks in the hours after the original quake that likely caused even more damage in the area. inside homes, walls shook and items toppled from tables and shelves on to the ground during the initial shake and during the aftershocks as well. this video you are looking at comes from a home just a few miles away from the quake's epicenter. >> [ spea king in a global language ] >> just watching that video you can practically feel the violence of this shake. one woman was anchoring a live show in taiwan when it struck and even though things were crashing all around her in the studio, she managed to speak relatively calmly throughout the entirety of the quake. we can get a petter look at how chaotic things were from inside that station's newsroom. checkout the ceiling lights. violently swinging back and forth as the ground shook
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below. this morning, we know more than 800 people are hurt and fire crews have been working tirelessly to rescue people trapped from the fallen buildings and tunnels. >> experts expect more aftershocks to hit the mountainous island over the next few days. so far, we've seen more than 70 and some of those reaching a higher than 6 magnitude. all the shaking even triggered this landslide here which people saw from a moving train. one fire department says landslides completely blocked off a major highway. and this was the moment when a lake started shaking. the quake had people on high alert for tsunamis, several small waves hit parts of southern japan and the philippines advised people in several coastal areas to move inland or evacuate to higher ground. but warnings were eventually lifted or downgraded to advisories. cal oes says there's no threat of a tsunami on the west coast. >> our meteorologist jessica burch this morning. you are familiar with the taiwan area.
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you can talk quake details. can you give us some more specifics here? >> absolutely. so let's talk about this earthquake on the east coast of taiwan and a city named hualien just to the south of it that's where the epicenter for the earthquake happened in the early morning hours of their wednesday. now there were numerous aftershocks felt throughout that region including the capital city of taipei. capital city taipei which is just about 80 miles north of hualien. most of the footage actually coming out of taiwan that you are going to see today and tomorrow is from the heavier populated areas like taipei which is worth noting that only about 4% of the population actually lives along this eastern coastline where the 7.4 magnitude earthquake happened. one similarity this region has to what we have here in the bay area is in that can that we live along a liquefaction zone. just along the eastern coastline of taiwan actually where the stretch of the liquefaction zone lies is the city of hualien and it sits directly on top of it. so that depth of earthquake was actually over 21 miles
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underneath the earth's surface. and yet its impacts still being felt all throughout the afternoon showers with the aftershocks and all throughout the day today. continue to keep a look at all the impacts that they've been seeing so far and another thing worth mentioning too, all the deaths that's happened so far are out of that county of hualien. that's just along the east coast. let's change gears real fast and go over to the bay area. some cloudy skies is what we're waking up to and not that big of a change in the forecast compared to the last couple of days with the early morning hours. right now still in the 40s and 50s throughout the bay area. but it's worth noting we are going to see some big changes in the forecast tomorrow. as a cold front really starts surging its way in from the north and this huge trough of low pressure is bringing in some cold, dense air for us here in the bay area. some rainy skies too. so as we take a quick look at what's happening for us today, well, today, before that comfort moves its way in, we're still left with 60s and 50s along most of the inland areas. and along the peninsula. so it's a pretty mild setup for us right now. but there's a big change around the coronetter. some rain in the forecast tomorrow and more own
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that in a bit. for now over to nicole with more on the earthquake. all right, thank you, jessica. well, california is home to many taiwanese americans with family back on the island. lori perez talked to people down in southern california who frantically checked in with their relatives after the earthquake. >> reporter: the epicenter of the massive earthquake may be thousands of miles away. but it has shaken taiwanese american locals here in the valley with family and friends still there. >> we're in shock. you know. and just because the scare of the earthquake is tremendous. and the -- i came from taiwan. so we understand that the taiwan is seeing the -- earthquake zone. but personally, i never experienced earthquake in taiwan during my lifetime there. this -- in this scale. >> reporter: we video called pierre's brother who still lives in taiwan asking him about the moment it mapped.
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>> it's shaking and the and my house and the building is kind of new. so -- it's kind of solid but it's swinging and like crazy. >> reporter: sally chang, a taiwanese reporter, working here in the u.s., shared these videos her family there took showing damage for blocks and structures crumbling and buildings leaning so far over it seems they will soon fall. she was on the phone with her mom when it hit. >> my mom was so scared. my mom was even crying and then i told her to hide under the able. my for was like talking to me just now and she was saying that even the highway over there crushed and she was so shocked. and her kid was in shock too. >> well, surisingly, we also felt a small quake of our own in the north bay last night. a magnitude 3.2 quake was centered near santa rosa striking around 8:25 p.m. people only reported feeling light shaking around the bay and no injuries or damages were reported. we did, however, see
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some reaction online. bengi posted -- i was listening to an earth moving live recording of bruce springsteen's chase center show when the house started shaking. i thought this was bigger than the boss. but for the most part people thought it was a tiny shake. for the latest updates on the earthquake in taiwan follow us on air, on our website. and streaming on our cbs news bay area app. let's take a look at your roadways this morning now. b.a.r.t. has stopped services between antioch, pittsburg and bay point this morning. now this is due to a train derailing. luckily, there are no reported injuries or fuel leaks. crews are working fast to get this resolved. luckily, tridelta is providing a bus to connect all three stations on the line. continue to stay with us as we track when they will reopen as i know some of these main stations connect your commute around the bay area. max? time now for a look at this morning's other top stories. just hours from now, the battle over berkeley's people's park
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goes before the california supreme court. let's give i you a live look this morning at people's park there in berkeley. the justices will hear oral arguments in a case brought by two groups that are opposed to uc berkeley's plan to build housing at the site. the case hinges on whether housing developers should held to stricter standards with alternative sites. it's day two of the three day walkout for nurses with santa clara valley health care. thousands will be back on the picket line this morning. nurses at sf general are also planning a rally. the nurses say chronic understaffing is a major concern and calling for increases to staffing, pay benefits, and better security. hey lauren. and a new target for scammers. people trying to find their runaway pets. we'll bring you one woman's close call and what you should watch out for, coming up. plus, clean-up under way this morning after wild weather
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leaves a path of destruction across the country. some of the new video
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welcome back. scam artists have wedged themselves into almost every type of business and now we're starting to see them use our desperation over a
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lost pet as bait. >> lauren toms joins us here in the studio and lauren, the scammers are pulling on heart strings to get to our wallets. >> reporter: good morning guys. it's a scenario you never want to live. runaway pet and clever scammers are preying on just that nightmare. i spoke with one dog foster who is sounding the alarm about scammers after she became their target. >> i've got every type of dog toy. any dog could enjoy. i have got clothes for my chilly dogs and i have treats. >> reporter: rachel van hederen has been fostering dogs for years. but her worst nightmare became a reality when her latest foster pup sid slipped out of his harness and bolted. >> i was beside myself. because this is san francisco. we have cars and coyotes. >> reporter: she quickly posted to social media and community groups, asking for help finding sid. but that's when she became a target for scammers. preying on her fear and desperation to find sid.
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>> some of the scam texts were obvious. the grammar and the spelling would be strange and they wouldn't make logical sense. some of the texts were -- shockingly convincing and really resembled texts i got from real people in the neighborhood who genuinely wanted to help me find sid. >> reporter: she'd been warned about this possibility, but had to chase every lead to find sid. >> i so desperately wanted sid to come back. i was very close to believing some of the scam texts. >> reporter: in text messages shared with cbs news, one scammer claimed to be associated with animal care and control and said they had found sid. but the group's executive director, virginia donohue, says similar spoofs have happened before. >> in every case that we've heard of, the scammers have done some variation of pay us. pay us to get your dog back. that is not how any shelter in the bay area looks -- works. if
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your dog is microchipped, we will call you and say hey, the microchip goes back to you. we have your dog. and we will invite you to come in and come pick up your dog. >> reporter: anne mollering with the san francisco spca says in this case, a picture of the animal may be the key to detecting a fake. >> sometimes they will send you the photo that was in your notice. or they will slightly alter the image to make it look a little bit different and send you that back. both of those are obviously red flags. >> reporter: for sid and rachel, they have a happy ending after a helpful neighbor did send a photo of sid hiding under a car in a nearby neighborhood. >> knowing how scared i was, i was not thinking straight. and knowing that those scammers were relying on me to be frantic and confused, i felt really angry that someone would want to take advantage of a person in that situation. >> reporter: reunited and ready for his next chapter with his forever family. now experts say
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to avoid a scam, never share personal or financial information and no redownfication group asks for payment until after the dog has been safely reconnected with its owner. and experts also recommend microchipping your dog to make sure it's detectable by local shelters. and if you can go one step further, some recommend training your dog off leash and getting a tracking device like an air tag so you can always have one eye on that furry family member. >> it's so scary what can happen but i'm glad that you provided the information on the microchipping. you know, just so you can locate what a lot of people consider another child. >> reporter: right. actually -- it's the law here in san francisco to actually get your dogs microchipped. very important stuff. >> hopefully just lets people know of the unfortunately bad things that people are doing so more people don't fall victim. lauren toms, thank you for your reporting. we appreciate it. millions of people across the united states are bracing for more rough weather. possible tornadoes and flooding
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and winter storms. meteorologist jessica burch joins us now. give us a look at the conditions people have dealt with so far and what they can look forward to unfortunately. >> i know, so active for the past couple of days here in the states and check out the video out of rockdale county in georgia. this happened -- this is what happened to a home in the path of a powerful twister. you can see the winds ripped up that tree and knocked it on top of the roof there. and over into west virginia we go, a destructive storm passed throughout charleston toppling the trees there and you can see just how strong the winds are in this video. now the national weather service said that radar indicated that there was a tornado in the area. and it has been such a wild week for a lot of people in the states. back here in the bay area, we're pretty fortunate. our storm system that's coming in into our forecast tomorrow, is not nearly as -- well, it's not expected to be nearly as destructive as other portions of the states. mind you we have way different microclimates here along the west coast in general but this system right here is another cold front
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moving its way from the gulf of alaska. take a look at what's happening as the trough of low pressure dippings from the north. with it bringing in cool, dense air and we'll continue to watch that develop as we head into our thursday and friday forecast and that's bringing in a series of showers for us here in the bay area. and snow all the way up into the sierra. so as we time this out on futurecast today is just a cloudy day and today is actually pretty mild. if you want to get out there and get some outdoor activities today is the day to do it. by tomorrow morning we're waking up and heading out the door and getting to school and work and wet roads out there with some isolated pockets of heavier showers and snow to the north in areas like clearlake and now this is a cold front that's moving in. like i said it's dense air moving in from the north. so temperatures are going to stay chilly tomorrow. i mean we're talking about upper 40s and lower 50s for daytime highs today. so today you might not need in jacket. tomorrow absolutely you. here's what's happening in the afternoon hours tomorrow. that system continues to swirl its way into northern california. bringing in snow to the sierra and the center of it
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is sitting just offshore so watch it circulate and as it continues to move to the south all throughout our thursday afternoon and evening forecast. into early friday morning we see more unsettled weather kind of lingering around for just a bit longer in our models now. and then that starts to clear up as we head into friday evening. sellouts of changes around the corner for us. let's start off with today though. i mentioned tomorrow's temperatures are going to be chilly. today we're still talking about upper 50s near san francisco and low 60s across the bay bridge over into oakland where it's cloudy just above the bay bridge right now. let's stretch all the way down into the santa clara valley where the blanket of clouds is just filling areas like san jose and los gatos right now. there's a beautiful sunrise above it and you can't see it right now. the cloudy skies. taking a look at the next seven days, that cold front is love in and then move its way out and high pressure is going to build its way in early next week and that brings us right back to sunshine and 70s by monday. we just have to get through chilly conditions on thursday first. nicole and. all right, jessica, let's take a look from different views of the bay area bridges. we start off with the bay
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bridge. metering lights are now on and you can see the huge buildup of bumper-to-bumper traffic on this wednesday. if we take an overview look that stretch continues well past the maze and continues over bridge to fremont street. and b.a.r.t. has stopped services as we mentioned between antioch, pittsburg and bay point. this is due to a derailment issue. two buses have been provided to all three stations. no other delays on the rest of the system. it is 6:20 on this wednesday morning: we know this could be the final season for the a's at the coliseum. but the big question is, where will they go next? the signs that sacramento could be a real option. plus -- ♪ ♪ some stevie nicks there to start the wednesday morning. you can see the legend perform at bottlerock this year. the set times
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she got that dress with the extra money she saved using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. nice shirt. just got back from vacation. a butler? super nice guy. i got to start using the app.
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looking live at the coliseum. the a's look to
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bounce back. southpaw alex wood started yesterday and it was a much better outing this time around. five innings and seven punch-outs and only three runs. shea langeliers two run moon shot get ready for it. this to l and third. no outs gave them the lead and the red sox end up edging 5-4 the final. they play again at 12:30 today. but the game today is not top of the mind for a lot of fans. the big question is, where are the a's going to play before they make that eventual move to las vegas? max. >> the nicole, the team's lease with the coliseum ends after the season and now a day after meeting with oakland and alameda county officials to discuss an extension, the a's are going to try their luck in sacramento. a's' top leaders are set to visit sutter health park today. this is now the second time that the a's have visited california's capital. sacramento's mayor said he sincerely hopes the a's can stay in oakland. but the next best option is sacramento. we're still waiting to hear
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details of what theiroff could look like. this comes after no deal was reached yesterday. between the a's and oakland to extend their current lease. in a statement, the organization said they are far apart on terms. the city proposed a five year, $97 million deal to stay through the year 2029. with an opt out option after three years. that comes out to about a $19.5 million a year. which is comparably higher than what they're paying right now at the coliseum which is $1.5 million. as for the potential permanent home in 2028, las vegas tropicana casino resort officially closed its doors yesterday to make room for the a's' new ballpark. for nearly seven decades the hotel welcomed guests and celebrities like elizabeth taylor, frank sinatra and sammy davis jr. now to the giants taking on the rivals the los angeles dodgers. l. a.'s coming off the third win in a row and can the giants break their hot streak? it was a pretty rough outing for giants' ace logan webb. he just couldn't get
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through four innings. allowed five runs on seven hits and two walks and dodgers mookie betts hit his major league leading fifth home run. 6th inning newcomer to the giants jorge soler smashed his first home run. this time it was not enough. the dodgers defeat the giants 5-4. they're going to go after it again tonight at 7:10. time 6:26 on this wednesday morning. there is nothing better than a bay area bounce-back. san francisco's tourism industry has a reason to celebrate this morning. plus -- ♪ ♪ danny california by the red hot chili peppers right there. big question. could we be seeing the california band at outside lands this year? the hint that it might happen. we'll be right back.
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welcome back. we start with a developing story in taiwan. a powerful earthquake struck overnight, causing several buildings to collapse and killing at least nine people. the worst is far from over as dozens of people remain trapped in buildings and tunnels that were damaged in the violent shake. now this morning jarred hill joins us now with more. jarred, what's the latest out
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of taiwan? >> reporter: yeah, so jessica there are a couple of things here. numbers-wise about 900 people in addition to the nine that are now injured -- and then on top of that there are still dozens of people as you mentioned who are missing and those rescue operations and recovery operations are still ongoing. take a look. [ sirens ] in taiwan, huge buildings left leaning after a massive 7.4 magnitude earthquake struck near the city of hualien early wednesday morning. multiple people had to be rescued from collapsing structures following the strongest earthquake to impact the island in nearly 25 years. >> [ speaking in a global language ] this woman said it felt so terrifying because it's been so long. >> reporter: the epicenter of the earthquake, which sparked landslides, destroyed buildings and knocked out power, hit just off the eastern coast of taiwan, prompting japan at one point to issue a tsunami warning for parts of that country as well. students and residents in the japanese city of okinawa sent seeking higher ground. while the quake may
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have been thousands of miles away from the u.s., it's hitting home for taiwanese americans. >> we're in shock, you know. and just because the scare of the earthquake is tremendous. >> my mom was so scared. my mom was even crying and then -- i told her to hide under the table. >> reporter: no stranger to smaller tremors, taiwanese authorities said they'd only expected a relatively mild magnitude 4 quake. not 7 plus. so authorities didn't send out alerts. now the earthquake and the aftershocks have caused 24 landslides as well as damage to 35 roads and bridges and tunnels. for comparison, though, earthquake back in 1999 left 2400 people dead and 100,000 injured. a far cry what we're seeing this time around but still this is a devastating situation there in taiwan. back to you. >> absolutely it is. we will continue to update you with the updates here all throughout the day. regarding this earthquake. and let's actually break this
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apart just a little bit more. on the east coast of taiwan in a city named hualien. just a little bit south of it was the epicenter for that 7.4 magnitude earthquake and the early morning hours of their wednesday. now there were numerous aftershocks felt all throughout the region including the capital city of taipei. also most of the footage from taiwan you are going to see today and form from heavier -- from heavier populated areas like taipei. and just to note also only about 4% of the population actually lives just along the eastern coastline where that 7.4 magnitude earthquake happened. most regions along the west coast all the way up are the areas that are more densely populated and a lot of footage coming out of the regions. one similarity in the bay area is that we live along liquefaction zones. actually lies a stretch of this zone in taiwan and it's just along the city of hualien. that lays directly on top of it
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where that magnitude earthquake happened. now over 21 miles under the earth's surface, that's how deep the earthquake was and yet the impacts still being felt today. continue to update you like i said regarding the earthquake in taiwan. now let's take it back here to the bay area. real fast. waking up to some cloudy skies and some foggy conditions too. we're off to a cool start this morning throughout the bay area. 40s and 50s right now. into this afternoon we go. we'll warm back up into the 60s throughout most of the bay area. but it's also worth saying that we have a huge surge of cold -- cold air moving its way from an area of low pressure troughing its way into the region. this is going to bring in rain tomorrow a lot cooler weather for us all throughout the bay area and to add to that some gusty conditions too. break apart the cold front coming up in just a bit for now back the nicole with more about the earthquake. all right, thank you, jessica. well, last night we also spoke to usgs about the differences between this taiwan quake and the kinds of of quakes that we might experience here in the bay area.
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>> this 7.4 when you look at it from a global point of view, will have been less damaging than a similar earthquake would be of the same magnitude in the bay area. this earthquake was deep and the earthquakes -- the faults in the bay area are unfortunately shallow. and sliding faults right along the, you know, the east bay and on the san andreas. so these are earthquakes that have a high potential for damage. >> for the latest updates on the earthquake in taiwan, you can follow us on air, on our website, and streaming on the cbs news bay area app. well, let's take a look at the roadways. traffic has picked up for our supercommuters going westbound 205 over to 680. tough conditions as commuters approach the top of the altamont pass, so far 53 minute
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drive and highway 4 between pittsburg headed towards concord going westbound, it's a bit sluggish. as conditions have continued to remain slow from the top of the hour. there are new reports of a crash. this is on the other side of the freeway blocking an entry ramp on bailey road. as we can see traffic beginning to pick up more by the second. luckily, no reported injuries at this time. 6:35 on this wednesday morning. time now for a look at this morning's other top stories. two vallejo teenagers have been arrested in napa county. it happened on monday around 4:30 p.m. in american canyon. three people were injured in the shooting and have not been released from the hospital yet according to officials. no other bystanders or officers were hurt. the two suspects are being charged with attempted murder as well as other felonies. both are being held without bail. a new scathing report of microsoft's cyber security breach last near year finds that the company made a cascade of errors that allowed chinese
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hackers to break into the network. the hack was preventable. they said less than adequate cyber security practices gave chinese operatives access to email accounts of u.s. officials. china has denied the hacking allegations. taking a live look at san francisco. we're seeing more tourists come to the area and that certainly helping the local economy. but in a post pandemic-era, the boom of the tourism industry heedged sword our jose martinez spoke to tourists and businesses who depend on tourism about what they expect this summer. >> reporter: san francisco's tourism industry is experiencing a renaissance. among those benefiting is coqueta restaurant nestled along the embarcadero. >> we have this amazing corridor. very wide and we have
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people coming from all over the world not only on the cruise ships, but also from different areas. we have various hotels nearby and people like to walk around. >> reporter: he's the manager of the spanish restaurant coqueta located on pier 5 for over ten years. he says the influx of tourists has certainly played a pivotal role in their success in recovery from the pandemic. >> in our business, our industry, when we don't have the foot traffic or reservations, it's -- it's boring. we need -- we need this lively environment at every single time. from the moment we open until the moment we close at night. so yes, we are really, really excited and very hopeful that it will ramp up. >> reporter: according to the san francisco travel association, it is a reality. they say the city has attracted a record-breaking 23.1 million visitors in 2023. from 2022 to 2023, there was an 82% increase in hotel nights bookings.
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that's thanks to big events at the moscone center and the apec conference. visitors spending $8.8 billion. in a statement, scott beck, san francisco travel's president and ceo, said san francisco's tourism recovery efforts continue to make steady progress, attracting more conventions and events to the city is a key focus to san francisco travel, given their city-wide impact on san francisco's economy. a key driver behind the surge in tourism is a city strong convention calendar. >> much more foot traffic on embarcadero corridor and especially in spring season and summer. we can see that it's happening. thankfully. yeah. it's coming back. >> reporter: in 2023, moscone center hosted 34 events, attracting delegates from around the world. this increase in convention activity has translated into significant gains for san francisco's lodging industry. >> first time here? >> reporter: like these two
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friends who reunited at a conference here. one is from l.a. and the other one from vancouver, canada. >> honestly, my entire experience from start to finish has been pretty fantastic. >> i've been here about six hours now and i can't complain. it's a beautiful day out. and great food and drinks. so -- i'll come back. >> reporter: and yuri says he's seeing more local people going back to work in the financial district. meaning more local customers too. >> there are more offices coming back. so you can see more of the office crowd. you know, not only in this area, but i will say also in the financial district. >> well, san francisco tries to rebuild the tourism comeback, other economic challenges are still at issue like a huge office vacancy rate of 35%. that's according to the real estate firm cbre. san francisco making another case for why tourists should visit. according to personal finance company wallet hub the city by
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the bay is the healthiest city in america this year. followed by honolulu. seattle, san diego, and then washington, d.c. 180 cities were evaluated in the study using different met ricks like percentage of physically active adults and consumption of fruits and vegetables. time now 6:40. you can see it with march madness. the popularity of women's sports is exploding like never before. and that's good news for bay area businesses. we'll explain. plus -- ♪ ♪ heart is returning to the road. your chance to see heart at the chase center. but before we head to break, here's what's coming up on "cbs mornings." hey nicole. good morning. good to see you. coming up on "cbs mornings." a close look at the future of ai in the music industry. see how some of the best names including billie eilish and nicki minaj are
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joining forces to speak out against its unchecked use. also country music star bailey zimmerman discusses his quick rise to fame as we continue our road to the sunday cmt music awards. and actor asher broadman joins us with the latest season of the cbs hit series "ghosts." plus only on "cbs mornings" it's one of the favorite segments. we will reveal this year's national teacher of the year. we absolutely love it ♪3, 4♪ ♪ ♪hey♪ ♪ ♪are you ready for me♪ ♪are you ready♪
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♪are you ready♪ you know what's brilliant? boring. think about it. boring is the unsung catalyst for bold. what straps bold to a rocket and hurtles it into space? boring does. great job astro-persons. over. boring is the jumping off point for all the un-boring things we do. boring makes vacations happen, early retirements possible, and startups start up. because it's smart, dependable, and steady. all words you want from your bank. taking chances is for skateboarding... and gas station sushi. not banking. that's why pnc bank strives to be boring with your money. the pragmatic, calculated kind of boring. moving to boca?
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boooring. that was a dolphin, right? it's simple really, for nearly 160 years, pnc bank has had one goal: to be brilliantly boring with your money so you can be happily fulfilled with your life... which is pretty un-boring if you think about it. thank you, boring.
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- lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+. welcome back. 6:45 on this wednesday morning. time now for the money watch report. good news for folks on the job hunt. there was a slight uptick in job openings in february. hirings also increased. new data from the labor department shows there were 8.8 million job openings in february. that's up from 8.7 million in january. and while demand for workers remains strong, layoffs did increase to 1.72 million. more than a billion dollars is up for grabs in tonight's powerball lottery. the jackpot is flirting with nearly $1.1 billion. that will be the fourth largest in powerball's history. if you are feeling lucky, you still have until tonight to get a ticket. nicole? all right, well, march madness is peaking and the games that fans are flocking to
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see are the women's match-ups. from caitlin clark and the iowa hawkeyes to soccer, tennis and golf, women's sports are exploding in popularity. and now sports bars are changing how they do business. welcoming the growing ranks of women sports fans and blondie's sports bar in new york city found women's games on the big screen tvs has meant more to customers. and the sports bra in portland, oregon, they're known for showing only women's sports. >> it's really a movement that i don't -- i don't think we'll turn back from. like i don't think there's going back from this. it's just getting -- going to get more and more awesome. >> people are paying attention. not only to women's basketball, to women's sports in general. so it's great for -- for women and girls. >> viewership women's sports is breaking records. according to nielsen last year it doubled viewership from 2022. watched team usa compete in the women's world cup and seats
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for this year's women final four, they are currently outselling the men's. ♪ ♪ legendary rock band heart will be going crazy on you at san francisco's chase center. they're adding more dates to their royal flush tour 2024. sisters ann and nancy wilson will take the stage with fellow rock legends cheap trick thursday, september 26th. tickets go on sale friday at 10:00 a.m. san francisco's summer festival outside lands will be back this year. tickets go on sale in few hours and no surprise, it won't be a cheap excursion. a three day general admission wristband will cost you more than $400. and further that exclusive package, it's going up to nearly $4,900. ticket sales start at 10:00 a.m. and get this. the lineup hasn't even been released yet and we know a lot of people will probably be jumping on the
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tickets already. a possible taste of what to expect. historically the roster has been similar to that of tennessee's bonnaroo music festival and that lineup is out already. ♪ ♪ some posety for you this morning. post malone, he's taking the stage at bonnaroo along with the red hot chili peppers and fred again and cage the elephant and fisher. outside lands will be at golden gate park on august 8th and goes through the 11th. ♪ ♪ meantime, pearl jam is one of the headliners at this year's bottlerock music festival in napa. the memorial day weekend festival has a long list of great shows to catch. houston's hot girl megan thee stallion headline. on saturday
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pearl jam and manna and ed sheeran and norah jones headline sunday. in addition to the headliners there are of course a ton of great local bands and the culinary stage as well. bottlerock is such a cool time. so is outside lands. >> have you been. >> i covered it a couple of years ago and on the list of things to do to not go for work. and actually just go to enjoy it sometime. >> you should. it's really, really expensive. it is worth it though. one of those once in a lifetime experiences. funny when i went, i didn't know a lot object logic. i mean i knew a little bit. he performed on one of the side stages because you know it's multiple stages out there. just in complete and total experience. then you have the wine and the food. >> sure. >> but he was amazing and i think it was imagine dragons and they were the main headliner that year. it was pre-pandemic. logistically kind of a nightmare though just getting out of the facility trying to get a hotel in fa pa. it like i said, it's a hot ticket. >> absolutely. >> well, meanwhile, governor gavin newsom put on a snow shoe yesterday to help announce the
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latest snow survey results and jess, is it good news? so technically, yes. it's good news. because recent storms have helped push the snow pack just above average. but that's no excuse to overuse water of course. we have to add that in there. the april survey is the most important for state water managers actually because this is when it's considered the peak of that snow pack for the season. so let's take a look at the numbers real fast. actually better yet show you this too. >> across 400 miles of this sierra nevada range, in coming weeks, this snow will melt in countless streams and tributaries into rivers. and that snow pack will turn into water to provide drinking water for upwards of 40 million californians and our economy. the fifth largest in the world. >> okay. while above average, this year's snow pack is less than half of what it was last year. i got a lot of myself and let's take a quick look at the
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numbers now. all the storms we've gotten this year, last year we had 17 back-to-back atmospheric rivers bringing in plenty of moisture all throughout the state of california. but as of now, we're 111% above average. all throughout on average from the south stretching all the way into the north and the central regions too. now let's take a quick look at what's happening for our friends in the sierra because they're about to get some more snow right around the corner heading into this week's forecast. we get our fair share of rain. this trough of low pressure is a cold front that's moving in and it's bringing in a series of snowstorms all the way up into the sierra throughout the rest of this week. into early this weekend too. now as we take a look a little bit closer to home let's just focus on the bay area real fast. it's just a cloudy day for us today. pretty mild in the grand scheme of things. as we wait for that first band of rain from this cold front to make inland impact as early as7:00 to 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. we're going to be seeing some snow up
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near mount hamilton and as we -- i fast forwarded that way too quick. one more time. quick look at what's to come behind the system, that first one coming in tomorrow morning, we'll continue to watch more showers build in throughout the afternoon hours. but they become a lot more hit or miss. here's what i mean by that. here we and into lunchtime. you see the circulation from the center of the area of low pressure sitting just offshore. that will continue to wring in more on and off showers all throughout the day tomorrow and lasting into early morning hours on friday. i mean, notice the sierra too. they're going get hit with plenty of snow as we head into the rest of this week's forecast. into early friday morning too. now on average, back here in the bay, we're going to see close to around a half inch of rainfall anywhere from santa rosa stretching down into the santa clara valley. so let's take a quick look at the areas real fast. as we head out the door this morning, we're waking up to 40s and 50s. it's pretty cool and it's off to a mild start this morning. but once we head into this afternoon, we're left with 60s all throughout our inland areas so a little bit cooler compared to yesterday's 70s. and we see a lot more clouds too. that's the
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case already down into the santa clara valley. some low level clouds and some folk starting to form. we'll continue to keeping a close eye on that as we head in the afternoon hours today but taking a quick look at what's to come in the rest of this week into next week too. we're seeing sunshine and 70s as early as next monday. for own that in a bit. for now over to you, nicole. a live look here as we see slow conditions on the richmond-san rafael bridge for commuters traveling westbound 580. as this continues to stretch towards the incline. once you are halfway through the bridge though, things start moving much better towards highway 101. over on the san mateo bridge, we're starting to see bit more brake lights headed westbound 92 in hayward. all this pretty much continues once you reach faster city and we're seeing more traffic appear on all of our bay area bridges so far. so be sure to track the perfect time to leave this morning. the southbound lane on highway 1 in big sur remains closed after last weekend's storms sent a piece of the cliffside road into the sea. after allowing some cars to pass through, officials say the
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upcoming wet weather will force them to close the road again tomorrow and friday. it will likely open back up for drivers on saturday. all state parks around the big sur area are closed temporarily and businesses in the area are feeling the impacts as well. >> business levels were quite low yesterday. and of course today going forward, until we can restore public access to big sur, business levels will be quite low. and some businesses may elect to close temporarily. >> well, there's still no timeline on when the roads will be restored and back to normal. max? let's give you a live look at sfo on this wednesday morning. the airport announcest it's expanding flights to canada this summer. porter airlines will begin offering seasonal direct service from san francisco to montreal starting june 29th. the canadian budget carrier currently offers daily direct flights from sfo to toronto. the new service will be seasonal and it will last through october. time now 6:54. it will
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definitely make for a nice backdrop. this couple's unique plans to get married during the solar eclipse. . here's what's happening in the bay area this weekend. the world famous alvin ali dance theater is back at the berkeley campus for the company's annual residency of new works and ail lee masterpieces. japanese prints in transition opens at the legion of honor museum. the exhibition features delicate japanese wood print cuts and including the iconic under the wave. ♪ get a clue. this new broadway play is based on the 1985 paramount pictures movie and inspired by the classic hasbro board game. purchase the six show package at and become a season subscriber. the bay area event
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a couple in maine is getting married next week and they have an interstellar way to celebrate. holding the wedding ceremony on april 8th at the same time as the total solar eclipse. the bride plans to walk down the aisle when the sky gets dark and in line with
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their eclipse theme, each guest received a pair of eclipse glasses to safely watch the special moment. >> just felt like the biggest party in the world. how could you celebrate your wedding in a bigger way than that? >> now they're little nervous about the traffic that day because there may be a lot of people on the road looking for the perfect spot to view the eclipse. regardless of what happens, they say the most important part of the day is starting their lives together. and you know what that inspired total eclipse of the heart? i'm here all morning at least for the next two hours. >> absolutely i bet you there won't be a single dry eye by the way. >> we're on a roll. you can't quit us. >> no. all right, coming up at 7:00, the final season of the hit tv show "star trek" discovery is set to premiere tomorrow. we're chatting with one of the stars of the show about the highly anticipated episode. and more than 200 musicians
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are demanding protection against artificial intelligence. but does ai have a place in the music industry? we're going to be having that conversation in our "people are talking" segment. and let's take you live outside to cloudy view. foggy view. somewhere in the bay area today. that fog may be sticking around for a while. not going as nice today as it was yesterday but still a good one in the bay area. hey, continue the conversation and join us ♪ i hear trumpets. welcome to "cbs mornings" and hello to our viewers on the west coast. i'm gayle king. >> i'm tony dokoupil. >> and i'm nate burleson. >> it's your world in 90 seconds. breaking overnight, taiwan is rocked by a powerful earthquake damaging buildings and leaving dozens trapped. we'll have the latest. >> very, very violent. the whole building swayed. i had to


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