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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 9am  CBS  April 3, 2024 9:00am-9:30am PDT

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from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. two thirds of the meeting room or the hallway, just empty. they were running out into the street. >> the strongest earthquake in two decades rocks taiwan. this morning we have reaction from travelers who just landed in san francisco after feeling the shaking . before taking off from taipei. the fight for people's park is a courtroom. we have the latest on the state supreme court's proceedings expected
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to begin any moment. we start with a developing story in taiwan, the powerful earthquake that hit overnight causing several buildings to collapse and killing at least nine people. the number is expected to climb. the worst is far from over. dozens remain trapped in buildings and tunnels that were damaged in that violent earthquake. keep in mind this was the strongest earthquake to hit the country in nearly 3 decades. we are just starting to get a look at the devastation . this warehouse turned into rubble. there were also dozens of aftershocks in the hours after. the original earthquake that likely cause more damage in that area. flying in about taiwan has been stressful for travelers and we were at sfo
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this morning as passages arrived on a delayed flight from taipei. according to flightaware, arrivals and departures in taipei are operating close to scheduled time. one of the passengers we spoke with describe the moment the airport started shaking and he says everybody ran in to cover. >> it shook about 15 seconds but somehow it seemed a lot longer. two thirds of the meeting room or the hallway just empty. they were running out into the street. >> if you have a plan a trip to taiwan, check with the airport that you are departing from to see if your flight has been delayed. or cancel. for the latest updates on the earthquake in taiwan you can follow us on air, on our website, and streaming on cbs news bay
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area. time for a look at this morning's other top stories. two teenagers in vallejo have been arrested in connection with a safeway parking lot shooting in napa county . that happen monday at around 4:30 in the afternoon in broad daylight in american canyon. three people were injured. the two accused of being charged with attempted murder. several other felonies. both of being held without bail. bad financial news for bart. a new report shows operating costs will soon exceed what it makes. the transit agencies latest projections predict cloudy today. it sounds like that is just going to increase . here is a look at the weather from jessica. >> it is a cool and cloudy day in the bay area with a cold front moving its way and as we head into the afternoon hours tomorrow. we will see widespread showers in the forecast starting tomorrow morning. just around that
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7:00, 8:00, 9:00 a.m. hour. this is during the commute and it will be wet on the roads and we will see the cold front dive its way and throughout the afternoon hours . leaving us with daytime highs tomorrow , sitting in the upper 40s and lower 50s with a lot of showers still sweeping and all throughout her california coastline. until around friday when we clear up into the afternoon . i will drop this and show you what it looks like into the next seven days because we have big changes after the cold front moves through. we will see high pressure build its way back in so these low 50s we hold onto tomorrow quickly warming up into the low 70s as early as next monday and tuesday. with plenty of sunshine right around the corner. happening now. the battle over berkeley's people park is going before the california supreme court. the justices are hearing oral arguments in the case brought by two groups, opposed to uc berkeley's plan to build student housing at the historic site preparing got
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underway in los angeles just a few minutes ago. this is live video from the online proceeding. the case hinges on whether housing developers should be held to stricter standards when it comes to studying alternative sites for proposed projects. now to san francisco where video of a brutal attack in the middle of the mission district is getting a lot of attention. a homeless person was beaten in the streets and the person who shot the video of that attack told us, this stems from a much larger problem. we have been following the city's efforts to crack down on sexual work in the mission. for over a year they installed concrete barriers at a hotspot to try to keep john's away but neighbors tell kenny choi the problem is moving from one street to another. >> reporter: the woman who asked to be identified as jane, feared retaliation is speaking out. >> she was sitting on top of
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this woman and she was beating her. hitting her in the head in the chest and very hard and screaming. >> reporter: jane captured this video of a suspected sex worker near 21st, repeatedly hitting a homeless woman last saturday afternoon. she believes city leaders are not listening. >> it is a problem that they have allowed to exist and they seem to accept it and we are suffering. >> reporter: residents a prosecution and lawlessness has entered the neighborhood after the city made it more difficult for cars to enter tapestry, were soliciting of sex workers became problematic last year. >> i saw apparently woman thrown out of the car . i have seen women fighting. i have seen them fighting but i have not seen somebody being beaten on like that. sat on it beaten and kicked in the face. i want to see enforcement. >> reporter: district 9 board of commissioner has been highlighting this for residents. >> i'm not surprised but i am horrified by it because the neighbors have been talking about this for years and they feel like they have gotten a response.
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>> reporter: he is calling for at least one police officer to patrol the street regularly and the immediate installation of license plate readers to deter sex workers and john's. >> i am only one of the candidates that supports a fully staffed police department. i don't think it solves all our problems but it does allow the city to more effectively address these quality-of-life issues. >> reporter: san francisco police arrested and booked a 24-year-old suspect from fairfield into jail for aggravated assault. but she believes more to be done. >> they are not enforcing the law here in the way they perhaps do it some other neighborhoods such as noe valley. >> reporter: she and neighbors hope the latest incident will cause enforcement by the city. san francisco police say a person was beaten was sent to the hospital but is expected to be okay. the a's are going , going, gone. the big question is, where will they go? the signs
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that sacramento could be an option in the short-term. demanding a are developers respect . on a mild winds a segment we have with our new grocery outlet app, you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup.
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what about frozen pizza? here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup.
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thank you for being with
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us. it is 10 minutes after 9:00 and we are keeping you posted with what is happening around the bay. it is the second day of a three-day walkout for nurses. hundreds are expected back on the picket line this morning. nurses that is of general are also planning a rally. the nurses a chronic understaffing is a major concern. they are calling for increases to staffing , pay benefits, and security. teachers working with san francisco unified, you can apply to live at this brand-new housing development. shirley chisholm village will prioritize sfusd staff. it's a cities first 100% affordable housing for teachers . lottery applications are open on the san francisco housing portal. the development is set to open in the fall. now to the state's capitol. where a lot of leaders from the a's are set to visit , sutter health today. this comes after no deal was reached yesterday between the
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a's and open to extend their current lease. this is now the second time the a's have visited california's capitol. sacramento's mayor said he sincerely hopes the a's can stay in oakland but he adds the next best option is sacramento . we are waiting to hear details of what this offer could look like or what it would cost to play there. ♪ ♪ now a song bringing back the beatles. the beauty of their song, but signs like this are becoming more and more controversial as a i becomes more common. the truck a music video were created with some help from a.i. the surviving members of the band welcomed the help but not all artists are this morning. an open letter was sent by the artists
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right alliance, calling on tech companies and digital music services to honor the rights of artists. stevie wonder, billy eilish a nicki minaj are just some of the 200 plus names featured in the open letter. one of the big issues brought up is a.i.'s ability to re-create an artist voice without their consent. on the flip side, as the a.i. business continues to grow, so do efforts to improve the technology. openai has unveiled a new tool that is supposed to mimic human voices with extreme accuracy. joining us now, and addressing some concerns. video host and producer at cnet. thank you for being with us today. we are hearing a lot of opinions from people who want to use a.i. tech and from people who are against it. when it comes to this new voice tool, are there any similar issues that the general public could face concerns about re-creating their voice. >> openai is testing out something called voice engine
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which takes a 15 second sample of somebody talking and can create a very convincing replica and it is on the spot on. the concern is, you think anybody's voice and make it sound like they are saying something they never said. this is something that is being tested and it has not rolled out to the masses yet but there is some concerns maybe there should be authentication to make sure that i am the one wanting to replicate my voice and not somebody else. and to make sure people are not just replicated voices of people who are really well now because i can be -- that can lead to misinformation especially during an election year. >> totally dicey. if your voice is being used you probably will want to get paid for it if it is for some commercial endeavor. let's pivot to a story we reported on yesterday around the world microsoft separating its videoconferencing app teams from its office bundle. san francisco based slack spur the action by following a complaint with the european union over
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unfair competition. do you see this boosting business to other tech companies in the bay area? >> it is interesting because something like teams and office have kind of worked in tandem for so long. teams kind of rolled out for free in 2017 which was perfect timing because the pandemic happened and businesses kind of used the two together. enterprises different because a lot of companies will tend to use the two platform together because it makes sense. it's not really clear a lot of analysts a maybe this will not make that much of a difference, but i'm sure companies like slacker happy at least they have away in and that is easier now that competition can be boosted. >> we will follow that. cyber security on the mind of tech users. google settled a lawsuit filed in oakland claiming that the tech giant track the browsing history of people who thought that they were using the internet privately. part of that meant agreeing to destroy billions of data records. how
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is google allegedly collecting this data? >> this data has not been specifically connected to people , it cannot be used to share personalized ads or information. but what they are doing is really, they are wiping all that data and they are updating people to let them know even if you are using an incognito browser this is what will be collected. but it is just having a company be held accountable for something that was this massive that millions of users had personal information that was allegedly tracked . there should be more clarity now from googles and and from users just knowing that these private browsing sessions are not always that private. >> they tell you this years
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ago. anything you do online is going to be recorded and don't do anything you would not want your mother to see. >> exactly. >> thank you. we appreciate it. jessica. unlike yesterday, today we have more clouds in the forecast for us heading into the afternoon hours. this is ahead of a cold front moving its way and tomorrow in the early morning hours come impacting that morning commute. that cold front will bring in a series of showers as early as 7:00, 8:00, nine a.m. , and it will continue as we sweep in from offshore heading into the afternoon hours with more unsettled weather lingering throughout our thursday forecast and lasting into early friday morning. from this area of low pressure that is dipping its way into central california, we see snow in the sierra and back in the bay we are expecting to see half an inch of rain on average ,
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throughout the bay as a system will continue to sweep to the south, clearing up into the weekend. leaving us with clear skies but still some cool weather backing it up. what do i mean? this area of low pressure is moving its way in from the gulf of alaska. it is bringing in a surge of cold air as we head into our thursday forecast and friday. that means daytime highs tomorrow are actually going to be topping off in the 40s and 50s. compare that to what we had today. today we are in the 60s and 50s. about 10 degrees cooler compared to where we are at today and that is what we expect tomorrow and it will be rain tomorrow. enjoy this dry day. it is cool and cloudy but police were hitting the upper 60s near antioch and upper 60s into the santa clara valley, where that will be one of the biggest spots that sees the change in the forecast because of this cold front that is moving its way in. upper 60s quickly dipping to the low 50s by tomorrow. hold on tight to the 50s by
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choice hotels is a family of brands with a hotel for any traveler you want to be. like #1 chef dad, cookin' up a free, hot breakfast for the entire family at a comfort hotel. mom made this. umm, i... added the garnish. stay twice and get a free night when you book direct.
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time for you our money watch report. it was already yesterday on wall street. this morning, a little more of the same, but stock futures dipping slightly and coming back up . let's check where the markets are now. up a little bit. the dow is up about 40 points. good news for people on the job hunt. there was a slight uptick in job openings in february . new data from the
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labor department shows there were 8.8 million job openings in february. a from 8.7 in january. while demand for workers remains strong, layoffs increased 1.72 1.72 million. taking a live look at the city ranked the healthiest in america this year. according to wallethub san francisco is the number one healthy city in america. 180 cities were evaluated in the study using different metrics like percentage of physically active adults and consumption of fruits and vegetables. honolulu was number two on the list, followed by seattle, san diego and then washington, d.c. that is one way the bay area's bouncing back. streaming at 9:30 another reason for san francisco to celebrate. ♪ ♪ they have not toward and have a decade but heart is back in the bay. your chance to see them at chase center.
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the bay area event calendar brought to you by broadway san jose. >> here is what is happening in the bay area this weekend. the world-famous dance theater is back at the berkeley campus for the company's annual residency of new works and masterpieces. japanese print in transition opens at the legion of honor museum. the exhibition features delicate japanese would print cuts including the iconic under the wave. ♪ get a clue. this new broadway play is based on the 1985 paramount pictures movie and inspired by the classic hasbro board game. purchase a sick show package at, and become a season so driver.
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♪ ♪ love these ladies. heart
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will be going crazy on you at chase center and adding more dates to their royal flush tour 2024 . the sisters will take the stage with fellow rock legend cheap trick, thursday september 26. tickets go on sale friday at 10:00 in. outside lands will be back this year. eager beaver tickets go on sale in just a few minutes and it is not cheap. a three-day general admission wristband will be more than $400 . going up to nearly $4900 for exclusive packages ticket sales start in about 30 minutes at 10:00 and in the lineup has not even been released. that is it for the news at 9:00. coming up next on kpix is "the drew barrymore show" and today an actor and her husband will stop by . for more headlines, including the weather, you can join us on our streaming service. cbs news
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bay area. we will be keeping it live and local she got that dress with the extra money she saved using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. nice shirt. just got back from vacation. a butler? super nice guy. i got to start using the app.
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