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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  April 3, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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with juliette goodrich. good evening, thousands of people are being killed on streets every year. in fact, 2022 was the deadliest year for pedestrians in the u.s. since 1981. that is from the governor's highway safety association. in cupertino, students and parents are shooting for a stop sign in a dangerous situation. >> they added crossing guards in the morning and afternoon but the push for more safety goes on months after the crossing guards went on duty. a senior at high school walks to campus every day. in this community he has plenty of company on the sidewalks. >> we have one of the higher biker and walking to school. >> reporter: 20% walk, 19% ride a bike ark cording to the safe
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routes to school survey. >> it is a really good way to get to school as opposed to getting stuck in the car traffic in the morning. as long as you can keep it safe. >> reporter: that is why as a student leader he helped raise concerns with the city and the school over the danger of this t-intersection on finch avenue close to campus. finch avenue traffic does not have a stop and cars often go over the posted speed limit right as they approach a crosswalk. >> you got to get in an intersection where you don't know if you, where you don't know if you are supposed to go, is the car supposed to go? am i safe? not safe? there is a moment of uncertainty. >> reporter: last year a car hit a student who was riding a bike to school. >> the bike coming down barcelona and there was a car here and they did not see him and they collided. and i mean the biker was okay, eventually they got to school. >> reporter: the accident and other close calls over the
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years is why henry was part of a group of students and parents that advocated for the intersection to be a 3 way stop. 225 parents signed a petition calling for a stop sign. the city of cupertino responded by adding crossing guards, they are there during peak times in the mornings and the afternoons that makes the crossing safer. henry is still pushing for a stop sign, as on this recent afternoon the crossing guard was only on duty for about 25 minutes. and students and neighbors cross the street all day long. >> not everyone arrives during the normal arrival time and during the normal dismissal. free first period, free last period, they will and through here different times. the crossing guard can not be here all the time. >> reporter: city spokesperson said that cupertino puts the biggest investments in traffic safety and school and still studying the issue of a stop sign. we commit to having the
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intersection evaluated by experts in the field leading to the safest possible outcome. as for henry, he hopes it will not only make for a safer walk to school but also be a learning moment for his fellow students. >> this intersection is just one of the examples of how students in they were to speak up could get something changed. we don't want another person getting hit at this intersection. we don't want another person getting hurt or maybe even killed at this intersection. so, if people would speak up about it and how dangerous is we can get something in. >> reporter: it will likely be a challenge left up to his younger classmates, henry graduates this june and off to college in the fall. school administrators say they are also open to working with the city, students and parents to increase safety at that intersection. statewide there is a bill to lower the speed limit in school zones to 20 miles per hour. you will have to watch
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where you are turning in san francisco. 200 no-turn on red signs are put up around town. so this follows a program already in place in the tenderloin. walk sf says 17 pedestrians were killed in san francisco last year and downtown is where most of the injuries happened. sustainable traffic advocate says that the project is proof these signs make streets safer. >> at the 50 intersections that they implemented no turn on red in 2021, 92% of drivers complied with those no-turn on red signs and so, this actually works incredibly well. >> reporter: last year san francisco city supervisors voted unanimously to support a citywide ban on turning right on red. that resolution has not been implemented just yet. all right, cal trans is shutting down north of big sur because of the rain in the
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forecast. they were offering convoys then part of the road broke off. so these convoys are going to start again on saturday. keep in mind the highway will close again on saturday night until 7:00 p.m. on sunday. caltrans says these convoys are meant for essential travel only. they are asking tourists to just avoid that area. dozens of people are trapped in tunnels in taiwan. this after a 7.4 magnitude earthquake rocked the island. buildings collapsed, landslides, debris shutdown highways just in the past hour we talked with jack woo who lives in the bay area. he grew up there.. >> people keep sending video, photos and there was one video cliff that is terrifying. landslide, right? then the rocks, huge rocks, falling down off of the mountain. struck it
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directly. it is captured by a dash cam. then, the dash cam hit by the rocks. >> so far, there have been nine reported deaths and more than 1,000 reported injuries since yesterday's earthquake. turning now to our weather. rain is coming tomorrow. let's get to our first alert meteorologist darren peck who is tracking it all. darren? >> looking at the same dramatic view from our windows on the virtual set. clouds showed up, 10 degrees cooler than yesterday, and there is like a 30 mile-an-hour wind gust coming in along the coast right now. not only are the temperatures lower we have a lot of places upper 50s, lower 60s. there is a windchill on it. look at the doppler. leading edge of the system. there is a large amount of lightning in the northern third of the state. to see our branch of the storm we have to fill it in with high-resolution data. watch what happens right there. that is tomorrow morning's commute. widespread rain comes
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in. so, tomorrow is the first alert weather day for two reasons. that is going to be a wet commute and then once it leaves in the late morning watch what fills in after that. isolated scattered showers with occasional thunderstorms mixed in. when we get back together in the complete forecast i will show you why that phase of this will last all of the way through friday and friday morning's low temperatures might even be the most noticeable aspect of the whole thing. i will show you the middle 30s. i will see you in a few minutes, back to you. >> thank you. we know it is going, going gone for the a's in oakland. before they land in vegas where they will play in the meantime is still up in the air. a's owners took another field trip to the state capital today, anne makovac has more on where they will stand. >> reporter: where will they play between the time their stadium is ready and now. one
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is west sacramento. a's leadership visited sutter health park. a welcomed message on the scoreboard put the name of the a's owner in lights. the minor league sacramento river cats play there now. they have been enjoying major league upgrades to the stadium recently. including new locker rooms. >> just enhancing it to make sure we are up to mlb standards and we have big league amenities in our minor league ballpark. >> no word how much it will cost the a's. other options are salt lake city or extending their lease at the coliseum that seems less and less likely. no deal was reached yesterday between the a's and the city of oakland. espn says the a's offered them a two year deal worth 17 million. the city says they will extend the lease through a five year contract for $97 million. in the meantime, plans in vegas are moving forward. yesterday, the tropicana hotel and casino, that is so the site where the
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new stadium will be built closed for good. it is slated for demolition in october. but, the new 1.5 billion stadium will not be ready until 2028. the clock is ticking on naming an interim ballpark, though, the mlb season schedules for the 2025 season are set to be released in july. >> my goodness. all right, anne, thank you. it hosted protests, sports celebrations and tents for the unhoused. coming up, wilson walker shows whraws is next for san francisco civic plaza. the women are dominating march madness. what you will have to pay if you want to see them in action. she rocks
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it is san francisco's grand plaza, civic center places it in the middle of the city life. for half a century now city leaders tried to make it more welcoming. wilson walker shows
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us the latest editions to the plaza. >> reporter: these pits were empty for the last couple of years. >> reporter: it is not every day that the city goes digging into civic center plaza. on this morning, this gardener and park service manager are embarking on something that might take decades >> we have to wait until the tree gets to the height of the mature trees. >> reporter: the mature tree is an artifact. it so the front lawn with the unmistakable shapes >> these are sycamore trees, the most common tree in the city ask county of san francisco. a type of pruning where it looks like a can and it keeps the trees at one standard height. >> reporter: the oldest trees
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here went in the ground 80-90 years ago the four planted will take years to catch up and that is one of the reasons why the pits where the sycamores failed sat empty for so long >> takes them a really long time to grow to this form. so, i think there may be he'station in replanting it because you never know how the city is going to change. there may be a redesign or we should wait. >> the biggest goal of the plan is to reintroduce vegetation. in addition to the 350 trees, add another 300 trees. >> reporter: he has plans for civic plaza. mayor ed lee called for a redesign and hired moss's architecture to draw up a new vision for this space, a relm that long showcased the city's challenges, hosted its protests, and welcomed its celebrations. >> there are massive events and
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at the same time we have the least served or the most under served neighborhoods in the city directly near, the tender loin the most obvious, calls for more open space, here are 17 acres. >> reporter: the mayor's initiative was not to be, not during his lifetime, there would be a new mayor and the plaza would be host to a new crisis. >> the transformations that the plan that we worked on calls for are incredibly expensive in the scheme of things and, to the city's credit and rec park in particular, they made changes throughout this area. >> reporter: but here is the thing. the plan his colleagues drew up for the ed le, administrations, there have been two a decade, year comes and go along with the grand
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designs for this space. why, then, does nothing ever stick? >> i will try to say something that is not cynical. i think the obvious answer is it is the heart of the city. it belongs to everyone but yet no one. >> we will wait for it to get established. >> no one to champion a new plaza, things will stay as they are. that means the young sycamores might be here for a little while. >> we are only going to leave the ties on for one growing season. the tree has to build its muscles. the can only do that by being able to sway a little bit. depending where the wind is going, it will build layers of bark muscle. you need to give it a wiggle room. >> reporter: one last note on the sycamores that are just starting to sprout a little bit. these things can live for hundreds of years, so, they are not in any hurry. maybe they can be moved as part of some
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future plaza redesign, who knows, like so plane things in san francisco right now. only time can give us the answers. >> i love seeing the trees line that area, though. coming up, call it the caitlin clark effect. just how much you should plan to pay if you want to see iowa in the final four. coming up in the first alert forecast. we are talking about and trying to show you the different ways it is about to get colder over the next few days. this might drive the point home. a light dusting of snow coming to the higher bay area peaks, as early as tomorrow. but that
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. this is exciting, the nation is into women's basketball. this is because of caitlin clark. the hawkeyes beat the tigers, that game set a ratings record. average ticket is now $2600. the lowest, $900, most expensive for friday's game is more than $11,000. all right, jumping on the bandwagon, with weather as well. i have been watching march madness for the caitlin clark effect. >> so many glued. more talking
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about that side of ncaa. that has been fun to see. okay, we talked about the snow coming to the range. that is around hamilton. here is the other side of the storm. putting it in the future cast. it comes down. it is here tomorrow morning. the morning commute, we see the early showers in the predawn hours, it is raining by 5:00. we see the widespread band coming through right during the heart of the morning commute. so, start planning ahead. streets will be slick. windshield wipers will be going. once we pass the phase, watch the second phase, isolated, scattered, hit and miss, thunderstorms, you can see a little bit of rotation in the center of it as the low pretty much goes right over the bay. that is unique. we don't often get a direct hit like that. you get right into the centers of these things and you got more energy to work with. so, i know i sounded like a broken record
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for the last couple of weeks, isolated chance for thunderstorms with this one. this one has even somewhat better ingredients and aim in terms of that. so, if we look at the system again and we watched what happens tomorrow, right? so we know we get the widespread steady rain through the morning, by the early afternoon it is is over there. we are back here so watch the onagain off again scattered showers, keep it right there. the circulation, going into the evening tomorrow. one of the more likely time frames in the evening. of course, every once in awhile you will see a white bull's-eye, the snow level will get down to 2500 feet, lower with this. it will not be huge totals, not like it is a heavy snow or a big rainfall maker in terms of rainfall amounts. if you get one of the thunderstorms you get a brief downpour. the snow level is more important than the amount of snow. light dusting of snow in the bay area peaks, not getting huge snow totals out of it. if you look at the totals,
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not bad. looking at half an inch of rain coming our way for the system. it might be the more important way to visualize it, though. that is the shading that was put out from the storm prediction center in oklahoma. you know they are the ones charged with looking at the whole country and coloring the map for a chance of thunderstorms, we made the map. tomorrow, friday, both days. 20% chance of that. so, we had, you know, we had a good thunderstorm move right through santa clara valley on saturday. most did not get it. what are the odds. your odds are 20% to see one. wherever you are in the bay. everyone has a 20% chance that you are part of the bay gets an isolated storm. meanwhile, switching back to the other side, there is the snow. maybe an inch or so. the snow will fall, really, at any point, thursday through friday. particularly when you get the cells moving over. they are able to pull colder air down from higher up. that lows the
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snow level because it throws the cold air down our way and brings the snow down with it. in the sierra we are going to see about another foot. let's look at the drive. this is i-80 and highway 50, snow level gets down to 3,000 feet with this. so, it will be cold over there, too, again, that is not a blockbuster storm. maybe a foot of snow for kirkwood. previous storms put down a lot more than that. sitting down at 500% of average. we just did the most important snow survey of the year, 500% on average. so, let's put it in a seven-day forecast. we will look at this in two ways, the first one i want to show is the microclimates for the inland valleys because once we are done and we will be done going into saturday and sunday for the rain, but we don't start the warm up until early and middle parts of next week. if you are enjoying the sunny and middle 70s, it is coming back. it will be sunny and near 80 by the middle of next week. thankfully for the weekend we
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took the rain out. it will stay cool, not raining. >> all right, darren, thank you very much. coming up t truly could be a life-changing jackpot, you think? $1 billion
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with our new grocery outlet app, you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup. what about frozen pizza? here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup.
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. tonight's powerball drawing is now over $1 billion. so, after 39 consecutive drawings without a winner the jackpot has grown to nearly $1.1 billion. if you take it in a lump sum you will get $527 million. good luck to you all. i still have not bought a ticket. has the floor crew? have you bought a ticket yet? no. you will not tell me. thumb's down. good luck to you all out there. we will see you back here
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at 11:00. good
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud!" give it up for steve harvey! [cheers and applause] steve: how you folks doin'? how's everybody? i appreciate y'all. thank y'all, now. i do. i appreciate that, everybody. well, welcome to "family feud," everybody! i'm your man-- steve harvey!


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