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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  April 4, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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this is cbs news bay area with elizabeth cook. >> we are excited to hear -- to be here, playing in this intimate ballpark. >> it is official, no longer rooted in oakland. the a's are moving out and up to west sacramento , starting next season. >> it breaks my heart. >> will diehard fans make the drive and support them there? >> i will be there in protest. >> what will the next few seasons look like before they were bigger plans in the sin city? >> we are looking forward to
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this being our home until we moved to our stadium in las vegas in 2028. thank you so much for joining us today. i'm elizabeth cook. it is the talk of the town. the a's officially announcing this will be there last season oakland. they will be packing up and moving to west sacramento. it will be their temporary home before they eventually, hopefully, landon las vegas. we will have more on the move and the fallout with the fans. let's start with our first alert weather day. >> it was wild out there today. parts of the bay area saw hail this afternoon. this is video coming in from concord . about some snow? this cold front also brought some powder to mount diablo in the east bay and mount hamilton in the south bay this morning. we are also seeing widespread rain as well. this is video from golden gate park in san francisco. darren
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peck is tracking it all for us. >> we will show you how it will behave and then we will try to nail down some details. we will try to timeout the more likely timeframe to see an uptick in terms of the numbers. if you have not seen one yet, i will show you when a likely timeframe might be. when you look at the system in the big picture -- to 9:00 tonight. then we look at
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tomorrow and we are looking a scattered showers all the way through friday but there should be far fewer of them on friday. friday should be a quieter day. we will not be done with this but it will be quieter and likely this evening. let me show you why this evening will be busier. we are back now looking at live first alert weather. you can see the strikes of lightning showing up. when we switch and put into futurecast, remember the timeframe? when we see the center of this thing come overhead, we are looking ahead to 6:00. look at these bull's-eyes. there are more of them. there will be a higher chance that you see one of these isolated thunderstorms over your part of the bay. we can get a specific about which parts have the higher odds but we know there will be more of
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them in your friday evening. friday, for the most part, a lot more blue sky than anything else and there should be far fewer than the thunderstorms. it should be charged with highlighting where the greater risk for thunderstorms are. we had it shaded in the green. for tomorrow, the focus for the likelihood of thunderstorms shifts southward and then it starts to include more of southern california. focus gets removed from us for a bit. that is why we see less of them tomorrow. if you look at the rainfall totals, from now all the way through friday, this is almost entirely depending on if you get one of those thunderstorms over your part of the bay. then your rainfall totals will be bigger. images of small hail, perfect example of what to expect with these. you hear lightning and thunder in the distance and then you get some small accumulations of hail. look at the cold air
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filtering in. morning lows tomorrow for the inland valleys will be in the upper 30s, some mid-30s in the northbay and far inland east bay. most of us will be low 40s in the media bay but it is cold air coming with the system. there is some good news in the 7-day forecast. if you want a warm-up, we've got one. once we get to where the end of things, look at wednesday and thursday. daytime highs will climb back up into the low 80s. let's get through the next 36 hours with this system around. the weekend looks good. we will not warm-up a whole lot over the weekend but we will remove the thunderstorm threat. starting monday, the warm-up begins and goes to next week. >> the 80s will feel so good. let's get back to our big story everyone is talking about. the a's announcing their temporary moved to west
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sacramento starting next season. matt lively joining me now with this unbelievable news. it is weird to say that this will be the last season. >> a horrible day for baseball in oakland. there is no other way to put it. they are losing a storied franchise that has provided decades of memories and now the a's are dropping the name oakland. they will be referred to as the a's or the athletics as they play at sutter health park, a minor league stadium , in sacramento. right now between stadium seats and the grass, sutter health can bid only 14,600 fans. city leaders and sutter health park refusing to comment on the renovations that many speculate mlb and the players association would require. the oakland a's coliseum currently seats 63,000 fans but less than 11,000 showed up today's home games on average last season. >> we are excited to be here
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for the next three years, playing in this beautiful ballpark but also being able to watch some of the greatest players in baseball, whether they be athletics players or aaron judge or others launch home runs out of this very intimate, the most intimate ballpark in all of major league baseball . >> very odd to name a nonathletic there. nonetheless, sutter health park is also home to the sacramento river cats. that is the giants aaa affiliate. the a's would play when the river cats are on the road but just a week ago, the president and coo of the river cats said that sutter health park is not built to be a major league baseball stadium . in the meantime, plans in vegas are moving forward. this week, the tropicana hotel and casino which is on the site where the new stadium will be built, it
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closed for good. it is slated for demolition in october but the new $1.5 billion stadium won't be ready until 2028 and that is why the a's have agreed to this three-year lease in sacramento with a four-year option if the vegas stadium is not finished in time. the cost of the deal has not been released but espn reports that it is about a $35 million difference from the three-year lease that oakland offered. in baseball terms, that is very little. it is just north of $11 million per year. to put that in perspective, giants reliever taylor rogers currently set to make $12 million a year over the next two seasons. we are talking about a relief pitcher salary, that is the difference that they had between sacramento and oakland. joe simitian five opted for this sacramento deal and thinks they will be contentious. >> for years. >> it is important to note that this vegas deal is not a for sure thing.
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>> vegas does not want the a's. city council there does not want them. they don't want them on the tropicana site. it was made very clear today in sacramento, this is an audition for the city of sacramento to have an mlb expansion team. what they said is that rob manford has said that baseball wants to expand west. they want to add another team in california. sacramento will say, we can host baseball here so that is what this grand plan is. vegas is a long shot from being locked in. >> you have to wonder what is going on behind the scenes. >> of course. what happens if the plans in vegas fall through? we will have more on that coming up. where does the a's leave oakland as a city? in a statement, mayor sheng thao says the city offered a deal that was fair to the a's and fiscally responsible for the city of oakland. she went on to say, quote, we wish the a's the best and will continue conversations with them on facilitating the sale of their share of the coliseum site. the city of oakland will now focus on advancing redevelopment efforts at the coliseum. longtime east bay congresswoman barbara lee was not shy about her disappointment over the a's move, calling this a sad day. she went on to write billionaire greed got us to this point. i hope the mlb continues to work with oakland
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to keep a major league team in the east bay and hold onto the a's brand. oakland has had some tough luck with pro teams leaving over the past two years. coming up, more on the impact of the community as a whole. we will hear from the fans for their take on this dramatic move. why a few may be on board with part of this - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+.
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we've got live first alert doppler on the screen right now. it is a first alert day . we have already had some exciting weather but as we saw in the forecast a few moments ago, there will likely be a bit of an uptick in the amount of thunderstorms as we get into the early evening tonight. don't put that umbrella away just yet. chance of showers through the morning. if you are heading down highway 35 near santa cruz, make sure to watch out for snowy road conditions. dramatic does this look? chp is warning drivers to slow down and maintain a safe distance between cars and remember to use yat the top of highway 9 at saratoga gap . that is higher than highway 17 goes. the majority of people would
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use 17 to go between san jose and santa cruz. that passes much lower. that is much closer to around 2500 feet here, just gorgeous to see this. >> then, there is this . other areas are seeing hail today. this is video from san francisco. more on the first alert weather day including the chance to see more hail for your part of the bay coming up again in just a few minutes. one final season at the oakland coliseum. that is the announcement from the a's today. they are heading to west sacramento in 2025 and will play there until their las vegas stadium is ready to go. joining the live now is oakland city councilmember noel gaia. thank you for joining us today. when you heard the news about the move to sacramento, what did you think? that had to be a
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gut punch . >> it was really disappointing. i grew up in the city of oakland and have been an oakland a's fan my entire life. certainly, i am a strong supporter of the oakland a's staying in oakland but, i will miss you but let's just kiss and say goodbye. oakland and alameda county has tried many different ways to keep the a's in oakland but in my lifetime, i have seen the a's try to move to go over to the city of fremont. that did not work out. then they even bought land in san jose. thanks to the san francisco giants, they filed a lawsuit and the a's were not able to build in san jose. we remained in oakland. we tried to not only rebuild, strengthen the coliseum, but also made available the tournament at the port of oakland. i am extremely disappointed for them to now come back and say we will be
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playing in the sacramento when, at the end of the day, the taxpayers in oakland and alameda county, we paid millions and millions of dollars not only to rebuild the stadium, rebuild the b.a.r.t. station, the connections to the airport. but, they made the choice to move and hopefully, since we have a contract with the african american sports and entertainment group, that we can open the door with the national football league as well as the major league baseball to be able to attract -- >> you cut out there for a second but do you think this
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was the plan all along? do you think the a's always intended to leave oakland? >> it is a business. if you have any baseball team, it is about making money. certainly, i think, with mr. fisher who owns the team and major league baseball, anytime any professional baseball or football team moves, all the other teams make millions of dollars by the move that i am still paying for the property at the coliseum as a taxpayer, even though now i will lose a baseball team. i lost the worriers. by them leaving, i lost the raiders but
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i still think there is an opportunity to work with major league baseball to attract the team to come back to oakland. >> i am curious. it has been so devastating for oakland fans. you mentioned losing the war years and now the a's. is there anything the city could have done differently to convince the a's to stay in town? do you think that the deal recently given by the city to the a's to stay another few years, do you think that was fair? >> i don't agree with the deal that was presented and it was news to me as to what was presented at the end and what was rejected by the a's. i have been on the council for 11 years. those that brought the coliseum and professional sports to oakland, the city
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manager was here in oakland for many years. i worked for him. i still speak with him. he is the one that builds the washington, d.c. national baseball stadium and soccer stadium and other cities as well. he has a history and experience . considering the fact, what was asked of the a's to contribute back to the city, should have been more of a public presentation with the council and working with the county supervisors as a whole to structure a deal to maintain the a's here while we could try to negotiate with major league baseball to attract another team to the city of oakland. >> sometimes, the negotiations
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want to handle the business life form but we are where we are today. we certainly will miss the a's. we wish them well. hopefully, we can continue to attract another team to oakland. >> noel gallo, thank you so far. many fans are downright bitter. >> i give up on the a's. >> why so? how come? >> too much playing around by the owners and the city. >> i don't go for the a's but it is upsetting we can keep them there. >> there is a bit of a sweet spot for some a's fans, making the team more accessible in the new location to where they
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live, temporarily at least. >> it is no problem. they will be closer to me. >> i like them. >> what do you think of them moving to vegas overall? >> no. that is a bad idea. >> a lot of fans sounding off about the move on social media. one person on x says absolutely heartbreaking for oakland fans. it is shameful that the organization did this in a way that seems to have maximized the pain and disrespect to the fans that have shown nothing but loyalty. another person saying seeing the oakland athletics move is kind of sad. there is so much history on the team. nine world series trophies and it is all being destroyed by a greedy, inept ownership group. another person posting, what is happening with the oakland athletics franchises so shameful it almost defies disbelief. for many, it is how long this has dragged out. the ups and downs and hopes and the losses all lending in this -- ending in this.
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>> while the a's plan to move west to sacramento, the capital city right next door seems ready to welcome them as well. the mayor of city council vehicles are holding a news conference in less than one hour to talk about this move. >> the a's move is not the end of baseball in oakland. how the b's will be keeping the sport alive in the town and your chance to be a part of - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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there is a plan b for baseball fans in the east bay. the oakland bollards or the b's will be part of the little-known pioneer league, responding to today's plan, the cofounder paul freedman issued a statement. he said, quote, the ballers were started by a's fans and by such, we are heartbroken but this team was also started by oaklanders and in that respect , we could not be more proud. the team plays their inaugural game next month on the road. their first home games are coming up a little bit later but the teams backers are hoping the ballers will help fill the baseball void in oakland. if you think you have the skills, the oakland ballers are holding open tryouts this saturday. if you are
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interested, you can register online and come out to laney college. as for the oakland coliseum, though, the oakland roots and the open soul will play their home games there in 2025. the oakland roots is a pro soccer team that plays in the usfl, one division below major league soccer and the oakland soul
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this is a first alert weather day and we are tracking my radar with you now to show you where we are in this
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system. we are right in the middle of it. what we should do is plan for the next several hours, a little bit of an uptake in the number of thunderstorms that move over the bay. a few more of them and then we are not done until we get to friday evening. >> thank you so much. the cbs evening news is next here on kpix. local news continues on our streaming service, cbs news bay area. i will see you at 5:00. >> norah: tonight, the breaking news. the warning from president biden to israel: protect civilians in gaza or risk withdrawn support from the u.s. >> is the white house warning that it may remove military aid? >> there are too many civilians being killed. the aid workers is on it's acceptable. >> norah: the tents have an hour phone call with pr


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