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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 530pm  CBS  April 4, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm PDT

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right now at 5:30, a major boost to the effort to reduce emissions at the port of oakland, the landmark investment. the greatest takeaway from
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that was there were warnings nearly a decade before. >> as global weather events become even more extreme, we'll hear from a reporter on the front line. a live look from san francisco where the mayor is touting a big drop in crime to start 2024, mayor london breed's office announcing today the city has seen a 32% drop in property crime and a 42% drop in violent crime, crime down in nearly every category, homicides down 27%, robberies down 18%, and when it comes to property crime, the city reported a 51% reduction in car break-ins and a 17% drop in burglaries. this drop in crime follows a larger trend nationwide after crime had surged during the pandemic. meantime san francisco is launching a new initiative in hopes of breathing new life
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into the mid market neighborhood. musicians are playing each day along market street between fifth and eighth. shawn chitnis spoke to organizers about how it could help businesses, neighbors, and visitors. ♪ >> reporter: torey rose and the hot mess are heating up the scenes on market street this thursday. >> we're having a great time doing this. you see people from every walk of life going down the street. >> reporter: this is a campaign to ask instead for more people to visit or stick around in san francisco's midmarket neighborhood. >> we're trying to let people know how, we're still here. we're still doing stuff. there's still artists here. >> reporter: torey loves that it makes live music more accessible when so little remains affordable in the city. >> i think the changes down
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here are truly felt by those of us here every day. >> reporter: but it's also a chance to give midmarket a second look. the midmarket foundation which organized the campaign as part of its market street arts initiative says the neighborhood is making a comeback. >> a lot of people have an idea of midmarket that just isn't true anymore. >> reporter: not just a business district with restaurants and shops, but also a theater scene and place people call home, but they're still fighting the impression spending time along market street isn't safe and people may still want to avoid the area. >> we have our days, yes. we have our moments, but overall there is so many amazing things happening down here. >> reporter: market street arts pays the artists for participating in bosket receiving some money from the office of economic development. while the goal is in part to help businesses get more customers by keeping visitors here longer and attracting new ones, artists like torey say it can simply be a way to give
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anyone walking by another reason to smile. >> this is very much a moment of joy in a city that can be hard and we all need a break and that's what we're here to provide. >> reporter: a neighborhood effort hoping to hit a high note that will be music to everyone's ears. ♪ >> you can catch ten different sets of live music on market street each week between now and november. the board of supervisors president in supervisor aaron peskin tells us he will enter the race for san francisco mayor. peskin would be the fifth big name candidate in this race. he's expected to make his formal announcement at a rally in chinatown over the weekend. we're taking a live look at our state capitol where lawmakers are trying to close a huge budget deficit. democrats
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today agreed to slash $17.3 billion this year. the cuts will impact some school and housing programs as well as climate initiatives. the cuts are part of an effort to balance the state's $37 billion budget deficit. meanwhile bay area transit systems will soon be getting a desperately needed financial lifeline from the white house as the biden administration announced a $20 billion federal funding program for transit systems across the country. the bay area is expected to receive more than $430 million of that funding. some california lawmakers got an early look at the future today while taking a tour of the port of oakland. the port is now home to a new billion dollar hydrogen project that aims to help build up california's industry for the renewable energy source. senator alex padilla and senator barbara lee helped secure the funding from biden's infrastructure package. backers are hoping by 2030 california will be home to a
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thriving hydrogen market. >> we'll be able to produce clean, renewable hydrogen power right here. we'll be able to reduce the emissions and decarbonize our economy, including heavy industry. >> the state's plans to cut climate emissions rely on increased use of hydrogen across industries. up next, on the front lines of the climate crisis, what we can learn from recent disasters, including the devastating wildfires here in california. >> the more that we tell these stories, the more we can trigger that part of our brain that helps us. plus some young performers at a south bay theater company are taking on a
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( ♪♪ )
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from california's burning hillsides to the shores of lahaina, cbs news >> reporter:
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hurricanes to fires to drought, has been in the middle of weather, standing in the middle of it all, correspondent jonathan vigliotti. >> in a few minutes ash and flames were flying in the air all around us. i've never seen such panic in first responders eyes then or since then.
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>> reporter: now he's written a book about the people left out in the cold by our warming. >> the book starts out in lahaina. this is one of the few ways to access the town and what's incredible from this vantage p >> my parents with the community came together and wrote letters in local protests. >> reporter: he hopes the messages inside these pages help humans save whatever they can. >> i feel like the more we tell these stories, the more we can trigger that part of our brain that helps us to imagine . ahead in sports, a sad day
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for baseball in oakland, sacramento is taking the a's, but it wasn't always bad at the coliseum, how jon fisher
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with our new grocery outlet app, you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup. what about frozen pizza? here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup.
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darren, looks like some places around the bay area are getting a bit of a break now, but don't be fooled. more is coming. >> more is coming. over the next few hours we might even see some more intensity from the storms. i'll show you why. we'll get a big picture idea how the storm is behaving. there's so many different sides to this one. we talked a lot about the rain and there's much more in this visit, but first the cold air, look at the visualization. the storm is bringing in a nice pool of cold air to work with. that does mean snow for some of the local bay area peaks. first tomorrow morning, we'll use the virtual map. tomorrow morning's lows, spotlighting this a lot over the course of the week and this might be the one thing that grabs everybody equally. you may not get a thunderstorm, but we'll all feel a cold friday morning, especially in the north bay valley, mid-30s, low 40s in the city. these numbers
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are not breaking records. we're close. i checked. we don't have any records broken for morning lows tomorrow, but we'll be 10 degrees or so below average. let's get back into the forecast because these hills down here, mount hamilton, already got snow on it. skyline boulevard up there going across like the base of the peninsula range also got snow on it. we aren't done. there's going to be a little more snow that falls on mount hamilton in the next 24 hours and you can see snow in the santa cruz mountains along the spine where skyline boulevard is, loma prieta getting a little more snow and the sierra will get its fair share of snow. we've seen snow down to 1,500 feet in the foothills today and there's more to go. it's not huge totals, but it's low enough it does impact the drive. there's the system and why we were talking about this a moment ago in terms of more showers to come onshore. this is live. look at this batch here about to come in over the
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peninsula and creep across and get into the south bay. let's loop the last hour to see how this is behaving. if we just change our perspective there's skyline boulevard, top of the mountains, highway 35, highway 9. we've seen snow there. look at the little purple splotch. that's the radar reading a different phase. it's reading it as more solid stuff, not rain, like snow, very light, but snow still. when we go back to futurecast, that batch there shows up, forecast models able to see the reason why that's occurring. we're in the center of this low. watch everything rotate here. you'll get more concentrated areas of some of the heavier downpours and more isolated thunderstorms. we'll be in this now through the remainder of tonight. then tomorrow it's different. tomorrow the center of the storm pulled away. what we have for friday, look at all the
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blue sky. you'll get much more blue sky on friday than today. you got a decent amount today. you'll get a lot more friday. the only thing is there are still isolated showers out there with an occasional thunderstorm embedded in there. even though you get much more time friday that looks pretty and the storm is clearing, you could as easily have a stray thunderstorm roll over your part of the bay even on friday. there will be less of them and they shouldn't be as intense. we should lose some of the energy by then, but it's still there. storm prediction center does have a chance for thunderstorms friday, but it's santa clara valley and south as the system moves south. it includes big sur, san luis obispo, l.a., san diego. are there's the total rainfall to go here. let's get into the seven-day forecast because it's understandable if you're wondering when are we going back to spring? i'd like some sunny and 70s and there's
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plenty of that and then some. next week we're already there, but we aren't stopping at sunny and 70. we're going to low 80s by thursday of next week. quite the turnaround. liz, back to you. >> i can't believe we'll be in the 80s a week from now. that's amazing. >> spring whiplash for sure. time for a check of what's ahead at 6:00. we'll switch over to sara donchey in for jules. >> the a's era in oakland will end after the season. coming up, we take a closer look at fallout for oakland after today's news the team is headed for sacramento and what's next for the coliseum. it's one of the biggest obstacles to building housing in the bay area, getting the permit. what's bringing construction projects to a halt? the news at 6:00 coming up in about ten minutes. now let's head to matt lively for a look at sports. >> one of the most successful, historic franchises in american sports is officially abandoning oakland. the a's have become a laughingstock in recent years
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thanks to a really fun theory called money ball, code for being cheap, but let's not forget what they were before john fisher. fans in the east bay are losing a franchise once considered gold standard. in oakland the athletics have won four world series and six a.l. pennants, reggie jackson, dennis eckersley. since fisher took over in '05, the a's played in one alcs and ranked bottom five in payroll 12 of the last 13 seasons. it almost feels intentional what he's done. now the team is going to play in sacramento. as kings and river cats owner vivek ranadive said, this is essentially an audition. he claims the mlb wants an expansion team in california. hey, it's their time to shine. he does sound really excited, especially for guys who don't play for the a's to see his
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minor league ballpark and to weirdly succeed against them. >> just imagine. you're going to see ohtani, aaron judge hitting home runs out there. what an incredible day. this is epic, historic. >> that's what a's fans want to see, aaron judge going deep against the a's. more on that in a second. just like the athletics, it's the end of an era for one historic conference out west and it hits especially deep for one bay area coach. at the conclusion of march madness pac-12 basketball as we know it will cease to exist. it's a sad reality for many, including stanford assistant coach kate pay who has been tied to the conference since birth. >> i was born at stanford hospital. it's the people, the community. i just love it. >> she's eyed down the conference of champions, also known to her as the pac-8 and
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pac-10 since she was a little girl watching her family bleed cardinal home. >> my parents and brother went to stanford, played football and basketball. my sister went to basketball. i was last in line. >> her beloved school will enter new territory next season with a move to the atlantic coast conference. >> having been born and raised on the peninsula following pac-12, it is bittersweet. >> she's been involved in the most successful stanford women's basketball teams of all time. she isn't leaving the conference without tons of memories, although her favorite might not even be basketball-related. >> my favorite pac-12 memory would probably be over at berkeley stadium watching my brother play football in the big game. >> he goes back to pass, throws over the middle and he has the first down. >> i think they lost that day, but the pure excitement of it. >> while it's hard to fathom an ncaa without the historic conference out west, she's ready to suit up in the acc but
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knows the pac-12 will never be replaced. >> i love the pac-12. there's great rivalries, but i think there's always been tremendous respect amongst all the universities. there's just something really special about the west coast. back to baseball a moment. the city of oakland still negotiating with john fisher on the coliseum and surely they'll talk major league baseball because oakland still wants that expansion team, but i would say it feels like mlb commissioner rob manfred made up his mind about baseball in the east bay. mind you, he and fisher have teamed up on this process to get them into sacramento. so it does certainly people like baseball at least for the moment is done in oakland. >> really, really sad. you feel for the fans. we said earlier today, matt, it's like a really horrible breakup that's been taking years. >> and then your ex is moving not even three hours up the coast. >> moving away and moved on. >> moved on, keeping the name. >> with a new girl friend. >> it's tough. it's so tough
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to see for all these fans. i hate it. >> me, too. still ahead here at 5:00, students who rock, how a
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a group of kids in san jose are rocking out ready to light up the montgomery authority in school of rock, the musical.
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for some of these young performers, taking on this role meant learning an extra skill. >> they sing. they dance. they act, but there's one more skill these kids need to be in this musical. they also need to know how to rock. san jose's children's musical theater will be taking on school of rock for the first time and four members of the cast are in the band. c.j., donnie, hope, and falcon will all be playing six to seven songs live leading the show, some learning to play their instruments just months ago. how long you been playing the bass? >> i learned it for the show. >> reporter: balancing a busy rehearsal schedule in the middle of being just kids.
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>> soccer, this, band. >> reporter: you fit in homework? >> here we go, begin. >> reporter: the artistic director says seeing these kids handle all this responsible and a marquee show is impressive. >> try to teach extra skills, whether it's tap dancing or singing more classically trained or learning how to sing pop in. this case we're so proud our young musicians have brought their instruments into the studio, some of them having played very little, if at all, and they've been able to create true musical magic. >> reporter: and the adults that star in the show, they think so, too. >> the kids are fantastic. it's so much fun getting to hang with them. >> reporter: that's c.j. he stars as dooley. his role was made famous by jack black in the movie, but on broadway it was made famous by alex
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brightman. >> that's not my point. my point is the man. >> reporter: a bay area native and cmt alum who was also nominated for a tony for his role as dooley. >> how come none of you told me you could play music? >> alex brightman started here when he was 10 years old. he grew into a remarkable performer obviously. he reminds me so much of the kids i get to work with in this production and the fact they really believe in going the extra mile, just as he has always done. >> reporter: from band practice to full cast rehearsals, these kids are ready to rock and celebrate the power of music. >> looks like a great show. school of rock runs april 12th to the 21st at the montgomery theater. that's going to do it for us here at 5:00. cbs news bay area with sara donchey starts now. >> an unusually cold on storm
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is giving us winter-like weather in april. >> a little more hail possible. we're watching live first alert doppler and perhaps some of the better bands of rain moving onto the peninsula as we speak. we'll track that coming up this hour. it's the final sting for a's fans, the team leaving the town moving to sacramento as a pit stop before sin city. >> we're excited to be here the next three years playing in this beautiful ballpark. >> it is very, very sad. i won't cry, but i was really torn up this morning. >> reporter: as oakland says good-bye to yet another sports team, a closer look at the fallout and what's next for the coliseum after this final season. >> disappointed the way major league baseball and the national football league treated a city like oakland. plus it's not just a change for fans, it's a change for the players, what it will be like to adjust


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