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tv   The Late News  CBS  April 4, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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now at 11:00 -- >> you guys can come out here and do the job that we do. >> -- it isn't just a's fans who have a bone to pick with john fisher, the worker who is say their jobs are all but gone as the team gets ready to head to sac. plus, hail falling from the sky in several bay area cities, when we could see the next round of strong storms. iconic bay area band green day is living up to its name in a way you might not expect.
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from kpix, this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> hi, i'm sara donchey. well, hopefully you haven't had to go out tonight, because it is so cold out there, it's rainy, and the bay area once again got a little bit of everything. we've seen scattered showers all around the bay. this is how it looked this evening in downtown san jose. and we actually saw quite a bit of hail today. luckily not big enough to cause any damage. this video was shot over in dublin and it feels like a novelty when we get this in the bay area. >> april 4th, here we are getting snow. >> yeah, snow came down at saratoga summit today in the santa cruz mountains, and calfire crews got a big kick out of it. the hills above berkeley got a light dusting of snow tonight. the snow that fell in tilden park wasn't enough to stick. so i guess, darren, with all of this happening today, the question is what is in store for us tomorrow? >> the most excitement, sara,
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is everything you just showed. and over about the next three or four hour, and you could see why i'd say that, you see how there's a clearly identifiable counterclockwise spin to all of this. right now we are in the center of this thing. that's why we're seeing snow levels come down to 1,500 feet in the east bay hills. that's why we're getting hail, because these are convective thunderstorms which are producing a little bit of hail. and if you look at mount hamilton, more snow falling there now. we're going look at this in a lot of denail the first alert forecast, and i'll walk you through the rest of tonight. here's some background. you look at the big picture, on the water vapor you can't miss it. we're right in the middle of this thing. so switching to futurecast, take that storm, let it spin its wheels for the next three or four hour, and it stays just like this. and then tomorrow things get very different. tomorrow the storm starts drifting to the south and while we still have a chance for a few isolated thunderstorms tomorrow, you're going get a
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lot more blue sky, and there's going to be a lot less time you're getting rained on. some of us are going into the mid-30s tomorrow morning. when we get back together again, we'll go into the details on the timing of what showers might be left and we'll look at daytime highs that are going back to 80 degrees in this seven-day forecast. i'll see you in a few minutes, sara, back to you. >> what a change, darren. thank you so much. the punches just keep coming for lifelong oakland a's fans. it's all led up to this, the team is skipping town next year to play in sacramento. to a lot of the fan, the news felt something like this. >> this is a louisville slugger up side the head. it's a gut punch. >> the plan is to end up in sin city, but their new vegas stadium won't be ready until at least 2028. the team's lease expires at the coliseum after this season but management did not accept the city's offer to extend it. so they will be moving 85 miles away to sutter health park in sacramento. the minor league stadium is the home of the
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rivercats, and it is smaller than what the taechl is used to. it fits over 14,000 compared to the coliseum's 63,000. the sacramento kings own it, and the kings owner is a longtime friend of a's owner john fisher. the team told us the financial terms of the agreement are private. >> i want to extend my thanks to vivek, who's not only a good friend but a great business person, great associate. working with you guys has been a dream for our guys as well. >> so what about the people who depend on the a's playing in oakland to make their living? food and beverage workers and other people who work inside the coliseum and around it. today the union that represents many of them, hundreds of them, unite here local 2, said fisher was abandoning those employees, calling the move shameful. andrea nakano talked to a longtime employee who stands to lose a lot. >> reporter: on game day, it's not just the fans that fill the
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coliseum workers from all the ushers to concession stand servers are there to make the game day experience enjoyable. >> they come and see the games, but our service makes a lot of people come back. you guys can't come out here and do the job that we do. >> reporter: tony evans has been in the hospitality industry for 40 year, the last ten with the a's. >> all good things come to an end, but it didn't have to end so tragically. >> reporter: tony just knew this day was coming. >> i never had confidence in them staying, because he really wanted to leave. he had been trying to leave for the last ten years. >> reporter: but he didn't think it would come so soon. he thought he would have more time to prepare for what's next. tony feels betrayed and abandoned with the a's moving to sacramento. >> what more can we say? it's like john fisher's like, okay, some of you guys have been loyal to the a's for years and
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year, i just got in, i bought it, i don't care about you guys. basically that's what he's telling us. >> reporter: tony says many of the workers are just like him, seniors trying to find a way to supplement social security and those that are dependent on healthcare. >> at some point i get lost for words for it because i feel sorry for the way this is going to impact some of my coworkers, you know. so how do we get through the summer?. >> reporter: it's already been a struggle without any fans in the stands, fewer employees have been needed on game day. fewer shifts means they don't earn enough points to qualify for healthcare. tony realizes it may be tough for a while but the one thing he won't let fisher take away is hope for the future. >> oakland's going to bounce back. i'm positive we're going to bounce back. so i'm not going to say bye, i'll just say we will see you later. >> well, that is an optimistic outlook, but there is heartbreak fresh for the people who've been cheering the team on for years in those very
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stands for better or for worse. devin fehely talked to die hard fans now that the deal is done. >> people are upset. they're disappointed. they're angry. >> reporter: breaking up is never easy, just ask brian johansson, owner of the last dive bar, whose love for the a's is more than skin deep. >> for one, i can't ever get away from this. this is permanent. >> reporter: brian, like many a's fans, knew that the end was coming. the team's had a wandering eye for a while, having set its sights on las vegas. but the a's flirtation with sacramento, fans say, stings more than they could have ever imagined. >> it's devastating. >> reporter: christopher dobbins is the found exer president of save oakland sports. he says the a's were the last to leave the town but have always been the first in his heart. >> the a's have been here since '68, my whole lifetime. it is very, very sad. you know, i don't cry, man, but i was really torn up this morning. >> reporter: for chris and
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brian, the truth is it hurts because they care, because they remember the good times before bad blood poisoned the relationship between the team and its fans, before divorce, however heartbreaking, seemed like the only real option. >> we're going to be investing our time in organizations and franchises that reciprocate the love that this fan base has shown. there's the roots and the soul, and so there's going to be stuff to fill the void, even though it's not going to be able to fully fill the void all together. >> reporter: there is the pesky problem of what to do with this season. the a's, the city, and their fans all attached at the hip for one long, lingering, super awkward good-bye. >> most a's fans are pretty obsessed about their fandom, and you know, time -- you know, as the weeks go on, we'll figure out what we're going to do collectively as a fan base. >> so we were curious, and both brian and chris say they will go to game this is season. they're drawing the line at sacramento and vegas. so where does the a's move leave the
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city of oakland? mayor sheng thao gave us a statement saying the city wishes the a's well and will continue talks with the team over selling their share of the coliseum site. the a's still own half of the complex, which they bought back in 2019. so the question is what happens to that. the oakland roots and soul soccer teams will be playing there next season, but there's no sign of other major league sports teams playing there any time soon. >> we do have the african american sports entertainment committee, group, that we hired to deal with the half of the property in oakland. hopefully we can attract another professional team to come to oakland. >> not everyone is as optimistic. one former a's executive told us he doesn't see any other major league sports teams playing there. >> we have cricket matches at the coliseum. i don't know, but it might be crickets before we have a cricket match. green day frontman and bay area native billy joe armstrong
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posted a photo wearing an oakland ballers hat, oakland's new independent baseball team. and billy joe isn't just a baseball fanatic or a musician even, the unique way he and his band are helping to fight climate change. and if you've ever wondered what it was like in san francisco in the '# 0s, here's a little taste. plus -- >> you think you can do it? >> oh yeah, he can do it. >> and if you've ever been curious about whether you can run faster than a subway train, these guys said they were going to find out for themselves. forget the old saying april showers brings may flower, because from now
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cbs news bay area presents project earth: the path forward. >> in tonight's project earth, one of the most legendary bands to come out of the bay area just put on a show in the heart of san francisco, and it wasn't just fun and games. it actually had a greater purpose to help fight climate change. >> reporter: outside the historic fillmore, inside green day, the grammy winners who can sell out stadiums just performed at the more intimate venue. >> welcome to my problem. >> reporter: the east bay group played two entire album, the newly released saviors as well as the masterpiece american idiot. the event was hosted by the united nations and recording academy, but it was organized by the right here, right now global climate
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alliance. >> music is a really unique tool in our toolbox. >> reporter: david clark founded the alliance. he says the fillmore event was the global kick-off to a new concert venture. the proceeds will fund climate change initiatives. >> green day, they've been promoting, you know, social and environmental issues for decades, so they were really our first choice, and we're grateful they agreed to perform. and it was amazing. >> reporter: one goal to reframe climate change as a human rights crisis. those in immediate danger are already among the most vulnerable. >> it's such an existential threat, it's actually hard for people to wrap their heads around it, which is why you need to communicate in languages they understand like art and music. >> if we don't take care of each other, it's going to be pretty dismal. >> reporter: grammy winner xavier dphprepaulezz, oakland's own fantastic negrito, applauds the alliance and its efforts. >> if we don't take care of our home, the planet, and get really concerned about the things that are haeping here, then it's going to be a miserable place to live.
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>> can you hear it now. >> reporter: his song was spark bid the state's devastating 2021 wild fyre season, stoked by climate change. he too sees music as an instrument of change. >> you want to try to motivate people to do something, take action, because doing nothing is just not an option. xavier's store front records is cohosting a celebration at thrive city near chase center. he says vulnerable communities are also in our own backyard. >> the neighborhoods that i came from, sometimes even are overlooked in the conversation isn't even being had about climate change and environment. >> reporter: on earth day, there will be open air markets that will benefit local vendors to keep us all thriving. >> get in harmony with the earth, the place that you live. the more you love it, the more it gives. >> earth day. >> reporter: a gift where we can all find harmony.
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tonight hundreds of thousands of people are in the dark in the northeast with a powerful storm dumping two feet of snow in some places and up to 60-mile-per-hour wind gusts with this thing. it's being called the biggest nor easter to hit the region since 2020. maine and new hampshire are bearing the brunt of the damage and seeing the most power outages. and tonight the sierra is getting fresh snow, this time at lower elevations. really beautiful sight there, and obviously an extended ski season. no surprise given the kind of winter we've seen. it really does feel like winter outside, darren, today, and yesterday actually. >> didn't get out of the 50s all day today. add on top of that a bit of a breeze, the dampness to the air, it does feel cold. tomorrow is the real headline, and i'm going to show you the morning lows in a second. some of us going to the mid-30s. first let's look at tonight, because first alert doppler is still very busy. we've got our counterclockwise spin showing us that we're kind of right in the middle of this thing. it's very subtle, but you can pick it up on
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there. there was enough rain from these bands moving through contra costa county, there actually was a flood advisory from about 9:00 tonight through 10:30 for places like richmond and pinole for water on roadways. thankfully, that was allowed to expire. but it's a really good example of the amount of rain individual cells can produce for localized areas over to bay. rainfall totals in general so far haven't really been super impressive. like it's maybe 0.3 of an inch of rain if yoi you broad brush it. if you get an individual cell, you get a brief downpour in a short period of time. look at tomorrow. tomorrow we're still in first alert status because tomorrow we're still going to be surrounded, there's still going to be isolated thunderstorms out there, but they're going to be few and far between. watch what happens on this, there's a lot more time tomorrow when you get blue sky. there's a lot less time tomorrow when you're getting rained on. however, any one of these cells that comes through, like there's one kind of skirting over the hills. here
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come a few more down through the north bay in general. there's one at 4:00 in the afternoon going right over 680. now, it doesn't happen exactly there at exactly that time, but the fact that the ingredients are still there for one of those or a few more two develop in isolated parts over the valley, we stay in first alert status tomorrow just to make sure you stay aware and don't get caught offguard by that. it could be a brief downpour, small hail, definitely get your attention. you could even get minor roadway flooding in that scenario. it's a difficult forecast for tomorrow because really for most of us, it's going to be a beautiful day. it's going to be blue sky, and you're going to think, oh, we're done with that. we're not entirely done with that. when we look at the big picture here, the threat for thunderstorms starts to diminish a bit tomorrow. if we look at rainfall totals still to go, this is a bit deceiving, because if you generalize it, we're talking about maybe another 0.25 of an inch of rain. if you get another one of those cells, you could get another 0.5 an inch in 30 minutes. cold air is a factor in this. just to visualize how the cold air has been brought
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here, let's put some numbers on the virtual map to really kind of get specific. and i've been using this for the past few days, just about friday morning. low 40s in the south bay. upper 30s in the trivalue e-lee. livermore is going down to 38 tomorrow. we'll go to 41 in redwood city. that's cold enough. and as you work your way north, of course, it's always those north bay valleys which get the coldest on mornings like this. that's a 35 up there. i'll get out of the way so we can pick out the numbers for santa rosa and petaluma and novato all going down to the upper 30s. and if it's that cold, it's cold enough for light snow on the hills. and we've been tracking that over the course of this system. watch what is still possible. we had real pretty pictures today from mount hamilton, the santa cruz mountains had gotten some. saratoga gap had gotten some snow. that's at like 2,000 feet. skyline boulevard got snowed on today up there. mount
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saint helena, more snow. there's a winter weather advisory forker mendocino and lake county above 1,500 feet where you can get light snow up there. that's going to take us through tomorrow morning. let's look at the seven-day forecast now. and just look at the difference. i wish i could say the weekend we are going to be warming back up, but we're not. we're still low 60s for saturday and sunday. look back here. next week we're going to the 80s. it's going to be, you know, it's going to feel like we really are in full-fledged baseball season then, matt. over to you. >> thank, darren. ahead in sports, big news of the day, a's are playing their final season in oakland. a look back at their suck sez before it all came crumbling down. plus, the dubs eager to lock up a playoff spot on thursday night, and they did it while also silen
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i think, you know, we could probably say that there were points in this warriors season where even the most faithful fans were wondering, i don't
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know how this is going to go right now. >> that's an understatement. >> ups and downs big time. >> it has been a roller coaster of a season, but more clarity. the warriors led the rockets by one game for that final p warriors. come out to play. >> that's the most annoying man i have ever seen filmed on an iphone. eason currently injured, by the way, actually wore a warriors come out and play shirt on the bench. the warriors did just that, especially klay thompson. klay scored 21 in the first half. he knocked down seven threes in the game and finished with 29. his highest scoring game since february 15th. final seconds of the half, steph curry misses a three, but gary payton ii flies in for the tip and despite turning it over 15 times in the
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first two quarters, golden state led. great night for both of the splash bros, curry drives for the nifty lay-up. pushed the lead to 15. he also had 29. and it was a career night for rookie trace jackson davis. early fourth, chris paul alley-oop to tjd for two of his career high 20. and the warriors cruise 133-110. yeah, they came out and played, all right. they've won six straight overall, 13 in a row over houston. golden state can now start focussing on catching the teams above them in the play-in race. tonight's win increased the warriors lead over houston to four games with six to play. safe to say we're dropping the rockets from that graphic. and by the way, klay thompson took issue the fact that a bench player was talking all that noise. it's official, some sad news, the athletics will relocate to sacramento before the supposed move to in las vegas a few years. one of the most successful and historic franchises in american sports will now play in a minor league
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park. it's not always been like this for the a's, but becoming the butt of the joke around the league has become the norm since john fisher took over. the fans in the east bay are losing a franchise once considered the gold standard. in oakland, the athletics are v won four world series, six al pennants. they featured some of greatest to ever play in the bigs. however, since fisher took over in '05, the a's, well, they've not sniffed a world series, they've played in one alcs, and they have ranked bottom five in payroll in 12 of the last 13 seasons. honestly, you have to try to do that. and by the way, as part of the move, the name oakland stays here in the bay area. the team is simply going to go by a's or athletics. and to me, if you're sacramento, you really have to be feeling that love, right? >> mmm. >> you get this team that were committed to being here, and they're not even going to put sacramento on the product. for a's like if you ask me.
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>> they have their future prospects down the line that they're hoping for a team, i guess, eventually. but there has been a lot of drama, a lot of frustration from the fans. we hear you, we've seen the comments. >> been interesting. >> a sad day for them for sure. matt, thank you. while the a's are on their way out, though, we still have to -- we have the giants to hold on to in honor of opening day. we dug into our archives to give everyone a taste of opening day in 1979. . >> reporter: maybe it was the new grass or the weather that brought them out, or the widely held belief that the san francisco giants have a shot at the national league pennant this year. whatever it was, it was working well, and there was excitement in the air as over 56,000 fans came for the home season opening game at candlestick. and when they introduced the giants, well, it was absolutely electrifying. in honor of slain san francisco mayor george moscone, there were two balls pitched to open
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the game, by the late mayor's sons christopher and jonathan. and then it was play ball. for the lulls in the game action, there was always the entertainment provided by the fan. >> the crowd will keep them up there for as long as they possibly can, then it's up to the players, i'm sure. >> i was at spring training, and they were just great. >> you were at spring training. >> oh yeah. >> you're a real fan. >> what kind of a year is it going to be for the giants? >> oh, it's going to be the best year. it's about time. >> i think they're going to have a good year because they've got billy north now. >> oh, they've got a winner this year. they've got a winner. >> there you have it, real grass, real wind, real sunshine, and real fans. it's going to be a good year for the giants at candlestick, in san francisco don knapp, channel 5 eyewitness news. >> i didn't realize that was don knapp the whole time. i used to work with him here. he's a legend. >> i love that he's on the
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field. the game is going on. >> yeah. oh my gosh, yes, and the big cigarette ads and the outfits. >> i love the old nostalgia. and tomorrow we've got a sneak peek of the 1959 opening series, the first year the giants were actually in san francisco against the l.a. dodgers. highlights from that game pretty cool. >> looking forward to it. go, go, go, go, go. >> we're seeing if joe can outrun the new york city subway. >> if you wondered if running was faster than waiting, these guys have the answer.
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morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... -alligator. are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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have you ever ridden b.a.r.t. or muni and wondered can i outrun this thing? >> no, that thought has never gone through my head. >> no? it might be ridiculous to you, but there are other people who think like i do.
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jeanne moos has more on a couple of guy who is put that concept to the test in new york city. >> reporter: what new yorker hasn't sat on the subway thinking -- >> i feel like i could be faster than this train, and that's where the whole idea kind of came from. >> go, go, go. >> do you think you can do it? >> oh yeah, he can do it. >> reporter: tyler schwartz and joe fowler -- >> we're seeing if joe can outrun the new york city subway. >> reporter: -- each tried to beat the train between 18th and 14th streets. not quite a quarter mile. they took turns. >> there's no way. >> reporter: dodging pedestrians, jumping the turnstile, tyler is a serious runner. by the time he got to the next station -- >> no way. >> no. >> did the train just come through? >> i failed. >> reporter: as for tyler's nonrunner friend joe, an australian -- >> where is he? >> reporter: but joe snatched victory from the jaws of the
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closing doors. >> yes, yes, yes. >> that counts. >> the glass doors were stuck like dijon mustard, but for whatever reason they opened up. >> reporter: the passengers cheered. you felt like in your opinion the olympics? >> honestly, yeah, it felt like i won gold. >> reporter: the winning run lasted a minute and a half. you must be annoyed at joe for winning. >> if my friend is able to do it, hell yeah, that's awesome. >> reporter: joe says the funniest part was when tyler failed to arrive and the train left without him. >> i'm stuck in the subway right now. >> reporter: they're already planning a -- >> next time. >> all right, i mean, i've always wondered if i could do that. sometimes you stop and think i could get out and walk or run. you've never thought that? >> you would see a man heaving in a new york city garbage can if i attempted this feat. >> you actually run, you know -- >> i do run quite a bit, and i
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still don't think i would pull that one off. >> sometimes i wonder, is my train going slower because that guy just stuck his hand in the door to see if his friend could run faster than this train. i've got places to be. >> i'm sure that some people on that car were not happy with that. i thought of you when i saw this story. >> thank you, i'm honored, but no, i could not that do that. >> we'll have to add that to the list of things matt lively should try for the show. >> ice skating, crossed off. >> that's right. >> going to be a good story. >> thanks for watching, see you tomorrow. >> a recent article in axios claims that you can decipher how the former president's mind works by looking at his mar-a-lago spotify playlist. regulars call it the deejayt performance and say just like his rallies, the songs stay the same and he alone controls the volume. >> do you want to bust a move the ex-presidential way?


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