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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 5pm  CBS  April 5, 2024 5:00pm-5:31pm PDT

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>> i had to pay my dues, so should he. >> and i don't think about
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richard allen davis until something like this happens, so here we are, 30 years after the fact, and i'm having to relive my daughter's murder again, that is just so terribly unfair. >> the judge says he will take time to consider the arguments he heard today. >> people have to be aware that individuals like richard allen davis are getting opportunities to relitigate their case. >> the court's ruling is scheduled for may 31st. a survivor of the deadly mass shooting in half moon bay is filing a lawsuit, last january a gunman killed seven people at two mushroom farms, the lawsuit is against one of the farms, it alleges that the owners fail to provide adequate security for farmworkers who lived on the property. the plaintiff is pedro perez, whose brother was killed in the shooting. pedro was killed -- was hit five times. >> i had two bullets in my stomach. one in my face, one in my arm and a bullet in my back.
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>> we reached out to the owners but we have not heard back, the suspected shooter remains in custody. still ahead, one day after the a's revealed this will be their final season at the coliseum, we are hearing from the players them selves. >> it is a tough situation all around. a rare earth quake rattles the east coast, we will show you the moment it happened. millions of americans are expected to travel to catch the best view of the total eclipse. we will have everything you need to know including a very special event here in the bay area. >> we are a part of a much larger universe, there are things going on out there without any human involvement at all.
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a's fans have been
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expressing their heartbreak and outrage since the team announced they will be moving to west sacramento for the next few years ahead of their permanent expected move to vegas. the players are weighing in. jake joined us with their thoughts on the move. >> reporter:, and it was the most likely outcome. >> ultimately, i just feel sad for the fans, it is a tough situation all around. >> growing up seeing the a's and the giants, going to see them and playing at the coliseum in high school, it is going to be a downer for baseball. >> the players are filled with mixed emotion after yesterday's news that the team is relocating to sacramento for three years, including elk grove native, jd davis. >> i know sacramento is on the rise as one of the top five
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grossing city, even for an mls team. >> reporter: but like with any move, it comes with a cost. >> they are making the plans and feeling things out and seeing what the next three years will look like. >> i know there's possible issues that could happen, is there any concern for that? >> i don't think so, we trust our p.a. to make sure the right adjustments and amenities are met. >> they definitely need a lot of upgrades to the clubhouse and all that stuff. it was below average aaa, but i'm sure they will take care of that by next year. >> triple a ballparks are still the same, still the same distance all the way around, so it's just one of those things where it's going to be less fans, but at the same time we still have to play our game.
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>> reporter: because that's all these players can do when it comes to the product on the field. >> you know, none of us are in those meetings, not one of us in this clubhouse has voiced her opinion or anything, it's not like we are asking to but at the same time, we just got to take the punches and go with it. >> reporter: only a handful of players have been to sacramento and played at the park, but if there is a silver lining to this, they say they are excited to explore the city of sacramento and in the end, that is what the owner wants, a possible audition to have a team permanently in the capital region. >> we will see if that actually happens. thank you so much. shoppers who like a good deal will soon be losing a favorite discount shop, $.99 only stores are closing all of its stores nationwide including about two dozen in the bay area. the company ceo says challenges from the covid-19 pandemic, inflation and theft
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which is some of the main reasons behind the decision to close. >> i don't know where i'm going to shop, this is just awful. it is very sad. i don't know. i mean, i guess amazon, i don't know, where else do you go? >> they will be closing about 350 locations in california, texas, arizona, and nevada. take a look at this, a trembling statue of liberty at the hands of a 4.8 magnitude earthquake on the east coast. authorities are warning everyone to be on alert for aftershocks. the shaking was felt by millions from new york city to philadelphia. the earthquake struck around 7:00 this morning, with a strong aftershock coming just a couple hours ago. officials say damage so far has been minimal but they are urging everyone to be ready for anything. >> we are ready for the unexpected, this is new york
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city, we are going to respond accordingly. >> officials say there haven't been any reported cases of serious injuries but safety crews are making sure the buildings don't suffer any structural damage. in california, parts of the sierra foothills seeing snow at the lower elevations today, cars in colfax were covered in it earlier this morning, elevation about 2400 feet. >> i think it is beautiful, it is late for snow, but we love it. up the hill we get a little bit more, it's nice. >> and a few minutes ago, we got this video of hail in walnut creek, you can see it and hear it pelting onto the patio. darren peck is here, and this is just the start of what is going to be a wild weather day.
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>> for the rest of this evening, you can almost think of now through 8:00 really as the final chapter of this storm. still going to have a few isolated thunderstorms. let me show you the view of what we had today. the snow in colfax, the hail at home and we saw one of the thunderstorms from our camera on mount diablo, just a beautiful time-lapse we can watch as the showers increase, you can see the rain right there. and eventually when it clouds up, you can see some rain there and we have some light snow on mount diablo earlier and the camera was high enough that it was likely capturing some very short-lived flakes that are still falling. you can see where the thunderstorms are, we are going to review what we looked at at the top of the newscast, this is the headline of the day, this is the focus for today's
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first alert status. dublin, that is a good little complex of fairly moderate rain coming down. approaching 680, and 85 interchange. that extends to the rest of the tri-valley. you can see the lightning over the higher elevations. that is where all the windmills sit as you get into the higher hills. this is what it looks like in napa, a fairly impressive complex of thunderstorms, that was the start of this phase with the national weather service this afternoon, as they started issuing a series of weather statements. this is exactly how it goes on a day like today when the forecast calls for isolated thunderstorms. that is a perfect example of how this will look, if we play what happened, that works its way down 680 and that is what we are seeing over the tri-valley. there's going to be a regeneration. we switch from the first alert doppler, we put
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the computer forecast imagery on here and this is the high-resolution model for the short-term stuff. and watch what it shows. more of this regeneration likely between now and 5:00, that is what we are seeing here, but 6:00, this will take us into 7:00 and by the time we get to 8:00, it is going to start winding down. but it is all in the same spot. it is all in the east bay, so we are not seeing a lot of it anywhere else. most of us have blue skies. here is the wider view of it. once we are done with that for tonight, we are done. what stands out about tomorrow is how cold it is going to get. we are going to do the same numbers again tomorrow morning that we did this morning. so it is going to be a lot of low 40s, we are going to do some upper 30s tomorrow and it'll be mid-30s if you are in the north bay valleys, upper 30s for the tri-valley, there's the city. you will be in the low 40s tomorrow and the numbers will be in the mid 30s for places like santa rosa. so, it is a cold start to the morning. but the afternoon both saturday and sunday are going to be just fine, they are not going to
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warm up a lot. we are still going to be looking at temperatures that are going to be held in the 60s. let's get into the seven day forecast and we are going to use the microclimate that will spotlight inland. we keep some clouds around for the weekend, low to mid 60s. by monday, we start to warm up. the of sunshine and that really just keeps stepping up and by the time we get to thursday and friday of next week, we are low 80s and if you want to be technical about it, 83 on friday. you could statistically say you are approaching 80s next week. >> 61 to 83, that is an
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incredible jump. next, meet a bay area student who juggles schoolwork with helping her parents become u.s. citizens, how she helps other families in similar situations. >>
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it is hard enough to graduate from one of the most prestigious schools in the country when you are the first in your family to go to college, imagine doing that while also to protect your parents from being deported. i met an extraordinary young woman who found success and strength through life's toughest moments. >> ruby lopez walks the campus of uc berkeley with an extra pep in her step, she is a few months away from graduation and she's got big dreams and a bright outlook on her future. but four years ago, this moment
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didn't seem possible. >> at first i never heard anything about uc berkeley in the area that i grew up, it was rare for anyone to go to college. >> ruby has always carried a heavy load, in school and life, growing up, money was tight and she always lived in fear. one day her parents could be taken away. >> i was constantly scared, because my parents did not have papers, when i went to school, i feared that somebody was going to come and get them, and because of that, i spent a lot of my time not only devoted to school but also devoted to the safety of my family. >> reporter: as a young child, she would juggle doing her homework with helping her parents navigate getting their citizenship. >> i would sit there and try to translate documents, and attempt to encourage them to go and get their citizenship or residency and eventually it did get to that point. >> reporter: the constant stress took its toll. >> it wasn't until i got to
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college when i realized why i was exhausted all the time, not only was i taking care of myself but i was also taking into account my parents and siblings. >> reporter: when she started her freshman year, ruby had a breaking point. >> it was probably one of the lowest points of my life. >> reporter: it was the middle of covid and even at uc berkeley, ruby struggled to find students who looked like her. >> i struggled to find other latinas in general, that made me feel like i wasn't seen on campus because everyone around me didn't look like me, so it discouraged me from feeling like i belonged here, which implemented imposter syndrome. >> reporter: she also almost dropped out, but her adviser convinced her it was time to put herself first. >> as long as i can remember, academics never came hard to me, but advocating for myself
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always came to me. >> reporter: and something else happened that would change immediately. >> i clicked with ruby, we had so much in similar. >> a best friend, who knows what it's like to be a child of immigrant parents. >> we felt that pressure to do things the correct way, to fulfill the american dream that our parents had for us. >> reporter: ruby is getting a degree with an emphasis in immigration, and plans to go to law school so she can help other families. but, she wants to write a new chapter in her family's story. >> that's really the bigger picture of why i keep going, because the fact that i know i have other people around me that see what my next step is. >> reporter: whatever that next step is, ruby knows she won't be making it alone. the u.s. preparing for an
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imminent attack in response to israel's air strike on an iranian embassy, what we are learning about the emerging threat. you have probably heard of restaurant week, now san francisco is launching weed week, details on today's
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with our new grocery outlet app, you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup. what about frozen pizza? here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup.


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