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tv   CBS News Bay Area Evening Edition 6pm  CBS  April 5, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm PDT

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the alert for more pop-up thunderstorms for the friday evening commute. >> that is the reason why we are still in first alert status, take a look at the lightning bolts showing up, it is mainly for the east bay, we are goiformer work place. i'm still in pain and i'm still trying to get better. >> how he is taking legal action to stand up for fellow farmworkers. and already competitive race for san francisco mayor nick's room for one more, how progressive, aaron peskin could stand out from the pack. >> we are going to find out who has the experience and who cares about san francisco. the countdown is on for the rare total eclipse, how much we will be able to see in the bay area. and some tips from an expert stargazer on how to take it all in. >> this is cbs news bay area.
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>> hello, i'm sara donchey, pedro perez came to the bay area to try to make a better life for his family, and he probably never imagined mass violence would touch him or his family, now he's talking about why he is doing his work lays over the tragedy. pedro watched his brother die and he himself was shot five times. he and his family are suing one of two mushroom farms where an employee allegedly killed farmworkers last year over a work place dispute. da lin was there as he explained why he's asking for accountability. >> reporter: the attorney said the owner of the farm failed to keep the tenants safe, a worker said he is hurting physically and emotionally. pedro perez
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underwent three surgeries and is still in a lot of pain. >> i had two bullets in my stomach, one in my face, one in my arm, and a bullet in my back. >> reporter: the 24-year-old said life will never be the same and he may never recover from the mental trauma. he witnessed a gunman killed his older brother, 38-year-old, jose perez. >> what hurts me so much is that we were always together, i lived with him, we were always together. we would cook together, we would go to the store, we were inseparable. >> reporter: the two brothers left mexico to live and work at the half moon bay mushroom farm, they would send money
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home, jose is survived by his wife and four kids. jose's wife is also suing, and the owner, police say this worker killed four people and injured pedro. he then went to another farm and killed three more people on january 23rd, 2023. >> we can't believe it, we didn't have any problems and he was our coworker and we always worked side-by-side with him. >> this case is about holding a landlord accountable for failing to protect the tenants on his property. >> reporter: pedro's attorney said the owner did not protect them from the mass shooting, even though he knew about his violent history. there was also a separate shooting at the farm months before. >> what did they do after that shooting in july of 2022? what
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steps did they take to make sure it did not happen again and i can tell you what the answer is going to be right now. they did nothing. >> reporter: an organization that advocates for farmworkers says you want to push for better living conditions, they say many migrants across the country continue to live in shipping containers and in deplorable conditions. no running water, no kitchens were -- or bathrooms. >> how are we still in these conditions in 2024? >> reporter: as for pedro, the road to recovery is a long one. his therapy includes learning how to play the accordion. >> he says it is helping him a lot, when he feels sad, he starts to practice, and coming to the program and playing with the group. >> reporter: pedro says he has not been able to work, he says
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eventually he will go back to his family in mexico. >> the civil lawsuit doesn't specify how much money they are seeking, the attorney says that will be figured out later. the suspect in the shooting has pleaded not guilty , and one count of attempted murder, investigators say he opened fire after getting into a dispute with his supervisor after a $100 forklift bill, he is expected back in court on april 19. there has been some progress in a push to create more housing in half moon bay. back in january, we showed you this 50 acre nursery that san mateo county bought for $9 million, it will be turned into 100 units of farmworker housing, the county has launched a task force to work with farmers and ranchers to improve the housing that they
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already have. it has been another chilly day, and the chance of thunderstorms is keeping us in first alert mode. we saw hale in the bay area again today. this was just before 4:30 and we got pictures of the hail covering the lawn, and our helicopter shot, what looks like winter at mount hamilton. there is a lot of snow along the observatory and not quite as much here but you can see patches of snow around the peak of diablo. and taking a look outside, there could be active whether for the friday evening commute. >> the best view is to go back to mount diablo, our camera, we started rolling a time-lapse at about 3:00 this afternoon, when the thunderstorm dropped the hail, that started in napa,
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watch what happens. you are going to see a drop its reign, then it hits the lens, and this camera sits at 3500 feet, you will see light snow and that snow is going to quickly fade away, you can see the next line of thunderstorms start to redevelop. let's go to the first alert doppler, because you can see those thunderstorms on here, this has been almost exclusive for the inland east bay. and it started about 3:00 and it is still going for the tri-valley, it has finally gotten that far south and we are seeing a little less lightning. all we have to do is change our perspective a little bit, you could see the pattern on this, it has been pretty much exclusive to the east bay and the futurecast model can see a few more of these redeveloping over the next few hours. we are going to keep an eye on this, this is the area you will get some brief downpours. i'm going to show
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you how this comes to an end and then we are going to talk about how cold tomorrow is going to be. a developing story in san francisco right now, a deadly shooting inside of a barbershop, officers were called to mission and 20th street just before 1:30 this afternoon. a man was shot and he died on the scene. no word on a possible motive. san francisco supervisor, aaron peskin was signing paperwork to run for mayor today. one of the longest-serving politicians in city history comes the sole progressive candidate running against london breed. but, he says he doesn't see the race that way, he told wilson walker he has another word on his mind. >> i think people know my work on behalf of neighborhoods in san francisco. i want to be a neighborhood mayor that honors
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every neighborhood in san francisco. >> neighborhood, the word of the day as he made his run official but this is not a new keyword, it is the same word we heard back when we were asking whether or not he would join the race. >> you know, i started out as a neighborhood guy, i started out as a neighborhood activist in north beach. >> let's unpack the word a little bit, on one level, it is a nice way about building a coalition, he has a quarter century of experience here in north beach. and how about t deep connections with the chinese community of san francisco. >> reporter: chinatown is the core of the city's asian population, a third of the vote in san francisco, there is a reason other candidates have made major announcements in this very plaza. recent years
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have shown the strength of this voting constituency. political scientist will tell you, voters do not always vote via label. so, his roots in chinatown could act as a buffer against one political vulnerability as a progressive candidate and then there is what it means to be progressive and we have already seen a preview of this specifically in relation to recent battles over housing and zoning. have a listen to the mayor and her recent state of the city address. >> building homes and adding treatment beds is progressive. >> peskin would argue that the need for housing would also be balanced against something else. >> i think it is also about sticking up for the neighborhoods of san francisco. >> so the city's race for
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mayor begins to take shape, a lot of talk about shifting politics in san francisco. >> i don't think this is about progressives or moderates, this is about taking care of san francisco and being a mayor who knows how. >> reporter: so much discussion about him running for so long, that the announcement all feels a little bit like a fake lead, but the campaign is really beginning. the deadline to sign up is in june. >> they will be facing off against some high-profile and well-funded moderates, they include mark stijl, daniel e, and founder of antipoverty nonprofit and supervisor. breaking news from berkeley, there has been a possible shooting on a freeway on ramp, witnesses told chp
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that a driver was shot before the car crashed on the on ramp to i-80. the victim was taken to the hospital, no word on any arrest. still ahead, a sellout crowd at the giants home opener, we hear from fans excited about the new faces this season. and we will see a total eclipse but it is still pretty exciting, we've got your guide for
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- [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+.
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the giants delivered on their home opener this afternoon, with a walk-off win against the padres, the game included a pregame performance and an f-15 flyover by the california national guard with a lot of new faces on the team, the fans were eager to watch them play. >> opening day at san francisco, we have the best team in the nation, all the fans packed the atmosphere, everybody having a great time. >> we are stoked, today is such a beautiful day, we just love baseball so much. >> what are you most looking forward to this season? >> making it to the world series. >> we also got to see new
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additions at oracle park itself, new speakers and a new lighting system, all worth about $15 million. it was an exciting ending in the bottom of the ninth, we will have more coming up at 7:00. the total solar eclipse is just a few days away, in the bay area, we won't get the full spectacle, but even a partial view is worth checking out. >> here we are on the foothill college campus, with the foothill observatory on the left, the center for innovation on the right. >> while jeff is a professor of astronomy, he has never seen this, a total solar eclipse, unfolding over north america on monday. >> but i will not be in the bay area, i'm traveling to where i will be able to see totality, i'm so excited. >> that means traveling to the
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path of totality. outside of that path is just a partial solar eclipse like the bay area saw in 2017. >> even the partial eclipse is just fantastic, i loved it. >> that is what we will have in the bay area on monday. a partial solar eclipse. >> it is not the sun, is it? >> that is the only thing bright enough to get through the filter, the sun itself. >> the partial eclipse will reach maximum partial eclipse at 11:13 a.m. >> from the bay area, imagine you take a cookie and take a bite out of it, that is what the sun will look like, if you are looking at it through a
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filter. >> and you must look with a filter, never ever look at the sun directly. >> and if you don't have glasses, how about a punch card? >> this is actually my favorite way to look at the sun, you can just project an image of the sun onto another surface. if you don't have something like this handy, just use a nearby tree, the leads will naturally produce a series of pinholes, each of those will produce a little tiny image of the sun. >> while he knows exactly where the path of totality is. we don't know exactly what the weather will be like. >> clear skies are anything but certain along the path of totality. >> well, there's always the year 2044. that's the next time a total solar eclipse
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visits the continental u.s. >> there will be special coverage of the eclipse monday on cbs mornings, tony will be along the path of totality starting at 7:00 a.m. then join norah o'donnell for a special report, total eclipse of the heartland. and we will be on at 10:00 a.m. on the cbs news streaming app. another day of wild weather, thunderstorms,
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today has been a perfect example of what it looks like when we talk about isolated thunderstorms, you are going to get more blue sky than anything else. that is exactly what happened for most of us, but not all of us. 680 has been getting quite the show over the last six hours, the time-lapse shows you the showers, there was lightning and thunder, then there was light snow on this camera, then the snow falls off and the next line of clouds passes overhead on its way to drop more isolated thunderstorms in the tri-valley. then you see a little bit of clearing, that was the last image, on the first alert doppler, you can track the same line. the
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lightning develops at about 3:00 over napa, then works its way down 680, so we are tracking this in multiple ways. you can see the last image, look at the time stamp, 6:22, right now the only place we see rain is the tri-valley and it is fairly moderate, not terribly intense. let's change our perspective and swing over to the day. very few places are seeing anything, but look at sonoma, that is the last image. we now see another cell redevelop in the same place, and if we switch this and put it into the future cast, this is the high-resolution forecast model, which you can use the highest resolution in this detailed stuff because we have the best handle on the atmosphere and what it is going to do over the next six hours. the line of thunderstorms is going to march down 680, so you
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are getting a break right now, there is another round coming. it won't be as intense as the one that just came through. between now and 7:30, concord, walnut creek, hayward, you might get clipped by that. these forecast models, when you're only to look down the road about 12 hours, have gotten exceptionally accurate over the last seven years, that is a really good depiction of how the next three hours is likely going to go. this is the same exact model, only i'm changing the perspective so you can see the big picture. you can see how isolated it is on the big view, but if you happen to be right under it, it does seem like quite a show and it is. so that is the rest of the evening. i'm looking ahead, this is the next chance for rain because after tonight, we are done with the current system. that is an entirely
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separate cold front. that is sunday. technically, as we click into midnight on sunday. there's going to be a very weak cold front, we are not looking at thunderstorms from this, this is going to be a pretty unimpressive line of showers. by the time we get to sunrise, it'll be done and we will clear out on sunday and there won't be much else going on. that will get us to monday. the eclipse will happen around 11:00, let's take the latest model and take it ahead to monday morning, and we look good, we are going to have clear skies for our preview of the eclipse. and by the way, we saw a little bit of an example of what it looks like from our perspective on monday, there's the moon covering about 34% of the sun. it is a wonderful way to gain a little more insight on the mystery of how this
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works and i don't want to downplay that but it is not the significant show that people are obviously traveling and paying a lot of money to go see. a total solar eclipse is a very different experience, it'll last for four minutes and this is the only time you can look without protection and you will see the atmosphere of the sun, the corona around the edge of the moon. we are going to have a good show on monday but it is not the kind of thing that people say it is life-changing. so, just a little more background on that. we know monday we have a great show for the eclipse but the warm-up has already started, it is going to be 73 degrees, then it is going to be 83 by the end of next week. back to you. it has been a long time
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you can barely buy anything for a dollar these days, now this business known for its bargain prices is closing its doors nationwide, hundreds of them, they have two dozen stores in the bay area alone. the company ceo said challenges from the pandemic from inflation and theft are some of
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the main reasons behind their decision. we talked to one regular shopper who told us she was devastated when she found out they were closing. >> i don't know where i'm going to shop, this is just awful, it is very sad. i don't know, i mean, i guess amazon. >> they will be closing 350 locations in california, texas, arizona and nevada. the cbs evening news with norah o'donnell is up next, [bleep] >> is this an earthquake? >> norah: a rare earth quake rattles much of the east coast. >> the entire building just moved. >> norah: a remarkable 42 million americans felt that 4.8 magnitude quake, rocking boston, philadelphia, and new york city. the "cbs evening news" starts now. ♪ ♪


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