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tv   The Late News  CBS  April 5, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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now at 11:00. >> we're left to defend our neighborhood and our homes. >> tensions flare at what should have been a quiet meeting. >> these people cannot even allow intellectually honest conversation. they want to interrupt me when i speak. >> you said you want to dismantle sfpd. >> why business owners shouted down a san francisco supervisor. >> what hurts me so much is that we were always together. a man who was hit five times during the half moon bay mass shooting taking a stand, why he says his lawsuit against his bosses is about more than money.
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plus what firefighters found inside a treasure island home that went up in flames. from kpix this is the late news with sara donchey on cbs news bay area. >> hello. i'm sara donchey. we have heard the word frustration a lot when it comes to how business owners and residents feel about crime in san francisco. today we saw that frustration come to life as a group of people drowned out a san francisco supervisor in a heated confrontation centered around public safety. supervisor connie chan represents district 1 which includes the richmond district. that's one of the city's safest neighborhoods by the numbers, but lately there's been an outcry there over the city not doing enough to stop crime. we covered the deadly beating of a richmond district store clerk last august killed trying to stop a theft. late last month a 22-year-old man was arrested after slashing tires of almost two dozen cars near 12th and anza, just some examples. andrea nakano talked
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to a community leader who had helped people bolt their garages and secure their homes. he says connie chan has been absent for almost all of the neighborhood's recent public safety meetings. >> reporter: mark dietrich is trying to make his community safer one step at a time. he's seen too many of his neighbors call it quits in the richmond. >> everybody is one incident away from like i've had it. i'm out of san francisco. when they leave, we lose what makes san francisco amazing, which is its people. >> reporter: you can see the issue of public safety and how to improve it is a contentious one during this media event friday held by supervisor connie chan. >> public safety is a critical issue that we're facing not just in san francisco -- >> then why do you say you want to dismantle sfpd? >> look at these people. they can't let me talk because they're too afraid if i actually start talking, i'll be able to tell the truth the
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fact these people play politics with public safety. >> reporter: supervisor chan is running for reelection this november where public safety is the main focus. chan surrounded by business leaders demanded more resources for her community from mayor london breed and police chief bill scott. >> look, we have a lot of issues facing the richmond and it's very much the same the rest of the city faces and at the end of the day doesn't the buck stop with the mayor? when we are pleading for resources and help for public safety as we have done again and again, the question is where is the mayor? >> reporter: mayor breed's office issued a scathing statement saying supervisor chan hasn't asked for a meeting to talk about public safety in the richmond. the statement went on to say, "if she wants to work with the mayor tackling neighborhood issues, she could start by actually asking her to sit down and talk about ideas or solutions. that's the hard work many of her colleagues do
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every day." residents like mark dietrich are questioning supervisor chan's leadership when it comes to crime. he says chan has been missing from several community meetings, especially after the richmond was shattered by the death of a store clerk who was brutally beaten with a bat last august. >> she's been in office for four years, 3 1/2, and she's been pretty much absent and every time there's an issue that has to do with bub safety she's been on the wrong side of it. >> reporter: dietrich has created his own website to provide crime safety tips to his neighbors. he's also active on social media platforms to bring residents together, but he says he needs help. >> we're left to defend our neighborhood and our homes and so that's what's so frustrating, because we feel like hey, you know, we live in a city. we elect these people. they should be doing the basic things that government is supposed to do. >> at the same time one of the longest serving politicians in san francisco history is now
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the sole progressive candidate trying to unseat mayor london breed. >> i don't think this is about progressive or moderates. this is about taking care of san francisco and being a mayor who knows how. >> board of supervisors president aaron peskin filed the paperwork today to run for mayor. he's supposed to make the official announcement tomorrow. he will be the fifth major candidate to declare and is also facing off against the supervisor, the former mayor and daniel lurie. a driver was shot on an i-80 on ramp this afternoon before crashing into a guardrail. witnesses told chp there was a car-to-car shooting near ashby avenue. the injured driver was taken to the hospital, no word on their condition or about any possible suspects. police are still looking into what happened. pedro perez came to the bay area to try and make a better life for his family and he never envisioned what could have happened while working at
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a peninsula farm. he's the sole survivor of the mass shooting in half moon bay. now he's talking about why he's suing his workplace over the tragedy. he watched his brother jose die. he himself was shot five times. da lin was there as he shared his painful story. >> reporter: shooting survivor pedro perez underwent three surgeries and is still in a lot of pain. >> translator: i had two bullets in my stomach. one in my face, one in my arm and a bullet in my back. >> reporter: speaking through a translator, the 24-year-old says life will never be the same and he may never recover from the mental trauma. he witnessed a gunman kill his older brother, 38-year-old jose perez. >> translator: what hurts me so
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much is that we were always together. i lived with him. we would go to the store. we were inseparable. >> reporter: the two brothers left oaxaca, mexico, to work and live at the half moon bay mushroom farm. they would send money home. jose is survived by his wife and four kids. side from pedro, jose's wife is also suing california terra garden and the owner. >> translator: we can't believe it because we didn't have any problems and he was our co-worker. >> this case is about holding a landlord accountable for failing to protect the tenants on its property. >> reporter: pedro's attorney duffy magilligan said the owner
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did nothing even though he knew about the alleged shooter's violent history. the attorney said there was also a separate shooting at the farm months before. >> what did california terra garden's farm do after that shooting in july 2022? what steps did they take to make sure it didn't happen again? i can tell you what the answer will be right now. the answer is they did nothing. >> reporter: alas, an organization that advocates for farm workers, says she also wants to push for better living conditions. they say many migrants across the country continue on live in shipping containers and in deplorable conditions. >> weren't we fighting for this years and years and years ago? how are we still in these conditions in 2024? >> reporter: as for pedro, the road to recovery is a long one. his therapy now includes learning how to play the accordian. >> translator: he says it's helping a lot when he feels sad. he starts to practice and coming to the accordian program
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playing with the group. >> pedro has not been able to work since the shooting. the city is helping him pay his rent. eventually he will go back to his family in mexico. a fire on treasure island, video posted online on citizen showing flames and smoke engulfing a building in a neighborhood. further videos show multiple firefighters there and the fire getting under control. san francisco fire says they encountered hoarding conditions and have reports of squatters in that building. one person has been taken to the hospital. across the bridge the giants had over 40,000 fans at oracle park for their home opener today. the team really delivered this time. >> yeah. fans come out and i joked about this earlier. you get 40,000 fans on a friday, do you not have to work or have school? they just skipped it. >> they had their priorities in life. >> they were at oracle park. the season hasn't really started as the giants would
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have hoped, two wins the first seven games. they called on a couple football stars to help, 49ers fred warner and deebo samuel getting the call to throw out the first pitch. fred warner, what is this? straight into the ground he spikes it. matt williams is like dude, i can't catch that, had no chance of it, goes to the back stop. mitch wishnowsky, the punter, boots one into mccovey cove. he delivered the first punt, perfect splash, offense. giants legends in the house as well, barry bonds, will clark and dusty baker. he's now working in the front office. we're tied 2-2 in the eighth. tyler rogers in for jordan hicks. kids, if you're watching at home, you don't have to throw really hard to make a major league hitter look bad. padres rookie pauley goes down swinging. this ball hits off his helmet. in the bottom of the ninth, a winning run on
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first for thairo estrada. he looked hitless today. matt chapman hustling around to score no, way he wasn't. giants beat the padres 3-2 and they were lucky that everybody survived the postgame celebration. >> jung hoo was waving chappie in, smoked me right in the chin, almost bit my tongue. he was very, very apologetic about it. so we're all good, but it was awesome to see, you know, him get the hit, great way to win the home opener. i'm really glad we won that one. >> great stuff out of jordan hicks today. primarily a reliever in his career. a big reason he signed in san francisco is because they would let him start, two great outings thus far. giants back at it tomorrow at 6:05, but they break the skid in a perfect way to start the season at oracle park. >> i'm sure you had a good time. >> i had a great time. ballpark for my day job? i'm okay with that.
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>> next time bring the sunscreen. >> i knew this was coming. thank you, sara. go get some sunscreen. people in new new york city got a taste of what it feels like to live in earthquake country, the rare quake that caught people incredibly off guard. we won't be able to see the eclipse in its full glory in the bay area, but that's not stopping people from hopping on a plane. i want at least sbf 35 on young mr. lively. he's got many years ahead of him to plan for that. look at today, what a spectacular time lapse of what was the last of this system. we're done. now we'll look ahead. we've got a very cold morning tomorrow. we'll talk about that and there is technically another chance for rain from a different system on part of sunday. the forecast for that's coming up next. a new ball club in town, the san francisco giants hosting the los angeles
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dodgers. >> that is not an announcer from the 1950s. it's someone you know. we'll give you a hint later. next. stop. you got it? let's go back to the beginning. are you... your electric future. customized. the fully-electric audi q4 e-tron. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. ♪ ♪
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♪ bmo ♪ everyone needs a place to recharge. how we get there matters. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. when we get an earthquake in the bay, it hardly fazes us. east coast a little different. it is not normal to see the statue of liberty shaking. a magnitude 4.8 quake struck the east coast this morning. it caught people incredibly off guard. it was actually the strongest to
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hit new jersey since 1884. one man thought his house was going down. >> my glasses in the hutch were shaking and i knew something was wrong and my dog looked at me like what did you do and i thought the house was going to blow up. >> people felt shaking as far away as washington, d.c. just as everyone was starting to calm down, a magnitude 4.0 aftershock hit this evening. it's a pretty weird spring, not just the earthquake rattling new york city. a rare explosion of cicadas coming to the u.s. and now a full solar eclipse headed our way. we'll just get a partial view at home here which won't be a total bust, but brian hackney talked to locals planning to go the distance to get the best look possible. >> i'm dr. jeff matthews. here we are on the foothill college campus with the foothill observatory here on
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the left, the krause center for innovation on the right. >> reporter: while jeff's a professor of astronomy, he has never seen this, a total solar eclipse unfolding over north america on monday, but -- >> i will not be in the bay area. i'm traveling to where i will be able to see totality. i'm so excited. >> reporter: that means traveling to 130-mile wide path of totality that in the u.s. stretches from southern texas across the midwest up through new england and out the canadian maritimes. outside that path it's just a partial solar eclipse like the bay area saw back in 2017. >> even the partial eclipse is just fantastic. i loved it. with a little bit of focusing -- >> reporter: that's what we'll have in the bay area on monday. >> -- voila. >> reporter: a partial solar eclipse. >> i think it would be -- it's not the sun, is it? >> it is the sun. >> it is? >> that is the only thing
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bright enough to get through this filter is the sun itself. >> reporter: at 10:14 a.m. monday the partial eclipse begins over the bay area reaching maximum partial eclipse at 11:13 a.m. >> from the bay area imagine that you pick out a cookie and you've taken a bite out of it. that's how the sun will appear if you are looking at it through a filter. >> reporter: and you must use one of these filters. never ever look at the sun directly. solar filtered glasses are the most common. if you don't have glasses, how about a punch card? >> this is actually my favorite way to look at the sun because it's the simplest. you can just project an image of the sun onto another surface. if you don't have something like this handy, just use a nearby tree. the leaves from a tree will naturally produce a series of pinholes. each of those will produce a little tiny image of the sun. >> reporter: and while jeff knows exactly where the path of totality is -- >> i'm so looking forward to
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it. >> reporter: -- we don't know exactly what the weather will be like. clear skies are anything but certain along the path of totality. >> well, one of the first lessons that an astronomer learns is that weather wins. >> reporter: there's always the year 2044. >> right. >> reporter: that's the next time a total solar eclipse visits the continental u.s. >> you can join us monday for eclipse watch. our special coverage of the solar eclipse starts at 10:00 a.m. streaming on cbs news bay area. find us on the free cbs news app or on pluto tv. i'm actually excited to see this. i know, darren, you were kind of trying to bring us down to earth not to get too excited, but even if it's just a little sliver, it's kind of cool. >> right. that's a good way to think about this. we'll get a partial eclipse of the sun. it's still a really cool event. it's great for people
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to have an awareness of it and maybe come away with a greater sense how this all works together and it is a wonderful experience in that way. that's our show. let me show you what it will look like in dallas and this is the point. the real big deal about this and we'll align it now from dallas' standpoint and they are in the path of totality, that is a totally different experience than a partial eclipse for a couple reasons. one, that is such a rare and unique alignment. we really don't know of anywhere else, certainly nowhere else in the solar system, but maybe nowhere else in the whole galaxy or universe where you get a perfect diameter from the moon, its size and the perfect distance to match the exact same size as the sun in the sky. this is a really unique thing to have them line up perfectly and to be in that shadow. the main reason for that is because you can then actually see the atmosphere of the sun, the corona. you'll be able to look at it with the naked eye. you cannot do that
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any other time. it's a huge event for science. some people say it's a life changing event if they're actually there to see it, sky goes dark. you can see constellations and stars in the middle of the day. it's really fantastic. never seen one myself. we'll have a pretty good view here on thursday. look at futurecast, monday at 11:13 when we hit our max of the partial eclipse and there's not a cloud here. so we'll have great weather for it on monday. let's talk about other things weatherwise. we're looking at first alert doppler, which is now in clear air mode, because there's no rain on here. we're done. if we look at tomorrow, you'll have a clear morning and it's going to be cold just to show you what it's going to feel like on the temperatures for tomorrow. we have a frost advisory for many of the inland valleys tomorrow. friday morning's lows are just as cold as this morning was. we went down to the low 40s for most of us, but the inland valleys are doing 30s, 38 in
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livermore, 41 redwood city, 41 or low 40s here in san francisco and mid-30s for the north bay valleys. there's santa rosa, always overachieving when it comes to particularly cold mornings. these aren't breaking records. they're missing it only by a few degrees. so it's particularly cold. a couple other things to discuss is the chance, a very small chance, for a light stray shower on sunday morning. watch what happens on futurecast. it's a weak cold front, totally separate system from what we just had, falls apart as it gets here and it happens before sunrise. so technically there is rain in the forecast on sunday, but it barely will be measurable and it will be done before the sun comes up. because of that we didn't put rain in the seven-day forecast. as we get to the tubes, you'll see nothing in there but a few clouds and the real eye catcher in the seven-day forecast is the middle of next week. we're done with rain for a while
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anyway, at least the next seven days, maybe longer and then it's mid-80s by the time we get to friday and thursday of next week. all right, matt, over to you. >> in sports, a couple 49ers stars got into it on social media on friday. it's a problem that can't be resolved until sunday. i'll tell you why. plus the warriors are hunting in the western conference standings. they needed a big win in dallas. could they get it?
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you've been a busy guy today. not only were you out at the giants all day getting burned to a crisp, which is fine. >> we keep harping on this. i'm not that burnt. viewers at
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home, i'm not that burnt, mom. i'm not that burnt. >> you're so red. look at this. >> my dermatologist, i don't actually have one, but if i did, i think they'd be completely okay with this complexion. back to sports. >> he was at the giants all day and following the warriors. >> of course, and the a's and what's going on with the 9ers and bay fc and the earthquakes. yes, let's talk warriors. they practically ended the rockets' playoff hopes thursday night, although there's a very, very slim chance things could go south, but a win in dallas tonight would have really sealed the deal with houston losing earlier for the warriors to completely lock up that ten spot. mavs were playing without their star luka doncic, but they still had kyrie irving. the warriors are not out of it if you got steph curry. he
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pulled up for a deep here, yeah, got the dubs back within one. curry scored 14 of his 28 points in the fourth. less than 20 seconds left, warriors down two. guess who got the ball. curry again, yeah, for two this time, back at 106. mavericks' chance to answer, golden state got the ball out of kyrie's hands, dared somebody else to beat them and p.j. washington was the guy. he finished inside, put the mavs back on top. he led dallas with 32 points. last chance here for the dubs. four seconds left, curry completely trapped, had to give the ball up. it ended up with klay thompson in the corner, his three no good. the mavericks hang on for the win. the warriors are back home sunday. it's then that they can clinch a playoff spot with a win, still remain four games up on houston and they've got the lakers and kings in their sights ahead of them. let's go back to baseball. we touched on it earlier.
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opening day in detroit took a much different feel. this guy did not care how cold it was. the a's had their chances late, but tigers won 5-4. oakland are 1-7. maybe sacramento, maybe the triple-as, the worst in the american league. wnba star kelsey plum had her popcorn ready. why? she's got a front row seat to watch caitlin clark and iowa taking on uconn in the final four. hawkeyes trailed by as many as 12 in the first half, but then clark started cooking, finished with 21 points, nine rebounds, seven assists. iowa beat uconn 71-69. they'll play south carolina in the title game sunday. the gamecocks are 37-0 this season. it's going to be a fun rivalry for a couple of 9ers stars. george kittle is a proud iowa alum while deebo samuel was a standout at south carolina. they've already
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taken to social media. they'll be all locked in on this one sunday, kittle versus deebo, but more importantly, iowa versus south carolina. the women's tournament has been truly must watch tv. it's going to be such a fun finale sunday. >> yeah. shaq was saying he's exclusively watched the women. he said he couldn't even name men's college players right now. >> it's been so good. i'm so bummed the wnba here in the bay area doesn't start next season because if it did, they would have the number one overall pick. caitlin clark. >> great point. >> we'd get caitlin clark and steph curry in the same town all the time. >> that would be amazing. this isn't just a retro video of the giants. one of our own tried his
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morikawa on 18.
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he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot. off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... -alligator. are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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today was opening day at oracle park. we dug into the archives way back to 1958, the giants first series in san francisco, but i think the
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announcer sounds familiar. >> this stadium, beautiful sunny day on april 17th, 1958, a new ball club in town, the san francisco giants, hosting the los angeles dodgers. this catcher bob smith, the bigger hitter, trotting home after a solo blast. bob newcombe hurling for l.a. typically tough but makes his pitches as sweet as a honeycomb on this day and in came larry sherry as i take a smoke break. giants trailing 4-3 in the fourth. jim king gives the home team the lead. what a sight for this breezy spring day. a laser into the outfield gap. willie mays waving home the runner at the plate. giants lead 6-4. the fans flip their lids as ken barkley dealt to peewee reese get on the horn. tell a friend. giants win 7-4. >> that was matt lively. >> it would hurt me to even try to do that again. >> why? >> i mean i went into like
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youtube. i felt like i was character acting. >> it was great. it was great. >> i really had to get into the mode. i kind of feel like i was a cheap ron burgundy. so it wasn't very good. after hearing it back multiple times, i'm like i don't think i could have cut it. >> yeah. we'll have a competition with vern i think or something. vern would be probably pretty good. >> vern would be really good at it. they'd be like throw the paper, boy. give us good-bye. this is old >> elon musk tells don lemon "contract is canceled." >> don lemon says elon musk called off his partnership with x just hours after the two had a 90-minute sitdown interview. >> lemon said his questions were respectful, they were wide-ranging, and that musk's love of free speech doesn't apply to him. >> coming soon to x,


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