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tv   The Late News  CBS  April 6, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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>> san francisco is cracking down on residents blocking sidewalks with cars parked in their droif ways, how this is cause tension among neighbors. >> i think you know the feeling in the neighborhood we should be a little bit more friendly and it doesn't have to go for the kill. >> neighbors in oakland showing support for a business as they
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deal with break ins. and we are with oakland ballers as they hold try outs. a few years ago san francisco mta said they would ticket people if cars parked in driveways blocked sidewalks. it hasn't been enforced until now. this issue has neighbors turning on each other. >> people in neighborhood's say they've been parking like for years. suddenly they're seeing citations. the issue is what you see here, cars parked in short drive ways forcing them to spill over into the side walk, then people have to walk around them to get by. >> i was like thinking about am i going to wake up with a particular sneet devastated cho house sits in the sunset.
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he says people have been talking about citations for cars parked in their drive ways. the offense, blocking part of the sidewalk. she has parked sideways like this for years leaving room for pedestrians. >> this is my electric car and i park here because the charger is this side so i run the line here to charge it and if i park out there the line would be on the sidewalk and i don't want people to trip on it. >> throughout the inner sunset neighborhood cars hang over sidewalks. someone in the richmond district took to x to complain about the citation saying they parked that way for years. the department responded saying not being cited before is no guarantee i won't be citeed in the future.
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near 9th and moraga a sign suggests leaving a note asking someone to park differently. >> i think we should be more friendly to our neighbors and it doesn't have to go for the kill, maybe just talk to the person. >> linda lives a neighborhood and walks her dog. she says she says cars spilling into the sidewalk all the time and it can cause issues. we walk in a group. we are going up to meet our friends to walk our dogs together and you go around and you end up in the street or you know it's a pain sometimes. >> she says she's able bodied and usually just walking her dog but for others it could become dangerous. >> i think it would be a bigger issue if i had kids and you're trying to get a group of children and you don't want to cross the street to get around a
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car? cho says it needs to be case by case. >> regulations and rules have to make sense. if a rule doesn't make sense anymore why should there be a rule and i think what makes sense is people with strollers and dogs to pass through and i think that should be enough space. >> for now people in these neighborhood's say they will continue to try to come up with creative solutions to avoid being cited in the future. >> another think the mta will soon crack down in san francisco, no more right turns on a red light them. plan on expanding the rule to all intersections highlighted on your screen and downtown chinatown and north beach to make crosswalks safer. walk sf says 17 people were killed walking in san francisco in 2023 and pedestrians accounted for 65 percent of all
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traffic related fatalities. >> at 50 intersections of mta implementing no turn on red and in 202192 percent of drivers complied with those signs so this actually works well. our status quo is dangerous and deadly. >> if it works from traffic standpoint can you turn easily and be on your way. it's more efficient and faster. the project is a new extension of tenderloin wide no turn on red program. a police chase on 101 in petaluma led to hazmat situation police say after the driver took the exit going more than 100 miles per hour. lit the barrier and rolled over the ramp. the fully electric car spilled batteries across the roadways, police say they were on fire and some exploded just before 8:00 this morning and police decided
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to leave the car where it landed until it could be towed. the driver suffered minor injuries. san francisco police arrested a man suspected of shooting and killing someone at a barbershop near mission and 20th yesterday afternoon. sfpd says they found 31-year-old alexander march means richmond last night. police have not released information about the victim or a motive. now to oakland where a local business holesed an event meant to show resilience and solidarity among neighbors after recent brooks koepka saying despite the public safety challenges soeld still worth fightsing for. ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> a warm responsive crowd shopping at the taylor j. clothing store open saturday afternoon. it's a contrast to this video taken on easter sunday when a thief ransacked the downtown
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broadway store. >> this is ridiculous. it's easter. i was so angry. i was upset and i was like we are done. we are going to go with the world. >> taylor says the thief took about $20,000 in merchandise and the ipad used to collect credit cart payment. she says it was especially painful because they do so many community events and invest so much in oakland. >> we have in-house factory and make all the clothes. >> what happened after was what reminded her why she set up shop here, the people. neighbors emailed her positive messages. some donated to her gofundme. >> we have had people send ipads. the love is so real it's amazing. >> instead of run from the problem taylor said she will stay and be part of the solution. many businesses have closed citing crime. >> we are nothing going to allow a pew bad apples to ruin
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oakland. >> she held the event to thank neighbors and customers and remind others to support all the businesses in the city as many are struggling with lower foot traffic due to crime. >> be very conscious of your dollars and where you spend them. keep the money in oakland. keep your support in ole. i know it's easying to on line or out of town but fight it. >> her customers say the health of the city is tied to the success of small businesses. >> if we all want to be a part of this collective we all have to play our part in making sure we are keeping them going but also i think a wakeup call to the city to think about what's going on. >> oakland police report the first 3 months this euro burglaries dropped 45 percent compared to last year but robberies up 35 percent. >> yes, challenging now but i don't think it's over for ole. we have to stand strong and it's
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going to take everyone's effort. >> still ahead we get a look at some of the players hoping to join oakland's new baseball team as the ballers will try out ahead of their inaugural season. why we may not be in the path of totality we should get a good look at the upcoming solar eclipse. we have everything you need to be ready. >> example of what it will look like on monday from the weather point and the eclipse standpoint. then we are going to talk about the warmup. have you heard? 80 degree days are coming next week. there's going to be a very forecast turnaround. full forecast after the break.
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and check in. they all choose the advanced network solutions and round the clock partnership from comcast business. powering more businesses than anyone. powering possibilities. >> excitement is build for the upcoming total solar eclipse on monday, we won't see totality in the bay area but need the same protection so the san josé public library is giving out free solar eclipse glasses to make sure people can enjoy the partial eclipse safely. the library is also planning eclipse events for kids tomorrow and monday. here is the look at the path of totality, 130 miles wide and
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stretches from southern texas through maine estimated 31.6 americans will experience total darkness in the day. with so many people there's a high demand for eclipse glasses. american paper optics the largest producer of them expects to manufacture nearly 75 million pairs to be delivered to 15 states by monday morning and while we won't see the totality here we have a chance of seeing a partial eclipse happening on monday going to be similar to the one we saw in 2017. the eclipse will start around 10:40 a.m. and reach max partial eclipse at 11:13 and expected to last two hours. monday will be our last chance to experience a solar eclipse in our own backyard until 20456789 check out our eclipse watch on monday, starting at 10 a.m. at
11:13 pm and streaming on our cbs news app and pluto tv. i know some places where the total eclipse is going to happen there's some concern about weather but here should be nice? >> we are going to have clear skies. i'll give you a couple of views of how this is going to play out. we just saw what the partial eclipse will look like. one more look at that. i want you to see how different it is from dallas. that's ours that's 34 percent for us. you got to have protective eye wear to look up at it. we are going to have clear skies. it will be a really cool thing but it doesn't compare to what's going to happen through the path of totality. let me show you what this is going to look like for dallas. a total eclipse you've got the entire sun covered you can look at it without glasses for the four minutes it lasts and when
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you do it you can see the atmosphere severe of the sun, sometimes can you see solar flares. can you see stars and pick out constellations but we typically only see in winter but now can see in april in midday. if you look where it's going to happen across the midsection of the country there's the path of totality and there are going to be clouds and rain through texas, maybe the upper midwest has some of the best weather for this. it's going to be touched and go in terms of visibility. we had a small earthquake here, 3.2 people around the bay felt it but very weak. no damage from this but insight on this it was centered in berkeley and we can come up for a look at splielt where. you see the red line there? that is the hey tward fault. this is the edge of berkeley. that's the claremont hotel so
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technically the epicenter was under that. it happened on the hayward fault the biggest risk out of any of them for the bay so any time we get a shaker it's a good reminder where we live. this fault has a 30 percent rupturing at 6.7 or bigger any point in the next 30 years there. are statistics the usgs has on it but hayward is the primary return and we got a reminder today. rain off the coast tomorrow. we are going to see showers develop the mountains of the north bay, so we could get a shower. it wouldn't amount to much. monday while we are
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experienceing the eclipse there's not a cloud here so we have got it made. look where we are going to be by thurmt thursday is noticeably warmer and 7-day forecast warming trend. san francisco tolled going up to 70, 77 on wednesday and 80 for the north bay by the time be get there. andrea. >> darren a big step in the future of baseball and oakland as the independent minor team the ballers held try outs ahead of their inaugural season. john was there as players took a shot as fulfilling their layoff long dreams. >> it's been said that baseball is a game designed to break your heart and oakland a's fans know a lot about that these days but arthritis try out shows it takes more than a heart take to kill a dream. the a's may be leaving oakland
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but the dream of baseball is still very much alive, the oakland ballers try out at laney college drew players not frus afraid to take a chance. >> when it became clear the a's intended to move i was devastated but felt like baseball needs to stay in oakland and it should be up to people in oakland and baseball is so important to this community. >> more than 100 players showed up to try to snag one of the few remaining spots on the roster. some showed more talent and perhaps experience than others but ballers manager franklin says some of these guys may have been drafted by mlb teams in years past. >> used to be 50 rounds in the draft. now only 20 so rounds 21-50 come to our league to play and are
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playing to show off their skills to hall 30 teams. >> and they may get inspiration from one of the team's assistant coaches former giants first became j.t. snow. he said he was lured back to hear the crack of the bat and pop of the glove. >> a lot of guys have come through made their getting to the big leagues from try out camps like this. not everybody is going to get signed but you can always find that diamond in the rough. >> most of these guys have been like since they were kid but robert plays in an adult league in san josé and realizes he's probably too old to be selected but it's not easy to give up on the game. >> i'm just here to have fun. if i could compete i'd love to but i came to play baseball. >> in the stand harper remembers his days playing triple-a ball. >> i think they're serious.
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it's something you got to get out of your system. maybe i gave it a shot, you know, i think one or two guys will come out of all. this it's like winning the lottery. >> jason dixon has no more hope. he watched from outside the ballpark wondering what it will be light when the last of his sports team abandon. >> lost the raiders lost the warriors losing the a's, i'm still a fan. i think it's cool that it will still be baseball in oakland even though it's not a professional team but it's still baseball. right? >> yes, it's still baseball, a game of hope and a game of heartache and those who love it know you can't have one without the other. >> i like jason dixon sitting in the outfield. 40,000 left oracele park
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everyone needs a place to recharge. how we get there matters. get exceptional offers at your local audi dealer. oracle. >> the warriors are back home after playing 7 of their last 8 games on the road they plan to rest steph curry, golden state could clinch a playoff spot with a within. giants hosting the padres, bringing his son to throw out the first pitch and this might be better than fred horners home opener. that's the last joke i make about fred. grand slam into the arcade, giants down 4-0 before they came to bat and it didn't help much
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getting michael king. he threw 7 scoreless innings and the giants had only four hits all singles shut out the first time all season, odds one 4-0. austin adams and the a's enjoying time at a big league park in detroit, brent rooker having fun second home run of the series oakland 2-0 was all that paul blackburn needed. the brentwood native threw six shuttle innings now, 13 straight without allowing a run and wondering if oakland can allow him to start every game. the a's beat the tigers 4-0. purdue back in the final four first type since 1980 taking on d.j. burns and n.c. state, justin williams is a wolf pack alum. d.j. horn had it going first half scored 13 of 20 points but
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the boilermakers used 14-1 run to pull away, zach edey led the way, purdue won 53-60. top ranked uconn will be waiting for purdue, alabama gave the huskies their toughest test of the tournament, nelson over klingan, the dunk and foul 17 points 14 rebounds poster for the young man his teammates stunned he got up that high. tied with 12 minutes left uconn went on a run and pulled away all five startsers scoring in double figures, huskies win 86 half 72 one win away from back-to-back national titles. it was a day of firsts at the shark tank, los gatos and william eklund first career
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hat-trick to win it, it has been such a long season for san josé but this was a cool seen. cooley first career win in net, a former junior shark was acquired at the trade deadline and assist mom and dad were both there for this one. >> oh yeah, just goosebumps. i'm sure mom is bawling her eyes out. i was looking up at the roof and went to hug ekky and missed on it. oh, he's behind me. almost fell over. it was awesome. >> s.j. native junior gets the win. caitlyn clark one of the most exciting players in all sports but is she the goat in women's basketball? pablo sandoval is no longer a
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>> pablo sandoval was released by san francisco at the end of spring training but the panda is joining the statin island ferry hawks of the atlantic league.
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ballers maybe check out the highlights end of the year. clnlt clark in iowa will play for national title against unbeaten south carolina. she's broken so many records but there are some who thinks she needs to win a championship to be considered the grites women's player of all time south carolina head coach staley was a hall of fame player in her day and certainly qualified to weigh in on the debate. >> if caitlyn wins a championship she's pretty damn good. yeah. she's pretty damn good regardless but winning the championship would seal the deal. i hope to the dear lord she does. >> okay, it's not like caitlyn clark needs anymore motivation but i think it's surprising the coach facing her is saying you're not the goat unless you win. did she mean to give her anymore? >> you know what, i'm sure she
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will take it. any motivation for these athletes, we'll see what happens. >> i'm sure that video is replaying in her head. >> should be a good game regardless what happens. thanks matt. after the break, if it seems like sports gambling ads are everywhere these days, a look at its growing impact
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>> while not legal in california sports betting is big business in the 38 states where it is, it's estimated to have brought in more than $11 billion last year and non-gambling fans can't escape it, a study found that nhl and nba viewers are exposed
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