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tv   The Late News  CBS  April 7, 2024 11:00pm-11:36pm PDT

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♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ now at 11:00. concord's new rent control ordinance is on hold as landlords try to extend the year's long battle even more. six months after the fighting started israel pulls most of its troops out of gaza giving local communities hope that suffering can finally end. we welcome any news that indicates there will be a
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deescalation of violence. >> i want it to be over.. the coastal community left without care. the reasons for the shutdown are just not adding up. good evening, we begin in concord where landlords are upset about a rent controlled ordinance. they tell john ramos the new rules go too far and they want to put it on the ballot and let voters decide. housing advocates say it is just wealthy investors and developers trying to squeeze more money out of people. >> reporter: after seven years of often angry debate the city passed an ordinance much to the delight of tenants rights advocates. now it is on hold as landlords try to put it before the voters. >> preventing high rent increases renters will be able
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to save money for other needs like groceries and other things like medicine. >> reporter: it started like a campaign for rent control. that is a battle already won. the question is, who will win the war? >> it was approved by city council, 4-1. this wealthy real estate group are putting this on hold. this will, you know, this will create for renters to keep getting rent increases or evictions. so we wanted people, the residents of concord to know what is going on. >> vice mayor? >> yes. >> mayor? >> yes. >> and with that this item is closed. [ cheers and applause ] >> reporter: in february the city council approved new rent controls and just cause eviction protects for renters and they made it clear they felt there needed to be more control over landlords. >> it has been a rough night. it has been a rough seven
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years. we gave it seven years without acting and quite frankly it did not work. >> we would not be having this conversation if your people, colleagues, friends, whatever, who own property and our landlords were not harassing tenants or abusing their rights >> what i say to that, penalize those people not the homeowners or the small mom and pop places. >> reporter: joe thinks they went too far. the concord resident says the city's tenant ordinance went from eight pages to 30 and now gives eviction protection to people living in all residential buildings including single-family homes. homeowners could lose all control over their properties so she is spearheading an effort to put a new ordinance on the ballot. >> my feeling was, we asked them to put it to a vote. let the citizens of concord,
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tenants and landlords, let them vote on the ordinance that is what it is about. >> ordinance is on hold for 30 days while she tries to raise enough signatures to qualify the reverendum. if she referendum. that is why the activists were caravaning through the streets on sunday afternoon trying to raise awareness and support if it should come down to a vote. she says she is okay with that. >> if the citizens of concord vote as a major that they want rent control and ordinance, so be it. we will live in it. that is a democracy. if they vote it down then that should tell the council something. >> reporter: if it is successful the entire ordinance would be scrapped and the city council will be back to square one on a tenant protection law they spent seven years creating. >> proponents have until april 18th to gather 7200 signatures in order to qualify the measure
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for the november ballot. now, in the south bay an investigation is under way in the santa clara county jail. the coroner's office is working to determine a cause of death. so far the sheriff's office says there is no evidence of foul play. a 9-year-old was killed in a car crash this morning on 680. the investigators say the driver veered off of the interstate and flipped several times before getting out and running away. four other passengers in the car were taken to the hospital. the police are still searching for the driver. a major shift today in the war in gaza. israel announced it has withdrawn nearly all of the ground troops the remaining troops are positioned along gaza's border with israel. cbs producers are saying it is now possible to move freely. but
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israel insists it is revolution of the war effort and not a partial withdrawal. >> the president was clear f there are not changes, things do not get better we will have to make changes of our own. >> the apparent this is leaving people hopeful. >> reporter: i am here in oakland where palestinians and israelis are reacting to the announcement that the troops were withdrawn from the gaza strip. they both think it is a positive step. >> reporter: it is a long awaited announcement. he is a member of the arab resource and organizing center and has been at the forefront of hundreds of protests calling for a ceasefire in gaza. >> we welcome any news that indicating there will be a deescalation in the genocide against palestinians.
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>> reporter: on sunday, the israeli military announced they pulled back the majority of the ground forces from the gaza strip all in the conclusion of an offensive. one brigade remains stationed in the region marking six months since the conflict first erupted. >> we recognize this could of happened on day one, right? this could of happened when there were. the area is actively involved by israelis held by hamas. now, after they defused all of areas and defused hamas they felt secure to leave the area and let the population slowly come back which, i mean, i don't want
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civilians israels or palestinians to suffer and to be away from their homes and they have a lot to build. >> reporter: for her this is a step in the right direction for both sides. she says this could help facilitate the release of 150 israelis who are still hostage through more targeted operations. >> i want all of it to be over. it will not be over for those who lost their loved ones. it will never be the same for those who lost their homes and were kidnapped. >> reporter: they both acknowledge the significance of the idf position they want to look at the root causes of the conflict and work towards a sustainable solution. >> to ease war pressure by the united states including the withdrawal of u.s. military funding and u.s. arm sales to israel. we think they are going to try to continue that policy. so, we need to see the pressure continue and we will continue
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to come out in the thousands to protest and put pressure on our elected officials to make sure that policy changes >> my purpose is civilian israeli and american civilian is to make sure that people, innocent people are safe and my only goal is to help bring them back home. >> reporter: ultimately they all agree on one thing it is all about ending this conflict. >> the decision to pull troops out of gaza comes days after a phone call between president biden and israeli prime minister benjamin netanyahu. the president said to have told the leader the humanitarian situation in gaza was unacceptable and u.s. support will depend on them reducing harms >> until those conditions are met. no, we should not be sending more offensive weapon
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to israel. not to stop them permanently but to use our leverage. >> reporter: the gop-led house is expected to take up a resolution as early as wednesday criticizing president biden's demands for an immediate ceasefire and what some republicans call one-sided pressure with respect to gaza. meanwhile, ceasefire negotiations are expected to resume this week with the cia director bill burns attending. back here in the bay area. people in communities along the san mateo coast are without an emergency room and they will be as they wait for repairs from storm damage. the districts long time congresswoman says that is not sustainable and is demanding more detailed answers. it may be small but the medical center coast side is home to the only emergency room along the san mateo coast. and the decision to close it
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temporarily is drawing heavy scrutiny from elected officials who represents coast side residents including congresswoman eshoo >> you can not leave people without any emergency center on the coast side. >> reporter: the associate chief officer says the closure of the medical center coast side is only temporary and it was necessary to undertake extensive building repairs because of severe storm damages and major repairs. it could last up to nine months. encouraging patients to seek emergency care and hospital service at daly city campuses >> depending where you live. that could minimally take 45 minutes to get there. in a life and death situation that simply is not acceptable. >> reporter: eshoo is demanding more specifics. she wrote this letter to the director of of the california department of public health. >> i want to know under what
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circumstances that they, they made this decision. how can it be that all of these people on the coast side are left without emergency services whatsoever. are they rebuilding a building? what are they doing? they need to be transparent, fully transparent. >> the associate -- associate's coo says they were hoping to keep it open but it was not feasible because of the damages to and of the facility and that means those services would not be available during c construction. >> a lot of questions need to be asked and answers, full transparency. >> reporter: eshoo says she copied the attorney general to ensure all laws are followed and enforced. still ahead at 11:00. yet another major u.s. airline suffering a major malfunction. what we know about the southwest jet that had its
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engine cover rip off midair. we are just hours away from the solar eclipse. we have everything you need to know including where you enjoy one of a kind activities. plus, a little preview and a little more context on how things will go tomorrow. we will look at the forecast. will there be clouds onut there? we will see a chance for that. big temperature swings this week. that is morikawa on 18. he is really boxed in here. -not a good spot.
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off the comcast business van. into the vending area. oh, not the fries! where's the ball? -anybody see it? oh wait, there it is! -back into play and... aw no, it's in the water. wait a minute... -alligator. are you kidding me? you got to be kidding me. rolling towards the cup, and it's in the hole! what an impossible shot brought to you by comcast business.
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in case you have not heard about this tomorrow is the big solar eclipse. we are not all in the path of totality we will get to see a partial eclipse similar to the one we saw in 2017. around the bay area there will be viewing parties. oakland science center is holding a party. inviting folks to come watch and take part in special science demonstrations, sky gazers will get eclipse safe glasses and have a chance to look at the spectacle through a telescope. tomorrow, it will be our last chance to experience a solar eclipse in our own backyard until 2045. and, you can join us tomorrow for eclipse watch. our special coverage of the solar eclipse. it starts at 10:00 in the
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morning streaming on cbs news bay area. you can find us on the free cbs news app or on pluto tv. we are going to have fantastic weather, right? blue skies, we will see the darkness or partial. >> we will see the partial darkness. no clouds getting in the way. just a review. we have shown it a lot. giving examples, we are not in the path of totality. i will show you what it will look like and give you the comparison for how different it will be for folks who are in the path of totality. that is where we will be tomorrow at 11:13 the moon will have covered up just about 34% for us. so, of course, you will not see it like that unless you are wearing protective eye wear or you got the right tools and the certified way of viewing. can not look at it with a naked eye. you will do way more damage and you will not be able to see much that way any way.
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here is what it will look like in dallas. now n dallas and cleveland and buffalo, they are all going to get four minutes of total safety. this is the only, the path of totality is the only place you can look. that case, the sun gets blocked but for the atmosphere. you can see the solarflares like with the naked eyes, you can see stars in the middle of the day. it is a spectacular experience and different from what we will have. ours is still worth taking part in. maybe head to the science center. big changes coming our way. we will see the numbers going all of the what i up to the 80s for wednesday and thursday. tomorrow, you will notice the warm up. that is one way to look at it. that is a virtual map. we will take a look at day time highs for tomorrow and we are going to look at the difference between where, how much warmer you are going to be tomorrow than today. tomorrow you are five or
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10 degrees warmer than you were today. lower 70s. livermore, 72. it will be 68 in redwood city. we will see the temperatures climbing, san francisco in the middle 60s. everyone in the middle 60s for lower to middle 60s, really, for the last couple of days as the system comes through. a little bit of fun comparison. look how much warmer that is tomorrow, santa rosa, going up, double digits, eight degrees warmer, down to the south bay, that is a big jump from one day to the next. and, keep in mind we are not done. it is going to get warmer from here. as we go back into the forecast imagery you will be able to see the numbers by the time we get to thursday which jumped up to the 80s. that is where the noticeable change comes in. more on that as we get closer to thursday. just a quick look ahead. that thursday warm up will not last long. a system coming our way that a ratifies by friday. right there. dives out of the gulf of alaska with
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it. a chance for light rain, friday, saturday, the rain does not appear to be major. it is the temperature swings that are going to be notable about this and you can see it when you look at the seven-day forecast. watch what happens by the time you get back here. we are going back to the lower 60s. you get lower 80s here and lower 60s here boy the time you get towards friday and saturday. one more seven-day to show you. this one for the bay. the numbers do not go up as dramatically. the difference is just as dramatic as you warm all of the way up, back in the 70s. back where andrea is, upper 50s, look at the day time high, 59 degrees for saturday. >> what? >> what? >> i am not ready for this. i don't like the sea saw temperature >> that is it. very spring-like to go through the big extremes you should be happy it will not be a winter storm. i don't think the rain will be huge. >> okay, all right.
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okay. >> i am absorbing this news right now. >> thank you, darren. coming up next, why sales of electrical cars continue to struggle natio (upbeat music) - this is the new pix+ with the only 8:00 and 9:00 pm news, the primetime edition: weeknights on the new pix+. 44 cable 12. (bell chiming) ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving. how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ )
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mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ - temperatures cooling down as we head into the weekend and stronger onshore... ah, i stepped off the coast again. - the winds are really picking up. - fog spreading farther inland.
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- and in the north bay, you're gonna get soaked. (water splashing) - [narrator] presenting the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. - as i lift this, you can actually see... - [narrator] on kpix and pix+. (wind blowing) it's that real. (water splashing) - let's move on to the seven-day now. . while the percentage of electric cars continues to grow, electric car sales
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nationwide are slowing down. hybrid sales surge. we go to los angeles to find out why. >> reporter: electric vehicle sales in the u.s. are sluggish. many shoppers say they want lower prices, batteries that last longer and reliable charging network. >> how long are you going to wait to charge your car? >> you don't have a lot of choice the infrastructure is not good. >> reporter: nationwide, ev sales are down 7% so far this year. causing ford to delay production of the next generation electric f-150 and 3-row suv. scaling down. >> i mean i would say over the next five to seven years we probably now have about 25% 30% less ev buyers, that is a big wake up call for the industry. >> reporter: production problems caused tesla stocks to fall. they canceled plans to build a $25,000 entry-level
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sedan. one of the competitors, volvo set a sales record powered by the popular ex-30 electric suv. >> so, while demand is down for evs, plug in hybrid sales are up 50%. thanks to many of them qualifying for similar tax credits as evs but without having to wait all that time to charge. coming up next, another major u.s. corior suffers midair malfunction as
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. not what you want to see out of the window of your plane. this time it was southwest's turn to scare their passengers when an engine cover flew off this morning >> let's declare an emergency for southwest 3695 and we would like an immediately turn around. >> the faa says the plane's cover detached striking a wing flap and forcing them to make an emergency landing. while the plane was made by boeing the engine was made by a company called cfm. this of course is the latest in a growing list of close calls aboard u.s. commercial flights in recent months. the most high profile being when the door plug on an alaska flight blew out when they were still in the air or last month when the wheel came
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off a united plane that was taking off from sfo. >> we got several events but none of which seem to be related. this one this morning, more than likely maintenance issue. despite scary and publicly seen events our aviation system in the u.s. is safe >> i that are rare, there has not been a disaster since 2009. meanwhile, boeing paid alaska airlines $160 million for after the door panel incident and the faa launched an investigation into all of the incidents. well, when we come back, music lovers trading everything from vinyl records to cds. remember those? bay
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she got that dress with the extra money she saved using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. nice shirt. just got back from vacation. a butler? super nice guy. i got to start using the app.
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lymph, at university of san francisco people combed through boxes of vinyl and cds. they tell us it is a great opportunity for music lovers to reconnect with physical media and come across some valuable gems. >> do you have, i know you like the beatles, do you have them? >> i have some original white albums and stuff like that. that is it for us, game day is up next ( ♪♪ ) you made a cow! actually it's a piggy bank. my inspiration to start saving.
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how about a more solid way to save? i'm listening. well, bmo helps get your savings habit into shape with a cash reward, every month you save. both: cash reward? and there's a cash bonus when you open a new checking account to get you started. wow. anything you can't do? ( ♪♪ ) mugs. ♪ bmo ♪ - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio. next level weather. only on kpix and pix+.
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it is game day from chase center where the warriors took down the jazz earlier tonight. hello everybody. golden state has clinched a playoff spot with just one week remaining in the regular season. stay healthy for the play-in tournament. the practice tonight where steph curry has the night off where they did not miss a beat against them. here with the law where they threw it down. 16 points, four blocks for jackson davis. clay would have it going on. knocking down six threes for the game setting the tone in the third quarter. back after
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missing the last six games. i would say the knee appears to be healthy. and final seconds of the first. the runner here from the top to beat the buzzer. they finish with 16. led by 13 after one. the ball was really moving too. 32 assists from draymond where he finds clay here. look at the finish, will get to the other side of the rim. he would have 25 points in the first half. he led the warriors with 32. steph approved. leading by as many as 23 in the second half. and warriors beat the jazz, where they now won seven out of their last eight. >> i do feel like we are kind of playing the way that i expected us to and we found a pretty good rhythm. the problem, of course, is that the west is just loaded. so i still believe firmly that we


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