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tv   CBS News Bay Area Morning Edition 9am  CBS  April 8, 2024 9:00am-9:31am PDT

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♪ bmo ♪ from cbs news bay area, this is the morning edition. >> emotionally, and meaningful experience. one of the most amazing things that is available to humanity. >> today millions of americans
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are turning their eyes to the sky. how you can enjoy the eclipse extravaganza at home. this is a history making day for millions across the country. as a rare solar eclipse will cause americans to do one thing together at the same time. and that is, to look up. here is a live look at the stream provided by nasa and for everyone at home , it is one of the better places to see the eclipse because we are not in the path of totality. you will hear this a lot today. path of totality. that means for hundreds of cities and small towns and 15 states, the sun will be totally covered by the man. for a period of minutes. if you want to be part of the crowds , with eyes on the skies there are several other eclipse watch parties and viewing options right in the bay area. san francisco's exploratory and will host a watch party at. 15. the hall of science at uc berkeley, will also offer safe solar viewing
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and a live stream. san jose professor will be setting up telescopes at town hall on campus for students to observe and learn more about the solar phenomenon. as we said in the bay area, we are not going to get the full show . but as brian hackney shows us, even a partial view is still worth checking out. >> here we are on the foothill college campus. with the foothill observatory on the left. >> reporter: well jeff is a professor of astronomy, he has never seen this. a total solar eclipse. unfolding over north america on monday, -- >> i will not be in the bay area. i am traveling to where i will be able to see totality. i am so excited. >> reporter: that means traveling to a 130 mile wide path of total tallassee in the u.s. stretches from southern texas across the midwest, up through new england and out
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the canadian maritimes. outside of that path, it is a partial solar eclipse, like the bay area saw back in 2017. >> even the partial eclipse is just fantastic. i loved it. with a little bit of focusing. >> reporter: that will happen on monday. a partial solar eclipse. >> i think it will be -- it is not the sun? it is. >> that is the only thing bright enough to get through this filter is the sun itself. >> reporter: at 10:14 monday the partial eclipse begins over the bay area, reaching maximum partial eclipse at 11:13 a.m. >> from the bay area, imagine you take out a cookie in your taken a bite out and that is how the sun will look. if you are looking at it through a filter. >> reporter: you must use one of these filters, never ever look at the sun directly. solar filtered glasses of the most common. >> my future is so bright. >> reporter: if you don't have
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classes, how about a punch card. >> this is actually my favorite way to look at the sun. it is the simplest. you could just project an image of the sun on to another surface. if you do not have something like to sandy, just used a nearby tree. believe symmetry will naturally produce a series of pinholes. each of dues will produce a tiny image of the sun. >> reporter: well he knows where the path of totality is -- >> i'm looking forward to it. >> reporter: we don't know what the weather will be like. clear skies or anything but certain along the path of totality. >> one of the first lessons and astronomer lines is that whether wins. >> reporter: there is always the year 2044. that is the next time a total solar eclipse visits the continental u.s. >> his eclipse shirt is adorable. you can catch a partial solar eclipse beginning at around 10:14 this morning with a maximum partial eclipse
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at 11:13 a.m. it will last for about two hours. try not to miss out because it will be the last opportunity until 2045. there will be plenty of viewing parties, oakland chabot space and science center is holding an event. they are inviting people to watch and take part in a special science demonstration and sky gazers will also get eclipse safe glasses. and have a chance to look at interstellar spectacle through a telescope. join us live from chabot space and science center is lauren toms. good morning. there will be plenty of stargazers today but for some, it is more than just a magnificent sight. >> reporter: some people i've spoken to feel like there is a cosmic energy that happens during the solar eclipse events. right now i am at the chabot space and science center . i am joined by one of their astronomers. thank you so much for your time this morning. right now, we are in the -- we
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are next to the 20 foot rachel telescope you can you tell us about this? >> this is the 20 inch refracting telescope and built in 1915. it is a classic telescope of the old-style , we call a refracting telescope. a lens at the front, a long hollow tube and an eyepiece at the back end. we will not be using this telescope to view the eclipse tonight. it is too big around to do that. but it is a great telescope and we do public viewing appear friday and saturday night. you know. wonderful telescope. >> reporter: right now we are lucky enough to have some of these eclipse sunglasses. they are pretty hard to come by and we are lucky to get some at the chabot space and science center. can you give us some examples of safe ways to view the eclipse? >> ideally , you want to have the eclipse glasses but there a couple of techniques you can use if you don't have those. i will give you an example. this is a pasta strainer. with the
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holes in it. can also use a colander. and all you have to do is hold it up so the sunshine through the holes onto a white surface and you will see a whole bunch of images of the eclipse. >> reporter: awesome. >> you can also use, a pinhole camera. this is a pinhole camera and it is just a piece of cardboard with a rectangle the cut out. you can tape aluminum foil over it and punch a hole in the center, and you hold this up and let the sunshine through the hole and you get an image of the eclipse. >> reporter: thank you so much. stay safe when you watch the eclipse the make sure you have some protective gear. don't look directly at the sun. >> thank you. you knew? the pasta spin. you can join us in less than an hour for eclipse watch. our special coverage of the solar eclipse . is such a 10:00 am, streaming on cbs news bay area. and you can find us for free on the cbs news app or on pluto tv. at 11:00 a.m.,
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joined norah o'donnell for a cbs news special report. total eclipse of the heartland. struck down for look across the bay this morning and it is still bright outside. look at how beautiful it is in the bay area. weather will not be an issue for us. we are not in the path of totality so we will just see a fraction. jessica. it is a beautiful clear day for us today, just in time for the eclipse festivities. here is what is happening for us this afternoon. daytime highs today are topping off in the 70s throughout the north bay and often to the east bay. for a friends in the santa clara valley another beautiful afternoon with sunny skies and low 70s near san jose with upper 60s in los gatos , all the way into morgan hill another beautiful day. taking a look at the next seven days, if you like today, you are going to love wednesday and thursday. high pressure continues to ridge in. it dries us up and
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it warms us up and that is exactly what is happening as we head into mid-portions of this week and suddenly a cold front arrives heading into this weekend. to sell to pitchers dip from the 80s to my right, all the way into saturday. we will hit the 50s around the corner with rainy skies lasting into sunday mornings forecast and we don't only notice that along the bay but for our friends who live and our inland areas. here is the bay forecast and we will hit the upper 70s wednesday and we will dip to the upper 50s heading into saturday's forecast. it is time now for a look at this morning's top stories. police are still searching for the driver involved in a deadly accident in contra costa county. the nine-year-old was killed in the crash on 680 near concord. investigators say the driver veered off the interstate and flipped several times before getting out and running away. four other passengers in the car were taken to the hospital. to the south bay were an investigation is underway at the santa clara county jail. the 27-year-old man was found dead in his cell early saturday. the coroner's office is working to determine the cause of death . so far, the
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sheriff's office says there is no evidence of foul play. six months since attacks in israel and now the israeli military is
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welcome back. it is 9:12 on this monday morning. let's get a look at what is happening around the bay today. we expect to learn more about the fcc's potential restoration of net neutrality. looking live over at san jose where fcc chairwoman discusses the fcc's upcoming vote on the matter at the santa clara fire department later this morning. net neutrality simply put is set of rules that creates an equal standard for all internet communications. it is a resource that public safety and first responders say, is essential in their line of work. it is an issue that was felt back in 2018 , when firefighters responding to the mendocino complex fire had difficulty accessing the internet. the commission is expected to make the final vote in late april. crabbers around the bay are pulling up the traps for the last time today. because the dungeness crab commercial fishing season and today. crab
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shannon have been dealing with later starts over the past several years and now, the state is cutting the season short on the back end. it is due to entanglement risks for whales returning to california's coastal waters to feed. struck down to oracle park. giants fans, the time is come for one of our biggest signings to make his debut in which a black. blake snell will take the mound today. new reports of progress in peace talks in the israel-hamas war. negotiation set to resume in cairo in two days. israel has significantly reduced the number of troops it has on the ground in southern gaza. raising concern about future plans. meanwhile, more aid trucks traveled into the region, days after israeli defense forces mistakenly launched a strike that killed seven world central kitchenaid workers. the apparent de-escalation and the conflict as both palestinian and israeli activists in the bay area, hopeful that the suffering in the war may finally and josé martinez reports.
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>> reporter: it is the long-awaited announcement. he is a member of the arab resource and organizing center and has been at the forefront of hundreds of protests calling for a cease-fire in gaza. >> we welcome any news that indicates that there will be a de-escalation in the genocide against palestinians and de-escalation of violence. >> reporter: on sunday the israeli military announced they pulled back the majority of ground forces from the gaza strip following the conclusion of a significant offensive. only one brigade remained station in the heavily affected region. marking six months since the conflict first erupted. >> we recognize that this could've happened on day one. right? and this could've happened when there were 3000 palestinian deaths as opposed to 35,000 . >> reporter: a member of the hostages and missing families group in the bay area . and is
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also been actively involved in protest, calling for the release of israelis held by hamas. >> after the idf defused all the areas and diffused hamas , they felt secure to leave the area. and let the population slowly come back. which i mean, i don't want civilians , either israelis nor palestinians, to suffer. and to be away from their homes and they have a lot to build. >> reporter: for her, this is a step in the right direction for both sides. she said, this could help facilitate the release of at least 150 israelis , who are still hostage through more targeted operations. >> i want all of it to be over. it will not be over for those who lost their loved ones. and it will never be the same for those who lost their homes
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and were kidnapped. >> reporter: they both acknowledged the significance of the idf's decision, they emphasize the need for continued efforts to address the root causes of the conflict, and work toward a sustainable resolution. >> until we see more pressure by the united states, including withdrawal of u.s. military funding and u.s. arms sales to israel, we think they will try to continue that policy. we need to see pressure continue and we will come out in the thousands to protest and put pressure on our elected officials to make sure policy change happens. >> my purpose as a civilian, as an israeli and american civilian, is to make sure that people , innocent people are safe and my only goal is to help bring them back home. we have beautiful weather to kick off the work week and on eclipse day, who could ask for better conditions. as we take a look at the winds, it is breezy. from this morning
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although into this afternoon we have been seeing wind gusts up to 15 to 20 miles per hour and it will take up couple more hours until we start to see that die down into the evening hours tonight. by 10:30 we have lighter conditions. match that with high pressure sitting offshore . that is reason why we have been seeing clear skies. we had a little bit of clouds in the south bay but that led off in time for the eclipse and now we hear we go into the afternoon and evening hours tonight, continuous clear conditions which is just perfect for a week like this. let's look at what is happening for daytime highs today. despite the fact that it is a little breezy into the afternoon hours, we are still sitting nice and warm. this is a perfect spring day for us in the bay area. low 60s along the coast. upper 60s into san francisco and upper 60s across the bay bridge into oakland with 70s up into one country. let's head more to the east from antioch over into livermore, low 70s in the forecast today. if you like this you will love what i'm
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going to tell you. heading into the next several days, the 70s we see her near san jose with upper 60s near los gatos, will turn into 80s. high pressure will continue to ridges way in giving us sunnier skies throughout the next couple days and we will hit the 80s for wednesday and thursday . here is a look at the next seven days and each of the tubes shows you the weather. by friday the clouds return to the bay and we are left with some rainy conditions this saturday as a cold front moves from offshore. look at the temperatures. we go from 80s to 50s like that as we head into the weekend. keep that in mind for outdoor plans and that is our inland forecast but let's head along the bay. for our friends near san francisco , will hit the upper 70s by wednesday. low 70s by thursday in a cold front impact is the same with rainiers guys around the corner heading into the weekend. former president donald trump is weighing in a one of the mo
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so give unitedhealthcare a call today. and set yourself and your future self up with an aarp medicare supplement plan from unitedhealthcare. [dogs bark] winnie! look at you! thanks again for looking out for me. hey, we're in this together. an aarp medicare supplement plan from unitedhealthcare. smart now, really smart later. welcome back. new this morning, former president donald trump says abortion rights should be decided by states, not the federal government. trump shares his views on his social media platform , truth. the former president had previously suggested that he could support a 15 week federal bandwidth exceptions. but that was
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denounced by a major antiabortion rights group, which said his position did not go far enough. we have green arrows thanks to the latest jobs report. let's see where the markets are on this monday morning. as we begin the trading week and we are down about 17 points in the red. time is closing and for you to file your 2023 taxes. the irs is sending a strong reminder that made a tax deadline is crucial this year. you have until next monday april 15th to file your return. if you owe and failed to file by the due date, the irs will issue a 5% penalty for each month that you are late. if you file an extension by april 15th, you will have until october 15th to file your taxes. let's talk powerball. someone in oregon will have a complicated tax year after winning $1.3 billion. winning ticket sold after 40 consecutive drawings with no jackpot winner.
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here is a live look at hayward where the bay area has its own lottery winner. caravan liquor sorted ticket with over $327,000. the buyer was the only person in california to pick all five numbers to win the prize. but no one won the actual jackpot. you are still in luck, the next wrong is tomorrow night at 8:00 p.m. as millions of americans prepared to watch the eclipse in moments, not all will be turning their eyes to the sky. next,
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we are minutes away from the total solar eclipse. some of us will look up to the sky and others will look down. researching to see how animals will respond. some animals like these will think it is nighttime and returned to their the eclipse. don't forget to join us for the eclipse watch. a special coverage of the solar eclipse. it starts at 10:00 and streaming on cbs news bay area. you can find is for free on the cbs news app or on pluto tv. that will do it for the news at 9:00 pick up next is
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"the drew barrymore show". today actor joey king and logan lerman are in studio. for more local headlines including weather, join us on our streaming service, cbs news bay area.
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announcer: please welcome drew barrymore and ross matthews. and the one and only rossy. we have such a special guest. i know. i love her. drew: oh, my god.


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