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tv   CBS News Bay Area  CBS  April 8, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm PDT

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when i first reached out to jacoby and meyers. i didn't know if i had a case or not. as soon as i got a hold of my attorney, she was very, very nice, very kind. because of jacoby and meyers, i don't have that pressure to worry about a medical bill or things like that. if i know of any accident, i'm like, call jacoby and meyers, they'll help you.
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darkness takes over daytime. millions of people looking up as a rare total solar eclipse moves across much of the country. >> it literally looks like somebody took a bite out of the sun. it's actually crazy. i've never seen anything like that before. >> even though they knew what to expect, it was just mind blowing. the path of totality where the moon completely blocked out the
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sun for several minutes. we'll get a closer look at this rare spectacle in just a moment. but first, let's get to anne makovec for today's headlines. >> police investigating several side shows across the bay area. one happening in the bay bridge. our chopper over the eastern span of the bridge today. the side show happened early sunday morning as you can see several skid marks on the eastbound lanes. but there were more prominent skid marks covering a stretch of the westbound lanes of that bridge. this is located just before the treasure island tunnel. the chronical reporting other weekend side shows happening in mountain view, menlo park, and oakland. san francisco city attorney is threatening to take legal action if oakland airport decides to add san francisco bay to its name. david chiu sent out a letter to the commissioners at the port of oakland, urging them to ditch the proposal and consider a different name. he also said the name change infringes on sfo's trademark, and would confuse travelers. well the port of oakland said in a statement it would not be
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confusing since they identify the location of the airport, the san francisco bay. highway 1 is back open after caltrans demolished an overpass this weekend. they took down the capitola avenue bridge as part of a plan to eventually widen the freeway. caltrans says they will replace the 85-year-old bridge next year. and the dungeness crab commercial fishing season wraps up today. crab fishermen have been dealing with later starts over the past several years. now the state is cutting the season short on the back end. that is because of entanglement for whales returning to california's coastal waters to feed. first alert weather now, sunny skies. meteorologist jessica burch has more from the virtual studio. >> reporter: we have beautiful weather to kick off the workweek. who could ask for better conditions. and from this morning all the way back
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this afternoon, seeing wind gusts up to around 15 to 20 miles per hour. it is going to take a couple more hours until we start to see the evening hours tonight and left with lighter conditions. match that with them sitting offshore, the reason why we're seeing clear skies all day long with a few clouds down in the south bay, letting off just in time for the eclipse. now here we go into the afternoon hours and the evening hours tonight continuous clear conditions, which is just perfect for a week like this. let's take a quick look at what's happening for the daytime highs today, despite that yes it is breezy into the afternoon hours. this is a perfect spring day for us in the bay area with low 60s along the coast. upper 60s in san francisco and the bay bridge in oakland with 70s up into the wine country. a little more off to the east now from antioch over into livermore. low 70s in the forecast for us today. if you like this, you'll love what i'm about to tell you. these 70s that you see with the upper 60s near los
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gatos are going to turn into the 80s. here is what's happening. high pressure is going to continue to move in giving us the sunnier skies throughout the next couple of days. we will hit the 80s for wednesday and thursday and a look at the next few days. and by friday, those clouds will return into the bay and then we're left with rainy conditions into saturday as the cold front moves from offshore. look at the temperatures too as we go from the 80s to the 50s, just like that as we head into this weekend. keep that in mind. that's our inland forecast. but let's head out along the bay too. for your friends who live near san francisco, we will hit the upper 70s, the low 70s by thursday and that cold front will impact us into the corner heading into this weekend's forecast. it was quite a spectacle today. drawing people outdoors to catch the sight in the 15 u.s. states in the path of totality. this is a time lapse from the niagara falls. the
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moon covered about 90% of the sun's light. people flocked to the edge building to get a view. in parts of texas and arkansas, this is the smaller bite taken out of the sun, but really all across the country, it was a shared experience to remember. >> it got dark real quick and lightened up pretty neat. >> even though he knew what to expect, it was just mind blowing. >> and it is far more about inspiration, awe, and joy for humanity. it is an event that will just make you feel a lot of things. >> across the bay area, we also got a partial eclipse in plenty of excitement. meteorologist mary lau caught up with crowds in stanford. >> reporter: here at the stanford oval, hundreds of students, faculty, staff, as well as kids who could be future scientists one day came out here to check out the solar
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eclipse. the stanford employees gave out these special safety solar eclipse glasses to check out the eclipse safety as they said it did not disappoint. a large crowd gathered to see some rare and unique. >> i've never seen an eclipse before. this is my first time in person. >> reporter: what did you think? >> i think it is really cool and i'm excited. i love it so much. >> it's a blast and it is so exciting to see a couple hundred people out here excited about science as well. and they want to learn more and maybe come work with us some day. >> reporter: even though the bay area is not in the path of totality, it still amazed and
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inspired everyone who looked up. sparking curiosity and appreciation for space and science. oakland's space and science center held an eclipse watching event today. >> reporter: hundreds of people came out to the science center today to get an expert look at this solar eclipse. we were lucky enough to get our hands on these glasses, essentially taking a bite out of the bottom part of the sun and people from all walks of life came out to experience this rare occurrence together, who are relishing in the special moment. >> it is really cool because it's orange and it is like really dark, but bright when you have it with no glasses. >> reporter: what does it mean for you to be able to share this moment with your sun? >> it is really a special
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moment for us just because joe has always been in love with space. so it is our first time here at the space center, which is one cool thing, but also to see the eclipse and feel like we're showing a really sort of a live special moment together. >> reporter: just to put intoer be in perspective, the moon is 400 times further away from the earth than the moon is. so for these two to align is truly a rare occurrence. and the next time we will be able to witness the solar event like this in north america, won't be for another two decades in 2044. before today's eclipse, lauren caught up with the amateur solar photographer with big plans for the events. planning to travel from san francisco to pennsylvania to new york to catch a glimpse. he was chasing the feeling that he had when he first witnessed his first total solar eclipse in 2012. >> that was when i first got that sort of cosmic feeling
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that people will talk about, where there is just something incredible about the sun being blocked by another object that will make you feel very much part of the whole thing and, i don't know if small is the right word. >> over the last 12 years, he's grown to share his passion with others. he captures stunning images of solar movement. we have been covering the lead up to the eclipse for weeks now. we had to check it out for ourselves from our rooftop. members headed up to get a look with their glasses, phones, even makeshift methods like a paper cup poked with holes to enjoy the view. now we covered the eclipse as it was happening on our streaming service cbs news bay area. you can watch it on full on our kpix youtube page. still ahead, a lot of americans packing up, moving out of their states. you probably won't see them around here. where california ranks when it comes to relocation and
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where a lot of people are heading instead. plus some drivers are suddenly finding parking tickets on their cars. the rules dividing some bay area neighborhoods.
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she got that dress with the extra money she saved using our brand new grocery outlet app. it's been really fun seeing what everyone's doing with the extra money they save. nice shirt. just got back from vacation. a butler? super nice guy.
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i got to start using the app.
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a lot of americans are on the move, but just not here to california as we ranked last, so the survey of where people are relocating to. at the top are texas and florida. cristian benavides looks at one woman's choice to head south. >> reporter: we first met daniella lopez on a cold winter morning in new york city. >> i think it's like 30 degrees. >> is this one of the reasons you're moving? >> 100%, yes. >> reporter: she was packing up, moving out of her studio apartment on manhattan's east side and headed for florida. tennessee welcomed the largest number of new residents. the state saw the largest number of people leaving for the fourth year in a row. who is it that
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you're seeing that is moving from new york to florida? >> mostly young people. >> reporter: marco filapovich is a foreman at piece of cake moving. >> every day somebody is moving to the florida area. >> reporter: it's a popular destination for a while. this is the ninth year in a row that they are ranked among their top four places to move. >> they want space. >> reporter: and he is a senior director at real estate company douglas element. >> we have weather lifestyle, the trend is that people love miami. >> reporter: the number of people moving to south florida has created a housing crunch. some are unable to keep up with the raising prices. but for lopez, prices here are a deal compared to new york. for nearly the same cost she got an apartment three times the size of the one she had in manhattan. plus there is a wraparound deck. >> i'm trying something different, and if miami is not it, then i know i have new york. i can always go back.
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>> reporter: for now she is calling florida home. >> other top states around the top ten include washington, idaho, washington, colorado, virginia. to make its list, they calculate the number of one-way trips of their trucks to and from each state. we should note it doesn't account for other rental companies or when people hire a moving company. the high cost of housing whether you own or rent around here is a lot of people are fired up. one that's housing advocate friendly. approving new rent controls and just cause eviction protections for renters. they made it clear that they felt they are needed to be more controlled overlain lords. it went from eight pages to 30 and now gives people living in all residential buildings, even single-family homes, and they add that the
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fear is homeowners could lose control over their properties. now there is an effort to stop that ordinance. >> and we asked them to put that to a vote. it will include everybody and vote on the ordinance is all we ask. that's what the referendum is all about. >> now by law, it is on hold for 30 days, which will give them some time to gather more than 7,200 signatures to qualify. if the referendum is successful, the entire ordinance would be scrapped. a live look at the oakland coliseum now as we know the announcement to leave the city after the season is hitting sports fans hard. it is also likely to deal with the blow to the nearby business corridor. retired city officials say it took decades to convince companies to invest in east oakland and hegenberger. now as businesses are starting to
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leave, people are frustrated that years of hard work could just vanish. well the a's are leaving over different reasons. the result is basically the same. fewer tax jobs for people in oakland. >> without the jobs, without making the money, what are you going to do and to live? crime is the only city that's working. >> a lot says they need to improve the public safety, so businesses don't leave. they are scheduled to play their last home game in oakland on september 26. a few years ago, san francisco mta said they would start ticketing people. it has not really been enforced until now. as they show us this issue has some neighbors turning on each other. >> reporter: people in these neighborhoods say they have been parking like this for years. suddenly they are saying they issue citations. the issue is what you see here. cars are
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parked in short driveways, forcing them to spill over into the sidewalk. then people have to walk around them to get by. >> i was like thinking about am i going to wake up with like a ticket in the front? >> reporter: he sits in the sunset where he says he's in a neighborhood group message. and people have been talking about uptick in citations for cars parked in their own driveways. the events listed on the ticket? blocking a part of the sidewalk. he's parked sideways like this for years. leaving room for pedestrians. but now he's concerned that it might not be enough. >> this is my electric car. and then i park it here because the charger is on this side. and so i can run a line here to charge my car. if i park it out there, the line will be on the sidewalk and i don't want people to be tripping on it.
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>> reporter: throughout the inner sunset neighborhood, dozens of cars are hanging over the sidewalk. someone who lives in the richmond district took to x to complain about the citation. they were saying they had parked that way for years. they responded, saying not being cited before isn't a guarantee that it won't be cited in the future. that there is a recent effort to better address sidewalk parking in the city. near ninth avenue and moraga street, a sign asking people not to call the department of transportation to ticket cars parked in driveways. it suggested leaving a note, asking someone to park differently. >> i think that you know if you are left in the neighborhood, that we should be a little bit more friendly and to our neighbors. and i think that it doesn't have to go for the kill. maybe just kind of like talk to the person. >> reporter: they don't have a car, but they will live in that neighborhood and frequently walks her dog harrison. they see cars spilling all the time. it will cause issues. >> when we walk in a group,
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we're going to meet up. and for others, it could become dangerous. >> it will be a bigger issue if i have kids, trying to get a group of children and you don't want to cross the street. >> reporter: he thinks that the law needs to be enforced on a case-by-case basis. >> the things make sense. regulations and rules, it's to make sense of something, you know. something if the rule doesn't make sense anymore. then why should there be a rule? and i think what makes sense is that people with strollers, dogs, whatnot to be able to pass through. i think that it should be enough space. >> reporter: for now, people in these neighborhoods, they will say they will continue to try to come up with creative solutions to avoid being cited in the future. and still ahead, one final matchup in march madness is a
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preview of uconn verses purdue for the men's ncaa championship. now remember, you can watch us any time, anywhere on our streaming service. cbs news bay area. catch all the live newscast and plus news and weather updates throughout the day. you can find us on the free news app or on pluto tv.
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college basketball's march madness gets one more shot at center stage today for the men'schampionship game in glendale, arizona. the defending champs, uconn facing purdue, which is looking for their first title in the school's history after losing to a no. 16 last year. cbs spcan they go from purgatory to ecstasy in one year or be the first college basketball team to repeat as national champions? >> do you have a prediction and a score? >> i like them by 8 to 12 points, 82-72. >> on the women's side, capping off an undefeated season yesterday to beat
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caitlin clark and the hawkeyes to win the women's championships. a chance to own a piece of history for at least viewing it here in san francisco.
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coming up tonight on the cbs evening news, a special eclipse edition from the indianapolis motor speedway. after we join the tens of millions of americans across the country who are in the path of totality. the sights, sounds, and science. tonight on the cbs evening news. and coming up at 5:00, real life rosie and the riveters will head to washington, d.c. we'll tell you about the big
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honor that's coming their way. finally here at 3:00, owning memorabilia from a music legend. items from tony bennett's estates are going up for auction next week. you can see some of the items right now. notes, photographers. the cable car bill presented to the late singer. and a gold record from the iconic song that left my heart in san francisco. those are some of the items on display at the fairmont hotel today through wednesday. cbs news is next here on kpix and local new hads will continue on our streaming service cbs news bay area. ♪ ♪ >> norah: there it as! there it as! america looks to the sky with tens of millions experiencing a total solar


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