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tv   CBS News Bay Area 7pm  CBS  April 8, 2024 7:00pm-7:31pm PDT

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witness a rare solar eclipse. >> i have been waiting months for this. i am happy it has come along. new drama over oakland's plans to rename its airport. why the city of san francisco is threatening to sue. certainly not what you want to see after take off, an engine cover flying off of a plane. >> pilots did not know what was happening. it was folks on the plane that sent the message. >> what an expert says could have gone wrong. this is cbs news bay area with juliette goodrich. solar eclipse mania across the bay area and north america. a spectacular and rare sight today that had millions of people across the continent looking to the sky in awe. and those who were in the path of totality saw this. the moon traveling in front of the sun. blocking out daylight for almost 4 1/2 minutes. well, the pay area did not get the full
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show but a partial eclipse was still visible. our weather producer snapped this photo with a filter on his camera. there were watch parties in texas, new york city people on the edge of the deck. and in indiana, skywatchers filled stands of the indianapolis speedway. here in the pay area, well, some headed to the space and science center in oakland. john ramos was there with excited spectators as they witnessed the celestial event. >> reporter: this is one of those days that help remind us the things around us every day are extraordinary. the observatory is usually quiet on monday mornings but not today. a sold out crowd filled the plaza doing something their mothers probably warned them about. >> no, we are definitely going
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against their instincts right now today >> why? >> we are staring directly at the sun which is what we are told not to do. >> reporter: there were all manor of devices to do it safely from foil safety glasses to telescopes of all sizes with filters removing 99.9%. >> she had a chance to use her smart telescope for her smart phone. >> i have been waiting months for this. >> reporter: amateur stargazer was eager to show off what he can do with a cereal box. >> you don't need a telescope? >> it is a raisin bran viewer. >> reporter: as people outside were watching the patient, people inside were watching the total eclipse. it was a breathtaking sight. >> it feels so powerful, right? and it feels magical almost.
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>> and the ora is beautiful >> i was just feeling lucky to be alive to see all of this beautiful stuff in this world. >> reporter: he is right about being lucky but we just happen to live on this planet at the perfect time to view this unlikely celestial event. >> the sun is 400 times away and the numbers line up right so we can see a perfect total solar eclipse. >> it will not last long because the moon is slowly moving away from the earth at the same tight the sun is growing larger. >> dinosaurs would not have this. whoever is around 200 million years from now they will not get it either. >> so there. >> reporter: this is a special time but in a rush of our lives we often lose sight of the
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natural wonders that surround us every day. sometimes it takes something magical to bring that back into focus. >> every once in awhile something like this happens and it reminds us we are part of a larger universe. i think that is one of the great things about it. >> reporter: just like that it was over. the sun and moon parted ways and people went back to their everydays lives. but, perhaps with the realization that the space we live in is much bigger than we know. >> the next time we see a total solar eclipse will not be for another 20 years. we brought you all of the excitement from the viewer parties in a live special. check out the entire special on our youtube page. search for kpix or cbs news bay area. it is under top stories. we have even more eclipse coverage on our website. you can watch what it looked like in cities along the path of
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totality and check it out on other celestial events it is on on to the turf war. not in the skies, on the ground between bay area airports. it reached a new level. san francisco now threatening to sue if oakland airport changes its name to include san francisco bay. so, devin fehley is joining us with the latest name fight >> it is a fight. >> yes. they are in disagreement. >> yes. and the city attorney sent a later to the port of oakland today and they are going to vote on this on thursday. it is really coming to a head pretty quickly. it would change the name of the oakland airport to the oakland, to the san francisco bay oakland international airport. the name change infringes on sfo and especially those that
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do not speak or read english. using san francisco international airport throughout its history. >> it appears oakland's proposal is intentionally designed to divert travelers who may be unfamiliar with bay area geography and leave them to believe oakland has a business relationship with sfo which it doesn't. >> the city has reached out to oakland and they are ready to discuss all terntives with the name. they hope the airport figures out a name that works for them but they are ready to take legal action if necessary. >> any response from oak? >> the port is sending us a statement saying it would not be confusing since the new name identifies where oakland is which is on the san francisco bay. >> we grow up with the bay area we know what oakland airport is and san francisco airport is, we wonder if out of towners could understand that. >> there is a reason they want
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to change the name because they feel the more recognizable and the name people know is san francisco. >> right. >> it probably would confusion some portion of the flying public >> when you fly into newark or la guardia you do not realize newark is not park of new york. just, that is another part of the landscape. [ laughter ] we will not get involved in that one. all right, we will see what happens in that one. all right, thank you. another commercial airline scare. a southwest flight was in the air minutes on sunday before the pilot had to declare an emergency. the plane's engine cover called a cowling flu off. the pilot circled back to the denver airport and landed safely. >> it was by the grace of god he got the message he was calm, everything else was calm, we landed safely. >> there are three laches that hold it in place. so, it appears that either one of those was not left latched
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properly or the mechanical piece itself failed. >> experts say a part like that should undergo three visual checks preflight. the first two conducted by ground crew maintenance. southwest says the maintenance teams would review the airport. it is important to note while the plane was made by boeing the engine was made by another company. tesla settled a lawsuit. jury selection for the trial was set to start today. the suit was filed by the family of an apple engineer who was killed back in 2018 when hises it lastruck the median on highway 101 it claimed it was not as advertised and the terms have not been disclosed. traffic was blocked for 20 minutes this morning, 100 cars
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took part anfour people were detained. the police responded to sideshows in oakland, mountain view and menlo park over the weekend. we know of one injury, a 20-year-old woman at the sideshow in mountain view broke her ankle. a once bustling business corridor. now, a ghost town. >> you look at it today and they are leaving here like the city is on fire. >> reporter: why the future of the coliseum area is more uncertain with the a's departure to sacramento. this is going to be another week of spring weather whiplash. first comes the warm up. i will show you the lower to middle 80s and then that. that is going to end the warm up in a hurry and bring widespread rain for the bay area for part of the weekend. you have heard this
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with our new grocery outlet app, you can see the store's inventory. so you guys really have mangoes in stock? yup. what about frozen pizza?
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here they are. fresh salmon. too easy. coffee? yup.
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. the a that. >> the a's announcement is setting the area back decades.. >> reporter: retired city officials tell me it took decades to convince companies to invest in east oakland and the corridor. many people are angry as businesses are leaving the city. the a's will join a growing list of businesses that have left the area. the team admits the move will result in job losses. >> we don't want to call it a economic desert but it is starting to look that way. >> reporter: lifelong east oakland resident says it is more economic pain for some of his neighbors who work as concession workers at the coliseum. >> it is absolutely frustration. it even goes to at times a level of anger. >> this is how the shopping center looked eight years ago.
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hustle, bustle, a lot of shoppers, a lot of cars, the parking lot was always full on game days, the business corridor has seen a decline in recent years starting with the departure of walmart in 2016. the pace of closure sped up in the last 12 months. two starbucks, a subway, in-n-out, dennys and black bear diners and two restaurants closed for drive-thru only. this is how the shopping center looks now. quiet, fences in the parking lot to prevent people from doing do nuts. >> it is so sad. i would always go to the dennys around . >> you look at it here it looks like they are leaving because the house is on fire. >> reporter: it brought decades to bring vie tallity.
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vitality. >> just helping crime escalate even more. without the jobs, without making the money, what are you going to do? how are you going to live? crime is the only thing that is working in the city of oakland. >> reporter: neighbors believe it may take many years to revitalize this area. >> the crime for sure. even like especially as a woman, a younger woman coming here it is scary. i like make extra sure i lock my car, i look all ways, it is scary. >> reporter: charles says the city has to improve public safety or more businesses will continue to leave. >> i don't think that it is over i just think that you have to have optimism and visionaries. >> the a's are scheduled to play the last regular season home game on september 26th. people in castro valley were not outside to see the partial eclipse they were outside to catch this fire hydrant spouting water in the
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air. it happened at the mesa verde condo complex this afternoon. kpix viewer diane wagner captured the video and sent it to us. she said it was entertaining and concerning because it took a long time to see which agency was in charge. it was a fun day on the job for castro valley firefighters or a wet mess. east bay mud officials all arrived on the scene to help and we are told the fire hydrant is stopped, all is good. all right, with that, let's go to darren peck to talk about the sun and more water on the way. >> we will get it all this week. a mixed bag. weather whiplash. the first thing, the weather warm. that is today. we are looking at the temperatures across the western u.s. here is the pattern. here is tomorrow. we start to get to more shades of yellow and green and seeing the warm uptaking place. that is the time that we get into wednesday and thursday. a clear
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exagerated pattern taking hold now over the west. this warm up will be felt here. not as extreme to the southwest. we will feel it. we will get into the lower 80s, middle to lower 80s. then, the massive cold air right there, that swoops right back in for friday and saturday. we will cool right back down again. so, if you like lower to middle 80s you will love the middle part of this week. and, just to show you the day time highs for tomorrow, we will come back to the imagery. tomorrow, not the peak, wednesday and thursday are the days when we are going to do the majority of the low and middle 80s. out in the try valley, you are going to get up to 83 by the time we get to wednesday and hold on to that thursday. so, tomorrow, not quite there yet. tomorrow is going to be another 5-7 degrees warmer than today. and today was already about 5-7 degrees warmer than yesterday. this is a warming trend. and for wednesday and thursday we are going to peak and then right
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back down to the lower 60s by saturday, everybody. even the places in the lower 80s on wednesday and thursday. we are all going to get this in a pretty significant way. let's see how it will come together. there is rain with this, too, that is the other aspect of it. we want to find this system, we want to go to the gulf of alaska. everything has to go the long way. nothing getting down here wednesday and thursday. that system right there it is then able to breakthrough the ridge this is chow we are seeing the ridge of cold air. that is the rain mixed in with all of that. that is where it will be by friday. well organized area of low pressure. perfectly placed, right off of the coast to then move in and deliver the big band of rain. watch it saturday, we will play it forward and comes overhead saturday. a couple of things about the forecast. today is monday, obviously. we are looking at saturday. that is a little too far out, especially
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with a system like this. this system seemingly develops out of nowhere along the coast quickly. it is not quite one of the rapid intensecasions that we saw over -- intenseification . those can happen in the middle of the forecast, but, right now we are day three, four and five, right now the focus is saturday. it is possible that it speeds up a little bit. we have to bring some of the rain. we might have to put some of it on sunday. when we look the forecast we are bracketing the major of the rain just on saturday. it is still the weekend that may not be ideal. i am only saying it is nice because we are bracketing to one day. make it easier to plan. most of friday, at this point, you will not get rain on. there is rain here on sunday it is kind of the straggler leftover showers,
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sunday has the potential to be one of those days after the main storm. those are usually where you get more blue sky than anything else and then occasional scattered shower that will come through. should not be much on sunday. remember, everything that we just said about this system? check in with us over the next two days, refining the detail over the weekend. in the meantime, lower 80s for tuesday, wednesday, thursday. >> low 80s, love it. it is almost playoff time for the warriors, what is the key to their recent run? clay has a theory. and how did this bunch celebrate the - [narrator] at kpix, we're taking weather to the next level. - we can show not just what's happening at ground level, but we can show what's happening in the upper levels of the atmosphere. let's lift the clouds off of ground level and talk... - it really spotlights how unique the geography is here. - it's dynamic. it's different. as i lift this, you can actually see it in real-time. this is shaking it up for me as an meteorologist. - [narrator] the bay area's only virtual weather studio.
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next level weather. only on kpix and pix+.
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norman, bad news... - [nai never graduatedrea's only from med what? but the good news is... xfinity mobile just got even better! now, you can automatically connect to wifi speeds up to a gig on the go. plus, buy one unlimited line and get one free for a year. i gotta get this deal... that's like $20 a month per unlimited line... i don't want to miss that. that's amazing doc. mobile savings are calling. visit to learn more. doc?
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. all right, the warriors are entering the final week with plenty to play for. >> warriors are still 10th in the western conference with four games remaining. they have a chance to move up to seven or eight and that would boost them. >> i still believe firmly that we can do something special. obviously it is going to be a lot harder than it normally would. we will have to win at least one, probably two by end game. that is not easy. if we can get a chance i would like this group's chances. >> they always have a chance with they have steph curry. he watched klay thompson torch the jazz for 32 points last night. the doves won seven of eight
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and feeling confident. so, what does klay credit? we got to go to miami and had a beach day, you get to go to the ocean and beach and be free and have fun i think that really just sets your mind free and it was just fun to be down there with the guys and have a day away from the court that really, i think, brought us together and that was a huge turning point. >> shout out to our producer, the photo shop was so good jules asked me, is that ai? >> i feel rusty with the reads, jules, i think i should have a kpix beach trip. i will come back refreshed >> and how long have you been here? >> it does not matter. i will go to stinson beach. >> have at it. bring a jacket. >> thank you, matt. - lift the clouds off of... - virtual weather, only on kpix and pix+.
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. what are they doing? hundreds gathered on niagara falls cruise ship to watch the solar eclipse and break the worlds record for a gathering of people dressed as the sun. over 300 people showed up in red raincoats and yellow suns. >> coming here, waiting in the line. so excited to be here. >> we have never been here on the lake before. the first time we are on the lake we are dressed as suns and breaking a record. >> all right, the previous record was 287 people that was set in 2020. look at that.
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thanks for watching. the news continues on pix plus or 44 cable 12. see you back here at 11:00. have a good one. did you watch the eclipse? partial? yes? closed your eye - [narrator] behold the new churro twists at round table pizza, our most decadent dessert, baked in a flurry of cinnamon sugar and paired with a sumptuous caramel dip. an odyssey of flavor just- - enough fine words. this feast cannot wait! - right. available for a limited time only at round table pizza.
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announcer: it's time to play "family feud"! give it up for steve harvey! [cheering and applause] steve: how's everybody? how y'all?


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